Probe Metals Inc. (TSX-V: PRB) (OTCQB:
PROBF) (“Probe” or the
Company”) is pleased to announce positive results
of the 2020 metallurgical test work program on its Val-d’Or East
Project. The program consisted of mineralogy, physical property
characterization, gravity, cyanidation and flotation tests. The
main objective of the program was to assess gold recoveries by
deposit and/or gold trend and to support the selection and design
of the flowsheet for the Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”).
The results indicate that all deposits and gold trends are behaving
similarly and that they can be treated in a single processing
facility. They also indicate that gravity recoverable gold is high
in all deposits (above 50% up to 72%) and that the overall gold
recovery (gravity + leaching of gravity tails) is above 95% in all
cases with the exception of Highway at 91%, which represents only
3% of the 2019 resource estimate. It was demonstrated that the
leach gold recoveries can be correlated to head grade and a net
gold recovery equation for use in the PEA was established which
includes typical plant losses. In addition, the program has
demonstrated that all deposits/gold trends are responding very well
to other pre-concentration methods like flotation, continuous
gravity separation and ore sorting which provides additional
opportunities to enhance project value.
The test work program was performed at Corem
facilities in Quebec City.
David Palmer, President and CEO of Probe,
states: “The metallurgical test work demonstrates once again how
the Val-d’Or East project performs beyond expectations and confirms
that it is an excellent candidate for development. We have already
shown the area’s ability to host ounces and now we are building
confidence in the development potential of those ounces. We have
hit a number of key milestones as we advance the project towards
the PEA, which includes strong geotechnical results demonstrating
good rock stability; favourable environmental characteristics of
host rocks; and now confirmation that all of the mineralized
materials not only have high gravity and overall recoveries, but
all can be processed together in one mill. These characteristics
will provide initial cost savings during construction as well as
adding further value downstream during a production scenario.”
Yves Dessureault, COO of Probe, states: “These
results are a very important milestone for the Val-d’Or East
project. We have gone from a concept of multiple deposits feeding a
central mill to actually demonstrating it with the metallurgical
test work results. All deposits have the same type of response in
Gravity and Leaching. The Gravity Recoverable Gold is coarse to
very coarse and we have been able to model most of the resource
with a single grade-recovery curve/equation, with potential for
future enhancements. Lower strip ratios, less costly waste rock
storage, more efficient milling and reduced infrastructure costs
are just a few of the benefits we are seeing in the development
work, and all should contribute to a more robust bottom line for
the project. In my experience, it would be difficult to find a
mineral resource that was easier to process than what we have at
Val-d’Or East.”
Metallurgical Test work Program –
The goal of the 2020 metallurgical test work
program was to improve upon the historical recoveries and establish
recoveries on the deposits where no information was available. An
additional objective was to build the metallurgical knowledge base
to support the design of the PEA and the selection of the process
plant flowsheet. The program consisted of mineralogy, physical
property characterization, gravity amenability tests (GAT), gravity
recoverable gold tests (GRG), cyanidation with grind size
assessment and flotation.
Eight composites were created, either from drill
core intervals or from products generated in the 2018 ore sorting
test program. Composite were created from drill core intervals for
New Beliveau, Courvan, Monique, Highway and North-Zone (a total of
five composites). All composites assembled from drill core
intervals were spatially selected to be representative of both the
type of mineralization and the average head grade of the resource.
In addition, three New Beliveau composites were created from ore
sorting products. A complete summary is provided below:
- New Beliveau, a total of 4
- One whole-ore composite from drill
core samples
- Two composites representing ore
sorting concentrates, a high- and a low-grade composite.
- One whole-ore composite created
from ore sorting products (concentrates and tails)
- North Zone, one whole-ore composite
from drill core samples
- Highway, one whole-ore composite
from drill core samples
- Courvan, one whole-ore composite
from drill core samples
- Monique, one whole-ore composite
from drill core samples
Main Results
The mineralogical and chemical analyses
performed on the eight composites suggest the presence of coarse
gold in every composite sample. The analyses of deleterious
elements, such as Arsenic, Tellurium and Antimony were near to or
under the detection limit for all samples. All samples were mainly
composed of quartz, micas, feldspars and carbonates with varying
proportions. Pyrite was the main sulfide mineral detected and
accounted for 1.6 to 3.8% by weight of all samples. Pyrite was
always very well liberated.
Crushing and Grinding Testing
For the 2020 metallurgical program, only New
Beliveau samples went through a detailed comminution test work
program. Work included Bond Crusher Work Index (CWI), Bond Rod Mill
Work Index (RWI), Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BWI), Bond Abrasion
Index (AI) and finally SAG mill comminution test (SMC).
The composites were considered to be hard to
very hard for CWI (between 16.9 and 20.0 kWh/t) and the SMC tests
(A x b between 29.3 to 37.2), both are measurements of resistance
to impact breakage. Samples tested showed medium hardness for the
RWI and BWI with average values of 12.9 kWh/t and 11.6 kWh/t
respectively, and non-abrasive with an average Abrasion Index (AI)
of 0.131g.
Pre-Concentration Testing
The Company has continued its work on
pre-concentration alternatives to the standard free milling
flowsheet. In addition to the ore sorting test work done in 2018
(see Press Release of May 20th, 2020 for test results), flotation
and continuous gravity separation were tested as part of the 2020
metallurgical test work program.
Gravity Amenability Tests (GAT) were completed
on all composites. The GAT test is a standard test to assess the
potential of using continuous gravity separation technology for the
separation of heavier minerals from the gangue material. The
results show that all deposits are highly amenable to gravity
separation with a gold recovery ranging from 57% to 73% for whole
ore material and approximately 92% for ore sorting concentrate with
an 8% mass yield. These recoveries increase to between 87% to 98%
when the mass yield is increased to approximately 18%.
Preliminary flotation test work was performed on
a New Beliveau composite. The sample was first subjected to gravity
concentration (the GRG test described in next section) and the
gravity tails was then floated to recover sulfides and gold. With a
coarse grind of 80% passing (P80) = 125 µm, 99.1% of the gold
reported to the flotation concentrate with mass yields of between 6
to 8%.
These pre-concentration alternatives will
continue to be evaluated by the Company following the PEA.
Gravity Testing (GRG)
Four whole-ore composites (New Beliveau,
Highway, Courvan and Monique) and one ore sorting concentrate
composite (New Beliveau OSC) were tested with the Gravity
Recoverable Gold (GRG) protocol to determine their amenability to
gravity concentration. The results are showing that the GRG is
coarse to very coarse, and are also indicating very good gold
recoveries. At a grind size of approximately 45-50% passing 75µm
(equivalent 80% passing 226 µm), gold recoveries were respectively
50.7%, 54.2%, 69.4%, 71.9% for the New Beliveau, Highway, Monique
and Courvan whole ore composites, and was 55.2% for the New
Beliveau ore sorting concentrate composite.
The GRG value does not directly predict or
correlate gold recovery results from a closed-circuit milling
operation. It is indicative of gravity gold amenability and in this
scenario all samples would benefit from the inclusion of a gravity
Leach Testing
Leach test work was performed on the composites’ GRG tailings. A
first series of bottle roll tests was executed to assess the impact
of grind size. The results are shown in the following figure and
based on these results, the target grind of 80% passing 80 µm was
Image 1 Gold Leach Recoveries for all
The leach and gold dissolution kinetics were
then studied by Corem using their proprietary methodology. This
methodology facilitates and expedites the finding of the optimal
leaching conditions. A first batch of tests were done with cyanide
only and then a second series was done with the addition of lead
nitrate. As an example, the attached figure shows the changes in
the kinetic index over ranges of cyanide concentration for six
composites. The methodology shows that the optimum cyanide
concentration is around 700 ppm NaCN, above which no further gain
can be observed.
Image 2 Changes in the kinetic index over ranges
of cyanide concentration for six
Following the investigation with the Corem
proprietary technology, a few stirred tank reactor leaching tests
were performed to validate the results and obtain reagents
Gold Recoveries
The test work has demonstrated that a PEA
flowsheet based on grinding to a target of 80% passing 80 microns
followed by gravity and then leach of the gravity tails would give
very good performance. The combined gold recoveries obtained in the
metallurgical test work program are shown in the table below (Note:
The gravity separation concentrate has been assumed in the
calculations to be 100% recoverable through intensive leach and
tailings recirculation).
Composite |
Final grind size (P80,
µm) |
Head calc'd(g/t) |
Final tails(g/t) |
Gold distribution (%) |
Gold leached |
Gold tail |
Overall recovery |
New Beliveau OSC |
72 |
7.06 |
0.196 |
55.2 |
42.0 |
2.8 |
97.2 |
New Beliveau |
79 |
3.40 |
0.159 |
50.7 |
44.6 |
4.7 |
95.3 |
Highway |
80 |
1.85 |
0.154 |
54.2 |
37.5 |
8.3 |
91.7 |
Courvan |
71 |
2.91 |
0.064 |
71.9 |
25.9 |
2.2 |
97.8 |
Monique |
70 |
1.87 |
0.048 |
69.4 |
28.0 |
2.6 |
97.4 |
Leach results above are based on 48 hours and a
slurry density of 40% solids. Sodium cyanide consumption was
between 0.41 and 0.73 kg/t while lime consumption varied from 0.60
to 2.57 kg/t. Recoveries represent maximum metal extractions
and do not include typical plant losses or scale up of gravity
recoverable gold for plant operating conditions.
PEA recoveries
For the PEA, further analysis was performed to
assess the differences between deposits, the impact of grind and
head grade. It can be concluded that all deposits are behaving
similarly and can be grouped together, with some adjustments for
the Highway deposit, which is a small percentage of the overall
Due to the coarse to very coarse nature of the
GRG, the process design criteria will be based on treating 90% of
the grinding mill recirculating load through the gravity circuit,
with modeling indicating an average of 55% gravity gold recovery
under those conditions. This result aligns well with the 50%
gravity recovery achieved by Cambior when they mined the Beliveau
deposit from 1989 to 1993. The PEA will conservatively assume 50%
gravity recovery.
In addition, the leach test results were
analyzed and reviewed to establish leach gold recoveries. It was
identified that the New Beliveau, North Zone, Courvan and Monique
deposits have similar responses and that their leach gold
recoveries can be correlated to head grade. The following
relationship has been established from the test results:
Leach gold recovery (in %) = 95.07 – 3.74/Head
grade (in g/t)
For Highway, the equation is adjusted to:
Leach gold recovery (in %) = 95.07 – 8.74/Head
grade (in g/t)
When the gravity and the leach gold recoveries
are combined, and then reduced with the typical plant losses or
impact of scale up of gravity recoverable gold for plant operating
conditions (typically about 0.8%), the following net recoveries are
Head grade (g/t
Gold) |
New Beliveau (whole ore and ore sorting concentrate),
Courvan, Monique &North Zone deposits (Gold Recovery
%) |
Highway Deposit (Gold Recovery
%) |
0.4 |
87% |
75% |
0.7 |
91% |
84% |
1.0 |
93% |
88% |
1.5 |
95% |
91% |
2.0 |
95% |
92% |
2.5 |
95% |
93% |
3.0 |
95% |
94% |
Next steps
Following the PEA, a new metallurgical program
will be defined to further investigate the selected process
route(s) and improve upon the current knowledge base developed
through the 2020 metallurgical program and potentially further
improve reagent costs and gold recoveries.
Qualified PersonsThe scientific
and technical content of this press release has been reviewed,
prepared and approved by Mr. Yves Dessureault, P.Eng., COO and was
reviewed and approved by Tommaso Roberto Raponi, P.Eng. each of
whom is a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument
43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI
43-101"). Mr. Raponi is a consultant of Ausenco Engineering Canada
Inc. (“Ausenco”) and is considered to be
“independent” of Probe for purposes of section 1.5 of NI
About Corem:Corem is a center
of expertise and innovation in mineral processing with the largest
concentration of resources dedicated to R&D in this field in
Canada. Corem is a not-profit organization that works closely with
its members, its clients and its partners to improve
competitiveness and to reduce environmental
impact through the industrialization of innovative solutions. Corem
has extensive equipment and infrastructure, including a pilot plant
and laboratories for mineralogy, mineralogy and hydrometallurgy,
that allow for innovation. For more information, please visit:
About Ausenco:Ausenco is a
global diversified engineering, construction and project management
company providing consulting, project delivery and asset management
solutions to the resources, energy and infrastructure sectors.
Ausenco’s experience in gold projects ranges from conceptual,
pre-feasibility and feasibility studies for new project
developments to project execution with EPCM and EPC delivery.
Ausenco is currently engaged on a number of global projects with
similar characteristics and opportunities to the Val-d’Or East
About Probe Metals:Probe Metals
Inc. is a leading Canadian gold exploration company focused on the
acquisition, exploration and development of highly prospective gold
properties. The Company is committed to discovering and developing
high-quality gold projects, including its key asset the Val-d’Or
East Gold Project, Quebec. The Company is well-funded and controls
a strategic land package of approximately 1,000-square-kilometres
of exploration ground within some of the most prolific gold belts
in Quebec. The Company was formed as a result of the sale of Probe
Mines Limited to Goldcorp in March 2015. Newmont currently owns
approximately 11.6% of the Company.
On behalf of Probe Metals Inc., Dr.
David Palmer, President & Chief Executive
OfficerFor further information:
Please visit our website at
or contact:
Seema SindwaniDirector of Investor
Forward-Looking Statements
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation
Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the
TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of this release. This News Release includes certain
"forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical
facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements
that describe the Company’s future plans, objectives or goals,
including words to the effect that the Company or management
expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking
statements may be identified by such terms as “believes”,
“anticipates”, “expects”, “estimates”, “may”, “could”, “would”,
“will”, or “plan”. Since forward-looking statements are based on
assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very
nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although
these statements are based on information currently available to
the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results
will meet management’s expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other
factors involved with forward-looking information could cause
actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to
differ materially from those expressed or implied by such
forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this
news release includes, but is not limited to, the Company’s
objectives, goals or future plans, statements, exploration results,
potential mineralization, the estimation of mineral resources,
exploration and mine development plans, timing of the commencement
of operations and estimates of market conditions. Factors that
could cause actual results to differ materially from such
forward-looking information include, but are not limited to failure
to identify mineral resources, failure to convert estimated mineral
resources to reserves, the inability to complete a feasibility
study which recommends a production decision, the preliminary
nature of metallurgical test results, delays in obtaining or
failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other
project approvals, political risks, inability to fulfill the duty
to accommodate First Nations and other indigenous peoples,
uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing
needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes
in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the
development of projects, capital and operating costs varying
significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the
mineral exploration and development industry, an inability to
predict and counteract the effects of COVID-19 on the business of
the Company, including but not limited to the effects of COVID-19
on the price of commodities, capital market conditions, restriction
on labour and international travel and supply chains, and those
risks set out in the Company’s public documents filed on SEDAR.
Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used
in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release
are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such
information, which only applies as of the date of this news
release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur
in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any
intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking
information, whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise, other than as required by law.
Probe Gold (TSXV:PRB)
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Probe Gold (TSXV:PRB)
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