Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc / Index: AIM / Epic: EOG / Sector: Oil & Gas 
10 October 2019 
          Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc ('Europa' or 'the Company') 
                  Final Results for the year to 31 July 2019 
Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc, the UK and Ireland focussed oil and gas 
exploration, development and production company, announces its final results 
for the 12 month period ended 31 July 2019. 
The full Annual Report and Accounts will be available shortly on the Company's 
website at www.europaoil.com and will be mailed in November 2019 to those 
shareholders who have requested a paper copy. 
Operational highlights 
Offshore Ireland 
  * LO 16/20, which holds Inishkea, Europa's flagship gas prospect, converted 
    to 15 year exploration licence FEL 4/19 
  * 1.5 trillion cubic feet ('tcf') gross mean un-risked prospective gas 
    resources and 1 in 3 chance of success assigned to Inishkea 
  * Progressing regulatory consent for site surveys over Inishkea, Kiely East 
    and Edgeworth as part of drill site preparations 
  * Continuing farm-out discussions with respect to Frontier Exploration 
    Licence ("FEL") 4/19, FEL 1/17 and FEL 3/13. FEL 4/19 now expected to be 
  * Secured a 12 month extension to the first phase of FEL 2/13 to 4 July 2020 
  * Average of 91 barrels of oil equivalent per day ('boepd') (2018: 94 boepd) 
    recovered from three UK onshore fields 
  * Workover of the West Firsby 6 well utilising a drain hole jetting technique 
    - the well is currently producing 7 boepd net to Europa having previously 
    produced nothing 
  * Wressle planning appeal scheduled for 5 November 2019 - subject to a 
    positive outcome, development would more than double Europa's net 
    production to around 240 bopd 
  * Sold interest in PEDL143 to UK Oil & Gas PLC 
  * 6% increase in Group revenue to GBP1.7m (2018: GBP1.6m) 
  * Zero exploration write-off (2018: GBP1.3m) 
  * Narrowing of pre-tax loss to GBP0.7m (2018: loss GBP2.3m) 
  * Post-tax loss of GBP0.7m (2018: loss GBP2.6m) 
  * 16% reduction in administrative expenses to GBP811,000 (2018: GBP967,000) 
  * Cash used in operating activities GBP0.66m (2018: cash used GBP0.48m) 
  * Net cash balance as at 31 July 2019 GBP2.9m (31 July 2018: GBP1.8m) 
Post reporting date events 
  * Award of Inezgane Offshore licence on Atlantic coast of Morocco. 
  * Irish Government announced intent to phase out future licensing for oil 
    exploration, but not gas exploration; later confirmed that all existing 
    exploration licences for both oil and gas remain valid. 
Europa's CEO, Hugh Mackay, said "Having de-risked multiple hundred million 
barrel plus prospects offshore Ireland and embarked on farm-out discussions 
with suitable partners, we have been keen to add a third territory to Europa's 
portfolio, specifically one that complements the team's technical 
capabilities.  The post period end award of the Inzeghane Permit offshore 
Morocco represents the culmination of an extensive process and considerable 
work over the course of the year.  Similar to Atlantic Ireland, Europa's entry 
into Morocco is low cost and early stage.  Like Ireland, with 250 million plus 
barrel prospects already identified, Inzeghane has the potential to move the 
needle in the event of drilling success. 
"Inzeghane does not represent the sum of our new venture activity.  Our aim is 
to build a full cycle oil and gas company and our priority is to add a late 
stage appraisal/development project to our licence base. At the same time, we 
are working hard to advance our existing assets, specifically securing funding 
to drill wells offshore Ireland and supporting the operator's efforts to obtain 
planning consent for the development of the Wressle oil field, which promises 
to more than double our UK onshore production to around 240bopd.  At this rate 
and based on current oil prices, Europa's revenue profile would leap to GBP 
3-4million a year, a figure that represents almost half our current market 
capitalisation. Together with a low cost base, Europa would be transformed into 
a profitable oil and gas company, at least at the underlying level, with a 
prospect inventory that has significant company-making potential." 
Chairman's statement 
New Ventures 
Our portfolio currently comprises two main business areas: 
  * Very high impact exploration offshore Atlantic margin in Ireland and (as 
    recently announced) Morocco, and 
  * Oil development and production onshore UK. 
It is a priority for the Board to add a third area in the appraisal/development 
part of the business cycle. Following a strategy review in October 2018 a 
dedicated Board Strategy Committee was set up, meeting monthly to track 
progress and review new venture opportunities against a continuously evolving 
business environment. We are seeking projects in different stages of the 
business cycle, in new basins, in countries with low political and regulatory 
risk. Our approach is to review many candidates and progress only those which 
meet strict suitability criteria. Our target is to have identified and likely 
added this third area within the next period. 
Ireland - Inishkea 
Inishkea is our flagship prospect in Ireland. This is "infrastructure-led" 
exploration next to the 1tcf Corrib gas field in the Slyne basin and is 
unaffected by well results in the South Porcupine basin. 
We reported gross unrisked prospective resources of 1.5tcf and an estimated 
geological chance of success of 1 in 3. LO 16/20 was converted to a 15 year 
Frontier Exploration Licence FEL 4/19 effective 1 August 2019. We have 
submitted a site survey application for a drilling location. The process began 
on 31 January and we hope to obtain regulatory approval during Q4 2019. As a 
consequence of the time taken by the regulatory authorities, site survey 
operations will be in 2020 subject to regulatory approval. We believe that 
there is a compelling technical and commercial case for gas exploration in the 
vicinity of the Corrib gas infrastructure and there are positive signs for a 
Ireland - Porcupine 
Though the Iolar exploration well on the western flank of the South Porcupine 
was unsuccessful, we believe that the geological fundamentals of the undrilled 
eastern flank are different and better. New technical work on FEL 1/17 and FEL 
3/13 has enhanced our appreciation and understanding of the Edgeworth, Ervine, 
Egerton prospect complex and we will be presenting this to the industry at the 
Atlantic Ireland conference in October 2019. We have secured a 12-month 
extension for FEL 2/13 and await a similar extension for FEL 3/13. We have a 
site survey application in process for a location on the Edgeworth prospect in 
FEL 1/17. We hope to obtain regulatory approval during Q4 2019. As a 
consequence of the time taken, any site survey operations will be in 2020 and 
subject to regulatory approval. 
Ireland - general 
Two headwinds have adversely affected the oil and gas industry in Ireland: 
  * The Climate Emergency Measures Bill. Though the Bill did not proceed, it 
    threatened substantial investments in Atlantic Ireland and was a 
    significant concern. 
  * The time taken to obtain regulatory approvals for licence renewals and 
    conversions, and for operational activities such as site surveys, has been 
    extended substantially. 
These factors have slowed the pace of industry activity and the farmout market 
and it is against this backdrop that our work continues with operations and 
The previously flagged farmout discussions continue, but given the time elapsed 
and the changing local market conditions the Board now considers it more likely 
that the farmin for the Inishkea licence FEL 4/19 will be concluded first 
rather than three licenses simultaneously as originally envisaged. 
Post the reporting date, we announced the award of the Inezgane licence 
offshore Morocco. This licence is in an under-explored basin with the key 
elements of a working hydrocarbon system in the Lower Cretaceous. Morocco has 
an active oil and gas industry and a supportive Government, with a desire to 
grow the sector. Offshore, ENI and Genel are exploring just to the south of our 
licence. Shell, Repsol, Sound and SDX Energy are amongst the companies active 
onshore. Morocco has good fiscal terms. Entry costs, political, regulatory and 
security risks are all low. 
During the initial two-year phase of the licence, Europa will reprocess 1,300 
km2 of 3D seismic data. This continues a workflow process that we thoroughly 
understand having reprocessed 3,500 km2 in three seismic surveys offshore 
Ireland with very positive results. The forward plan is to reprocess, 
interpret, build a prospect inventory and farmout to drill. 
Our decision to enter Morocco was predicated on using the skills which our 
technical team have developed in working up prospects in areas covered with 
modern 3D seismic in a prospective offshore setting and presenting these to the 
industry in order to attract capital investment from larger industry players. 
We looked for a country where the entry costs were low, 3D was available at low 
cost, and the prospectivity, and consequential industry interest was high. We 
are delighted to have secured a large and prospective block, in an area which 
is of keen interest to the industry, as the presence of major oil and gas 
companies in adjacent acreage demonstrates. Given the sometimes difficult 
operating environment in other jurisdictions, it is a pleasure for us to be 
operating in an area where the Government and the regulators are keen to work 
with industry in making progress for the country. 
UK - Wressle 
Our focus is on getting the Wressle oil discovery into production. The Wressle 
oil development Planning Inquiry takes place in November 2019 and the news that 
North Lincolnshire Council have withdrawn from the inquiry is positive. The 
operator Egdon is working hard to present a strong case to the planning 
inspector and we are more hopeful than ever that we will have the well, which 
was drilled in 2014, producing oil in 2020. 
Gross oil production on Wressle startup is forecast to be 500 bopd and Europa's 
30% share will more than double our current production providing an important 
part of our financial resilience. 
UK - Production 
We are trying to maximise our existing production from fields that we operate. 
At West Firsby a workover of well WF6 was successful and achieved oil 
production from a reservoir interval which has never previously produced. We 
gained invaluable insights into the practicalities of deploying drain-hole 
jetting technology and this will enable us to exploit other opportunities in 
our portfolio. 
This has been a challenging year for the company in Ireland where there have 
been delays beyond our control in both farmout and operational activities. On 
the positive side our further studies on Inishkea confirm it to be a potential 
company maker which fits well with the existing gas producing infrastructure 
and importantly with Ireland's short to medium term energy and environmental 
requirements. I am optimistic that the Wressle development in the UK will 
finally be completed and brought on stream within the next period. I am also 
confident that adding a new venture in the appraisal/development part of the 
business will diversify the asset portfolio and provide greater protection for 
the company from extraneous delays and unforeseen events. 
I would like on behalf of the Board to thank the management, employees and 
consultants for their work and commitment throughout the year. 
Finally, may I thank our shareholders for their support and confidence in the 
company going forward. 
Simon Oddie 
Offshore Ireland: Exploration 
Slyne Basin: FEL 4/19 (Inishkea) 
The Inishkea gas prospect in FEL 4/19 has been the focus of substantial 
technical, commercial and operations work during the year and remains the 
Company's flagship project. Inishkea is a large, low risk gas prospect close to 
gas infrastructure and in a country with a robust demand for gas. 
Ireland has a growing economy and its demand for energy and electricity is 
forecast to rise. The Government has announced its firm commitment to phase out 
coal from the Irish generating mix by 2025, and the 915 MW currently generated 
by coal at the Moneypoint power station is likely to be replaced by gas-fired 
power generation. Gas will be a key part of the Irish energy transition 
providing baseload and back up to renewables. As Minister Bruton said on 25 
July 2019 in www.thejournal.ie "There's no doubt if we had a gas find beside 
Corrib and could continue to supply from Corrib that would be of immense 
benefit to us in that transition, it would allow us to have gas as a transition 
fuel because when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine you need a 
transition fuel". 
The Irish Government approved the Company's application to convert Licensing 
Option 16/20 in the Slyne basin in Atlantic Ireland to FEL 4/19. The 100% owned 
licence has a 15-year term commencing from 1 August 2019. 
During the year, substantial technical work was undertaken to further de-risk 
and quantify prospective resources for Inishkea.  This work included Pre-Stack 
Depth Migration ('PSDM') reprocessing of 770 km2 of 3D seismic data over 
Inishkea and the Corrib gas field. The geophysical interpretation arising from 
the PSDM data has been benchmarked and calibrated against newly released Ocean 
Bottom Cable 3D seismic data over Corrib. That work assigned the Inishkea 
prospect an estimated Gross Mean Un-Risked Prospective Resource ('GMUPR') of 
1.5 tcf. 
Licence      Prospect        Play         Gross Un-risked Prospective 
                                          (billion cubic feet) 
                                          Low      Best     High     Mean 
FEL 4/19     Inishkea        Triassic gas 244      968      3,606    1,528 
Inishkea is a large fault bounded Triassic structure that lies northwest of the 
Corrib gas field. The reservoir is Triassic age sandstone sourced from the 
underlying Carboniferous. The trap is provided by a combination of Triassic 
Uilleann Halite top seal and fault seal. Engineering studies demonstrate strong 
positive economics for a range of porosity outcomes, including outcomes 
significantly poorer than Corrib. Europa's view of porosity at Inishkea is 
supported by velocity data from the new PSDM data. Given the Company's 
confidence in trap and reservoir quality and the nearby Corrib gas field, the 
Company assigned Inishkea a one-in-three chance of success. 
Inishkea is in relatively shallow water in a proven gas play 18km from the 
Corrib infrastructure connecting it to the 350 million cubic feet of gas per 
day Bellanaboy gas processing plant.  Corrib field production is in decline. 
During Q2 2019 average production was 245 mmscf/d and there is growing spare 
capacity in the infrastructure that a new discovery could potentially take 
advantage of. Inishkea offers a low risk, high impact exploration prospect that 
can be potentially fast tracked to commercialisation. 
A drilling location for a first exploration well on Inishkea (18/20-H) has been 
identified and the well engineering design is completed. There is a robust, low 
risk seismic tie for the Corrib Sandstone reservoir back to the Corrib gas 
field.  Europa intended to acquire a site survey in summer 2019 and began the 
regulatory consent process in January 2019. We remain hopeful that regulatory 
consent will be obtained during Q4 2019. Unfortunately, the delay in granting 
permission for this survey means that site survey operations will likely take 
place in 2020 and that any drilling will be from 2021 at the earliest. 
Elsewhere on FEL 4/19 the Corrib North structure containing the 18/20-7 gas 
discovery well drilled by Shell in 2010 may be upgraded to contingent resources 
pending further engineering evaluation. Discovered Gas Initially In Place 
("GIIP") is provided in the table below: 
Licence      Prospect        Play         Gross discovered GIIP 
                                          (billion cubic feet) 
                                          Low      Best     High 
FEL 4/19     Corrib North    Triassic gas 5        41       208 
South Porcupine Basin: FELs 1/17, 2/13 and 3/13 
Europa holds four licences in the South Porcupine Basin.  These include three 
operated licences, FELs 1/17, 2/13 and 3/13, which are estimated to hold gross 
mean un-risked prospective resources of 4.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent 
('boe') across our top nine prospects, including firm drilling targets 
Edgeworth in FEL 1/17, Wilde in 3/13 and Kiely East in 2/13. The volumetrics 
are based on prospect mapping utilising the 2017 and 2018 reprocessed PSDM 3D 
seismic data that we originally acquired in 2013. This has resulted in a marked 
improvement in seismic quality and a substantial de-risking of the prospect 
The table below summarises the GMUPR across selected prospects in FELs 1/17, 2/ 
13 and 3/13: 
Licence      Prospect        Play           Gross Un-risked Prospective 
                                            (mmboe) * 
                                            Low     Best     High     Mean 
FEL 1/17     Ervine          Pre-rift       63      159      363      192 
FEL 1/17     Edgeworth       Pre-rift       49      156      476      225 
FEL 1/17     Egerton         Syn-rift       59      148      301      167 
FEL 3/13     Beckett         mid-Cretaceous 111     758      4,229    1,719 
FEL 3/13     Shaw +          mid-Cretaceous 20      196      1,726    747 
FEL 3/13     Wilde           Early          45      241      1,082    462 
                             Cretaceous Fan 
FEL 2/13     Kiely East +    Pre-rift       52      187      612      280 
FEL 2/13     Kiely West +    Pre-rift       23      123      534      225 
FEL 2/13     Kilroy +        Cret. Slope    37      177      734      312 
Total                                                                 4,329 
*million barrels of oil equivalent. The hydrocarbon system is considered an 
oil play and mmboe is used to take account of associated gas.  However, due to 
the significant uncertainties in the available geological information, there 
is a significant possibility of gas charge. 
+prospect extends outside licence, volumes are on-licence 
FEL 3/13 and FEL 1/17 are considered our most prospective licences in the South 
Porcupine and our top ranked prospects are the Edgeworth Ervine fault block 
complex in FEL 1/17. The application process for a site survey on Edgeworth 
commenced in February 2019 and remains ongoing. 
The Government approved the Company's application for a 12 month extension to 
the First Phase of FEL 2/13 to 4 July 2020. The Company's application for a 12 
month extension to the First Phase of FEL 3/13 remains under Government 
The next steps for FEL 2/13 include integration of recently purchased CREAN 3D 
seismic data with particular focus on mapping the extension of Kiely East into 
open acreage to the south of the licence. The application process for a site 
survey on Kiely East commenced in February 2019 and remains ongoing. 
South Porcupine Basin: LO 16/19 
Europa holds a 30% interest in the Cairn-operated LO 16/19 on the west side of 
the South Porcupine. 3D seismic was acquired in mid-2017 and a final processed 
product was delivered in Q4 2018. Following the farmout in April 2017, Europa 
is carried on this work programme by Cairn Energy up to a cap of US$6 million. 
Prospect mapping is in progress and the prospect inventory is expected later in 
The Iolar well 
The South Porcupine basin is a large basin (circa 50,000 km2) with only four 
exploration wells drilled since 1988. The most recent well is the CNOOC 
operated Iolar well in FEL 3/18 on the west flank of the basin and drilled 
during summer 2019. On 22 August 2019 CNOOC advised that the well had been 
plugged and abandoned as a dry hole. The pre-drill public domain information 
indicated the well was to be drilled in 2,162 m water depth, with a forecast TD 
of 6,174 mtvdss and with a primary target of Middle Jurassic sandstones. The 
well was drilled as a "tight hole" which means that the partners have not 
released any detailed information on its results post drilling. Consequently, 
there is no information available as yet regarding actual stratigraphy, 
formation tops, source rocks, reservoir and hydrocarbon indications encountered 
in the well. 
Europa believes that its Middle Jurassic prospects in FEL 3/13 and FEL 1/17 on 
the undrilled east flank of the South Porcupine are more prospective, and lower 
risk than prospects on the west flank of the basin. Whilst the 417 mmbo 
Edgeworth Ervine fault block complex is also targeting marine Middle Jurassic 
sandstone reservoirs crucially at this location we expect to encounter top seal 
provided by Upper Jurassic mudstones, and the basinward dipping fault blocks 
are likely to be in communication with mature, oil prone Upper Jurassic source 
As previously announced, we have negotiated farmout agreements in respect of 
FEL 4/19, FEL 1/17 and FEL 3/13 with the NW Europe division of a major oil 
company (the 'Major').  Europa is in regular contact with the Major and 
continues to await a final investment decision from the Major's head office. 
However, owing to the length of time it has taken to complete the farmout 
agreement, we have continued to market the licences to other potential 
partners. We are focused on being in a position to drill Inishkea at the 
earliest opportunity and farmout discussions are ongoing with a number of 
parties, including the Major. We believe that the 'Major' is considering 
prioritising conclusion of the FEL 4/19 Inishkea farmout and in advance of the 
South Porcupine licences FEL 1/17 and FEL 3/13. 
The Future of Exploration in Ireland 
On 23 September 2019 at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York An Taoiseach 
Leo Varadkar stated the Irish Government's intention to phase out oil 
exploration licences in the future, but not gas exploration. The Irish Offshore 
Operators Association (IOOA), the representative organisation for the 
Irish offshore oil and gas industry, sought clarification from the Government 
on behalf of its members. On 24 September the Government confirmed to IOOA that 
its proposals 'will relate to future applications' and that its 'existing 
licences will remain valid'. 
All of Europa's existing licences in Atlantic Ireland are therefore valid, and 
will continue to be valid, irrespective of whether exploration is for oil or 
IOOA are awaiting a meeting with Government to outline their proposals on how 
future licensing rounds will be implemented. We understand that future 
applications for gas exploration licences may be permitted. 
Our flagship project in Atlantic Ireland is the 1.5 tcf Inishkea gas prospect 
and we note in the letter of 20 September from Ireland's Climate Change 
Advisory Council and tweeted by Minister Bruton at the UN on 23 September the 
comment that "Recovery of newly discovered gas reserves may lead to improved 
energy security, lower energy costs, and facilitate reductions in greenhouse 
gas emissions during the transition to a low carbon economy". We consider this 
a positive statement for Irish gas exploration. 
UK - Onshore Production 
Our oil production in onshore UK and the revenue streams that it generates is 
an important part of the company's portfolio. We are actively maximising 
production from our existing fields and most importantly we are finally making 
positive progress towards obtaining planning approval for the Wressle oil 
East Midlands: West Firsby; Crosby Warren; Whisby-4 
During the period, initiatives were undertaken to maximise production at the 
West Firsby oil field including a workover of the WF6 well utilising a drain 
hole jetting technique for the first-time onshore UK.  The workover involved 
jetting sixteen 90m length drain holes and setting a new record for hole angle. 
Having previously produced zero oil, WF6 is currently producing 7 bopd net to 
Europa. Whilst a comparatively small quantum of oil at $60 per barrel oil price 
it is an increase of around 8% in our UK production. Most importantly we have 
gained unique insights into utilisation and deployment of the technology and we 
are seeking other opportunities where the quantum increase in production will 
be more substantial. 
An average of 91 boepd (2018: 94 boepd) was recovered from the three UK onshore 
fields. Production was down as a result of natural decline, but partially 
offset by the contribution from the WF6 well. 
East Midlands: PEDL180 (Wressle); PEDL182 (Broughton North) 
Europa has a 30% working interest in licence PEDL 180 in the East Midlands 
which holds the Wressle oil discovery, alongside Egdon (operator, 30%), Union 
Jack Oil (27.5%), and Humber Oil & Gas Limited (12.5%). 
An inquiry to hear the Company's appeal against the refusal of planning consent 
for the development of the Wressle oil field by the planning committee of North 
Lincolnshire Council ('NLC') is scheduled to commence on 5 November 2019. 
Following a closed meeting held on 17 July 2019, we learnt that NLC will not 
present evidence at the inquiry and has withdrawn its case following agreement 
of acceptable planning conditions. 
We welcome the NLC decision and look forward to continuing to support the 
operator Egdon, as it seeks to obtain planning permission via the appeal and 
prepares to present the case for the development of the Wressle oil field to 
the independent professional Planning Inspector. 
The Wressle oil field was discovered in 2014 by the Wressle-1 well.  During 
testing, a total of 710 boepd were recovered from three separate reservoirs, 
the Ashover Grit, the Wingfield Flags and the Penistone Flags.  In September 
2016, a Competent Person's Report ('CPR') provided independent estimates of 
reserves and contingent and prospective oil and gas resources for the Wressle 
discovery of 2.15 million stock tank barrels classified as discovered (2P+2C). 
 Under the proposed development plan, Wressle is anticipated to produce at an 
initial gross rate of 500 bopd. If that were achieved, Europa would receive a 
net 150 bopd from Wressle and Europa's UK production would increase to around 
240 bopd. Most importantly our revenue from production would more than double 
and make an important contribution to the financial stability of the company. 
East Midlands: PEDL181 
PEDL181 provides exposure to the hydrocarbon potential of the Humber basin. The 
licence has technical synergy with the adjacent PEDL334 which was awarded to an 
Egdon Resources-led group in the 14th Round for the purpose of conventional and 
unconventional exploration. 
East Midlands: PEDL299 (Hardstoft) 
PEDL299 contains the Hardstoft oil field which was discovered in 1919 by the 
UK's first ever exploration well.  Hardstoft produced 26,000 barrels of oil 
from Carboniferous limestone reservoirs in the 1920s. We believe there is more 
oil to be recovered from the Hardstoft structure. Gross 2C contingent resources 
of 3.1 mmboe and gross 3C contingent resources of 18.5 mmboe were identified in 
a CPR issued by joint operation partner Upland Resources. We believe that 
application of modern production testing and drilling methodologies could well 
lead to commercial oil flowrates being achieved. Europa's interest in PEDL299, 
which is restricted to the conventional prospectivity including Hardstoft, is 
25%, alongside Upland 25% and INEOS, the operator, 50%. 
Cleveland Basin: PEDL343 (Cloughton) 
PEDL343 contains the Cloughton gas discovery, which was drilled by Bow Valley 
in 1986 and flowed gas to surface on production test from conventional 
Carboniferous sandstone reservoirs. Europa regards Cloughton as a gas appraisal 
opportunity with the critical challenge being to obtain commercial flowrates 
from future production testing operations.  Europa holds a 35% interest in 
PEDL343 alongside Arenite 15%, Third Energy 20% (operator), Egdon Resources 
17.5% and Petrichor Energy 12.5%. 
Weald Basin: PEDL143 (Holmwood) 
We completed the sale of our 20% interest in the UK onshore PEDL143 exploration 
licence to AIM-traded UK Oil & Gas PLC ('UKOG') for a consideration of GBP 
300,000, satisfied through the issue of 25,951,557 shares ('Consideration 
Shares') in UKOG. The Consideration Shares are subject to a six-month orderly 
market provision. 
New Ventures 
In Morocco we have signed the Inezgane Offshore exploration permit with ONHYM 
(The National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines) on 17 September. Inezgane is on 
the Atlantic Margin of Morocco and represents a new high impact exploration 
component to our portfolio of licences. 
The next step is formal ratification by the Ministry of Energy and Ministry of 
Finance. This is expected to be obtained during November and the eight-year 
licence will formally be given its start date. In the interim period work has 
already started. ONHYM is already providing Europa with the relevant 3D, 2D, 
well data and regional geological information. 
The first phase of the licence is for two years during which time we will 
reprocess 1,300 km2 3D seismic, build the prospect inventory, define a 
drillable prospect and farmout to drill in Phase 2. The cost of the first phase 
programme is expected to be around GBP500,000. 
Inezgane Offshore is located in the Agadir Basin on the Atlantic Coast of 
Morocco. Water depths vary from 600-2,000m and the licence is very large; 
11,288 km2 in area. Morocco's Atlantic coastline is 1,800 km in length, only 
10 deep-water wells have been drilled and only three of them have penetrated 
the Lower Cretaceous reservoir interval that we are interested in, none of them 
optimally. We consider the Atlantic Coast to be underexplored and that the 
potential of the Lower Cretaceous play has been previously overlooked by the 
industry. The Atlantic region of Morocco has already demonstrated world class 
source rocks. Good quality lower Cretaceous reservoirs are exposed on the 
surface in the nearby Canary Islands and in the Moroccan onshore. We believe 
that there is an optimal combination of thick reservoir, source rock and trap 
in our licence with potential to host prospects with resources in excess of 250 
mmbo. Morocco has amongst the best fiscal terms in the world and whilst deep 
water the operating environment is more benign compared to West of Shetland or 
Atlantic Ireland. 
We have been provided with a large volume of modern 3D seismic data and we will 
be reprocessing around 1,300 km2 focused on maturing the Falcon, Sandpiper 
prospects (amongst others) to drillable status. 
This region of the Atlantic Coast in Morocco is already a focus for industry 
interest. To the south of Inezgane Genel has acquired 3,500 km2 of 3D seismic 
in Sidi Moussa Offshore and ENI have farmed out a 30% interest to Qatar 
Petroleum in Tarfaya Offshore. Immediately to the north of and abutting 
Inezgane is the Mogador Offshore licence which is under active negotiation. We 
await with interest the announcement of an award of an exploration licence 
here. We consider that in Inezgane, we have a very prospective licence in an 
area that is re-emerging as an industry exploration hotspot. 
We believe that the main reason that the exploration industry's major oil and 
gas companies have turned their interest to offshore Morocco again is that it 
shares similar geology and prospectivity to other Atlantic margin countries 
like Guyana and Senegal. Like Morocco these countries also had intermittent 
exploration drilling since the 1960s and were also "off radar" until very 
recent discoveries changed that mindset. In offshore Guyana in excess of 5 
billion barrels of oil has been discovered and in offshore Senegal/Mauritania 
in excess of 50TCF and 1 billion barrels of oil has been discovered in recent 
years. We are optimistic that the Moroccan offshore can become a similar 
resurgence story. 
Our work programme is one that plays to our technical strengths given our 
previous experience reprocessing three 3D surveys in Ireland against a tight 
timeframe and with excellent results. In due course we will be seeking to bring 
in a farmin partner and even at this early stage there is significant industry 
interest in our licence. 
Non-financial Key Performance Indicators ('KPIs') 
There were no reportable accidents or incidents in the year (2018: zero). 
There were no new licence awards in the year, the Morocco Inezgane Offshore 
exploration permit was signed post year end. (2018: zero). 
Revenue was GBP1.7 million (2018: GBP1.6 million). The average oil price achieved 
was US$66.7/bbl (2018: US$64.5/bbl) and the average Sterling exchange rate was 
US$1.29 (2018: US$1.35). An average of 91 boepd (2018: 94 boepd) was recovered 
from our three UK onshore fields. Production was down as a result of natural 
decline, but partially offset by a contribution from the West Firsby WF6 well 
following the workover. 
Stringent cost controls continue to be implemented but additional one-off cost 
was incurred during the WF6 workover. Cost of sales was GBP1,682,000 (2018: GBP 
Administrative expenses of GBP811,000 (2018: GBP967,000) included GBP102,000 on new 
licence evaluations (2018: GBP230,000). 
The placing and open offer announced in November 2018 raised combined GBP 
4,299,000 gross and GBP3,962,000 after expenses (including GBP17,000 of non-cash 
Net cash spent on operating activities was GBP661,000 (2018: cash spent GBP 
Purchase of intangible fixed assets of GBP1,973,000 (2018: GBP1,336,000) was 
largely spent advancing the Irish portfolio. 
The Group's cash balance at 31 July 2019 was GBP2.9 million (31 July 2018: GBP1.8 
The Group's cash flow forecast up to 31 December 2020 considers the continuing 
and forecast cash inflow from the Group's producing assets, the cash held by 
the Group at the year end, less administrative expenses and planned capital 
expenditure. Based on that forecast, the Directors have concluded that Group 
will be able to continue as a going concern and meet its obligations as and 
when they fall due. The critical assumption in reaching that conclusion is that 
the Wressle planning appeal scheduled for 5 November 2019 has a positive 
outcome and production commences at the forecasted rate in 2020. In the absence 
of incremental production from Wressle in 2020 then additional funding by the 
issuance of shares or sale of assets would be required. If additional funding 
was not available there is a risk that commitments could not be fulfilled, and 
assets would be relinquished. 
HGD Mackay 
Chief Executive Officer 
The financial information set out below does not constitute the company's 
statutory accounts for 2019 or 2018. The financial information has been 
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 
as adopted by the European Union on a basis that is consistent with the 
accounting policies applied by the group in its audited consolidated financial 
statements for the year ended 31 July 2019. Statutory accounts for the years 
ended 31 July 2018 and 31 July 2017 have been reported on by the Independent 
The Independent Auditors' Report on the Annual Report and Financial Statements 
for 2019 and 2018 were unqualified, but included a material uncertainty in 
relation to going concern, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498 
(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 July 2018 have been filed with the 
Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 July 2019 
will be delivered to the Registrar in due course. 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
For the year ended 31 July                                          2019        2018 
                                                       Note         GBP000        GBP000 
Revenue                                                            1,713       1,634 
Cost of sales                                                    (1,682)     (1,365) 
Impairment of producing fields                           2             -       (142) 
Exploration write-back / (write-off)                     1           270     (1,289) 
Total cost of sales                                              (1,412)     (2,796) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Gross profit/(loss)                                                  301     (1,162) 
Administrative expenses                                            (811)       (967) 
Finance income                                                        43          10 
Finance expense                                                    (187)       (171) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Loss before taxation                                               (654)     (2,290) 
Taxation charge                                                        -       (341) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Loss for the year                                                  (654)     (2,631) 
                                                             ===========   ========= 
Other comprehensive income 
Items which will not be reclassified to profit /(loss) 
Loss on investment revaluation                                      (59)           - 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Total other comprehensive loss                                      (59)           - 
                                                             ===========   ========= 
Total comprehensive loss for the year attributable to              (713)     (2,631) 
the equity shareholders of the parent 
                                                             ===========   ========= 
Consolidated statement of financial position 
As at 31 July                                                       2019        2018 
                                                       Note         GBP000        GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                                        1         7,818       5,959 
Property, plant and equipment                            2           575         668 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Total non-current assets                                           8,393       6,627 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Current assets 
Investments                                                          241           - 
Inventories                                                           19          20 
Trade and other receivables                                          315         471 
Restricted cash                                                      251           - 
Cash and cash equivalents                                          2,905       1,771 
                                                                --------    -------- 
                                                                   3,731       2,262 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Total assets                                                      12,124       8,889 
                                                                ========    ======== 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                         (1,086)     (1,299) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Total current liabilities                                        (1,086)     (1,299) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Long-term provisions                                             (2,917)     (2,735) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Total non-current liabilities                                    (2,917)     (2,735) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Total liabilities                                                (4,003)     (4,034) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Net assets                                                         8,121       4,855 
                                                                ========    ======== 
Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders 
of the parent 
Share capital                                                      4,447       3,014 
Share premium                                                     21,010      18,481 
Merger reserve                                                     2,868       2,868 
Retained deficit                                                (20,204)    (19,508) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Total equity                                                       8,121       4,855 
                                                                ======== =========== 
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and 
authorised for issue on 9 October 2019 and signed on its behalf by: 
P Greenhalgh, Finance Director 
Company registration number 5217946 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
Attributable to the equity holders of the parent 
                                Share       Share     Merger    Retained       Total 
                              capital     premium    reserve     deficit      equity 
                                 GBP000        GBP000       GBP000        GBP000        GBP000 
Balance at 1 August 2017        3,014      18,481      2,868    (16,888)       7,475 
Comprehensive loss for the 
Loss for the year 
attributable to the equity          -           -          -     (2,631)     (2,631) 
shareholders of the parent 
                             --------    --------   --------    --------   --------- 
Total comprehensive loss 
for the year                        -           -          -     (2,631)     (2,631) 
                             --------    --------   --------    --------   --------- 
Contributions by and 
distributions to owners 
Share based payment (note           -           -          -          11          11 
                             --------    --------   --------    --------    -------- 
Total contributions by and          -           -          -          11          11 
distributions to owners 
                             --------    --------   --------    --------   --------- 
Balance at 31 July 2018         3,014      18,481      2,868    (19,508)       4,855 
                             ========    ========   ========    ========    ======== 
                                Share       Share     Merger    Retained       Total 
                              capital     premium    reserve     deficit      equity 
                                 GBP000        GBP000       GBP000        GBP000        GBP000 
Balance at 1 August 2018        3,014      18,481      2,868    (19,508)       4,855 
Comprehensive loss for the 
Loss for the year                                                  (654)       (654) 
attributable to the equity          -           -          - 
shareholders of the parent 
Other comprehensive loss                                            (59)        (59) 
attributable to the equity          -           -          - 
shareholders of the parent 
                             --------    --------   --------    --------   --------- 
Total comprehensive loss            -           -          -       (713)       (713) 
for the year 
                             --------    --------   --------    --------   --------- 
Contributions by and 
distributions to owners 
Issue of share capital          1,433       2,546          -           -       3,979 
Issue of share options              -        (17)          -          17           - 
(note 21) 
Share based payment (note           -           -          -           -           - 
                             --------    --------   --------    --------    -------- 
Total contributions by and      1,433       2,529          -          17       3,979 
distributions to owners 
                             --------    --------   --------    --------   --------- 
Balance at 31 July 2019         4,447      21,010      2,868    (20,204)       8,121 
                             ========    ========   ========    ========    ======== 
Consolidated statement of cash flows 
For the year ended 31 July                                          2019        2018 
                                                       Note         GBP000        GBP000 
Cash flows used in operating activities 
Loss after tax from continuing operations                          (654)     (2,631) 
Adjustments for: 
Share based payments                                                   -          11 
Depreciation                                             2            94          72 
Impairment of producing field                            2             -         142 
Exploration (write back)/ write-off                      1         (270)       1,289 
Finance income                                                      (43)        (10) 
Finance expense                                                      187         171 
Taxation charge                                                        -         341 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                                7          69 
Decrease/(increase) in inventories                                     1         (6) 
Increase in trade and other payables                                  17          73 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Net cash used in operations                                        (661)       (479) 
Income taxes paid                                                      -           - 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Net cash used in operating activities                              (661)       (479) 
                                                             =========== =========== 
Cash flows used in investing activities 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                            (1)           - 
Purchase of intangible assets                                    (1,973)     (1,336) 
Cash guarantee re Morocco                                          (251)           - 
Sale of part interest in licence - associated costs                  (8)           - 
Interest received                                                     16          10 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Net cash used in investing activities                            (2,217)     (1,326) 
                                                             =========== =========== 
Cash flows from/(used in) financing activities 
Gross proceeds from issue of share capital                         4,299           - 
Costs incurred on issue of share capital                           (320)           - 
Decrease in payables relating to share capital issue                   -        (16) 
Finance costs                                                        (5)         (3) 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities                       3,974        (19) 
                                                             =========== =========== 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents               1,096     (1,824) 
Exchange gain on cash and cash equivalents                            38           4 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                     1,771       3,591 
                                                                --------    -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                           2,905       1,771 
                                                             =========== =========== 
Notes to the financial statements 
1. Intangible assets 
                                                             2019        2018 
                                                             GBP000        GBP000 
At 1 August                                                 5,959       5,276 
Additions                                                   1,869       1,972 
Disposal                                                     (10)           - 
Exploration write-off                                           -     (1,289) 
                                                         --------    -------- 
At 31 July                                                  7,818       5,959 
                                                        =========   ========= 
Intangible assets comprise the Group's pre-production expenditure on licence 
interests as follows: 
                                                             2019        2018 
                                                             GBP000        GBP000 
Ireland FEL 2/13 (Doyle A, B, C, Kilroy, Keane &            1,280         799 
Ireland FEL 3/13 (Beckett, Wilde, Shaw)                     1,255       1,093 
Ireland FEL 1/17                                              636         453 
Ireland LO 16/19                                               89          71 
Ireland FEL 4/19 (Inishkea)                                 1,259         454 
Ireland LO 16/22                                              213         125 
UK PEDL143 (Holmwood)                                           -          10 
UK PEDL180 (Wressle)                                        2,867       2,745 
UK PEDL181                                                    101          95 
UK PEDL182 (Broughton North)                                   29          26 
UK PEDL299 (Hardstoft)                                         12          12 
UK PEDL343 (Cloughton)                                         77          76 
                                                       ----------  ---------- 
Total                                                       7,818       5,959 
                                                        =========   ========= 
UK PEDL143 (Holmwood)                                          10           - 
                                                        =========   ========= 
Exploration write-off 
UK PEDL143 (Holmwood)                                           -       1,145 
Ireland LO 16/21                                                -          97 
UK Block 41/24                                                  -          47 
                                                         --------    -------- 
Total                                                           -       1,289 
                                                         ========  ========== 
Exploration write-back 
On 8 May 2019 the Group sold its interest in PEDL143 (Holmwood) to UK Oil & Gas 
Plc ('UKOG') for 25,951,557 shares in UKOG at 1.156p per share. 
                                                             2019        2018 
                                                             GBP000        GBP000 
Consideration for the PEDL143 interest                        300           - 
Disposal costs                                               (20)           - 
Book value of remaining interest                             (10)           - 
                                                         --------    -------- 
Exploration write-back                                        270           - 
                                                        =========   ========= 
If the Group is not able to or elects not to continue in any other licence, 
then the impact on the financial statements will be the impairment of some or 
all of the intangible assets disclosed above. 
2. Property, plant & equipment 
                                   Furniture   Producing      Total 
                                           &      fields 
                                        GBP000        GBP000       GBP000 
At 1 August 2017                          52      10,790     10,842 
Additions                                  -           -          - 
                                   ---------   ---------  --------- 
At 31 July 2018                           52      10,790     10,842 
Additions                                  1           -          1 
                                   ---------   ---------  --------- 
At 31 July 2019                           53      10,790     10,843 
                                    ========    ========   ======== 
Depreciation, depletion and 
At 1 August 2018                          49       9,911      9,960 
Charge for year                            2          70         72 
Impairment in year                         -         142        142 
                                   ---------   ---------  --------- 
At 31 July 2018                           51      10,123     10,174 
Charge for year                            1          93         94 
Impairment in year                         -           -          - 
                                   ---------   ---------  --------- 
At 31 July 2019                           52      10,216     10,268 
                                    ========    ========   ======== 
Net Book Value 
At 31 July 2017                            3         879        882 
                                    ========    ========   ======== 
At 31 July 2018                            1         667        668 
                                    ========    ========   ======== 
At 31 July 2019                            1         574        575 
                                    ========    ========   ======== 
The producing fields referred to in the table above are the production assets 
of the Group, namely the oilfields at Crosby Warren and West Firsby, and the 
Group's interest in the Whisby W4 well, representing the Group's three cash 
generating units. 
The carrying value of each producing field was tested for impairment by 
comparing the carrying value with the value-in-use. The value-in-use was 
calculated using a discounted cash flow model with production decline rates of 
7-12%, Brent crude prices rising from US$70 per barrel in 2020 to US$74 per 
barrel in 2022 increasing by inflation from 2022 onwards and a pre-tax discount 
rate of 20%. The pre-tax discount rate is derived from a post-tax rate of 10% 
and is high because of the applicable rates of tax in the UK. Cash flows were 
projected over the expected life of the fields which is expected to be longer 
than 5 years. There was no impairment in the year (2018: GBP142,000 impairment 
relating to the West Firsby site). 
Sensitivity to key assumption changes 
Variations to the key assumptions used in the value-in-use calculation would 
cause impairment of the producing fields as follows: 
                                                      impairment of 
Production decline rate (current assumption 7-12%) 
12%                                                             312 
15%                                                             602 
Brent crude price  per barrel (current assumption 
US$70/bbl in 2020 rising to US$74/bbl in 2022) 
$70 flat                                                        168 
$65 flat                                                        392 
Pre-tax discount rate (current assumption 20%) 
25%                                                              62 
30%                                                              29 
                                 * * ENDS * * 
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of 
Regulation (EU) No 596/2014. 
For further information please visit www.europaoil.com or contact: 
Hugh Mackay       Europa                        + 44 (0) 20 7224 
Phil Greenhalgh   Europa                        + 44 (0) 20 7224 
Matt Goode        finnCap Ltd                   + 44 (0) 20 7220 
Simon Hicks       finnCap Ltd                   + 44 (0) 20 7220 
Camille Gochez    finnCap Ltd                   + 44 (0) 20 7220 
Frank Buhagiar    St Brides Partners Ltd        + 44 (0) 20 7236 
Susie Geliher     St Brides Partners Ltd        + 44 (0) 20 7236 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 10, 2019 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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