RNS Number : 4270R 
AsianLogic Limited 
30 April 2009 

AsianLogic Limited 
("AsianLogic" or "the "Company") 
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2008 
AsianLogic Limited, the diversified Asia-Pacific online and land-based gaming 
company, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
The Company is also providing an update on current trading, principally for the 
period of the first quarter of 2009. 
Financial Highlights 
  *  Revenues for the year are up 82% to US$98.7m (2007:US$54.3m) 
-   Average daily casino turnover up 83% to US$11.5m (2007:US$6.2m) 
  -   Average daily poker rake increased by 4.5 times to US$15,051 
  *  Adjusted* profit before tax of US$6.3m (2007:US$12.4m), following a significant 
  increase in operational expenses, increasing margin pressure on wholesale 
  business and bad debt provisions. In addition, in 2008 there was no repeat of 
  the exceptional gain on disposal of associates as in 2007 
  *  Overall losses before tax of US$11.9m (2007:profits before tax of US$7.9) 
  *  Average net gaming per day increased from US$145,249 in 2007 to US$254,193 in 
  2008, a rise of 75% 
  *  Basic and diluted loss per share of 11.3 cents per share (2007:earnings per 
  share of 12.2 cents) 
  *  No final dividend is being paid, making the total for the year 2.9 cents per 
  share, as declared in interim results 
  *  Net cash balances as at 31 December 2008 of US$48.6m 
(*) Adjusted profit before income tax is calculated after adding back share 
based payments and non cash losses in relation to investments in CY Foundation 
Group Limited, Leisure & Resorts World Corporation and Elixir Gaming 
Technologies Inc which do not form part of the Group's core business. 
Operational Highlights 
  *  Company continuing to move out of wholesale business into deposit accounts 
  albeit with impact on operational profitability 
  *  Challenging economic circumstances - 90% of revenues from Asia market, which has 
  not been immune to the global economic downturn. Nevertheless AsianLogic has 
  continued to see growth in major markets in its emerging deposit business 
  *  Poker continuing to grow in popularity in Asia - both online and land based. 
  Asian Poker Tour now established as Asia's premier poker tournament attracting 
  players from across Asia and from online networks across the world 
  *  Casino business growing, but impacted by capital expenditure in western-style 
  CRM, marketing and advertising and development of affiliate network 
  *  Launch of investment fund intentionally delayed until later in 2009, reflecting 
  poor investment market conditions. FSA approval received for the fund manager 
  *  Play for Real Asian games being rolled out with further product development 
  underway to support major promotion throughout 2009 and beyond 
Current Trading and Outlook 
  *  Trading conditions continue to be in line with update of 19 February 2009, with 
  increased capital expenditure linked to repositioning and bad debt provision 
  negatively impacting the business 
  *  While top line revenues are expected to increase, net profits are expected to be 
  negligible. This position is expected to continue through 2009 
  *  Ongoing strategic review to determine most appropriate manner to prioritise 
  shareholder value 
Tom Hall, Executive Vice Chairman, said: 
"While it was pleasing to see revenues grow at such a strong pace, the 
increasing pressure on our lower margin wholesale business profitability, and 
increasing bad debt provision meant the Company's adjusted net profit nearly 
halved. To counter this, the Board is repositioning the business by looking to 
dispose of its wholesale business and invest further into higher margin deposit 
and retail based products, as well as services and again we expect revenues to 
continue to grow. However, the capital expenditure, marketing and advertising 
spend required to grow this business means that profitability will be impacted 
throughout 2009 and into 2010. The global economic crisis has not helped our 
trading but we see continuing long term opportunity in our core Asian gaming 
- ends - 
For further information contact: 
Tom Hall, Executive Vice Chairman 
AsianLogic Ltd                                           +852 9037 3749 
Piers Coombs/Adam Cowen 
Collins Stewart - Nominated Adviser to AsianLogic Ltd      +44 207 523 8350 
David Rydell/Samantha Boston 
Bell Pottinger Corporate & Financial                       +44 207 861 3232 
  Chairman's Statement 
AsianLogic finds itself at a crossroads in its corporate development. Its 
traditional reliance on the wholesale provision of services and products to the 
Asian gaming marketplace came under significant margin pressure in the last six 
months of the 2008 financial year. Increased tightening of wholesale business 
margins and overall bad debt provision have resulted in a significant decline in 
While the top line revenues of the business grew, the profit element has been 
absorbed by the cost of the Company taking the necessary steps in altering its 
business model to arrest the long term erosion of profits through current 
activities. As stated in November 2008, the Company is committed to focusing its 
activities on higher margin retail delivery of gaming services and products 
rather than acting as a wholesale reseller as it develops and this gradual shift 
in income generation continues to accelerate. 
Importantly the Company is moving away from wholesale-based gaming services to 
risk-averse deposit based provision of games and services. The Board considers 
this move entirely prudent and in the long term interests of the business 
considering the decline in wholesale betting. 
The Company operates primarily in the Asian market place with 90 per cent of 
revenues coming from the region. Asia has not been immune from the global 
economic downturn. Average net gaming per day peaked during the period of April 
2008 to June 2008 but declined thereafter. 
All of the above required that the Company took decisive and prompt action. In 
the latter part of 2008, the Company started to invest heavily in advertising 
and marketing to build the deposit-based business as well as having to recruit 
new staff and buy in new systems that allowed the relevant expertise to be 
applied. This capital expenditure has continued into 2009. This is a very new 
market in Asia and is still developing but the Company believes this is where 
the long term growth in the region lies. 
The changes in trading and margins have led to an adjusted* profit of US$6.3m 
for the year ended 31 December 2008, resulting in losses per share (basic and 
diluted) of 11.3 cents per share. Overall the Company reported losses of 
In terms of our core products both poker and casino have performed relatively 
well. Poker continues to grow in popularity in Asia generally with Macau now 
operating three dedicated poker rooms in its casinos. Our deposit online poker 
business continues to grow with revenues increasing six fold to US$7.2m. We are 
also looking forward to the launch of leading online poker group PKR's Chinese 
language product due to launch in the summer of 2009 where we are their 
exclusive partner in Asia.  All indications are that this sector will continue 
to grow both online and land based and we are well positioned for this growth. 
In casino, the wholesale business grew in 2008 and is still contributing 
considerably in 2009 although we are reviewing options for the business as it is 
likely to become noncore as the Company establishes itself as deposit-based. 
Wholesale betting casino margins remain very tight.  The Company has invested 
significantly in staffing on the deposit casino side from the senior management 
through to improved customer support, CRM and SEO teams.  The results are 
beginning to come through but will not become material in 2009. 
This is an area still new in Asia and the Company is having to adapt long 
established "western" systems and operational procedures to cope with Asian 
players and their requirements.  Our investment in people is resulting in better 
player retention and should also increase player values.  However, to 
significantly build this business we are also having to develop affiliate 
networks which is a slow and costly process and it is unlikely that the Company 
will see a return on its investment until 2010 at the earliest. 
The acquisition of the Asian Poker Tour has proved successful. In 2008 it was 
firmly established as Asia's premier, high quality poker tournament attracting 
players from across Asia and from online networks across the world.  The two 
major events in 2008 have already been supplemented with a successful Manila 
event in January 2009 and an expanded two-week "Festival of Poker" is scheduled 
for Macau in August 2009. The events should be the largest field ever seen in 
Asia.  The brand already has global recognition and the Company expects an 
expanded calendar of events going forward. 
Our land based gaming initiatives have progressed with a sports betting business 
in the Philippines being awarded an operator licence. 
The Company is committed to innovation and in conjunction with its partner 
company Playtech Ltd, has commenced the roll out of Play for Real Asian games in 
early 2009. Further software enhancement is underway with promotion and 
marketing initiatives finalised. The Company continues to seek further partner 
opportunities, particularly with online gaming media operators with a focus on 
the Asian market place. 
The Company is committed to the launch of an investment fund that will seek 
investment opportunities in existing and emerging technologies and businesses 
serving primarily the Asian online and land based gaming market. The fund 
manager received FSA approval in early 2009 and while this represented an 
intentional delay regarding expected timing, a later launch of the fund is 
likely to prove beneficial as the investment opportunities to date have not been 
acceptable, reflecting the economic issues of the wider economy. 
The Company has a dividend policy whereby 50% of distributable profits will be 
returned to shareholders by way of a dividend. At the half year, the company 
returned 2.9 cents per share but the resulting year end losses meant that a 
final dividend was not payable. 
In terms of current trading, the wholesale business continues to be affected by 
shortening net margins. Bad debt provision is likely to increase. The focus on 
retail and deposit-led trading is growing but is in its formative period and 
requires significant further capital expenditure and is therefore loss making. 
While top line revenues have grown in the first quarter of 2009, the net result 
is that the Company is likely to make a small loss in the period. The outlook 
for the remainder of the year is unclear. 
The Company enjoys a reasonably strong balance sheet (with cash balances at the 
end of April of approximately US$42.7m) although it has been impacted by the 
impairment in the value of investments in CY Foundation Group Limited, Leisure & 
Resorts World Corporation and Elixir Gaming Technologies Inc. The Company has 
minimal exposure to currency fluctuations as the business trades in US dollars. 
AsianLogic is at an important stage of its development and there are challenges 
ahead. It is changing its business model to become more risk averse. It is 
investing in the right people and the right teams as well as the right technical 
infrastructure, improving the customer experience, building affiliate networks 
and investing in viable brands through significant marketing and advertising 
initiatives. The Board is clear that this is the right path for the long term 
viability of the business although it has impacted on profitability and will 
continue to do so in the medium term. The Company has initiated a strategic 
review to determine the most appropriate manner in which to prioritise 
shareholder value and will report in due course. 
Jong-Dae Lee 
Non-Executive Chairman 
30 April 2009 
AsianLogic Limited 
Consolidated income statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
(Expressed in United States dollars) 
|                                     |         |            2008  |          2007  | 
|                                     |         |         US$'000  |       US$'000  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| Revenue                             |         |           98,736 |        54,314  | 
| Cost of sales                       |         |         (86,556) |      (48,765)  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| Gross profit                        |         |           12,180 |         5,549  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| Other revenue                       |         |            2,769 |         1,840  | 
| Gain on disposal of associates      |         |                - |         4,050  | 
| Distribution costs                  |         |          (3,164) |         (563)  | 
| Administrative expenses             |         |          (2,683) |       (1,872)  | 
| Share based payments                |         |          (1,838) |       (4,594)  | 
| Other operating expenses            |         |          (6,945) |       (2,762)  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| Results from operating activities   |         |              319 |         1,648  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| Finance income                      |         |            5,628 |         6,721  | 
| Finance expense                     |         |         (17,886) |         (495)  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| Net finance (expense)/income        |         |         (12,258) |         6,226  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| (Loss)/profit before income tax     |         |         (11,939) |         7,874  | 
| Income tax expense                  |         |             (36) |          (23)  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| (Loss)/profit for the year          |         |         (11,975) |         7,851  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| Attributable to:                    |         |                  |                | 
|   Equity holders of the Company     |         |         (11,975) |         7,851  | 
|   Minority interests                |         |                - |             -  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
|                                     |         |         (11,975) |         7,851  | 
|                                     |         |                  |                | 
| (Loss)/earnings per share           |         |                  |                | 
| Basic and diluted (loss)/earnings   |         |     (11.3 cents) |    12.2 cents  | 
| per share                           |         |                  |                | 
AsianLogic Limited 
Consolidated balance sheet 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
(Expressed in United States dollars) 
|                                             |             |       2008 |      2007 | 
|                                             |             |    US$'000 |   US$'000 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| Non-current assets                          |             |            |           | 
| Property, plant and equipment               |             |      2,018 |     1,403 | 
| Intangible assets                           |             |      6,136 |     3,890 | 
| Investments in associates                   |             |        800 |       800 | 
| Available-for-sale financial assets         |             |      8,868 |    16,385 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
|                                             |             |     17,822 |    22,478 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| Current assets                              |             |            |           | 
| Inventories                                 |             |         84 |         9 | 
| Trade and other receivables                 |             |      9,918 |     9,170 | 
| Amounts due from related parties            |             |         58 |       263 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                   |             |     48,589 |   105,731 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
|                                             |             |     58,649 |   115,173 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                                |             |     76,471 |   137,651 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| EQUITY                                      |             |            |           | 
| Paid in capital                             |             |     86,441 |    84,603 | 
| Reserves                                    |             |   (17,820) |    23,815 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| Total equity attributable to equity holders            |  |            |           | 
|   of the Company                                       |  |     68,621 |   108,418 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| TOTAL EQUITY                                |             |     68,621 |   108,418 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| Non-current liabilities                     |             |            |           | 
| Provision for retirement benefit            |             |         62 |        48 | 
| obligations                                 |             |            |           | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| Current liabilities                         |             |            |           | 
| Trade and other payables                    |             |      7,763 |     4,868 | 
| Amounts due to related parties              |             |          0 |    24,291 | 
| Income tax payables                         |             |         25 |        26 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
|                                             |             |      7,788 |    29,185 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                           |             |      7,850 |    29,233 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                |             |     76,471 |   137,651 | 
|                                             |             |            |           | 
AsianLogic Limited 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
(Expressed in United States dollars) 
|                                     |          |        2008  |         2007 | 
|                                     |          |     US$'000  |      US$'000 | 
|                                     |          |              |              | 
| Total equity, beginning of year     |          |     108,418  |       12,908 | 
|                                     |          |              |              | 
| Changes in fair values of           |          |              |              | 
| available-for-sale                  |          |              |              | 
|   financial assets                  |          |     (10,582) |        8,502 | 
| Exchange differences arising on     |          |              |              | 
| translation of                      |          |              |              | 
| overseas subsidiaries' financial    |          |          238 |        (300) | 
| statements                          |          |              |              | 
|                                     |          |              |              | 
| Net (loss)/gain recognised directly |          |     (10,344) |       8,202  | 
| in equity                           |          |              |              | 
| Net (loss)/profit for the year      |          |     (11,975) |        7,851 | 
|                                     |          |              |              | 
| Total recognised (loss)/gain for    |          |     (22,319) |       16,053 | 
| the year                            |          |              |              | 
|                                     |          |              |              | 
| Issue of share prior to IPO         |          |           -  |            1 | 
| Share repurchase                    |          |     (15,713) |     (19,669) | 
| IPO proceeds                        |          |           -  |      108,177 | 
| Expenses incurred for listing       |          |           -  |      (8,499) | 
| Share based payments                |          |       1,838  |        4,594 | 
| Disposals of available-for-sale     |          |        (363) |      (3,664) | 
| financial assets                    |          |              |              | 
| Dividends                           |          |      (3,240) |      (1,483) | 
|                                     |          |              |              | 
|                                     |          |     (39,197) |       95,510 | 
|                                     |          |              |              | 
| Total equity, end of year           |          |      68,621  |      108,418 | 
AsianLogic Limited 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
(Expressed in United States dollars) 
|                                                |      |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                                |      |    US$'000 |    US$'000 | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Operating activities                           |      |            |            | 
| Cash (used in)/generated from operations       |      |   (25,361) |      2,600 | 
| Income tax paid                                |      |       (37) |       (11) | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Net cash (used in)/generated from operating    |      |   (25,398) |      2,589 | 
| activities                                     |      |            |            | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Cash flows from investing activities           |      |            |            | 
| Acquisition of available-for-sale financial    |      |   (14,178) |      (515) | 
| assets                                         |      |            |            | 
| Acquisition of interests in associates         |      |          - |    (7,280) | 
| Acquisition of interest in a subsidiary        |      |       (73) |          - | 
| Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and |      |         24 |          - | 
| equipment                                      |      |            |            | 
| Proceeds from disposals of associates          |      |          - |      6,480 | 
| Proceeds from disposals of available-for-sale  |      |      3,808 |      6,275 | 
| financial assets                               |      |            |            | 
| Purchases of property, plant and equipment     |      |    (1,528) |      (933) | 
| Purchases of intangible assets                 |      |    (2,808) |    (2,995) | 
| Interest received                              |      |      1,850 |       19   | 
| Dividends received                             |      |         70 |        155 | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Net cash (used in)/generated from investing    |      |   (12,835) |      1,206 | 
| activities                                     |      |            |            | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Cash flows from financing activities           |      |            |            | 
| Share repurchases                              |      |   (15,713) |          - | 
| Proceeds from initial public offering          |      |          - |    108,177 | 
| Payment of share issue costs                   |      |          - |    (6,199) | 
| Dividends paid                                 |      |    (3,184) |    (1,483) | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Net cash (used in)/generated from financing    |      |   (18,897) |    100,495 | 
| activities                                     |      |            |            | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash       |      |   (57,130) |    104,290 | 
| equivalents                                    |      |            |            | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of  |      |    105,731 |      1,267 | 
| the year                                       |      |            |            | 
| Effect of foreign exchange rate changes        |      |       (12) |        174 | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the    |      |     48,589 |    105,731 | 
| year                                           |      |            |            | 
|                                                |      |            |            | 
Segment information: 
(i) Business segments 
The Group's continuing operating gaming businesses are organised and managed 
separately as four principal segments according to the nature of the services 
provided and are set out below: 
|                                       |                                        | 
| Casino gaming revenues                | Casino gaming revenues from both       | 
|                                       | online and land based gaming. This     | 
|                                       | equates to net win generated from      | 
|                                       | casino players.                        | 
| Live gaming video streaming services  | Live gaming videostreaming services    | 
|                                       | from the provision of services to      | 
|                                       | casino licencees. This equates to a    | 
|                                       | contracted flat fee of a contracted    | 
|                                       | fee based on gaming volumes, plus      | 
|                                       | royalties and share of tips.           | 
| Peer-to-peer ("P2P") revenue          | P2P revenues from the provision of     | 
|                                       | poker rooms to players who play        | 
|                                       | against each other. This equates to    | 
|                                       | the rake generated on coordinating the | 
|                                       | poker offering and tournament fees.    | 
| Others                                | Consultancy fee income and technical   | 
|                                       | support services income.               | 
 In prior years, the Group's system of internal reporting did not separate 
assets and liabilities by business segments. Therefore, the directors are not 
able to disclose the assets and liabilities associated with each business 
segment. As the business of the Group has developed, the Group has been 
gradually transforming its management and control systems and will continue to 
monitor the appropriate provision of segmental information as required by IFRS. 
The following tables present revenue, results, expenditure information regarding 
the Group's business segments for the years ended 31 December 2008 and 2007. 
|                   |         |     Live  |         |           |         |          | 
|                   |         |    gaming |         |           |         |          | 
|                   |  Casino |     video |         |           |         |          | 
|                   | gaming  | streaming |     P2P |           |         |          | 
| 2008              | revenue |   revenue | revenue | Sub-total |  Others |    Total | 
|                   | US$'000 |   US$'000 | US$'000 |   US$'000 | US$'000 |  US$'000 | 
|                   |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Business segment  |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Segment revenue   |  87,693 |     3,442 |   7,336 |    98,471 |     265 |   98,736 | 
| Segment results   |   9,697 |       978 |   1,505 |    12,180 |   8,397 |   20,577 | 
|                   |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Unallocated       |         |           |         |           |         | (32,516) | 
| expenses          |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Loss before       |         |           |         |           |         | (11,939) | 
| income tax        |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
|                   |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Income tax        |         |           |         |           |         |     (36) | 
| expense           |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Loss for the year |         |           |         |           |         | (11,975) | 
|                   |         |     Live  |         |           |         |          | 
|                   |         |    gaming |         |           |         |          | 
|                   |  Casino |     video |         |           |         |          | 
|                   | gaming  | streaming |     P2P |           |         |          | 
| 2007              | revenue |   revenue | revenue | Sub-total |  Others |    Total | 
|                   | US$'000 |   US$'000 | US$'000 |   US$'000 | US$'000 |  US$'000 | 
|                   |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Business segment  |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Segment revenue   |  50,138 |     2,616 |   1,164 |    53,918 |     396 |   54,314 | 
| Segment results   |   4,985 |       366 |     198 |     5,549 |  12,611 |   18,160 | 
|                   |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Unallocated       |         |           |         |           |         | (10,286) | 
| expenses          |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Profit before     |         |           |         |           |         |    7,874 | 
| income tax        |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
|                   |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Income tax        |         |           |         |           |         |     (23) | 
| expense           |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
| Profit for the    |         |           |         |           |         |    7,851 | 
| year              |         |           |         |           |         |          | 
(ii) Geographical segments 
For geographical segments of the operating gaming business, revenue can be 
attributed to the following three principal geographical areas of the world 
based on customer orientation: 
-   Asia 
-   Europe 
-   Rest of the world 
The following tables present revenue, results, expenditure information regarding 
the Group's geographical segments for the years ended 31 December 2008 and 2007. 
|                          |             |          |  Rest of |            | 
|                          |             |          |      the |            | 
| 2008                     |        Asia |   Europe |    world |      Total | 
|                          |     US$'000 |  US$'000 |  US$'000 |    US$'000 | 
| Geographical segment     |             |          |          |            | 
|                          |             |          |          |            | 
| Segment revenue          |      98,013 |      579 |      144 |     98,736 | 
| Segment results          |      20,488 |       71 |       18 |     20,577 | 
|                          |             |          |          |            | 
| Unallocated expenses     |             |          |          |   (32,516) | 
| Loss before income tax   |             |          |          |   (11,939) | 
| Income tax expense       |             |          |          |       (36) | 
| Loss for the year        |             |          |          |   (11,975) | 
|                          |             |          |  Rest of |            | 
|                          |             |          |      the |            | 
| 2007                     |        Asia |   Europe |    world |      Total | 
|                          |     US$'000 |  US$'000 |  US$'000 |    US$'000 | 
| Geographical segment     |             |          |          |            | 
|                          |             |          |          |            | 
| Segment revenue          |      49,606 |    4,171 |      537 |     54,314 | 
| Segment results          |      17,880 |      220 |       60 |     18,160 | 
|                          |             |          |          |            | 
| Unallocated expenses     |             |          |          |   (10,286) | 
| Profit before income tax |             |          |          |      7,874 | 
| Income tax expense       |             |          |          |       (23) | 
| Profit for the year      |             |          |          |      7,851 | 
Other revenue 
|                                       |          2008 |  |           2007 | 
|                                       |      US$'000  |  |        US$'000 | 
|                                       |               |  |                | 
| Agency income                         |        2,048  |  |         1,511  | 
| Sundry income                         |          721  |  |           329  | 
|                                       |        2,769  |  |          1,840 | 
Finance income and expense 
|                                       |                   2008 |  |           2007 | 
|                                       |               US$'000  |  |        US$'000 | 
|                                       |                        |  |                | 
| Interest income on bank deposits      |                  1,850 |  |             19 | 
| Dividend income on available-for-sale |                     70 |  |            155 | 
|   financial assets                    |                        |  |                | 
| Gain on disposals of available-for-sale             |          |  |                | 
|   financial assets                                  |    3,708 |  |          5,931 | 
| Net foreign exchange gain             |                      - |  |            616 | 
| Finance income                        |                  5,628 |  |          6,721 | 
|                                       |                        |  |                | 
| Net foreign exchange loss             |                  (261) |  |              - | 
| Loss on financial guarantee contracts |                (5,706) |  |              - | 
| Impairment losses on                  |               (10,697) |  |              - | 
| available-for-sale                    |                        |  |                | 
|   financial assets                    |                        |  |                | 
| Impairment losses on trade and other  |                (1,222) |  |          (495) | 
| receivables                           |                        |  |                | 
| Finance expense                       |               (17,886) |  |          (495) | 
|                                       |                        |  |                | 
| Net finance (expense)/income          |               (12,258) |  |          6,226 | 
|                                       |                        |  |                | 
Income tax 
No provision for income tax has been made for the Company as the Group holding 
company is not subject to tax on profits in the jurisdiction which it operates. 
No provision for taxation has been made for the subsidiaries incorporated in 
Hong Kong as the subsidiaries have estimated losses for Hong Kong profits tax 
purposes in the year. 
No provision for income tax has been made for two subsidiaries incorporated in 
the British Virgin Islands, namely Bayview Technologies Limited and S-Tech 
Limited, as these subsidiaries do not derive any taxable profits in the 
jurisdiction in which they operate. 
No provision for income tax has been made for other subsidiaries incorporated 
overseas as the subsidiaries incurred losses during the year. 
Philippines Cagayan Special Economic Zone and Freeport ("CSEZFP") tax is 
provided at the rate of 5% on the Philippines subsidiaries and branches' taxable 
profits, which is their gross income. 
No deferred tax assets have been recognised in respect of the tax losses of the 
subsidiaries operating in Hong Kong, Cyprus, Macau and Philippines, as it is not 
certain that future taxable profits will be available against which these losses 
can be utilised. The tax losses do not expire under the current tax legislation 
prevailing in Hong Kong, Cyprus, Macau and Philippines. Other temporary 
differences are not material at the balance sheet dates. 
A reconciliation between the Group's income tax expense and accounting 
(loss)/profit, at applicable tax rates, is set out below: 
|                                              |            |  |            | 
|                                              |       2008 |  |       2007 | 
|                                              |    US$'000 |  |    US$'000 | 
|                                              |            |  |            | 
| (Loss)/profit before income tax              |   (11,939) |  |      7,874 | 
| Notional tax on (loss)/profit before income  |            |  |            | 
| tax,                                         |            |  |            | 
| calculated at domestic tax rate of 35%       |    (4,179) |  |      2,756 | 
| (2007: 35%)                                  |            |  |            | 
| Tax effect of different tax rates for        |      (202) |  |        22  | 
| foreign countries                            |            |  |            | 
| Tax effect of non-deductible expenses        |     40,273 |  |      2,094 | 
| Tax effect of non-taxable revenue            |   (36,247) |  |    (4,870) | 
| Tax effect of unused tax losses not          |        391 |  |         21 | 
| recognised                                   |            |  |            | 
| Income tax expense                           |         36 |  |         23 | 
The Group is licenced by the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission to 
establish a subsidiary company and a branch, namely Bayview Technologies, Inc 
and S-Tech Limited Branch, in the Philippines primarily to engage in the 
business of gaming-related facilities and activities, including, but not limited 
to, online and interactive gaming video streaming facilities, including 
marketing, technical and customer support. 
The subsidiary company and the branch were registered as CSEZFP Enterprises. 
Both business addresses are as follows: 
Cagayan Economic Zone and Freeport Complex, Centro, Sta Ana, Cagayan, 
Under these registrations, the subsidiary company and the branch are 
beneficiaries of incentives established under the CSEZFP. Pursuant to Republic 
Act 7922, otherwise known as 'Cagayan Special Economic Zone of 1995", Section 4 
(c). As such, no taxes, local or national, shall be imposed on business 
establishments operating within the Zone. In lieu of paying taxes, such business 
establishments shall pay and remit to the national government 5% of their gross 
The Cagayan Economic Zone Authority ("CEZA") through First Cagayan Leisure & 
Resorts Corporation ("FCLRC") granted Interactive Gaming Licences ("IGLs") to 
the subsidiary company, and to the branch, up to 6 November 2009 and 24 April 
2009 respectively. The IGLs are renewable every year upon approval of CEZA and 
(Loss)/earnings per share 
The calculation of the basic and diluted (loss)/earnings per share is based on 
the following data: 
|                                              |        2008 |  |       2007 | 
|                                              |     US$'000 |  |    US$'000 | 
| (Loss)/earnings                              |             |  |            | 
|                                              |             |  |            | 
| (Loss)/earnings for the purposes of basic    |             |  |            | 
| and diluted                                  |             |  |            | 
|   (loss)/earnings per share                  |    (11,975) |  |     7,851  | 
|                                              |             |  |            | 
| Number of shares                             |             |  |            | 
|                                              |             |  |            | 
| Weighted average number of ordinary shares   |             |  |            | 
| for the                                      |             |  |            | 
| purposes of basic and diluted                | 105,582,270 |  | 64,117,373 | 
| (loss)/earnings per share                    |             |  |            | 
|                                              |             |  |            | 
During the year, an interim dividend of US$0.029 per share amounting to 
US$3,240,317 was declared by the Company. 
In the prior year, a dividend of US$235 per share amounting to US$1,482,850 was 
declared and paid by Emphasis Services Limited being the year before admission 
to the AIM of the London Stock Exchange. 
Intangible assets 
|                           |      Software, |     Websites |        Total | 
|                           |  licenses, and |              |              | 
|                           |        patents |              |              | 
|                           |        US$'000 |      US$'000 |      US$'000 | 
| Cost                      |                |              |              | 
| At 1 January 2007         |         1,395  |          -   |       1,395  | 
| Additions                 |           445  |       2,550  |       2,995  | 
| Exchange alignment        |            23  |           -  |          23  | 
| At 31 December 2007       |         1,863  |       2,550  |       4,413  | 
| Additions                 |           716  |       2,092  |       2,808  | 
| Exchange alignment        |          (16)  |           -  |        (16)  | 
| At 31 December 2008       |         2,563  |       4,642  |       7,205  | 
|                           |                |              |              | 
| Accumulated amortisation  |                |              |              | 
| At 1 January 2007         |           110  |           -  |         110  | 
| Charge for the year       |           389  |           -  |         389  | 
| Exchange alignment        |            24  |           -  |          24  | 
| At 31 December 2007       |           523  |           -  |         523  | 
| Charge for the year       |           543  |           -  |         543  | 
| Exchange alignment        |             3  |           -  |           3  | 
| At 31 December 2008       |         1,069  |           -  |       1,069  | 
|                           |                |              |              | 
| Carrying value            |                |              |              | 
| At 31 December 2008       |         1,494  |       4,642  |       6,136  | 
|                           |                |              |              | 
| At 31 December 2007       |         1,340  |       2,550  |       3,890  | 
Software, licences and patents comprise both internally generated intangible 
assets and other intangible assets. The carrying amount of the Playtech licence 
at 31 December 2008 and 2007 was US$426,250 and US$481,250 respectively. The 
licence is being amortised on the straight line basis over 10 years. All other 
intangible assets relate to internally generated software and other assets. 
On 6 July 2007, Emphasis Services Limited entered into an agreement with Geneva 
Group Limited to acquire their Zipang and 777Baby online gaming businesses for a 
consideration of US$2,550,000 which was adjusted to approximately US$4,642,000 
based on the audited profit of the websites for the period ended 30 June 2008. 
An additional amount of approximately US$2,092,000 was paid to Geneva Group 
Limited during the year. These websites are well known and established in the 
online gaming market. In the opinion of the directors, these acquired websites 
are capable of generating positive cash flows indefinitely to the Group. 
Therefore, these websites are not amortised but are tested for impairment 
No amortisation has yet been charged against the development costs of sports 
book software as the software is not yet operational. 
In the opinion of the directors, there is no indication of impairment in the 
carrying amounts of the above intangible assets and the carrying amount 
approximates their fair value. 
Available-for-sale financial assets 
|                                        |               |  |              | 
|                                        |          2008 |  |         2007 | 
|                                        |       US$'000 |  |      US$'000 | 
|                                        |               |  |              | 
| At 1 January                           |        16,385 |  |       7,326  | 
| Additions                              |        14,178 |  |         515  | 
| Transferred from associates            |             - |  |       4,050  | 
| Disposals                              |       (3,116) |  |     (4,008)  | 
| Provision of impairment losses         |      (10,697) |  |           -  | 
| Net (loss)/gain transferred to equity  |       (7,882) |  |       8,502  | 
| At 31 December                         |         8,868 |  |      16,385  | 
|                                        |          2008 |  |         2007 | 
|                                        |      US$'000  |  |     US$'000  | 
|                                        |               |  |              | 
| Listed in the United Kingdom           |         2,517 |  |       5,453  | 
| Listed in Hong Kong                    |         2,337 |  |      10,417  | 
| Listed in the United States            |            84 |  |           -  | 
| Listed in the Philippines              |           741 |  |           -  | 
| Unlisted                               |         3,189 |  |         515  | 
|                                        |         8,868 |  |      16,385  | 
|                                        |               |  |              | 
The carrying amount of available-for-sale financial assets is denominated in the 
following currencies: 
|                                        |          2008 |  |         2007 | 
|                                        |      US$'000  |  |     US$'000  | 
|                                        |               |  |              | 
| United States dollars                  |            84 |  |            - | 
| Philippine pesos                       |           746 |  |            5 | 
| Pounds sterling                        |         2,517 |  |        5,963 | 
| Hong Kong dollars                      |         2,337 |  |       10,417 | 
| Euro                                   |         3,184 |  |            - | 
|                                        |         8,868 |  |       16,385 | 
|                                        |               |  |              | 
Equity securities listed in the Philippines represent an investment in Leisure & 
Resorts World Corporation, a company incorporated in the Philippines with 
limited liability and listed on the Philippines Stock Exchange during the year. 
Equity securities listed in the United Kingdom represent an investment in 
Playtech Limited, a related company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands 
with limited liability and listed on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange. 
Equity securities listed in Hong Kong represent an investment in CY Foundation 
Group Limited, a company incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability and 
listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 
Equity securities listed in the United States represent an investment in Elixir 
Gaming Technologies, Inc, a company incorporated in Las Vegas with limited 
liability and listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 
Unlisted securities represent an investment in Evolution Core Holdings Limited, 
a private limited liability company incorporated in Cyprus. 
During the year ended 31 December 2008, the decrease in fair value of the 
available-for-sale equity securities amounting to approximately US$7,882,000 
(2007: increase in fair value of approximately US$8,502,000) was recognised 
directly in equity. 
During the year ended 31 December 2008, the prolonged decline in fair value of 
the available-for-sale equity securities amounting to approximately 
US$10,697,000 (2007: US$Nil) was recognised directly in profit or loss. 
Listed equity securities were stated at fair values based on their quoted market 
prices. Unlisted equity securities were stated at cost, which the directors 
considered to be approximate to fair value. 
The maximum exposure to price risk at the balance sheet date is the carrying 
amount of the equity investments. 
Playtech Limited and its affiliated companies are related by virtue of Thomas 
Alexej Hall being a common shareholder and director, as well as Playtech Limited 
and the Group being shareholders in each other (see note 31). 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents represent cash at banks and in hand. Cash at banks 
earn interest at floating interest rates based on daily bank deposit rates. 
The carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents is denominated in the following 
|                                        |               |  |              | 
|                                        |          2008 |  |         2007 | 
|                                        |      US$'000  |  |     US$'000  | 
|                                        |               |  |              | 
| United States dollars                  |        47,290 |  |        1,182 | 
| Philippine pesos                       |           893 |  |          426 | 
| Pounds sterling                        |             4 |  |      104,021 | 
| Hong Kong dollars                      |           175 |  |           36 | 
| Malaysian ringgit                      |            80 |  |            - | 
| Others                                 |           147 |  |           66 | 
|                                        |        48,589 |  |      105,731 | 
Capital and reserves 
Movements of capital and reserves for the Group for the year ended 31 December 
2008 were as follows: 
|                              |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
|                              |      Paid |   Share |      Accumulated | Capital |   Treasury |        Share | Exchange | Revaluation | Attributable |  Minority |      Total | 
|                              |        in |         |                  |         |      share |        based |          |             |    to equity |           |            | 
|                              |           |         |                  |         |            | compensation |          |             |   holders of |           |            | 
|                              |   capital | premium | profits/(losses) | reserve |    reserve |      reserve |  reserve |     reserve |          the | interests |     equity | 
|                              |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |      Company |           |            | 
|                              |       USD |     USD |         USD '000 |     USD |        USD |     USD '000 |      USD |         USD |     USD '000 |       USD |        USD | 
|                              |      '000 |    '000 |                  |    '000 |       '000 |              |     '000 |        '000 |              |      '000 |       '000 | 
| At 1 January 2008            |   84,603  |      -  |          12,033  |    453  |         -  |           -  |    (315) |     11,644  |     108,418  |        -  |   108,418  | 
| Exchange                     |        -  |      -  |               -  |      -  |         -  |           -  |      238 |          -  |         238  |        -  |        238 | 
| differences arising          |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| on translation of            |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| overseas                     |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| subsidiaries'                |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| financial                    |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| statements                   |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Net loss for the             |        -  |      -  |         (11,975) |      -  |         -  |           -  |        - |          -  |     (11,975) |        -  |   (11,975) | 
| year                         |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Changes in fair              |        -  |      -  |               -  |      -  |         -  |           -  |        - |    (10,582) |     (10,582) |        -  |   (10,582) | 
| values of                    |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| available-for-sale           |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| financial assets             |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Disposals of                 |        -  |      -  |               -  |      -  |         -  |           -  |        - |       (363) |        (363) |        -  |      (363) | 
| available-for-sale financial |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| assets                       |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Dividends                    |        -  |      -  |          (3,240) |      -  |         -  |           -  |        - |          -  |      (3,240) |        -  |    (3,240) | 
| Share based                  |        -  |      -  |               -  |      -  |         -  |       1,838  |        - |          -  |       1,838  |        -  |      1,838 | 
| payments                     |           |         |                  |         |            |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Share repurchases            |         - |      -  |               -  |      -  |   (15,713) |           -  |        - |          -  |   (15,713)   |        -  |   (15,713) | 
| Issue of shares              |     1,838 |      -  |               -  |      -  |         -  |     (1,838)  |        - |          -  |          -   |        -  |          - | 
| At 31 December 2008          |   86,441  |      -  |          (3,182) |    453  |   (15,713) |           -  |     (77) |        699  |      68,621  |         - |     68,621 | 
Movements of capital and reserves for the Group for the year ended 31 December 
2007 were as follows: 
|                              |   |    Paid in |   Share | Accumulated | Capital |  Share based | Exchange | Revaluation | Attributable |  Minority |      Total | 
|                              |   |            |         |             |         | compensation |          |             |    to equity |           |            | 
|                              |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |   holders of |           |            | 
|                              |   |    capital | premium |     profits | reserve |      reserve |  reserve |     reserve |          the | interests |     equity | 
|                              |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |      Company |           |            | 
|                              |   |        USD |     USD |    USD '000 |     USD |     USD '000 | USD '000 |    USD '000 |     USD '000 |       USD |        USD | 
|                              |   |       '000 |    '000 |             |    '000 |              |          |             |              |      '000 |       '000 | 
| At 1 January 2007            |   |         6  |    446  |      5,665  |     -   |           -  |     (15) |      6,806  |       12,908 |        -  |    12,908  | 
| Exchange                     |   |         -  |      -  |          -  |      -  |           -  |    (300) |          -  |        (300) |        -  |      (300) | 
| differences                  |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| arising on                   |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| translation of               |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| overseas                     |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| subsidiaries'                |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| financial                    |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| statements                   |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Net profit for the           |   |         -  |      -  |      7,851  |      -  |           -  |       -  |          -  |       7,851  |        -  |     7,851  | 
| year                         |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Issue of shares              |   |         1  |      -  |          -  |      -  |           -  |       -  |          -  |           1  |        -  |         1  | 
| prior to IPO                 |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Acquisition by               |   |        (7) |   (446) |          -  |    453  |           -  |       -  |          -  |           -  |        -  |        -   | 
| AsianLogic Limited           |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Changes in fair              |   |         -  |      -  |          -  |      -  |           -  |       -  |      8,502  |       8,502  |        -  |     8,502  | 
| values of                    |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| available-for-sale financial |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| assets                       |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Disposals of                 |   |         -  |      -  |          -  |      -  |           -  |       -  |     (3,664) |      (3,664) |        -  |    (3,664) | 
| available-for-sale financial |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| assets                       |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Dividends                    |   |         -  |      -  |     (1,483) |      -  |           -  |       -  |          -  |      (1,483) |        -  |    (1,483) | 
| Share based                  |   |         -  |      -  |          -  |      -  |       4,594  |       -  |          -  |       4,594  |        -  |     4,594  | 
| payments                     |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| Share repurchases            |   |   (19,669) |      -  |          -  |      -  |           -  |       -  |          -  |     (19,669) |        -  |   (19,669) | 
| Issue of shares              |   |   112,771  |      -  |          -  |      -  |      (4,594) |       -  |          -  |     108,177  |        -  |   108,177  | 
| Expenses incurred            |   |    (8,499) |      -  |          -  |      -  |           -  |       -  |          -  |      (8,499) |        -  |    (8,499) | 
| for listing                  |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
| At 31 December               |   |    84,603  |      -  |     12,033  |    453  |           -  |    (315) |     11,644  |     108,418  |       -   |   108,418  | 
| 2007                         |   |            |         |             |         |              |          |             |              |           |            | 
(a)    Paid in capital 
|                                             |             |  |            | 
|                                             |        2008 |  |       2007 | 
|                                             |     US$'000 |  |    US$'000 | 
| Authorised                                  |             |  |            | 
| Ordinary shares of no par value (2007:      |           - |  |          - | 
| US$Nil each)                                |             |  |            | 
|                                             |             |  |            | 
| Issued and fully paid                       |             |  |            | 
| 89,549,181 (2007: 110,281,250) ordinary     |      86,441 |  |     84,603 | 
| shares of                                   |             |  |            | 
|   no par value                              |             |  |            | 
During the year, the Company repurchased, in aggregate, approximately 20,707,000 
ordinary shares at market prices from the selling shareholders. The cost of the 
repurchases amounts to approximately US$15,713,000, which is directly recognised 
in the treasury share reserve. 
(b) Share based payments 
The Group operates a number of employee share ownership plans to grant options 
and shares to its directors and employees. In addition, certain other third 
parties have received equity settled share based payments in exchange for future 
services/benefits provided to the Group. 
The total share based payments recognised for the year in respect of these share 
ownership plans is approximately US$1,838,000 (2007: US$4,594,000). The fair 
value of the share based payments was assessed by an independent professional 
The Group had an equity share award scheme set up for key employees and other 
third parties and a share option scheme set up for its two non-executive 
directors during the IPO Admission process which are detailed as follows: 
(i) Share awards 
(a) Employees 
The share awards granted to employees is intended to facilitate the retention of 
senior executives and key employees of the Company by enabling them to receive 
shares provided that they remain in the Group for a period of two years from the 
date of grant. No payment will be required for the grant of an award. 
Employee share awards have three different vesting conditions. The shares vest 
either (i) 15% on the grant date, 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date 
and 55% on the second anniversary, or (ii) subject to revenue performance or 
(iii) fully vest in 2009. In accordance with IFRS 2 this is classified as a 
non-market condition and therefore the shares have been fair valued by reference 
to the IPO placing price. 
(b)    Other third parties 
There were share awards of 212 and 143 ordinary shares of US$1 each granted to 
Playtech Limited and Rise Investments Limited respectively by Emphasis Services 
Limited prior to the IPO. 
On 11 December 2007 the Group signed up for a new five year software licensing 
deal with Playtech Limited. As part of the deal, Emphasis Services Limited 
issued 212 new shares to Playtech Limited. The shares vested immediately. The 
share based payments charged for the year ended 31 December 2007 was 
approximately US$4 million. 
Rise Investments Limited ("Rise") is a key Group affiliate. Rise agreed to a 
reduction in the affiliate fee rate payable to them in return for the granting 
of such shares. In addition, Rise agreed to guarantee a minimum level of net 
gaming revenue for each of the next three years. The shares vest 50% in year 
one, 30% in year two and 20% in year three. 
(iii) Share options 
The plan is an approved share option plan and was adopted on 13 December 2007. 
It allows the Company to grant options to acquire shares to eligible employees. 
These options will vest 15% on the first anniversary of grant, 30% on the second 
anniversary and 55% on the third anniversary, and will generally be exercisable 
at any time until the tenth anniversary. The two non-executive directors of the 
company, Jong-Dae Lee and Jonathan Hubbard, were each granted 70,000 share 
options on 1 January 2008 with an exercise price based on the share price as at 
that date. Apart from as disclosed above, there were no other share options 
granted for the year and subsequent to the balance sheet date up to the issue of 
the financial statements. 
(c)  Nature and purpose of reserves 
(i) Share premium 
The share premium represents the share proceeds in excess of par value in 
relation to Emphasis Services Limited. 
(ii) Capital reserve 
The capital reserve is a result of the method of accounting for the acquisition 
of the entire share capital of Emphasis Services Limited in the year. In 
accordance with International Accounting Standards, the acquisition has been 
accounted for as a reverse acquisition. 
(iii) Share based compensation reserve 
The share based compensation reserve represents the fair value of shares granted 
in relation to the share award schemes as mentioned in note 25(b)(i). The amount 
will be transferred to the paid in capital account when the related shares are 
(iv)    Exchange reserve 
The exchange reserve represents the accumulated exchange differences arising on 
translation of overseas subsidiaries' financial statements. 
(v)    Revaluation reserve 
The revaluation reserve comprises the cumulative net change in the fair value of 
available-for-sale equity securities held at the balance sheet and is dealt with 
in accordance with the accounting policies in note 3(d)(i). 
(vi)    Treasury share reserve 
The treasury share reserve comprises the cost of the Company's shares held by 
the Group. As at 31 December 2008, the Group held approximately 20,707,000 of 
the Company's shares (2007: Nil). 
(d)    Capital management 
The Group's primary objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the 
Group's ability to continue as a going concern, so that it can continue to 
provide returns for the shareholders, by pricing services commensurately with 
the level of risk and by seeking adequate funding to meet all contractual 
financial liabilities or commitments from the shareholders. 
The Group manages capital by regularly monitoring its current and expected 
liquidity requirements. 
The Group is not subject to either internally or externally imposed capital 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
Reconciliation of (loss)/profit before income tax to net cash (used 
in)/generated from operations 
|                                         |        2008  |         2007 | 
|                                         |      US$'000 |      US$'000 | 
|                                         |              |              | 
|                                         |              |              | 
| Cash flows from operating activities    |              |              | 
| (Loss)/profit before income tax         |     (11,939) |        7,874 | 
|                                         |              |              | 
| Adjustments for:                        |              |              | 
| Amortisation                            |          543 |          389 | 
| Depreciation                            |          869 |          692 | 
| Gain on disposal of associates          |            - |      (4,050) | 
| (Gain)/loss on disposal of property,    |          (2) |          38  | 
| plant                                   |              |              | 
|   and equipment                         |              |              | 
| Net finance expense/(income)            |       12,258 |      (6,226) | 
| Share based payment expenses            |        1,838 |       4,594  | 
| Provision for retirement benefits       |           47 |          27  | 
|                                         |              |              | 
| Operating profit before changes in      |        3,614 |        3,338 | 
| working capital                         |              |              | 
| Movements in working capital elements:  |              |              | 
| Inventories                             |         (75) |          (2) | 
| Security deposits                       |        (136) |         (40) | 
| Trade receivables                       |      (2,209) |      (1,100) | 
| Trade deposits                          |      (3,579) |        (151) | 
| Prepayments and other receivables       |        3,954 |      (1,963) | 
| Trade payables                          |           92 |         (48) | 
| Other payables and accrued expenses     |      (2,841) |          478 | 
| Collateral deposits received            |         (62) |         (50) | 
| Provision for retirement benefit        |         (33) |            - | 
| obligations                             |              |              | 
| Amounts due from/to related parties     |     (24,086) |        2,138 | 
|                                         |              |              | 
| Cash (used in)/generated from           |     (25,361) |        2,600 | 
| operations                              |              |              | 
Basis of preparation 
The consolidated financial information contained within these preliminary 
results is unaudited and does not constitute the statutory accounts of the 
Company for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
 The preparation of the 
preliminary results requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect 
the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial 
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the 
reporting period. The significant judgements and estimates applied by the Group 
in these preliminary results have been applied on a consistent basis with the 
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007. Although such estimates 
are based on management's best knowledge of the amount, event or actions, actual 
results ultimately may differ from those of estimates. 
 The accounting 
policies applied in these preliminary results are in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards, as endorsed by the European Union 
('IFRS') and are in accordance with the IFRS accounting policies that were 
applied in the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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