MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BMK) ("MacDonald" or the
"Company") provides an exploration update in the mineral-rich Ring of Fire
region of the James Bay Lowlands. 

Ring of Fire Area

MacDonald began exploring in the Ring of Fire starting in 2003, shortly after
the first volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) discovery at McFaulds Lake by
Spider Resources and KWG Resources. The McFaulds VMS discovery is characterized
by very high-grade intersections of VMS mineralization (McF-04-57 intersected
18.8 meters of 8.02% Copper (Cu), Mc-03-18 averaged 4.83% Zinc (Zn) over 25.75
meters) and at 250 meter-plus depths.


In addition to the McFaulds VMS discovery, the Ring of Fire has two additional
discoveries, the Noront Resources' Eagle 1 nickel (Ni) and platinum group
elements (PGE) discovery in August 2007, with a National Instrument (NI) 43-101
indicated resource of 6.9 million tonnes (Mt) averaging 2.04% Ni, 0.95% Cu, 1.30
g/t platinum (Pt) and 3.40 g/t palladium (Pd) and an inferred resource of 4.3 Mt
averaging 1.42% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.80 g/t Pt and 3.40 g/t Pd. This was followed in
2009 by Freewest Resources' Black Thor chromite discovery, containing an NI
43-101 inferred resource of 69.6 Mt @ 31.9% Cr2O3. 

These discoveries have confirmed that the Ring of Fire region of the James Bay
Lowlands is mineral-rich in copper, zinc, nickel, PGEs, vanadium, gold and
chrome and this environment provides the potential opportunity for future

Billion Dollar Investment Planned for James Bay Region

Exploration impetus in the western James Bay area took a dramatic upturn in 2010
when Cliffs Natural Resources purchased Freewest's and Spider's interest in a
world-class chrome deposit for $248 million and signaled a billion dollar plus
investment in James Bay. This was validated further by the Ontario Provincial
Government, which publically identified the mining potential of James Bay as
"World Class" and highlighted the mining opportunities as key for Ontario.
Cliffs Natural Resources recently announced its 2012 capital expenditure
projection for the chrome project to be $2.25 billion.

MacDonald is the second largest landholder in the Ring of Fire and has a proven
track record of environmentally and socially responsible exploration practices.
The Company's established rapport with First Nation Communities in this region
culminated in the signing of exploration agreements with the Kasabonika Lake,
Webequie and Summer Beaver First Nations.

Exploration Overview - Butler Project - Geophysics, Diamond Drill Holes &
Chemical Analysis

Exploration in the James Bay Lowlands is challenging due to the area being
almost entirely a wetland. As a result, there is minimal outcrop, helicopter
support is required and exploration time lines are longer. Over $18 million
dollars has been spent to date on the Butler property and we have discovered six
zones of multi-element mineralization with copper-zinc VMS systems, vandiferous
titano-magnetite and magmatic nickel sulphide. This was accomplished through
comprehensive exploration programs including geophysics, diamond drill holes and

Map 1. Magnetic map (TF) of the Butler Property showing the location of
identified multi-element, mineralized zones. Click here to see the image.


The lack of outcrop requires that a significant amount of attention and detail
has to be paid to the geophysical techniques used in the area. Historically the
programs focused on shallow targets; however down-hole surveys, ground magnetic
and gravity surveys have indicated that the potential deposit(s) of interest
lies deeper in the structural sequence. 

A comprehensive suite of geophysical tools has been applied at Butler. 

--  Airborne EM, Magnetics & Gravity 
    --  2004 VTEM - 2138.9 line kilometers of data were collected 
    --  2008 VTEM - 1325.6 line kilometers of data were collected 
    --  2010 AeroTEM IV - 261 line kilometers of data were collected 
    --  2011 HeliGeoTEM - 261 line kilometers of data were collected 
    --  OGS/GSC Airborne Gravity Gradiometer 
--  Surface EM 
    --  Butler 1 - 13 line kilometers of data were collected 
    --  Butler 3 - 39.3 line kilometers of data were collected 
    --  Butler 5 - 12.5 line kilometers of data were collected 
    --  Butler 3, 5, 6, and 7 - 30.17 line kilometers of data were collected
--  Surface Magnetics 
    --  7 Ground Magnetic surveys completed in 2011 covering 81.1 line
--  Down hole EM 
    --  64 diamond drill holes probed and modeled 

The Company is currently enhancing the geophysical model to include the
geochemistry data results. Collectively, all of the above geophysical results
have consistently shown that an electrically conductive unit with magnetic
properties and high density lies below those prospective zones. These are the
characteristics expected from a sulphide rich zone. 

Map 2. Magnetic map (TF) of the Butler 3 area showing the location of the EM
target and magnetic susceptibility anomaly. Click here to see the image.

Diamond Drill Holes

--  To-date, 157 holes have been drilled on the Butler Property totaling
    28,862 meters. The core from these drill holes was subsequently logged
    and samples were submitted to certified laboratories for assay and
    geochemical analysis in accordance with QC/QP protocols.
--  In 2011, drill core was re-logged under the direction of our consultants
    to identify and minimize the lithogogies (geology). This was critical to
    develop a sound lithological model. 

Chemical Sampling 

--  Developed a geochemical method of identifying lithologies and alteration
    zones with assistance from consulting geologists Dr. James Franklin &
    Dr. Larry Hulbert
--  This geochemical method resulted in re-logging the core from 130 holes.
--  Completed 618 samples for whole rock analysis 
--  6,015 assays were analyzed and reported using the following geochemical
    packages: Ultratrace 4 - Total Digestion - ICP/MS, 1F2 - Total Digestion
    - ICP, 1C-Exp Fire Assay - ICP/MS(i)
--  This information is currently being used to plan the 2012 drill campaign
    by providing insight into the lithological setting 

Butler 3 Exhibits Characteristics of a VMS Deposit 

The targets drilled to date have intersected stringer mineralization and it is
interpreted that a potential massive sulphide body exists down-plunge and
stratigraphically overlying this stringer zone. Given the size of observed
alteration zone a larger body may be located below. 

Dr. James Franklin PhD, FRSC, P.Geo

Dr. Franklin stated, "The volume of alteration is exceptional, indicating that a
very large volume of hydrothermal fluid discharged in this region. There is good
potential for a world-class VMS deposit here, possibly on the extension of the
core of the Zn-Cu rich zone as mapped thus far." 

Our knowledge about Butler 3 can be summarized as follows:

--  The Company believes its greatest chance of success lies
    stratigraphically above the copper rich stinger/stock work material
    intersected in this area  
--  Historical Exploration has concentrated on shallow conductive anomalies
    - the prize is deeper 
--  There is a substantial alteration sequence associated with Butler 3. The
    size of the alteration system is typically directly related to the size
    of the massive sulfide part of the deposit 
--  Geophysical Investigations were "clouded" due to extensive stringer
    materials. EM techniques could not penetrate the shallow mineralized
    horizons - we did not see deep enough 
--  Butler 3 exhibits the characteristics of a VMS deposit - the tenor of
    the stringer sulphides intersected to date are greater than 3% Cu 

Butler 3 Conclusions

--  The volume of alteration is exceptional, indicating that a very large
    volume of hydrothermal fluid discharged in this region.
--  The presence of an overturned massive sulfide zone has been postulated
    to be located stratigraphically below stringer mineralization located at
    the Butler 3 zone.
--  Butler 3 is contained in an overturned felsic-dominated sequence. 
--  Nearly all of the holes have been drilled from footwall to hangingwall,
    and contain extensive alteration. The alteration zone is Cu-enriched,
    and the Cu content increases stratigraphically upwards (but structurally
    downwards) towards the mineralized horizon. Cu tenor is high (greater
    than 3%).
--  The footwall alteration assemblage is capped by a massive, black,
    aphanitic, predominantly felsic unit, about 25 meter in true thickness
    that is unaltered, and is a key marker horizon and can be used to
    determine the structure of the area.
--  The best potential occurs on the down-plunge extension of the line of
    intersection between the geophysical anomaly with a coincident
    conductive plate, magnetic susceptibility anomaly and density anomaly.
--  The stringer zone is capped by a key marker horizon comprised of a
    siliceous relatively impermeable, black felsic unit that possibly formed
    an aquatard for the discharging system. This marker horizon is a massive
    fine-grained predominantly unaltered felsic unit about 25 meters in
--  Immediately overlying the marker horizon, massive sulfides have been
    discovered at Butler 3, and it's the down-dip extension of these that
    may contain the larger massive sulfide zone. A similar unit has been
    noted at Butler 4. 

Butler 4 Zone - High Potential for Mineralization

The Butler 4 zone is south of the Butler 3 zone and has similar potential and
lithologic characteristics as compared to the aforementioned area. The same
capping fine-grained black felsic unit is present, and the presence of stringer
mineralization and geophysical conductors make this an important additional
target. Given the volume of alteration and its similarity to Butler 3, it was
decided that additional drilling on the Butler 4 zone would only proceed after
we have realized the full benefit from the work and analysis on Butler 3. Of
additional interest, this zone has higher gold values than intersected to date
at Butler 3 zone. MN06-27 intersected 8.83 Au g/t over 2.02 meters.

Butler 4 Conclusions

--  Large alteration sequence is of a similar type to Butler 3 
--  The same "cap" consisting of the easily identifiable black felsic unit 

Nickel Exploration at Butler 

The Company now believes that based on the following information the potential
for a Ni and/or Cr discovery has gone up exponentially with the discovery that
the magnetite rich gabbros overlay ultramafic materials. Given that the two
economic discoveries to date in the Ring of Fire are associated with ultramafics
- we believe this is a good place to look.

The Company also realized other discoveries from the last drill program: Dr.
Hulbert states, "hole V5 suggests a northwest facing direction at this locality.
Hole V5 should be considered as the Butler "type area" mafic-ultramafic
differentiated intrusion. The cumulate succession is gabbronorite; olivine
gabbronorite; troctolite; troctolite-magnetite; magnetite; peridotite (Fe-rich).
Continuation of this hole which was terminated in peridotite could lead to
chrome-rich oxides (chromitites) since spinel (oxides) was on the liquidus for
most of the crystallization history of this hole and the peridotite is very iron
and chrome-rich." Dr. Hulbert's interpretation of the facing direction (geologic
sequence) is critical in targeting Ni (EM anomalies), vanadium, iron and

The Company is conducting a detailed interpretation of the available public data
over the known economic discoveries in the Ring a Fire. These "type" models will
be used to identify favorable targets for further exploration efforts.

Vanadium Mineralization in Butler 6 Zone

Significant values of vanadiferous titano-magnetite units are found within the
layered mafic-ultramafic sequences of the Butler properties. All drill holes
targeted for vanadium from the past exploration program were found to be
mineralized, with assay values to 1.24% V2O5, and composited intervals ranging
from 0.57% to 1.24% V2O5. Widths of the composited down-hole data ranged from
1.5 to 21 meters. 

Many of the magmatic vanadium deposits found elsewhere in the world are in this
form and they are a part of mafic-layered sequences. Vanadium and chrome are key
elements in strengthening and hardening steel for the purposes of manufacturing.
Like nickel and chromium, vanadium is viewed as a strategic element in the steel

Winter 2012 Exploration Program to Focus on Butler 

MacDonald's upcoming drill program will focus on the Butler property.

1.  Prior to drilling, the targets will first be refined using a deep
    penetrating geophysical method, similar to that used to detect the
    HudBay - Lalor deposit at Snow Lake, Manitoba 
2.  Drill the down plunge extensions (stratigraphically deeper) of the most
    copper rich zone at Butler 3. Re-evaluate the data from Butler 4.
    Although hole BP11-Cu04 intersected significant alteration, the
    combination of base and precious metals in these holes indicate that
    this hole may be on the periphery of a large system 
3.  Lengthen hole BP11-Cu04 to pierce the black felsic unit (marker horizon)
    in which it ended. There may be more sulfides beyond it, if the
    relationships of this unit to sulfides are the same as at Butler 3. 

About MacDonald Mines Technical Advisors

Larry Hulbert, Ph.D, D.Sc., P. Geo. was retained by the Company in January 2011
to review the magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE potential of the Company's properties and
further the geologic understanding of the mafic and ultramafic geology,
particularly regarding the potential of the properties to host Ni-Cu-PGE

Dr. Hulbert has over 38 years of extensive geological knowledge and expertise on
Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization, with 23 years as Senior Research Scientist
specializing in the Metallogeny of Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks and associated
Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization with the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC). 

James Franklin, PhD, FRSC, P.Geo. was also retained by the Company in January
2011 to review the volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) potential of the
Company's properties. 

Dr. Franklin has over 40 years of extensive geological knowledge and expertise
of mineral deposits and regional metallogney. He serves as a Fellow of the Royal
Society of Canada, was past President of both the Geological Association of
Canada and the Society of Economic Geologists, has served as Chief Geoscientist
of Earth Sciences Sector for the GSC, and is an Adjunct Professor at Queen's,
Laurentian and Ottawa universities.

Hadyn Butler - B. Sc., P.Geo was retained by the Company in 2003 as a consultant
on the Project based on his extensive knowledge of the spatial associations of
producing nickel and gold mines, and nickel sulphide and VMS mineralization in
Northern Ontario.

Mr. Butler graduated with a degree in geology in 1974 (Bachelor of Science, with
First Class Honours and University Medal) at the University of New England,
Armidale and New South Wales, Australia. He has 30 years consulting experience
with INCO and has enjoyed substantial success in mineral exploration. He has
over 40 years of geological experience. He has been a Director of MacDonald
Mines Exploration Ltd. since August 14, 2003, has been a consultant for Red Pine
Exploration since May 2004.

Qualified Person

Quentin Yarie, P.Geo., is the qualified person in regard to the technical data
contained within this news release and will be responsible for overseeing all
aspects of the Company's exploration programs.

About MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. 

MacDonald Mines is a mineral exploration company with an established exploration
history in the Canadian Northlands. MacDonald Mines has set upon a strategic
direction of exploration with particular focus on nickel, chrome, copper, zinc,
vanadium and titanium in the "Ring of Fire" area of the James Bay Lowlands of
Northern Ontario. 

More detailed information about the Company is available on the website:

Cautionary Statement: We seek safe harbour.

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MacDonald Mines Explorat... (TSXV:BMK)
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