- Oasis Management a c.12.3% shareholder is deeply concerned by
The Restaurant Group’s Remuneration Policy which continues the
misalignment between pay and Company performance as seen in this
year’s Remuneration Report.
- TRG CEO’s disproportionate pay has failed to promote value
creation as shares have fallen by c.73% since Andy Hornby became
CEO, a markedly greater decline than suffered by industry
- Oasis urges fellow TRG shareholders to vote against items 2,
3, and 10 – the Remuneration Policy, the 2022 Remuneration Report,
and the re-Election of Zoe Morgan (Chair of the Remuneration
Committee) – at the upcoming AGM, delivering a clear message that
the Board’s approach to remuneration ignores shareholder feedback,
fails to deliver value and should not continue.
Oasis Management Company Ltd. (“Oasis”, “we”) is one of the
largest shareholders of The Restaurant Group plc (“TRG”, “the
Company”), beneficially holding c.12.3% of the Company’s issued
share capital. In February 2023 Oasis publicly expressed its
concerns regarding TRG’s prolonged share price decline, continuing
negative perception in the market, governance failures and the
necessary steps needed to begin the process of rebuilding value for
Oasis’s two prior press releases can be read here:
- Oasis Calls for The Restaurant Group to Take Immediate Steps
to Restore Market Confidence
- Oasis Reaffirms its Position and the Need for Change at The
Restaurant Group
In March 2023, TRG communicated its medium-term strategic plan,
as well as the Board’s intentions for the ongoing governance of the
Company in its 2022 Annual Results Announcement and 2022 Annual
Report. Far from the strategic plan being seen as an important and
welcome move towards restoring market confidence, the TRG share
price instead slumped by c.15% in response. The 2022 Annual Report
then compounded shareholder pessimism as governance, much like
strategy, remained effectively unchanged.
Remuneration Policy Not in
Shareholders’ Best Interests
In 2020, the Board prematurely revised management’s Remuneration
Policy to replace the Company’s performance-linked long term
incentive plan (“LTIP”) with a Restricted Share Plan (“RSP”) – a
scheme that awards shares on a time-vesting basis, without any
direct connection to Company performance or shareholder returns.
Despite the uncertainty posed by the pandemic (noted by TRG as the
reason for the switch), institutional investors expressed
significant concerns regarding the nature and timing of the
Investors’ strong misgivings were reflected in opposition from
proxy advisors and c.37% of TRG shareholders casting dissenting
votes when the policy was put to a vote in October 2020. Without
the support of a small number of TRG’s largest holders, the
proposals would have failed heavily. Since the policy was adopted,
the two subsequent remuneration reports have also been heavily
opposed: c.20% voted against in 2021, and c.32% voted against in
2022. Coverage of the views given by investors is noted after the
main text.
Inexplicably, the Board, led by seasoned NED Ken Hanna, has
requested approval of the 2023 Remuneration Policy which
importantly retains the RSP, in spite of:
- it clearly being strongly opposed by a significant proportion
of the Company’s shareholders,
- the newly communicated Company strategy being based around
clearly defined medium-term EBITDA improvement targets, and
- the original rationale regarding the uncertainty of the
pandemic abating completely (Oasis notes that the Board justified
the 2020 revision to the policy “given the exceptional events of
2020 related to Covid-19” (Link))
Retaining the RSP will continue to reward the senior management
team with a potential grant equivalent to 125% of their salary in
shares, subject only to the discretion of the Remuneration
Committee against a vague, qualitative and entirely subjective
underpin, instead of linking to performance through transparent
stretching KPIs.
The proposed continuation of the RSP is even more unpalatable in
the case of the TRG CEO, Andy Hornby, who already receives a highly
generous base salary which is disproportionate compared to the size
of TRG, as well as relative to the wider workforce. The effect of a
high base salary is further exacerbated alongside bonus
opportunities and share award grants which are both calculated as
multiples of the base salary.
Deloitte’s annual benchmarking exercise of remuneration levels
in the FTSE 250 (Link) places Andy Hornby’s base salary - £658k in
2022 – as higher than the median level for companies with a market
capitalisation of between £1.9bn and £3.2bn (some 5-10x larger than
TRG). The Company’s current market capitalisation stands at just
£296m; at the time of the Deloitte publication, the Company’s
market capitalisation was just £225m.
A separate Deloitte study of FTSE SmallCap (Link) identifies
£428,900 as the average CEO salary for a company within the £201m
to £350m market capitalisation band.
Despite his salary already being very generous, the Board has
seen fit to increase Andy Hornby’s salary for 2023 to £674,450 (a
2.5% increase – Link); this comes despite the Company remaining
loss-making for the last four years (statutory losses before tax:
FY22= -£86.8m, FY21= -£35.2m, FY20= -£132.9m, FY19= -£37.3m).
Giving any CEO the comfort of a disproportionately high base
salary, as well as failing to include any performance criteria
within the pay element responsible for incentivising long-term
value creation, would be highly questionable at best. In the case
of TRG, it can only be considered tone deaf and wholly
inappropriate, serving only to further distance management from the
experience of long-suffering shareholders who have endured damaging
capital value destruction along with zero dividends or returns of
capital since the current CEO’s tenure began.
The Board is Responsible for Management
In March 2023, the Board communicated its medium-term strategy
after Oasis publicly called for clarity on strategic direction. To
describe the strategic plan as underwhelming and failing to restore
market confidence would be an understatement. This further
demonstration of the Board’s unwillingness to recognise the need
for more fundamental changes resulted in the share price falling by
c.15% in response.
This lost opportunity to turn the tide on market sentiment rubs
more salt in shareholder wounds sustained over the past five years,
exaggerated by the £547m of shareholder equity capital raised – an
amount far exceeding the Company’s current market capitalisation
and raised at prices much higher than the current share price.
Shareholders who participated in those equity raises have
seen the value of their investment collapse by c.70% since
2018. Longer-term shareholders have suffered even worse
performance, losing a staggering c.93% since the 2015 peak, whilst
currently receiving no dividends, buybacks or capital
Regrettably, management is simply not aligned with shareholders;
ownership of TRG shares by the CEO and CFO at the beginning of 2023
was 47% and 61% of base salary, respectively, despite a
Board-mandated expectation of executives holding shares equivalent
to 250% of salary (a threshold that increased from 200% on
introduction of the RSP). The Board needs to act rapidly to close
this widening gulf between management’s perspective and the ruinous
shareholder experience, especially when the new strategic plan has
received such a poor reception from the market.
TRG continues to be one of the worst-performing listed UK
leisure stocks and we believe it will remain so until executive
management is held to account and incentivized to perform.
Recurring failures in pay structures despite years of clear
shareholder feedback, should not be tolerated and indicate a
fundamental failure of the non-executive members of the Board (both
longstanding and newer members) – especially the Chair of the
Remuneration Committee – in heeding these concerns and performing
their duties.
Oasis therefore intends to vote against
the following resolutions at the Company’s upcoming
- AGAINST: Item 2 – Approval of the Remuneration Policy;
- AGAINST: Item 3 – Approval of the Remuneration Report;
- AGAINST: Item 10 – Re-Elect Zoe Morgan (Chair of the
Remuneration Committee).
We urge all shareholders to express their views directly and
exercise their votes at the upcoming AGM to deliver a clear message
that the Board’s existing approach to remuneration is failing to
deliver for shareholders and should not continue. Despite our
significant concerns, Oasis continues to believe in the underlying
potential of TRG’s business and has a strong desire to work with
the TRG Board to overcome the Company’s strategic and governance
challenges; we hope the Board will take bold steps in the near
future to address the concerns of its shareholders and begin a
virtuous cycle of value creation for all stakeholders.
Opposition to October 2020 EGM Proposal
to Introduce the RSP and Amend the Remuneration
BlackRock: “Remuneration arrangements are poorly
structured. Poor use of remuneration committee discretion regarding
the grant of a one-off award.”
BMO Global Asset Management: “Equity awards to executives
should be linked to stretching performance targets rather than
time-based vesting requirements”
Abrdn: “The proposed policy replaces a performance-based
long-term incentive structure with a non performance based one,
leading to higher certainty of reward outcomes. The change is not
considered to be accompanied with a sufficient reduction in quantum
opportunity. We were also aware that the remuneration policy was
not due for renewal until 2021 and were not convinced that
abandoning the remuneration policy one year early was the right
priority in response to the general uncertainty of COVID 19.”
Fidelity International: “1- Excessive quantum. 2- No
long-term incentive arrangement.”
Opposition to 2021 and 2022 AGM
Proposals to Approve the Remuneration Report:
Aviva: “Concerns over generosity of arrangements / Poor
performance linkage / Lack of retrospective disclosure on bonus
Legal & General Investment Management: “A vote
against is applied because the bonus was paid reflecting
performance during a year without taking into account the
experience of other stakeholders”.
Royal London Asset Management: “… we have some concerns
over the decision to grant shares at an enhanced level under the
restricted share plan, given the wider circumstances of the last 12
months …”
Oasis is publishing this release solely for informational
purposes in its capacity as manager of and/or investment advisor to
private funds managed and/or advised by it. The release and the
information, statements, opinions, interpretations and beliefs
contained in it are exclusively those of Oasis and are provided in
good faith, but no representation or warranty, either expressed or
implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or
reliability of the contents of the release, and no person shall be
entitled to place any reliance on the release or its contents. This
release is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as,
investment, financial, tax or legal advice, or a recommendation to
buy, sell or hold any security or other investment or pursue any
investment strategy. Neither the release nor any of its contents
constitutes an inducement or offer to purchase or sell or a
solicitation of an offer to purchase or sell any securities or
other investments in The Restaurant Group PLC or any other
About Oasis
Oasis Management Company Ltd. manages private investment funds
focused on opportunities in a wide array of asset classes across
countries and sectors. Oasis was founded in 2002 by Seth H.
Fischer, who leads the firm as its Chief Investment Officer. More
information about Oasis is available at https://oasiscm.com.
View source
version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230425005552/en/
UK Media Billy Clegg,
Camarco billy.clegg@camarco.co.uk
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