RNS Number : 0460N

JSC NC KazMunayGas

03 May 2018


3 May 2018


-- U.S.$1,500,000,000 7.000% notes due 2020 (ISIN (REG S): XS0506527851; ISIN (RULE 144A): US48667QAE52; CUSIP (RULE 144A): 48667QAE5);

-- U.S.$1,250,000,000 6.375% notes due 2021 (ISIN (REG S): XS0556885753; ISIN (RULE 144A): US48667QAF28; CUSIP (RULE 144A): 48667QAF2);

-- U.S.$500,000,000 4.875% notes due 2025 (ISIN (REG S): XS1132166031; ISIN (RULE 144A): US48667QAH83; CUSIP (RULE 144A): 48667QAH8); AND

-- U.S.$2,000,000,000 5.750% notes due 2043 (ISIN (REG S): XS0925015157; ISIN (RULE 144A): US46639UAB17; CUSIP (RULE 144A): 46639UAB1)

On 3 April 2018, JSC NC "KAZMUNAYGAS" (the "Issuer") and KMG FINANCE SUB B.V. ("KMG Finance") announced their invitations to each holder (a "Holder") (subject to certain offer and distribution restrictions referred to below):

-- of the Issuer's outstanding U.S.$1,500,000,000 7.000% Notes due 2020 (the "2020 Notes") to tender any or all of such 2020 Notes held by the Holder for purchase by the Issuer for cash (the "2020 Tender Offer") and concurrently to consent to amend, by extraordinary resolution of the Holders (the "2020 Extraordinary Resolution"), the terms and conditions of the Notes (the "2020 Conditions") to provide for mandatory early redemption of the 2020 Notes by the Issuer (the "2020 Proposal", and together with the 2020 Tender Offer, the "2020 Offer");

-- of the Issuer's outstanding U.S.$1,250,000,000 6.375% Notes due 2021 (the "2021 Notes") to tender any or all of such 2021 Notes held by the Holder for purchase by the Issuer for cash (the "2021 Tender Offer") and concurrently to consent to amend, by extraordinary resolution of the Holders (the "2021 Extraordinary Resolution"), the terms and conditions of the Notes (the "2021 Conditions") to provide for mandatory early redemption of the 2021 Notes by the Issuer (the "2021 Proposal", and together with the 2021 Tender Offer, the "2021 Offer");

-- of the Issuer's outstanding U.S.$500,000,000 4.875% Notes due 2025 (the "2025 Notes") to tender any or all of such 2025 Notes held by the Holder for purchase by the Issuer for cash (the "2025 Tender Offer") and concurrently to consent to amend, by extraordinary resolution of the Holders (the "2025 Extraordinary Resolution"), the terms and conditions of the Notes (the "2025 Conditions") to provide for mandatory early redemption of the 2025 Notes by the Issuer (the "2025 Proposal", and together with the 2025 Tender Offer, the "2025 Offer"); and

-- of the Issuer's outstanding U.S.$2,000,000,000 5.750% Notes due 2043 (the "2043 Notes", and together with the 2020 Notes, the 2021 Notes and the 2025 Notes, the "Notes") to tender any or all of such 2043 Notes held by the Holder for purchase by the Issuer for cash (the "2043 Tender Offer", and together with the 2020 Tender Offer, the 2021 Tender Offer and the 2025 Tender Offer, the "Tender Offers") and concurrently to consent to amend, by extraordinary resolution of the Holders (the "2043 Extraordinary Resolution", and together with the 2020 Extraordinary Resolution, the 2021 Extraordinary Resolution and the 2025 Extraordinary Resolution, the "Extraordinary Resolutions"), the terms and conditions of the Notes (the "2043 Conditions", and together with the 2020 Conditions, the 2021 Conditions and the 2025 Conditions, the "Conditions") to provide for mandatory early redemption of the 2043 Notes by the Issuer (the "2043 Proposal", and together with the 2043 Tender Offer, the "2043 Offer"; the 2020 Proposal, the 2021 Proposal, the 2025 Proposal and the 2043 Proposal, the "Proposals"; and the 2020 Offer, the 2021 Offer, the 2025 Offer and the 2043 Offer, the "Offers").

The Offers were made on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Tender Offer and Consent Solicitation Memorandum dated 3 April 2018 (the "Memorandum").

Capitalised terms used in this announcement but not defined herein have the meaning given to them in the Memorandum.

The Issuer and KMG Finance hereby give notice to Holders that the Extraordinary Resolutions in respect of each series of Notes set out in the Notices of Meetings dated 3 April 2018 were duly passed at the Meetings held today. Supplemental trust deeds (the "Supplemental Trust Deeds") in respect of each series of Notes dated 3 May 2018 have been signed by the Issuer, KMG Finance and Citicorp Trustee Company Limited, as trustee, and the amendments to the Conditions of each series of Notes contemplated therein have been implemented effective today.

As of the Expiration Deadline, being 10:00 a.m. (London time) on 1 May 2018, the Issuer and KMG Finance had received valid Tender Instructions and Voting Instructions in favour of the relevant Proposal (without Notes being tendered) in respect of each series of Notes as set out below:

                                                                                                          of the 
                                                                     Additional                           Notes 
                                                                      Voting           Total              in respect 
                                                                      Instructions      Instructions      of which 
                                                                      Received          received          Instructions 
                                                                      in Favour         in Favour         in Favour 
                                   Tender                             of the            of the            of the 
                                    Instructions      Percentage      Relevant          Relevant          Relevant 
                                    Received           of the         Proposal          Proposal          Proposal 
 Description    Outstanding         (in principal      Outstanding    (in principal     (in principal     have 
  of the         Principal          amount             Notes          amount            amount            been 
  Notes          Amount             of Notes)          Tendered       of Notes)         of Notes)         Received 
-------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------  ----------------  ----------------  -------------- 
  2020          U.S.$1,371,437,    U.S.$1,182,359,                   U.S.$119,438,00   U.S.$1,301,797, 
  Notes          000                000               86.21%         0                 000               94.92% 
  2021          U.S.$1,130,274,                                                        U.S.$1,043,878, 
  Notes          000               U.S.$963,799,000   85.27%         U.S.$80,079,000   000               92.36% 
  2025                                                                                 U.S.$117,137,00 
  Notes         U.S.$123,177,000   U.S.$117,137,000   95.10%         U.S.$0            0                 95.10% 
  2043                                                                                 U.S.$504,493,00 
  Notes         U.S.$512,249,000   U.S.$473,053,000   92.35%         U.S.$31,440,000   0                 98.49% 

On 24 April 2018, the Issuer completed the issuance of its U.S.$500,000,000 4.750% Notes due 2025, U.S.$1,250,000,000 5.375% Notes due 2030 and U.S.$1,500,000,000 6.375% Notes due 2048. Accordingly, the New Financing Condition has been satisfied.

The Issuer intends to purchase all of the validly tendered Notes of each series, as well as pay the relevant Early Consent Fees for Notes in respect of which Voting Instructions in favour of the relevant Proposal were delivered prior to the Early Participation Deadline, on the Settlement Date as set out below.

                                                                      Tender            Additional 
                                                                       Offer             Voting 
                                                                       Consideration     Instructions 
                                                                       per U.S.$1,000    Received 
                                   Total                               principal         in Favour 
                                    Consideration    Principal         amount            of the 
                                    per U.S.$1,000    Amount           of Notes          Relevant 
                                    principal         tendered         tendered          Proposal          Early 
               Principal            amount            after            after             prior              Consent 
                Amount              of Notes          Early            Early             to Early           Fee 
                tendered            tendered          Participation    Participation     Participation      per 
                prior               prior             Deadline         Deadline          Deadline           U.S.$1,000 
 Description    to Early            to Early          and prior        and prior         (in principal      principal 
  of the        Participation       Participation     to Expiration    to Expiration     amount             amount 
  Notes         Deadline            Deadline          Deadline         Deadline          of Notes)          of Notes 
------------  ------------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------------  ------------ 
 The           U.S.$1,181,533,00   U.S.$1,089.50     U.S.$826,000     U.S.$1,069.50     U.S.$119,438,000   U.S.$20.00 
  2020         0 
 The           U.S.$959,707,000    U.S.$1,093.50     U.S.$4,092,000   U.S.$1,073.50     U.S.$77,079,000    U.S.$20.00 
 The           U.S.$117,137,000    U.S.$1,055.50     U.S.$0           U.S.$1,025.50     U.S.$0             U.S.$30.00 
 The           U.S.$472,553,000    U.S.$1,088.00     U.S.$500,000     U.S.$1,048.00     U.S.$31,440,000    U.S.$40.00 

In each case the Issuer will pay the relevant Accrued Interest, as well as the relevant Total Consideration or Tender Offer Consideration, as the case may be. The Settlement Date will be 4 May 2018. All Notes purchased by the Issuer in the Tender Offers will be delivered to the Registrar for cancellation.

The amendments to the Conditions of each series of Notes set out in the Supplemental Trust Deeds have been implemented and, accordingly, all of the Notes of each series which remain outstanding following settlement of the Tender Offers will be redeemed at the relevant Early Redemption Amount set out in the table below, together with the relevant Accrued Interest, on the Early Redemption Date, which is expected to be 11 May 2018 (and in no event later than two Business Days following 11 May 2018).

                  amount of           Early Redemption 
                  Notes outstanding    Amount per 
                  following            U.S.$1,000 
                  settlement           principal 
 Description      of the Tender        amount of 
  of the Notes    Offers               Notes outstanding 
--------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 The 2020        U.S.$189,078,000     U.S.$1,069.50 
 The 2021        U.S.$166,475,000     U.S.$1,073.50 
 The 2025        U.S.$6,040,000       U.S.$1,025.50 
 The 2043        U.S.$39,196,000      U.S.$1,048.00 

The Dealer Managers in respect of the Offers are:

          Citigroup Global Markets                     JSC Halyk Finance 
                   Limited                          109"V" Abay avenue, 5th 
               Citigroup Centre                              floor 
                Canada Square                               A05A1B9 
                 Canary Wharf                                Almaty 
                London E14 5LB                       Republic of Kazakhstan 
                United Kingdom                     Attention: Consulting and 
       Attention: Liability Management              Underwriting Department 
                    Group                          Telephone: +7-727-357-3177 
            Telephone: +44 20 7986                 Email: IB@halykfinance.kz 
  Email: liabilitymanagement.europe@citi.com 
           J.P. Morgan Securities                  MUFG Securities EMEA plc 
                     plc                                Ropemaker Place 
                25 Bank Street                        25 Ropemaker Street 
                 Canary Wharf                           London EC2Y 9AJ 
                London E14 5JP                           United Kingdom 
                United Kingdom                  Attention: Liability Management 
       Attention: Liability management                       Group 
            Telephone: +44 20 7134              Telephone: +44-207-577-4048/4218 
                     2468                         Email: DCM-LM@int.sc.mufg.jp 
       Email: em_europe_lm@jpmorgan.com 

UBS AG, London Branch

5 Broadgate

London EC2M 2QS

United Kingdom

Attention: Liability Management Group

Telephone (US): (collect) +1 (203) 719-4210; (toll free) +1 (888) 719-4210

Telephone (UK): +44 20 7568 2133

Email: ol-liabilitymanagement-eu@ubs.com

The Tender and Tabulation Agent in respect of the Offers is:

Lucid Issuer Services Limited

Tankerton Works

12 Argyle Walk

London WC1H 8HA

United Kingdom

Attention: David Shilson / Alexander Yangaev

Fax: +44 203 004 1590

Telephone; +44 207 704 0880

Email: kmg@lucid-is.com

Website: https://portal.lucid-is.com

This announcement is made by:

JSC NC "KazMunayGas"

19, Kabanbay Batyr Street

Astana 010000


KazMunaiGaz Finance Sub B.V.

Strawinskylaan 723 (WTC Tower A, 7th Floor)

1077 XX Amsterdam

The Netherlands

This announcement is made by Mr. Dauren Karabayev, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, on behalf of JSC NC "KazMunayGas" and Mr. Otmar E. Carolus, Managing Director, on behalf of KazMunaiGaz Finance Sub B.V. and constitutes a public disclosure of inside information under Regulation (EU) 596/2014 (16 April 2014).


This announcement must be read in conjunction with the Memorandum. This announcement and the Memorandum contain important information which should be read carefully. If you are in any doubt as to the contents of this announcement or the Memorandum, you are recommended to seek your own financial and legal advice, including in respect of any tax consequences, immediately from your stockbroker, bank manager, legal adviser, accountant or other independent financial adviser. This announcement is for informational purposes only.

None of the Dealer Managers, the Tender and Tabulation Agent or the Trustee (or their respective affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agents) have separately verified the information contained in the Memorandum and none of the Dealer Managers, the Tender and Tabulation Agent or the Trustee, their affiliates or their respective directors, officers, employees or agents makes any representations, warranties, undertakings or recommendations whatsoever (express or implied) regarding this announcement, the Memorandum or the Offers and none of such persons accepts any liability or responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this announcement, the Memorandum or any other information provided by the Issuer or KMG Finance in connection with or in relation to the Offers or any failure by the Issuer or KMG Finance to disclose material information with regard to the Issuer, KMG Finance or the Offers. The Tender and Tabulation Agent is the agent of the Issuer and KMG Finance and owes no duty to any Holder.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 03, 2018 07:33 ET (11:33 GMT)

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