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Montanaro European Small... (MTE)

Montanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
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26/11/202413h59RNS Regulatory NewsMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Net Asset Value(s)LSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
01/11/202410h16RNS Regulatory NewsMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Total Voting RightsLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
23/10/202410h41RNS Regulatory NewsMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
22/10/202417h54RNS Regulatory NewsMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
09/09/202413h24RNS Regulatory NewsMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Directorate ChangeLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
05/09/202416h39RNS Regulatory NewsMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Result of AGMLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
27/08/202410h28RNS Non-RegulatoryMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Annual Overview from QuotedDataLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
21/06/202411h58Alliance NewsAlliance NewsMontanaro ESCT raises dividend despite underperforming benchmark indexLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
21/06/202408h17RNS Regulatory NewsMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Annual Financial ReportLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
12/12/202319h03Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Montanaro European NAV falls 13% in six months to SeptemberLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
12/12/202308h00UK RegulatoryMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Half-year ReportLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
23/06/202311h59Alliance NewsAlliance NewsMontanaro European underperforms benchmark and net assets fallLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
22/05/202308h00UK RegulatoryMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Compliance with Market Abuse RegulationsLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
20/12/202216h51RNS Non-RegulatoryMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Fund Brief from QuotedDataLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
07/12/202211h35UK RegulatoryMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Block listing Interim ReviewLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
18/11/202215h12UK RegulatoryMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Edgar Batch AnnouncementLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
17/11/202216h27Alliance NewsAlliance NewsMontanaro European underperforms in "disappointing" half-yearLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
14/10/202208h00UK RegulatoryMontanaro European Smaller C.TstPLC Closed Period - Compliance with MARLSE:MTEMontanaro European Smaller C. Tst Plc
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