Does Sweat Deserve a Bad Reputation? -- Russell Athletic Sweatxpert Investigates
08 Août 2006 - 7:05PM
PR Newswire (US)
ATLANTA, Aug. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- As bodily functions go, sweating is
highly underrated. Sweat is blamed for wet handshakes in job
interviews, ruined clothes on first dates and the terrible stench
of athletic locker rooms. However, Russell Athletic's Sweatxpert,
Dr. Larry Kenney, explains that physically active people cannot
function without sweating. (Photo: "Despite its
bad rep, the right type of sweat (the body produces two types)
efficiently managed, can be beneficial," said Kenney, professor of
physiology and kinesiology at Penn State and Russell Athletic
Sweatxpert. Being drenched in sweat is not appealing. However,
sweat actually acts as your body's radiator by protecting you from
overheating. By wearing performance material, such as Russell
Athletic's Dri-Power(R) clothing, the benefits of sweat can be
maintained while still keeping a person dry and comfortable.
According to Kenney, during even moderate exercise, body
temperature would increase at a rate of one degree Celsius every
six to seven minutes without sweating. This would cause the body to
overheat quickly and can create potentially dangerous health
problems. Evaporation of heat puts the brakes on the body's
temperature climb, but exercisers should be cautious of extreme
temperatures that can still cause heat exhaustion. "Two to five
million eccrine glands, producers of the good sweat that cools the
body during exercise, secrete sweat directly onto the skin surface
and are scattered over the body surface," said Sweatxpert Kenney.
The distribution of eccrine sweat glands is non-uniform, varying
from less than 50 to as many as 800 glands per square centimeter of
skin. The highest densities of eccrine sweat glands are found on
the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. With millions of
sweat glands, managing sweat becomes an important task. Products
like Russell Athletic's Dri-Power(R) and the latest innovation,
Dri- Power(R) Fleece, performance fabric can actually bring eccrine
sweat to the surface of the material in order to evaporate more
efficiently and effectively. Kenney explains that while performing
heavy exercise in hot conditions, the body can lose more than two
liters of sweat per hour. In fact, with adequate fluid replacement,
maximal daily sweat rates under severe exercise conditions can be
in the range of 10 to 15 liters! However, by using Russell
Athletic's Dri-Power(R) clothing, those 10 to 15 liters will be
wicked to the clothing's surface to evaporate more quickly. Eccrine
sweat is odorless, colorless and relatively dilute. In fact, if
humidity is fairly low the sweat produced from eccrine glands
evaporates quickly, making the body cooler. It is the other sweat
glands, called apocrine glands, which secrete sweat into hair
follicles causing odor and clothing stains. Although embarrassing
stories about sweat run rampant, sweat does not deserve its bad
reputation. After all, wouldn't it be much more embarrassing to
overheat and faint in public? ABOUT RUSSELL ATHLETIC SWEATXPERT,
DR. LARRY KENNEY W. Larry Kenney is professor of physiology and
kinesiology at Penn State University where he teaches and conducts
research at Noll Laboratory. His research interests include the
cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses to heat stress and
dehydration, control of human skin blood flow and the biophysics of
heat exchange between human beings and the environment. NIH- funded
work focuses on the effects of aging on the ability to tolerate and
adapt to environmental challenges. Dr. Kenney is a fellow and past
president of the American College of Sports Medicine. He also
chairs the Gatorade Sports Science Institute's Science Advisory
Board and has been recently named Russell Athletic's Sweatxpert.
ABOUT RUSSELL CORPORATION Russell Corporation is a leading branded
athletic and sporting goods company marketing athletic apparel,
uniforms, footwear and equipment for a variety of sports, outdoor
and fitness activities. The company's major brands include Russell
Athletic(R), JERZEES(R), Spalding(R), Brooks(R), Huffy Sports(R),
Bike(R), Moving Comfort(R), AAI(R) and Mossy Oak(R). Russell
Corporation is dually headquartered in Alexander City, Alabama, and
Atlanta, Georgia, and employs 15,000 people worldwide. The
company's common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange
under the symbol RML and its Web site address is DATASOURCE: Russell Athletic CONTACT:
Holly Clifford of Hope-Beckham Inc., +1-404-636-8200, Ext. 231, or
, for Russell Athletic Web site: