RNS Number : 8849N

Majedie Investments PLC

25 January 2023

Majedie Investments PLC

(the "Company")

25 January 2023

Annual General Meeting ("AGM") Results

The Company announces that at its Annual General Meeting held earlier today, all the resolutions set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting were passed by the requisite majority. Each of the resolutions put to the AGM were voted on by way of a poll. The results of the poll for each resolution were as follows:

 Resolution                    VOTES                 VOTES               VOTES       % OF       VOTES 
                                 FOR         (%)     AGAINST     (%)      TOTAL      ISC(1) 
                                                                                     VOTED     WITHHELD 
 1. To receive 
  the Directors' 
  Report and Accounts 
  for the year ended 
  30 September 2022.         28,821,654   99.99%     4,233     0.01%   28,825,887   54.39%      9,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 2. To approve 
  the Directors' 
  Remuneration Report 
  for the year ended 
  30 September 2022.         28,751,681   99.83%     49,631    0.17%   28,801,312   54.34%     33,666 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 3. To declare 
  a final dividend 
  of 4.2p per share 
  in respect of 
  the year ended 
  30 September 2022.         28,815,887   100.00%      0       0.00%   28,815,887   54.37%     19,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 4. To declare 
  a special dividend 
  of 1.8p per share 
  in respect of 
  the year ended 
  30 September 2022.         28,825,887   100.00%      0       0.00%   28,825,887   54.39%      9,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 5. To re-elect 
  CD Getley as a 
  Director.                  27,890,832   96.83%    913,055    3.17%   28,803,887   54.35%     31,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 6. To re-elect 
  JM Lewis as a 
  Director.                  28,361,695   98.48%    438,796    1.52%   28,800,491   54.34%     34,487 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 7. To re-elect 
  AMJ Little as 
  a Director.                28,359,528   98.46%    444,359    1.54%   28,803,887   54.35%     31,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 8. To re-elect 
  JWM Barlow as 
  a Director.                28,788,781   99.95%     15,106    0.05%   28,803,887   54.35%     31,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 9. To re-elect 
  RW Killingbeck 
  as a Director.             28,365,101   98.48%    438,786    1.52%   28,803,887   54.35%     31,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 10. To re-appoint 
  Ernst & Young 
  LLP as auditors.           28,811,266   99.95%     14,621    0.05%   28,825,887   54.39%      9,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 11. To authorise 
  the Directors 
  to fix the auditor's 
  remuneration.              28,820,887   99.98%     5,000     0.02%   28,825,887   54.39%      9,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 12. To authorise 
  the Directors 
  to allot relevant 
  securities under 
  section 551 of 
  the Companies 
  Act 2006.                  28,813,767   99.96%     11,010    0.04%   28,824,777   54.39%     10,201 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 13. To authorise 
  the Directors 
  to disapply pre-emption 
  rights under sections 
  570 and 573 of 
  the Companies 
  Act 2006. *                28,779,275   99.85%     43,823    0.15%   28,823,098   54.38%     11,880 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 14. To authorise 
  the Company to 
  make market purchases 
  of its own ordinary 
  shares. *                  28,783,420   99.86%     40,922    0.14%   28,824,342   54.39%     10,636 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 
 15. To authorise 
  general meetings 
  to be held on 
  14 clear days' 
  notice. *                  28,748,649   99.73%     77,238    0.27%   28,825,887   54.39%      9,091 
                            -----------  --------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 

(1) Issued Share Capital

*Special Resolutions

 1.       All resolutions were passed. 
 2.       Proxy appointments which gave discretion to the Chairman 
           of the AGM have been included in the "For" total for 
           the appropriate resolution. 
 3.       Votes "For" and "Against" any resolution are expressed 
           as a percentage of votes validly cast for that resolution. 
 4.       A "Vote withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted 
           in the calculation of the percentage of shares voted 
           "For" or "Against" any resolution nor in the calculation 
           of the proportion of "ISC voted" for any resolution. 
 5.       The number of shares in issue at 6:00 p.m. on 24 January 
           2023 was 52,998,795 ordinary shares, carrying one vote 
           each (the "Share Capital") and, at that time, the Company 
           did not hold any shares in treasury. 
 6.       The proportion of "ISC voted" for any resolution is 
           the total of votes validly cast for that resolution 
           (i.e. the total votes "For" and "Against" that resolution) 
           expressed as a percentage of the ISC. 
 7.       The full text of the resolutions passed at the AGM can 
           be found in the Notice of Annual General Meeting which 
           is available on the Company's website at www.majedieinvestments.com. 
 8.       A copy of resolutions 12-15 passed at the AGM will shortly 
           be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will 
           be available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism 
 9.       The complete poll results will be available shortly 
           on the Company's website at www.majedieinvestments.com. 
  For further information please 
 Company Secretary, Link Company   CM-Majedie.CoSec@linkgroup.co.uk 
  Matters Limited 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 25, 2023 12:26 ET (17:26 GMT)

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