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Shine Minerals (CE) (PAUFF)

Shine Minerals Corporation (CE)
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28/04/201417h23MarketwiredPAU Signs LOI on Colorado DispensaryUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
22/04/201406h55MarketwiredPAU Retains MMJ ConsultantUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
14/04/201421h39MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corp. Announces Stock OptionsUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
30/05/201319h56OTC MarketsManagement Discussion and AnalysisUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
30/05/201319h48OTC MarketsQuarterly ReportUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
07/03/201320h26OTC MarketsInterim Financial ReportUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
01/02/201319h45OTC MarketsAnnual ReportUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
01/02/201319h38OTC MarketsProxy MaterialsUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
06/12/201221h42OTC MarketsPPM Sells interest in Mount Suckling ProjectUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
06/12/201221h40OTC MarketsPPM Annual General Meeting HighlightsUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
27/02/201214h05MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals: Discovery Hole Intersects 70.00m Grading 0.10 % Cu and 6.65m of 0.77% Cu, 1.84 g/t Au at Urua Creek P...USOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
24/02/201214h00MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corp.: Outcrop Gold-Copper Results Define New Porphyry Copper Play at MetewoiUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
23/02/201223h02MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corp.: Final Copper-Gold Results Received from Kuliuta ProspectUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
29/11/201114h30MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corporation Waria River Sampling Returns 10.49% CopperUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
25/11/201117h00MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corp.: Anomalous Gold Values in Breccias Bolster Copper Porphyry Potential at KuliutaUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
21/11/201114h40MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corp.: CSIRO Study Confirms Doriri Creek is Hydrothermal Ni-Pd-Pt MineralizationUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
10/11/201115h26MarketwiredDrilling Commences at Urua Creek Copper-Gold ProspectUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
10/11/201115h24MarketwiredPPM Resamples Drill Hole KUD007 for Native Copper Analysis at Kuliuta Copper-Gold ProspectUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
08/11/201114h56MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Cease Trade LiftedUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
28/09/201114h30MarketwiredDrilling to Commence at Urua Creek Gold-Copper Porphyry ProspectUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
23/09/201118h13MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corp.: Further Analysis of Hole KUD007 Required at KuliutaUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
17/08/201114h30MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals: 100 Meter Stepout at Kuliuta Intersects 256m of Visible Copper MineralizationUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
02/08/201114h30MarketwiredPPM Makes Significant New Discovery: KUD007 Intersects 189m with Visible Copper at Kuliuta Gold-Copper ProspectUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
13/07/201101h38MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Grants Stock OptionsUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
04/07/201114h30MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Appoints Bernard Kavanamur VP ExplorationUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
30/06/201114h30MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corp.: Platinum, Gold and Potassium Anomaly at Dimidi Prospect, Mt. SucklingUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
28/06/201114h45MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corporation: Exploration of Au/Cu Porphyry Potential Commences at Elang Area, New HanoverUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
21/06/201114h45MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals KUD001 Intersects Targeted Hydrothermal BrecciaUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
25/05/201114h45MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corporation: Sampling Returns Values as High as 69.9 g/t Au, 84.6 g/t Ag and 14.5% Cu in Outcrop from WarUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
02/05/201114h45MarketwiredPapuan Precious Metals Corporation: Kuliuta Gold Prospect Grab Sampling Yields 128 g/t Au, 188 g/t Ag, 1.78 % Cu from Outcrop-DrUSOTC:PAUFFShine Minerals Corporation (CE)
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