RNS Number : 2294R

Heavitree Brewery PLC

26 June 2020

The Heavitree Brewery PLC

Trood Lane


Exeter EX2 8YP

   Date:               26 June 2020 
   Contact:          Graham Crocker - Managing Director - 01392 217733 

Nicola McLean - Company Secretary - 01392 217733

Patrick Castle /Anita Ghanekar - Shore Capital - 0207 408 4090

Following a meeting by a duly authorised committee of the Board of Directors held today, 26 June 2020, the Directors announce the interim results for the six months ended 30 April 2020.

Chairman's statement

The request by the Prime Minister asking the public to avoid visiting pubs, and the subsequent forced closure of pubs, clubs and restaurants across the UK on March 20(th) 2020 has had an inevitably devastating effect on the trade as a whole and, of course, our business is not immune to the impact that has been felt by all pub companies. After the closure announcement, in a move to conserve cash within the business at this incredibly challenging time, all capital works were immediately postponed, the Board withdrew its recommendation to pay a final dividend for the year ending October 2019, the Directors volunteered and took a salary reduction and in turn, some members of our Head Office staff were placed on the Government's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Whilst we all understand the reasoning for the closure, it is hard to convey the shockwave felt by all within our organisation and how saddening it has been to see our pubs standing empty during a traditionally strong trading time of the year. One of our tenants commented that in the 45 years of his family operating one of our houses, this was the first time he had ever had to close. Similar sentiments have been felt throughout our estate.


Turnover for the period under review has decreased by GBP804,000 (23.46%) to GBP2,623,000. The Group has returned an Operating Profit of GBP243,000 (2019: GBP624,000), a reduction of 61.00%. Profit Before Tax is GBP184,000 (2019: GBP705,000) a reduction of 73.90% on the previous year. It is worth noting that the Profit Before Tax in the previous year did include a book profit of GBP173,000 on, predominantly, the sale of an unlicensed property.


The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend at the half-year. Once our pubs reopen and when we see trading back on a more even keel, the Board will be able to review future dividends.


A small parcel of land has been sold in Christow, near Exeter for GBP15,000.


Much has been written about getting the pubs open to "save our summer". It is important to remember that, rather ominously for the second half of our financial year, we already have two months without any trading to absorb.

Immediately following the closure, we gave some comfort to our tenants by deferring the rents that were to be collectable. Since then we have taken the decision to cancel rents completely for all our licensed houses up to the end of July 2020. Rents will be reviewed as we go forward. Obviously, there has been no revenue coming in from tied product sales during the period of closure.

I am most grateful to each of our staff members for the calm and considered response to the closure and to the changes and stresses to office and day to day life that the pandemic has caused. This approach has aided us in updating and advising all our tenants regularly to help them to navigate through an ever-changing landscape.

Barclays Bank has extended its support to our business by offering an increased overdraft facility if required, a 12 months' capital repayment holiday on our existing facility and a relaxation of the covenants attached to the original facility. We have enjoyed a long relationship with Barclays and are appreciative of the Bank's reaction to the difficulties that have arisen from the pandemic.

At the time of writing we are reacting to the publication of the Government's "Safer Workplace Guidance for Pubs and Restaurants" following the confirmation by the Prime Minister that pubs can reopen on or after July 4(th) . There will be restrictions and new practices to adhere to, each of which bring their own issues which will have to be managed. Our team will continue to support our tenants through this next chapter, and we all look forward to the sector returning to happier times.



Group income statement (unaudited)

For the six months ended 30 April 2020

                                                      6 months             6 months           Audited 
                                                          to                   to             12 months 
                                                       30 April             30 April             to 
                                                         2020                 2019           31 October 
                                         Note         GBP' 000             GBP' 000           GBP' 000 
 Revenue                                                      2,623                3,427            7,528 
 Change in stocks                                                 -                    -                - 
 Other operating income                                         136                  131              302 
 Purchase of inventories                                      (995)              (1,362)          (3,100) 
 Staff costs                                                  (713)                (706)          (1,385) 
 Depreciation of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                    (87)                (111)            (222) 
 Other operating charges                                      (721)                (755)          (1,284) 
                                                            (2,380)              (2,803)          (5,689) 
 Group operating profit                                         243                  624            1,839 
 Profit on sale of property, plant 
  and equipment                                                  15           173                     184 
 Movements in valuation of estate and                             -                    -                - 
  related assets 
 Group profit before finance costs 
  and taxation                                                  258                  797            2,024 
 Finance income                                                   2                    2                4 
 Finance costs                                                 (76)                 (94)            (185) 
 Other finance costs-pensions                                     -                    -                - 
                                                               (74)                 (92)            (180) 
 Profit before taxation                                         184                  705            1,844 
 Tax expense                                                   (42)                (141)            (313) 
 Profit for the period                                          142                  564            1,531 
 Earnings per share                        2 
  - basic                                                      3.0p                11.8p            32.0p 
  - diluted                                                    3.0p                11.8p            32.0p 

Group statement of comprehensive income (unaudited)

For the six months ended 30 April 2020

                                                6 months     6 months         Audited 
                                                    to           to           12months 
                                                 30 April     30 April           to 
                                                   2020         2019         31 October 
                                                GBP' 000     GBP' 000          GBP' 000 
 Profit for the period                                142          564            1,531 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
  Fair value adjustment on investment 
  in equity 
  Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined 
  benefit pension plans 
  Tax relating to items that will not                 (9)          (6)              (6) 
  be reclassified                                       -            -                - 
                                                      (9)          (6)              (6) 
 Items that may be reclassified to 
  profit or loss                                      (2) 
  Exchange rate differences on translation                         (5)              (2) 
  of subsidiary undertaking                             - 
  Tax relating to items that may be                                  -                - 
  reclassified                                        (2)          (5)              (2) 
 Other comprehensive income for the 
  year, net of tax                                    131          553            1,527 
 Total comprehensive income attributable 
  Equity holders of the parent                        131          553            1,527 

Group balance sheet (unaudited)

 at 30 April 2020                    30 April     30 April      Audited 
                                        2020         2019      31 October 
                                      GBP' 000     GBP' 000       2019 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment          19,364       19,064        19,177 
 Financial assets                           32           42            41 
 Deferred tax asset                         16           38            16 
                                        19,412       19,144        19,234 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables               915        1,322         1,344 
 Inventories                                10           10            10 
 Cash and short-term deposits               45           61            51 
                                           970        1,393         1,405 
 Assets held for sale                        -       -                  - 
 Total assets                           20,382       20,537        20,639 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                (452)        (918)         (953) 
 Financial liabilities                 (1,681)        (977)       (6,087) 
 Income tax payable                      (267)        (268)         (231) 
                                       (2,400)      (2,163)       (7,271) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Other payables                          (296)        (274)         (284) 
 Financial liabilities                 (4,531)      (6,011)          (37) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                (394)        (300)         (394) 
 Defined benefit pension plan             (92)         (40)          (92) 
                                       (5,313)      (6,625)         (807) 
 Total liabilities                     (7,713)      (8,788)       (8,078) 
 Net assets                             12,669       11,749        12,561 
 Capital and reserves 
 Equity share capital                      264          264           264 
 Capital redemption reserve                673          673           673 
 Treasury shares                       (1,585)      (1,573)       (1,562) 
 Fair value adjustments reserve              8           17            17 
 Currency translation                       15           10            17 
 Retained earnings                      13,294       12,358        13,152 
 Total equity                           12,669       11,749        12,561 


The Directors do not recommend a dividend to be paid at the half-year.

Group statement of cash flows (unaudited)

for the six months ended 30 April 2020

                                                     6 months     6 months        Audited 
                                                           to           to       12months 
                                                     30 April     30 April             to 
                                                         2020         2019     31 October 
 Operating activities                                GBP' 000     GBP' 000       GBP' 000 
 Profit for the period                                    142          564          1,531 
 Tax expense                                               42          141            313 
 Net finance costs                                         74           92            180 
 (Profit) on disposal of non-current 
  assets and assets held for sale                        (15)        (173)          (185) 
 Depreciation and impairment of property, 
  plant and equipment                                      87          165            222 
 Exchange gain on cash, liquid resources 
  and loan                                                  -            -              - 
 Difference between pension contributions 
  paid and recognised in the income 
  statement                                                 -            -             52 
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and 
  other receivables                                       416         (30)           (72) 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and 
  other payables                                        (528)        (204)          (145) 
 Cash generated from operations                           218          555          1,896 
 Income taxes paid                                          -            5           (97) 
 Interest paid                                           (76)         (94)          (184) 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities                142          466          1,615 
 Investing activities 
 Interest received                                          2            2              4 
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant 
  and equipment and assets held for 
  sale                                                     15          229            278 
 Payments to acquire property, plant 
  and equipment                                         (262)        (323)          (506) 
 Net cash(outflow)/ inflow from investing 
  activities                                            (245)         (92)          (224) 
 Financing activities 
 Preference dividend paid                                 (1)          (1)            (1) 
 Equity dividends paid                                      -        (203)          (379) 
 Consideration received by EBT on 
  sale of shares                                            -            -             56 
 Consideration paid by EBT on purchase 
  of shares                                              (23)        (256)          (298) 
 Capital element of finance lease 
  rental payments                                         (6)          (1)           (15) 
 Repayment of bank borrowings                         (6,000)            -              - 
 Draw down of bank borrowings                           4,500            -              - 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities           (1,530)        (461)          (637) 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                         (1,633)         (87)            754 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  beginning of the period                                 (3)        (757)          (757) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  period end                                          (1,636)        (844)            (3) 
  Group statement of cash flows (unaudited) 
   for the six months ended 30 April 
 Represented by: 
 Cash and short term deposits                              45           61             51 
 Overdraft                                            (1,681)        (905)           (54) 
                                                      (1,636)        (844)            (3) 

Group reconciliation of movements in equity (unaudited)

 6 months                Equity      Capital                    Fair 
 30 April                 share   redemption   Treasury        value      Currency   Retained    Total 
                        capital      reserve     shares   adjustment   translation   earnings   equity 
                           GBP'     GBP' 000       GBP'         GBP'          GBP'       GBP'     GBP' 
                            000                     000          000           000        000      000 
 At 1November 
  2019                      264          673    (1,562)           17            17     13,152   12,561 
 Profit for 
  the period                  -            -          -            -             -        142      142 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period, 
  net of income 
  tax                         -            -          -          (9)           (2)          -     (11) 
                       --------  -----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ---------  ------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period                  -            -          -          (9)           (2)        142      131 
                       --------  -----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ---------  ------- 
  by EBT on 
  sale of shares              -            -          -            -             -          -        - 
  paid by EBT 
  on purchase 
  of shares                   -            -       (23)            -             -          -     (23) 
 Gain by EBT 
  on sale of 
  shares                      -            -          -            -             -          -        - 
 Equity dividend 
  paid                        -            -          -            -             -          -        - 
 At 30 April 
  2020                      264          673    (1,585)            8            15     13,294   12,669 
                       --------  -----------  ---------  -----------  ------------  ---------  ------- 

Group reconciliation of movements in equity (unaudited) - continued

 6 months                Equity      Capital                      Fair 
 30 April                 share   redemption     Treasury        value      Currency   Retained      Total 
                        capital      reserve       shares   adjustment   Translation   earnings     equity 
                           GBP'     GBP' 000         GBP'         GBP'      GBP' 000       GBP'       GBP' 
                            000                       000          000                      000        000 
 At 1November 
  2018                      264          673      (1,317)           23            15     11,997     11,655 
 Profit for 
  the period                  -            -            -            -             -        564        564 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period, 
  net of income 
  tax                         -            -            -          (6)           (5)          -       (11) 
                       --------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for 
  the period                  -            -            -          (6)           (5)        564        553 
                       --------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
  by EBT on 
  sale of shares              -            -            -            -             -          -          - 
  paid by EBT 
  on purchase 
  of shares                   -            -        (256)            -             -          -      (256) 
 Gain by EBT 
  on sale of 
  shares                      -            -            -            -             -          -          - 
 Equity dividend 
  paid                        -            -            -            -             -      (203)      (203) 
                       --------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 At 30 April 
  2019                      264          673      (1,573)           17            10     12,358     11,749 
                       --------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------  --------- 

Group reconciliation of movements in equity (unaudited) - continued

                          Equity       Capital                       Fair 
                           share    redemption     Treasury         value        Currency     Retained      Total 
   12 months to 31       capital       reserve       shares    adjustment     translation     earnings     equity 
   October 2019           GBP000        GBP000       GBP000       reserve          GBP000       GBP000     GBP000 
   Audited                                                         GBP000 
 At 1 November 
  2018                       264           673      (1,317)            23              15       11,997     11,655 
 Profit for the 
  year                         -             -            -             -               -        1,531      1,531 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for the 
  net of income 
  tax                          -             -            -           (6)               2            -        (4) 
                       ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  -----------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive 
 income for the 
  year                         -             -            -           (6)               2        1,531      1,527 
                       ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  -----------  --------- 
  received by EBT 
  on sale of shares            -             -           56             -               -            -         56 
  paid by 
 EBT on purchase 
  of shares                    -             -        (298)             -               -            -      (298) 
 Loss by EBT on 
  sale of shares               -             -          (3)             -               -            3          - 
 Equity dividends 
  paid                         -             -            -             -               -        (379)      (379) 
                       ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  -----------  --------- 
 At 31 October 
  2019                       264           673      (1,562)            17              17       13,152     12,561 
                       ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  -----------  --------- 

Equity share capital

The balance classified as share capital includes the total net proceeds (both nominal value and share premium) on issue of the Company's equity share capital, comprising 5p Ordinary and 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary Shares.

Treasury shares

Treasury shares represent the cost of The Heavitree Brewery PLC shares purchased in the market and held by The Heavitree Brewery PLC Employee Benefit Trust ('EBT').

Notes to the interim results

   1.   Basis of preparation 

These unaudited interim condensed and consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS34 "interim financial reporting" and do not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. They have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies that were complied with in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2019 except for the adoption of new accounting standards as set out below. The accounting policies are drawn up in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

These unaudited financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by a duly appointed and authorised committee of the Board of Directors on 26 June 2020.

   2 .   Going concern 

Due to the impact of Covid-19 on the Pub sector the Directors have revised budgets and cash flow forecasts. As noted in the Chairman's statement, the Group is committed to supporting its tenants through this challenging time and has cancelled rents for all licenced houses up to the end of July 2020. Combined with no revenue from tied product sales during the period of closure this represents a significant reduction in cash generation.

The Board has therefore taken measures to minimise cash outflow by putting all project work and major building work on hold, withdrawing the recommendation to pay a final dividend for the year ending 31 October 2019, the Directors taking a salary reduction and making use of the Government's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme where necessary.

Additionally, the Directors have been in discussions with the company's bankers to provide flexibility to its existing facilities, which includes an extended overdraft facility should it be required, a twelve-month payment holiday on the term Loan, and a postponement on covenant testing. With these measures in place, and having prepared prudent budgets and cash flow forecasts, the Board is satisfied that the Group will be able to operate within available resources for a period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of these interim financial statements. For this reason, the Group continues to adopt the going concern basis of preparation.

3. New Standard

The following new standards have been adopted, effective from 1 November 2019:

IFRS16: Leases. The Group holds a small number of immaterial operating leases as a lessee and as a result there is no material impact upon adoption of the new standard.

Notes to the interim results - continued

4. Key Estimates

The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial period are discussed below:

Impairment of assets

The Directors assess impairment of assets at each reporting date on a property by property basis. The Directors take into consideration trade performance during the year and open market value as to whether there is an indication that an asset may be permanently impaired. When necessary external valuations are carried out. The impact of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic on the pub trade and the wider UK economy could have ramifications for the valuation of the Group's estate. Given the current significant and unprecedented levels of uncertainty, the Directors' view is that it is not possible to quantify any potential impact at this time, and as such the values in these interim financial statements have not been adjusted to take into account the impact of the pandemic.

5. Basic and diluted earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on earnings of GBP142,000 (2019: GBP564,000), being profit after taxation for the period, and on 4,777,939 (2019: 4,786,818) shares being the weighted average number of Ordinary and 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary Shares in issue during the period after excluding the shares owned by The Heavitree Brewery PLC Employee Benefits Trust and those shares under option pursuant to the Employee Share Option Scheme. Employee share options could potentially dilute basic earnings per share in the future but are not included in the interim calculation of dilutive earnings per share because they are antidilutive for the period presented. The Ordinary Shares and the 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary Shares have equal dividend rights and therefore no separate calculation of earnings per share for the different classes has been given.

6. Segment information

Primary reporting format - Business segments

The primary segmental reporting format is determined to be business segments as the Group's risks and rates of return are affected predominantly by differences in the products and services provided.

During the year the Group operated in one business segment-leased estate.

Leased estate represents properties which are leased to tenants to operate independently from the Group.

7. Interim report

Copies of this announcement are available from the Company at Trood Lane, Matford, Exeter EX2 8YP. The Company's interim report for the six months ended 30 April 2020 has been posted to shareholders today and will be available on our website at www.heavitreebrewery.co.uk.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 26, 2020 07:00 ET (11:00 GMT)

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