RNS Number : 6910Z

Income & Growth VCT (The) PLC

15 January 2024

                                                                                         THE INCOME & GROWTH VCT PLC 
                                                                                           LEI: 213800FPC15FNM74YD92 
                                             ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE YEARED 30 SEPTEMBER 
                                             The Income & Growth VCT plc (the "Company") announces the final results 
                                                for the year ended 30 September 2023. These results were approved by 
                                                                          the Board of Directors on 12 January 2024. 
                                              You may, in due course, view the Annual Report & Financial Statements, 
                          comprising the statutory accounts of the Company by visiting https://www.mobeusvcts.co.uk/ 
                                                                                                FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 
                                                                                            As at 30 September 2023: 
                                                                                       Net assets: GBP122.78 million 
                                                                      Net asset value ("NAV") per share: 79.33 pence 
                                              - There was a positive Net asset value ("NAV") total return (including 
                                                                                    dividends)(1) per share of 4.3%. 
                                               - Dividends paid/payable in respect of the year total 11.00 pence per 
                                          share. This brings cumulative dividends paid(1) to Shareholders in respect 
                                                                    of the past five years to 48.00 pence per share. 
                                                - The Company realised investments totalling GBP9.13 million of cash 
                                           proceeds and generated net realised gains in the year of GBP0.41 million. 
                                            - GBP3.34 million was invested into five new companies and two follow-on 
                                                 (1) - Definitions of key terms and alternative performance measures 
                                              shown above and throughout this report are provided in the Glossary of 
                                                                  terms in the Annual Report & Financial Statements. 
                                              (2) - Further details on the share price total return are shown in the 
                                                Performance section of the Strategic Report within the Annual Report 
                                                                                             & Financial Statements. 
                                                                                            OUR INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE 
                                             The objective of the Company is to provide investors with an attractive 
                                                                                  return by maximising the stream of 
                                         tax-free dividend distributions from the income and capital gains generated 
                                      by a diverse and carefully selected portfolio of investments, while continuing 
                                                                                   at all times to qualify as a VCT. 
                                                                                                   INVESTMENT POLICY 
                                       The Company's Investment Policy is to invest primarily in a diverse portfolio 
                                              of UK unquoted companies. Investments are generally structured as part 
                                                loan and part equity in order to receive regular income, to generate 
                                         capital gain upon sale and to reduce the risk of high exposure to equities. 
                                                                                                   To further spread 
                                               risk, investments are made in a number of different businesses across 
                                                                                         different industry sectors. 
                                          The Company's cash and liquid resources are held in a range of instruments 
                                                                                             which can be of varying 
                                               maturities, subject to the overriding criterion that the risk of loss 
                                                                                            of capital be minimised. 
                                           The Company seeks to make investments in accordance with the requirements 
                                                                                                  of VCT regulation. 
                                           The full text of the Company's Investment Policy is set out in the Annual 
                                                                                      Report & Financial Statements. 
                                                                                                CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 
                                           The Company has seen continuing challenging UK economic conditions during 
                                             this financial year. Rising inflation and high interest rates have both 
                                          impacted consumer and business confidence which caused a general softening 
                                                of trading performance. Worldwide, central banks have been assessing 
                                           the impact of their rising rates and there are early signs that inflation 
                                              is continuing, perhaps more stubbornly than anticipated. Despite this, 
                                             stock market multiples appear to have stabilised somewhat following the 
                                               material downward re-rating of growth stocks experienced over much of 
                                               2022 and a number of portfolio companies have experienced good growth 
                                               in the year. Positive NAV performance was generated over the last six 
                                            months in the year, reversing a small fall in the first six months, from 
                                             strong performance by a number of key assets and a degree of resilience 
                                             within the remainder of the portfolio. The result is that the Company's 
                                                NAV total return (including dividends paid in the year) increased by 
                                                                                                4.3% (2022: (8.7)%). 
                                          The Company has continued to be an active investor and provided investment 
                                           finance to five new companies during the year: Connect Earth; Cognassist; 
                                               Dayrize; Mable Therapy and Branchspace. Follow-on investment activity 
                                               continued with further investments made during the year into Legatics 
                                           and Orri. It also delivered highly successful exits in both Equip Outdoor 
                                                Technologies (trading as Rab and Lowe Alpine) ("EOTH") and Tharstern 
                                           Overall, the portfolio remains well funded and diversified, however there 
                                                are three key assets which represent 46.5% of portfolio value. As is 
                                          the nature of growth assets, the risk of company failures is ever present. 
                                                The Company has strong liquidity to support the Investment Adviser's 
                                          team who are actively seeking opportunities within the existing portfolio. 
                                              Following the year-end, new investments were made into Ozone Financial 
                                             Technology Limited, Azarc and CitySwift. Additionally further follow-on 
                                                        investments were made into RotaGeek, FocalPoint and MyTutor. 
                                    The Board and Investment Adviser were pleased with the Chancellor's confirmation 
                                           in the Autumn Budget held on 22 November 2023, of the intention to extend 
                                                the sunset clause to 6 April 2035 meaning that future investors will 
                                               still benefit from the tax reliefs available from VCTs, subject to EU 
                                                                                      Company Objective and Strategy 
                                             A Venture Capital Trust ("VCT") is a company listed on the London Stock 
                                             Exchange that raises money from private investors and uses it to invest 
                                               in small, young, innovative companies with high potential for growth. 
                                               These companies are usually unquoted and often less established. As a 
                                     consequence they may be considered higher risk and some will not be successful. 
                                           However, because small company formation is an important source of growth 
                                             for the UK economy, the government has policies to help those companies 
                                                grow. The VCT scheme provides investors with generous tax reliefs to 
                                               help encourage investors for the risk they take with their investment 
                                             and there are strict guidelines on the type of company that can receive 
                                              VCT investment. Since incorporation, your Company has helped to create 
                                              jobs, reward innovation and bolster the UK economy in line with the UK 
                                                                                     Government's VCT scheme policy. 
                                           The Company's objective is to provide investors with an attractive return 
                                                by maximising the stream of tax-free dividend distributions from the 
                                              income and capital gains generated by a diverse and carefully selected 
                                               portfolio of investments, while continuing at all times to qualify as 
                                              a VCT. The investment strategy and policy of the Company as set out in 
                                                the Annual Report & Financial Statements is to invest primarily in a 
                                               diverse portfolio of UK unquoted companies to support this objective. 
                                            The Company's NAV total return per share increased by 4.3% (2022: a fall 
                                           of (8.7)%) after adding back a total of 8.00 pence per share in dividends 
                                           paid during the year. The increase was principally the result of positive 
                                          valuation movements across three of the five largest investments by value, 
                                              in particular, Preservica, as well as higher interest income generated 
                                             on cash held awaiting investment. In addition, the successful portfolio 
                                            exits of EOTH and Tharstern Group generated a positive net realised gain 
                                          for the Company, although this was partially offset by impairments applied 
                                                                             to the holdings of two other companies. 
                                               At the year-end, the Company was ranked 5th out of 37 Generalist VCTs 
                                           over three years, 2nd out of 36 Generalist VCTs over five years and 9(th) 
                                                out of 31 over ten years in the Association of Investment Companies' 
                                                ("AIC") analysis of NAV Cumulative Total Return. Shareholders should 
                                            note that, due to the lag in the disclosed performance figures available 
                                                each quarter, the AIC ranking figures do not fully reflect the final 
                                                             NAV uplift to 30 September 2023, or those of our peers. 
                                                To meet the Company's objective, the Investment Adviser is tasked to 
                                                provide an attractive dividend stream to Shareholders. The Board was 
                                               therefore pleased to be able to declare two interim dividends of 4.00 
                                                and 7.00 pence per share, totalling 11.00 pence per share in respect 
                                           of the year ended 30 September 2023 to reflect gains and income generated 
                                        and ensure compliance with the VCT regulations. This surpassed the Company's 
                                            annual target of 6.00 pence per share which has been achieved, and often 
                                                               exceeded, in each of the last twelve financial years. 
                                              The first interim dividend was paid on 26 May 2023, to Shareholders on 
                                              the Register on 21 April 2023 and the second interim dividend was paid 
                                         after the year end on 8 November 2023 to those Shareholders on the Register 
                                        on 6 October 2023. These dividend payments have brought cumulative dividends 
                                         paid per share since inception to 159.50 pence including the second interim 
                                                                                   dividend paid after the year-end. 
                                               It should continue to be noted that the majority of the portfolio are 
                                                now younger growth capital investments. By their nature this results 
                                         in greater risk than the historic MBO portfolio and can result in increased 
                                         volatility in performance, which may affect the return Shareholders receive 
                                            in any given year. Shareholders should also note that there may continue 
                                               to be circumstances where the Company is required to pay dividends in 
                                              order to maintain its regulatory status as a VCT, for example, to stay 
                                            above the minimum percentage of assets required to be held in qualifying 
                                          On 20 June 2023, the Board obtained Court approval to cancel the Company's 
                                             share premium reserve and capital redemption reserve. Subject to HMRC's 
                                         Return of Capital rules, this will enable additional distributable reserves 
                                        to be available for dividends and will help the Company to meet its dividend 
                                                                                                           target in 
                                                                                                       future years. 
                                                                                          Dividend Investment Scheme 
                                              The Company's Dividend Investment Scheme ("DIS") provides Shareholders 
                                               with the opportunity to reinvest their cash dividends into new shares 
                                                in the Company at the latest published NAV per share. New VCT shares 
                                               attract the same tax reliefs as shares purchased through an Offer for 
                                                Subscription. A total of 2,674,764 (2022: 1,901,145) Ordinary shares 
                                               were allotted as a result of dividends paid during the year resulting 
                                                in GBP2.07 million (2022: GBP1.81 million) of cash being retained by 
                                                                                                        the Company. 
                                       Shareholders wishing to take advantage of the scheme for any future dividends 
                                            can join the DIS by completing a mandate form available on the Company's 
                                                                         website, under the 'Dividends' heading, at: 
                                           www.incomeandgrowthvct.co.uk , or alternatively, Shareholders can opt-out 
                                        by contacting City Partnership, using their details provided under Corporate 
                                                            Information in the Annual Report & Financial Statements. 
                                                                                                Investment Portfolio 
                                                            The portfolio movements across the year were as follows: 
                                                                                     Portfolio value at 30 September 
                                                                      2022                                     73.08 
                                                                      New and follow-on investments             3.34 
                                                                    Disposal proceeds                         (9.13) 
                                                                             Net unrealised gains               5.02 
                                                                             Net realised gains                 0.41 
                                                                      Net investment portfolio gains            5.43 
                                                                                     Portfolio value at 30 September 
                                                                      2023                                     72.72 
                                           Notwithstanding the current challenging environment, a number of investee 
                                        companies have shown positive revenue growth over the year (e.g. Preservica, 
                                               MPB and Bella & Duke). Alongside the improvements in market multiples 
                                        used as the basis of the Company's valuations, this has driven the portfolio 
                                            value increase compared to last year. The overall value of the portfolio 
                                          increased by GBP5.43 million, or 7.4%, on a like for like basis (adjusting 
                                         new investments in the year) compared to the opening value of the portfolio 
                                       at 1 October 2022 of GBP73.08 million (2022: GBP(10.84) million, or (12.3)%). 
                                         At the year-end, the portfolio was valued at GBP72.72 million (30 September 
                                       2022: GBP73.08 million). The portfolio's value is now substantially comprised 
                                       of growth capital investments. Over 55% of the portfolio's value is comprised 
                                           of the Company's largest five assets by value, with Preservica accounting 
                                                                                                         for c. 27%. 
                                                The Investment Adviser closely monitors these higher value assets as 
                                     part of its risk mitigation measures. The VCT's portfolio valuation methodology 
                                          has continued to be applied consistently and in line with IPEV guidelines. 
                                               During the year, this was triangulated with an independent valuation, 
                                               which was commissioned for Preservica and Bella & Duke. The intention 
                                                is that the valuation of four of the largest investee companies will 
                                                            be externally reviewed over the course of the next year. 
                                           During the year under review, the Company invested GBP2.72 million (2022: 
                                                                         GBP2.69 million) into five new investments: 
                                                           Connect Earth   GBP0.33    An environmental data provider 
                                               Cognassist      GBP0.67    An education and neuro-inclusion solutions 
                                                                                                 million    business 
                                                            ---------  --------------------------------------------- 
                                              Dayrize         GBP0.63    A provider of a rapid sustainability impact 
                                                                                          million    assessment tool 
                                                            ---------  --------------------------------------------- 
                                             Mable Therapy   GBP0.55    Therapy & counselling for children and young 
                                                                                                   million    adults 
                                                            ---------  --------------------------------------------- 
                                             Branchspace     GBP0.54    A digital retailing consultancy and software 
                                                                                          million    provider to the 
                                                                                        aviation and travel industry 
                                                            ---------  --------------------------------------------- 
                                        The Company also invested a total of GBP0.62 million (2022: GBP4.64 million) 
                                                              into two existing portfolio companies during the year: 
                                                     Legatics   GBP0.45 million   A SaaS LegalTech software provider 
                                              Orri       GBP0.17 million   An intensive day care provider for adults 
                                                                                               with eating disorders 
                                                        ----------------  ------------------------------------------ 
                                              In November 2022 it was pleasing to exit the equity investment held in 
                                              EOTH receiving GBP7.34 million including preference share dividends on 
                                         completion which generated a realised a capital gain in the year of GBP0.42 
                                           million, a 6.9x multiple of cost and an IRR of 23.2%. The Company retains 
                                                its interest yielding loan stock in EOTH which will increase returns 
                                             further. The Company also received GBP2.85 million in proceeds from the 
                                               realisation of Tharstern Group, generating a realised gain of GBP0.86 
                                           million. Over the life of this investment, the Company has received total 
                                             proceeds of GBP4.00 million which equates to a multiple on cost of 2.6x 
                                                                                                and an IRR of 15.0%. 
                                     During the year, Spanish Restaurant Group Limited (trading as Tapas Revolution) 
                                         went into administration. The company had experienced extremely challenging 
                                            conditions since COVID-19 and under the HMRC Financial Health Test (more 
                                           detail below), your Company was unable to invest further. Including Tapas 
                                               Revolution and a restructuring of RDL Corporation, a total of GBP0.87 
                                                                     million has been recognised as a realised loss. 
                                               I reported previously on HMRC's recent stricter interpretation of the 
                                              Financial Health Test. Additional guidance has since been published on 
                                              this matter which outlines that each potential new VCT investment will 
                                             be assessed independently based on the specific financial circumstances 
                                        of the investee company. Although it will take time to see these assessments 
                                              in action, this updated guidance and expected increased flexibility is 
                                         a welcome development. The Board, AIC and Venture Capital Trust Association 
                                                                                      will continue to monitor this. 
                                                                                                     Revenue Account 
                                          The results for the year are set out in the Income Statement in the Annual 
                                              Report & Financial Statements and show a revenue return (after tax) of 
                                               1.11 pence per share (2022: 1.23 pence per share). The revenue return 
                                               for the year of GBP1.66 million has increased from last year's figure 
                                              of GBP1.53 million which was, primarily, due to higher income received 
                                            from the liquid balances of the immediately realisable OEIC money market 
                                           Following the success of the two fundraises launched in 2022, the Company 
                                                                                            has sufficient levels of 
                                             liquidity to continue to take advantage of new investment opportunities 
                                           and fund further expansion of the businesses in its investment portfolio, 
                                             helping to further diversify the portfolio and create opportunities for 
                                                future growth. The current level of funds also allows the Company to 
                                              seek to deliver attractive returns for its Shareholders, by way of the 
                                             payment of dividends over the medium term, and buy back its shares from 
                                                those Shareholders who may wish to sell theirs. Therefore, it is not 
                                            the intention of the Board to conduct another fundraise in the 2023/2024 
                                                                                                           tax year. 
                                                Cash and liquidity fund balances as at 30 September 2023 amounted to 
                                              GBP50.09 million representing 40.8% of net assets. After the year-end, 
                                          following a 7.00 pence dividend payment of GBP8.89 million and investments 
                                                totalling GBP3.84 million, the level of liquidity at 11 January 2024 
                                         is GBP37.36 million or 32.8% of net assets). The majority of cash resources 
                                           are held in liquidity funds with AAA credit ratings, the returns on which 
                                             have benefitted from the increases in interest rates over the past year 
                                           which will help support future returns to Shareholders. The Board however 
                                                continues to monitor credit risk in respect of all its cash and near 
                                             cash resources and still prioritises the security and protection of the 
                                                                                                  Company's capital. 
                                                                                                     Share buy-backs 
                                         During the year to 30 September 2023, the Company bought back and cancelled 
                                             3,975,746 of its own shares (2022: 1,166,089), representing 3.1% (2022: 
                                               1.1%) of the shares in issue at the beginning of the year, at a total 
                                             cost of GBP2.98 million (2022: GBP1.03 million), inclusive of expenses. 
                                            It is the Company's policy to cancel all shares bought back in this way. 
                                               The Board regularly reviews its buyback policy, where its priority is 
                                              to act prudently and in the interest of remaining Shareholders, whilst 
                                                considering other factors, such as levels of liquidity and reserves, 
                                            market conditions and applicable law and regulations. Under this policy, 
                                            the Company seeks to maintain the discount at which the Company's shares 
                                                           trade at approximately 5% below the latest published NAV. 
                                                                 Shareholder Communications & Annual General Meeting 
                                            May I remind you that the Company has its own website which is available 
                                                                                   at: www.incomeandgrowthvct.co.uk. 
                                              The Investment Adviser last held a virtual Shareholder Event on behalf 
                                              of all four Mobeus VCTs in March 2023. The event was well received and 
                                         the Investment Adviser plans to hold another event on 1 March 2024. Further 
                                                details were circulated to Shareholders in December 2023 and will be 
                                        shown on the Company's website in due course. You are encouraged to register 
                                                                                                     for attendance. 
                                               Your Board is pleased to hold the next Annual General Meeting ("AGM") 
                                             of the Company at 11.00 am on Thursday, 29 February 2024 at the offices 
                                              of Shakespeare Martineau LLP, 6th Floor, 60 Gracechurch Street, London 
                                               EC3V 0HR. A webcast will also be available at the same time for those 
                                              Shareholders who cannot attend in person however, please note that you 
                                            will not be able to vote via this method and so are encouraged to return 
                                                your proxy form before the deadline of 27 February 2024. Information 
                                               setting out how to join the meeting by virtual means will be shown on 
                                                the Company's website. For further details, please see the Notice of 
                                          the Meeting which can be found at the end of the Annual Report & Financial 
                                                                                                 Change of Registrar 
                                            On 4 December 2023, the Company, along with the three other Mobeus VCTs, 
                                            changed its Registrar to City Partnership LLP ("City") bringing all four 
                                            VCTs under one Registrar for the first time. The Board believes the move 
                                                will bring additional benefits to Shareholders including the ability 
                                               to access multiple Mobeus VCT shareholdings in one place using City's 
                                                                                             online portal, the Hub. 
                                               Shareholders are encouraged to register their email address with City 
                                                via the Hub portal or by calling them to reduce the printing/posting 
                                               costs of the Company. Further details can be found in the Shareholder 
                                         Information section at the end of the Annual Report & Financial Statements. 
                                                                                                Co-investment Scheme 
                                         The Board is keen to ensure that the Investment Adviser retains a motivated 
                                               and incentivised investment team which can generate attractive future 
                                   returns for the Company. To improve the alignment of interests with shareholders, 
                                                on 26 July 2023, the Boards of the four Mobeus VCTs released a joint 
                                             announcement detailing the adoption of a Co-investment incentive scheme 
                                       ("the Scheme") under which members of the Investment Adviser's VCT investment 
                                               and administration team will invest their own money into a proportion 
                                              of the ordinary shares of each investment made by the Mobeus VCTs (the 
                                          co-investment under the Scheme will represent 8% of the four VCTs' overall 
                                                                  ordinary share investment in an investee company). 
                                            The Scheme will apply to investments made on or after 26 July 2023, such 
                                            co-investment to be at the same time and on substantially the same terms 
                                                as the investment by the Mobeus VCTs. The Board will keep the Scheme 
                                                                                  arrangements under regular review. 
                                                                    Acquisition of Investment Adviser, Gresham House 
                                              Further to the announcement on 17 July 2023, on the acquisition of the 
                                           Investment Adviser by Searchlight Capital Partners, L.P., the acquisition 
                                             has now completed, and Gresham House plc delisted from the London Stock 
                                               Exchange on 20 December 2023 to become a privately owned company. The 
                                          acquisition is expected to have minimal impact on the Company and business 
                                                                                             is continuing as usual. 
                                    For further information please visit the website link: https://greshamhouse.com/ 
                                                                                                       Consumer Duty 
                                                The Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) new Consumer Duty regulation 
                                                came into effect on 31 July 2023. The Consumer Duty is an advance on 
                                              the previous concept of 'treating customers fairly', which sets higher 
                                              and clearer standards of consumer protection across financial services 
                                                         and requires all firms to put their customers' needs first. 
                                       As previously notified, the Company is not regulated by the FCA and therefore 
                                         it does not directly fall into the scope of Consumer Duty. However, Gresham 
                                                House as the Investment Adviser, and any IFAs or financial platforms 
                                               used to distribute future fundraising offers, are subject to Consumer 
                                           The Board will ensure that the principles behind Consumer Duty are upheld 
                                              and have worked closely with the Investment Adviser on the information 
                                        now available to assist consumers and their advisers to be able to discharge 
                                                                              their obligations under Consumer Duty. 
                                                                        Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") 
                                              The Board and the Investment Adviser believe that the consideration of 
                                           environmental, social and corporate governance ("ESG") factors throughout 
                                            the investment cycle will contribute towards enhanced Shareholder value. 
                                               Gresham House Asset Management Limited has a team which is focused on 
                                               sustainability, the Board views this as an opportunity to enhance the 
                                             Company's existing protocols and procedures through the adoption of the 
                                                                                         highest industry standards. 
                                    The FCA reporting requirements consistent with the Task Force on Climate-related 
                                                Financial Disclosures ("TCFD"), which commenced on 1 January 2021 do 
                                             not currently apply to the Company but are kept under review, the Board 
                                           being mindful of any recommended changes. The Board is aware of the FCA's 
                                            new Sustainability Disclosure Requirements ("SDR") and investment labels 
                                              (together the "rules") to be phased-in across the next 3 years. As the 
                                             Company is classified as a Collective Investment Undertaking, the scope 
                                            of the rules capture such UK-domiciled unauthorised funds, however given 
                                            that the shares in the Company (the "product") do not have a sustainable 
                                         investment objective, the rules only apply on a very limited basis (through 
                                               the Investment Adviser) in relation to the Company. The Gresham House 
                                             first TCFD Report can be found on its website at: TCFD report - Gresham 
                                                                                                             House . 
                                                                                                       Fraud Warning 
                                           We are aware of cases where Shareholders are being fraudulently contacted 
                                                                                           or are being subjected to 
                                              attempts of identity fraud. Shareholders should remain vigilant of all 
                                                                                        potential financial scams or 
                                          requests for them to disclose personal data. The Board strongly recommends 
                                                                                              Shareholders take time 
                                               to read the Company's Fraud warning section, including details of who 
                                                                                        to contact, contained within 
                                            the Information for Shareholders section at the end of the Annual Report 
                                                                                             & Financial Statements. 
                                          The geopolitical and economic outlook for the next twelve months is likely 
                                                                                              to remain challenging. 
                                               However, the Board and Investment Adviser are confident that this can 
                                                also provide a good opportunity to make high quality investments and 
                                            build strategic stakes in businesses with good potential for the future. 
                                              Despite the successful exits of EOTH and Tharstern during the year the 
                                               exit environment is likely to be more subdued when compared to recent 
                                                years, although this is not foreseen to be a significant issue given 
                                           that the Company is not time limited. We anticipate that further stresses 
                                              will become apparent across the UK business population over the coming 
                                            year with no sectors immune from the impact. Nevertheless, the Company's 
                                              portfolio is managed by a professional and capable Investment team, to 
                                                                          respond to the challenges which lie ahead. 
                                                                                                    Maurice Helfgott 
                                                                                                     12 January 2024 
                                                                                         INVESTMENT ADVISER'S REVIEW 
                                                                                                     Porfolio Review 
                                     The current exacting economic conditions are creating challenging circumstances 
                                             for portfolio companies although some stability has been seen in market 
                                           multiples compared to the previous year. UK business has seen both demand 
                                                and operating margins come under pressure due to marked increases in 
                                               inflation and interest rates. Such macro-economic conditions have not 
                                             been faced by management teams in a generation, however Gresham House's 
                                             experienced non-executive directors and consultants continue to support 
                                                             the portfolio's companies during these turbulent times. 
                                             There is now a greater focus on cash management and capital efficiency. 
                                               With ample liquidity following the fundraises in 2022, the Company is 
                                              very well placed to support portfolio companies with follow-on funding 
                                           where it is appropriate and can be structured on attractive terms. Strong 
                                              liquidity also benefits the new investment environment for the Company 
                                              which, in our view, is strong as we are seeing a number of interesting 
                                                                                            investment propositions. 
                                       The decline in consumer confidence and business investment has been impacting 
                                                                                                portfolio companies' 
                                               trading. Inflation has remained at an elevated level and has impacted 
                                               economic growth expectations. In contrast, there are indications that 
                                             supply chains are returning to normal, that labour shortages are easing 
                                           and this is producing an element of positive market sentiment. The direct 
                                           impact of high interest rates on the Company's portfolio is appropriately 
                                                limited because most portfolio companies do not have any significant 
                                              third-party debt. The outlook is therefore mixed, with the emphasis on 
                                                    robust funding structures and preparation for all circumstances. 
  The portfolio movements in the year are summarised as follows:                                      2023      2022 
                                                                                                      GBPm      GBPm 
                                                                 Opening portfolio value             73.08     88.15 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                                 New and follow-on investments        3.34      7.33 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                                 Disposal proceeds                  (9.13)   (11.56) 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                                 Net unrealised gains/(losses)        5.02   (13.16) 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                                 Realised valuation gains             0.41      2.32 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                                 Portfolio value at 30 September     72.72     73.08 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                               Despite concerns about the wider trading environment, the portfolio's 
                                              largest investments have experienced some strong revenue growth, which 
                                       has underpinned a positive return over the last two quarters of the Company's 
                                    financial year. Preservica continues to see strong trading and is out-performing 
                                               its budget giving a material uplift in its valuation. A strengthening 
                                       has also been seen in the quoted share price of Virgin Wines UK plc following 
                                            the release of its trading update in July 2023. There has also been some 
                                         recovery in value across other portfolio companies, such as Veritek Global. 
                                             The profitable exit of EOTH provided a 6.9x multiple of cost and an IRR 
                                                of 23.2% over the life of the investment and the Tharstern exit gave 
                                            a return of 2.6x and an IRR of 15.0%. Unless there is a change in market 
                                            dynamics, it is likely that there will be few exit prospects in the next 
                                           year and portfolio companies will be held for longer periods. By contrast 
                                         however, there were also some larger portfolio value falls such as MyTutor, 
                                          Bleach and Wetsuit Outlet which continue to experience challenging trading 
                                                                                                     conditions. The 
                                  portfolio companies are now more focussed on establishing a path to profitability. 
                                               Disappointingly, after experiencing very difficult trading conditions 
                                     as a result of the effects of COVID-19, Tapas Revolution entered administration 
                                                          during the year with no expected recovery for the Company. 
                                                The Company made five new growth capital investments during the year 
                                                                                       totalling GBP2.72 million and 
                                                two follow-on investments totalling GBP0.62 million, further details 
                                                                                     of these investments are on the 
                                                                                                         next pages. 
                                      After the year-end, new investments were made into Ozone Financial Technology, 
                                                Azarc and CitySwift and further follow-on investments were made into 
                                                                                   RotaGeek, FocalPoint and MyTutor. 
                                        The investment and divestment activity during the year has further increased 
                                                                                               the proportion of the 
                                              portfolio comprised of investments made since the 2015 VCT rule change 
                                                                                            to 80.2% by value at the 
                                                                                year-end (30 September 2022: 71.5%). 
                                            The portfolio's valuation changes in the year are summarised as follows: 
                                                                                                      2023      2022 
                                                                                                      GBPm      GBPm 
                                                                                 Increase in the value of unrealised 
                                                             investments                             11.49      7.32 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                                                 Decrease in the value of unrealised 
                                                             investments                            (6.47)   (20.48) 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                                                Net increase/(decrease) in the value 
                                                             of unrealised investments                5.02   (13.16) 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                            Realised gains                            1.28      3.03 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                            Realised losses                         (0.87)    (0.71) 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                            Net realised gains in the year            0.41      2.32 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                                                   Net investment portfolio movement 
                                                             in the year                              5.43   (10.84) 
                                                                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                               Valuation changes of portfolio investments still held 
                                         The total valuation increases were GBP11.49 million with the main increases 
                                                                                       -- Preservica GBP6.34 million 
                                                                                        -- MPB Group GBP2.07 million 
                                                                                         -- Aquasium GBP0.94 million 
                                           Preservica continues to perform well and is improving recurring revenues. 
                                               MPB's revenue growth continues with its latest valuation validated by 
                                                             a significant third party investor round made after the 
                                              year end. Aquasium is gaining strong pipeline demand for its products. 
                                           The main reductions within total valuation decreases of GBP(6.47) million 
                                                                                        -- MyTutor GBP(2.39) million 
                                                                                         -- Bleach GBP(0.94) million 
                                                                              -- Connect Childcare GBP(0.92) million 
                                               MyTutor has been impacted by declining sector multiples combined with 
                                              slower than anticipated growth over the year. Bleach is trading behind 
                                            budget but has recently received third party funding to support its cash 
                                           position. Connect Childcare struggled to deliver product cost effectively 
                                  but has now raised additional third party investment as part of its restructuring. 
                                           The Company's investment values have been partially insulated from market 
                                           movements and lower revenue growth by the preferred investment structures 
                                        utilised in many of the portfolio companies. This acts to moderate valuation 
                                            swings and the net result can be more modest falls when portfolio values 
                                                                                               Realised gains/losses 
                                               The Company realised its investments in EOTH and Tharstern during the 
                                                                                       year under review, generating 
                                           gains in the period of GBP0.42 million and GBP0.86 million, respectively. 
                                              These contributed to a multiple of cost of 6.9x and 2.6x over the life 
                                                of the investments. Realised losses through impairments of companies 
                                        still held totalling GBP0.87 million were applied to two investee companies. 
                                                    Net realised gains for the year as a whole were GBP0.41 million. 
                                                                               Investment portfolio and income yield 
                                                In the year under review, the Company received the following amounts 
                                                                                                          of income: 
                                                                                                       2023     2022 
                                                                                                       GBPm     GBPm 
                                                                Interest received in the year          0.58     1.41 
                                                                 Dividends received in the year        0.64     1.16 
                                                                                     OEIC and bank interest received 
                                                                 in the year                           1.97     0.24 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                                Total Income in the year               3.19     2.57 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                                Net asset Value at 30 September      122.78   108.42 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                                                      Income Yield (Income as a % of 
                                                                 Net asset Value at 30 September)      2.6%     2.6% 
                                                                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                                                     New investments during the year 
                                        The Company made five new investments totalling GBP2.72 million, as detailed 
                             below:     Company              Business         Date of Investment       Amount of new 
                                                                                                  Environmental data 
                                          Connect Earth           provider             March 2023               0.33 
                                                   ---------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
                                         Founded in 2021, Connect Earth ( https://connect.earth/ ) is a London-based 
                                                     environmental data company that seeks to facilitate easy access 
                                                    to sustainability data. With its carbon tracking API technology, 
                                                     Connect Earth supports financial institutions in offering their 
                                                     customers transparent insights into the climate impact of their 
                                                 daily spending and investment decisions. Connect Earth's defensible 
                                                and scalable product platform suite has the potential to be a future 
                                                    market winner in the nascent but rapidly growing carbon emission 
                                                   data market, for example, by enabling banks to provide end retail 
                                            and business customers with carbon footprint insights of their spending. 
                                                    This funding round is designed to facilitate the delivery of the 
                                                   technology and product roadmap to broaden the commercial reach of 
                                                                                                   a proven product. 
                                                                                                       Education and 
                                            Cognassist            solutions            March 2023               0.67 
                                                   ---------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
                                           Cognassist ( https://cognassist.com ) is an education and neuro-inclusion 
                                             solutions company that provides a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform 
                                              focused on identifying and supporting individuals with hidden learning 
                                                 needs. The business is underpinned by extensive scientific research 
                                            and an extensive cognitive dataset. Cognassist has scaled its underlying 
                                                  business within the education market. This investment will empower 
                                                    Cognassist to continue its growth within education and penetrate 
                                                    the enterprise market, where demand for neuro-inclusive employee 
                                                                              support solutions is rapidly emerging. 
                                                                                                     A provider of a 
                                            Dayrize           assessment tool          May 2023                 0.63 
                                                   ---------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
                                                     Founded in 2020, Amsterdam-based Dayrize ( https://Dayrize.io ) 
                                                    has developed a rapid sustainability impact assessment tool that 
                                            delivers product-level insights for consumer goods brands and retailers, 
                                             enabling them to be leaders in sustainability. Its proprietary software 
                                                    platform and methodology bring together an array of data sources 
                                                                          to provide a single holistic product-level 
                                                   sustainability score that is comparable across product categories 
                                            in under two seconds. This funding round is to drive product development 
                                                and develop its market strategy to build on an opportunity to emerge 
                                                                                 as a market leader in the industry. 
                                                                                                      Digital health 
                                                                                                  for speech therapy 
                                                                                                 and counselling for 
                                                                                                  children and young 
                                          Mable Therapy            adults               July 2023               0.55 
                                                  ----------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
                                              Based in Leeds, Mable ( https://mabletherapy.com ) is the UK's leading 
                                             digital health platform for speech therapy and counselling for children 
                                                   and young adults. All sessions are undertaken live with qualified 
                                               paediatric therapists, and Mable uses gamification (games, activities 
                                                    and other interactive resources) to provide improved therapeutic 
                                                     outcomes in a child-friendly environment. This is a significant 
                                                  and growing area of need, with 1.4 million children in the UK with 
                                                   long-term speech, language or communication needs - Mable has the 
                                                 potential to transform the lives of children in their crucial early 
                                                stages of development. The funding will be used to accelerate growth 
                                                     in existing B2C and B2B customer groups as well as capitalising 
                                                                  on new, potentially significant, routes to market. 
                                                                                                      Digital retail 
                                                                                                provider to aviation 
                                           Branchspace        travel industry          August 2023              0.54 
                                                  ----------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
                                            Branchspace ( https://branchspace.com ) is a well-established specialist 
                                                 digital retailing consultancy and software provider to the aviation 
                                            and travel industry. Branchspace's offering helps customers to transform 
                                             their technology architecture to unlock best-in-class digital retailing 
                                                     capabilities, driving distribution efficiencies and an improved 
                                                     customer experience. Across two complementary service offerings 
                                                     Branchspace can effectively cover the entire airline tech stack 
                                                     and has carved a defensible position as sector experts, serving 
                                                     clients including IAG, Lufthansa and Etihad. This funding round 
                                                 will seek to accelerate product development increasing the customer 
                                                     reach of their SaaS offering to establish itself as the leading 
                                                                     choice for airline digital retailing solutions. 
                                                                                 Further investments during the year 
                                          The Company made two further investments into existing portfolio companies 
                                                          in the year, totalling GBP0.62 million, as detailed below: 
                                     Company             Business             Date of Investment       Amount of new 
                                                                                                   investment (GBPm) 
                                          Legatics     SaaS LegalTech software         July 2023                0.45 
                                             --------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
                                                Legatics ( https://www.legatics.com/ ) transforms legal transactions 
                                             by enabling deal teams to collaborate and close deals in an interactive 
                                                   online environment. Designed by lawyers to improve legacy working 
                                             methods and solve practical transactional issues, the legal transaction 
                                           management platform increases collaboration, efficiency and transparency. 
                                                                                               As a result, Legatics 
                                                      has been used by around 1,500 companies, and has been procured 
                                                  by more than half of the top global banking and finance law firms, 
                                                   with collaborations having been hosted in over 60 countries. This 
                                                    funding round will provide headroom to further accelerate growth 
                                                   in sales via marketing as well as increasing product development. 
                                                                                               Specialists in eating 
                                            Orri           disorder support           August 2023               0.17 
                                             --------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
                                               Orri Limited ( https://orri-uk.com ) is an intensive daycare provider 
                                                      for adults with eating disorders. Orri provides an alternative 
                                                     to expensive residential in-patient treatment and lighter-touch 
                                                     outpatient services by providing highly structured day and half 
                                                     day sessions either online or in-person at its clinic on Hallam 
                                                    Street, London. Orri opened its current clinic on Hallam Street, 
                                                      London in February 2019 which provides a homely environment in 
                                                    a converted 4-storey manor house which is operating at capacity. 
                                                  The plan sees a larger site being leased nearby with Hallam Street 
                                                   being used to provide a step-down outpatient service. This follow 
                                                  on loan stock is to provide additional cash headroom to help drive 
                                                                              Portfolio Realisations during the year 
                                                            The Company realised two investments, as detailed below: 
                                       Company           Business         Period of Investment   Total cash proceeds 
                                                                                                    over the life of 
                                                                                                     the investment/ 
                                                                                                       Multiple over 
                                           EOTH        Branded clothing         October 2011         GBP9.54 million 
                                                                (RAB                    to                 6.9x cost 
                                                                              and Lowe Alpine)         November 2022 
                                                  ---------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
                                              The Company realised its equity investment in EOTH for GBP7.34 million 
                                                                                       (realised gain in the period: 
                                                     GBP0.42 million) including preference dividends. Total proceeds 
                                              received over the life of the investment were GBP9.54 million compared 
                                                     to an original investment cost of GBP1.38 million, representing 
                                                     a multiple on cost of 6.9x and an IRR of 23.2%. The Company has 
                                                  retained its interest yielding loan stock investment. Once repaid, 
                                                                        this should increase the multiple on cost to 
                                                        Software based           July 2014           GBP4.00 million 
                                            Tharstern        management                 to                 2.6x cost 
                                                                               information systems        March 2023 
                                                  ---------------------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
                                                  The Company realised its investment in Tharstern Group for GBP2.85 
                                                  million (realised gain in period: GBP0.86 million). Total proceeds 
                                              received over the life of the investment were GBP4.00 million compared 
                                                     to an original cost of GBP1.54 million, representing a multiple 
                                                                                on cost of 2.6x and an IRR of 15.0%. 
                                                                                 Investments made after the year-end 
                                               The Company made three follow-on and three new investments of GBP3.84 
                                                                                      million after the year-end, as 
                                                                                                     detailed below: 
                                      Company                Business          Date of Investment      Amount of new 
                                                                                                   investment (GBPm) 
                                                                                                         Provider of 
                                          RotaGeek          enterprise software       November 2023             0.23 
                                                   ----------------------  --------------------  ------------------- 
                                                 RotaGeek ( https://www.rotageek.com/ ) is a provider of cloud-based 
                                                   enterprise software to help larger retail, leisure and healthcare 
                                                    organisations to schedule staff effectively. RotaGeek has proven 
                                                  its ability to solve the scheduling issue for large retail clients 
                                                    effectively competing due to the strength of its technologically 
                                                  advanced proposition. Since investment it has also diversified and 
                                            started to prove its applicability in other verticals such as healthcare 
                                                     and hospitality. This investment will help the company focus on 
                                                     operational delivery and continue sales and client contract win 
                                                                                Focal Point          GPS enhancement 
                                         Positioning         software provider        December 2023             0.17 
                                                   ----------------------  --------------------  ------------------- 
                                                 Focal Point Positioning Limited ( https://focalpointpositioning.com 
                                                  ) is a deeptech business with a growing IP and software portfolio. 
                                                     Its proprietary technology applies advanced physics and machine 
                                          learning to dramatically improve the satellite-based location sensitivity, 
                                                   accuracy, and security of devices such as smartphones, wearables, 
                                                    and vehicles and reduce costs. The further investment was agreed 
                                                              at the time of the original funding in September 2022. 
                                                                                                 Digital marketplace 
                                           MyTutor          for online tutoring       January 2024              0.64 
                                                   ----------------------  --------------------  ------------------- 
                                              MyTutorweb (trading as MyTutor) ( https://mytutor.co.uk ) is a digital 
                                                 marketplace that connects school age pupils who are seeking private 
                                                online tutoring with university students. The business is satisfying 
                                                   a growing demand from both schools and parents to improve pupils' 
                                                     exam results. This further investment, alongside other existing 
                                                     shareholders and Australian strategic coinvestor, SEEK, aims to 
                                                     build and reinforce its position as a UK category leader in the 
                                             online education market. This additional funding will give the business 
                                             extra headroom to support its more focused product and growth strategy. 
                                          Company              Business            Period of       Amount of further 
                                                                                 Investment        investment (GBPm) 
                                                                                                        Open banking 
                                                                                   Ozone Financial          software 
                                           Technology Limited        developer         December 2023            1.50 
                                                        -------------------  ------------------  ------------------- 
                                                Ozone API ( https://ozoneapi.com ) is a software developer providing 
                                                    banks and financial institutions with a low cost, out of the box 
                                                  solution enabling them to deliver open APIs which comply with open 
                                                    banking and finance standards globally. The software goes beyond 
                                               compliance and enables customers to monetise open banking and finance 
                                                  opportunities which are growing significantly following regulatory 
                                                   & market development. This funding is the first equity investment 
                                                    into Ozone and enables the team to invest into their product and 
                                         go to market teams as they look to capitalise on the large and fast-growing 
                                                                                                      global market. 
                                                 Azarc               provider          December 2023            0.53 
                                                        -------------------  ------------------  ------------------- 
                                            Azarc.io ( https://azarc.io ) specialises in business process automation 
                                                  using distributed ledger technology. Its Verathread(R) product has 
                                                  been applied to automating cross-border customs clearances, albeit 
                                         it has wider supply chain applications. Founded in 2021, Azarc successfully 
                                                     secured British Telecom as a customer and a long-term strategic 
                                               partner in the UK and aims to improve inefficiencies over traditional 
                                                    paper-based customs clearances for import and export trade. This 
                                                     investment will support the company's growth trajectory with BT 
                                                    and expedite its expansion into international import/export hubs 
                                                                                           through new partnerships. 
                                                                                                            data and 
                                              CitySwift         software provider     December 2023             0.77 
                                                       -------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
                                                 Huddl Mobility Limited trading as CitySwift ( https://cityswift.com 
                                                    ) is a software business that works with bus operators and local 
                                                   authorities to aggregate, cleanse and access insight from complex 
                                                  data sources from across their networks, enabling them to optimise 
                                            schedules and unlock revenue generating or cost reduction opportunities. 
                                                 This investment will be used to accelerate new customer acquisition 
                                                   and unlock significant opportunities within the existing customer 
                                                   base - CitySwift already works with major bus operators and local 
                                                    transport authorities including National Express, Stagecoach and 
                                                                                                Transport for Wales. 
                                                                    Environmental, Social, Governance considerations 
                                            Gresham House is committed to sustainable investment as an integral part 
                                        of its business strategy. The Investment Adviser has formalised its approach 
                                   to sustainability and has put in place several processes to ensure environmental, 
                                            social and governance factors and stewardship responsibilities are built 
                                            into asset management across all funds and strategies, including venture 
                                              capital trusts, for example, individual members of the investment team 
                                               now have their own individual ESG objectives set which align with the 
                                                wider ESG goals of Gresham House. For further details, Gresham House 
                                              published its third Sustainable Investment Report in April 2023, which 
                                                              can be found on its website at: www.greshamhouse.com . 
                                             Whilst the year under review was marked with volatility and uncertainty 
                                                as a result of a number of factors affecting the global economy, the 
                                           portfolio has continued to trade well. The UK outlook remains challenging 
                                          but the portfolio is well diversified and Gresham House has an experienced 
                                             team working closely with the portfolio companies to help them navigate 
                                             the challenges that lie ahead. The exit environment is likely to remain 
                                                subdued, resulting in longer average investment hold times, but also 
                                            providing further portfolio follow-on investment opportunities. Previous 
                                             evidence has shown that investing throughout the economic cycle has the 
                                              potential to yield strong returns and Gresham House is seeing a number 
                                           of opportunities, both new deals and further investment into the existing 
                                             portfolio, which have the potential to drive shareholder value over the 
                                                                                                        medium term. 
                                                                              Gresham House Asset Management Limited 
                                                                                                  Investment Adviser 
                                                                                                     12 January 2024 
                                                                                              Annual General Meeting 
                                               The AGM will be held at 11.00 am on Thursday, 29 February 2024 at the 
                                           offices of Shakespeare Martineau LLP, 6(th) floor, 60 Gracechurch Street, 
                                             London EC3V 0HR and will also by webcast for those Shareholders who are 
                                           unable to attend in person. Details of how to join the meeting by virtual 
                                        means will be shown on the Company's website. Shareholders joining virtually 
                                               should note you will not be able to vote at the meeting and therefore 
                                            you are encouraged to lodge your proxy form. For further details, please 
                                           see the Notice of the Meeting which can be found at the end of the Annual 
                                                                                      Report & Financial Statements. 
                                                                                                 Further Information 
                                            The Annual Report & Financial Statements for the year ended 30 September 
                                                    2023 will be available shortly on www.incomeandgrowthvct.co.uk . 
                                            It will also be submitted shortly in full unedited text to the Financial 
                                                Conduct Authority's National Storage Mechanism and will be available 
                                      for inspection at data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism in accordance 
                                         with DTR 6.3.5(1A) of the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance 
                                                                                             and Transparency Rules. 
                                                                              Gresham House Asset Management Limited 
                                                                                                   Company Secretary 
                                                                                                    +44 20 7382 0999 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

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