Paladin Energy Ltd ("Paladin" or "the Company") (TSX:PDN)(ASX:PDN) announces the
release of its consolidated Financial Report for the six months ended 31
December 2012. The Financial Report is appended to this News Release.


- Record half year combined production of 4.120Mlb U3O8, an increase of 34% 
  over the December 2011 half year achieving 97% of nameplate production for
  the half year.                                                            
- Record quarterly combined production of 2.191Mlb U3O8, an increase of 14% 
  over the September 2012 quarter achieving 103% of nameplate production for
  the quarter.                                                              
- Total annual production for CY2012 of 7.946Mlb U3O8, a 34% increase over  
  the previous calendar year.                                               
- C1 cost of production continued to fall quarter by quarter. Langer        
  Heinrich C1 cost of production for the quarter decreased 7.0% to          
  US$29.60/lb U3O8in the December 2012 quarter. Kayelekera C1 cost of       
  production for the quarter decreased 11.3% to US$43.50/lb U3O8in the      
  December quarter.                                                         
- Sales revenue for the December half year increased by 13% from US$172.7M  
  in 2011 to US$194.9M in 2012. Sales volume increased by 21% from 3.320Mlb 
  U3O8in 2011 to 4.008Mlb U3O8in 2012.                                      
- Average realised sales price of US$48.63/lb U3O8for the six months,       
  compared to average UxC spot price of US$45.95lb.                         
- Due to continued uranium price weakness, an impairment expense of US$54.9M
  recorded at Kayelekera for the December quarter, totalling US$96.0M for   
  the half year.                                                            
- New mid-term sales contracts secured for a total of 6.3Mlb U3O8, for      
  delivery from late 2012 to end of 2015 at market prices, with a fixed     
  price component above the current spot price.                             
- Both mines now operating at nameplate performance and continuing effort on
  production optimisation is expected to lead to improved recoveries and    
  further reduction in unit operating costs.                                
- Cash of US$104.7M at 31 December 2012. Balance of prepayment (US$150M)    
  received on 31 January 2013 pursuant to the Long Term Off-take Contract   
  with Electricite de France S.A.                                           
- Strategic initiatives continuing with a modified and more focused approach
  and results expected early during the June quarter.                       
- Queensland State Government lifted its ban on uranium mining in October   
  2012. Implementation Committee report expected in March 2013 to provide an
  interim framework for the recommencement of uranium mining in Queensland. 
- Post quarter, Completion Tests ("CT") satisfied at Langer Heinrich and    
- FY2013 production guidance of 8.0-8.5Mlb U3O8remains well on target.      


(References below to 2012 and 2011 are to the equivalent six months ended 31
December 2012 and 2011 respectively).

-   Safety and Sustainability:                                              
  - Continued high safety performance with a 12-month moving average Lost   
    Time Injury Frequency Rate of 1.1.                                      
-   Production:                                                             
  - Record half year combined production of 4.120Mlb U3O8, an increase of   
    34% on the December 2011 half year achieving 97% of nameplate production
    of 4.250Mlb U3O8 for the half year. December 2012 half year affected by 
    a 16-day planned annual maintenance shutdown at Kayelekera.             
  - Record quarterly combined production of 2.191Mlb U3O8, an increase of   
    14% on the September 2012 quarter, achieving 103% of nameplate          
    production of 2.125Mlb U3O8 for the quarter.                            
  - Total annual production for CY2012 of 7.946Mlb U3O8, a 34% increase over
    the previous calendar year.                                             
-   Langer Heinrich Mine:                                                   
  - Record half year production of 2.709Mlb U3O8, an increase of 33% over   
    the half year ended 31 December 2011 achieving 104% of nameplate design 
  - Record quarterly production of 1.419Mlb U3O8, an increase of 10% over   
    the September 2012 quarter achieving 109% of nameplate design capacity. 
  - Ability to produce at nameplate with feed grades below design           
  - Record quarterly recovery of 87.4% compared to design of 85%.           
-   Kayelekera Mine:                                                        
  - Half year production of 1.411Mlb U3O8, an increase of 37% over the half 
    year ended 31 December 2011, achieving 85% of nameplate design capacity.
  - Record quarterly production of 0.772Mlb U3O8, an increase of 21% over   
    the September 2012 quarter, achieving 94% of nameplate design capacity. 
    Remaining constraints of resin-in-pulp (RIP)/elution circuits are being 
  - Maintaining improved acid plant production as a result of upgrades      
    during the shutdown, which continue to provide positive cost            
    implications with reduced dependence on imported acid.                  
  - Benefits of process optimisation continue to be realised.               
-   Impairment:                                                             
  - Due to continued uranium price weakness, an impairment expense of       
    US$54.9M has been recorded at Kayelekera for the December quarter,      
    totalling US$96.0M for the half year.                                   
-   Completion Tests:                                                       
  - The CT under both the Langer Heinrich Mine project finance facility and 
    the Kayelekera Mine project finance facility have been satisfied which  
    will result in a reduction in interest charges and provide greater      
    flexibility with regards to voluntary prepayments and distributions     
    under both facility agreements.                                         
-   Sales:                                                                  
  - Sales revenue increased 13% from US$172.7M in 2011 to US$194.9M for the 
    six months ended December 2012, as a result of higher sales volumes. The
    average realised uranium price for the six months was US$48.63/lb U3O8  
    (2011: US$52.00/lb). The average UxC spot price for the six months was  
  - Total sales volume for the six months of 4.008Mlb U3O8 - a 21% increase 
    over the December 2011 half year sales of 3.320Mlb U3O8.                
  - Uranium sales volumes are expected to fluctuate quarter-on-quarter due  
    to the uneven timing of contractual commitments and resultant scheduling
    by customers. Now that production has reached design levels, sales and  
    production volumes are expected to be comparable on an annualised basis.
-   C1 Cost of Production:                                                  
  - Langer Heinrich C1 cost of production for the quarter decreased 7.0% to 
    US$29.60/lb U3O8 from US$31.80/lb U3O8 in the September 2012 quarter,   
    mainly due to the cost benefits of the increased Stage 3 production and 
    the weakening of the Namibian dollar against the United States dollar.  
  - Kayelekera C1 cost of production for the quarter decreased 11.3% to     
    US$43.50/lb from US$49.00/lb in the September 2012 quarter, highlighting
    that the cost benefits from the cost optimisation programme at          
    Kayelekera continued to be realised. Cost optimisation continues to be a
    key focus, with specific target areas including mining, acid, reagents, 
    diesel, transport and staff rationalisation. Major benefits from these  
    cost reductions and production optimisation efforts are expected over   
    the next 18 months.                                                     
    (1)C1 Cost of production = cost of production excluding product         
    distribution costs, sales royalties and depreciation and amortisation   
    before adjustment for impairment.C1 cost, which is non-IFRS information,
    is a widely used 'industry standard' term.                              
-   Cost Reduction/Production Optimisation Initiative:                      
  - Following both operations reaching nameplate performance, the sites are 
    now entering a period of optimisation, which will lead to improved      
    process recoveries and reduced unit operating costs. Some elements of   
    this work have the potential to expand the reserve base for both        
    projects by being able to use lower ROM feed grades.                    
  - In November 2012, the Company announced its programme to reduce costs   
    within the Group, which is expected to realise US$60M to US$80M total   
    savings over the next two years. The comprehensive cost and production  
    optimisation review is part of the process of moving from development to
    a sustained production phase. The cost review encompassed examination of
    all activities within the Paladin Group from its mining operations,     
    corporate/administration overheads, future development considerations,  
    exploration, sales and business development. Opportunity for re-        
    negotiation of key mining and consumables contracts has arisen, paving  
    the way for material cost reductions over the next two years.           
  - In terms of cost savings the Company is targeting a 7.5% reduction in   
    unit cash costs for the remainder of FY2013 at both Langer Heinrich and 
    Kayelekera and, for FY2014, is targeting a further 7.5% reduction at    
    Langer Heinrich and 15% at Kayelekera. For the remainder of FY2013      
    exploration will be scaled back by 20% (US$4.0M) of budget, mainly      
    through deferring non-essential drilling and corporate overheads, which 
    are targeted to be reduced by 10% (US$3M).                              
  - The Company remains focused on reducing costs across all facets of the  
    business and work continues to identify more cost saving opportunities. 
-   Profit and Loss:                                                        
                                       Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended 
                                              31 December       31 December 
                                           2012      2011     2012     2011 
                                           US$M      US$M     US$M     US$M 
Revenue                                   134.2      70.4    195.5    173.4 
Costs before depreciation and                                               
 amortisation                            (101.1)    (44.3)  (152.4)  (124.0)
Impairment loss in prior year                                               
 relating to inventory sold during                                          
 the year                                   9.0       1.3     19.4     11.3 
Impairment - inventory                     (7.8)        -    (10.4)       - 
Royalties and distribution                 (6.3)     (3.0)   (10.6)    (9.0)
Depreciation and amortisation             (17.9)     (7.4)   (29.0)   (24.7)
                         Gross profit      10.1      17.0     12.5     27.0 
Exploration expenses                       (0.4)     (0.6)    (0.9)    (1.4)
Site non-production costs                  (4.1)     (4.8)    (7.6)   (10.2)
Corporate, marketing and                                                    
 administration                            (7.0)     (5.1)   (11.8)   (11.0)
                                           (1.4)     (6.5)    (7.8)     4.4 
Non-cash costs                             (1.4)     (1.9)    (3.5)    (4.4)
Other income & expenses                   (55.1)      0.8    (99.0)  (185.1)
(Loss)/profit before interest and tax     (57.9)      5.4   (110.3)  (185.1)
Finance costs                             (16.6)    (14.1)   (33.6)   (27.9)
               Loss before income tax     (74.5)     (8.7)  (143.9)  (213.0)
Income tax (expense)/ benefit             (97.8)     10.8    (79.7)    72.1 
              (Loss)/profit after tax    (172.3)      2.1   (223.6)  (140.9)
Non-controlling interests                  24.7       1.1     30.1     20.7 
Net (loss)/profit after tax                                                 
 attributable to members of the                                             
 parent                                  (147.6)      3.2   (193.5)  (120.2)
  - Gross profit for the six months decreased to US$12.5M from US$27.0M in  
    2011 due to lower prices (partially offset by higher sales volumes) and 
    a US$10.4M impairment of inventories at Kayelekera (2011:US$Nil).       
  - Site non-production costs for the six months were reduced by US$2.6M to 
    US$7.6M due mainly to a decrease in expenditure relating to the Langer  
    Heinrich Mine Stage 4 expansion evaluation study, which is being        
    reviewed in the light of the experience gained through the optimisation 
    of Stage 3 and the new pathways that have been identified. This has been
    partially offset by US$1.0M expenditure on process optimisation testing 
    and pilot work at Kayelekera.                                           
  - Corporate and marketing costs were US$0.8M higher for the six months    
    predominantly due to restructure costs of US$0.4M.                      
  - Non-cash costs, mainly share-based payments, were reduced by US$0.9M to 
    US$3.5M as a result of a reduction in share rights granted compared to  
  - Other income and expenses mainly reflect the impairment of the          
    Kayelekera Mine asset expense of US$96.0M (2011: US$178.9M) caused by   
    the continued low uranium price. Further pit optimisation work will be  
    undertaken in the next quarter and, in addition, benefits should arise  
    when future U3O8 price forecasts reflect the supply/demand imbalance.   
    Additionally, other expenses include the write-off of fixed costs during
    the plant shutdown of US$2.3M (2011: US$9.2M).                          
  - Income tax expense for the six months of US$79.7M is predominantly the  
    result of the de-recognition of the net deferred tax asset ("DTA") of   
    US$98.2M at Kayelekera arising from unrealised foreign exchange         
    differences and carry forward tax losses previously recognised. The     
    unrealised foreign exchange difference has arisen on intercompany loans 
    due to the extreme devaluation of 103% in the Malawian Kwacha over the  
    last 12 months from an average of US$1=MKW160 to US$1=MKW327 at 31      
    December 2012.                                                          
  - Net loss after tax of US$193.5M was recorded for the six months, mainly 
    as a result of the US$98.2M de-recognition of the Kayelekera Mine net   
    DTA, US$96.0M impairment associated with the write-down of the          
    Kayelekera Mine assets, the US$10.4M inventory impairment at Kayelekera 
    and finance costs relating to interest payable on the outstanding       
    convertible bonds and project finance loans.                            
-   Cash Flow:                                                              
  - Positive cashflow from operating activities of US$49.3M for the six     
    months ended 31 December 2012 was primarily due to receipts from        
    customers of US$214.6M and receipt of the first tranche of the off-take 
    agreement funds of US$50.0M. Positive cash flow of US$47.5M was         
    generated by the Langer Heinrich and Kayelekera operations before       
    investment in working capital required to support higher production     
    levels, payments for administration, marketing and non-production costs 
    of US$19.8M. The remaining expenditure comprises US$0.9M for exploration
    and net interest paid of US$21.7M.                                      
  - Cash outflow from investing activities of US$25.6M for the six months   
    ended 31 December 2012 relating mainly to plant and equipment           
    acquisitions of US$15.5M, predominantly the new tailings facility at    
    Langer Heinrich and capitalised exploration expenditure of US$10.2M.    
    Exploration expenditure in foreseeable periods will be lower.           
  - Cash outflow from financing activities of US$31.7M for the six months   
    ended 31 December 2012 was mainly attributable to repayment of project  
    financing for KM of US$20.0M and LHM of US$11.2M.                       
-   Cash Position:                                                          
  - Cash of US$104.7M at 31 December 2012.                                  
-   Long-term Off-take Contract with a US$200M prepayment:                  
  - US$50M first tranche payment received pursuant to the Long Term Off-take
    Contract with Electricite de France S.A., with the balance of US$150M   
    received on 31 January 2013.                                            
-   Mid-term Sales Contracts Secured:                                       
  - Two mid-term off-take agreements secured for a total of 6.3Mlb U3O8     
    being delivered from late 2012 to end of 2015 at approximately 2Mlb pa  
    from both mines. Pricing will be determined predominately by the market 
    price at the time of delivery (without floor or ceiling limitations),   
    while a minority portion of the delivery prices will be in accordance   
    with a series of specified fixed prices, which exceed current spot      
    uranium prices.                                                         
-   Exploration and Development:                                            
  - Aurora - Michelin Uranium Project, Canada - Summer drilling programme   
    completed in October. A winter drilling programme is expected to start  
    in late February and will continue into March and April as weather      
    permits. An updated mineral resource estimate for the Michelin deposit  
    is expected in 2013 after all assays have been received and validated.  
  - Manyingee Project, Australia - Drilling programme was completed during  
    November. After the completion and verification of all data and assays, 
    an updated mineral resource estimate is expected in the March quarter of
-   Guidance FY2013                                                         
  - The strong combined production over the 6 months ending 31 December 2013
    of 4.12Mlb U3O8 with signs of continued improvement place the Group in a
    good position to achieve its stated production target guidance of 8.0-  
    8.5Mlb U3O8 with opportunity to deliver in the upper end of that range. 

The documents comprising the Appendix 4D - Financial Report for the six months
ended 31 December 2012, including the Management Discussion and Analysis,
Financial Statements and Certifications will be filed with the Company's other
documents on Sedar ( and on the Company's website

To view the December 2012 Half Year Report, please visit the following link:

Generally Accepted Accounting Practice

The news release includes non-GAAP performance measures: C1 cost of production,
non-cash costs as well as other income and expenses. The Company believes that,
in addition to the conventional measures prepared in accordance with GAAP, the
Company and certain investors use this information to evaluate the Company's
performance and ability to generate cash flow. The additional information
provided herein should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for
measures of performance prepared in accordance with GAAP.


The information in this Announcement relating to exploration and mineral
resources is, except where stated, based on information compiled by David
Princep B.Sc who is a Fellow of the AusIMM. Mr Princep has sufficient experience
that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity that he is undertaking to qualify as a
Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves", and as a
Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101. Mr Princep is a full-time employee of
Paladin Energy Ltd and consents to the inclusion of this information in the form
and context in which it appears.

Conference Call

Conference Call and Investor Update is scheduled for 06:30 Perth & Hong Kong,
Friday 15 February 2013, 17:30 Toronto and 22:30 London, Thursday 14 February
2013. Details are included in a separate news release dated 11 February 2013.

ACN 061 681 098

Paladin Energy Ltd
John Borshoff
Managing Director/CEO
+61-8-9381-4366 or Mobile: +61-419-912-571

Paladin Energy Ltd
Alan Rule
Chief Financial Officer
+61-8-9381-4366 or Mobile: +61-438-942-144

Paladin Energy Ltd
Greg Taylor
Investor Relations Contact
+1 905 337-7673 or Mobile: +1 416-605-5120 (Toronto)

Paladin Energy Ltd
Andrew Mirco
Investor Relations Contact
+61-8-9381-4366 or Mobile: +61-409-087-171

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