BOCA RATON, FL -- January 24, 2022 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire
-- via TransMedia
Group -- With no cameras, microphones, or bosses
around, professionals sometimes disclose startling truths, like the
other day up on my breezy oceanfront condo balcony undergoing yet
another restoration.
I had invited the well-respected construction engineer to
check out my balcony currently undergoing that periodic noisy,
messy process and asked if she knows a company called
Basanite Inc.
that makes a rust-proof rebar.
"Yes," she said, adding "they could put me out of business."
I wasn't sure if she was serious or kidding. She quickly added
their rebar made from basalt fiber would be more appropriate for
new construction, not condos like mine already interlaced with
steel rebar . . . the kind that continually
The company, Basanite, is the only company in America that
manufactures a product called BasaFlex
made from
volcanic rock engineered to last 100 years.
It never
rusts, nor requires costly, long-term maintenance like the steel
rebar in condos like mine under constant assault by salt air from
the ocean.
Unlike steel,
BasaFlex is impervious to attacks
from alkali, chemicals or saltwater, weighs much less than steel
and last many times longer. "Wow!" I thought. Could this be the
holy grail for construction by the sea?
This surprisingly frank engineer who works with a highly
respected Florida construction company told me Basanite's product
would seriously hurt her balcony restoration
Really? Maybe terrible for
her, but relief for me!
She alluded to many construction companies living high on the
hog of periodic oceanfront condo balcony restorations occurring
every few years in South Florida at great cost and inconvenience to
condo dwellers forever battling rust.
She said if
construction companies used Basanite's impervious, amazingly
durable, rust-proof rebar, she'd undoubtedly lose her job and her
employer might go out of business.
rusting steel rebar causing cement cracking around balconies,
condos would need them far less often. Wouldn't that be too
I couldn't
help thinking that If condo boards realized this, they would insist
on contractors using Basanite's rust-proof rebar.
Would it not drastically
reduce the number of restorations, thus saving residents in
oceanfront condos cost and inconvenience?
All those
interruptive restorations of balconies and other parts of condos
under constant attack from salt air blowing continuously off the
So, could
Basanite be a panacea for thousands of condo dwellers in oceanfront
towers from Jupiter to Miami?
Could they
avoid having their steel rebar endlessly rusting, requiring
periodic, expensive, and enormously inconvenient and noisy
applying, or better yet building from the start with, a rust-proof
rebar make infrastructure
Wouldn't it
help avert another disaster such as the condo collapse in Surfside
Florida that killed 98 people last June?
Following our
balcony chat I started doing some research on Basanite and
the environmentally friendly,
high-performance composite construction materials it manufactures
from basalt fiber and basalt fiber reinforced polymer.
Recently the company announced its
proprietary BasaFlex™ and BasaMesh™ reinforcement products have
been approved by the City of Pompano Beach for use in the city's
subterranean stormwater and wastewater projects.
Since the project in Pompano includes
buried structures exposed to saltwater intrusion, imagine how
resistant their product must be to rust and corrosion.
So why aren't more construction
companies using BasaFlex? Or is
there much more money in rust?
So, for some construction companies in
Florida, I guess rust is like gold!
Besides an imaginative, rust-proof writer, Tom Madden is a
former journalist and an author of countless published articles and
five books, including his latest, WORDSHINE MAN, available in March
on Amazon. He is the founder
and CEO of TransMedia
Group, an award-winning public relations firm serving
clients worldwide since 1981 and has conducted remarkably
successful media campaigns and crisis management for America's
largest companies and organizations.
SOURCE: TransMedia