International lenders have softened the terms of Cyprus's bailout package by giving the island an extra year to meet budget targets, according to a draft copy of its loan agreement, as the country struggles with the fallout out of its worst financial crisis in decades.

Euro-zone countries and the International Monetary Fund say Cyprus will have to meet a 4% primary budget surplus by 2017--versus a previously negotiated target by 2016--as the shock of the country's two-week-long banking crisis promises to send the island's economy into a recessionary tailspin. For this year, Cyprus is forecast to post a primary budget deficit--which represents the hole in the central government's finances before taking into account debt payments--equal to 2.4% of gross domestic product.

"Putting public finances on a sustainable path is of overriding importance in order to stabilize the economy and to restore the confidence of companies, citizens and foreign investors in the longer-term economic prospects of Cyprus," according to a draft agreement seen by The Wall Street Journal.

Cyprus has promised to deliver on a long list of overhauls, spending cuts and tax increases in exchange for a 10 billion euro ($12.8 billion) rescue package needed to prevent default, including a drastic overhaul of its oversized banking sector. Under the deal, Cyprus has closed its second-biggest lender, Cyprus Popular Bank PCL (CPB.CP), also known as Laiki Bank, and is moving its healthy assets to Bank of Cyprus PCL (BOCY.CP), the island's biggest bank.

Cyprus's central bank says depositors with more than 100,000 euros in Bank of Cyprus could lose between 40% and 60% of their money, while uninsured depositors at Laiki may only see one-fifth of their money returned.

The government estimates 19,000 depositors at Bank of Cyprus will be affected, many of whom analysts believe are Russian individuals and small- and medium-sized businesses. Most major Russian companies have said they had limited exposure to the situation in Cyprus.

Russia's first deputy prime minister said his government won't help Russians who stand to lose a substantial part of their deposits in Cypriot banks, but might consider bailing out state-owned companies if any are seriously affected by the banking crisis on the island.

"If someone loses money, sorry, but the Russian government will take no action in this situation," Igor Shuvalov told Rossiya 1 television late Sunday. "If there is a serious loss from a company with state participation, we would be ready to consider it publicly and transparently here in Russia, but this would not necessarily help Cyprus."

Cyprus's race to avert a financial collapse resulted in the temporary shutdown of its banking sector and the imposition of capital controls last week. The moves have shattered confidence in the island's all-important off-shore banking industry and raised questions about its future inside the euro.

Economists are now slashing their forecasts for the country's tiny EUR17.5 billion economy, which until last week was officially forecast to shrink 3.5% this year. Some now predict the blow to Cyprus's financial sector, which accounts for about half of the nation's economic activity, will push the economy deep into recession this year, imperilling the government's ability to meet its budget targets. Several private-sector economists say Cyprus's economy, a year in recession, could contract by a double-digit rate this year.

With Cypriot officials expecting to seal its bailout with international creditors in coming days, government spokesman Christos Stylianides said Monday Cyprus wants to negotiate still easier terms and is aiming to push its primary budget target out even further, to 2018.

The lending agreement foresees Cyprus introducing austerity measures valued at EUR351 million this year, amounting to 2.1% of GDP, which include raising the corporate tax rate to 12.5% from 10%, increasing taxes on alcohol and tobacco products, and raising the island's value-added tax rate to 18% from 17%.

Write to Stelios Bouras at

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