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ProTek Capital (CE) (PRPM)

ProTek Capital Inc (CE)
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23/08/201718h50InvestorsHub NewsWireBook your ticket now for InvestorsHubs International Cannabis ConferenceUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
22/08/201707h27InvestorsHub NewsWireMJAC 2017 - Speaker Update - Investing In The U.S. Cannabis MarketUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
16/06/201515h15InvestorsHub NewsWireProtek Capital New Business Development and Market Expansion.USOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
10/06/201515h00InvestorsHub NewsWireProtek Capital Shareholders Update from a new CEO!USOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
04/06/201515h10InvestorsHub NewsWireProtek Capital Announces and welcomes a new CEO!USOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
02/06/201515h15InvestorsHub NewsWireProtek Capital and IncStocks Unveil a New PRPM WebsiteUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
13/05/201515h20InvestorsHub NewsWireProtek Capital Engages IncStocks to develop Corporate WebsiteUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
06/05/201515h20InvestorsHub NewsWireProtek Capital announces MOU with IncBuzz to Acquire It's Financial Network PlatformUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
16/04/201515h00InvestorsHub NewsWireProtek Capital Inc., Global Lock LiftedUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
06/10/201414h55InvestorsHub announces one of their biggest stock alerts of the fall coming Tuesday October 7th, 2014 at market open.USOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
14/08/201418h13eTeligisLuxuriant Holdings / Protek Capital Announces the Appointment of Jorge Luis Saenz to the Board of Directors and Subsequent Ev...USOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
11/04/201417h40MarketwiredProtek/Luxuriant Holdings, Inc. Announces the Shareholders Updates Concerning Recent DTCC Global LockUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
02/04/201420h30MarketwiredProTek/Luxuriant Holdings, Inc. Announces the Establishment of the Luxuriant MMJ FundUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
26/03/201414h40MarketwiredProtek / Luxuriant Holdings Announces the Sale of Our Proprietary ERP Software MaryGenUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
25/03/201413h00InvestorsHub NewsWireAnalyst Update on MMJ Stocks and Promising MergerUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
21/03/201413h55MarketwiredProTek / Luxuriant Holdings Announces the Launch of Our Stock Repurchase and Retirement ProgramUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
17/03/201419h40MarketwiredProTek / Luxuriant Holdings Announces One Stop Solution for Marijuana Growers ConceptUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
14/03/201415h15MarketwiredProtek / Luxuriant Holdings Announces an Open Letter to ShareholdersUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
11/03/201418h40MarketwiredProTek Capital / Luxuriant Holdings, Shareholders UpdateUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
07/03/201414h54MarketwiredProTek Capital / Luxuriant Holdings Inc. Signs Funding AgreementUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
06/03/201422h15MarketwiredProTek Capital / Luxuriant Holdings Inc., Shareholders UpdateUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
06/03/201421h12OTC MarketsNew Strategic Partners / Shareholders UpdatesUSOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
04/03/201414h55MarketwiredProTek Capital / Luxuriant Holdings, Shareholders Update: Luxuriant Holdings to Acquire Vortex Waterpipes & Announce Exhibit ...USOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
03/03/201415h03MarketwiredProTek Capital / Luxuriant Holdings, Shareholders Update: Luxuriant Holdings to Announce the Development of Proprietary ERP S...USOTC:PRPMProTek Capital Inc (CE)
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