Fair Sky Resources Inc. ("Fair Sky") (TSX VENTURE:FSK) today filed its Unaudited
Consolidated Financial Statements for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 and the
related Management's Discussion and Analysis and its Quarterly Report for the
quarter ended June 30, 2007.

All of these filings can be accessed electronically on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

Hereafter follows the Message to the Shareholders, Highlights and Management's
Discussion and Analysis:

Message to our Shareholders

It is with pleasure that I submit to you, on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Fair Sky Resources Inc. ("Fair Sky" or the "company"), the company's 2007 second
quarter report.

The quarter ended June 30, 2007 was a period of exceptional wet field conditions
brought on by heavier than normal snow pact run off and acute rain fall on the
company's prospect areas. Fair Sky did not have any strategically significant
events during the second quarter; however, a number of projects were concluded:

- Fair Sky, with its partners, completed the Swan Hills 2D seismic program of
approximately 75 kilometres in June, after having to delay operations due to
weather in February.

- A Moose Jaw 2D seismic program of approximately 80 kilometres was acquired in
May to supplement the geophysical interpretation that covers the lands obtain by
the Fair Sky. Two additional wells were perforated late June and are awaiting
additional completion activities.

- A Carbondale Oil/Gas well lease was prepared in late June and was drilled in
early July 2007. The well was cased and is waiting on further completion

- Fair Sky issued 1,698,900 common shares on a flow-through basis at a price of
$2.05 per share for a total of $3,482,745.

Fair Sky anticipates weak natural gas prices for the remainder of the year and
being a gas-weighted company will be reducing its anticipated 2007 capital
budget for the remainder of the year. As these weaker gas prices reflect lower
revenues, the company is looking to aggressively explore and develop more oil
opportunities on the corporations existing land base and investigate farm-in
possibilities. Following an active year in 2006, the company plans to postpone
and defer drilling on high impact gas plays and increase the oil mix in its
production. Using prudent business judgment the company is also exploring
divestiture of some of its properties. These funds will then be used to draw
down the company's existing line of credit and fund operations. In the current
environment, selective exploitation of company lands will be directed at adding
moderate volume growth while minimizing finding and development costs.

Moose Jaw

Fair Sky has now acquired approximately 600 kilometres of 2D seismic over 125
sections of land wholly-owned by the company. Fair Sky has drilled and cased a
total of five wells in the Moose Jaw area of Central Saskatchewan. The wells
encountered gas shows while drilling and log analysis indicated shallow gas in
the Belly River and Manville zone and deeper oil in the Bakken zone. Stimulation
has been carried out on two of the four shallow gas wells and the one Bakken
well without success. Results to date have shown a lack of permeability in the
formations that stimulation was unable to address. A larger program is needed to
thoroughly evaluate this large area. A Frac program is being scheduled for the
fourth quarter of 2007 on the existing wells, with no anticipated drilling for
the remainder of the year. Emphasis on this natural gas asset has been scaled
back with the decline in gas prices and will continue to be evaluated based on
gas prices in the future. Regional geological work including cross-section
interpretation and reservoir development will be carried out over the next few


The natural gas production at Westerose continued to complement the company's
revenue in the second quarter with the wells flowing at approximately 550 mcf/d
net (850mcf/d gross). Approximately 20 days of production were lost in June due
to the partner operator carrying out routine maintenance on the compression
facilities. Fair Sky is presently preparing a development oil prospect at
Westerose to be drilled in the fall of 2007 with the existing partner.


Pipeline constrictions were overcome in the first quarter of 2007. After weather
improved, activity commenced to install a compressor at the battery to increase
line pressure. A completion program is presently being developed to exploit gas
in the Viking which initially tested at approximately 200 mcf/d net (800mcf/d
gross). Operations will be carried out as soon as possible.

Fair Sky is preparing to drill an exploration well on adjacent lands in the fall
of 2007 to test the Camrose formation. Upper zones in the area also have
hydrocarbon potential and will be evaluated.


Fair Sky continues to produce approximately 950mcf/d of net production in the
Carbondale area. A number of wells are constricted due to pipeline pressure
constraints and some re-completion work-over operations are being contemplated
for the latter part of 2007.

A Devonian drilling prospect was prepared at the end of June and drilled early
July, based on interpretation of 3D seismic. The well was completed and after
testing approximately 13 meters of carbonate, un-economical hydrocarbon volumes
were encountered. Up hole potential is now being evaluated for potential
completion work in the third or fourth quarter of 2007.

A number of additional exploration and development prospects have been
interpreted in the Carbondale area with both oil and gas potentials. The company
will be focusing on developing its prospects in the area to maximize its return
on investment.

Macleans Creek

Macleans Creek production has decreased due to a significant pressure drop on
the 7-1 well and production of water in the 12-2 well. A lower capacity pump is
being reviewed for installation on the 7-1 well and a chemical program on the
12-2 well is being implemented to minimize water production. Production is
expected to stabilize as wells in this area have shown significant longevity
with many upwards of 20+ years. In the long term Fair Sky may look at enhancing
recovery on the properties through water injection to increase reservoir

Swan Hills

The 2D seismic program originally underway in February but was halted due to
adverse weather conditions, was finally completed in June of 2007.
Interpretation of the 75 kilometers is now being carried out with Fair Sky and
the partners investigating the potential to drill an exploratory well in the up
coming winter season. Analogous pools in the area have produced in excess of 45
million barrels of oil and gas. Supplementary data may be acquired to delineate
additional prospect locations.

Boundary Lake

At Boundary Lake, a gas well was drilled and tested at 5.3 mmcf/day (FSK 60% WI)
in 2006. In February of 2007 a pipeline was constructed and completed to bring
the well on production. However, due to regulatory problems encountered over the
second quarter and into the third quarter of 2007 involving EUB plant
proliferation concerns and as a result of objections by a competitor, facility
construction has been put on hold while these issues are addressed. Resolution
is expected sometime in the third or fourth quarter of 2007. Fair Sky has
varying working interests (50%-100%) on 1,920 acres in the area.

Utah Uranium Mineral Property

Fair Sky engaged Associated Geosciences Ltd. to complete a NI 43-101 compliant
report for its Iron-Beaver Uranium property in southwestern Utah, held by its
94.7% owned subsidiary, Fair Sky Minerals Inc. This document has now been filed
on Sedar. The Iron-Beaver Project comprises two distinct claims areas located
approximately 50 km northwest of Cedar City, Utah, encompassing 10,680 ha
(26,391 acres) of land. The Iron-Beaver project has been valued at C$4.8 million
in the NI 43-101 report.

Future Guidance

In the current environment of lower natural gas prices, Fair Sky plans to be
selective in exploiting its existing land base to minimize exploration and
development costs. Activity on larger area operations such as Moose Jaw will be
measured until prices of commodities increase. Oil opportunities will be
emphasized. The company is exploring the divestiture of certain properties in
order to address the working capital deficit. These funds will then be used to
pay down the company's existing line of credit and fund future operations.

Tim Kemp, President and Chief Executive Officer


                                                    Q2 2007         Q1 2007
OPERATIONAL (units as noted)
Production behind pipe (BOE/D)                          465             550
Average daily production
 Oil (barrel per day)                                    17              41
 Natural gas (mcf per day)                            1,268           1,884
FINANCIAL (000's except per share)
Revenues                                          $   1,060       $   1,246
Cash flow from Operations                         $      50       $     451
 Per share - basic                                $    0.00       $    0.03
 Per share - diluted                              $    0.00       $    0.03
Net loss                                          $    (528)      $    (342)
 Per share - basic                                $   (0.03)      $   (0.03)
 Per share - diluted                              $   (0.03)      $   (0.03)
Net capital expenditures                          $    (828)      $  (2,274)
Working Capital                                   $  (5,004)      $  (7,852)
Shareholders' equity                              $  20,425       $  17,403
Common shares outstanding                            14,983          13,284

Average price realization ($Cdn.)
 Oil (per barrel)                                 $   71.76       $   65.83
 Natural gas (per mcf)                            $    7.79       $    7.41
 Combined (per BOE)                               $   48.85       $   47.07
Operating expenses (per BOE)                      $   13.78       $    7.53
Operating net back (per BOE)                      $   28.89       $   29.83
Undeveloped land (net acres)                        107,000         107,000

Management Discussion and Analysis

For the quarter ended June 30, 2007

The following management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") is dated August 29,
2007 and has been prepared by management in accordance with Canadian generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and should be read in conjunction with the
Quarterly Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements of Fair Sky Resources Inc.
("Fair Sky" or the "company") for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 and Fair Sky's
statement of reserves data and other oil and gas information dated April 30,
2007, both available on the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com.

This MD&A refers to operating netback which is not a recognized measure under
GAAP. Management believes that in addition to net income (loss) and cash flow
from operating activities, operating netback is a useful supplemental measure as
it demonstrates the company's ability to generate the cash necessary to repay
debt or fund future growth through capital investment. Investors are cautioned,
however, that this measure should not be construed as an alternative to net
income determined in accordance with GAAP as an indication of Fair Sky's
performance. Fair Sky's method of calculating this measure may differ from the
method used by other companies and, accordingly, this measure may not be
comparable to measures used by other companies.

ADVISORY: Natural gas volumes have been converted to barrels ("bbl") of oil
equivalent ("boe") using six thousand cubic feet ("mcf") of natural gas equal to
one boe. This conversion conforms to NI51-101. Use of the term boe may be
misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 mcf
to 1 bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily
applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the

Forward-Looking Information

Certain statements contained in this MD & A constitute forward-looking
statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance
or achievements of Fair Sky to be materially different from any future results,
performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements. Such risk, uncertainties and assumptions include, among other
things: general economic and business conditions; changing foreign exchange
rates; the receipt of required regulatory approvals; the availability of
sufficient capital; the estimated cost and availability of funding for the
continued exploration and development of Fair Sky's prospects; political and
economic conditions; and commodity prices.


Fair Sky Resources Inc. is a domestic energy company dedicated to building
shareholder value by acquiring land, exploring and developing oil and gas assets
within Western Canada. The company began operations in early 2004 and became a
public company in March 2006, trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the
symbol "FSK".

The company's oil and natural gas operations are situated in the Western
Canadian Basin. Activities are currently focused in the Carbondale, Boian,
Westerose areas of Central Alberta; Boundary Lake and Valleyview areas of
Northwest Alberta, and Moose Jaw in Central Saskatchewan. The Corporation
currently has producing operations as well as active exploration and development
programs and prospect inventories with exposure to approximately 107,000 net
acres to the company of developed and undeveloped lands. The company's
subsidiary, Fair sky Minerals Inc., has acquired approximately 25 sections of a
potential uranium prospect in Southern Utah, USA.

Selected Quarterly Information

Unless otherwise noted, all currency amounts are stated in Canadian dollars.

The following tables summarize selected financial data for the company:

($000's) except per
 share amounts            Q207     Q107     Q406     Q306     Q206     Q106
Total Revenues           1,060    1,246      880    1,127      910      185
Expenses                 1,674    1,665    1,978    1,326      690      377
Net income (loss)         (744)    (342)    (710)    (199)     221     (192)
Net income (loss) per
 share - Basic          $(0.03)  $(0.03)  $(0.06)  $(0.02)   $0.02   $(0.02)
Net income (loss) per   $(0.03)  $(0.03)  $(0.06)  $(0.02)   $0.02   $(0.02)
 share - Diluted
Total Assets            31,362   32,263   30,695   26,711   26,748   18,104
Total short term
 liabilities             6,285   10,225    8,352    8,895    8,862    4,802

                                      Six Months Ended     Six Months Ended
($000's) except per share amounts        June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Total Revenues                                   2,630                1,177
Expenses                                         3,339                1,067
Net income (loss)                               (1,163)                  29
Net loss per share - Basic                      ($0.06)               $0.00
Net loss per share - Diluted                    ($0.06)               $0.00

In the second quarter of 2007, Fair Sky showed an increase in total revenues of
7% compared to the same period of 2006. Year over year production has primarily
increased as a result of the Carbondale well brought on production in January
offset by the natural declines over time at existing wells. June revenue was
hindered in the quarter as a result of a plant turnaround in the Westerose area
which resulted in two of the company's gas wells being shut in for approximately
20 days of the month.

Capital Expenditures

The following summarizes Fair Sky's capital expenditure:

                                         Quarter Ended        Quarter Ended
($000's)                                 June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Land acquisitions and retentions                   175                1,013
Seismic                                            264                  649
Drilling & completions                             249                6,900
Equipping, tie-ins and facilities                   67                  840
Capitalized G&A                                     47                  147
Total                                              802                9,549

                                      Six Months Ended     Six Months Ended
($000's)                                 June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Land acquisitions and retentions                   647                1,093
Seismic                                            170                1,049
Drilling & completions                           1,080               11,544
Equipping, tie-ins and facilities                  983                1,446
Capitalized G&A                                     82                  147
Total                                            2,962               15,279

For the second quarter of 2007, Fair Sky had minimal operations in the field. On
the company's Central Alberta Swan Hills prospect, a 2D seismic program that was
initiated in the first quarter was completed. Analysis of the seismic for the
development of potential drilling prospects is ongoing. Stimulation has been
carried out on two of the four shallow gas wells and the one Bakken well without
success. Results to date have shown a lack of permeability in the formations
that stimulation was unable to address. Substantially all of the completion
costs in the quarter related to the work performed on wells in the Moose Jaw

Results of Operations

Oil & gas sales:
                                         Quarter Ended        Quarter Ended
                                         June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Oil sales (BOE)                                  1,533                2,391
Gas sales (Mcf)                                115,369              111,506
NGL sales (BOE)                                    939                  790
Total BOE (6:1)                                 21,700               21,765
Average BOE/day                                    238                  239
Oil sales                                   $  110,000           $  169,000
Gas sales                                   $  899,000           $  777,000
NGL sales                                   $   51,000           $   45,000

                                      Six Months Ended     Six Months Ended
                                         June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Oil sales (BOE)                                  5,179                2,908
Gas sales (Mcf)                                284,938              127,788
NGL sales (BOE)                                  2,384                1,354
Total BOE (6:1)                                 55,053               25,560
Average BOE/day                                    304                  141
Oil sales                                   $  350,000           $  198,000
Gas sales                                   $2,155,000           $  904,000
NGL sales                                   $  125,000           $   75,000

Sales of oil decreased 36% from a year ago as a result of production declines at
Macleans Creek. The company has experienced a significant increase in the water
cut on the highest producing Macleans Creek well which as caused the production
decline. Gas sales increased 3% as a result of the new production brought on in
December at Carbondale offset by normal declines on the companies existing
production at Westerose. Production was also negatively impacted by a plant
turnaround in the Westerose area which shut in production for approximately 20
days in June. The company continued to have approximately 465 net BOE/day behind
pipe and/or choked back at the end of the second quarter, a significant
percentage of which is from the Boundary Lake area.

Oil prices averaged $71.76/bbl for the second quarter of 2007 and $67.59/bbl for
the year-to-date compared to $70.80/bbl for the second quarter of 2006 and
$68.16 for the year-to-date. Gas sold for $7.79/mcf for the second quarter of
2007 and $7.52/mcf compared to $6.87/mcf for second quarter of 2006 and
$6.98/mcf for the year-to-date. Natural gas liquids prices were $55.01/bbl for
the second quarter of 2007 and $52.66/bbl for the year-to-date compared to
$56.56/bl for the second quarter of 2006 and $55.00/bbl for the year-to-date.

Royalties and operating expenses:

                                         Quarter Ended        Quarter Ended
                                         June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Royalties                                   $  134,000           $   82,000
Royalties/BOE                               $     6.18           $     3.77
Royalty rate                                      12.6%                 8.3%
Operating expenses                          $  299,000           $  156,000
Operating expenses/BOE                      $    13.78           $     7.17
Operating net back/BOE                      $    28.89           $    34.60

                                      Six Months Ended     Six Months Ended
                                         June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Royalties                                   $  458,000           $  104,000
Royalties/BOE                               $     8.32           $     4.07
Royalty rate                                      17.4%                 8.8%
Operating expenses                          $  550,000           $  204,000
Operating expenses/BOE                      $     9.99           $     7.98
Operating net back/BOE                      $    29.46           $    34.00

The company was under a royalty holiday for its Maclean's Creek oil production
until the end of June. It is now subject to normal royalty rates.

General & administrative ("G&A") expenses

                                         Quarter Ended        Quarter Ended
                                         June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
G&A expenses                                $  493,000           $  248,000

G&A/BOE                                     $    22.72           $    11.39

                                      Six Months Ended     Six Months Ended
                                         June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
G&A expenses                                $  980,000           $  480,000

G&A/BOE                                     $    17.80           $    18.78

The components of G&A are as follows:

                                         Quarter Ended        Quarter Ended
($000's)                                 June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Salaries, benefits and consultants                 272                  198
Other                                              296                  308
G&A expense, gross                                 568                  506
Overhead recoveries                                (28)                (111)
Capitalized G&A                                    (47)                (147)
G&A expense, net                                   493                  248

                                      Six Months Ended     Six Months Ended
($000's)                                 June 30, 2007        June 30, 2006
Salaries, benefits and consultants                 598                  310
Other                                              531                  508
G&A expense, gross                               1,129                  818
Overhead recoveries                                (67)                (191)
Capitalized G&A                                    (82)                (147)
G&A expense, net                                   980                  480

G&A for the second quarter was consistent with the first quarter. The company
currently has all of the employees in place it needs to develop its land base
and move the company forward. Going forward, the company should see nominal G&A
increases and as such per BOE G&A costs should decline as future production

Liquidity & capital resources

As of June 30, 2007, the company had a net bank indebtedness of $5,072,000
compared to $3,905,000 at December 31, 2006. Working capital deficiency,
including bank indebtedness, was $5,004,000 compared to 6,039,459 at December
31, 2006.

As a small exploration oil and gas company, Fair Sky continues to require
greater funds than its operations can provide to fully exploit its inventory of
opportunities. As well, the company continues to be negatively impacted by the
ongoing negotiations over the Boundary Lake area which has kept the company from
bringing onto production a significant amount of production. These delays,
combined with normal production declines on existing production have restricted
the company's financial flexibility. The company is currently in ongoing
discussions with its bank regarding the levels of financing that will be
available going forward. However, the likely result will be a decline in the
available credit facility. As such, the company is actively pursuing divestiture
options with respect to some of its properties in order to strengthen the
balance sheet and provide the company with greater flexibility going forward. At
present, the company intends to limit expenditures to ongoing operations with
minimal capital spending until such time as the balance sheet is strengthened.
In the current environment of lower natural gas prices, Fair Sky plans to be
selective in exploiting its existing land base. Activity on larger area
operations such as Moose Jaw will be scaled back until prices of commodities
increase. A number of oil opportunities will be emphasized. The extent to which
the company can execute on its business plan in second half of fiscal 2007 and
continue to operate as a going concern will be dependent on the level of funding
that can be raised in the near term.

At June 30, 2007, the company had various tax pools totalling $13.2 million
available for use in future years to reduce taxable income. $9 million in tax
pools were renounced to shareholders during the first six months as a result of
the company's obligations under flow through share issuances.


Under the terms of flow-through share agreements entered into in 2006, the
company is committed to spend $3.4 million on expenditures qualifying as
Canadian exploration expenditures before December 31, 2007. The company had
spent approximately $1.1 million on qualifying expenditures by the end of the
second quarter and $1.9 million by the date of this MD&A. The company needs to
spend approximately $1.5 million more by the end of the year and will require
further funding in order to meet the commitment.

Outstanding Shares

As at August 29, 2007, our outstanding shares were 14,983,288.

Financial Instruments and Other Instruments

Fair Sky's financial instruments consist of cash, accounts receivable and
accounts payable. Unless otherwise noted, it is management's opinion that Fair
Sky is not exposed to significant interest, currency or credit risks arising
from these financial instruments. The fair value of these financial instruments
approximates their carrying value due to their short-term maturity and capacity
for prompt liquidation.

Controls and Procedures

Disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance
that all relevant information is gathered and reported to management, including
the CEO and CFO, on a timely basis so that appropriate decisions can be made
regarding public disclosure. Management, with the participation of the
certifying officers, has evaluated the effectiveness of the design and
operation, as of June 30, 2007, of the company's disclosure controls and
procedures (as defined by the Canadian Securities Administrators). Based on that
evaluation, the certifying officers have concluded that such disclosure controls
and procedures are effective and designed to provide reasonable assurance that
material information relating to the company and its subsidiaries is made known
to them by others within those entities.

Internal controls over financial reporting are designed to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the reliability of our financial reporting and compliance
with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles in our financial
statements. Management has evaluated the design of internal controls over
financial reporting and has concluded that such internal controls over financial
reporting are designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability
of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external
purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Canada.
In addition, there have been no changes in the Company's internal control over
financial reporting during the quarter ended June 30, 2007 that have materially
affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, its internal control
over financial reporting.


The board of directors of Fair Sky has approved the disclosure contained in this
Quarterly MD & A. A copy of this MD & A will be provided to anyone who requests

Additional Information

Additional information relating to Fair Sky is on SEDAR at www.sedar.com

ADVISORY: Natural gas volumes have been converted to barrels ("bbl") of oil
equivalent ("boe") using six thousand cubic feet ("mcf") of natural gas equal to
one boe. This conversion conforms to NI51-101. Use of the term boe may be
misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ration of 6 mcf
to 1 bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily
applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the

Certain information in this news release, including management's assessment of
future plans and operations, number of locations in drilling inventory and wells
to be drilled, timing of drilling and tie-in of wells, productive capacity of
the new wells and productive capacity from different wells, costs, timing and
other matters, may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable
securities laws. Such forward looking statements necessarily involve risks
including, without limitation, risks associated with oil and gas exploration,
development, exploitation, production, marketing and transportation, wells not
performing as expected. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors
is not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors that could
effect Fair Sky's operations and financial results are included in reports on
file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and may be accessed through
the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com . The forward-looking statements contained in
this news release are made as at the date of this news release and Fair Sky does
not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included
forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

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