RNS Number:5107U
Hartford Group PLC
22 November 2000

                   HARTFORD GROUP PLC

Hartford  Group ('Hartford'), an operator of  restaurants
in  London,  including the Pharmacy Bar &  Restaurant  at
Notting  Hill and Montana in Fulham, announces the  terms
of a proposed re-financing to raise #4.06m gross, capital
reorganisation and Board changes

                       KEY POINTS

*    Open  offer of up to 70,951,819 new ordinary  shares
     of  1p  each  at 5p per share fully underwritten  by
     Prestbury Investment Holdings Ltd ('PIHL')
*    Proposed   appointment  of  Stephen  Thomas,   Chief
     Executive of Luminar Plc, as non-executive  Chairman
     and  of  Sheila McKenzie, formerly Managing Director
     of Slug & Lettuce plc, as Chief Executive

*    Subscription for 10,000,000 new Ordinary  Shares  of
     1p  at  5p per share by Stephen Thomas, and  related
     family trust, and for 200,000 new Ordinary Shares at
     5p per share by Sheila McKenzie

*    Resignation from the Board of Nigel Wray  (currently
     non-executive   Chairman),   Kevin   Finch    (Chief
     Executive),  Nick  Leslau and  Matthew  Freud  (non-
     executive Directors)

*    New  Board will aim to secure stability of Hartford,
     review  its  existing operations and, in the  medium
     term,  seek  to  invest in start-up  or  development
     opportunities in the hospitality and leisure sector

Commenting on the proposals, Nigel Wray, Chairman of
Hartford, states:

'Stephen  Thomas and Sheila McKenzie are two  experienced
and  talented operators, dedicated to turning  the  Group
around   and   taking  it  forward  into  new  associated
investment areas.'


Altium Capital Ltd. (advisers to Hartford)0161 831 9133
Phil Adams

College Hill                              020 7457 2020
Gareth David         email:gareth.david@collegehill.com
Justine Warren     email:justine.warren@collegehill.com
                   HARTFORD GROUP PLC
The following represents extracts from a letter from Nigel
Wray, Chairman, included in a prospectus to be sent today
to Shareholders in Hartford Group PLC ('the Prospectus').

Open Offer of up to 70,951,819 new Ordinary Shares of 1p
  each at 5p per share Subscription for 10,200,000 new
          Ordinary Shares of 1p at 5p per share
         Proposed Share Capital Reorganisation.


Your  Board  has today announced both an Open  Offer  and
Subscription to raise approximately #4.06 million  before
expenses.  The Open Offer is being fully underwritten  by
Prestbury   Investments  Holdings  Limited  ('PIHL'),   a
company  98.5 per cent. owned by Nick Leslau and  myself.
In  connection with these proposals, your Board has today
also announced a proposed Capital Reorganisation. 

I am delighted to announce that Stephen Thomas, currently
a  non-executive  director, has  agreed  to  become  non-
executive  Chairman  and Sheila McKenzie  has  agreed  to
become  Chief  Executive following  the  passing  of  the
Resolutions  at the Extraordinary General Meeting  on  15
December  2000  and  completion of  the  Open  Offer  and
Subscription,  at which time Nick Leslau, Matthew  Freud,
Kevin Finch and I will step down from the Board.

Your  Board believes that the proposed board changes  and
fundraising,  represents the best  available  option  for
Shareholders as a whole.


As  previously  announced in the  interim  results  on  3
November  2000, the Group has traded disappointingly  and
has received financial support from certain directors  in
the  form  of personal guarantees for a bank facility  of
#500,000.  Following  an urgent review,  your  Board  has
instigated major changes to produce cost savings, both at
trading sites and at head office.

The  Board has decided to proceed with the Open Offer and
Subscription   because   without   additional   financial
resources,  the Company would be unable to pay  creditors
as  they  fall  due or to repay its bank  facility  which
expires in January 2001.

In  addition, a further short term bridging loan facility
of up to #500,000 has been made available by myself, Nick
Leslau  and Stephen Thomas which it is intended  will  be
repaid,  to  the extent drawn upon, from the proceeds  of
the fundraising.

Open Offer

The   Company   is  proposing  to  raise  #3.55   million
(approximately #3.1 million net of expenses) by  offering
70,951,819  Open Offer Shares to Qualifying  Shareholders
at  5p  per  share,  a discount of 20 per  cent.  to  the
closing mid-market price of 6.25p on 21 November 2000  in
addition to the #0.5 million Subscription outlined below.


Stephen  Thomas and a related family trust has agreed  to
subscribe a total of #500,000 for 10,000,000 new Ordinary
Shares  at  a price of 5p per share. In addition,  Sheila
McKenzie has agreed to subscribe #10,000 for 200,000  new
Ordinary  Shares  at  a  price of  5p  per  share.  These
subscriptions are conditional on Shareholder approval  at
the EGM, further information on which is set out below.

Proposed Directors

Stephen  Thomas  (non-executive Chairman),  aged  47,  is
Chief Executive of Luminar Plc ('Luminar'). Stephen  is
a  leading leisure industry operator, with over 30 years'

He  founded  Luminar in 1987, and floated the company  in
1996  when  it  operated 14 Chicago  Rock  Cafes  and  18
discotheques and achieved a market capitalisation of  #30
million.  Since then, he has developed the business  into
one  of  the  UK's  leading  leisure  groups,  which  has
achieved FTSE 250 status through both organic growth  and

Stephen  recently led Luminar's #467 million  acquisition
of  Northern Leisure and the enlarged group operates over
200 clubs, bars and restaurants. Luminar currently has  a
market  capitalisation  in excess  of  #500  million  and
reported  profit before taxation of #13.2 million  (1999:
#4.3 million), for the 26 weeks ending 27August 2000,  on
turnover  up 162 per cent. to #77.2 million (1999:  #29.5

He  is  also a non-executive Director of Coffee  Republic

Sheila McKenzie (Chief Executive), aged 42, has 15 years'
experience  in  the  leisure  sector,  most  recently  as
Managing  Director  of The Slug and  Lettuce  Group  plc.
Sheila  is  a leading developer and operator of upmarket,
high  street bar concepts. Prior to joining The Slug  and
Lettuce, she was a founder and Managing Director  of  the
Pitcher  & Piano chain.

At  The  Slug  and Lettuce, Sheila pioneered  the  female
friendly, congenial offering which established  the  Slug
and  Lettuce concept as one of the strongest  pub  retail
formulas  on  the high street. Her style-led approach  to
brand  development  enabled  the  concept  to  evolve  in
response  to  changing leisure lifestyles,  ensuring  its
continuing vitality and appeal to its target market.

The  Slug and Lettuce was acquired earlier this  year  by
SFI  Group  plc  for #27.7 million. At the  time  of  the
takeover,  The Slug and Lettuce comprised  34  bars,  had
over  600 staff and reported a profit before tax  in  the
year  ended  31 May 2000 of #2.23 million on turnover  of
#29.3 million.


The   proposed  board  will,  I  believe,  comprise   two
experienced and talented operators in Stephen Thomas  and
Sheila  McKenzie, who are dedicated to turning the  Group
around. There is currently no finance director, however a
financial  controller  is in place  who  reports  to  the
Board. It is however, envisaged that the appointment of a
finance director will be considered in due course,  along
with  the  appointment  of  further  executive  and  non-
executive directors.

Sheila  McKenzie has been retained to work two  days  per
week and will deal with issues arising outside those  two
days as appropriate.

As  mentioned  above, myself, Nick Leslau, Matthew  Freud
and  Kevin  Finch  will step down  from  the  Board  upon
admission. Kevin Finch will continue to make his services
available as a consultant for a fixed term of one year.

Strategy and Use of Proceeds

In  the  short  term,  the  Proposed  Directors'  primary
objective  is  to secure the stability of  the  Group  by
paying  back, as it falls due, the bank facility  secured
by  personal  guarantees given by certain  directors  and
reducing   the   level  of  liabilities.  Following   the
appointment of Stephen Thomas and Sheila McKenzie, Sheila
will   undertake  an  immediate  review  of  the  Group's
operations. She will determine which assets are  non-core
and  identify opportunities to refocus operations  or  to
develop unutilised sites.

In  the  medium  term it is intended that, using  Stephen
Thomas's and Sheila McKenzie's extensive experience, your
Company  will  seek to invest in start-up or  development
opportunities in the hospitality and leisure sector.


Hartford  currently  operates six restaurants  comprising
The Pharmacy Bar and Restaurant ('Pharmacy') in Notting
Hill,  Montana in Fulham, Dakota in Notting Hill,  Canyon
in  Richmond, Idaho in Highgate and Utah in Wimbledon. It
also  operates  Outpatients, a  delicatessen  in  Notting

In  September  1999, Hartford completed its  merger  with
Montana.  It  was  our intention to  expand  the  Montana
concept   of   a  fine  dining  experience  in   affluent
neighbourhoods. Regrettably, this strategy has  not  been

The two most recently opened restaurants, Idaho and Utah,
have  continued to perform below expectations and we  are
considering  our  options with respect  to  these  sites.
Montana,   Dakota  and  Canyon  are  trading  profitably,
although,  as announced on 3 July 2000, all of our  sites
with  outside  dining suffered from the poor  spring  and
early summer weather.

Pharmacy improved its profitability during the period  on
lower  turnover. A re-design of the bar area  is  planned
for August 2001. The intended acquisition and development
of  a further Pharmacy site in the West End of London has
been  halted. Outpatients, which was opened in  September
1999, continues to trade satisfactorily.

Congress,  Loughton  and  Ascot  are  not  in  operation,
however  they  will  be  included  in  Sheila  McKenzie's
strategic review mentioned above.

Current Trading and Prospects

The  results  of Hartford for the 36 week period  from  3
January 2000 to 10 September 2000, were a loss before tax
of  #2,073,000 on turnover of #5,075,000. The challenging
trading  environment, experienced by the  industry  as  a
whole  and  in  the  fine  dining sector  in  particular,
continues.  Levels of trading are behind  those  of  last
year  and as announced on 27 October 2000, the Group will
be loss making in the year to 31 December 2000.

Significant  cost cutting measures have been  taken  over
the  recent  months  to reduce Group  overheads.  Looking
ahead,   December   and  the  Christmas   season   is   a
traditionally busy period.

Capital Reorganisation

The  nominal  value  of each Existing Ordinary  Share  is
12.5p. The price at which the Open Offer is proceeding is
5p  representing a discount to the current nominal value.
The  Act  prohibits the issue of shares at a price  below
their nominal value. As part of the arrangements for  the
Open  Offer, it is therefore proposed to sub-divide  each
Existing  Ordinary Share of 12.5p into one  new  Ordinary
Share of 1p and one Deferred Share of 11.5p. Shareholders
should  note that the number of Existing Ordinary  Shares
held by them on the Reorganisation Record Date will equal
the  number  of  new  Ordinary Shares they  receive  upon
completion of the Capital Reorganisation.

Each  new  Ordinary  Share  will  have  the  same  rights
(including  voting and dividend rights  and  rights  on  a
return  of  capital) as an Existing Ordinary  Share.   On
completion of the Proposals, Shareholders whose  Existing
Ordinary  Shares are held in certificated  form  will  be
sent  new certificates for their holdings of new Ordinary
Shares arising on the Capital Reorganisation and for  any
New  Ordinary Shares subscribed in the Open Offer.  At that 
time and  following  receipt  by  Shareholders  of  their  
new certificates,  the existing certificates will be of no
further use and may be destroyed.

The  rights attaching to the Deferred Shares, which  will
not be admitted to trading on AIM or any other recognised
investment   exchange,  will  render   them   effectively
valueless.  No certificates will be issued in respect  of
Deferred Shares.  It is intended that the Deferred Shares
will  be repurchased by the Company for a nominal  amount
in due course.  Further details of the rights attached to
the  Deferred Shares are set out in paragraph 5.3 of Part
5 of the Prospectus.

Terms of the Open Offer

The   Company   is  proposing  to  raise  #3.55   million
(approximately #3.1 million net of expenses) by the issue
of 70,951,819 Open Offer Shares.

Under  the  Open Offer, Qualifying Shareholders  will  be
given  the  opportunity to subscribe for the  Open  Offer
Shares at the Issue Price free from expenses, pro rata to
their existing shareholdings, on the basis of:

3 Open Offer Shares for every 2 Existing Ordinary Shares

held  on  the  Record Date and so in proportion  for  any
equal,  greater  or  lesser number of  Existing  Ordinary
Shares  then held. Fractional entitlements will be  taken
up  by  PIHL  under  the terms of the  Underwriting.  The
maximum  entitlement  of each Qualifying  Shareholder  is
indicated  on  the  Application  Form  accompanying  this
document.  The Open Offer has been fully underwritten  by
PIHL.  PIHL  will receive no underwriting commission  but
its  professional  fees relating to the  Underwriting  of
#25,000 will be borne by Hartford.

Nick  Leslau  and  I  have agreed  not  to  take  up  our
respective  entitlements on the basis that  our  company,
PIHL,  will  acquire such entitlements  pursuant  to  the
Underwriting. In addition, Matthew Freud has  irrevocably
undertaken to take up his entitlement in full  and  Kevin
Finch  has  irrevocably undertaken to take  up  1,000,000
Open   Offer  Shares.  In  the  event  that   all   other
Shareholders  take  up  the Open  Offer  in  full  PIHL's
holding   would   be  15,488,891  new   Ordinary   Shares
representing approximately 11.8 per cent. of the enlarged
issued  ordinary  share capital of the  Company.  In  the
event that all other shareholders do not take up the Open
Offer,  PIHL's  maximum holding would be  65,440,499  new
Ordinary Shares representing just under 50.0 per cent. of
the enlarged issued ordinary share capital of the Company
ignoring the McKenzie Option and the Thomas Option.

PIHL,  the  Directors, the Proposed Directors and  Altium
Capital  have entered into commitments not to dispose  of
their    shareholdings,   save   in   certain   specified
circumstances  for a period of 12 months from  completion
of the Proposals.

The  Open  Offer  Shares  will rank  pari  passu  in  all
respects  with  the  new  Ordinary  Shares  in  issue  on
completion of the Open Offer.

The  Open  Offer  is not a rights issue  and  Open  Offer
Shares  not applied for under the Open Offer will not  be
sold   in  the  market  for  the  benefit  of  Qualifying
Shareholders who do not apply under the Open Offer.

The   latest  time  and  date  for  receipt  by  Northern
Registrars  Limited of Application Forms and  payment  in
full under the Open Offer is 3.00 pm on 14 December 2000.

Subject to the Open Offer becoming unconditional,  Altium
Capital  has  agreed  to  subscribe  for  2,500,000   new
Ordinary Shares at the Issue Price in satisfaction of its
fees (excluding VAT) relating to the Open Offer.
Share Option Schemes

The  purpose of the New Option Plan outlined below is  to
attract and motivate key executives.

Hartford   is   therefore   seeking   the   approval   of
Shareholders at the EGM to the adoption of the New Option
Plan. Up to 30,000,000 representing 22.9 per cent. of the
enlarged issued ordinary share capital of the Company may
be  placed from time to time under option under  the  New
Option  Plan.   During the period of one  year  from  the
adoption  of the New Option Plan, options may  be  issued
with an option exercise price of 5p.

Following  the  passing of Resolution 2 at  the  EGM  and
completion  of  the  Open Offer and Subscription,  it  is
proposed to grant an option under the New Option Plan  to
Sheila  McKenzie  to  subscribe  for  1,750,000  Ordinary
Shares  at  an  option exercise price of 5p per  Ordinary
Share.  The  option will, save as provided  in  paragraph
9.1(k) of Part 5 of the Prospectus, be exercisable at any
time   during   the  period  commencing  on   the   third
anniversary  of  the date of grant and  expiring  on  the
fifth  anniversary of the date of grant. Further  details
of this option are set out in paragraph 9.1(k) of Part  5
of the Prospectus.

It  is  also  proposed to grant an option under  the  New
Option Plan to Stephen Thomas to subscribe for 10,000,000
million Ordinary Shares at an option exercise price of 5p
per  Ordinary  Share. The option will be in  three  equal
tranches  and will, save as provided in paragraph  9.1(l)
of  Part 5 of the Prospectus, be exercisable at any  time
prior  to  the  fifth anniversary of the  date  of  grant
subject  as  provided  below. The first  tranche  may  be
exercised if the Company's share price averages at  least
15p  over the three months immediately preceding the date
of  exercise. The second tranche may be exercised if  the
Company's  share  price averages at least  25p  over  the
three  months immediately preceding the date of exercise.
The third tranche may be exercised if the Company's share
price  averages  at  least  35p  over  the  three  months
immediately  preceding  the  date  of  exercise.  Further
details of this option are set out in paragraph 9.1(l) of
Part 5 of the Prospectus.

Under  the New Option Plan, the exercise of options  will
normally  be  conditional  upon  the  achievement  of   a
specified   performance   target   determined   by    the
remuneration  committee  when options  are  granted.  The
proposed  terms of the New Option Plan are summarised  in
paragraph 9.1 of Part 5 of the Prospectus.

In  circumstances where share options are  granted  under
share  option schemes at an option price which  is  at  a
discount to the fair value of shares at the time  of  the
grant, a charge is made to the Company's profit and  loss
account  in  respect of the cost of those share  options.
The  cost  of the share options represents the difference
between the fair value of the shares and the option price
at  the  date of granting the option, adjusted to reflect
the probability of performance criteria being met, and is
recognised  over  the  period to  which  the  performance
criteria relate.

The  options  held by Nick Leslau, Matthew  Freud,  Kevin
Finch  and  myself,  details of  which  are  set  out  in
paragraph  7.1  of Part 5 of the Prospectus,  will  lapse
upon   completion  of  the  Proposals  pursuant  to   the
termination  arrangements referred to in paragraph  8  of
Part 5 of the Prospectus.

Subject  to  obtaining such approval, no further  options
will  be  granted under the Existing Share Option Schemes
(summaries of which appear in paragraphs 9.2 and  9.3  of
Part 5 of the Prospectus).

The Concert Party and the City Code

Each  of  myself,  Nick  Leslau, Matthew  Freud,  Stephen
Thomas, Sheila McKenzie and PIHL (a company controlled by
myself  and  Nick Leslau) are, or may be deemed  for  the
purposes  of  the City Code, to be acting in  concert  in
relation to the Company.

Under  Rule 9 of the City Code, where a person or a group
of persons acting in concert acquires shares in a company
which is subject to the City Code, and such shares,  when
taken together with any shares already held, would result
in  that concert party's shares carrying 30 per cent.  or
more  of  the voting rights of that company, such concert
party  is  normally required by the City Code to  make  a
general  offer  to  all  the other  shareholders  of  the
company  for the remaining shares that the concert  party
does not already own.

Set  out  below  is the total number of  Ordinary  Shares
which  will  be  held  by members of  the  Concert  Party
following  the implementation of the Proposals and  which
could  be  acquired  by them under the  New  Option  Plan
together  in  each  case  with  the  percentage  of   the
Company's voting rights which will then be represented by
that holding:

                         Following completion of the proposals
                Number of                     Open Offer              
                existing                      Shares                   
                Ordinary       Existing       (Notes 1       Sub-          
Name              Shares      Percentage      and 2)         scription    

Nigel Wray      3,243,786             6.9            -               -      

Nick Leslau     3,243,786             6.9            -               -

Matthew Freud   3,007,547             6.4    4,511,320               -

Stephen Thomas          -               -            -      10,000,000

Sheila McKenzie         -               -            -         200,000

PIHL                    -               -   65,440,499               -

Total           9,495,119            20.2   69,951,819      10,200,000

                                                    % of enlarged
                  Shares under         Total        share capital           
Name              option                            (Note 3)  
Nigel Wray                   -     3,243,786                  2.3          

Nick Leslau                  -     3,243,786                  2.3           

Matthew Freud                -     7,518,867                  5.3

Stephen Thomas      10,000,000    20,000,000                 14.0

Sheila McKenzie      1,750,000     1,950,000                  1.4

PIHL                         -    65,440,499                 45.9

Total               11,750,000   101,396,938                 71.2


1.   Based upon the 3 for 2 Open Offer.
2.   Based  upon  the  assumption that  pursuant  to  its
     underwriting   commitment,  PIHL  is   required   to
     subscribe for all Open Offer Shares except  for  the
     full   entitlement   of  Matthew   Freud   and   the
     entitlement  as  to 1,000,000 Open Offer  Shares  of
     Kevin Finch.
3.   Based  upon the assumption that the options held  by
     Sheila McKenzie and Stephen Thomas are exercised.

The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers has agreed, subject to
the approval of the independent Shareholders voting on  a
poll  in general meeting ('the Whitewash'), to waive  the
obligation for the Concert Party or any member of it,  to
make a general offer for the Ordinary Shares not owned by
them  under  Rule 9 of the City Code as a result  of  the
implementation   of   the   Proposals,   including    the
Underwriting by PIHL and any exercise of the  options  to
be granted to Stephen Thomas and Sheila McKenzie.

Shareholders  should note that, ignoring  share  options,
following  implementation of the Proposals,  the  Concert
Party  may control over 50 per cent. of the voting rights
of the Company while PIHL may alone control just under 50
per  cent. In this event  PIHL may not acquire additional
Ordinary  Shares without an obligation to make  an  offer
for the Ordinary Shares not owned by it. Other members of
the  Concert Party would each be free to acquire Ordinary
Shares  without an obligation to make any offer  for  the
Ordinary  Shares not owned by them except  that  no  such
individual may acquire 30 per cent. or more of the voting
rights  of  the Company without triggering an  obligation
for  that  individual  to make a general  offer  for  the
Ordinary Shares not owned by it under Rule 9 of the  City

Also,  as the Concert Party together may control over  50
per  cent.  of the voting rights of the Company following
implementation  of  the Proposals,  the  members  of  the
Concert  Party  may be able to exert a  very  significant
degree of control over the future conduct of the Company.


Upon  completion  of the Proposals, Altium  Capital,  the
Company's   nominated  advisor  will  also   become   the
Company's   nominated   broker  in   succession   to   SG
Securities, who are standing down.

Dividend Policy

It  is  the  intention of the Proposed Directors  to  re-
invest  any future profits and any surplus cash into  the
business  in  the immediate future in order  to  generate
profitability   and   cash   flow.   It   is    therefore
inappropriate to give an indication of the  likely  level
of any future dividends.

Dealing Arrangements

Application will be made for the New Ordinary  Shares  to
be  admitted  to  trading on AIM.  It  is  expected  that
trading  in the New Ordinary Shares, including  the  Open
Offer  Shares, will commence on 18 December 2000.  Copies
of  this document will be available to the public free of
charge  from  Altium Capital Limited at  30  St.  James's
Square,  London SW1Y 4AL until the date 14 days from  the
date of Admission.


Kevin  Finch is the only Director who is not a member  of
the  Concert  Party  and accordingly has  been  the  only
Director  involved  in  considering  whether  or  not  to
recommend Resolution number 1 to Shareholders. He, having
been   so  advised  by  Altium  Capital,  considers   the
Whitewash  to  be  fair  and reasonable  so  far  as  the
Shareholders as a whole are concerned. In providing  this
advice,  Altium  Capital  has taken  into  account  Kevin
Finch's  commercial assessment. Accordingly, Kevin  Finch
recommends that you vote in favour of Resolution number 1
at  the Extraordinary General Meeting as he intends to do
in  respect  of his own beneficial holding  of  4,505,022
Existing Ordinary Shares, representing approximately  9.5
per cent. of the Company's existing issued share capital.

Your  Directors (excluding Stephen Thomas to  the  extent
the  Proposals  relate to the Subscription and  excluding
Nick Leslau and myself to the extent the Proposals relate
to  the Underwriting), who have been so advised by Altium
Capital, consider that the terms of the Proposals (to the
extent  they do not relate to the Whitewash) to  be  fair
and  reasonable  so far as Shareholders as  a  whole  are
concerned.  In providing advice to the Directors,  Altium
Capital  has taken into account the Directors' commercial
assessments.   Accordingly,  your  Directors   (excluding
Stephen  Thomas,  Nick  Leslau  and  myself)  unanimously
recommend you to vote in favour of Resolution number 2 to
be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting. All the
Directors intend to vote in favour of Resolution number 2
in  respect  of  their own beneficial holdings  totalling
14,000,141   Existing   Ordinary   Shares,   representing
approximately  29.6  per cent. of the Company's  existing
issued share capital.

                                               NIGEL WRAY

The  prospectus  outlining the Proposals will  be  posted
today.  Listed below is a timetable of principal events:

Record  Date  for  the  Open             
Offer                                    13 November 2000
Application Forms despatched            22 November  2000
Latest time and date for                             
splitting Application 
forms(to satisfy bona 
fide market claims only)       3:00pm on 12 December 2000
Latest  time  and  date  for                             
receipt of Forms
of Proxy                      10:00am on 13 December 2000
Latest  time  and  date  for                             
receipt of Application Forms 
in respect of the Open Offer
and payment in full            3:00pm on 14 December 2000

Extraordinary General  
Meeting                       10:00am on 15 December 2000
Reorganisation record Date     5:00pm on 15 December 2000
Dealings expected to                             
commence in the
New Ordinary Shares                      18 December 2000
CREST accounts to be credited 
in respect of the New Ordinary Shares    18 December 2000
Despatch of the share certificates in
respect  of the New Ordinary                             
Shares by not later than                   4 January 2001

Application forms are personal to the shareholders and
may not be transferred except to satisfy bona fide
transfers or market claims.

Harvard (LSE:HAR)
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De Juin 2024 à Juil 2024 Plus de graphiques de la Bourse Harvard
Harvard (LSE:HAR)
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Juil 2023 à Juil 2024 Plus de graphiques de la Bourse Harvard