In a difficult retail environment, the company has benefited from the 
investments made last year, a stronger UK leisure market and some improvement 
in corporate hotel demand. 
Turnover for the half year of GBP53.4m (2018: GBP49.9m) represents a 7% 
increase, operating profit has increased by 9% to GBP8.7m (2018: GBP8.0m). 
The current political and economic uncertainty has resulted in a current 
expectation that interest rates will fall in the short to medium term and this 
has had a negative impact on the fair value of our interest rate swaps. This 
has required an increase in the provision of GBP4.0m at the half year (2018: 
GBP0.6m reduction in the provision), and this negative movement is shown in our 
profit and loss account. 
Net debt at 30 September 2019 was GBP61.6m (2018: GBP70.2m); reduced by GBP8.6m 
due to a reduced capital investment programme and the disposals of some 
non-core properties. 
Our tenanted pubs have had a good first half to the year despite mixed weather 
compared to last year's summer heatwave. The investments we have made over 
recent years mean that our pubs' balanced income streams provide resilience in 
the face of the ups and downs of the British climate. 
Turnover has risen by 2% on a like for like basis and operating profit is level 
with last year. We have completed 12 investment schemes in the first half of 
the year, investing GBP1.3m and continue to make good returns on our 
Major refurbishments schemes have been carried out at Blue Bell, Carlton in 
Lindrick; Boot & Shoe, Elswick and Malt Shovel, Barkby. 
Our Inns have had an excellent summer, with turnover up by 19% and operating 
profit up by 45%. They too are benefiting from investment and their premium 
positioning puts them in an area of growth. The major investment made last year 
at the Beverley Arms, and the year before at The Crown in Pooley Bridge have 
contributed to this strong performance. 
In the hotels & spas sales for the first half of the year have grown by 5%, 
with operating profits growing by 3%. The hotels have experienced a strong 
leisure market from UK tourism over the summer as well as improvements in 
corporate bedroom and meeting room demand. 
The reorganisation of our hotel management structure that was completed in the 
first half of last year is delivering the intended efficiency gains and renewed 
focus of our operations teams. This has helped to drive the increase in sales 
and improve operating margins which has helped to absorb previously highlighted 
cost increases, in particular from wage costs associated with the national 
living wage, auto-enrolment and natural market inflation from candidate 
shortages in key positions. 
The performance has also benefited from a reduced level of disruption from 
lower levels of capital expenditure following the significant refurbishment 
programme we completed last year, although we have spent GBP1.6m in the period. 
During the period we launched our new core beer range which is only available 
in our own properties. The range consists of five cask beers, Original, Gold, 
Amber, IPA and Mild, which have been very well received by our customers such 
an extent that our new brewery at Mellor Brook is operating at full capacity. 
When we sold our Free Trade business to Marston's in 2015 we retained our 
investment in one large free trade account in Blackpool. Over a number of 
years, we had advanced loans to the business, secured over its freehold assets. 
Funny Girls comprised a popular cabaret venue and a nightclub based in the 
historic art deco Odeon cinema in the heart of the town, together with two 
In September 2018 administrators were appointed to the business, which was 
marketed for sale, but as no buyer was found we assumed ownership of it in 
January 2019 in settlement of our outstanding debt. The former owner of the 
business approached us to buy part of the business back, and we sold the Odeon 
cinema to him in August 2019. This alleviated significant distraction, whilst 
retaining ownership of the pubs. 
In addition to selling Funny Girls, we sold three pubs and a parcel of land 
adjacent to one of our pubs for a total of GBP5.1m generating a profit of 
The basic earnings per share for the period was 2.7p per share (2018: 8.5p). 
This movement is largely due to the year on year non-cash movement in the fair 
value of our interest rate swaps, which was negative this year against a 
positive last year. The underlying earnings per share, excluding the impact of 
the interest rate swap movement is 9.5p (2018: 7.5p). 
The Board recommends an interim dividend of 1.10p (2018: 1.10p) to be paid on 2 
January 2020 to shareholders on the register on 6 December 2019. 
As previously announced, Mark Fisher was appointed as an independent 
non-executive director on 1 June 2019. Mark is currently Chief Development 
Officer of Merlin Entertainments plc, where he has been a member of the senior 
management team for over 18 years. We were delighted that he agreed to join us 
and are excited by the new perspective that he brings. 
For the past few years our priority has been a large capital investment 
programme to reposition our properties and improve the quality of our assets. 
Our plan this year has been to drive sales, control costs and invest carefully 
in order to fully understand how the business trades without the disruption it 
absorbed during the recent investment programme. 
The Company has posted a strong performance for the first half and the focus on 
our core businesses, whilst disposing of those that were non-core has 
strengthened its financial position. 
We will continue to adopt the same approach for the rest of the year, being 
ready to move forward once clarity on a new government and Brexit comes, and in 
a strong position to be agile should opportunities to acquire new assets arise. 
Richard Bailey 
12 November 2019 
Profit and Loss Account for the six months ended 30 September 2019 
                                                                                     Unaudited        Unaudited                                                                          Audited 
                                                                                       6 months        6 months                                                                  12 months ended 
                                                                                          ended           ended                                                                         31 March 
                                                                              30 September 2019    30 September                                                                             2019 
                                                                                        GBP'm              2018                                                                            GBP'm 
Turnover                                                                                   53.4            49.9                                                                             96.9 
Operating profit                                                                            8.7             8.0                                                                            11.7 
Property disposals                                                                          0.8             0.2                                                                              0.1 
                                                                                         ______          ______                                                                           ______ 
Profit before interest                                                                      9.5             8.2                                                                             11.8 
Net interest payable                                                                      (2.0)           (1.9)                                                                            (3.9) 
(Loss) profit on interest rate swaps measured at fair 
value                                                                                     (4.0)             0.6                                                                            (2.5) 
Finance charge on pension liability                                                       (0.5)           (0.5)                                                                            (0.9) 
                                                                                         ______          ______                                                                           ______ 
Profit on ordinary activities                                                               3.0             6.4                                                                              4.5 
before taxation 
Taxation                                                                                  (1.4)           (1.4)                                                                            (1.0) 
                                                                                         ______          ______                                                                           ______ 
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                                1.6             5.0                                                                              3.5 
                                                                                         ______          ______                                                                           ______ 
Earnings per share                                                                         2.7p     8.5p                                                                                    5.9p 
Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2019 
                                                                   Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited 
                                                                30 September  30 September     31 March 
                                                                        2019          2018         2019 
                                                                       GBP'm         GBP'm        GBP'm 
Fixed assets 
Tangible assets                                                        293.3         297.2        298.0 
Investments                                                              1.0           3.2          0.8 
                                                                      ______        ______       ______ 
                                                                       294.3         300.4        298.8 
Current assets 
Stocks                                                                   0.7           0.6          0.7 
Trade and other debtors                                                 10.8          12.8          9.8 
Cash at bank and in hand                                                 5.9           2.3          3.8 
                                                                      ______        ______       ______ 
                                                                        17.4          15.7         14.3 
Creditors due within one year 
Trade and other creditors                                             (17.0)        (15.5)       (15.2) 
Loan capital                                                          (22.5)             -       (28.5) 
                                                                      ______        ______        _____ 
                                                                      (39.5)        (15.5)       (43.7) 
Net current (liabilities) assets                                      (22.1)           0.2       (29.4) 
                                                                      ______        ______       ______ 
Total assets less current liabilities                                  272.2         300.6        269.4 
Creditors due after one year                                          (67.0)        (89.2)       (63.9) 
                                                                      ______        ______       ______ 
Net assets excluding pension liability                                 205.2         211.4        205.5 
Pension liability                                                     (24.9)        (34.2)       (24.8) 
                                                                      ______        ______       ______ 
Net assets including pension liability                                 180.3         177.2        180.7 
                                                                      ______        ______       ______ 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                                 14.7          14.7         14.7 
Capital redemption reserve                                               1.1           1.1          1.1 
Revaluation reserve                                                     73.8          77.3         74.1 
Profit and loss account                                                 90.7          84.1         90.8 
                                                                      ______        ______       ______ 
Equity shareholders' funds                                             180.3         177.2        180.7 
                                                                      ______        ______       ______ 
1. Basis of preparation 
The interim accounts, which have not been audited, have been prepared on the 
basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Accounts for 
the year ended 31 March 2019. 
2. Taxation 
The taxation charge is based on the estimated tax rate for the year. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 12, 2019 04:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

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