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Amundi US Inverse Inflat... (UINE)

Amundi US Inverse Inflation Expectations 10 Y UCITS ETF
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05/05/202309h29UK RegulatoryLyxor Inverse USUSD 10Y Inflation Expectations UCITS ETF - Acc: Net Asset Value(s)LSE:UINEAmundi US Inverse Inflation Expectations 10 Y UCITS ETF
28/08/202009h39UK RegulatoryLyxor International Asset Management: DelistingsLSE:UINEAmundi US Inverse Inflation Expectations 10 Y UCITS ETF
14/08/202012h21UK RegulatoryLyxor Inverse US$ 10Y Inflation Expectations UCITS ETF - Acc: Net Asset Value(s)LSE:UINEAmundi US Inverse Inflation Expectations 10 Y UCITS ETF
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