RNS Number : 5912Q

HSBC Bank plc

21 February 2023

Financial statements 
Consolidated income statement               114 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive 
 income                                     115 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Consolidated balance sheet                  116 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Consolidated statement of cash 
 flows                                      117 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Consolidated statement of changes 
 in equity                                  118 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
HSBC Bank plc balance sheet                 120 
HSBC Bank plc statement of cash 
 flows                                      121 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
HSBC Bank plc statement of changes 
 in equity                                  122 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Notes on the financial 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
     Basis of preparation and 
1     significant accounting policies       124 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
2    Net fee income                         136 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Net income from financial 
      instruments measured at fair 
3     value through profit or loss          137 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
4    Insurance business                     137 
     Employee compensation and 
5     benefits                              138 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
6    Auditors' remuneration                 145 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
7    Tax                                    145 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
8    Dividends                              149 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
9    Segmental analysis                     149 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
10   Trading assets                         151 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Fair values of financial 
      instruments carried at fair 
11    value                                 151 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Fair values of financial 
      instruments not carried at 
12    fair value                            160 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Financial assets designated 
      and otherwise mandatorily 
      measured at fair value through 
13    profit or loss                        161 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
14   Derivatives                            162 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
15   Financial investments                  168 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Assets pledged, collateral 
16    received and assets transferred       169 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Interests in associates and 
17    joint ventures                        170 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
18   Investments in subsidiaries            170 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
19   Structured entities                    171 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
20   Goodwill and intangible assets         174 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Prepayments, accrued income 
21    and other assets                      175 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
22   Trading liabilities                    175 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Financial liabilities designated 
23    at fair value                         176 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Accruals, deferred income 
24    and other liabilities                 176 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
25   Provisions                             177 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
26   Subordinated liabilities               178 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Maturity analysis of assets, 
      liabilities and off-balance 
27    sheet commitments                     180 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Offsetting of financial assets 
28    and financial liabilities             182 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Called up share capital and 
29    other equity instruments              183 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Contingent liabilities, contractual 
      commitments, guarantees and 
30    contingent assets                     185 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
31   Finance lease receivables              186 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Legal proceedings and regulatory 
32    matters                               186 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
33   Related party transactions             188 
     Assets held for sale and 
      liabilities of disposal groups 
34    held for sale                         191 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     Events after the balance 
35    sheet date                            192 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
     HSBC Bank plc's subsidiaries, 
36    joint ventures and associates         192 
---  ------------------------------------  ---- 
Consolidated income statement 
for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                2022                     2021                     2020 
                                       Notes*                   GBPm                     GBPm                     GBPm 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Net interest income                                            1,904                    1,754                    1,898 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
  *    interest income(1,2)                                    6,535                    3,149                    4,086 
-------------------------------------  ------ 
- interest expense(3)                                        (4,631)                  (1,395)                  (2,188) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Net fee income                           2                     1,261                    1,413                    1,400 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
  *    fee income                                              2,606                    2,706                    2,674 
-------------------------------------  ------ 
  *    fee expense                                           (1,345)                  (1,293)                  (1,274) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Net income from financial instruments 
 held for 
 trading or managed on a fair value 
 basis                                   3                     2,875                    1,733                    1,758 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Net (expense)/ income from assets and 
 of insurance businesses, including 
 related derivatives, 
 measured at fair value through 
 profit or loss                          3                   (1,369)                    1,214                      254 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Changes in fair value of long-term 
 debt and related 
 derivatives                             3                       102                      (8)                       17 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Changes in fair value of other 
 financial instruments 
 mandatorily measured at fair value 
 through profit 
 or loss                                 3                       143                      493                      285 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Gains less losses from financial 
 investments                                                    (60)                       60                       95 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Net insurance premium income             4                     1,787                    1,906                    1,559 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
(Losses)/gains recognised on Assets 
 held for sale(4)                                            (1,947)                       67                        - 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Other operating income                                           356                      527                      417 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Total operating income                                         5,052                    9,159                    7,683 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Net insurance claims, benefits paid 
 and movement 
 in liabilities to policyholders         4                     (406)                  (3,039)                  (1,783) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Net operating income before change in 
 credit losses and other credit 
 impairment charges(5)                                         4,646                    6,120                    5,900 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Change in expected credit losses and 
 other credit 
 impairment charges                                            (222)                      174                    (808) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Net operating income                                           4,424                    6,294                    5,092 
Total operating expenses                                     (5,353)                  (5,462)                  (6,705) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
- employee compensation and benefits     5                   (1,762)                  (2,023)                  (2,340) 
-------------------------------------  ------ 
- general and administrative expenses                        (3,463)                  (3,265)                  (3,092) 
-------------------------------------  ------ 
- depreciation and impairment of 
 property, plant 
 and equipment and right of use 
 assets                                                        (103)                    (110)                    (372) 
-------------------------------------  ------ 
- amortisation and impairment of 
 intangible assets                       20                     (25)                     (64)                    (901) 
Operating (loss)/profit                                        (929)                      832                  (1,613) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Share of (loss)/profit in associates 
 and joint 
 ventures                                17                     (30)                      191                      (1) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
(Loss)/profit before tax                                       (959)                    1,023                  (1,614) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Tax credit                               7                       561                       23                      136 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
(Loss)/profit for the year                                     (398)                    1,046                  (1,478) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
(Loss)/profit attributable to the 
 parent company                                                (408)                    1,041                  (1,488) 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Profit attributable to 
 non-controlling interests                                        10                        5                       10 
-------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
   *      For Notes on the financial statements, see page 124. 

1 Interest income includes GBP5,512m (2021: GBP1,986m; 2020: GBP2,773m) of interest recognised on financial assets measured at amortised cost; GBP422m (2021: GBP659m; 2020: GBP656m) of negative interest recognised on financial liabilities and GBP601m (2021: GBP504m; 2020: GBP657m) of interest recognised on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. Include within this is GBP59m (2021: GBP61m; 2020: GBP57m) interest recognised on impaired financial assets.

2 Interest revenue calculated using the effective interest method comprises interest recognised on financial assets measured at either amortised cost or fair value through other comprehensive income.

3 Interest expense includes GBP3,740m (2021: GBP616m; 2020: GBP1,299) of interest on financial liabilities, excluding interest on financial liabilities held for trading or designated or otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value.

4 2022 balances include losses on disposal of businesses classified as held-for-sale as part of a broader restructuring of our European business .

5 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges is also referred to as 'revenue'.

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                          2022                2021                2020 
                                                                          GBPm                GBPm                GBPm 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
(Loss)/profit for the year                                               (398)               1,046             (1,478) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit 
 or loss when specific conditions are met: 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive 
 income                                                                  (454)               (237)                 213 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- fair value (losses)/gains                                              (698)               (247)                 366 
- fair value losses/(gains) transferred to the income 
 statement on disposal                                                      59                (63)                (90) 
- expected credit losses/(recoveries) recognised in 
 the income statement                                                        6                 (5)                   8 
- income taxes                                                             179                  78                (71) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Cash flow hedges                                                         (943)               (165)                 118 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- fair value (losses)/gains                                            (1,418)                (40)                  86 
- fair value losses/(gains) reclassified to the income 
 statement                                                                 127               (202)                  72 
- income taxes                                                             348                  77                (40) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Exchange differences                                                       701               (603)                 467 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to 
 profit or loss: 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability                            38                  44                 (8) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- before income taxes                                                       56                  61                (18) 
- income taxes                                                            (18)                (17)                  10 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Equity instruments designated at fair value through 
 other comprehensive income                                                  -                   2                   2 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- fair value gains                                                           -                   2                   2 
- income taxes                                                               -                   -                   - 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated 
 at fair value upon initial recognition arising from 
 changes in own credit risk                                                329                   2                  67 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- fair value gains                                                         462                   3                  93 
- income taxes                                                           (133)                 (1)                (26) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Other comprehensive (expense)/income for the year, 
 net of tax                                                              (329)               (957)                 859 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total comprehensive (expense)/income for the year                        (727)                  89               (619) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Attributable to: 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- shareholders of the parent company                                     (739)                  93               (653) 
- non-controlling interests                                                 12                 (4)                  34 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Total comprehensive (expense)/income for the year                        (727)                  89               (619) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Consolidated balance sheet 
at 31 December 
                                                                              2022                   2021 
                                                        Notes*                GBPm                   GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Cash and balances at central banks                                         131,433                108,482 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Items in the course of collection from other banks                           2,285                    346 
Trading assets                                            10                79,878                 83,706 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily 
 measured at fair value through profit or loss            13                15,881                 18,649 
Derivatives                                               14               225,238                141,221 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Loans and advances to banks                                                 17,109                 10,784 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Loans and advances to customers                                             72,614                 91,177 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading                                 53,949                 54,448 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Financial investments                                     15                32,604                 41,300 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Assets held for sale(1)                                   34                21,214                      9 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Prepayments, accrued income and other assets              21                61,379                 43,118 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Current tax assets                                                             595                  1,135 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Interests in associates and joint ventures                17                   728                    743 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Goodwill and intangible assets                            20                 1,167                    894 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Deferred tax assets                                       7                  1,279                    599 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Total assets                                                               717,353                596,611 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Liabilities and equity 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Deposits by banks                                                           20,836                 32,188 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Customer accounts                                                          215,948                205,241 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Repurchase agreements - non-trading                                         32,901                 27,259 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Items in the course of transmission to other banks                           2,226                    489 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Trading liabilities                                       22                41,265                 46,433 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Financial liabilities designated at fair value            23                27,287                 33,608 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Derivatives                                               14               218,867                139,368 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Debt securities in issue                                                     7,268                  9,428 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Liabilities of disposal groups held for sale(1)           34                24,711                      - 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities           24                66,945                 43,456 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Current tax liabilities                                                        130                     97 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Liabilities under insurance contracts                     4                 19,987                 22,264 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Provisions                                                25                   424                    562 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Deferred tax liabilities                                  7                     14                     15 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Subordinated liabilities                                  26                14,528                 12,488 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Total liabilities                                                          693,337                572,896 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Total shareholders' equity                                                  23,875                 23,584 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
- called up share capital                                 29                   797                    797 
------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
- share premium account                                                        420                      - 
------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
- other equity instruments                                29                 3,930                  3,722 
------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
- other reserves                                                           (6,368)                (5,670) 
------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
- retained earnings                                                         25,096                 24,735 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------ 
Non-controlling interests                                                      141                    131 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Total equity                                                                24,016                 23,715 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Total liabilities and equity                                               717,353                596,611 
------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------- 

1 Includes businesses classified as held-for-sale as part of a broader restructuring of our European business. Refer to Note 34 'Assets held for sale and liabilities of disposal groups held for sale' on page 186.

   *      For Notes on the financial statements, see page 124. 

The accompanying notes on pages 124 to 190 , and the audited sections of the 'Report of the Directors' on pages 26 to 102 form an integral part of these financial statements.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 20 February 2023 and signed on its behalf by:

David Watts


Consolidated statement of cash flows 
for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                                         2022                             2021                             2020 
                                                                                         GBPm                             GBPm                             GBPm 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
(Loss)/profit before tax                                                                (959)                            1,023                          (1,614) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Adjustments for non-cash items 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment(1)                                              128                              174                            1,273 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net loss/(gain) from investing activities(2)                                            2,002                             (62)                             (99) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Share of loss/(profit) in associates and joint 
 ventures                                                                                  30                            (191)                                1 
Change in expected credit losses gross of recoveries 
 and other credit impairment charges                                                      253                            (171)                              810 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Provisions including pensions                                                             192                              104                              424 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Share-based payment expense                                                                46                               96                               78 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Other non-cash items included in loss/(profit) 
 before tax                                                                             (242)                            (198)                              135 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Elimination of exchange differences(3)                                                (6,714)                            4,926                          (2,527) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities                                            37,454                            9,602                           35,418 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
  *    change in net trading securities and derivatives                               (6,213)                            8,157                            8,070 
  *    change in loans and advances to banks and customers                            (2,717)                           11,149                            6,780 
  *    change in reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading                            6,251                            9,538                           16,084 
- change in financial assets designated and otherwise 
 mandatorily measured at fair value                                                     2,729                          (2,429)                              735 
  *    change in other assets                                                         (7,329)                           10,924                          (7,513) 
  *    change in deposits by banks and customer accounts                               19,835                            7,940                           28,262 
  *    change in repurchase agreements - non-trading                                    5,641                          (7,643)                         (14,482) 
  *    change in debt securities in issue                                             (1,060)                          (7,943)                          (7,668) 
  *    change in financial liabilities designated at fair 
       value                                                                          (1,822)                          (7,191)                            (402) 
  *    change in other liabilities                                                     21,297                         (12,295)                            5,432 
                                                                                            7                                -                                - 
  *    dividend received from associates 
  *    contributions paid to defined benefit plans                                       (10)                             (24)                             (22) 
  *    tax received/(paid)                                                                845                            (581)                              142 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net cash from operating activities                                                     32,190                           15,303                           33,899 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
  *    purchase of financial investments                                             (13,227)                         (18,890)                         (21,037) 
  *    proceeds from the sale and maturity of financial 
       investments                                                                     20,490                           25,027                           17,417 
  *    net cash flows from the purchase and sale of property, 
       plant and equipment                                                               (20)                               52                             (70) 
  *    net investment in intangible assets                                               (28)                             (45)                            (150) 
- net cash outflow from investment in associates 
 and acquisition of businesses and subsidiaries                                          (29)                             (85)                            (371) 
  *    net cash flow on disposal of subsidiaries, businesses, 
       associates and joint ventures                                                        -                                -                               57 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net cash from investing activities                                                      7,186                            6,059                          (4,154) 
- redemption of preference shares and other equity 
 instruments                                                                              628                                -                            (318) 
- subordinated loan capital issued                                                      3,111                           10,466                                - 
- subordinated loan capital repaid(4)                                                 (2,248)                         (10,902)                             (18) 
  *    dividends to the parent company                                                (1,052)                            (194)                            (263) 
- funds received from the parent company                                                1,465                                -                            1,000 
- dividends paid to non-controlling interests                                             (2)                              (1)                                - 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net cash from financing activities                                                      1,902                            (631)                              401 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                              41,278                           20,731                           30,146 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 Jan                                                    140,923                          125,304                           92,338 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Exchange difference in respect of cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                                            7,706                          (5,112)                            2,820 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec(5)                                                189,907                          140,923                          125,304 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise of 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- cash and balances at central banks                                                  131,433                          108,482                           85,092 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- items in the course of collection from other 
 banks                                                                                  2,285                              346                              243 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- loans and advances to banks of one month or 
 less                                                                                  13,801                            7,516                            8,676 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- reverse repurchase agreement with banks of 
 one month or less                                                                     23,182                           17,430                           21,020 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- treasury bills, other bills and certificates 
 of deposit less than three months                                                        294                              235                              685 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- cash collateral and net settlement accounts                                          19,213                            7,403                            9,878 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- cash and cash equivalents held for sale(6)                                            1,925                                -                                - 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- less: items in the course of transmission to 
 other banks                                                                          (2,226)                            (489)                            (290) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec(5)                                                189,907                          140,923                          125,304 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 

1 Included within 2020 are the impact of impairment and write-offs related principally to our businesses in the UK and HSBC Continental Europe GBP(994)m.

2 2022 balances include losses on disposal of businesses classified as held-for-sale as part of a broader restructuring of our European business.

3 Adjustment to bring changes between opening and closing balance sheet amounts to average rates. This is not done on a line-by-line basis, as details cannot be determined without unreasonable expense.

4 Subordinated liabilities changes during the year are attributable to cash flows from issuance GBP3,111m (2021: GBP10,466m; 2020: nil) and repayment of GBP(2,248)m (2021: GBP(10,902)m; 2020: GBP(18)m) of securities as presented in the Consolidated statement of cash flows. Non-cash changes during the year included foreign exchanges gains/(losses) GBP711m (2021: GBP(512)m; 2020: GBP351m) and fair value gains/(losses) GBP(427)m (2021: GBP(82)m; 2020: GBP69m).

5 At 31 December 2022, GBP23,395m (2021: GBP9,410m; 2020: GBP11,828m) was not available for use by the group, of which GBP1,601m (2021: GBP1,393m; 2020: GBP2,460m) related to mandatory deposits at central banks.

6 Includes GBP1,562m of cash and balances at central banks (excluding the expected cash contribution as part of the planned sale of our retail banking operations in France. For further details, see Note 34); GBP208m of reverse repurchase agreements with banks of one month or less, GBP114m of loans and advances to banks of one month or less and remaining GBP41m relates to other cash and cash equivalents.

Interest received was GBP7,668m (2021: GBP4,285m; 2020 : GBP5,424m ), interest paid was GBP5,284m (2021: GBP2,919m; 2020: GBP3,725m) and dividends received were GBP431m (2021: GBP704m; 2020: GBP423m).

Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                                                                                                     Other reserves 
                                                                        up                                                    Financial                                                      Group 
                                                                     share                                                       assets               Cash                             reorganisa-              Total 
                                                                   capital                   Other                                   at               flow           Foreign                  tion             share-                  Non- 
                                                                   & share                  equity          Retained              FVOCI            hedging          exchange               reserve           holders'           controlling               Total 
                                                                   premium             instruments          earnings            reserve            reserve           reserve            ('GRR')(7)             equity             interests              equity 
                                                                      GBPm                    GBPm              GBPm               GBPm               GBPm              GBPm                  GBPm               GBPm                  GBPm                GBPm 
At 1 Jan 2022                                                          797                   3,722            24,735              1,081                (7)               948               (7,692)             23,584                   131              23,715 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
Loss for the year                                                        -                       -             (408)                  -                  -                 -                     -              (408)                    10               (398) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
Other comprehensive 
 (net of tax)                                                            -                       -               367              (449)              (943)               694                     -              (331)                     2               (329) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
  *    debt instruments at fair value through other 
       comprehensive income                                              -                       -                 -              (449)                  -                 -                     -              (449)                   (5)               (454) 
- cash flow hedges                                                       -                       -                 -                  -              (943)                 -                     -              (943)                     -               (943) 
  *    changes in fair value of financial liabilities 
       designated at fair value due to movement in own 
       credit risk(1)                                                    -                       -               329                  -                  -                 -                     -                329                     -                 329 
  *    remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability                  -                       -                38                  -                  -                 -                     -                 38                     -                  38 
  *    exchange differences                                              -                       -                 -                  -                  -               694                     -                694                     7                 701 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  -------------------- 
Total comprehensive 
 (expense)/ income 
 for the year                                                            -                       -              (41)              (449)              (943)               694                     -              (739)                    12               (727) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
Capital securities 
 issued during the 
 period                                                                420                     208                 -                  -                  -                 -                     -                628                     -                 628 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
Dividends to the 
 parent company(2)                                                       -                       -           (1,052)                  -                  -                 -                     -            (1,052)                   (2)             (1,054) 
Net impact of equity-settled 
 share-based payments                                                    -                       -                 5                  -                  -                 -                     -                  5                     -                   5 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
Capital contribution(3)                                                  -                       -             1,465                  -                  -                 -                     -              1,465                     -               1,465 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
Change in business 
 combinations and 
 other movements                                                         -                       -              (16)                  -                  -                 -                     -               (16)                     -                (16) 
At 31 Dec 2022                                                       1,217                   3,930            25,096                632              (950)             1,642               (7,692)             23,875                   141              24,016 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------  --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
At 1 Jan 2021                                                              797                   3,722             23,829                1,309                 158             1,543               (7,692)              23,666                    183               23,849 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  --------------------  ------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
Profit for the year                                                          -                       -              1,041                    -                   -                 -                     -               1,041                      5                1,046 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  --------------------  ------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
Other comprehensive 
 (net of tax)                                                                -                       -                 46                (234)               (165)             (595)                     -               (948)                    (9)                (957) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  --------------------  ------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
  *    debt instruments at fair value through other 
       comprehensive income                                                  -                       -                  -                (236)                   -                 -                     -               (236)                    (1)                (237) 
  *    equity instruments designated at fair value through 
       other comprehensive income                                            -                       -                  -                    2                   -                 -                     -                   2                      -                    2 
- cash flow hedges                                                           -                       -                  -                    -               (165)                 -                     -               (165)                      -                (165) 
  *    changes in fair value of financial liabilities 
       designated at fair value due to movement in own 
       credit risk(1)                                                        -                       -                  2                    -                   -                 -                     -                   2                      -                    2 
  *    remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability                      -                       -                 44                    -                   -                 -                     -                  44                      -                   44 
- exchange differences                                                       -                       -                  -                    -                   -             (595)                     -               (595)                    (8)                (603) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  --------------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Total comprehensive 
 for the year                                                                -                       -              1,087                (234)               (165)             (595)                     -                  93                    (4)                   89 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  --------------------  ------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
Capital securities                                                           -                       -                  -                    -                   -                 -                     -                   -                      -                    - 
 issued during the 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  --------------------  ------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
Dividends to the 
 parent company(2)                                                           -                       -              (194)                    -                   -                 -                     -               (194)                    (1)                (195) 
Net impact of equity-settled 
 share-based payments                                                        -                       -               (10)                    -                   -                 -                     -                (10)                      -                 (10) 
Change in business 
 combinations and 
 other movements(5)                                                          -                       -                 23                    6                   -                 -                     -                  29                   (47)                 (18) 
At 31 Dec 2021                                                             797                   3,722             24,735                1,081                 (7)               948               (7,692)              23,584                    131               23,715 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------  --------------------  ------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity (continued) 
for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                                                                                                             Other reserves 
                                                                          up                                                  Financial                                                   Group 
                                                                       share                                                     assets               Cash                          reorganisa-                Total 
                                                                     capital               Other                                     at               flow           Foreign               tion               share-                 Non- 
                                                                     & share              equity           Retained               FVOCI            hedging          exchange            reserve             holders'          controlling                Total 
                                                                     premium         instruments           earnings             reserve            reserve           reserve         ('GRR')(7)               equity            interests               equity 
                                                                        GBPm                GBPm               GBPm                GBPm               GBPm              GBPm               GBPm                 GBPm                 GBPm                 GBPm 
At 1 Jan 2020                                                            797               3,722             24,449               1,089                 40             1,098            (7,692)               23,503                  509               24,012 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
Loss for the year                                                          -                   -            (1,488)                   -                  -                 -                  -              (1,488)                   10              (1,478) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
Other comprehensive 
 income (net of tax)                                                       -                   -                 56                 216                118               445                  -                  835                   24                  859 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  *    debt instruments at fair value through other 
       comprehensive income                                                -                   -                  -                 214                  -                 -                  -                  214                  (1)                  213 
  *    equity instruments designated at fair value through 
       other comprehensive income                                          -                   -                  -                   2                  -                 -                  -                    2                    -                    2 
- cash flow hedges                                                         -                   -                  -                   -                118                 -                  -                  118                    -                  118 
  *    changes in fair value of financial liabilities 
       designated at fair value due to movement in own 
       credit risk(1)                                                      -                   -                 67                   -                  -                 -                  -                   67                    -                   67 
  *    remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability                    -                   -               (11)                   -                  -                 -                  -                 (11)                    3                  (8) 
- exchange differences                                                     -                   -                  -                   -                  -               445                  -                  445                   22                  467 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
Total comprehensive 
 (expense)/income for 
 the year                                                                  -                   -            (1,432)                 216                118               445                  -                (653)                   34                (619) 
Dividends to the parent 
 company(2)                                                                -                   -              (263)                   -                  -                 -                  -                (263)                    -                (263) 
Net impact of equity-settled 
 share-based payments                                                      -                   -                 11                   -                  -                 -                  -                   11                    -                   11 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
Capital contribution(4)                                                    -                   -              1,000                   -                  -                 -                  -                1,000                    -                1,000 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
Change in business 
 combinations and other 
 movements(6)                                                              -                   -                 64                   4                  -                 -                  -                   68                (360)                (292) 
At 31 Dec 2020                                                           797               3,722             23,829               1,309                158             1,543            (7,692)               23,666                  183               23,849 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 

1 The cumulative amount of change in fair value attributable to changes in own credit risk of financial liabilities designated at fair value was a gain of GBP292m (2021: loss of GBP165m and 2020: loss of GBP189m).

2 The dividends to the parent company includes dividend on ordinary share capital GBP850m (2021: nil and 2020: nil), coupon payment on additional tier 1 instrument GBP202m (2021: GBP194m and 2020: GBP212m) & dividend on preference share capital nil (2021: nil and 2020: GBP51m).

3 HSBC Holdings plc injected GBP1.5bn of CET1 capital into HSBC Bank plc during November 2022 which in turn injected into HSBC Continental Europe for funding the acquisition of HSBC Bank Malta plc and HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH.

4 HSBC UK Holdings Limited (during 2021, parent company of the bank changed to HSBC Holdings plc) injected GBP1bn of CET1 capital into HSBC Bank plc during March 2020 to improve the capital base of the group, impacted by Covid-19. There was no new issuance of share capital.

5 Additional shares were acquired in HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH and HSBC Bank Armenia cjsc, in 2021 increasing the group's interest to 100%.

6 Additional shares were acquired in HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH in May 2020, increasing the group's interest from 80.67% to 99.33%.

7 The Group reorganisation reserve ('GRR') is an accounting reserve resulting from the ring-fencing implementation. The GRR does not form part of regulatory capital.

HSBC Bank plc balance sheet 
at 31 December 
                                                                                 2022                             2021 
                                                 Notes*                          GBPm                             GBPm 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and balances at central banks                                             78,441                           63,008 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Items in the course of collection from other 
 banks                                                                          1,863                              211 
Trading assets                                     10                          67,623                           70,790 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Financial assets designated and otherwise 
 measured at fair value through profit or loss     13                           1,618                            3,215 
Derivatives                                        14                         196,714                          125,787 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Loans and advances to banks                                                    14,486                            6,778 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Loans and advances to customers                                                36,992                           33,936 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading                                    43,055                           39,708 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Financial investments                              15                          18,639                           26,542 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Prepayments, accrued income and other assets       21                          43,907                           31,490 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Current tax assets                                                                394                            1,071 
Investments in subsidiary undertakings             18                          10,646                            6,479 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Goodwill and intangible assets                     20                              41                               34 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Deferred tax assets                                7                              608                              509 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Total assets                                                                  515,027                          409,558 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Liabilities and equity 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Deposits by banks                                                              13,594                           14,655 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Customer accounts                                                             141,714                          124,706 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Repurchase agreements - non-trading                                            29,638                           22,344 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Items in the course of transmission to other 
 banks                                                                          1,758                              172 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Trading liabilities                                22                          25,765                           31,161 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Financial liabilities designated at fair value     23                          19,415                           20,869 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Derivatives                                        14                         193,336                          127,651 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Debt securities in issue                                                        4,656                            5,658 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities    24                          47,982                           30,170 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Current tax liabilities                                                            21                                5 
Provisions                                         25                             167                              250 
Subordinated liabilities                           26                          14,252                           12,218 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Total liabilities                                                             492,298                          389,859 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Called up share capital                            29                             797                              797 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Share premium account                                                             420                                - 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Other equity instruments                           29                           3,930                            3,722 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Other reserves                                                                (6,073)                          (5,173) 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Retained earnings                                                              23,655                           20,353 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Total equity                                                                   22,729                           19,699 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Total liabilities and equity                                                  515,027                          409,558 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
   *      For Notes on the financial statements, see page 124. 

Profit after tax for the year was GBP2,743m (2021: GBP455m; 2020: loss after tax GBP(644)m.

The accompanying notes on pages 124 to 190. , and the audited sections of the 'Report of the Directors' on pages 26 to 102 form an integral part of these financial statements.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 20 February 2023 and signed on its behalf by:

David Watts


HSBC Bank plc statement of cash flows 
for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                                          2022                             2021                             2020 
                                                                                          GBPm                             GBPm                             GBPm 
-------------------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Profit/(loss) before tax                                                                 2,548                              273                            (936) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Adjustments for non-cash items 
-------------------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment(1)                                                17                               18                              635 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net gain from investing activities(2)                                                  (1,669)                             (34)                             (67) 
Change in expected credit losses gross of 
 recoveries and other credit impairment charges                                            130                            (216)                              457 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Provisions including pensions                                                               91                               42                              154 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Share-based payment expense                                                                 27                               71                               56 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Other non-cash items included in loss/(profit) 
 before tax                                                                               (21)                              (7)                                8 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Elimination of exchange differences(3)                                                 (2,109)                            1,073                              108 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities                                             18,609                            4,150                           27,197 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
  *    change in net trading securities and derivatives                                (9,551)                           11,761                           11,580 
  *    change in loans and advances to banks and customers                             (3,870)                            9,712                            8,568 
  *    change in reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading                               791                            5,651                            5,890 
  *    change in financial assets designated and otherwise 
       mandatorily measured at fair value                                                1,597                          (1,350)                            1,264 
  *    change in other assets(4)                                                      (10,912)                            4,383                          (3,771) 
  *    change in deposits by banks and customer accounts                                15,947                            1,903                           12,062 
  *    change in repurchase agreements - non-trading                                     7,294                          (4,652)                          (9,331) 
  *    change in debt securities in issue                                              (1,002)                          (9,698)                              318 
  *    change in financial liabilities designated at fair 
       value                                                                             (116)                          (3,831)                              500 
  *    change in other liabilities                                                      17,343                          (9,357)                             (71) 
  *    contributions paid to defined benefit plans                                        (10)                             (21)                             (22) 
  *    tax received/(paid)                                                               1,098                            (351)                              210 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net cash from operating activities                                                      17,623                            5,370                           27,612 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
  *    purchase of financial investments                                               (8,535)                         (15,185)                         (13,882) 
  *    proceeds from the sale and maturity of financial 
       investments                                                                      17,022                           18,285                           11,791 
  *    net cash flows from the purchase and sale of property, 
       plant and equipment                                                                 (2)                              (4)                              (9) 
  *    net investment in intangible assets                                               (176)                              (8)                             (98) 
Net cash from investing activities                                                       8,309                            3,088                          (2,198) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- issue of ordinary share capital and other                                                628                                - 
 equity instruments 
  *    subordinated loan capital issued(5)                                               3,111                           10,466                                - 
  *    subordinated loan capital repaid(5)                                             (2,240)                         (10,791)                            (313) 
  *    funds received from the parent company                                            1,465                                -                            1,000 
  *    dividends to the parent company                                                 (1,052)                            (194)                            (263) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net cash from financing activities                                                       1,912                            (519)                              424 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                               27,844                            7,939                           25,838 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 Jan                                                      83,814                           77,605                           51,235 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Exchange difference in respect of cash and 
 cash equivalents                                                                        3,652                          (1,730)                              532 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec                                                    115,310                           83,814                           77,605 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise of: 
-------------------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- cash and balances at central banks                                                    78,441                           63,008                           48,777 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- items in the course of collection from other 
 banks                                                                                   1,863                              211                               37 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- loans and advances to banks of one month 
 or less                                                                                11,353                            4,323                            5,338 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- reverse repurchase agreement with banks 
 of one month or less                                                                   13,917                            9,779                           14,558 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- treasury bills, other bills and certificates 
 of deposit less than three months                                                         150                              175                              279 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- cash collateral and net settlement accounts                                           11,344                            6,490                            8,630 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
- less: items in the course of transmission 
 to other banks                                                                        (1,758)                            (172)                             (14) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec                                                    115,310                           83,814                           77,605 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
   1     Included within 2020 is the impact of impairment related to our business in the UK (GBP531m). 

2 Included within 2022 is the impact of impairment reversal booked in Paris branch for investment in subsidiary.

3 Adjustment to bring changes between opening and closing balance sheet amounts to average rates. This is not done on a line-by-line basis, as details cannot be determined without unreasonable expense.

   4     Includes additional investment in subsidiaries (2021: GBP17m; 2020: GBP443m). 

5 Subordinated liabilities changes during the year are attributable to cash flows from issuance GBP3,111m (2021: GBP10,466m; 2020: nil) and repayment of GBP(2,240)m (2021: GBP10,791m; 2020: GBP313m) of securities as presented in the HSBC Bank plc statement of cash flows. Non-cash changes during the year included foreign exchange gains(losses) GBP696m (2021: GBP489m; 2020: GBP329m) and fair value gains GBP(427)m (2021: GBP(82)m; 2020: GBP69m).

Interest received was GBP5,023m (2021: GBP2,321m ; 2020: GBP3,211m), interest paid was GBP3,891m (2021: GBP1,827m ; 2020: GBP2,539m) and dividends received was GBP936m (2021: GBP902m ; 2020: GBP555m).

HSBC Bank plc statement of changes in equity 
for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                                                                                                                                 Other reserves 
                                                                                  up                                                                 Financial 
                                                                               share                                                                    assets                    Cash                                               Group 
                                                                             capital                   Other                                                at                    flow                 Foreign              reorganisation                       Total 
                                                                             & share                  equity                 Retained                    FVOCI                 hedging                exchange                     reserve               shareholders' 
                                                                             premium             instruments                 earnings                  reserve                 reserve                 reserve                  ('GRR')(7)                      equity 
                                                                                GBPm                    GBPm                     GBPm                     GBPm                    GBPm                    GBPm                        GBPm                        GBPm 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
At 1 Jan 2022                                                                    797                   3,722                   20,353                      135                    (82)                      22                     (5,248)                      19,699 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Profit for the year                                                                -                       -                    2,743                        -                       -                       -                           -                       2,743 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Other comprehensive 
 income/(expense) (net 
 of tax)                                                                           -                       -                      141                    (257)                   (714)                      71                           -                       (759) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
  *    debt instruments at fair value through other 
       comprehensive income                                                        -                       -                        -                    (258)                       -                       -                           -                       (258) 
  *    equity instruments designated at fair value through 
       other comprehensive income                                                  -                       -                        -                        1                       -                       -                           -                           1 
- cash flow hedges                                                                 -                       -                        -                        -                   (714)                       -                           -                       (714) 
  *    changes in fair value of financial liabilities 
       designated at fair value due to movement in own 
       credit risk(1)                                                              -                       -                      156                        -                       -                       -                           -                         156 
  *    remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability                            -                       -                     (15)                        -                       -                       -                           -                        (15) 
- exchange differences                                                             -                       -                        -                        -                       -                      71                           -                          71 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  -------------------------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income/(expense) for 
 the period                                                                        -                       -                    2,884                    (257)                   (714)                      71                           -                       1,984 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Capital securities 
 issued during the 
 period                                                                          420                     208                        -                        -                       -                       -                           -                         628 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Dividends to the parent 
 company(2)                                                                        -                       -                  (1,052)                        -                       -                       -                           -                     (1,052) 
Net impact of equity-settled 
 share-based payments                                                              -                       -                        5                        -                       -                       -                           -                           5 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Capital contribution(3)                                                                                                         1,465                                                                                                                            1,465 
At 31 Dec 2022                                                                 1,217                   3,930                   23,655                    (122)                   (796)                      93                     (5,248)                      22,729 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
At 1 Jan 2021                                                                    797                   3,722                  20,099                       351                      55                      43                     (5,248)                      19,819 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Profit for the year                                                                -                       -                     455                         -                       -                       -                           -                         455 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Other comprehensive 
 income/(expense) (net 
 of tax)                                                                           -                       -                      14                     (216)                   (137)                    (21)                           -                       (360) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
  *    debt instruments at fair value through other 
       comprehensive income                                                        -                       -                       -                     (215)                       -                       -                           -                       (215) 
  *    equity instruments designated at fair value through 
       other comprehensive income                                                  -                       -                       -                       (1)                       -                       -                           -                         (1) 
  *    cash flow hedges                                                            -                       -                       -                         -                   (137)                       -                           -                       (137) 
  *    changes in fair value of financial liabilities 
       designated at fair value due to movement in own 
       credit risk(1)                                                              -                       -                       -                         -                       -                       -                           -                           - 
  *    remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability                            -                       -                      14                         -                       -                       -                           -                          14 
  *    exchange differences                                                        -                       -                       -                         -                       -                    (21)                           -                        (21) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  -------------------------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income/(expense) for 
 the period                                                                        -                       -                     469                     (216)                   (137)                    (21)                           -                          95 
Dividends to the parent 
 company(2)                                                                        -                       -                   (194)                         -                       -                       -                           -                       (194) 
Net impact of equity-settled 
 share-based payments                                                              -                       -                    (10)                         -                       -                       -                           -                        (10) 
Change in business 
 combinations and other 
 movements(5)                                                                      -                       -                    (11)                         -                       -                       -                           -                        (11) 
At 31 Dec 2021                                                                   797                   3,722                  20,353                       135                    (82)                      22                     (5,248)                      19,699 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
HSBC Bank plc statement of changes in equity (continued) 
for the year ended 31 December 
                                                                                                                                                                                  Other reserves 
                                                                               share                                                                 Financial                    Cash                                                 Group 
                                                                             capital                   Other                                            assets                    flow                   Foreign              reorganisation                       Total 
                                                                             & share                  equity                Retained                  at FVOCI                 hedging                  exchange                     reserve               shareholders' 
                                                                             premium             instruments                earnings                   reserve                 reserve                   reserve                     ('GRR')                      equity 
                                                                                GBPm                    GBPm                    GBPm                      GBPm                    GBPm                      GBPm                        GBPm                        GBPm 
At 1 Jan 2020                                                                    797                   3,722                  19,876                       182                    (32)                        77                     (5,248)                      19,374 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Loss for the year                                                                  -                       -                   (644)                         -                       -                         -                           -                       (644) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Other comprehensive 
 income/(expense) (net 
 of tax)                                                                           -                       -                     107                       170                      87                      (28)                           -                         336 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
  *    debt instruments at fair value through other 
       comprehensive income                                                        -                       -                       -                       168                       -                         -                           -                         168 
  *    equity instruments designated at fair value through 
       other comprehensive income                                                  -                       -                       -                         2                       -                         -                           -                           2 
  *    cash flow hedges                                                            -                       -                       -                         -                      87                         -                           -                          87 
  *    changes in fair value of financial liabilities 
       designated at fair value due to movement in own 
       credit risk(1)                                                              -                       -                      92                         -                       -                         -                           -                          92 
  *    remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability                            -                       -                      15                         -                       -                         -                           -                          15 
  *    exchange differences                                                        -                       -                       -                         -                       -                      (28)                           -                        (28) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total comprehensive 
 (expense)/income for 
 the period                                                                        -                       -                   (537)                       170                      87                      (28)                           -                       (308) 
Dividends to the parent 
 company(2)                                                                        -                       -                   (263)                         -                       -                         -                           -                       (263) 
Net impact of equity-settled 
 share-based payments                                                              -                       -                      11                         -                       -                         -                           -                          11 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Capital contribution(4)                                                            -                                           1,000                         -                       -                         -                           -                       1,000 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Change in business 
 combinations and other 
 movements(6)                                                                      -                                              12                       (1)                       -                       (6)                           -                           5 
At 31 Dec 2020                                                                   797                   3,722                  20,099                       351                      55                        43                     (5,248)                      19,819 
----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 

1 The cumulative amount of change in fair value attributable to changes in own credit risk of financial liabilities designated at fair value was a gain of GBP139m (2021: loss of GBP72m and 2020: loss of GBP76m).

2 The dividends to the parent company includes dividend on ordinary share capital GBP850m (2021: nil and 2020: nil), coupon payment on additional tier 1 instrument GBP222m (2021: GBP194m and 2020: GBP212m) & dividend on preference share capital nil (2021: nil and 2020: GBP51m).

3 HSBC Holdings plc injected GBP1.5bn of CET1 capital into HSBC Bank plc during November 2022 which in turn injected into HSBC Continental Europe for funding the acquisition of HSBC Bank Malta plc and HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH.

4 HSBC UK Holdings Limited (during 2021, parent company of the bank changed to HSBC Holdings plc) injected GBP1bn of CET1 capital into HSBC Bank plc during March 2020 to improve the capital base of the group, impacted by Covid-19. There was no new issuance of share capital.

5 Additional shares were acquired in HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH in Feb 2021, increasing the group's interest from 99.33% to 100.00%.

6 Additional shares were acquired in HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH in May 2020, increasing the group's interest from 80.67% to 99.33%.

7 The Group reorganisation reserve ('GRR') is an accounting reserve resulting from the ring-fencing implementation. The GRR does not form part of regulatory capital.

Notes on the Financial Statements 
1  Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies 
   1.1   Basis of preparation 
   (a)       Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards 

The consolidated financial statements of the group and the separate financial statements of HSBC Bank plc comply with UK-adopted international accounting standards and with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, and have also applied international financial reporting standards adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union. These financial statements are also prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRSs') as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB'), including interpretations issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee, as there are no applicable differences from IFRSs as issued by the IASB for the periods presented. There were no unendorsed standards effective for the year ended

31 December 2022 affecting these consolidated and separate financial statements.

Standards adopted during the year ended 31 December 2022

There were no new accounting standards or interpretations that had a significant effect on the group in 2022. Accounting policies have been consistently applied.

   (b)      Future accounting developments 

Minor amendments to IFRSs

The IASB has not published any minor amendments effective from 1 January 2022 that are applicable to the group. However, the IASB has published a number of minor amendments to IFRSs that are effective from 1 January 2023 and 1 January 2024. The group expects they will have an insignificant effect, when adopted, on the consolidated financial statements of the group and the separate financial statements of HSBC Bank plc.


IFRS 17 'Insurance Contracts'

IFRS 17 'Insurance Contracts' was issued in May 2017, with amendments to the standard issued in June 2020 and December 2021. Following the amendments, IFRS 17 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023 and is applied retrospectively, with comparatives restated from 1 January 2022. IFRS 17 has been adopted in its entirety for use in the UK while it has been adopted by the EU subject to certain optional exemptions.

IFRS 17 sets out the requirements that the group will apply in accounting for insurance contracts it issues, reinsurance contracts it holds, and investment contracts with discretionary participation features.

The group is at an advanced stage in the implementation of IFRS 17, having put in place accounting policies, data and models, and made progress with preparing 2022 comparative data. Below are set out our expectations of the impact of IFRS 17 compared with our current accounting policy for insurance contracts, which is set out in policy 1.2(j) on page 344.

Under IFRS 17, no present value of in-force business ('PVIF') asset is recognised. Instead, the measurement of the insurance contracts liability is based on groups of insurance contracts and will include fulfilment cash flows, as well as the contractual service margin ('CSM'), which represents the unearned profit.

To identify groups of insurance contracts, individual contracts subject to similar dominant risk and managed together are identified as a portfolio of insurance contracts. Each portfolio is further separated by profitability group and issue date into periodic cohorts.

The fulfilment cash flows comprise:

-- the best estimates of future cash flows, including amounts expected to be collected from premiums and payouts for claims, benefits and expenses, which are projected using assumptions based on demographic and operating experience;

-- an adjustment for the time value of money and financial risks associated with the future cash flows; and

-- an adjustment for non-financial risk that reflects the uncertainty about the amount and timing of future cash flows.

In contrast to the group's IFRS 4 accounting where profits are recognised upfront, the CSM will be systematically recognised in revenue, as services are provided over the expected coverage period of the group of contracts without any change to the overall profit of the contracts. Losses resulting from the recognition of onerous contracts are recognised in the income statement immediately.

The CSM is adjusted depending on the measurement model of the group of insurance contracts. While the general measurement model ('GMM') is the default measurement model under IFRS 17, the group expects that the majority of its contracts will be accounted for under the variable fee approach ('VFA'), which is mandatory to apply for insurance contracts with direct participation features upon meeting the eligibility criteria.

IFRS 17 requires entities to apply IFRS 17 retrospectively as if IFRS 17 had always been applied, using the full retrospective approach ('FRA') unless it is impracticable. When FRA is impracticable such as when there is a lack of sufficient and reliable data, an entity has an accounting policy choice to use either the modified retrospective approach ('MRA') or the fair value approach ('FVA'). The group will primarily apply the MRA for new business where FRA is impracticable. The group will make use of the other comprehensive income ('OCI') option for some contracts.

Impact of IFRS 17

Changes to equity on transition are driven by the elimination of the PVIF asset, the re-designation of certain eligible financial assets in the scope of IFRS 9, the remeasurement of insurance liabilities and assets under IFRS 17, and the recognition of the CSM.

IFRS 17 requires the use of current market values for the measurement of insurance liabilities. The shareholder's share of the investment experience and assumption changes will be absorbed by the CSM and released over time to profit or loss under VFA. For contracts measured under GMM, the shareholder's share of the investment volatility is recorded in profit or loss as it arises. Under IFRS 17, operating expenses will be lower as directly attributable costs will be incorporated in the CSM and recognised in the insurance service result.

While the profit over the life of an individual contract will be unchanged, its emergence will be later under IFRS 17.

All of these impacts will be subject to deferred tax.

Estimates of the opening balance sheet as at 1 January 2022 have been calculated and are presented below, showing separately the impact on the total assets, liabilities and equity of our insurance manufacturing operations. These estimates are based on accounting policies, assumptions, judgements and estimation techniques that remain subject to change.

                                                    Total assets                               Total liabilities                                    Total equity 
Impact of 
transition to 
IFRS 17, at 
1 January 2022                                             GBPbn                                           GBPbn                                           GBPbn 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
Balance sheet 
 values at 1 
 January 2022 
 under IFRS 4                                               27.1                                            25.5                                             1.6 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
Removal of PVIF                                            (0.8)                                               -                                           (0.8) 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
Replacement of 
liabilities with 
IFRS 17                                                        -                                               -                                               - 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
Removal of IFRS 
 4 liabilities 
 and recording 
 of IFRS 17 
 fulfilment cash 
 flows                                                         -                                           (0.9)                                             0.9 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
IFRS 17 
service margin                                                 -                                             0.9                                           (0.9) 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
effect of IFRS 9 
re-designations                                                -                                               -                                               - 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
Tax effect                                                     -                                           (0.2)                                             0.2 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 balance sheet 
 values at 
 1 January 2022 
 under IFRS 17                                              26.3                                            25.3                                             1.0 
----------------  ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 

PVIF of GBP812m less deferred tax of GBP175m constitute the overall estimated reduction in intangible assets, after tax, of GBP637m on transition to IFRS 17.

   (c)       Foreign currencies 

The functional currency of the bank is sterling, which is also the presentational currency of the consolidated financial statements of the group.

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange on the date of the transaction. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate of exchange at the balance sheet date except non-monetary assets and liabilities measured at historical cost, which are translated using the rate of exchange at the initial transaction date. Exchange differences are included in other comprehensive income or in the income statement depending on where the gain or loss on the underlying item is recognised.

In the consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities of branches, subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates whose functional currency is not sterling are translated into the group's presentation currency at the rate of exchange at the balance sheet date, while their results are translated into sterling at the average rates of exchange for the reporting period. Exchange differences arising are recognised in other comprehensive income. On disposal of a foreign operation, exchange differences previously recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to the income statement.

   (d)      Presentation of information 

Certain disclosures required by IFRSs have been included in the audited sections of this Annual Report and Accounts 2022 as follows:

-- disclosures concerning the nature and extent of risks relating to financial instruments and insurance contracts are included in the 'Report of the Directors: Risk' on pages 26 to 93;

-- the 'Own funds' disclosure is included in the 'Report of the Directors: Capital Risk in 2022' on page 80; and

-- in publishing the parent company financial statements together with the group financial statements, the bank has taken advantage of the exemption in section 408(3) of the Companies Act 2006 not to present its individual income statement and related notes.

   (e)       Critical accounting estimates and judgements 

The preparation of financial information requires the use of estimates and judgements about future conditions. In view of the inherent uncertainties and the high level of subjectivity involved in the recognition or measurement of items highlighted, as the 'critical accounting estimates and judgements' in section 1.2 below, it is possible that the outcomes in the next financial year could differ from those on which management's estimates are based. This could result in materially different estimates and judgements from those reached by management for the purposes of these financial statements. Management's selection of the group's accounting policies that contain critical estimates and judgements reflects the materiality of the items to which the policies are applied and the high degree of judgement and estimation uncertainty involved.

Management has considered the impact of climate-related risks on HSBC's financial position and performance. While the effects of climate change are a source of uncertainty, as at 31 December 2022 management do not consider there to be a material impact on our critical judgements and estimates from the physical, transition and other climate-related risks in the short to medium term. In particular management has considered the known and observable potential impact of climate-related risks of associated judgements and estimates in our value in use calculations.

   (f)       Segmental analysis 

HSBC Bank plc's chief operating decision maker is the group Chief Executive, supported by the group Executive Committee, and operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the group Chief Executive and the group Executive Committee.

Measurement of segmental assets, liabilities, income and expenses is in accordance with the bank's accounting policies. Segmental income and expenses include transfers between segments and these transfers are conducted at arm's length. Shared costs are included in segments on the basis of the actual recharges made.

The types of products and services from which each reportable segment derives its revenue are discussed in the 'Strategic Report - Our global businesses' on page 9

   (g)       Going concern 

The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, as the Directors are satisfied that the group and the company have the resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. In making this assessment, the Directors have considered a wide range of information relating to present and future conditions, including future projections of profitability, cash flows, capital requirements and capital resources. These considerations include stressed scenarios that reflect the uncertainty in structural changes from the Covid-19

pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, disrupted supply chains globally, climate change and other top and emerging risks, as well as from the related impacts on profitability, capital and liquidity.

   1.2   Summary of significant accounting policies 
   (a)       Consolidation and related policies 

Investments in subsidiaries

Where an entity is governed by voting rights, the group consolidates when it holds - directly or indirectly - the necessary voting rights to pass resolutions by the governing body. In all other cases, the assessment of control is more complex and requires judgement of other factors, including having exposure to variability of returns, power to direct relevant activities and whether power is held as agent or principal.

Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. The amount of non-controlling interest is measured either at fair value or at the non-controlling interest's proportionate share of the acquiree's identifiable net assets.

The bank's investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost less impairment losses.

Impairment testing is performed where there is an indication of impairment, by comparing the recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit with its carrying amount.

Critical accounting estimates and judgements

Investments in subsidiaries are tested for impairment when there is 
 an indication that the investment may be impaired, which involves estimations 
 of value in use reflecting management's best estimate of the future 
 cash flows of the investment and the rates used to discount these cash 
 flows, both of which are subject to uncertain factors as follows: 
 *    The accuracy of forecast cash flows is subject to a     *    The future cash flows of each investment are 
      high degree of uncertainty in volatile market                sensitive to the cash flows projected for the periods 
      conditions. Where such circumstances are determined          for which detailed forecasts are available and to 
      to exist, management re-tests for impairment more            assumptions regarding the long-term pattern of 
      frequently than once a year when indicators of               sustainable cash flows thereafter. Forecasts are 
      impairment exist. This ensures that the assumptions          compared with actual performance and verifiable 
      on which the cash flow forecasts are based continue          economic data, but they reflect management's view of 
      to reflect current market conditions and management's        future business prospects at the time of the 
      best estimate of future business prospects.                  assessment. 
                                                              *    The rates used to discount future expected cash flows 
                                                                   can have a significant effect on their valuation, and 
                                                                   are based on the costs of equity assigned to the 
                                                                   investment. The cost of equity percentage is 
                                                                   generally derived from a capital asset pricing model 
                                                                   and the market implied cost of equity, which 
                                                                   incorporates inputs reflecting a number of financial 
                                                                   and economic variables, including the risk-free 
                                                                   interest rate in the country concerned and a premium 
                                                                   for the risk of the business being evaluated. These 
                                                                   variables are subject to fluctuations in external 
                                                                   market rates and economic conditions beyond 
                                                                   management's control. 
                                                              *    Key assumptions used in estimating impairment in 
                                                                   subsidiaries are described in Note 18. 
===========================================================  =========================================================== 

Group sponsored structured entities

The group is considered to sponsor another entity if, in addition to ongoing involvement with the entity, it had a key role in establishing that entity or in bringing together relevant counterparties so the transaction that is the purpose of the entity could occur. The group is generally not considered a sponsor if the only involvement with the entity is merely administrative.

Interests in associates and joint arrangements

Joint arrangements are investments in which the group, together with one or more parties, has joint control. Depending on the group's rights and obligations, the joint arrangement is classified as either a joint operation or a joint venture. The group classifies investments in entities over which it has significant influence, and those that are neither subsidiaries nor joint arrangements, as associates.

The group recognises its share of the assets, liabilities and results in a joint operation. Investments in associates and interests in joint ventures are recognised using the equity method. The attributable share of the results and reserves of joint ventures and associates are included in the consolidated financial statements of the group based on either financial statements made up to 31 December or pro-rated amounts adjusted for any material transactions or events occurring between the date the financial statements are available and

31 December.

Investments in associates and joint ventures are assessed at each reporting date and tested for impairment when there is an indication that the investment may be impaired. Goodwill on acquisition of interests in joint ventures and associates is not tested separately for impairment, but is assessed as part of the carrying amount of the investment.

   (b)      Income and expense 

Operating income

Interest income and expense

Interest income and expense for all financial instruments, excluding those classified as held for trading or designated at fair value, are recognised in 'Interest income' and 'Interest expense' in the income statement using the effective interest method. However, as an exception to this, interest on debt instruments issued by the group for funding purposes that are designated under the fair value option to reduce an accounting mismatch and on derivatives managed in conjunction with those debt instruments is included in interest expense.

Interest on credit-impaired financial assets is recognised using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.

Non-interest income and expense

The group generates fee income from services provided at a fixed price over time, such as account service and card fees, or when the group delivers a specific transaction at a point in time, such as broking services and import/export services. With the exception of certain fund management and performance fees, all other fees are generated at a fixed price. Fund management and performance fees can be variable depending on the size of the customer portfolio and HSBC's performance as fund manager. Variable fees are recognised when all uncertainties are resolved. Fee income is generally earned from short-term contracts with payment terms that do not include a significant financing component.

The group acts as principal in the majority of contracts with customers, with the exception of broking services. For most brokerage trades, the group acts as agent in the transaction and recognises broking income net of fees payable to other parties in the arrangement.

The group recognises fees earned on transaction-based arrangements at a point in time when it has fully provided the service to the customer. Where the contract requires services to be provided over time, income is recognised on a systematic basis over the life of the agreement. Where the group offers a package of services that contains multiple non-distinct performance obligations, such as those included in account service packages, the promised services are treated as a single performance obligation. If a package of services contains distinct performance obligations, such as those including both account and insurance services, the corresponding transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation based on the estimated stand-alone selling prices.

Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established. This is the ex-dividend date for listed equity securities, and usually the date when shareholders approve the dividend for unlisted equity securities.

Net income/(expense) from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss includes the following:

-- 'Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis': This comprises net trading income, which includes all gains and losses from changes in the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and other financial instruments managed on a fair value basis, together with the related interest income, expense and dividends, excluding the effect of changes in the credit risk of liabilities managed on a fair value basis. It also includes all gains and losses from changes in the fair value of derivatives that are managed in conjunction with financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss.

-- 'Net income/(expense) from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss': This includes interest income, interest expense and dividend income in respect of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss; and those derivatives managed in conjunction with the above that can be separately identifiable from other trading derivatives.

-- 'Changes in fair value of designated debt instruments and related derivatives': Interest paid on the debt instruments and interest cash flows on related derivatives is presented in interest expense where doing so reduces an accounting mismatch.

-- 'Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss': This includes interest on instruments that fail the solely payments of principal and interest ('SPPI') test, see (d) below.

The accounting policies for insurance premium income are disclosed in Note 1.2(j).

   (c)       Valuation of financial instruments 

All financial instruments are initially recognised at fair value. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The fair value of a financial instrument on initial recognition is generally its transaction price (that is, the fair value of the consideration given or received). However, if there is a difference between the transaction price and the fair value of financial instruments whose fair value is based on a quoted price in an active market or a valuation technique that uses only data from observable markets, the group recognises the difference as a trading gain or loss at inception (a 'day 1 gain or loss'). In all other cases, the entire day 1 gain or loss is deferred and recognised in the income statement over the life of the transaction either until the transaction matures or is closed out or the valuation inputs become observable.

The fair value of financial instruments is generally measured on an individual basis. However, in cases where the group manages a group of financial assets and liabilities according to its net market or credit risk exposure, the fair value of the group of financial instruments is measured on a net basis but the underlying financial assets and liabilities are presented separately in the financial statements, unless they satisfy the IFRS offsetting criteria. Financial instruments are classified into one of three fair value hierarchy levels, described in Note 11, 'Fair values of financial instruments carried at fair value'.

Critical accounting estimates and judgements

The majority of valuation techniques employ only observable market 
 data. However, certain financial instruments are classified on the 
 basis of valuation techniques that feature one or more significant 
 market inputs that are unobservable, and for them, the measurement 
 of fair value is more judgemental: 
 *    An instrument in its entirety is classified as valued   *    Details on the group's level 3 financial instruments 
      using significant unobservable inputs if, in the             and the sensitivity of their valuation to the effect 
      opinion of management, greater than 5% of the                of applying reasonably possible alternative 
      instrument's valuation is driven by unobservable             assumptions in determining their fair value are set 
      inputs.                                                      out in Note 11. 
 *    'Unobservable' in this context means that there is 
      little or no current market data available from which 
      to determine the price at which an arm's length 
      transaction would be likely to occur. It generally 
      does not mean that there is no data available at all 
      upon which to base a determination of fair value 
      (consensus pricing data may, for example, be used). 
===========================================================  ========================================================== 
   (d)      Financial instruments measured at amortised cost 

Financial assets that are held to collect the contractual cash flows and which contain contractual terms that give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest are measured at amortised cost. Such financial assets include most loans and advances to banks and customers and some debt securities. In addition, most financial liabilities are measured at amortised cost. The group accounts for regular way amortised cost financial instruments using trade date accounting. The carrying value of these financial assets at initial recognition includes any directly attributable transactions costs.

The group may commit to underwriting loans on fixed contractual terms for specified periods of time. When the loan arising from the lending commitment is expected to be sold shortly after origination, the commitment to lend is recorded as a derivative. When the group intends to hold the loan, the loan commitment is included in the impairment calculations set out below.

Non-trading reverse repurchase, repurchase and similar agreements

When debt securities are sold subject to a commitment to repurchase them at a predetermined price ('repos'), they remain on the balance sheet and a liability is recorded in respect of the consideration received. Securities purchased under commitments to resell ('reverse repos') are not recognised on the balance sheet and an asset is recorded in respect of the initial consideration paid. Non-trading repos and reverse repos are measured at amortised cost. The difference between the sale and repurchase price or between the purchase and resale price is treated as interest and recognised in net interest income over the life of the agreement.

Contracts that are economically equivalent to reverse repo or repo agreements (such as sales or purchases of debt securities entered into together with total return swaps with the same counterparty) are accounted for similarly to, and presented together with, reverse repo or repo agreements.

   (e)       Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 

Financial assets held for a business model that is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling and which contain contractual terms that give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income ('FVOCI'). These comprise primarily debt securities. They are recognised on the trade date when HSBC enters into contractual arrangements to purchase and are normally derecognised when they are either sold or redeemed. They are subsequently remeasured at fair value and changes therein (except for those relating to impairment, interest income and foreign currency exchange gains and losses) are recognised in other comprehensive income until the assets are sold. Upon disposal, the cumulative gains or losses in other comprehensive income are recognised in the income statement as 'Gains less losses from financial instruments'. Financial assets measured at FVOCI are included in the impairment calculations set out below and impairment is recognised in profit or loss.

(f) Equity securities measured at fair value with fair value movements presented in other comprehensive income

The equity securities for which fair value movements are shown in other comprehensive income are business facilitation and other similar investments where HSBC holds the investments other than to generate a capital return. Dividends from such investments are recognised in profit or loss. Gains or losses on the derecognition of these equity securities are not transferred to profit or loss. Otherwise, equity securities are measured at fair value through profit or loss.

   (g)       Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss 

Financial instruments, other than those held for trading, are classified in this category if they meet one or more of the criteria set out below and are so designated irrevocably at inception:

   --     the use of the designation removes or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch; 

-- a group of financial assets and liabilities or a group of financial liabilities is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented risk management or investment strategy; and

   --     the financial liability contains one or more non-closely related embedded derivatives. 

Designated financial assets are recognised when HSBC enters into contracts with counterparties, which is generally on trade date, and are normally derecognised when the rights to the cash flows expire or are transferred. Designated financial liabilities are recognised when HSBC enters into contracts with counterparties, which is generally on settlement date, and are normally derecognised when extinguished. Subsequent changes in fair values are recognised in the income statement in 'Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis' or 'Net income/(expense) from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss' or 'Changes in fair value of designated debt and related derivatives' except for the effect of changes in the liabilities' credit risk, which is presented in 'Other comprehensive income', unless that treatment would create or enlarge an accounting mismatch in profit or loss.

Under the above criterion, the main classes of financial instruments designated by HSBC are:

-- Debt instruments for funding purposes that are designated to reduce an accounting mismatch: The interest and/or foreign exchange exposure on certain fixed-rate debt securities issued has been matched with the interest and/or foreign exchange exposure on certain swaps as part of a documented risk management strategy.

-- Financial assets and financial liabilities under unit-linked and non-linked investment contracts: A contract under which HSBC does not accept significant insurance risk from another party is not classified as an insurance contract, other than investment contracts with discretionary participation features ('DPF'), but is accounted for as a financial liability. Customer liabilities under linked and certain non-linked investment contracts issued by insurance subsidiaries are determined based on the fair value of the assets held in the linked funds. If no fair value designation was made for the related assets, at least some of the assets would otherwise be measured at either fair value through other comprehensive income or amortised cost. The related financial assets and liabilities are managed and reported to management on a fair value basis. Designation at fair value of the financial assets and related liabilities allows changes in fair values to be recorded in the income statement and presented in the same line.

-- Financial liabilities that contain both deposit and derivative components: These financial liabilities are managed and their performance evaluated on a fair value basis.

   (h)      Derivatives 

Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from the price of underlying items such as equities, interest rates or other indices. Derivatives are recognised initially and are subsequently measured at fair value through profit or loss, with changes in fair value generally recorded in the income statement. Derivatives are classified as assets when their fair value is positive or as liabilities when their fair value is negative. This includes embedded derivatives in financial liabilities, which are bifurcated from the host contract when they meet the definition of a derivative on a stand-alone basis. Where the derivatives are managed with debt securities issued by HSBC that are designated at fair value where doing so reduces an accounting mismatch, the contractual interest is shown in 'Interest expense' together with the interest payable on the issued debt.

Hedge accounting

When derivatives are not part of fair value designated relationships, if held for risk management purposes they are designated in hedge accounting relationships where the required criteria for documentation and hedge effectiveness are met. The group uses these derivatives or, where allowed, other non-derivative hedging instruments in fair value hedges, cash flow hedges or hedges of net investments in foreign operations as appropriate to the risk being hedged.

Fair value hedge

Fair value hedge accounting does not change the recording of gains and losses on derivatives and other hedging instruments, but results in recognising changes in the fair value of the hedged assets or liabilities attributable to the hedged risk that would not otherwise be recognised in the income statement. If a hedge relationship no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, hedge accounting is discontinued and the cumulative adjustment to the carrying amount of the hedged item is amortised to the income statement on a

recalculated effective interest rate, unless the hedged item has been derecognised, in which case it is recognised in the income statement immediately.

Cash flow hedge

The effective portion of gains and losses on hedging instruments is recognised in other comprehensive income and the ineffective portion of the change in fair value of derivative hedging instruments that are part of a cash flow hedge relationship is recognised immediately in the income statement within 'Net trading income'. The accumulated gains and losses recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to the income statement in the same periods in which the hedged item affects profit or loss. When a hedge relationship is discontinued, or partially discontinued, any cumulative gain or loss recognised in other comprehensive income remains in equity until the forecast transaction is recognised in the income statement. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in other comprehensive income is immediately reclassified to the income statement.

Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting

Non-qualifying hedges are derivatives entered into as economic hedges of assets and liabilities for which hedge accounting was not applied.

   (i)        Impairment of amortised cost and FVOCI financial assets 

Expected credit losses are recognised for loans and advances to banks and customers, non-trading reverse repurchase agreements, other financial assets held at amortised cost, debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income ('FVOCI'), and certain loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts. At initial recognition, an allowance (or provision in the case of some loan commitments and financial guarantees) is required for ECL resulting from default events that are possible within the next 12 months, or less, where the remaining life is less than 12 months, ('12-month ECL'). In the event of a significant increase in credit risk, an allowance (or provision) is required for ECL resulting from all possible default events over the expected life of the financial instrument ('lifetime ECL'). Financial assets where 12-month ECL is recognised are considered to be 'stage 1'; financial assets which are considered to have experienced a significant increase in credit risk are in 'stage 2'; and financial assets for which there is objective evidence of impairment so are considered to be in default or otherwise credit impaired are in 'stage 3'. Purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets ('POCI') are treated differently as set out below.

Credit-impaired (stage 3)

The group determines that a financial instrument is credit impaired and in stage 3 by considering relevant objective evidence, primarily whether contractual payments of either principal or interest are past due for more than 90 days, there are other indications that the borrower is unlikely to pay such as that a concession has been granted to the borrower for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial condition, or the loan is otherwise considered to be in default.

If such unlikeliness to pay is not identified at an earlier stage, it is deemed to occur when an exposure is 90 days past due, even where regulatory rules permit default to be defined based on 180 days past due. Therefore, the definitions of credit impaired and default are aligned as far as possible so that stage 3 represents all loans that are considered defaulted or otherwise credit-impaired.

Interest income is recognised by applying the effective interest rate to the amortised cost amount, i.e. gross carrying amount less

ECL allowance.


Financial assets (and the related impairment allowances) are normally written off, either partially or in full, when there is no realistic prospect of recovery. Where loans are secured, this is generally after receipt of any proceeds from the realisation of security.

In circumstances where the net realisable value of any collateral has been determined and there is no reasonable expectation of further recovery, write-off may be earlier.


Loans are identified as forborne and classified as either performing or non-performing when the group modifies the contractual terms due to financial difficulty of the borrower. Non-performing forborne loans are stage 3 and classified as non-performing until they meet the cure criteria, as specified by applicable credit risk policy (for example, when the loan is no longer in default and no other indicators of default have been present for at least 12 months). Any amount written off as a result of any modification of contractual terms upon entering forbearance would not be reversed.

In 2022, the group adopted the EBA Guidelines on the application of definition of default for our retail portfolios, which affects credit risk policies and our reporting in respect of the status of loans as credit impaired principally due to forbearance (or curing thereof). Further details are provided under 'Forborne loans and advances' on page 37.

Performing forborne loans are initially stage 2 and remain classified as forborne until they meet applicable cure criteria (for example, they continue to not be in default and no other indicators of default are present for a period of at least 24 months). At this point, the loan is either stage 1 or stage 2 as determined by comparing the risk of a default occurring at the reporting date (based on the modified contractual terms) and the risk of a default occurring at initial recognition (based on the original, unmodified contractual terms).

A forborne loan is derecognised if the existing agreement is cancelled and a new agreement is made on substantially different terms, or if the terms of an existing agreement are modified such that the forborne loan is a substantially different financial instrument. Any new loans that arise following derecognition events in these circumstances would generally be classified as POCI and will continue to be disclosed as forborne.

Loan modifications other than forborne loans

Loan modifications that are not identified as forborne are considered to be commercial restructurings. Where a commercial restructuring results in a modification (whether legalised through an amendment to the existing terms or the issuance of a new loan contract) such that HSBC's rights to the cash flows under the original contract have expired, the old loan is derecognised and the new loan is recognised at fair value. The rights to cash flows are generally considered to have expired if the commercial restructure is at market rates and no payment-related concession has been provided. Modifications of certain higher credit risk wholesale loans are assessed for derecognition having regard to changes in contractual terms that either individually or in combination are judged to result in a substantially different financial instrument. Mandatory and general offer loan modifications that are not borrower specific, for example market-wide customer relief programmes generally do not result in derecognition, but their stage allocation is determined considering all available and supportable information under our ECL impairment policy. Changes made to these financial instruments that are

economically equivalent and required by interest rate benchmark reform do not result in the derecognition or a change in the carrying amount of the financial instrument, but instead require the effective interest rate to be updated to reflect the change of the interest rate benchmark.

Significant increase in credit risk (stage 2)

An assessment of whether credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition is performed at each reporting period by considering the change in the risk of default occurring over the remaining life of the financial instrument.

The assessment explicitly or implicitly compares the risk of default occurring at the reporting date compared with that at initial recognition, taking into account reasonable and supportable information, including information about past events, current conditions and future economic conditions. The assessment is unbiased, probability-weighted, and to the extent relevant, uses forward-looking information consistent with that used in the measurement of ECL. The analysis of credit risk is multifactor. The determination of whether a specific factor is relevant and its weight compared with other factors depends on the type of product, the characteristics of the financial instrument and the borrower, and the geographical region. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a single set of criteria that will determine what is considered to be a significant increase in credit risk and these criteria will differ for different types of lending, particularly between retail and wholesale. However, unless identified at an earlier stage, all financial assets are deemed to have suffered a significant increase in credit risk when 30 days past due. In addition, wholesale loans that are individually assessed, which are typically corporate and commercial customers, and included on a watch or worry list, are included in stage 2.

For wholesale portfolios, the quantitative comparison assesses default risk using a lifetime probability of default ('PD'), which encompasses a wide range of information including the obligor's customer risk rating ('CRR'), macro-economic condition forecasts and credit transition probabilities. For origination CRRs up to 3.3, significant increase in credit risk is measured by comparing the average PD for the remaining term estimated at origination with the equivalent estimation at reporting date. The quantitative measure of significance varies depending on the credit quality at origination as follows:

0.1-1.2  15bps 
-------  ----- 
2.1-3.3  30bps 
-------  ----- 

For CRRs greater than 3.3 that are not impaired, a significant increase in credit risk is considered to have occurred when the origination PD has doubled. The significance of changes in PD was informed by expert credit risk judgement, referenced to historical credit migrations and to relative changes in external market rates.

For loans originated prior to the implementation of IFRS 9, the origination PD does not include adjustments to reflect expectations of future macroeconomic conditions since these are not available without the use of hindsight. In the absence of this data, origination PD must be approximated assuming through-the-cycle PDs and through-the-cycle migration probabilities, consistent with the instrument's underlying modelling approach and the CRR at origination. For these loans, the quantitative comparison is supplemented with additional CRR deterioration-based thresholds, as set out in the table below:

0.1      5 notches 
-------  --------- 
1.1-4.2  4 notches 
-------  --------- 
4.3-5.1  3 notches 
-------  --------- 
5.2-7.1  2 notches 
-------  --------- 
7.2-8.2  1 notch 
-------  --------- 
8.3      0 notch 
-------  --------- 

Further information about the 23-grade scale used for CRR can be found on page 37.

For Retail portfolios, default risk is assessed using a reporting date 12-month PD derived from credit scores, which incorporate all available information about the customer. This PD is adjusted for the effect of macroeconomic forecasts for periods longer than

12 months and is considered to be a reasonable approximation of a lifetime PD measure. Retail exposures are first segmented into homogenous portfolios, generally by country, product and brand. Within each portfolio, the stage 2 accounts are defined as accounts with an adjusted 12-month PD greater than the average 12-month PD of loans in that portfolio 12 months before they become 30 days past due. The expert credit risk judgement is that no prior increase in credit risk is significant. This portfolio-specific threshold therefore identifies loans with a PD higher than would be expected from loans that are performing as originally expected and higher than that which would have been acceptable at origination. It therefore approximates a comparison of origination to reporting date PDs.

As additional data becomes available, the retail transfer criteria approach continues to be refined to utilise a more relative approach for certain portfolios. These enhancements take advantage of the increase in origination related data in the assessment of significant increases in credit risk by comparing remaining lifetime PD to the comparable remaining term lifetime PD at origination based on portfolio-specific origination segments. These enhancements resulted in significant migrations of loans to customers gross carrying amounts from stage 1 to stage 2, but did not have a significant impact on the overall ECL for these portfolios in 2022 due to low loan-to-value ratios.

Unimpaired and without significant increase in credit risk (stage 1)

ECL resulting from default events that are possible within the next 12 months ('12-month ECL') are recognised for financial instruments that remain in stage 1.

Purchased or originated credit impaired

Financial assets that are purchased or originated at a deep discount that reflects the incurred credit losses are considered to be POCI. This population includes new financial instruments recognised in most cases following the derecognition of forborne loans. The amount of change in lifetime ECL for a POCI loan is recognised in profit or loss until the POCI loan is derecognised, even if the lifetime ECL are less than the amount of ECL included in the estimated cash flows on initial recognition.

Movement between stages

Financial assets can be transferred between the different categories (other than POCI) depending on their relative increase in credit risk since initial recognition. Financial instruments are transferred out of stage 2 if their credit risk is no longer considered to be significantly

increased since initial recognition based on the assessments described above. In the case of non-performing forborne loans such financial instruments are transferred out of stage 3 when they no longer exhibit any evidence of credit impairment and meet the curing criteria as described above.

Measurement of ECL

The assessment of credit risk and the estimation of ECL are unbiased and probability-weighted, and incorporate all available information which is relevant to the assessment including information about past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts of future events and economic conditions at the reporting date. In addition, the estimation of ECL should take into account the time value of money and considers other factors such as climate-related risks.

In general, HSBC calculates ECL using three main components, a probability of default ('PD'), a loss given default ('LGD') and the exposure at default ('EAD').

The 12-month ECL is calculated by multiplying the 12-month PD, LGD, and EAD. Lifetime ECL is calculated using the lifetime PD instead. The 12-month and lifetime PDs represent the probability of default occurring over the next 12 months and the remaining maturity of the instrument respectively.

The EAD represents the expected balance at default, taking into account the repayment of principal and interest from the balance sheet date to the default event together with any expected drawdowns of committed facilities. The LGD represents expected losses on the EAD given the event of default, taking into account, among other attributes, the mitigating effect of collateral value at the time it is expected to be realised and the time value of money.

HSBC makes use of the Basel II IRB framework where possible, with recalibration to meet the differing IFRS 9 requirements as set out in the following table:

         *    Through the cycle (represents long-run average PD        *    Point in time (based on current conditions, adjusted 
              throughout a full economic cycle).                            to take into account estimates of future conditions 
                                                                            that will impact PD). 
         *    The definition of default includes a backstop of 90+ 
              days past due, although this has been modified to        *    Default backstop of 90+ days past due for all 
              180+ days past due for some portfolios, particularly          portfolios. 
              UK and US mortgages. 
-----  -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
          *    Cannot be lower than current balance                    *    Amortisation captured for term products 
-----  -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
          *    Downturn LGD (consistent losses expected to be         *    Expected LGD (based on estimate of loss given default 
               suffered during a severe but plausible economic             including the expected impact of future economic 
               downturn).                                                  conditions such as changes in value of collateral). 
          *    Regulatory floors may apply to mitigate risk of        *    No floors. 
               underestimating downturn LGD due to lack of 
               historical data. 
                                                                      *    Discounted using the original effective interest rate 
                                                                           of the loan. 
          *    Discounted using cost of capital. 
                                                                      *    Only costs associated with obtaining/selling 
          *    All collection costs included.                              collateral included. 
-----  -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
                                                                       *    Discounted back from point of default to balance 
                                                                            sheet date. 
-----  -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------ 

While 12-month PDs are recalibrated from Basel models where possible, the lifetime PDs are determined by projecting the 12-month PD using a term structure. For the Wholesale methodology, the lifetime PD also takes into account credit migration, i.e. a customer migrating through the CRR bands over its life.

The ECL for Wholesale stage 3 is determined on an individual basis using a discounted cash flow ('DCF') methodology. The expected future cash flows are based on the credit risk officer's estimates as of the reporting date, reflecting reasonable and supportable assumptions and projections of future recoveries and expected future receipts of interest. Collateral is taken into account if it is likely that the recovery of the outstanding amount will include realisation of collateral based on its estimated fair value of collateral at the time of expected realisation, less costs for obtaining and selling the collateral.

The cash flows are discounted at a reasonable approximation of the original effective interest rate. For significant cases, cash flows under four different scenarios are probability-weighted by reference to the economic scenarios applied more generally by HSBC Group and the judgement of the credit risk officer in relation to the likelihood of the workout strategy succeeding or receivership being required. For less significant cases, the effect of different economic scenarios and work-out strategies is approximated and applied as an adjustment to the most likely outcome.

Period over which ECL is measured

Expected credit loss is measured from the initial recognition of the financial asset. The maximum period considered when measuring ECL (be it 12-month or lifetime ECL) is the maximum contractual period over which HSBC is exposed to credit risk. However, where the financial instrument includes both a drawn and undrawn commitment and the contractual ability to demand repayment and cancel the undrawn commitment does not serve to limit HSBC's exposure to credit risk to the contractual notice period, the contractual period does not determine the maximum period considered. Instead, ECL is measured over the period HSBC remains exposed to credit risk that is not mitigated by credit risk management actions. This applies to retail overdrafts and credit cards, where the period is the average time taken for stage 2 exposures to default or close as performing accounts, determined on a portfolio basis and ranging from between two and six years. In addition, for these facilities it is not possible to identify the ECL on the loan commitment component separately from the financial asset component. As a result, the total ECL is recognised in the loss allowance for the financial asset unless the total ECL exceeds the gross carrying amount of the financial asset, in which case the ECL is recognised as a provision. For wholesale overdraft facilities, credit risk management actions are taken no less frequently than on an annual basis.

Forward-looking economic inputs

HSBC applies multiple forward-looking global economic scenarios determined with reference to external forecast distributions representative of its view of forecast economic conditions. This approach is considered sufficient to calculate unbiased expected loss in most economic environments. In certain economic environments, additional analysis may be necessary and may result in additional scenarios or adjustments, to reflect a range of possible economic outcomes sufficient for an unbiased estimate. The detailed methodology is disclosed in 'Measurement uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of ECL estimates' on page 48.

Critical accounting estimates and judgements

The calculation of the group's ECL under IFRS 9 requires the group 
 to make a number of judgements, assumptions and estimates. The most 
 significant are set out below: 
 *    Defining what is considered to be a significant           *    The section 'Measurement uncertainty and sensitivity 
      increase in credit risk.                                       analysis of ECL estimates', marked as audited from 
                                                                     page 48 sets out the assumptions used in determining 
                                                                     ECL, and provides an indication of the sensitivity of 
 *    Selecting and calibrating the PD, LGD and EAD models           the result to the application of different weightings 
,                                                                    being applied to different economic assumptions. 
      which support the calculations, including making 
      reasonable and supportable judgements about how 
      models react to current and future economic 
 *    Selecting model inputs and economic forecasts, 
      including determining whether sufficient and 
      appropriately weighted economic forecasts are 
      incorporated to calculate unbiased expected loss. 
 *    Making management judgemental adjustments to account 
      for late breaking events, model and data limitations 
      and deficiencies, and expert credit judgements. 
 *    Selecting applicable recovery strategies for certain 
      wholesale credit-impaired loans. 
==========================================================  ============================================================== 
   (j)        Insurance contracts 

A contract is classified as an insurance contract where the group accepts significant insurance risk from another party by agreeing to compensate that party on the occurrence of a specified uncertain future event. An insurance contract may also transfer financial risk, but is accounted for as an insurance contract if the insurance risk is significant. In addition, the group issues investment contracts with discretionary participation features ('DPF') which are also accounted for as insurance contracts as required by IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts'.

Net insurance premium income

Premiums for life insurance contracts are accounted for when receivable, except in unit-linked insurance contracts where premiums are accounted for when liabilities are established.

Reinsurance premiums are accounted for in the same accounting period as the premiums for the direct insurance contracts to which they relate.

Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movements in liabilities to policyholders

Gross insurance claims for life insurance contracts reflect the total cost of claims arising during the year, including claim handling costs and any policyholder bonuses allocated in anticipation of a bonus declaration.

Maturity claims are recognised when due for payment. Surrenders are recognised when paid or at an earlier date on which, following notification, the policy ceases to be included within the calculation of the related insurance liabilities. Death claims are recognised when notified.

Reinsurance recoveries are accounted for in the same period as the related claim.

Liabilities under insurance contracts

Liabilities under non-linked life insurance contracts are calculated by each life insurance operation based on local actuarial principles. Liabilities under unit-linked life insurance contracts are at least equivalent to the surrender or transfer value, which is calculated by reference to the value of the relevant underlying funds or indices.

Future profit participation on insurance contracts with DPF

Where contracts provide discretionary profit participation benefits to policyholders, liabilities for these contracts include provisions for the future discretionary benefits to policyholders. These provisions reflect the actual performance of the investment portfolio to date and management's expectation of the future performance of the assets backing the contracts, as well as other experience factors such as mortality, lapses and operational efficiency, where appropriate. The benefits to policyholders may be determined by the contractual terms, regulation or past distribution policy.

Investment contracts with DPF

While investment contracts with DPF are financial instruments, they continue to be treated as insurance contracts as required by IFRS 4. The group therefore recognises the premiums for these contracts as revenue and recognises as an expense the resulting increase in the carrying amount of the liability.

In the case of net unrealised investment gains on these contracts, whose discretionary benefits principally reflect the actual performance of the investment portfolio, the corresponding increase in the liabilities is recognised in either the income statement or other comprehensive income, following the treatment of the unrealised gains on the relevant assets. In the case of net unrealised losses, a deferred participating asset is recognised only to the extent that its recoverability is highly probable. Movements in the liabilities arising from realised gains and losses on relevant assets are recognised in the income statement.

Present value of in-force long-term insurance business

The group recognises the value placed on insurance contracts, and investment contracts with DPF, that are classified as long-term and

in-force at the balance sheet date, as an asset. The asset represents the present value of the equity holders' interest in the issuing insurance companies' profits expected to emerge from these contracts written at the balance sheet date. The present value of

in-force long-term insurance business ('PVIF') is determined by discounting those expected future profits using appropriate assumptions in assessing factors such as future mortality, lapse rates and levels of expenses, and a risk discount rate that reflects the risk premium attributable to the respective contracts. The PVIF incorporates allowances for both non-market risk and the value of financial options and guarantees. The PVIF asset is resented gross of attributable tax in the balance sheet and movements in the PVIF asset are included in 'Other operating income' on a gross of tax basis.

   (k)      Employee compensation and benefits 

Share-based payments

The group enters into both equity-settled and cash-settled share-based payment arrangements with its employees as compensation for the provision of their services. The vesting period for these schemes may commence before the legal grant date if the employees have started to render services in respect of the award before the legal grant date, where there is a shared understanding of the terms and conditions of the arrangement. Expenses are recognised when the employee starts to render service to which the award relates.

Cancellations result from the failure to meet a non-vesting condition during the vesting period, and are treated as an acceleration of vesting recognised immediately in the income statement. Failure to meet a vesting condition by the employee is not treated as a cancellation, and the amount of expense recognised for the award is adjusted to reflect the number of awards expected to vest.

Post-employment benefit plans

The group operates a number of pension schemes including defined benefit, defined contribution and post-employment benefit schemes.

Payments to defined contribution schemes are charged as an expense as the employees render service.

Defined benefit pension obligations are calculated using the projected unit credit method. The net charge to the income statement mainly comprises the service cost and the net interest on the net defined benefit asset or liability, and is presented in operating expenses.

Remeasurements of the net defined benefit asset or liability, which comprise actuarial gains and losses, return on plan assets (excluding interest) and the effect of the asset ceiling (if any, excluding interest), are recognised immediately in other comprehensive income. The net defined benefit asset or liability represents the present value of defined benefit obligations reduced by the fair value of plan assets, after applying the asset ceiling test, where the net defined benefit surplus is limited to the present value of available refunds and reductions in future contributions to the plan.

The costs of obligations arising from other post-employment plans are accounted for on the same basis as defined benefit pension plans.

   (l)        Tax 

Income tax comprises current tax and deferred tax. Income tax is recognised in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, in which case the tax is recognised in the same statement in which the related item appears.

Current tax is the tax expected to be payable on the taxable profit for the year and on any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. The group provides for potential current tax liabilities that may arise on the basis of the amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities. Payments associated with any incremental base erosion and anti-abuse tax are reflected in tax expense in the period incurred.

Deferred tax is recognised on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet, and the amounts attributed to such assets and liabilities for tax purposes. Deferred tax is calculated using the tax rates expected to apply in the periods as the assets will be realised or the liabilities settled.

In assessing the probability and sufficiency of future taxable profit, we consider the availability of evidence to support the recognition of deferred tax assets. taking into account the inherent risks in long-term forecasting, including climate change-related, and drivers of recent history of tax losses where applicable. We also consider the future reversal of existing taxable temporary differences and tax planning strategies, including corporate reorganisations.

Current and deferred tax are calculated based on tax rates and laws enacted, or substantively enacted, by the balance sheet date.

Critical accounting judgements

The recognition of deferred tax assets depends on judgements and estimates 
                                                           The recognition of deferred tax assets 
  *    Specific judgements supporting deferred tax assets   is sensitive to estimates of future 
       are described in Note 7.                             cash flows projected for periods 
                                                            for which detailed forecasts are 
                                                            available and to assumptions regarding 
                                                            the long-term pattern of cash flows 
                                                            thereafter, on which forecasts of 
                                                            future taxable profit are based, 
                                                            and which affect the expected recovery 
                                                            periods and the pattern of utilisation 
                                                            of tax losses and tax credits. 
=========================================================  ======================================= 

The Group does not consider there to be a significant risk of a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the deferred tax assets in the next financial year but does consider this to be an area that is inherently judgemental.

   (m)     Provisions, contingent liabilities and guarantees 


Provisions are recognised when it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle a present legal or constructive obligation that has arisen as a result of past events and for which a reliable estimate can be made.

Critical accounting estimates and judgements

The recognition and measurement of provisions requires the group to 
 make a number of judgements, assumptions and estimates. The most significant 
 set out below: 
 *    Determining whether a present obligation exists.           *    Provisions for legal proceedings and regulatory 
      Professional advice is taken on the assessment of               matters remain very sensitive to the assumptions used 
      litigation and similar obligations.                             in the estimate. There could be a wider range of 
                                                                      possible outcomes for any pending legal proceedings, 
                                                                      investigations or inquiries. As a result, it is often 
 *    Provisions for legal proceedings and regulatory                 not practicable to quantify a range of possible 
      matters typically require a higher degree of                    outcomes for individual matters. It is also not 
      judgement than other types of provisions. When                  practicable to meaningfully quantify ranges of 
      matters are at an early stage, accounting judgements            potential outcomes in aggregate for these types of 
      can be difficult because of the high degree of                  provisions, because of the diverse nature and 
      uncertainty associated with determining whether a               circumstances of such matters and the wide range of 
      present obligation exists, and estimating the                   uncertainties involved. 
      probability and amount of any outflows that may 
      arise. As matters progress, management and legal 
      advisers evaluate on an ongoing basis whether 
      provisions should be recognised, revising previous 
      estimates as appropriate. At more advanced stages, it 
      is typically easier to make estimates around a better 
      defined set of possible outcomes. 
===========================================================  ============================================================== 

Contingent liabilities, contractual commitments and guarantees

Contingent liabilities

Contingent liabilities, which include certain guarantees and letters of credit pledged as collateral security, and contingent liabilities related to legal proceedings or regulatory matters, are not recognised in the financial statements but are disclosed unless the probability of settlement is remote.

Financial guarantee contracts

Liabilities under financial guarantee contracts that are not classified as insurance contracts are recorded initially at their fair value, which is generally the fee received or present value of the fee receivable.

The bank has issued financial guarantees and similar contracts to other group entities. The group elects to account for certain guarantees as insurance contracts in the bank's financial statements, in which case they are measured and recognised as insurance liabilities. This election is made on a contract by contract basis, and is irrevocable.

   (n)      Impairment of non-financial assets 

Software under development is tested for impairment at least annually. Other non-financial assets are property, plant and equipment, intangible assets (excluding goodwill) and right-of-use assets. They are tested for impairment at the individual asset level when there is indication of impairment at that level, or at the CGU level for assets that do not have a recoverable amount at the individual asset level. In addition, impairment is also tested at the CGU level when there is indication of impairment at that level. For this purpose, CGUs are considered to be the principal operating legal entities divided by global business.

Impairment testing compares the carrying amount of the non-financial asset or CGU with its recoverable amount, which is the higher of the fair value less costs of disposal or the value in use. The carrying amount of a CGU comprises the carrying value of its assets and liabilities, including non-financial assets that are directly attributable to it and non-financial assets that can be allocated to it on a reasonable and consistent basis. Non-financial assets that cannot be allocated to an individual CGU are tested for impairment at an appropriate grouping of CGUs. The recoverable amount of the CGU is the higher of the fair value less costs of disposal of the CGU, which is determined by independent and qualified valuers where relevant, and the value in use, which is calculated based on appropriate inputs. When the recoverable amount of a CGU is less than its carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised in the income statement to the extent that the impairment can be allocated on a pro-rata basis to the non-financial assets by reducing their carrying amounts to the higher of their respective individual recoverable amount or nil. Impairment is not allocated to the financial assets in a CGU.

Impairment loss recognised in prior periods for non-financial assets is reversed when there has been a change in the estimate used to determine the recoverable amount. The impairment loss is reversed to the extent that the carrying amount of the non-financial assets would not exceed the amount that would have been determined (net of amortisation or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognised in prior periods.

   (o)       Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale 

HSBC classifies non-current assets or disposal groups (including assets and liabilities) as held for sale when their carrying amounts will be recovered principally through sale rather than through continuing use. To be classified as held for sale, the non-current asset or disposal group must be available for immediate sale in its present condition subject only to terms that are usual and customary for sales of such assets (or disposal groups), and the sale must be highly probable. For a sale to be highly probable, the appropriate level of management must be committed to a plan to sell the asset (or disposal group) and an active programme to locate a buyer and complete the plan must have been initiated. Further, the asset (or disposal group) must be actively marketed for sale at a price that is reasonable in relation to its current fair value. In addition, the sale should be expected to qualify as a completed sale within one year from the date of classification and actions required to complete the plan should indicate that it is unlikely that significant changes to the plan will be made or that the plan will be withdrawn.

Held-for-sale assets and disposal groups are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell except for those assets and liabilities that are not within the scope of the measurement requirements of IFRS 5. If the carrying amount of the non-current asset (or disposal group) is greater than the fair value less costs to sell, an impairment loss for any initial or subsequent write down of the asset or disposal group to fair value less costs to sell is recognised. Any such impairment loss is first allocated against the non-current assets that are in scope of IFRS 5 for measurement. This first reduces the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the disposal group, and then to the other assets of the disposal group pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset in the disposal group. Thereafter, any impairment loss in excess of the carrying value of the non-current assets in scope of IFRS 5 for measurement is recognised against the total assets of the disposal group.

Critical accounting estimates and judgements

The classification as held for sale depends on certain judgements 
Management judgement is required in determining whether the IFRS 5 
 held for sale criteria are met, including whether a sale is highly 
 probable and expected to complete within one year of classification. 
 The exercise of judgement will normally consider the likelihood of 
 successfully securing any necessary regulatory or political approvals 
 which are almost always required for sales of banking businesses. For 
 large and complex plans judgement will also include an assessment of 
 the enforceability of any binding sale agreement, the nature and magnitude 
 of any disincentives for non-performance, and the ability of the counterparty 
 to undertake necessary pre-completion preparatory work, comply with 
 conditions precedent, and otherwise be able to comply with contractual 
 undertakings to achieve completion within the expected timescale. Once 
 classified as held for sale, judgement is required to be applied on 
 a continuous basis to ensure that classification remains appropriate 
 in future accounting periods. 
2  Net fee income 
Net fee income by product type 
                                                          2022                        2021                        2020 
                                                          GBPm                        GBPm                        GBPm 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Account services                                           302                         271                         239 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Funds under management                                     433                         465                         424 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Cards                                                       56                          44                          44 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Credit facilities                                          235                         246                         250 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Broking income                                             354                         368                         369 
Imports/exports                                             44                          40                          41 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Remittances                                                101                          84                          62 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Underwriting                                               171                         286                         360 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Global custody                                             203                         200                         220 
Corporate finance                                          124                         132                          85 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Securities others - (including 
 stock lending)                                             81                          76                           - 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Trust income                                                49                          43                          45 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Other                                                      453                         451                         535 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Fee income                                               2,606                       2,706                       2,674 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Less: fee expense                                      (1,345)                     (1,293)                     (1,274) 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net fee income                                           1,261                       1,413                       1,400 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net fee income by global business 
                                                                                            GBM                                                                            Corporate 
                                   MSS                         GB                         Other                         CMB                        WPB                        Centre                    Total 
                                  GBPm                       GBPm                          GBPm                        GBPm                       GBPm                          GBPm                     GBPm 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
ended 31 
Dec 2022 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
 income                          1,301                        817                            70                         425                        592                         (599)                    2,606 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
 expense                       (1,439)                      (173)                          (55)                        (26)                      (246)                           594                  (1,345) 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net fee 
 income                          (138)                        644                            15                         399                        346                           (5)                    1,261 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
ended 31 
Dec 2021 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
 income                          1,251                        861                            89                         415                        633                         (543)                    2,706 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
 expense                       (1,245)                      (188)                          (83)                        (54)                      (255)                           532                  (1,293) 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net fee 
 income                              6                        673                             6                         361                        378                          (11)                    1,413 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
ended 31 
Dec 2020 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
 income                          1,243                        857                            94                         407                        603                         (530)                    2,674 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
 expense                       (1,209)                      (172)                         (123)                        (51)                      (245)                           526                  (1,274) 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net fee 
 income                             34                        685                          (29)                         356                        358                           (4)                    1,400 
--------  ----------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------- 

Net fee income includes GBP778m of fees earned on financial assets that are not at fair value through profit or loss (other than amounts included in determining the effective interest rate) (2021: GBP935m; 2020 GBP883m), GBP229m of fees payable on financial liabilities that are not at fair value through profit of loss (other than amounts included in determining the effective interest rate) (2021: GBP221m; 2020: GBP176m), GBP687m of fees earned on trust and other fiduciary activities (2021: GBP709m; 2020: GBP688m), and GBP69m of fees payable relating to trust and other fiduciary activities (2021: GBP61m; 2020 GBP68m).

3  Net income from financial instruments measured at fair value through 
    profit or loss 
                                                  2022                                    2021                                  2020 
                                                  GBPm                                    GBPm                                  GBPm 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Net income 
arising on: 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Net Trading 
 activities                                    (2,840)                                       3                                 1,948 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Other instruments 
 managed on a 
 fair value 
 basis                                           5,715                                   1,730                                 (190) 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Net income from 
 instruments held 
 for trading or 
 managed on a 
 fair value basis                                2,875                                   1,733                                 1,758 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Financial assets 
 held to meet 
 under insurance 
 and investment 
 contracts                                     (1,436)                                   1,305                                   290 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Liabilities to 
 customers under 
 contracts                                          67                                    (91)                                  (36) 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 from assets and 
 of insurance 
 measured at fair 
 value through 
 profit or loss                                (1,369)                                   1,214                                   254 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 managed in 
 conjunction with 
 group's issued 
 debt securities                                 (736)                                   (337)                                   112 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Other changes in 
 fair value                                        838                                     329                                  (95) 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Changes in fair 
 value of 
 designated debt 
 and related 
 derivatives                                       102                                     (8)                                    17 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Changes in fair 
 value of other 
 measured at fair 
 value through 
 profit or loss                                    143                                     493                                   285 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Year ended 31 Dec                                1,751                                   3,432                                 2,314 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
4  Insurance business 
Net insurance premium income 
                                       Non-linked                                  Linked                                      contracts 
                                        insurance                          life insurance                                    with DPF(1)                             Total 
                                             GBPm                                    GBPm                                           GBPm                              GBPm 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
 income                                       214                                     432                                          1,238                             1,884 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                  (96)                                     (1)                                              -                              (97) 
share of 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Year ended 
 31 Dec 2022                                  118                                     431                                          1,238                             1,787 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Gross                                         218                                     429                                          1,360                             2,007 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                 (100)                                     (1)                                              -                             (101) 
 share of 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Year ended                                    118                                     428                                          1,360                             1,906 
 31 Dec 2021 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Gross                                         205                                     274                                          1,185                             1,664 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                 (100)                                     (5)                                              -                             (105) 
 share of 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Year ended                                    105                                     269                                          1,185                             1,559 
 31 Dec 2020 
------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
   1     Discretionary participation features. 
Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities 
 to policyholders 
                                          Non-linked                                  Linked                                      contracts 
                                           insurance                          life insurance                                    with DPF(1)                               Total 
                                                GBPm                                    GBPm                                           GBPm                                GBPm 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Gross claims 
 movement in 
 liabilities                                      44                                     238                                            177                                 459 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- claims, 
 paid                                            122                                     129                                          1,491                               1,742 
- movement 
 liabilities                                    (78)                                     109                                        (1,314)                             (1,283) 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                     (64)                                      11                                              -                                (53) 
 share of 
 claims and 
 paid and 
 movement in 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- claims,                                       (57)                                     (2)                                              -                                (59) 
- movement                                       (7)                                      13                                              -                                   6 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
Year ended                                      (20)                                     249                                            177                                 406 
 31 Dec 2022 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Gross claims                                     120                                     550                                          2,420                               3,090 
 movement in 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- claims,                                        126                                     106                                          1,554                               1,786 
- movement                                       (6)                                     444                                            866                               1,304 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                     (45)                                     (6)                                              -                                (51) 
 share of 
 claims and 
 paid and 
 movement in 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- claims,                                       (68)                                     (1)                                              -                                (69) 
- movement                                        23                                     (5)                                              -                                  18 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
Year ended                                        75                                     544                                          2,420                               3,039 
 31 Dec 2021 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Gross claims                                     143                                     300                                          1,404                               1,847 
 movement in 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- claims,                                        102                                      93                                          1,578                               1,773 
- movement                                        41                                     207                                          (174)                                  74 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                     (64)                                       -                                              -                                (64) 
 share of 
 claims and 
 paid and 
 movement in 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- claims,                                       (62)                                     (3)                                              -                                (65) 
- movement                                       (2)                                       3                                              -                                   1 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
Year ended                                        79                                     300                                          1,404                               1,783 
 31 Dec 2020 
------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
   1     Discretionary participation features. 
Liabilities under insurance contracts 
                                          Non-linked                                Linked                                      contracts 
                                           insurance                        life insurance                                    with DPF(1)                            Total 
                                                GBPm                                  GBPm                                           GBPm                             GBPm 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 1 Jan 2022                                      556                                 1,938                                         19,770                           22,264 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Claims and 
 benefits paid                                 (122)                                 (129)                                        (1,491)                          (1,742) 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Increase in                                       44                                   238                                            177                              459 
liabilities to 
 and other 
 movements(2)                                     20                                    15                                        (1,029)                            (994) 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 31 Dec 2022                                     498                                 2,062                                         17,427                           19,987 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                    (100)                                  (40)                                              -                            (140) 
share of 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 31 Dec 2022                                     398                                 2,022                                         17,427                           19,847 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 1 Jan 2021                                      594                                 1,512                                         20,710                           22,816 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Claims and                                     (126)                                 (106)                                        (1,554)                          (1,786) 
benefits paid 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Increase in                                      120                                   550                                          2,420                            3,090 
liabilities to 
Exchange                                        (32)                                  (18)                                        (1,806)                          (1,856) 
and other 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 31 Dec 2021                                     556                                 1,938                                         19,770                           22,264 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                     (93)                                  (53)                                              -                            (146) 
share of 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 31 Dec 2021                                     463                                 1,885                                         19,770                           22,118 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 1 Jan 2020                                      576                                 1,295                                         19,638                           21,509 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Claims and                                     (102)                                  (93)                                        (1,578)                          (1,773) 
benefits paid 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Increase in                                      143                                   300                                          1,404                            1,847 
liabilities to 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Exchange                                        (23)                                    10                                          1,246                            1,233 
and other 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 31 Dec 2020                                     594                                 1,512                                         20,710                           22,816 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Reinsurers'                                    (118)                                  (47)                                              -                            (165) 
share of 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 contracts at 
 31 Dec 2020                                     476                                 1,465                                         20,710                           22,651 
--------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
   1     Discretionary participation features. 

2 'Exchange differences and other movements' includes movements in liabilities arising from net unrealised investment gains recognised in other comprehensive income.

The key factors contributing to the movement in liabilities to policyholders included movement in the market value of assets supporting policyholder liabilities, death claims, surrenders, lapses, new business, the declaration of bonuses and other amounts attributable to policyholders.

5  Employee compensation and benefits 
                                                 2022                                  2021                                  2020 
                                                 GBPm                                  GBPm                                  GBPm 
----------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Wages and 
 salaries                                       1,423                                 1,609                                 1,917 
----------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Social security 
 costs                                            282                                   341                                   367 
----------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 benefits(1)                                       57                                    73                                    56 
----------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Year ended 31 
 Dec                                            1,762                                 2,023                                 2,340 
----------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 

1 Includes GBP42m (2021: GBP37m; 2020: GBP36m) in employer contributions to the defined contribution pension plans.

Average number of persons employed by the group during the year by 
 global business(1) 
                                           2022                                 2021                                  2020 
----------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
MSS                                       3,722                                4,322                                 4,590 
----------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
GB                                        2,155                                2,458                                 2,857 
----------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
GBM Other                                    81                                  140                                   158 
----------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
CMB                                       2,748                                3,023                                 3,396 
----------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
WPB                                       6,484                                6,709                                 6,807 
----------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
 Centre                                     215                                  171                                    58 
----------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Year ended 
 31 Dec                                  15,405                               16,823                                17,866 
----------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 

1 Average numbers of headcount in corporate centre are allocated in respective businesses on the basis of amounts charged to the respective global businesses.

Share-based payments

'Wages and salaries' includes the effect of share-based payments arrangements, of which GBP45m were equity settled (2021: GBP96m ; 2020: GBP76m), as follows:

                                                   2022                                    2021                                    2020 
                                                   GBPm                                    GBPm                                    GBPm 
----------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
Restricted share 
 awards                                              45                                      96                                      77 
----------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 and other share 
 award option 
 plans                                                1                                       1                                       2 
----------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
Year ended 31 
 Dec                                                 46                                      97                                      79 
----------------  -------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
HSBC share awards 
Deferred share 
 awards (including      *    An assessment of performance over the relevant period 
 annual incentive            ending on 31 December is used to determine the amount 
 awards, long-term           of the award to be granted. 
 incentive ('LTI') 
 awards delivered 
 in shares) and         *    Deferred awards generally require employees to remain 
 Group Performance           in employment over the vesting period and are 
 Share Plan ('GPSP')         generally not subject to performance conditions after 
                             the grant date. An exception to these are the LTI 
                             awards, which are subject to performance conditions. 
                        *    Deferred share awards generally vest over a period of 
                             three, four, five or seven years. 
                        *    Vested shares may be subject to a retention 
                             requirement post-vesting. 
                        *    Awards are subject to malus and clawback. 
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
 Employee Share         *    The plan was first introduced in Hong Kong in 2013 
 Purchase Plan               and now includes employees based in 31 jurisdictions. 
                        *    Shares are purchased in the market each quarter up to 
                             a maximum value of GBP750, or the equivalent in local 
                        *    Matching awards are added at a ratio of one free 
                             share for every three purchased. 
                        *    Matching awards vest subject to continued employment 
                             and the retention of the purchased shares for a 
                             maximum period of two years and nine months. 
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
Movement on HSBC share awards 
                                                2022                             2021                             2020 
                                              Number                           Number                           Number 
                                              (000s)                           (000s)                           (000s) 
--------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Restricted share 
 awards outstanding 
 at 1 Jan                                     21,828                           24,367                           24,578 
Additions during the 
 year(1)                                      11,651                           15,479                           16,823 
--------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Released in the 
 year(1)                                    (12,279)                         (16,690)                         (16,024) 
--------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Forfeited in the 
 year                                          (746)                          (1,328)                          (1,010) 
--------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Restricted share 
 awards outstanding 
 at 31 
 Dec                                          20,454                           21,828                           24,367 
--------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Weighted average 
 fair value of 
 awards granted 
 (GBP)                                          4.96                             4.49                             5.58 
--------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 

1 Includes a number of share option plans transferred from or to other subsidiaries of HSBC Holdings plc.

HSBC share option plans 
 share option           *    From 2014, eligible employees for the UK plan can 
 plans ('Sharesave')         save up to GBP500 per month with the option to use 
                             the savings to acquire shares. 
                        *    These are generally exercisable within six months 
                             following either the third or fifth anniversary of 
                             the commencement of a three years or five years 
                             contract, respectively. 
                        *    The exercise price is set at a 20% (2021: 20%) 
                             discount to the market value immediately preceding 
                             the date of invitation. 
--------------------  --------------------------------------------------------- 

Calculation of fair values

The fair values of share options are calculated using a Black-Scholes model. The fair value of a share award is based on the share price at the date of the grant.

Movement on HSBC share option plans 
                                                                            share option plans 
                                                                               Number                          WAEP(1) 
                                                                               (000s)                              GBP 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Outstanding at 1 Jan 2022                                                       6,936                             2.87 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Granted during the year(2)                                                      (179)                             3.96 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Exercised during the year                                                       (173)                             3.36 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Expired during the year                                                         (177)                             4.72 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Forfeited during the year                                                       (625)                             2.98 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Outstanding at 31 Dec 2022                                                      5,782                             2.91 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Weighted average remaining contractual life 
 (years)                                                                         2.18 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Outstanding at 1 Jan 2021                                                       7,206                             2.96 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Granted during the year(2)                                                        984                             3.25 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Exercised during the year                                                       (227)                             3.97 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Expired during the year                                                          (99)                             4.70 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Forfeited during the year                                                       (928)                             3.68 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Outstanding at 31 Dec 2021                                                      6,936                             2.87 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Weighted average remaining contractual life 
 (years)                                                                         2.98 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Outstanding at 1 Jan 2020                                                       4,245                             4.78 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Granted during the year(2)                                                      5,909                             2.56 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Exercised during the year                                                       (107)                             4.43 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Expired during the year                                                          (78)                             4.64 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Forfeited during the year                                                     (2,763)                             4.79 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Outstanding at 31 Dec 2020                                                      7,206                             2.96 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Weighted average remaining contractual life 
 (years)                                                                         3.64 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
   1     Weighted average exercise price. 

2 Includes a number of share option plans transferred from or to other subsidiaries of HSBC Holdings plc.

Post-employment benefit plans

We operate a number of pension plans throughout Europe for our employees. Some are defined benefit plans, of which HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension Plan is the most prominent within the group.

The group's balance sheet includes the net surplus or deficit, being the difference between the fair value of plan assets and the discounted value of scheme liabilities at the balance sheet date for each plan. Surpluses are only recognised to the extent that they are recoverable through reduced contributions in the future, or through potential future refunds from the schemes. In assessing whether a surplus is recoverable, the group has considered its current right to obtain a future refund or a reduction in future contributions together with the rights of third parties such as trustees.

HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension Plan

The plan is a final salary scheme and is calculated based on the employee length of service multiplied by a predefined benefit accrual and earnings. The pension is paid when the benefit falls due and is a specified pension payment, lump-sum or combination thereof. The plan is overseen by an independent corporate trustee, who has a fiduciary responsibility for the operation of the plan. Its assets are held separately from the assets of the group.

The strategic aim of the investment is to achieve, as continuously as possible, an increase in value over time. For this purpose, the fund invests mainly in government bonds, corporate bonds, investment funds and equities. It invests predominantly in developed regions. Overall, emphasis is placed on having a high degree of diversification.

Plan assets were created to fund the pension obligations and separated through what is known as a contractual trust agreement ('CTA'). HSBC Trinkaus Vermögenstreu--händer e. V. and HSBC Trinkaus Mitarbeitertreuhänder e. V. assume the role of trustee. Active members of the trustee constitute members of the Management Board, of the Supervisory Board and Bank employees.

The Bank regularly aims to comprehensively finance the committed benefits externally. There is no obligation to allocate contributions to the CTA. The Bank is entitled to assets that are not needed to fund the committed benefits. No further additions to the plan assets are envisaged at the present time.

In accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the revenues may only be used, for example, for pension payments or for reinvestment. Similarly, withdrawals may only be made in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association. In so far as the benefits are directly committed and there is a shortfall in the CTA, provisions are created for these.

The latest measurement of the defined benefit obligation of the plan at 31 December 2022 was carried out by Tim Voetmann and Hans-Peter Kieselmann, at Willis Towers Watson GmbH, who are Fellows of the German Association of Actuaries ('DAV'), using the projected unit credit method. The next measurement will have an effective date of 31 December 2023.

Net assets/(liabilities) recognised on the balance sheet in respect 
 of defined benefit plans 
                                                   Fair                          value 
                                                  value                     of defined 
                                                of plan                        benefit 
                                                 assets                    obligations                           Total 
                                                   GBPm                           GBPm                            GBPm 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Defined benefit pension 
 plans                                              534                          (531)                               3 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Defined benefit 
 healthcare plans                                     -                           (51)                            (51) 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
At 31 Dec 2022                                      534                          (582)                            (48) 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Total employee benefit 
 liabilities (within 
 deferred income and 
 other liabilities')                                                                                             (121) 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Total employee benefit 
 assets (within 
 accrued income and other 
 assets')                                                                                                           73 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Defined benefit pension 
 plans                                              668                          (742)                            (74) 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Defined benefit 
 healthcare plans                                     -                           (68)                            (68) 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
At 31 Dec 2021                                      668                          (810)                           (142) 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Total employee benefit 
 liabilities (within 
 deferred income and 
 other liabilities')                                                                                             (196) 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Total employee benefit 
 assets (within 
 accrued income and other 
 assets')                                                                                                           54 
-------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 

Defined benefit pension plans

Net asset/(liability) under defined benefit pension plans 
                                                                                                                                                             Present value 
                                                                                      Fair value of                                                        of defined benefit                                                     Net defined benefit 
                                                                                       plan assets                                                             obligations                                                         asset/(liability) 
                                                          ---------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                                              HSBC Trinkaus                                                           HSBC Trinkaus                                                          HSBC Trinkaus 
                                                                                          &                                                                       &                                                                      & 
                                                                                  Burkhardt                                                               Burkhardt                                                              Burkhardt 
                                                                                    Pension                               Other                             Pension                               Other                            Pension                               Other 
                                                                                    Plan(2)                               plans                             Plan(2)                               plans                            Plan(2)                               plans 
                                                                                       GBPm                                GBPm                                GBPm                                GBPm                               GBPm                                GBPm 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
At 1 Jan 2022                                                                           434                                 234                               (438)                               (304)                                (4)                                (70) 
Service cost                                                                              -                                   -                                   4                                 (8)                                  4                                 (8) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- current service cost                                                                    -                                   -                                   3                                 (9)                                  3                                 (9) 
- past service cost 
 and gains from settlements                                                               -                                   -                                   1                                   1                                  1                                   1 
Net interest income/(cost) 
 on the net defined 
 benefit asset/(liability)                                                              (3)                                   5                                 (4)                                 (5)                                (7)                                   - 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Remeasurement effects 
 recognised in other 
 comprehensive income                                                                  (51)                                (99)                                  94                                  98                                 43                                 (1) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
  *    return on plan assets (excluding interest income)                               (51)                                (99)                                   -                                   -                               (51)                                (99) 
- actuarial gains/(losses) 
 financial assumptions                                                                    -                                   -                                  94                                 106                                 94                                 106 
- actuarial gains/(losses) 
 demographic assumptions                                                                  -                                   -                                   -                                 (2)                                  -                                 (2) 
- actuarial gains/(losses) 
 experience assumptions                                                                   -                                   -                                   -                                 (6)                                  -                                 (6) 
- other changes                                                                           -                                   -                                   -                                   -                                  -                                   - 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
Exchange differences                                                                     22                                   1                                (20)                                 (3)                                  2                                 (2) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Benefits paid                                                                             -                                 (7)                                  10                                  13                                 10                                   6 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Other movements(1)                                                                        3                                 (5)                                 (3)                                  35                                  -                                  30 
At 31 Dec 2022                                                                          405                                 129                               (357)                               (174)                                 48                                (45) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
At 1 Jan 2021                                                                            435                                 258                               (489)                               (387)                                (54)                               (129) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Service cost                                                                               -                                   -                                 (7)                                (27)                                 (7)                                (27) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- current service cost                                                                     -                                   -                                 (8)                                (11)                                 (8)                                (11) 
- past service cost 
 and gains from settlements                                                                -                                   -                                   1                                (16)                                   1                                (16) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Net interest income/(cost) 
 on the net defined 
 benefit asset/(liability)                                                                 3                                   4                                 (3)                                 (3)                                   -                                   1 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Remeasurement effects 
 recognised in other 
 comprehensive income                                                                     17                                 (2)                                  26                                  16                                  43                                  14 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
  *    return on plan assets (excluding interest income)                                  17                                 (2)                                   -                                   -                                  17                                 (2) 
- actuarial gains/(losses) 
 financial assumptions                                                                     -                                   -                                  26                                   7                                  26                                   7 
- actuarial gains/(losses) 
 demographic assumptions                                                                   -                                   -                                   -                                   -                                   -                                   - 
- actuarial gains/(losses) 
 experience assumptions                                                                    -                                   -                                   -                                   9                                   -                                   9 
- other changes                                                                            -                                   -                                   -                                   -                                   -                                   - 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Exchange differences                                                                    (28)                                 (1)                                  29                                   9                                   1                                   8 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Benefits paid                                                                              -                                (15)                                  10                                  19                                  10                                   4 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Other movements(1)                                                                         7                                (10)                                 (4)                                  69                                   3                                  59 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
At 31 Dec 2021                                                                           434                                 234                               (438)                               (304)                                 (4)                                (70) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 

1 Other movements include contributions by the group, contributions by employees, administrative costs and tax paid by plan.

2 The HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension Plan and its comparatives have been disclosed as it is considered to be a prominent plan within the group. Figures disclosed comprise this prominent plan and other plans in Germany.

HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH has not made contributions to the HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension Plan during 2022. Benefits expected to be paid from the HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension Plan to retirees over each of the next five years, and in aggregate for the five years thereafter, are as follows:

Benefits expected to be paid from plans 
                                2023                        2024                        2025                        2026                        2027                   2028-2032 
                                GBPm                        GBPm                        GBPm                        GBPm                        GBPm                        GBPm 
----------  ------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Plan(1)                          11                          10                          12                          11                          12                          66 
----------  ------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 

1 The duration of the defined benefit obligation is 13.7 Years for the HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension Plan under the disclosure assumptions adopted (2021: 17.1).

Fair value of plan assets by asset classes 
                                                        31 Dec 2022                                                                                        31 Dec 2021 
                                                   Quoted                  No quoted                                                                   Quoted                  No quoted 
                                                   market                     market                                                                   market                     market 
                                                    price                      price                                                                    price                      price 
                                                in active                  in active                     Thereof                                    in active                  in active                 Thereof 
                        Value                      market                     market                        HSBC             Value                     market                     market                    HSBC 
                         GBPm                        GBPm                       GBPm                        GBPm              GBPm                       GBPm                       GBPm                    GBPm 
----------  -----------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Trinkaus & 
----------  -----------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Fair value 
 of plan 
 assets                   405                         352                         53                           -               434                        377                         57                       - 
----------  -----------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
- equities                  8                           8                          -                           -                11                         11                          -                       - 
- bonds                   199                         199                          -                           -               112                        112                          -                       - 
- other                   198                         145                         53                           -               311                        254                         57                       - 
----------  -----------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 

Post-employment defined benefit plans' principal actuarial financial assumptions

The group determines the discount rates to be applied to its obligations in consultation with the plans' local actuaries, on the basis of current average yields of high quality (AA-rated or equivalent) debt instruments with maturities consistent with those of the defined benefit obligations.

Key actuarial assumptions 
                                                                                  increase             Rate 
                                                Discount        Inflation              for           of pay 
                                                    rate             rate         pensions         increase 
                                                       %                %                %                % 
---------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension Plan 
---------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 31 Dec 2022                                      3.71             2.25             2.25             2.25 
At 31 Dec 2021                                      1.14             1.75             1.75             1.75 
---------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Mortality tables and average life expectancy at age 60 
                                                    Life expectancy    Life expectancy 
                                                     at age 60 for       at age 60 for 
                                        Mortality    a male member      a female member 
                                            table      currently:         currently: 
                                                   -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                       Aged     Aged      Aged      Aged 
                                                         60       40        60        40 
----------------------------------  -------------  --------  -------  --------  -------- 
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension 
----------------------------------  -------------  --------  -------  --------  -------- 
At 31 Dec 2022                       RT 2018G1(1)      25.2     28.2      28.9      31.2 
At 31 Dec 2021(2)                    RT 2018G1(1)      20.6     23.4      24.0      26.3 
----------------------------------  -------------  --------  -------  --------  -------- 

1 Heubeck tables: RT 2018G. These are generally accepted and used mortality tables for occupational pension plans in Germany, taking into account future mortality improvements and lighter mortality for higher-paid pensioners.

2 2021 data provided based on Heubeck tables for Life expectancy at age 65 for male/female members currently aged 65 or 45.

The effect of changes in key assumptions 
                                                                                         HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt Pension Plan 
                                                      Financial impact of                                                                      Financial impact of 
                                                            increase                                                                                 decrease 
                                           2022                          2021                          2020                         2022                          2021                          2020 
                                           GBPm                          GBPm                          GBPm                         GBPm                          GBPm                          GBPm 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Discount rate - 
 of 0.25%                                   (7)                          (13)                          (15)                            8                            13                            16 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Inflation rate - 
 of 0.25%                                     7                            11                            16                          (5)                           (9)                          (12) 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Pension payments 
 and deferred 
 pensions - 
 of 0.25%                                     5                             9                            10                          (5)                           (8)                          (10) 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Pay - 
 0.25%                                        1                             2                             4                          (1)                           (2)                           (4) 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Change in 
 mortality - 
 of 1 Year                                   10                            16                            19                          N/A                           N/A                           N/A 
------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 

The above sensitivity analyses are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions constant. In practice, this in unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated. When calculating the sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to significant actuarial assumptions the same method (present value of the defined benefit obligation calculated with the projected unit credit method at the end of the reporting period) has been applied as when calculating the defined benefit asset recognised in the balance sheet. The methods and types of assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity analysis did not change compared to the prior period.

Directors' emoluments

The aggregate emoluments of the Directors of the bank, computed in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 as amended by statutory instrument 2008 No.410, were:

                                                       2022                       2021                       2020 
                                                     GBP000                     GBP000                     GBP000 
---------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Fees(1)                                               1,410                      1,525                      1,256 
---------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Salaries and other emoluments(2)                      2,294                      3,569                      2,321 
---------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Annual incentives(3)                                    979                        694                        576 
---------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Long-term incentives(4)                                 779                        511                        727 
---------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Year ended 31 Dec                                     5,462                      6,299                      4,880 
---------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
   1     Fees paid to non-executive Directors. 
   2     Salaries and other emoluments include Fixed Pay Allowances. 

3 Discretionary annual incentives for executive Directors are based on a combination of individual and corporate performance, and are determined by the Remuneration Committee of the bank's parent company, HSBC Holdings plc. Incentive awards made to executive directors are delivered in the form of cash and HSBC Holdings plc shares. The total amount shown is comprised of GBP489,285 (2021: GBP346,959) in cash and GBP489,285 (2021: GBP346,959) in Restricted Shares, which is the upfront portion of the annual incentive granted in respect of performance year 2022.

4 The amount shown is comprised of GBP380,893 (2021: GBP274,177) in deferred cash, GBP398,162 (2021: GBP237,259) in deferred Restricted Shares. These amounts relate to the portion of the awards that will vest following the substantial completion of the vesting condition attached to these awards in 2022. The total vesting period of deferred cash and share awards is no less than three years, with 33% of the award vesting on each of the first and second anniversaries of the date of the award, and the balance vesting on the third anniversary of the date of the award. The deferred share awards are subject to at least a six-month retention period upon vesting. Details of the Plans are contained within the Directors' Remuneration Report of HSBC Holdings plc. The cost of any awards subject to service conditions under the HSBC Share Plan 2011 are recognised through an annual charge based on the fair value of the awards, apportioned over the period of service to which the award relates.

No Director exercised share options over HSBC Holdings plc ordinary shares during the year.

No Director is accruing retirement benefits under a money purchase scheme in respect of Directors' qualifying services (2021: one Director).

In addition, there were payments during 2022 under unfunded retirement benefit agreements to former Directors of GBP394,334 (2021: GBP396,363). The provision at 31 December 2022 in respect of unfunded pension obligations to former Directors amounted to GBP4,286,951 (2021: GBP5,387,505).

Of these aggregate figures, the following amounts are attributable to the highest paid Director:

                                                2022                             2021                             2020 
                                              GBP000                           GBP000                           GBP000 
------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Salaries and other 
 emoluments                                    1,641                            1,399                            1,392 
------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 incentives(1)                                   859                              558                              417 
------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 incentives(2)                                   677                              390                              677 
------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
Year ended 31 Dec                              3,177                            2,347                            2,486 
------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 

1 Awards made to the highest paid Director are delivered in the form of cash and HSBC Holdings plc shares. The amount shown comprises GBP429,285 (2021: GBP279,225) in cash and GBP429,285 (2021: GBP279,225) in Restricted Shares.

2 The amount shown comprises GBP330,687 (2021: GBP209,492) in deferred cash, GBP345,818 (2021: GBP180,147) in deferred Restricted Shares. These amounts relate to a portion of the awards that will vest following the substantial completion of the vesting condition attached to these awards in 2022. The total vesting period of deferred cash and share awards is no less than three years, with 33% of the award vesting on each of the first and second anniversaries of the date of the award, and the balance vesting on the third anniversary of the date of the award. The share awards are subject to a six-month retention period upon vesting.

No pension contributions were made by the bank in respect of services by the highest paid Director during the

year                        (2021: GBP0 ). 
6  Auditors' remuneration 
                                              2022                              2021                              2020 
                                              GBPm                              GBPm                              GBPm 
----------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Audit fees 
 payable to PwC                               11.3                              10.4                              11.3 
----------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Other audit fees 
 payable                                       0.7                               0.4                               0.4 
----------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Year ended 31 
 Dec                                          12.0                              10.8                              11.7 
----------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Fees payable by the group to PwC 
                                               2022                              2021                              2020 
                                               GBPm                              GBPm                              GBPm 
----------------   --------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Fees for HSBC 
 Bank plc's 
 audit(1)                                       5.5                               4.8                               5.3 
-----------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
Fees for other 
 provided to the 
 group                                         15.6                              14.3                              13.1 
-----------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
- audit of the 
 subsidiaries(2)                                5.8                               5.6                               6.0 
- audit-related 
 services(3)                                    5.3                               5.7                               4.2 
- other assurance 
 services(4)                                    4.5                               3.0                               2.9 
Year ended 31 Dec                              21.1                              19.1                              18.4 
-----------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 

1 Fees payable to PwC for the statutory audit of the consolidated financial statements of the group and the separate financial statements of HSBC Bank plc. They exclude amounts payable for the statutory audit of the bank's subsidiaries which have been included in 'Fees for other services provided to the group'.

   2     Including fees payable to PwC for the statutory audit of the bank's subsidiaries. 

3 Including services for assurance and other services that relate to statutory and regulatory filings, including interim reviews.

4 Including permitted services relating to attestation reports on internal controls of a service organisation primarily prepared for and used by third-party end user, including comfort letters.

Fees payable for non-audit services for HSBC Bank plc are not disclosed separately because such fees are disclosed on a consolidated basis for the group.

7  Tax 
Tax expense 
                                           2022                               2021                                2020 
                                           GBPm                               GBPm                                GBPm 
-------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
Current tax                               (283)                              (187)                                 195 
-------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- for this 
 year                                     (243)                              (245)                                 186 
- adjustments 
 in respect 
 of prior 
 years                                     (40)                                 58                                   9 
-------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
Deferred tax                              (278)                                164                               (331) 
-------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
- origination 
 and reversal 
 of temporary 
 differences                              (444)                                248                               (339) 
- effect of 
 changes in 
 tax rates                                   33                               (56)                                (26) 
- adjustments 
 in respect 
 of prior 
 years                                      133                               (28)                                  34 
-------------  --------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
Year ended 31 
 Dec(1)                                   (561)                               (23)                               (136) 
-------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 

1 In addition to amounts recorded in the income statement, a tax credit of GBP393m (2021: credit of GBP135m; 2020 charge of GBP135m) was recorded directly to equity.

The group's profits are taxed at different rates depending on the country in which the profits arise. The key applicable corporate tax rates in 2022 included the UK and France. The UK tax rate applying to HSBC Bank plc and its banking subsidiaries was 27% (2021: 27%), comprising 19% corporation tax plus 8% surcharge on UK banking profits. The applicable tax rate in France was 26% (2021: 28%). Other overseas subsidiaries and overseas branches provided for taxation at the appropriate rates in the countries in which they operate.

During 2022, legislation was enacted to reduce the UK banking surcharge rate from 8% to 3% from 1 April 2023, decreasing the tax credit for 2021 by GBP33m due to the remeasurement of deferred tax balances. The main rate of UK corporation tax will increase from 19% to 25% from 1 April 2023.

In December 2021, the OECD published model rules that provided a template for countries to implement a new global minimum tax rate of 15%. These rules are due to be effective from 2024. In January 2022, the UK government opened a consultation on how the UK implements the rules. The impact on HSBC will depend on exactly how the UK implements the model rules, as well as the profitability and local tax liabilities of HSBC's operations in each tax jurisdiction from 2024. In addition, potential changes to tax legislation and tax rates in the countries and territories in which we operate could increase our effective tax rate in the future.

Tax reconciliation

The tax charged to the income statement differs from the tax expense that would apply if all profits had been taxed at the UK corporation tax rate as follows:

                                        2022                                                    2021                                                     2020 
                                   GBPm                             %                      GBPm                              %                      GBPm                              % 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 before tax                       (959)                                                   1,023                                                  (1,615) 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Tax expense 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Taxation at UK 
 tax rate                         (182)                          19.0                       194                           19.0                     (307)                           19.0 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Impact of 
 at different 
 rates                             (75)                           7.8                         7                            0.7                      (75)                            4.6 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
UK banking 
 surcharge                         (47)                           4.9                       (2)                          (0.2)                     (100)                            6.2 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
increasing the 
tax charge 
in 2022: 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- adjustment 
 in respect of 
 years                               93                         (9.7)                        30                            2.9                        45                          (2.8) 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- UK and 
 European Bank 
 levies                              50                         (5.2)                        72                            7.0                        31                          (1.9) 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- impact of 
 held for sale 
 adjustments                         47                         (4.9)                         -                              -                         -                              - 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- adjustment 
 to deferred 
 tax on 
 contracts                           36                         (3.8)                         -                              -                         -                              - 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- impact of 
 changes in 
 tax rates                           33                         (3.4)                      (56)                          (5.5)                      (26)                            1.6 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- effect of 
 profits in 
 and joint 
 ventures                             5                         (0.5)                      (43)                          (4.2)                       (3)                            0.2 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- local taxes 
 and overseas 
 taxes                                4                         (0.4)                       (4)                          (0.4)                        49                          (3.0) 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- impact of 
 French tax 
 returns and 
 IFRS                                 -                             -                       324                           31.7                         -                              - 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- other                               1                         (0.1)                      (34)                          (3.4)                        34                          (2.1) 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Items reducing 
the tax charge 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- movements in 
 tax                              (268)                          27.9                      (47)                          (4.6)                       321                         (19.9) 
- movement in 
 uncertain tax 
 positions                        (110)                          11.5                         5                            0.5                         1                          (0.1) 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- non-taxable 
 income and 
 gains                             (93)                           9.7                      (92)                          (9.0)                      (55)                            3.4 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- deductions 
 for AT1 
 payments                          (55)                           5.7                      (53)                          (5.2)                      (51)                            3.2 
- tax impact 
 of planned 
 sale of 
 French retail 
 business                             -                             -                     (324)                         (31.7)                         -                              - 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Year ended 31 
 Dec                              (561)                          58.5                      (23)                          (2.3)                     (136)                            8.4 
--------------  -----------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 

The effective tax rate for the year was 58.5% (2021: (2.3)%; 2020: 8.4%), reflecting a tax credit arising on a loss before tax. The tax credit for 2022 was driven by underlying losses before tax and non-recurring items, including recognition of previously unrecognised deferred tax assets in France and a tax credit of GBP110m from movement in provisions for uncertain tax positions. The tax credit for 2021 included favourable non-recurring items in respect of tax rate changes, prior period adjustments and the recognition of previously unrecognised deferred tax assets in France.

In 2021, the signing of a framework agreement for the planned sale of the French retail banking business resulted in a tax deduction (tax value of GBP324m) for a provision for loss on disposal which was recorded in the French tax return. A deferred tax liability of the same amount arose as a consequence of the temporary difference between the French tax basis and IFRS in respect of this provision. This temporary difference reversed in 2022 upon application of held for sale accounting for IFRS, resulting in the reversal of this deferred tax liability to the income statement.

Accounting for taxes involves some estimation because tax law is uncertain and its application requires a degree of judgement, which authorities may dispute. Liabilities are recognised based on best estimates of the probable outcome, taking into account external advice where appropriate. We do not expect significant liabilities to arise in excess of the amounts provided. The current tax asset includes an estimate of tax recoverable from HMRC with regards to past dividends received from EU resident companies. The ultimate resolution of this matter involves litigation for which the outcome is uncertain.

Movement of deferred tax assets and liabilities 
                                                                      Loan                     Property,                                                                                 Relief 
                                  Retirement                    impairment                         plant                         FVOCI                    Goodwill                      for tax 
                                    benefits                    provisions                 and equipment                   investments             and intangibles                    losses(2)                     Other(1)                        Total 
The group                               GBPm                          GBPm                          GBPm                          GBPm                        GBPm                         GBPm                         GBPm                         GBPm 
---------------   --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
Assets                                    74                            53                           215                             -                         212                          381                            -                          935 
Liabilities                                -                           (4)                             -                          (58)                           -                            -                        (289)                        (351) 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
At 1 Jan 2022                             74                            49                           215                          (58)                         212                          381                        (289)                          584 
Income statement                        (11)                             -                            22                             3                       (201)                          243                          222                          278 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 income                                 (18)                             -                             -                           179                           -                            -                          215                          376 
Foreign exchange 
 and other 
 adjustments                               -                             -                           (1)                            18                           -                            4                            6                           27 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
At 31 Dec 2022                            45                            49                           236                           142                          11                          628                          154                        1,265 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
Assets(3)                                 45                            50                           236                           142                          11                          628                          154                        1,266 
Liabilities(3)                             -                           (1)                             -                             -                           -                            -                            -                          (1) 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
Assets                                    63                            66                           171                             -                         157                          418                            -                          875 
Liabilities                                -                           (9)                           (6)                          166)                           -                            -                        (117)                        (298) 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
At 1 Jan 2021                             63                            57                           165                          166)                         157                          418                        (117)                          577 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
Income statement                          28                          (10)                            51                             3                          55                         (37)                        (254)                        (164) 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
 income                                 (17)                             2                           (1)                           105                           -                            -                           82                          171 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
At 31 Dec 2021                            74                            49                           215                          (58)                         212                          381                        (289)                          584 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 
Assets(3)                                 74                            53                           215                             -                         212                          381                            -                          935 
Liabilities(3)                             -                           (4)                             -                          (58)                           -                            -                        (289)                        (351) 
----------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------- 

1 Other deferred tax assets and liabilities relate to share-based payments, cash flow hedges and temporary differences arising between IFRS and French tax returns.

2 The deferred tax asset recognised in respect of tax losses mainly relates to France GBP(588)m, and US State tax losses of the New York branch of HSBC Bank plc GBP(28)m, all of which are supported by future profit forecasts.

3 After netting off balances within countries, the balances as disclosed in the financial statements are as follows: deferred tax assets GBP1,279m (2021: GBP599m); and deferred tax liabilities GBP14m (2021:GBP15m).

Management has assessed the likely availability of future taxable profits against which to recover the deferred tax assets of the Company and the Group, taking into consideration the reversal of existing taxable temporary differences, past business performance and forecasts of future business performance.

The group's net deferred tax asset of GBP1,265m (2021: GBP584m) included a net UK deferred tax asset of GBP498m (2021: GBP448m) and a net deferred asset of GBP597m (2021: GBP7m) in France, of which GBP588m (2021: GBP294m) related to tax losses which are expected to be substantially recovered within 10 years.

Management is satisfied that although the Company recorded a UK tax loss in the year, the aforementioned evidence is sufficient to support recognition of all UK deferred tax assets. These deferred tax assets are supported by future profit forecasts for the whole of HSBC's UK tax group. This includes a number of companies which are not part of the HSBC Bank plc group, in particular HSBC UK Bank plc and its subsidiaries.

Following the signing of a framework agreement in 2021 for the planned sale of the French retail banking business, that business is now excluded from our deferred tax recognition analysis as its sale is considered probable. Although the French consolidated tax group recorded a tax loss in 2020 and 2021, this would have been taxable profit if the effects of the retail banking business and other non-recurring items, mainly related to the restructuring of the European business, were excluded. The accounting loss for France in 2022 is driven by the loss on assets held for sale. Excluding this amount, the business in France recorded a profit in 2022. The French net deferred tax asset is supported by forecasts of taxable profit, also taking into consideration the history of profitability in the remaining businesses.

Movement of deferred tax assets and liabilities 
                                                                    Property,                                                                                 Relief 
                                     Retirement                         plant                                                  Goodwill                      for tax 
                                       benefits                 and equipment                        FVOCI              and intangibles                    losses(2)                       Other(1)                          Total 
The bank                                   GBPm                          GBPm                         GBPm                         GBPm                         GBPm                           GBPm                           GBPm 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Assets(2)                                    17                           207                            -                          191                           69                             48                            532 
Lliabilities(2)                               -                             -                         (23)                            -                            -                              -                           (23) 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
At 1 Jan 2022                                17                           207                         (23)                          191                           69                             48                            509 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Income statement                            (4)                            24                            -                        (191)                         (41)                            (6)                          (218) 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 income                                       1                             -                           98                            -                            -                            210                            309 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Foreign exchange 
 adjustments                                  -                             -                                                         -                            -                              8                              8 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
At 31 Dec 2022                               14                           231                           75                            -                           28                            260                            608 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Assets(3)                                    14                           231                           75                            -                           28                            260                            608 
Liabilities(3)                                -                             -                            -                            -                            -                              -                              - 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Assets                                       16                           162                            -                          156                          416                              -                            750 
Liabilities                                   -                             -                        (100)                            -                            -                          (104)                          (204) 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
At 1 Jan 2021                                16                           162                        (100)                          156                          416                          (104)                            546 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Income statement                              2                            45                            -                           35                        (347)                             73                          (192) 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 income                                     (1)                             -                           77                            -                            -                             77                            153 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Foreign exchange 
 adjustments                                  -                             -                            -                            -                            -                              2                              2 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
At 31 Dec 2021                               17                           207                         (23)                          191                           69                             48                            509 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Assets(3)                                    17                           207                            -                          191                           69                             48                            532 
Liabilities(3)                                -                             -                         (23)                            -                            -                              -                           (23) 
----------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 

1 Other deferred tax assets and liabilities relate to fair value of own debt, loan impairment allowances, share-based payments and cash flow hedges.

2 The deferred tax asset recognised in respect of losses mainly relates to US State tax losses of the New York branch of HSBC Bank plc,which are supported by future profit forecasts.

3 After netting off balances within countries, the balances as disclosed in the accounts are as follows: deferred tax assets GBP608m (2021: GBP509m) and deferred tax liabilities nil (2021:nil).

Unrecognised deferred tax

The group

The amount of temporary differences, unused tax losses and tax credits for which no deferred tax asset is recognised in the balance sheet was GBP1,017m (2021: GBP1,944m). These amounts include unused tax losses, tax credits and temporary differences of GBP912m (2021: GBP1,141m) arising in the New York branch of HSBC Bank plc and of nil (2021: GBP782m) arising in France. Of the unrecognised losses, GBP502m expire within 10 years (2021: GBP394m), and the remainder expire after 10 years or do not expire.

The bank

The amount of temporary differences, unused tax losses and tax credits for which no deferred tax asset is recognised in the balance sheet was GBP912m (2021: GBP1,141m). These amounts include unused tax losses, tax credits and temporary differences arising in the New York branch of HSBC Bank plc of GBP912m (2021: GBP1,141m). Of the unrecognised losses, GBP402m expire within 10 years (2021: GBP394m), and the remainder expire after 10 years.

There are no unrecognised deferred tax liabilities arising from the group's investments in subsidiaries and branches.

8  Dividends 
Dividends to the parent company 
                                          2022                                                    2021                                                   2020 
                                    GBP per                        GBPm                     GBP per                        GBPm                   GBP per                        GBPm 
                                      share                                                   share                                                 share 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Dividends paid 
on ordinary 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
In respect of 
previous year: 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Previous year:                            -                           -                           -                           - 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
- first special                                                                                   -                           - 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
In respect of 
current year: 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Current year:                             -                           -                           -                           - 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
- first special 
 dividend(1)                          1.067                         850 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
- second                                  -                           -                           -                           - 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total                                 1.067                         850                           -                           - 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Dividends on 
classified as 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Dividend on 
 HSBC Bank plc 
 third dollar 
 shares(2)                            0.001                           -                       0.001                           -                      1.47                          51 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total                                 0.001                           -                       0.001                           -                      1.47                          51 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total coupons 
 on capital 
 classified as 
 equity                                   -                         202                           -                         194                         0                         212 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
Dividends to 
 parent                                   -                       1,052                           -                         194                         0                         263 
---------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------- 
   1   Special dividend declared/paid on CET1 capital in 2022. 

2 In 2021, the liquidation value of USD third dollar preference shares reduced to $0.01 per share.

Total coupons on capital securities classified as equity 
                                                          2022                        2021                        2020 
                                                   First  GBPm                        GBPm                        GBPm 
                                               call date 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated additional Tier 1 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional 
 Tier 1 instrument 2015                         Dec 2020    87                          84                         103 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional 
 Tier 1 instrument 2016                         Jan 2022    11                          12                          11 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional 
 Tier 1 instrument 2018                         Mar 2023    28                          10                          10 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional 
 Tier 1 instrument 2018                         Mar 2023    10                          28                          28 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional 
 Tier 1 instrument 2019                         Nov 2024    24                          24                          24 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional 
 Tier 1 instrument 2019                         Nov 2024     8                           7                           8 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional 
 Tier 1 instrument 2019                         Dec 2024    20                          20                          20 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional 
 Tier 1 instrument 2019                         Jan 2025     8                           9                           8 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Undated Subordinated Resettable Additional      Mar 2027     6                           -                           - 
 Tier 1 instrument 2022 
                                             -----------  ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total                                                      202                         194                         212 
                                                          ----  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
9  Segmental analysis 

The Chief Executive, supported by the rest of the Executive Committee, is considered the Chief Operating Decision Maker ('CODM') for the purposes of identifying the group's reportable segments. Business results are assessed by the CODM on the basis of adjusted performance that removes the effects of significant items from reported results. We therefore present a reconciliation between reported and adjusted results as required by IFRSs.

Our operations are closely integrated and, accordingly, the presentation of data includes internal allocations of certain items of income and expense. These allocations include the costs of certain support services and functions to the extent that they can be meaningfully attributed to businesses and countries. While such allocations have been made on a systematic and consistent basis, they necessarily involve a degree of subjectivity. Costs that are not allocated to businesses are included in Corporate Centre.

Where relevant, income and expense amounts presented include the results of inter-segment funding along with inter-company and inter-business line transactions. All such transactions are undertaken on arm's length terms. The intra-group elimination items for the businesses are presented in Corporate Centre.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 21, 2023 07:03 ET (12:03 GMT)

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