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Ecoark (ZEST)

Ecoark Holdings Inc
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03/07/202422h30Edgar (US Regulatory)Form RW - Registration Withdrawal RequestNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
01/07/202422h30Edgar (US Regulatory)Form NT 10-K - Notification of inability to timely file Form 10-K 405, 10-K, 10-KSB 405, 10-KSB, 10-KT, or 10-KT405NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
13/06/202422h30Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 8-K - Current reportNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
04/03/202423h19Edgar (US Regulatory)Form DEF 14A - Other definitive proxy statementsNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
20/02/202422h28Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 10-Q - Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
14/02/202422h30Edgar (US Regulatory)Form NT 10-Q - Notification of inability to timely file Form 10-Q or 10-QSBNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
12/02/202423h25Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 424B3 - Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)]NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
09/02/202401h50Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 3 - Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securitiesNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
08/02/202422h33Edgar (US Regulatory)Form S-3/A - Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933: [Amend]NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
07/02/202422h43Edgar (US Regulatory)Form S-1/A - General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933: [Amend]NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
25/01/202422h21Edgar (US Regulatory)Form SC 13G - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individualsNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
23/01/202423h19Edgar (US Regulatory)Form S-1 - General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
17/01/202422h31Edgar (US Regulatory)Form S-3 - Registration statement under Securities Act of 1933NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
31/10/202305h15Edgar (US Regulatory)Form EFFECT - Notice of EffectivenessNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
28/09/202322h30Edgar (US Regulatory)Form DEFA14A - Additional definitive proxy soliciting materials and Rule 14(a)(12) materialNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
01/09/202323h25Edgar (US Regulatory)Form PRER14A - Preliminary Proxy Soliciting materialsNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
14/07/202319h00Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405]NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
27/06/202322h31Edgar (US Regulatory)Current Report Filing (8-k)NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
17/04/202322h02Edgar (US Regulatory)Proxy Statement - Notice of Shareholders Meeting (preliminary) (pre 14a)NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
07/04/202318h22Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Current Report Filing (8-k/a)NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
16/03/202321h13Edgar (US Regulatory)Small Company Offering and Sale of Securities Without Registration (d)NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
14/03/202313h30GlobeNewswire Inc.Ault Alliance and Ecoark Holdings Announce BITNILE.COM Has Surpassed 225,000 Active Users in Under Two Weeks From LaunchNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
10/03/202322h51Edgar (US Regulatory)Statement of Beneficial Ownership (sc 13d)NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
10/03/202322h32Edgar (US Regulatory)Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership (4)NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
10/03/202322h31Edgar (US Regulatory)Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership (3)NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
10/03/202314h30GlobeNewswire Inc.Ecoark Holdings Plans to Change Its Name to BitNile MetaverseNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
07/03/202314h30GlobeNewswire Inc.Ault Alliance and Ecoark Holdings Complete $100 Million Share Exchange Agreement for BITNILE.COM Metaverse PlatformNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
28/02/202314h30GlobeNewswire Inc.Ault Alliance and Ecoark Holdings Remind Stockholders to Participate in Online Tour of BitNile.comNASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
21/02/202312h08Edgar (US Regulatory)Quarterly Report (10-q)NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
15/02/202314h30GlobeNewswire Inc.Ault Alliance and Ecoark Holdings Invite Stockholders to Participate in the Online Tour of BITNILE.COM on February 28, 2023NASDAQ:ZESTEcoark Holdings Inc
 Showing the most relevant articles for your search:NASDAQ:ZEST

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