RNS Number:6359P
CLS Holdings PLC
11 September 2003

Embargoed 0700hrs 11 September 2003

                           CLS Holdings plc

                  ("CLS", the "Company", or the "Group")

                          Interim Report 2003
                  For the six month period ended 30 June 2003

Financial Highlights

* Adjusted NAV per share* of 435.1 pence, up 6.5 per cent since 31
  December 2002 (Statutory NAV per share of 422.5 pence, up 7.0 per cent since 
  31 December 2002).

* Profit before tax #7.7 million (#8.2 million for the period to 30 June

* Intended distribution at 30 June 2003 of #5.8 million by way of tender
  offer buy-back on the basis of 1 for 46 at 300 pence per share.

* Portfolio valued at #884.0 million up 4.1 per cent since 31 December

* Net rental income (including associate and JV) #31.6 million (#30.4
  million for the period to 30 June 2002).

* Cash at 30 June 2003 of #62.1 million (31 December 2002: #65.7

For further information please contact:

Sten Mortstedt, Executive Chairman

Tom Thomson, Vice chairman and Acting Chief Executive

CLS Holdings plc

020 7582 7766

Adam Reynolds / Ben Simons

Hansard Communications

020 7245 1100 / 0771 309 0135

Key Statistics
                          30 June 2003   30 June 2002
       ------------------  -------------  -------------  --------  ------  -----
Adjusted NAV per share*        435.1 p        394.7 p        Up    10.2      %
Statutory NAV per share        422.5 p        381.7 p        Up    10.7      %

Adjusted earnings per            8.7 p          7.2 p        Up    20.8      %
Earnings per share               7.4 p          6.1 p        Up    21.3      %
Shares in issue (000's)         89,592         96,808      Down     7.5      %
Proposed distribution per        6.5 p          5.6 p        Up    16.1      %
(from tender offer

Other Financial Information                                                                              31 December
-----------------------------   30 June 2003            30 June 2002                                        2002
                                 ----------             ------------             ---------  ------      -------------

Property portfolio             #    884.0   m          #    830.6   m            up     6.4    %       #    848.9    m
Net asset value                #    378.5   m          #    369.6   m            up     2.4    %       #    371.7    m
Cash                           #     62.1   m          #     39.7   m            up    56.4    %       #     65.7    m
Net rental income (including   #     31.6   m          #     30.4   m            up     3.9    %       #     60.3    m
associate and JV)
Operating profit (including    #     21.8   m          #     22.1   m          down     1.4    %       #     46.1    m
associate and JV)
Net interest payable           #     14.8   m          #     13.9   m            up     6.5    %       #     28.9    m
Core profit before tax (see    #     10.5   m          #      9.5   m            up    10.5    %       #     20.9    m
page 2)
Profit before taxation         #      7.7   m          #      8.2   m          down     6.1    %       #     17.1    m
Retained profit                #      6.8   m          #      6.0   m            up    13.3    %       #     15.3    m
Adjusted gearing*                   125.4    %              117.5    %           up     7.9    %            119.6    %
Gearing                             129.1    %              121.5    %           up     7.6    %            123.8    %
Solidity (net assets as a            38.8    %               41.1    %         down     2.3    %             39.6    %
ratio of gross assets)
FRS13 fair value adjustment         (27.3)  p               (15.5)   p           up    76.1    %            (23.6)   p
after tax

* The Group has adopted the requirements of FRS19, that requires a tax provision
to be made in respect of capital allowances to the extent that they are not
covered by available tax losses brought forward. In practice we consider it
unlikely that the benefit of these capital allowances will not continue to be
available whether or not the properties are sold in the future. The Board has
complied with recent pronouncements from the APB, ASB and Listing Authority in
showing NAV and Earnings per share including the FRS19 provision with equal
prominence as adjusted figures. The effect of FRS 19 has been excluded from
those statistics that are indicated by an asterisk , a reconciliation of which
is on page 14. At 30 June 2003 the FRS 19 deferred tax charge included in the
profit and loss account was #1.3 million and the cumulative reduction to net
assets was #11.2 million (31 December 2002 : #1.5 million and #13.0 million
respectively). The remaining accounting policies are as set out in the Group's
Annual Report and Accounts 31 December 2002.

Chairman's Statement

I am delighted to report once again record adjusted NAV per share of 435.1
pence, up 6.5 per cent since 31 December 2002 (Statutory NAV per share 422.5
pence, up 7.0 per cent).

The underlying business has continued its robust performance, with core property
profit before taxation of #10.5 million, showing strong growth despite trading
in a current environment of slow economic activity.

The Group has acquired two new properties in Vauxhall Cross, London at a total
cost of #4.1 million, and sold its freehold building at 142-170 Vauxhall Street,
London for #2.3 million, producing a profit of #0.7 million over the year end

Other sales include six out of the eighteen newly refurbished apartments at
Coventry House, London for a total consideration of #1.8 million.

Since 30 June, we have fixed the interest on part of our variable rate loan
portfolio and prolonged other fixed interest loans about to mature. The amount
of the loans affected was #129.8 million with interest on them fixed at an
average rate of 3.87 per cent. This exercise was carried out just prior to the
rise in long term interest rates and as a result, approximately half of the
Group's net loans will pay interest at a fixed rate.


Core property profit of #10.5 million has increased by #1.0 million (10.5 per
cent) over the six months ended 30 June 2002 reflecting increased income streams
in the Swedish and French operations.

The calculation of core property profit is set out below:

                                                30 June 2003    30 June 2002
                                                          #m              #m
------------------------------------                  --------       ---------

Profit before taxation                                   7.7             8.2

Lease surrenders and variations                         (0.3)           (0.4)
Back-dated rent settlement at New                          -            (1.2)
Printing House Square
Sale of investment property                             (0.7)              -
Consolidated cable company losses                        2.4               -
Losses and write-downs on equity
                                                         1.4             2.9
------------------------------------                  --------       ---------

Core property profit                                    10.5             9.5
====================================                  ========       =========

The results of the Group analysed by location and main business activity are as
set out below:
                              June 2003    UK(*)    Sweden                                    June 2002
                                                                       Equity investments
                                     #m       #m        #m        #m                    #m           #m
 ---------------------------       ------  -------    ------   -------              --------      -------

Net rental income                  31.6     15.9       7.0       8.7                     -         30.4
Less JV income                     (0.5)    (0.5)        -         -                     -         (0.5)
Other income                        1.9      0.6       0.2         -                   1.1          0.5
---------------------------        ------  -------    ------   -------              --------      -------
Net rental and property
related income
(excluding JV)                     33.0     16.0       7.2       8.7                   1.1         30.4

Operating expenses                (10.3)    (3.9)     (1.7)     (0.9)                 (3.8)        (5.8)
Losses and write-downs on          (1.2)       -         -         -                  (1.2)        (2.9)
equity investments
JV & Associate operating            0.3      0.5         -         -                  (0.2)         0.4
---------------------------        ------  -------    ------   -------              --------      -------

Operating profit                   21.8     12.6       5.5       7.8                  (4.1)        22.1

Gains from sale of                  0.7      0.7         -         -                     -            -
investment properties

Net interest payable and          (14.8)    (7.6)     (4.8)+    (2.2)                 (0.2)       (13.9)
related charges                    ------  -------    ------   -------              --------      -------

Profit on ordinary                  7.7      5.7       0.7       5.6                  (4.3)         8.2
activities before tax              ======  =======    ======   =======              ========      =======

(*)Results relating to Germany were immaterial in the context of the overall
results of the Group and have therefore been included within the UK segment for
all analyses.

+ Of the net interest payable of #4.8 million, #0.5 million relates to space
undergoing refurbishment at Solna

Balance sheet
               Total Balance

                                     UK (**)                 Sweden           France
 -------------        ------  ------    ------  ---    -----   ------   -----  -------  ------
June 2003               #m       %        #m             %       #m       %       #m       %
 -------------        ------  ------    ------  ---    -----   ------   -----  -------  ------
Investment           884.0     100     427.5          48.4    230.3    26.0    226.2    25.6

Loans               (550.9)    100    (280.1)         50.8   (133.1)   24.2   (137.7)   25.0
-------------         ------  ------    ------  ---    -----   ------   -----  -------  ------

Equity in            333.1     100     147.4          44.2     97.2    29.2     88.5    26.6

Other                 45.4     100      22.5          49.5      8.2    18.1     14.7    32.4
-------------         ------  ------    ------  ---    -----   ------   -----  -------  ------

Net Equity           378.5     100     169.9          44.9    105.4    27.8    103.2    27.3
=============         ======  ======    ======  ===    =====   ======   =====  =======  ======

Equity in
Property as a
Percentage of
Investment            37.7%             34.5%                  42.2%            39.1%

(**) results relating to Germany were immaterial in the context of the overall
results of the Group and have therefore been included within the UK segment for
all analyses.

--------------------------                    ----------------     -------------
Share capital                                   No of shares      No of shares
                                                     Million           Million
                                                        2003              2002
                                                (six months)       (full year)
--------------------------                    ----------------     -------------

Opening shares                                          94.1              99.3
Tender offer buy back                                   (3.4)             (4.6)
Buybacks in the market for cancellation                 (1.5)             (0.6)
Share options exercised                                  0.4                 -
==========================                    ================     =============

Closing shares                                          89.6              94.1
==========================                    ================     =============

Options to purchase 849,000 shares were held by staff and management at 30 June

Net rental income

Net rental income of #31.6 million is inclusive of the Group's share of joint
venture turnover and has increased by #1.2 million over the six months ended 30
June 2002.

The results for the period to 30 June 2002 reflected the settlement of a rent
review at New Printing House Square of #1.2 million (including backdated rent to
1 July 2000). The like for like increase is #2.4 million higher (7.9 per cent)
and includes #1.1 million of rent from 10 properties in France acquired at the
end of June 2002, and organic growth in Sweden and France.

Net rental income is shown net of service charges of #3.4 million (30 June 2002:
#2.8 million).

Other income

Other income of #1.9 million (30 June 2002: #0.5 million) includes #0.3 million
profit on lease surrenders at Great West House and gross profit for WightCable
and OMNE Communications of #1.1 million derived from turnover of #1.9 million.
These companies were not subsidiaries at 30 June 2002.

Administrative expenditure

Administrative expenditure of #7.9 million (30 June 2002: #3.9 million) includes
overheads relating to OMNE Communications of #2.3 million, and WightCable
overheads of #1.2 million. Excluding the results of these two companies,
comparative expenditure to 2002 has increased by #0.5 million which is mainly
due to the timing of expenditure falling within the first half, particularly in
respect of professional fees.

Net property expenses

Net property expenses of #2.5 million (30 June 2002: #2.0 million) includes
amortisation costs of #0.4 million of the residue of the short lease to NIG at
Elan House (now fully written off) and marketing expenditure of #0.4 million.
Repair and maintenance costs of #0.5 million relate to refurbishment of
properties in Vanerparken and Paris.

Financial income and costs

Interest income at #1.5 million included favourable foreign exchange movements
of #0.5 million, mainly relating to foreign currency cash balances.

Interest payable of #16.2 million comprises bank interest of #15.2 million, net
interest rate cap depreciation of #0.5 million and depreciation of bank loan
issue costs of #0.5 million. The Group's policy is to expense all interest
payable and financial costs to the profit and loss account, including interest
incurred in the funding of refurbishment and development projects which amounted
to #0.5 million for the six months to 30 June 2003.

At the period end floating rate loans totalled #357.8 million. All floating rate
debt was hedged by interest rate caps at an average cap rate of 6.35 per cent
for Sterling, 6.07 per cent for Swedish Kronor and 6.09 per cent for Euro
(excluding bank margin). Three month LIBOR sterling rate fell from 4.1 per cent
at 30 June 2002 to 3.6 per cent at 30 June 2003. The average cost of borrowing
for the UK portion of our debt was 6.5 per cent, inclusive of the cost of fixed
rate borrowings, interest rate caps and amortisation of arrangement fees, and
4.8 per cent for the international portion. Gearing has increased to 129.1 per
cent reflecting the re-financing at Solna Business Park at the period end, and
interest cover has decreased to 1.52 times from 1.59 times at 30 June 2002.


Within the total charge of #1.6 million there is a provision under FRS 19, for
deferred taxation in respect of accelerated capital allowances, amounting to
#1.3 million.

Buy-backs and dividends

In lieu of a final dividend for 2002 there was a tender offer buy-back taken up
in full in April of this year. With the current share price remaining at a
considerable discount to net asset value, we are proposing an interim
distribution of #5.8 million by way of a further tender offer buy-back of shares
on the basis of 300 pence per share for 1 in 46 shares held. This will enhance
net asset value per share and is equivalent in cash terms to an interim net
dividend of 6.5 pence per share (30 June 2002: 5.6 pence per share), an increase
of 16.0 per cent.

At 31 December 2002 there were 94,129,431 ordinary shares in issue. Since that
date the Company has completed the 2002 year end tender offer buy back of
3,435,835 shares (#8.3 million) and bought back a further 1,487,884 shares in
the market (#3.0 million), involving a total cash expenditure of #11.3 million.
This left the number of shares in issue at 30 June 2003 at 89,591,712 after
taking into account the exercise of 386,000 management options during the

Tangible Assets

Tangible assets of #893.6 million have increased by #41.2 million (4.8 per cent)
since 31 December 2002. The increase included new building purchases amounting
to #4.1 million, refurbishment expenditure of #6.9 million, principally at
Solna, Stockholm and a revaluation surplus of #0.4 million arising at 30 June on
the existing portfolio. The revaluation surplus comprises :

UK revaluation increase                                                    1.4

Sweden revaluation decrease                                               (3.1)

France revaluation increase                                                2.1


In addition, foreign exchange gains on the translation of Swedish and French
assets has enhanced the value by #27.4 million.

We have also purchased a majority stake in a new telecommunications subsidiary
in the period, the fair value of whose network assets amounted to #4.5 million.


Cash at bank amounted to #62.1 million compared to #65.7 million at 31 December

Debt Structure

The net interest bearing debt of the Group at 30 June 2003 was #488.8 million
(31 December 2002: #460.5 million). The increase includes a further draw-down of
financing at Solna Business Park of SEK 232.0 million (#17.3 million),
reflecting the increase in value of the properties. The strengthening of the
Swedish Kronor and the Euro against Sterling increased the sterling equivalent
of foreign currency loans by #16.1 million. These loans finance properties in
Sweden and France.

The fair value of the Group's fixed rate debt was in excess of book value by an
amount of #35.0 million (31 December 2002: #31.7 million) reflecting lower
long-term interest rates at 30 June 2003. The notional after tax adjustment to
NAV, at a corporation tax rate of 30 per cent (31 December 2002: 30 per cent),
if we were to hold loans at fair value was #24.5 million or 27.3 pence per share
(31 December 2002: #22.2 million or 23.6 pence per share).

Gearing adjusted for FRS 19 deferred tax, at 30 June 2003 was 125.4 per cent (31
December 2002: 119.6 per cent), statutory gearing 129.1 per cent (31 December
2002 : 123.8 per cent).

Since 30 June, CLS has fixed the interest of part of its previously floating
loans and prolonged the interest rate fixing period for some of its fixed loans
with short fixed term remaining. The major changes in respect of the loan
portfolio are set out below:


Fixing of #45.0 million from 10 October 2003 until 10 January 2008 at an average
rate of 4.15% (excluding margin).


Prolonged fixing of SEK100.0 million from 20 July 2004 to 20 July 2008 at an
average rate of 4.71% (excluding margin).


Fixing of Euro91.8 million of loans at an average rate of 3.57% (excluding margin)
for five years.

Effect of foreign exchange translation on overseas net assets

An exchange gain on translation of net assets in Sweden and France of #10.7
million (12.2 pence per share) was included within the Group net assets at 30
June 2003. The gain on overseas fixed assets was #27.4 million, offset by an
exchange translation loss mainly on bank borrowings, of #16.5 million.


The valuation of the Group's portfolio at 30 June 2003, undertaken by Allsop &
Co. in respect of the UK and Swedish properties and by DTZ Debenham Tie Leung in
respect of the French properties, amounted to #884.0 million, an increase of
#35.1million (inclusive of foreign exchange gains of #27.4 million) since the
year end.

The portfolio comprises 111 properties of which 47 are located in the UK, 23 in
Sweden and 41 in France with a total lettable area of 571,558 sq.m (6,152,377
sq. ft.).


The UK property portfolio has seen values improving for the properties with long
leases let to strong covenants, principally Spring Gardens Business Park,
Vauxhall SE11 and New Printing House Square, Gray's Inn Road WC1; and in respect
of those properties such as Brent House and Drury Lane where we have achieved
significant new lettings during the period. These increases have more than
offset reductions elsewhere in the portfolio in particular where we have vacant
space and limited occupier demand.

We have agreed the rent review with Cap Gemini at Hoskyns House, 95-97
Wandsworth Road, SW8. The new rent is #1,736,000 per annum which will be payable
from March 2004 until their lease expiry in March 2009. This represents an
increase of #219,500 per annum.

We have acquired the freehold interests of three adjoining properties at 80-84
Bondway, 86 Bondway and 18-20 Miles Street, Vauxhall SW8 for #4.1 million. These
buildings complete a site assembly at Hoskyns House which we anticipate will
release additional development value when the leases expire in 2009. In the
meantime, these three additional buildings totalling 30,100 sq ft, currently
produce an income of #212,250 p.a, rising to around #365,000 p.a. upon the
letting of the vacant space.

At Great West House and Computer House on the Great West Road, Brentford we have
completed a series of lettings to Alliance Cornhill Insurance, Cara Information
Technology and Steria Ltd totalling just over 48,000 sq ft. The majority of the
leases expire in Sep 2013 and generate a total rent of approximately #687,000
per annum.

Brent House, High Road, Wembley is now fully let following the letting of the
remaining 18,650 sq ft to Capita Group who has taken a lease expiring in April
2011 at an annual rent of #212,119 per annum.

The vacancy rate in respect of the portfolio has increased from 7.3 per cent at
the year end to 8.6 per cent at 30 June 2003. Our principal vacancies are at 1
Leicester Square, WC1, Vista Office Centre, Salisbury Road, Hounslow and Great
West House, Great West Road, Brentford. We are encouraged by the level of
interest being shown by prospective tenants in 1 Leicester Square and have
active marketing initiatives in place for Great West House and Vista.


At Solna Business Park, completion of the fit-out for Coop (14,350 sq.m /
154,462 sq.ft) is on time for occupation of the premises in January 2004.
Various further lettings and prolongation of existing tenancies have been
completed during the period. An hotel and a conference centre will open in early
2004. In addition, a business centre using the same concept as we have
successfully developed in the UK will open in January 2004.


Despite a falling letting market we have been active and successful in letting
space in the period. New leases and prolongation of existing leases totalling
8,102 sq. m have produced a rental income of Euro1,626,992 (#1.1 million) with an
average 10 per cent rent increase.

Rent indexation has increased rents by Euro393,000 (#274,000) at the end of June
compared with 31 December 2002.

We have been actively pursuing various new investments, but are finding it
harder to source well-let office buildings generating a satisfactory return on

Rent, book value and yields are analysed by location as set out below:

                --------   ------        ------      ------       ------      ------       ------      ------
                 Total                    Net                      Book                     Yield      Yield
                 Rent                     rent                     Value                   on net       when
                                                                                            rent     fully let
               in '000 #      %         in '000 #      %         in '000 #        %           %           %
                --------   ------        ------      ------       ------      ------       ------      ------

London City        280      0.4%             280      0.4%           2,385      0.3%          11.7%
London Mid       6,640      9.2%           6,640     10.2%         100,700     11.4%           6.6%
London West      3,193      4.4%           3,173      4.9%          64,385      7.3%           4.9%
London           5,243      7.3%           4,835      7.5%          56,125      6.3%           8.6%
London South     8,966     12.5%           8,855     13.7%         127,264     14.4%           7.0%
London South     2,175      3.0%           1,792      2.8%          23,425      2.7%           7.7%
London North     5,547      7.7%           5,229      8.1%          48,475      5.5%          10.8%
Outside            350      0.5%             350      0.5%           2,590      0.3%          13.5%
London          --------   ------         ------    ------          ------    ------         ------     ------
Total           32,394     45.0%          31,154     48.1%         425,349     48.1%           7.3%    8.1%(***)

Germany            226      0.3%             204      0.3%           2,088      0.2%           9.8%
                --------   ------         ------    ------          ------    ------         ------     ------
Total              226      0.3%             204      0.3%           2,088      0.2%           9.8%       9.8%

Sweden           6,313      8.8%           3,241      5.0%          40,880      4.6%           7.9%
Sweden          11,152     15.5%           9,024     13.9%         140,960     15.9%           6.4%
Sweden           4,546      6.3%           3,799      5.9%          48,450      5.5%           7.8%
Vanersborg      --------   ------         ------    ------          ------    ------         ------    ------
Total           22,011     30.6%          16,064     24.8%         230,290     26.1%           7.0%    7.1%++

France          13,901     19.3%          13,901     21.5%         186,583     21.1%           7.5%
France           2,649      3.7%           2,649      4.1%          30,104      3.4%           8.8%
France             504      0.7%             504      0.8%           5,658      0.6%           8.9%
France             323      0.4%             323      0.5%           3,883      0.4%           8.3%
Antibes         --------   ------          ------   ------          ------   ------          ------       ------
Total           17,377     24.1%          17,377     26.8%         226,228     25.6%           7.7%         8.3%
                --------   ------          ------   ------          ------   ------          ------       ------
Group           72,008    100.0%          64,799    100.0%         883,955    100.0%           7.3%         7.8%
                ========   ======          ======   ======          ======   ======          ======       ======
                --------   ------          ------   ------          ------   ------          ------       ------

Conversion rates : SEK/GBP 13.2094                Euro/GBP 1.437

(***) Yields based on receivable rent and potential rents have been calculated
on the assumption that book values at 30 June 2003 will increase by anticipated
refurbishment expenditure of approximately #1.6 million in respect of projects
in the UK.

(++)Yields based on receivable rent and potential rents have been calculated on
the assumption that year-end book values will increase by anticipated
refurbishment expenditure of approximately #24.8 million in respect of projects
in Solna, Stockholm, Sweden.

Rent analysed by length of lease and location is set out below:

                  --------      -------     ---------      --------    ------        ---------   -------
                                                                              Space under         
Portfolio                               Contracted    Contracted     Unlet    Refurbishment      Total     
analysed                                 Aggregate      but not      Space       or with
by lease                                  Rental        income      at ERV       planning
term                                                   producing                 consent
                 Sq. m       Sq.ft             #000          #000      #000             #000      #000
                  --------      -------     ---------      --------    ------        ---------   -------

UK< 5 yrs         31,377      337,720         7,246                                              7,246
UK 5-10           45,510      489,898        10,700           204                               10,904
UK>10 yrs         67,401      725,526        14,150            94                               14,244
Vacant            13,558      145,928                                 3,095                      3,095
                  --------      -------     ---------      --------    ------        ---------   -------
Total            157,846    1,699,072        32,096           298     3,095                -    35,489

Germany < 5        3,095       33,315           226                                                226
yrs               --------      -------     ---------      --------    ------        ---------   -------
Total              3,095       33,315           226             -         -                -       226

Sweden< 5        180,561    1,943,606        12,925           148                               13,073
Sweden            28,517      306,965         2,598           191                                2,789
Sweden >          51,090      549,946         4,188         1,960                                6,148
Refurbished        4,296       46,243                                                  1,070*    1,070
Vacant            19,945      214,693                                 1,224                      1,224
                  --------      -------     ---------      --------    ------        ---------   -------
Total            284,409    3,061,453        19,711         2,299     1,224            1,070    24,304

France < 5        71,513      769,785        10,356                                             10,356
France 5-10       46,946      505,339         7,021                                              7,021
Vacant             7,749       83,412                                 1,333                      1,333
                  --------      -------     ---------      --------    ------        ---------   -------
Total            126,208    1,358,536        17,377             -     1,333                -    18,710

                  --------      -------     ---------      --------    ------        ---------   -------
Group            571,558    6,152,376        69,410         2,597     5,652            1,070    78,729
                  ========      =======     =========      ========    ======        =========   =======
                  --------      -------     ---------      --------    ------        ---------   -------

* Of the rental due on refurbished space in Sweden, #1.1 million relates to
FrTM?saren 11, Solna (4,296 sq m) requiring further capital expenditure of #10.8

Equity investments

Equity investments form just 0.5 per cent of the Group's gross assets. A number
of investments are now progressing toward successful maturity and it is our
intention to seek an exit from these in due course.

At the end of January we purchased 75.5 per cent of a Scottish telecoms
operator, OMNE Communications that had capital assets of #50 million and an
established customer base. The cash outlay amounted to #4.1 million of which
#3.1 million is represented by a secured loan. It is our intention to maximise
its potential in the short to medium term. The revenue projections on which we
based our purchase have not been achieved to date and therefore it is likely we
will need to inject limited further funds in order to secure the results we
require. We were however, conservative in assessing the potential ancillary
benefits attaching to the assets which may be of greater value to us than first


The strong growth in our balance sheet and core profits for the six months are
the continuing result of our strategy to actively manage the business in a risk
averse manner concentrating on our core markets of the UK, Sweden and France.

The aggregate annual contracted rent roll of the Group has grown from #70.8
million in December 2002 to #72.0 million with a further #6.7 million projected
to be received as vacant space is let and the refurbishment at Solna is

Although the letting market throughout Europe continues to be relatively weak we
are well placed for continued organic growth. With 36 per cent of our contracted
rent roll let to the UK, Swedish and French government, the majority on leases
in excess of ten years, and a further 32 per cent let to large companies and
major partnerships, our ongoing rental income is well secured

We believe that the overall business is in a strong position and able to
generate growth in profits while continuing to benefit from relatively low
charges to taxation.

S. A. Mortstedt

Executive Chairman

11 September 2003

CLS Holdings plc

Consolidated Profit and Loss

                                   6 months to     6 months to    12 months to
                                  30 June 2003    30 June 2002       31 December
                                         # 000           # 000           # 000
                                  (un-audited)    (un-audited)

Net rental income (continuing
operations, including joint
ventures)                               31,627          30,360          60,328
Less: Joint venture (continuing           (453)           (454)           (907)
operations)                           ----------      ----------     -----------
Group net rental income                 31,174          29,906          59,421
Other income                             1,935             546           1,289
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------

                                        33,109          30,452          60,710
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------
Administrative expenses                 (7,881)         (3,857)         (8,342)
Net property expenses                   (2,467)         (1,982)         (3,998)
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------
                                       (10,348)         (5,839)        (12,340)

Other operating losses                  (1,246)         (2,932)         (3,054)
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------

Group operating profit                  21,515          21,681          45,316
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------
Continuing                              23,242          21,681          45,316
Acquisitions                            (1,727)              -               -
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------
Share of joint venture's                   414             436             883
operating profit (continuing)
Share of associates'operating             (154)              -             (93)
losses (continuing operations)        ----------      ----------     -----------

Operating profit including joint        21,775          22,117          46,106
ventures and associates

Gains/(losses) from sale of                688               -            (153)
investment property                   ----------      ----------     -----------

Profit on ordinary activities           22,463          22,117          45,953
before interest

Interest receivable and similar          1,472           1,042           1,915
income: Group
Joint venture                                3               8               1

Interest payable and similar           (15,799)        (14,493)        (29,925)
charges: Group
Joint venture                             (432)           (432)           (860)
Associate                                    -               -             (17)
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------

Profit on ordinary activities            7,707           8,242          17,067
before taxation

Tax on profit on ordinary
Group - current                           (347)         (1,188)           (648)
- deferred                              (1,250)         (1,081)         (1,497)

Joint venture - current                    (10)              -               -
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------

Profit on ordinary activities            6,100           5,973          14,922
after taxation

Equity minority interests                  724               -             388
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------
Retained profit for the period           6,824           5,973          15,310
                                      ==========      ==========     ===========

Adjusted basic earnings per              8.7 p           7.2 p          17.2 p

FRS 19 adjustment per share               (1.3)p          (1.1)p          (1.5)p
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------
Basic earnings per share                   7.4p            6.1p           15.7p

Adjusted diluted earnings per              8.6p            7.2p         17.0 p
FRS 19 adjustment per share               (1.4)p          (1.1)p          (1.5)p
                                      ----------      ----------     -----------
Diluted earnings per share                 7.2p            6.1p           15.5p
                                      ==========      ==========     ===========

Ordinary shares in issue                  '000            '000            '000

Cumulative total                        89,592          96,808          94,129
Weighted average number during          92,461          98,710          97,428
the period                            ==========      ==========     ===========

CLS Holdings plc

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                    30 June 2003   30 June 2002 31 December 2002
                                           # 000          # 000            # 000
                                    (un-audited)   (un-audited)

Fixed assets

Tangible assets                          893,556         833,582       852,354
Interest in joint venture:
Share of gross assets                     17,306          15,701        17,024
Share of gross liabilities               (14,257)        (13,147)      (14,257)
                                        ----------       ---------   -----------
                                           3,049           2,554         2,767
Interest in associates                     3,355               -         1,730
Other investments                            730             809           301
                                         ---------       ---------   -----------
                                         900,690         836,945       857,152

Current assets
                                        ----------       ---------   -----------
Debtors - amounts falling due              4,032           5,694         4,354
after more than one year
Debtors - amounts falling due              5,490          11,398         9,156
within one year
Investments                                2,918           6,059         4,580
Cash at bank and in hand                  62,083          39,738        65,650
                                        ----------       ---------   -----------

                                          74,523          62,889        83,740
Creditors: amounts falling due           (70,029)        (59,996)      (48,182)
within one year                         ----------       ---------   -----------

Net current assets                         4,494           2,893        35,558
                                        ----------       ---------   -----------

Total assets less current                905,184         839,838       892,710

Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year                (515,407)       (457,699)     (507,735)

Provisions for liabilities and           (11,229)        (12,563)      (13,255)
charges                                 ----------       ---------   -----------

Net Assets                               378,548         369,576       371,720
                                        ==========       =========   ===========

Capital and Reserves

                                        ----------       ---------   -----------
Called up share capital                   22,398          24,202        23,532
Share premium account                     68,928          68,506        68,551
Revaluation reserve                      227,606         218,637       218,837
Capital redemption reserve                11,206           9,295         9,975
Other reserves                            24,978          23,115        22,637
Profit and loss account                   23,769          25,712        28,468
                                        ----------       ---------   -----------

Total equity shareholders'               378,885         369,467       372,000

Equity minority interests                   (337)            109          (280)

                                        ==========       =========   ===========

Capital employed                         378,548         369,576       371,720
                                        ==========       =========   ===========

CLS Holdings plc
Statement of Total Recognised
Gains and Losses

                                    30 June 2003    30 June 2002     31 December
                                           # 000           # 000         # 000
                                    (un-audited)    (un-audited)

Profit for the period/year                 6,824           5,973        15,310
                                        ==========      ==========  ============

Unrealised surplus on revaluation            399           8,341         7,530
of properties

Share of joint venture unrealised
on revaluation of properties                   -             333           333
Release of revaluation deficit on              -               -           443
property disposal                       ----------      ----------  ------------
Currency translation differences
on foreign
currency net investments                  10,713          11,400        11,489
                                        ----------      ----------  ------------

Other recognised gains relating to        11,112          20,074        19,795
the period/year                         ==========      ==========  ============

Total recognised gains and losses
relating to the period/year               17,936          26,047        35,105
                                        ==========      ==========  ============

CLS Holdings plc
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                           30 June    30 June 2002      31 Dec
                                              2003                        2002
                                             # 000           # 000       # 000
                                      (un-audited)    (un-audited)

Net cash inflow from operating              26,685          21,913      52,143
activities                                 ---------        --------    --------

Returns on investments and servicing
of finance

Interest received                              909             884       1,541
Interest paid                              (13,979)        (13,013)    (26,598)
Issue costs on new bank loans                 (773)         (1,411)     (2,196)
Interest rate caps purchased                  (149)           (448)     (1,062)
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of
finance                                    (13,992)        (13,988)    (28,315)

Taxation                                    (1,169)           (141)       (223)

Capital expenditure and financial

Purchase and enhancement of                (11,834)        (71,725)    (90,270)
Sale of investment properties                4,010               -       1,802
Purchase of other fixed assets              (2,213)           (166)       (945)
Purchase of own shares                     (11,286)         (7,426)    (14,007)
                                           ---------        --------    --------

Net cash outflow for capital               (21,323)        (79,317)   (103,420)
expenditure and financial

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary                      (2,243)            (91)        (92)
Cash acquired on purchase of                   572             228         228
subsidiary undertakings
Investment in associate/joint                 (333)              -        (461)
venture                                    ---------        --------    --------

Net cash outflow before use of             (11,803)        (71,396)    (80,140)
liquid resources and financing

Management of liquid resources

Cash released from/(placed on) short         3,864          (7,790)     (8,364)
term deposits


Issue of ordinary share capital                474              35          90
New loans                                   20,766          59,985     113,935
Repayment of loans                         (13,304)         (4,322)    (24,231)
                                           ---------        --------    --------

Net cash inflow from financing               7,936          55,698      89,794
                                           ---------        --------    --------

(Decrease)/increase in cash                     (3)        (23,488)      1,290
                                           =========        ========    ========

Basis of preparation and accounting policies

The information contained in this interim statement does not constitute accounts
as defined by section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The un-audited results for
the half-year to 30 June 2003 have been prepared in accordance with UK generally
accepted accounting principles. The accounting policies applied are those set
out in the Group's 2002 Annual Report and Accounts The information relating to
the year ended 31 December 2002 is an extract from the latest published
accounts, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audit
report on the published accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement
under section 237 (2) or section 237 (3) Companies Act 1985.

Reconciliation of Statutory to disclosed Adjusted statistics

               Statutory figure    Deferred tax adjustment
                                                              Adjusted figure

Net Assets         #378.5 m                #11.2 m                #389.7 m

NAV per             422.5 p                 12.6 p                435.1 p

Earnings per         7.4 p                  1.3 p                  8.7 p

Diluted              7.2 p                  1.4 p                  8.6 p
earnings per

Gearing             129.1 %                 3.7 %                 125.4 %

Independent Review report to CLS Holdings plc


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information which
comprises the profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement and
the statement of total recognised gains and losses. We have read the other
information contained in the interim report for any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The directors are
responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review
consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
, and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower
level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion
on the financial information.

This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared for and only for the
company for the purpose of the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority
and for no other purpose. We do not, in producing this report, accept or assume
responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report
is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our
prior consent in writing.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2003.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Chartered Accountants


11 September 2003

CLS Holdings plc

Directors, Officers and Advisors


Sten Mortstedt (Executive Chairman)

Thomas Thomson BA (Vice Chairman and Acting Chief Executive)

Dan Baverstam (Chief Financial Officer)

Anna Seeley BSc MRICS (Group Property Director)

Steven Board FCCA (Chief Operating Officer )

Bengt Mortstedt Juris Cand (Non-Executive Director)

Keith Harris PhD (Non-executive Director)

Thomas Lundqvist (Non-executive Director)

James Dean FRICS (Non-executive Director)

Company Secretary

Steven Board FCCA (Chief Operating Officer)

Registered Office

One Citadel Place

Tinworth Street

London SE11 5EF

Registered Number


Registered Auditors

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Chartered Accountants

1 Embankment Place

London WC2N 6NN

Registrars and Transfer Office

Computershare Services plc

P O Box 435

Owen House

8 Bankhead Crossway North

Edinburgh EH11 4BR

Clearing Bank

Royal Bank of Scotland plc

24 Grosvenor Place

London SW1X 7HP

Financial Advisors

HSBC Bank plc

8 Canada Square

London E14 5HQ

Joint Stockbrokers

HSBC Bank plc

8 Canada Square

London E14 5HQ

KBC Peel Hunt

11 Old Broad Street

London EC2N 1PH

CLS Holdings plc on line:




                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange