• Shareholders approve the 2013 results: Consolidated revenue € 941.6 million, +13.7%, operating income € 195.4 million, +17.0%, net income € 133.7 million, +12.8%.
    • Dividend for 2013 € 0.33 per share (€ 0.30 in the preceding year), of which € 0.22 already paid in November 2013.
    • Appointment of the Board of Directors, 60% of which independent, for the 2014-2016 three-year period.
    • Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors for the 2014-2016 three-year period.
    • Remuneration policy approved.
    • New 2014-2018 stock option plan approved.
    • Authorization to buy-back and dispose of Recordati shares renewed.
    • First quarter 2014 consolidated revenue € 260.4 million (+6.5%).

    Today the Annual Meeting of Recordati Shareholders was held.

    Recordati's Annual Shareholders' Meeting approved the company's 2013 financial accounts which were prepared according to IAS/IFRS. In addition, the group's consolidated statements, which were also prepared according to IAS/IFRS, were presented. The tables attached contain a summary of the 2013 financial statements. As announced on 6 March 2014 revenues are € 941.6 million (+13.7%), operating income (EBIT) is € 195.4 million (+17.0%), and net income is € 133.7 million (+12.8%). International sales account for 75.7% of total sales.

    As proposed by the Board of Directors, the shareholders approved a dividend of € 0.11 per share (before withholding tax), in full balance of the interim 2013 dividend of € 0.22, to be paid to all shares outstanding at ex-dividend date, excluding those in treasury stock, as from 2 May 2014 and record date on 30 April 2014, with ex-dividend on 28 April 2014. The full 2013 dividend is therefore of € 0.33 per share (€ 0.30 per share last year).

    Further shareholder resolutions

    Appointment of the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors

    The shareholders appointed the Board of Directors for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 (until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting which will approve the 2016 financial statements) which is composed of ten members. Nominees to the Board include the new members Rosalba Casiraghi, Michaela Castelli and Paolo Fresia. The following members were re-elected: Giovanni Recordati, Alberto Recordati, Andrea Recordati, Fritz Squindo, Marco Vitale, Mario Garraffo and Carlo Pedersoli. The newly elected member Paolo Fresia was taken from the proposal presented by shareholder Torre S.S., while all the other nominees were chosen among the candidates proposed by the majority shareholder FIMEI S.p.A.. The shareholders, furthermore, appointed the Statutory Auditors by approving the proposal presented by the majority shareholder FIMEI S.p.A. to confirm Marco Nava, President and Marco Rigotti, Auditor and to nominate the new Auditor Livia Amidani Aliberti. Marco Antonio Viganò was re-elected Alternate Auditor and Patrizia Oriundi Paleologo appointed new Alternate Auditor.

    The professional résumés of the members of the new Board of Directors and the new Statutory Auditors are available on the company's website: http://www.recordati.it/investors/shareholders_meetings/2014sm.aspx?sc_lang=en.

    Remuneration policy

    The Shareholders' Meeting also approved the remuneration policies in accordance with article 123ter of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998 which is the object of the Board's explanatory report on the fourth item of the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting and can be found on the company's website at: http://www.recordati.it/investors/shareholders_meetings/2014sm.aspx?sc_lang=en.

    New 2014-2018 stock option plan

    Furthermore, the Shareholders' Meeting approved a new stock option plan covering the five year 2014-2018 period, the details of which have already been published and communicated to the public and are available in the relative explanatory document as required by law. The explanatory document, which is the object of the Board's explanatory report on the fifth item of the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting, can be found on the company's website at: http://www.recordati.it/investors/shareholders_meetings/2014sm.aspx?sc_lang=en.

    Authorization to buy-back and dispose of Recordati shares

    The Shareholders' Meeting authorized the buy back and disposal of Recordati shares until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting which will approve the 2014 financial statements. The objective of the proposal to renew the authorization to buy back and dispose of Recordati shares until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting which will approve the 2014 financial statements is, as in previous years, to grant the Board the possibility: of using shares for equity acquisitions or as consideration for strategic agreements; of allowing the company to invest in its own shares; and of constituting a stock of own shares to service current and future stock option plans. The company would be allowed to purchase up to 20,000,000 Recordati existing ordinary (common) shares, which includes those shares held in Treasury stock at any given time, for a maximum cash outlay of € 250,000,000. The purchase price must be at least equal to the shares' nominal value (€ 0.125) and must not exceed the average official Stock Exchange price recorded over the 5 trading days prior to the transaction, plus 5%. Possible purchases will be made on regulated markets and must comply with article 132 of Legislative Decree 58/1998 and with article 144-bis, comma 1.b) of the Issuers' Regulations as approved by CONSOB's resolution 11971/1999 and with market practice allowed and recognized by CONSOB. As at 16 April 2014 the company has 6,255,110 shares in Treasury stock which amounts to 2.991% of the current share capital.

    Meeting of the Board of Directors following the Shareholders' Meeting

    The new Board of Directors, in a meeting held following the Shareholders' Meeting, confirmed Giovanni Recordati as Chairman and CEO, with the same powers granted during the previous mandate, and Alberto Recordati as Vice Chairman. The Board therefore confirmed, taking into account their functions, Giovanni Recordati, Chairman and CEO, Alberto Recordati, Vice Chairman, Andrea Recordati and Fritz Squindo as executive directors.

    The Board, using as a basis the Directors' statements and available information, verified the effective existence of the independence requisites, pursuant both to Legislative Decree 58/1998 and to the Corporate Governance Code adopted by the company (see the Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure Report for 2013), concerning the Directors who declared to possess such requisites (Rosalba Casiraghi, Michaela Castelli, Paolo Fresia, Mario Garraffo, Carlo Pedersoli and Marco Vitale; all qualifying as independent). Sixty percent of the Board of Directors is therefore composed of independent members.

    The Board also verified and confirmed the effective existence of the independence requisites, pursuant to Legislative Decree 58/1998, of the Statutory Auditors who also declared to possess the independence requisites as per article 3 of the Corporate Governance Code as adopted by the company.

    Finally, the independent Directors Marco Vitale as President, Mario Garraffo and Carlo Pedersoli were appointed as members of the Audit and Risk Committee, while Mario Garraffo as President, Rosalba Casiraghi and Michaela Castelli were appointed to the Remuneration Committee. The activities which the Corporate Governance Code assigns to the Nomination Committee will be carried out by the entire Board of Directors.

    First quarter 2014

    Revenue performance in the first quarter 2014 is positive. Group sales are € 260.4 million, an increase of 6.5% over those in the first quarter of the preceding year.

    Recordati, established in 1926, is an international pharmaceutical group, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange (Reuters RECI.MI, Bloomberg REC IM, ISIN IT 0003828271), with a total staff of around 4,000, dedicated to the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals. Headquartered in Milan, Italy, Recordati has operations in the main European countries, in Russia, in other Central and Eastern European countries, in Turkey, in North Africa and in the United States of America.  An efficient field force of medical representatives promotes a wide range of innovative pharmaceuticals, both proprietary and under license, in a number of therapeutic areas including a specialized business dedicated to treatments for rare diseases. Recordati is a partner of choice for new product licenses for its territories. Recordati is committed to the research and development of new specialties within the urogenital therapeutic area and of treatments for rare diseases.  Consolidated revenue for 2013 was € 941.6 million, operating income was € 195.4 million and net income was € 133.7 million.

    For further information:

    Recordati website:  www.recordati.com

    Investor Relations Media Relations
    Marianne Tatschke Ketchum
    (39)0248787393 Cristina Risciotti, (39)0262411919, cristina.risciotti@ketchum.com
    e-mail: inver@recordati.it Marzia Ongaretti, (39)0262411915, marzia.ongaretti@ketchum.com

    Statements contained in this release, other than historical facts, are "forward-looking statements" (as such term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). These statements are based on currently available information, on current best estimates, and on assumptions believed to be reasonable. This information, these estimates and assumptions may prove to be incomplete or erroneous, and involve numerous risks and uncertainties, beyond the Company's control. Hence, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All mentions and descriptions of Recordati products are intended solely as information on the general nature of the company's activities and are not intended to indicate the advisability of administering any product in any particular instance.

    RECORDATI GROUP Summary of consolidated results prepared in accordance with the International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS) (thousands of €)

    INCOME STATEMENT 2013 2012 Change %
    REVENUE 941,630 828,317 13.7
       Cost of sales (327,329) (293,557) 11.5
    GROSS PROFIT 614,301 534,760 14.9
       Selling expenses (275,188) (250,566) 9.8
       Research and development expenses (74,725) (63,407) 17.8
       General & administrative expenses (54,093) (45,486) 18.9
       Other income (expenses), net (14,874) (8,337) 78.4
    OPERATING INCOME 195,421 166,964 17.0
       Financial income (expenses), net (14,625) (6,626) 120.7
    PRE-TAX INCOME 180,796 160,338 12.8
       Provision for income taxes (47,103) (41,841) 12.6
    NET INCOME 133,693 118,497 12.8
    Attributable to:      
    Equity holders of the parent 133,678 118,484 12.8
    Minority interests 15 13 15.4
    EARNINGS PER SHARE 2013 2012 Change %
    Basic € 0.663 € 0.593 11.8
    Diluted € 0.631 € 0.560 12.7

    Earnings per share (EPS) are based on average shares outstanding during each year, 201.585.061 in 2013 and 199,722,208 in 2012, net of average treasury stock which amounted to 7.540.095 shares in 2013 and 9.402.948 shares in 2012. Diluted earnings per share is calculated taking into account stock options granted to company personnel.

    COMPOSITION OF REVENUE 2013 2012 Change %
    Total revenue 941,630 828,317 13.7
    Italy 228,900 219,898 4.1
    International 712,730 608,419 17.1

    RECORDATI GROUP Summary of consolidated results prepared in accordance with the International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS) (thousands of €)


    ASSETS 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
    Property, plant and equipment 81,288 59,972
    Intangible assets 295,498 231,470
    Goodwill 468,807 413,213
    Equity investments 5,939 6,925
    Non-current receivables 4,256 3,788
    Deferred tax assets 25,205 22,837
    TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 880,993 738.205
    Inventories 140,430 126,388
    Trade receivables 179,775 155,359
    Other receivables 24,979 24,983
    Other current assets 5,363 2,164
    Fair value of hedging derivatives (fair value hedge) 0 1,371
    Short-term financial investments, cash and cash equivalents 52,271 38,418
    TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 402,818 348,683
    TOTAL ASSETS 1,283,811 1,086,888
    EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 31.12.2013 31.12.2012
    Share capital 26,141 26,141
    Capital in excess of par value 83,719 83,719
    Treasury stock (37,791) (46,254)
    Hedging reserve (2,270) (4,983)
    Translation reserve (42,853) (3,713)
    Other reserves 25,776 26,326
    Retained earnings 559,878 501,701
    Net income for the year 133,678 118,484
    Interim dividend (44,526) (40,077)
    GROUP SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 701,752 661,344
    Minority interest 68 53
    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 701,820 661,397
    Loans due after one year 196,788 129,111
    Employees' termination pay 16,698 17,862
    Deferred tax liabilities 21,072 15,872
    Other non-current liabilities 4,040 1,828
    Trade payables 107,156 106,926
    Other payables 71,193 53,984
    Tax liabilities 15,951 9,789
    Other current liabilities 855 458
    Provisions 29,454 20,544
    Fair value of hedging derivatives (cash flow hedge) 2,270 4,983
    Fair value of hedging derivatives (fair value hedge) 2,210 0
    Loans due within one year 80,280 8,147
    Bank overdrafts 34,024 55,987
    TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1,283,811 1,086,888

    RECORDATI S.P.A. Summary of consolidated results prepared in accordance with the International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS) (thousands of €) 

      2013 2012 Var. %
    Revenue 293,761 275,811 6.5
    Operating income 45,855 39,350 16.5
    Pre-tax income 85,547 98,673 (13.3)
    Net income 73,573 85,032 (13.5)
      31.12.2013 31.12.2012
    Non-current assets 565,632 570,129
    Current assets 243,968 190,637
    TOTAL ASSETS 809,600 760,766
    Shareholders' equity 355,692 336,357
    Non-current liabilities 158,420 142,901
    Current liabilities 295,488 281,508


    The manager responsible for preparing the company's financial reports Fritz Squindo declares, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 154-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance, that the accounting information contained in this press release corresponds to the document results, books and accounting records.

    RECORDATI : SHAREHOLDERS APPROVE THE 2013 ACCOUNTS. DIVIDEND € 0.33 PE http://hugin.info/143644/R/1778207/607267.pdf


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