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VanEck Rare Earth and Strategic Metals ETF

VanEck Rare Earth and Strategic Metals ETF (REMX)

Fermé 05 Novembre 10:00PM
Après les heures de négociation: -

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Statistiques et détails clés

Prix Achat
Prix Vente
Volume échangé
0,00 Fourchette du Jour 0,00
36,0101 Plage de 52 semaines 62,97
Cap du marché
Clôture Veille
Dernière Transaction
Dernière heure de transaction
Volume financier
Volume moyen (3 m)
130 847
Actions en circulation
6 625 000
Rendement du Dividende
Ratio Cours sur Bénéfices
Bénéfice par action (BPA)
Chiffre d'affairess
Bénéfice net

À propos de VanEck Rare Earth and Strategic Metals ETF

The investment seeks to replicate as closely as possible, before fees and expenses, the price and yield performance of the MVIS Global Rare Earth/Strategic Metals Index. companies and foreign and emerging market issuers. To be initially eligible for the Rare Earth/Strategic Metals Index, companies m... The investment seeks to replicate as closely as possible, before fees and expenses, the price and yield performance of the MVIS Global Rare Earth/Strategic Metals Index. companies and foreign and emerging market issuers. To be initially eligible for the Rare Earth/Strategic Metals Index, companies must generate at least 50% of their revenues from rare earth/strategic metals or have mining projects with the potential to generate at least 50% of their revenues from rare earth/strategic metals when developed. Rare earth/strategic metals are industrial metals that are typically mined as by-products or secondary metals in operations focused on precious metals and base metals. Compared to base metals, they have more specialized uses and are often more difficult to extract. Currently, approximately 44 elements in the periodic table are considered rare earth/strategic metals. Show more

Mgmt Invt Offices, Open-end
Mgmt Invt Offices, Open-end
Site Web
Siège social
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
VanEck Rare Earth and Strategic Metals ETF est coté dans le secteur Mgmt Invt Offices, Open-end de la American Stock Exchange avec le ticker REMX. Le dernier cours de clôture d'VanEck Rare Earth and St... était de US$48,51. Au cours de la dernière année, les actions de VanEck Rare Earth and St... ont été négociées dans une fourchette de prix de US$ 36,0101 à US$ 62,97.

VanEck Rare Earth and St... compte actuellement 6 625 000 actions en circulation. La capitalisation boursière d'VanEck Rare Earth and St... est de US$321,38 million. VanEck Rare Earth and St... a un ratio cours/bénéfice (ratio PE) de -3.36.

REMX Dernières nouvelles

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