25 August 2023 
London & Associated Properties PLC ("LAP" or the "Group") is a main market 
listed property investment group that specialises in industrial and essential 
retail property in the UK. 
It also holds a substantial stake in the main market listed Bisichi PLC which 
operates coal mines in South Africa and invests in UK property. 
  · Net assets attributable to shareholders - 
    · Decreased to £29.3 million (December 2022: £32.5 million) 
    · Now 34.32p (December 2022: 38.14p) per share 
    · Write down of £2.1m in value of Orchard Square, Sheffield despite strong 
operational performance 
  · Property portfolio seeing continued strong operational performance with 
Group occupancy levels of 98.4% by rental income (June 2022: 97.6%) 
  · Whilst no properties have been acquired in the period, we are actively 
seeking to reinvest cash in new assets in targeted sectors. These must be at an 
appropriate yield and with the potential to add value and income growth through 
asset management initiatives. 
"The results for the six months to 30 June 2023 have been impacted very 
significantly by interest rate increases.  Not only have the additional costs 
damaged operating performance, but negative sentiment has meant that the 
investment market for asset sales is becoming more uncertain .... We are, 
though, seeing rental growth in both the industrial properties and the value 
-orientated retail properties that we continue to hold." 
London & Associated Properties PLCTel: 020 7415 5000 
John Heller, Chairman and Chief Executive 
Baron Phillips AssociatesTel: 07767 444193 
Baron Phillips 
Half year results for the period ended 
30 June 2023 
Half year review 
The results for the six months to 30 June 2023 have been impacted very 
significantly by interest rate increases.  Not only have the additional costs 
damaged operating performance, but negative sentiment has meant that the 
investment market for asset sales is becoming more uncertain. This has 
materially affected us at Orchard Square in Sheffield where in May we instructed 
agents to market this property in the run up to the September 2023 expiry of our 
loan from QSix.  As at the date of this report, we are unable to confirm that 
any sales proceeds will be sufficient to repay this loan and return a surplus to 
the Group. In light of this, we have adopted a prudent approach to the value of 
Orchard Square and have written it down to the outstanding loan value of £12.65m 
from £14.75m. 
The loan on the property is non recourse to the LAP Group, is secured 
exclusively on this asset and the write down in value in the period is the 
maximum loss the Group can incur.  However, this write-down contributed to 
losses attributable to shareholders of £3.0 million (2022: profits of £4.3 
million) while net assets attributable to shareholders have reduced from £32.5 
million to £29.3 million (34.32p a share as compared with 38.14p at December 
Orchard Square is held as inventory as it is readied for sale. Since September 
2022, all surplus operating cash was retained within Orchard Square Ltd and not 
distributed as a dividend to LAP as part of an agreement with the lender to 
exercise our option to extend the loan by 12 months. During this period we have 
sought to refinance the loan, but due to prevailing market conditions, this has 
not been possible without a significant equity contribution which we do not feel 
would be in shareholders' interests. In the last few days we have confirmed this 
decision to the existing lender who has issued a reservation of rights letter. 
The company will update shareholders on the progress of this matter in due 
This is a disappointing outcome for a property that had performed well over our 
24 year ownership.  Once again, Orchard Square has, operationally, performed 
strongly this year. We have recently completed three significant lettings as we 
continue to reposition the centre with a greater focus on food and beverage 
operators.  We have also upgraded thepublic areaswithnew paving, awnings for the 
tenants and a weather proofing canopyhaving been completedwith the support of a 
grant fromSheffield Council.This enables the year-round use of the public 
areasandhasbeenwarmlywelcomed byallthe tenants. Operating income for Orchard 
Square remains at c£1.7 million per annum (31 December 2022: £1.7m). 
The remainder of our property portfolio is performing satisfactorily. Revenue 
from property activities decreased slightly to £3.0 million (2022: £3.3 
million), reflecting the disposal of our shopping centre in West Bromwich in 
July 2022, the proceeds of which have not yet been reinvested. 
We are, though, seeing rental growth in both our industrial and value-orientated 
retail properties. While we remain open to selling any properties where we think 
we can reinvest the proceeds into new assets with stronger growth potential, we 
remain happy with the cash generating potential of the current portfolio. 
Across our entire portfolio, voids remain at a low level of 1.6% by rental 
income (2022: 2.4%), following the lettings at Orchard Square discussed above. 
A 5-year loan with QIB (UK) plc for £13.6 million was executed in August 2022 
with an initial LTV of 56%. This loan remains covenant compliant. 
We continue to review all opportunities to reduce overheads and improve 
At our development site in West Ealing, we continue to explore options to 
realise the value from the planning consent for 56 flats we obtained in 2021. 
For the past year, building cost inflation has been a stumbling block to a land 
sale, and we have therefore continued to work up detailed design drawings. A 
recent stabilisation in material prices and a drop in contractors' workloads 
have enabled us to achieve initial quotes from contractors that make committing 
to a build out of this project more attractive. We are weighing up the risks and 
rewards of both a land sale and building out the site and are optimistic that a 
decision to realise the best value of this site can be taken shortly. 
During the period a short term extension of the Dragon Retail Properties loan 
with Santander was secured to October 2023. Further negotiations with Santander 
were put on hold in the period immediately prior to an outstanding break clause 
in favour of the largest tenant at the property. The break was not exercised and 
with a current WAULT of 5.0 years we are exploring all options for refinancing 
this property, including an offer of a new loan from the existing lender. This 
loan remains covenant compliant, and the property continues to produce strong 
net cash flow. 
For the first six months of the year, gross revenue at Bisichi PLC, which is 42% 
owned by LAP, was £25.3 million as compared with £44.8 million last year.  This 
resulted in a profit before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation 
(EBITDA) of £1.42 million (2022: £22.25 million) and a net profit of £0.1 
million before foreign exchange losses of £0.9 million. The lower earnings for 
Bisichi, compared to the first six months of 2022, are mainly attributable to 
lower prices for coal sold by Sisonke Coal Processing, Bisichi's South African 
coal processing operation, as well as difficult mining conditions at Black 
Wattle Colliery. 
Bisichi intends to pay an interim dividend on 4 February 2024 of 3p (2022: 10p) 
per share, £133,000 of which will be receivable by LAP. 
Further details of Bisichi's performance and a forward looking statement can be 
found in their own half year report available at www.bisichi.com. 
LAP has made significant progress during the period although the outlook for 
interest rates and inflation are limiting our options more than we would wish. 
The Board of LAP bases its decisions about dividend payments on the results and 
financial position of the Group's property activities and accordingly has 
decided not to declare a dividend for the half year. Once our cash has been 
reinvested and property income has returned to previous levels, our dividend 
policy will reflect this. 
John Heller 
Chairman and Chief Executive 
24 August 2023 
Consolidated income statement 
for the six months ended 30 June 2023 
                    6 months        6 months     Year 
                    ended           ended        ended 
                    30 June         30 June      31 
                    2023            2022         2022 
                    (unaudited)     (unaudited)  (audited) 
                  Notes  £'000        £'000        £'000 
Group revenue     1      28,335       48,076       100,243 
Operating costs          (28,708)     (26,236)     (64,730) 
Operating         1      (373)        21,840       35,513 
Finance income    2      171          40           199 
Finance           2      (1,775)      (1,470)      (3,218) 
Result before            (1,977)      20,410       32,494 
valuation and 
other movements 
changes in 
valuation of 
assets and 
liabilities and 
other movements 
Exchange losses          -            -            (270) 
Decrease in              -            (200)        (115) 
value of 
Profits on               -            -            (83) 
disposal of 
Loss on                  -            -            36 
disposal of 
fixed assets 
(Decrease)/Incre         (553)        49           1,036 
ase in value of 
Adjustment to            -            70           70 
interest rate 
Result                   (2,530)      20,329       33,168 
revaluation and 
other movements 
(Loss)/profit     1      (2,530)      20,329       33,168 
for the period 
before taxation 
Income tax        3      (232)        (5,646)      (12,002) 
(Loss)/profit            (2,762)      14,683       21,166 
for the period 
Equity holders           (3,007)      4,293        2,704 
of the Company 
Non-controlling          245          10,390       18,462 
(Loss)/profit            (2,762)      14,683       21,166 
for the period 
(Loss)/profit     4      (3.52)                    3.17p 
per share -                           5.03p 
basic and 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
for the six months ended 30 June 2023 
                                  30 June      30 June      31 December 
                                  2023         2022         2022 
                                  (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
                                  £'000        £'000        £'000 
(Loss)/profit for the period      (2,762)      14,683       21,166 
Other comprehensive income: 
Items that may be subsequently 
recycled to the income 
Exchange differences on           (874)        565          (43) 
translation of foreign 
Other comprehensive               (874)        565          (43) 
(expense)/income for the period, 
net of tax 
Total comprehensive               (3,636)      15,248       21,123 
(expense)/income for the period, 
net of tax 
Attributable to: 
Equity shareholders               (3,256)      4,496        2,696 
Non-controlling interest          (380)        10,752       18,427 
                                  (3,636)      15,248       21,123 
Consolidated balance sheet 
at 30 June 2023 
                                         30 June      30 June      31 December 
                                         2023         2022         2022 
                                         (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
                                  Notes  £'000        £'000        £'000 
Non-current assets 
Market value of properties               35,610       35,725       35,610 
attributable to Group 
Present value of head leases             1,552        3,221        1,552 
Property                          5      37,162       38,946       37,162 
Mining reserves, property, plant         14,599       15,100       16,928 
and equipment 
Other investments at fair value          12,740       6,418        12,590 
through profit and loss ("FVPL") 
                                         64,501       60,464       66,680 
Current assets 
Inventories - Property            5      21,256       25,493       22,862 
Inventories - Mining                     4,502        4,189        5,199 
Assets held for sale                     -            4,550        - 
Trade and other receivables              8,031        10,604       7,915 
Investments in listed securities         779          1,209        886 
held at FVPL 
Cash and cash equivalents                10,886       7,816        15,382 
                                         45,454       53,861       52,244 
Total assets                             109,955      114,325      118,924 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                 (14,386)     (13,546)     (17,058) 
Borrowings                               (21,580)     (36,151)     (22,061) 
Lease liabilities                        (345)        (201)        (414) 
Interest rate derivatives                -            -            - 
Current tax liabilities                  (4,321)      (1,657)      (4,256) 
                                         (40,632)     (51,555)     (43,789) 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                               (17,154)     (3,932)      (17,113) 
Lease liabilities                        (1,599)      (3,866)      (1,839) 
Provisions                               (1,475)      (1,609)      (1,716) 
Deferred tax liabilities                 236          (57)         (752) 
                                         (19,992)     (9,464)      (21,420) 
Total liabilities                        (60,624)     (61,019)     (65,209) 
Net assets                               49,331       53,306       53,715 
Equity attributable to the 
owners of the parent 
Share capital                            8,554        8,554        8,554 
Share premium account                    4,866        4,866        4,866 
Translation reserve (Bisichi             (1,314)      (851)        (1,063) 
Capital redemption reserve               47           47           47 
Retained earnings (excluding             17,279       21,708       20,286 
treasury shares) 
Treasury shares                          (144)        (144)        (144) 
Retained earnings                        17,135       21,464       20,142 
Total equity attributable to             29,288       34,180       32,546 
equity shareholders 
Non - controlling interest               20,043       19,126       21,169 
Total equity                             49,331       53,306       53,715 
Net assets per share              6      34.32p       40.04p       38.14p 
attributable to equity 
Consolidated statement of changes inshareholders' equity 
for the six months ended 30 June 2023 
                 Share    Share    Translation  Capital     Treasury  Retained 
Total        Non-controlling  Total 
                 capital  premium  reserves     redemption  shares    earnings 
excluding    Interests        equity 
                 £'000    £'000    £'000        reserve     £'000     excluding 
Non-         £'000            £'000 
                                                £'000                 treasury 
Balance at 1     8,554    4,866    (1,055)      47          (144)     17,415 
29,683       10,536           40,219 
January 2022 
Profit for the   -        -        -            -           -         4,293 
4,293        10,390           14,683 
Other            -        -        -            -           -         - 
-            -                - 
Currency         -        -        204          -           -         - 
204          362              566 
Total other      -        -        204          -           -         - 
204          362              566 
Total            -        -        204          -           -         4,293 
4,497        10,752           15,249 
Dividends -      -        -        -            -           -         - 
-            (2,162)          (2,162) 
Transactions     -        -        -            -           -         - 
-            (2,162)          (2,162) 
Balance at 30    8,554    4,866    (851)        47          (144)     21,708 
34,180       19,126           53,306 
June 2022 
Balance at 1     8,554    4,866    (1,055)      47          (144)     17,415 
29,683       10,536           40,219 
January 2022 
Profit for the   -        -        -            -           -         2,704 
2,704        18,462           21,166 
Currency         -        -        (8)          -           -         - 
(8)          (35)             (43) 
Total other      -        -        (8)          -           -         - 
(8)          (35)             (43) 
Total            -        -        (8)          -           -         2,704 
2,696        18,427           21,123 
Share options    -        -        -            -           -         167 
167          237              404 
Dividends -      -        -        -            -           -         - 
-            (7,034)          (7,034) 
equity holders 
Dividends -      -        -        -            -           -         - 
-            (997)            (997) 
Transactions                                                          167 
167          (7,794)          (7,627) 
Balance at 31    8,554    4,866    (1,063)      47          (144)     20,286 
32,546       21,169           53,715 
December 2022 
Consolidated statement of changes inshareholders' equity - continued 
for the six months ended 30 June 2023 
               Share    Share    Translation  Capital     Treasury  Retained 
Total        Non-controlling  Total 
               capital  premium  reserves     redemption  shares    earnings 
excluding    Interests        equity 
               £'000    £'000    £'000        reserve     £'000     excluding 
Non-         £'000            £'000 
                                              £'000                 treasury 
Balance at 1   8,554    4,866    (1,063)      47          (144)     20,286 
32,546       21,169           53,715 
January 2023 
(Loss)/profit  -        -        -            -           -         (3,007) 
(3,007)      245              (2,762) 
the period 
Currency       -        -        (251)        -           -         - 
(251)        (623)            (874) 
Total other    -        -        (251)        -           -         - 
(251)        (623)            (874) 
Total          -        -        (251)        -           -         (3,007) 
(3,258)      (378)            (3,636) 
Dividends -    -        -        -            -           -         -          - 
(748)            (748) 
Transactions   -        -        -            -           -         -          - 
(748)            (748) 
Balance at 30  8,554    4,866    (1,314)      47          (144)     17,279 
29,288       20,043           49,331 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
for the six months ended 30 June 2023 
                                        6 months     6 months     Year 
                                        ended        ended        ended 
                                        30 June      30 June      31 December 
                                        2023         2022         2022 
                                        (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
                                        £'000        £'000        £'000 
Operating activities 
(Loss)/profit for the year before       (2,530)      20,329       33,168 
Finance income                          (171)        (40)         (199) 
Finance expense                         1,775        1,470        3,218 
Decrease in value of investment         -            -            115 
Increase in value of trading            -            -            (1,036) 
Expenditure on trading property         -            (260)        - 
Adjustment to interest rate derivative  -            (70)         (70) 
Loss on investments                     6            -            - 
(Profit)/ loss on sale of investment    (2)          -            83 
Depreciation                            899          884          1,362 
Loss/(profit) on disposal of non        -            200          (36) 
-current assets 
Share based payment expense             553          -            405 
Development expenditure on inventories  -            -            (747) 
Exchange adjustments                    188          37           270 
Change in inventories                   1,572        (2,803)      (911) 
Change in receivables                   728          766          2,194 
Change in payables                      (3,627)      (2,813)      811 
Cash (outflows)/inflows generated from  (609)        17,700       38,627 
Income tax paid                         (327)        (5,554)      (7,946) 
Cash (outflows)/inflows from operating  (936)        12,146       30,681 
Investing activities 
Acquisition of investment properties,   (1,061)      (7,994)      (11,011) 
mining reserves, plant and equipment 
Sale of plant and equipment             16           504          102 
Sale of investment properties           -            -            5,171 
Disposal of other investments           -            -            2,083 
Acquisition of other investments        (596)        (3,262)      (10,207) 
Interest received                       171          40           199 
Cash outflows from investing            (1,470)      (10,712)     (13,663) 
Financing activities 
Interest paid                           (1,693)      (1,468)      (2,751) 
Interest on obligation under finance    (17)         (17)         (353) 
Repayment of lease liability            (126)        (126)        (236) 
Lease assignment costs paid             -            -            (52) 
Receipt of bank loan - Bisichi PLC      27           48           524 
Repayment of bank loan - Bisichi PLC    (540)        (150)        (55) 
Repayment of bank loan - Dragon Retail  (183)        (10)         (21) 
Properties Ltd 
Receipt of bank loan - London &         3            220          13,337 
Associated Properties PLC 
Repayment of bank loan - London &       (61)         (188)        (14,247) 
Associated Properties PLC 
Equity dividends paid                   -            -            (641) 
Equity dividends paid -                 -            (1,787)      (6,323) 
non-controlling interests 
Cash outflows from financing            (2,590)      (3,478)      (10,818) 
Consolidated cash flow statement - continued 
for the six months ended 30 June 2023 
  6 months               6 months     Year 
  ended                  ended        ended 
  30 June                30 June      31 December 
  2023                   2022         2022 
  (unaudited)            (unaudited)  (audited) 
  £'000                  £'000        £'000 
Net           (4,996)      (2,044)    6,200 
ncrease in 
cash and 
Cash and      12,157       5,982      5,982 
of period 
Exchange      177          (51)       (25) 
Cash and      7,338        3,887      12,157 
at end of 
The cash flows above relate to continuing and discontinued operations. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
For the purpose of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise 
the following balance sheet amounts: 
Cash and cash equivalents (before bank overdrafts)  10,886   7,816    15,382 
Bank overdrafts                                     (3,548)  (3,929)  (3,225) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period          7,338    3,887    12,157 
Notes to the half year report 
for the six months ended 30 June 2023 
1. Segmental analysis          6 months     6 months     Year 
                               ended        ended        ended 
                               30 June      30 June      31 December 
                               2023         2022         2022 
                               (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
                               £'000        £'000        £'000 
-                   - Rental   2,000        2,092        4,175 
-                   - Service  378          471          788 
charge income 
-                   -          9            9            18 
Management income from third 
-                   - Rental   524          543          955 
-                   - Service  -            -            98 
charge income 
-                   - Mining   25,341       44,837       94,002 
-                   Dragon 
-                   - Rental   83           123          207 
-                   - Service  -            1            - 
charge income 
                               28,335       48,076       100,243 
Operating (loss)/profit 
LAP                            (1,728)      208          (3,041) 
Bisichi                        1,296        21,544       38,433 
Dragon                         59           88           121 
                               (373)        21,840       35,513 
(Loss)/profit before taxation 
LAP                            (2,942)      (986)        (5,119) 
Bisichi                        390          21,249       38,267 
Dragon                         22           66           20 
                               (2,530)      20,329       33,168 
2. Finance costs               6 months     6 months     Year 
                               ended        ended        ended 
                               30 June      30 June      31 December 
                               2023         2022         2022 
                               (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
                               £'000        £'000        £'000 
Finance income                 171          40           199 
Finance expenses: 
Interest on bank loans and     (1,671)      (925)        (1,862) 
Unwinding of discount          -            -            (319) 
Other loans                    (32)         (430)        (837) 
Interest on obligations under  (72)         (115)        (200) 
finance leases 
Total finance expenses         (1,775)      (1,470)      (3,218) 
                               (1,604)      (1,430)      (3,019) 
Notes to the half year report - continued 
3. Income tax  6 months     6 months     Year 
               ended        ended        ended 
               30 June      30 June      31 December 
               2023         2022         2022 
               (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
               £'000        £'000        £'000 
Current tax    1,017        6,115        11,537 
Deferred tax   (785)        (469)        465 
               232          5,646        12,002 
4. Earnings per share              6 months     6 months     Year 
                                   ended        ended        ended 
                                   30 June      30 June      31 December 
                                   2023         2022         2022 
                                   (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
(Loss)/profit attributable to      (3,007)      4,293        2,704 
equity shareholders after tax 
Weighted average number of shares  85,326       85,326       85,326 
in issue for the period ('000) 
Basic earnings per share           (3.52)       5.03p        3.17p 
Diluted number of shares in issue  85,326       85,326       85,326 
Diluted earnings per share         (3.52)       5.03p        3.17p 
5. Properties 
Investment properties are held at fair value at each reporting period. 
During the period no properties were acquired or sold. 
Orchard Square, Sheffield, held as inventory, is currently being marketed for 
sale. The property is secured by a loan that expires in September 2023 and we 
are not currently able to confirm if the proceeds of any sale will be sufficient 
to repay this loan and return a surplus to the Group. The value of this property 
has therefore been written down to the outstanding loan value, from £14.75m to 
£12.65m and is disclosed as an inventory write down within Operating Costs in 
the Income Statement. The loan on the property is non-recourse to the rest of 
the LAP Group, is secured exclusively on this asset and the write down in value 
in the period is the maximum loss the Group can incur. Due to rising interest 
rates the loan breached its income cover covenant in July 2023, we have recently 
chosen not to cure this breach with the lender issuing a reservation of rights 
Other than as discussed above, the Directors have placed a valuation on the 
properties which is not materially different to the value as at 31 December 
2022. Investment properties are therefore included at a directors' valuation 
which is considered to be the fair value as at 30 June 2023. Please refer to 
page 56 of the 2022 Annual report and Accounts for details on the valuation of 
investment and inventory properties as at 31 December 2022. 
6. Net assets per share       30 June      30 June      31 December 
                              2023         2022         2022 
                              (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (audited) 
Shares in issue ('000)        85,326       85,326       85,326 
Net assets attributable to    29,288       34,165       32,546 
equity shareholders (£'000) 
Basic net assets per share    34.32        40.04p       38.14p 
Shares in issue diluted by    85,326       85,326       85,326 
outstanding share options 
Net assets after issue of     29,288       34,165       32,546 
share options (£'000) 
Fully diluted net assets per  34.32p       40.04p       38.14p 
Notes to the half year report - continued 
7. Related party transactions 
The related parties and the nature of costs recharged are as disclosed in the 
group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023. 
8. Dividends 
There is no interim dividend payable for the period (30 June 2022: Nil). 
There is no final dividend payable in respect of 2022. 
9. Risks and uncertainties 
The group's principal risks and uncertainties are reported on pages 10 and 11 in 
the 2022 Annual Report.  They have been reviewed by the Directors and remain 
unchanged for the current period. 
The largest area of estimation and uncertainty in the interim financial 
statements is in respect of the valuation of investment properties (which are 
not revalued at the half year). 
For Bisichi PLC, the largest area of estimation relates to currency movements 
and coal mining activities in South Africa, including depreciation, impairment 
and the provision for rehabilitation (relating to environmental rehabilitation 
of mining areas). 
Property, plant and equipment representing Bisichi's mining assets in South 
Africa are reviewed for impairment where there is evidence of a material 
impairment. The impairment test indicated significant headroom as at 31 December 
2022 and no impairment was considered appropriate. 
Other areas of estimation and uncertainly are referred to in the Group's annual 
financial statements. There have been no significant changes to the basis of 
accounting for key estimates and judgements as disclosed in the annual report as 
at 31 December 2022. 
10. Contingent Liabilities and Subsequent Events 
Black Wattle Colliery (Pty) Ltd continues to be involved in a tax dispute in 
South Africa related to VAT. The dispute arose during the year ended 31 December 
2020 and is related to events which occurred prior to the years ended 31 
December 2020. The interpretation of laws and regulations in South Africa where 
the Group operates can be complex and can lead to challenges from or disputes 
with regulatory authorities. Such situations often take significant time to 
resolve. Where there is a dispute and where a reliable estimate of the potential 
liability cannot be made, or where the Group, based on legal advice, considers 
that it is improbable that there will be an outflow of economic resources, no 
provision is recognised. Further details of the contingent tax liability can be 
found on page 107 of Bisichi's 2022 Annual report and Accounts. 
There are no other contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2023. 
There are no subsequent events or transactions that require disclosure. 
11. Financial information 
The above financial information does not constitute statutory accounts within 
the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The figures for the year 
ended 31 December 2022 are based upon the latest statutory accounts, which have 
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the report of the auditor on those 
accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) or 
(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
As required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the UK's Financial 
Conduct Authority, the interim financial statements have been prepared in 
accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and in 
accordance with both IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' and in conformity with 
the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting 
under IFRS and the disclosure requirements of the Listing Rules. 
The half year results have not been audited or subject to review by the 
company's auditor. 
The annual financial statements of London & Associated Properties PLC are 
prepared in accordance with IFRS and in conformity with the requirements of the 
Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The company has 
applied UK-adopted IAS and at the date of application, both UK-adopted IAS and 
EU-adopted IFRS are the same. The same accounting policies are used for the six 
months ended 30 June 2023 as were used for the year ended 31 December 2022. 
As stated in the 2022 Annual Report in the group accounting policies, Bisichi 
PLC and Dragon Retail Properties Limited are consolidated with LAP, as required 
by IFRS 10. 
The assessment of new standards, amendments and interpretations issued but not 
effective, is that these are not anticipated to have a material impact on the 
financial statements. 
The interim financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. 
12. Board approval 
The half year results were approved by the Board of London & Associated 
Properties PLC on 24 August 2023. 
Directors' responsibility statement 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
(a) the condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared 
in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting Standard 34, Interim 
Financial Reporting. 
(b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by: 
(1) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial 
year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
(2) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do 
This report contains forward-looking statements. These statements are based on 
current estimates and projections of management and currently available 
information. Future statements are not guarantees of the future developments and 
results outlined therein. Rather, future developments and results are dependent 
on a number of factors; they involve various risks and uncertainties and are 
based upon assumptions that may not prove to be accurate. Risks and 
uncertainties identified by the Group are set out on pages 10 and 11 of the 2022 
Annual Report & Accounts. We do not assume any obligation to update the forward 
-looking statements contained in this report. 
Signed on behalf of the Board on 24 August 2023 
John Heller            Jonathan Mintz 
Director                    Director 
Directors and advisors 
Executive directors 
* Sir Michael Heller MA FCA (Chairman) (resigned 30 January 2023) 
John A Heller LLB MBA (Chief Executive) and (Chairman from 24 February 2023) 
Jonathan Mintz FCA (Finance Director) 
Non-executive directors 
? Howard D Goldring BSC (ECON) ACA 
#?Clive A Parritt FCA CF FIIA 
Robin Priest MA 
Andrew R Heller MA, ACA (appointed 29 March 2023) 
* Member of the nomination committee 
# Senior independent director 
? Member of the audit, remuneration and nomination 
Secretary & registered office 
Jonathan Mintz FCA 
12 Little Portland Street 
London W1W 8BJ 
Registrars & transfer office 
Link Group 
Shareholder Services 
The Registry 
Central Square 
29 Wellington Street 
LS1 4DL 
UK Telephone: 0871 664 0300 
(Calls cost 12p per minute plus network access charges; lines are open 
Monday to 
Friday between 9.00am and 5.30pm) 
International Telephone: +44 371 664 0300 
(Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at applicable 
Lines are open between 9.00am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public 
holidays in England and Wales. 
www.linkassetservices.com (https://url.avanan.click/v2/___http://www.capitare 
E-mail: enquiries@linkgroup.co.uk 
Company registration number 
341829 (England and Wales) 
www.lap.co.uk (https://url.avanan.click/v2/___http://www.lap.co.uk___.YXAxZTp 
This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 25, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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