K2 Gold Corporation (“
K2” or the
23K) is pleased to report additional exploration results from its
Mojave project (“Mojave”) located in Inyo County, California.
The results are from the Soda Ridge and Stega targets on the
western side of the property (“Western Target Area”) and comprise
soil and rock chip sampling.
Highlights include:
- Stega – 5.14 g/t Au over 11.6m from rock chip
- Soda Ridge – Rock samples up to 3.28 g/t Au, up to 909
g/t Ag, up to 2% Pb, and up to 3.9% Cu
- Soda Ridge – Significant, 600m x 700m, open, gold in
soil anomaly with 51 samples returning >100 ppb Au
“These preliminary results from the Western
Target Area highlight the mineral potential of the entire Mojave
property not just for gold, but base metals as well,” stated
Stephen Swatton, President and CEO of K2. “We have now
identified twelve gold and base metal targets on the 5,800ha
property and look forward to drilling the Eastern Target Area with
a helicopter supported program in the near future.”
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The main focus of exploration by BHP and Newmont
in the 1980’s and 1990’s was on the gold potential of the eastern
side of the Mojave property (“Eastern Target Area”). This
news release reports K2’s exploration results from the Western
Target Area, which is separated from the Eastern Target Area by
several kilometers of predominantly colluvium filled valley floor
(“Upland Valley”).
The Company’s exploration results from the
Western Target underline the importance of reviewing the potential
of the property in its entirety. K2’s current geologic
interpretation implies a distinct geologic relationship exists
between the predominantly base metal rich west and the gold rich
east. The distinct zonation of base metals in the west to
gold in east strongly suggests the possibility of intrusive related
mineralization within a highly tectonized regime akin to the
multi-million ounce Beatty gold district 150km to the north east.
Unlike Beatty, Mojave has exposed more of the deeper base metal
rich rock units therefore the Company has also been keen to follow
up on the reported porphyry copper potential as mentioned in
historical documents from BHP (BHP Minerals internal report, Reidel
Western Target Area
Numerous historic mines, prospect pits, shafts,
and adits occur in the general area dating back to the mid 1800s –
1950s. The most notable past producers include Cerro Gordo
(4.4 million oz Ag, 37,000 tons Pb, and 12,000 tons Zn), and
Morning Star (4,130 tons at an average grade of 10.3 g/t Au, 1,062
g/t Ag, 5% Pb, 1% Cu, and 3% Zn) which occur just outside of the
property boundary. Within the property boundary the Pete
Smith adits exploited narrow lead-zinc veins in the 1920s and the
Keeler mine produced gold-silver-lead-copper from a series of
narrow veins (production grade and tonnage unknown) and was the
most recently operating precious/base metal mine in the district
and closed in 1961.
The Stega target covers approximately 3km x 2km
in the southwestern portion of Mojave and is located 3km west of
the Newmont Zone, with approximately 1,600 historic rock grab and
chip samples. Numerous, subparallel, thrust faults and later
normal faults are mapped in the area along with a series of
intermediate to mafic Jurassic intrusive rocks ranging from
andesite to diorite porphyry, and showing varying degrees of
alteration. There is significant geochemical zonation on the
target based on historic rock sampling consisting of a core of
strongly elevated copper over a >1km trend flanked by dominant
Au-As on the east and Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization on the west,
indicative of a porphyry type setting. To date, exploration
by the Company has focused on the Au-As trend and a full assessment
of the target area, including the Cu and Ag-Pb-Zn trends is
The initial sampling program by K2 focused on
the northeastern portion of the Stega target and was following up
on historic rock chip samples in the area up to 10.8 g/t Au.
A total of 115 samples were collected over 11 lines of
continuous rock chip sampling from outcrop and covered a 415m
east-west area. Individual assays for the samples ranged from
trace to 12.68 g/t Au. An additional 36 prospecting grab
samples were collected from the area, with samples returning from
trace to 0.61 g/t Au. Highlights from the chip/channel
sampling are presented in Table 1, below.
Table 1 – Summary of Chip & Channel
Samples from the Stega target
Line ID |
Target |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Interval (m) |
Au (g/t) |
20-MOC-024 |
Stega |
0 |
8 |
8 |
0.95 |
20-MOC-025** |
0 |
19 |
19 |
0.64 |
Incl. |
10 |
14 |
4 |
1.59 |
20-MOC-026 |
0 |
8 |
8 |
0.28 |
20-MOC-027 |
0 |
9 |
9 |
0.20 |
20-MOC-028 |
20-MOC-029 |
2 |
2.5 |
0.5 |
0.67 |
20-MOC-030 |
20-MOC-031* |
13.8 |
22.3 |
8.5 |
0.24 |
20-MOC-032** |
0 |
17.4 |
17.4 |
0.56 |
20-MOC-033 |
20-MOC-034 |
0 |
11.6 |
11.6 |
5.14 |
Incl. |
4 |
9.6 |
5.6 |
9.68 |
*Ended in
mineralization |
**Started &
ended in mineralization |
The most significant results were obtained from
strongly silicified limestone and quartz-sericite altered siltstone
units immediately adjacent to three NNW trending, steeply west
dipping, normal faults with proximal andesite to diorite porphyry
dikes and sills. Alteration and mineralization was noted in
all rock units, including intrusive units, but appears to be best
developed within limestone and occurs with quartz-carbonate veining
and disseminated to fracture controlled iron oxides and a
geochemical signature of Au with elevated As-Sb-Tl, similar to the
Newmont and East Zone targets. All three zones are open along
strike in both directions and extend a minimum of 750m south based
on historic rock sampling and recent WorldView-3 alteration
Soda Ridge
The Soda Ridge target is located in the
northwest corner of Mojave, approximately 4.5km NW of Stega.
The target occurs immediately south of the historic Morning Star
Mine which produced an estimated 4,130 tons at an average grade of
10.3 g/t Au, 1,062 g/t Ag, 5% Pb, 1% Cu, and 3% Zn (Merriam, 1963,
Geology of the Cerro Gordo Mining District, Inyo County,
California. USGS Professional Paper 408). Historic
exploration on the target by Mobil-Asamera included 34 drill holes
(2,686m) in the Soda Ridge-Morningstar area. Highlights of
the historic drilling include:
- SR-09: 5.21 g/t Au over 6.10m from 76.20m depth
- SR-15: 5.73 g/t Au over 4.57m from 45.72m depth
- SR87-C-03: 8.67 g/t Au and 227 g/t Ag over 6.64m from 78.64m
A total of 138 grid soil samples were collected
on the Soda Ridge target with samples collected every 50m along E-W
oriented lines spaced 100m apart. The soil sampling returned
significantly anomalous gold in soils over a 600m x 700m area that
is open to the north, south, and west. Individual samples
ranged from trace to 1040 ppb Au. Overall, 51 of the samples
returned >100 ppb Au and are associated with elevated As, Bi,
Cu, Pb, and Zn (+/- Sb).
Limited rock sampling was also conducted on the
target, with 18 rock grab and chip samples collected from the Soda
Ridge target as part of initial geologic mapping efforts.
Assays for the sampling ranged from trace to 3.28 g/t Au.
Several of the samples also contained elevated silver and
base metals with values ranging from 0.16 – 909 g/t Ag, trace –
3.9% Cu, trace – 2.01% Pb, and trace – 2.17% Zn. The
mineralized samples also displayed varying enrichment in Bi, Mo,
Sb, Te, & W, mirroring soil samples collected on the
Samples with higher values of precious and base
metals correspond to a series of NW trending, west dipping, thrust
contacts between bioclastic limestone and shale/siltstone.
Pervasive bleaching associated with argillic – phyllic
alteration occurs over the target with fracturing, quartz-carbonate
veining, and localised silicification, brecciation, and strong
Fe-oxide development. Overall, the alteration,
mineralization, and geochemistry indicate an intrusive association
with the mineralization and the target occurs approximately 1.5km,
and on trend, of Jurassic monzonite intrusive associated with
Ag-Pb-Zn skarn and carbonate replacement mineralization in the
Cerro Gordo Mines.
History of the Mojave
Gold mineralization was first discovered at Soda
Ridge on the Northwest corner of Mojave by Mobil in 1984.
Prior to K2’s recently completed work at least eight other
gold rich areas on the property had been recorded and partially
investigated by exploration and mining companies, most notably
Newmont and BHP. To date 145 drill holes have been completed
by three companies: Newmont in 1985 (25 RC holes), Asamera in 1986
(113 RC and diamond drill holes), and BHP in 1997 (10 RC holes) on
three of the nine gold targets. Other companies that have
explored Mojave include Great Bear Resources and SSR Mining but the
recent work by K2 is the most extensive and comprehensive since
1997. There are now twelve gold and base metal exploration
targets at Mojave.
Historical drill programs focused on three
different target areas of Mojave: Newmont, East Zone and Dragonfly.
Highlights of historical drill results include 16.8m of 2.1
g/t Au, 24.4m of 1.54g/t Au, and 12.2m of 3.8 g/t Au (see Table 2,
below). The best trench result to date is an undrilled
section of the Dragonfly area where BHP reported 42.7m of 4.2 g/t
Au (Great Bear Resources news release October 2013). A
compilation of K2’s Dragonfly rock and soil sampling results will
be released as and when available.
Table 2. – Highlights of historical
drilling results from Newmont, East Zone and Dragonfly
Target |
Hole ID |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Int (m) |
Au (g/t) |
Newmont |
CGL-1 |
8.23 |
11.28 |
1.52 |
8.23 |
CGL-3 |
38.40 |
55.17 |
16.76 |
2.08 |
CGL-12 |
208.79 |
225.55 |
16.76 |
1.09 |
CGL-19 |
74.68 |
99.06 |
24.38 |
0.91 |
Incl. |
74.68 |
80.78 |
6.10 |
3.07 |
CM97-9 |
120.40 |
135.64 |
15.24 |
1.00 |
East |
CGL-8 |
51.816 |
56.388 |
4.572 |
1.82 |
Dragonfly |
CM97-3 |
47.24 |
53.34 |
6.10 |
2.00 |
And |
163.07 |
172.20 |
9.13 |
1.17 |
CM97-4 |
0.00 |
24.38 |
24.38 |
1.54 |
Incl. |
16.76 |
22.86 |
4.95 |
6.10 |
And |
42.67 |
54.86 |
12.19 |
3.84 |
And |
88.59 |
97.54 |
9.14 |
1.55 |
CM97-5 |
146.30 |
158.50 |
12.20 |
1.48 |
Geology of the Mojave
Mojave is underlain by a Palaeozoic,
carbonate-dominated stratigraphic sequence of siltstone, shale,
limestone, and conglomeratic units that have been subjected to
multiple deformational events. The units are commonly folded
and thrusted and are cut by late, steeply dipping, normal to
strike-slip faults. Jurassic intrusive plug, dikes, and sills
also locally disrupted the units.
Gold mineralization at Mojave is typically
oxide, sediment hosted, and structurally controlled by steeply
dipping faults and lithologic contacts. The alteration,
mineralization, and geochemistry have similarities to both Carlin
and epithermal type gold systems. Polymetallic Au-Ag, Cu,
and/or base-metal occurrences are also recognised on the property
and typically form proximal to Jurassic intrusive units indicating
the potential for porphyry and other intrusion-related
Assay Methodology & QA/QC
The analytical work on Mojave was performed by
MSALABS an internationally recognized analytical services provider,
at its Langley, British Columbia laboratory. All rock samples
were prepared using procedure PRP-910 (Dry, crush to 70% passing
2mm, riffle split off 250g, pulverize split to better than 85%
passing 75 microns) and analyzed by method FAS-111 (30g fire assay
with AAS finish) and IMS-130 (0.5g, aqua regia digestion and
ICP-AES/MS analysis). Samples containing >10g/t Au were
reanalyzed using method FAS-415 (30g Fire Assay with gravimetric
finish). Samples containing >100 ppm Ag and/or >1% Cu,
Pb, & Zn were reanalyzed using method ICF-6 (0.2g, 4-acid
digest and ore grade ICP-AES analysis). Samples containing
>1000 g/t Ag were reanalyzed using method FAS-418 (30g Fire
Assay with gravimetric finish). All soil samples were
prepared using procedure PRP-757 (Dry, screen to -80 mesh) and
analyzed using method IMS-131 (20g, aqua regia digestion and
ICP-AES/MS analysis).
The reported work was completed using industry
standard procedures, including a quality assurance/quality control
(“QA/QC”) program consisting of the insertion of certified
standard, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. The
Qualified Person has reviewed the data and detected no significant
QA/QC issues.
Option Grant
The Company granted 150,000 incentive stock
options (the "Options") to two consultants of the Company.
The Options are exercisable at $0.42 per share for a period
of 5 years from the date of grant and expire July 2, 2025.
The Options were granted pursuant to the Company's
shareholder-approved stock option plan and are subject to the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange and any applicable regulatory
hold periods.
Qualified Person
Jodie Gibson, Vice President of Exploration and
a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed
and approved the technical information on this release.
About K2
K2 is a well financed gold and silver
exploration company with approximately $1.6M cash and projects in
SW USA, Yukon and Alaska. The Company has turned its focus to
its recently acquired Mojave project in California, a 5,830 hectare
oxide gold project with base metal targets. The location of
Mojave enables the Company to have year-round news flow on multiple
previously recognized surface gold targets that have been
successfully drilled in the past by majors BHP and Newmont.
Besides affording immediate drill targets from recent
sampling, the property also includes high priority locations in the
vicinity of historical trench results such as 4.2 g/t gold over
42.7m that have not been drilled to date.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,“Stephen
Swatton”President and CEOK2 Gold Corporation.
For further information about K2 Gold
Corporation or this news release, please visit our website at
www.k2gold.com or contact Investor Relations at 604-354-2491, or by
email at info@k2gold.com.
K2 Gold Corporation is a proud member of
Discovery Group. For more information please visit:
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking
This news release contains forward-looking
statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking
statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that
could cause actual results, performance, prospects and
opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied
by such forward-looking statements, including statements regarding
the exploration program at Mojave, including results of drilling,
and future exploration plans at Mojave. Factors that could
cause actual results to differ materially from these
forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to,
variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral
deposits that may be located, the Company's inability to obtain any
necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its
planned activities, and the Company's inability to raise the
necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business
strategies. The reader is referred to the Company's public
disclosure record which is available on SEDAR
(www.sedar.com). Although the Company believes that the
assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking
statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on
these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news
release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur
in the disclosed time frames or at all. Except as required by
securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange, the
Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise
any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise.
This news release does not constitute an offer
to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be
any sale of any of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such
offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful, including any of the
securities in the United States of America. No securities of the
Company have been or will, in the foreseeable future, be registered
under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”) or
any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the
United States or to, or for account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as
defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) unless registered under
the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption
from such registration requirements is available.
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