RNS Number:7905N
Skillsgroup PLC
13 July 2000

                          Skillsgroup plc
      Interim results for the six months ended 31st May 2000
Skillsgroup plc today announces interim results for the six months
ended 31st May 2000.


*  Operating  profits  for core continuing businesses  up  26%  to
   #5.9m (1999: #4.7m)

*  Core continuing businesses, QA Training and Pontis, continue to
   perform well despite challenging external conditions

*  Pre-tax  profits before goodwill of #1.5 million reflect  #1.4m
   investment in internet projects and #3.1m losses from Acuma

*  Acuma disposal being pursued vigorously

*  Interim dividend raised by 5.9% to 1.8p (1999: 1.7p)

*  Successful  implementation of first phase of qaglobal  project,
   addressing  the  fast-growing web-based  learning  applications
   market; launch due in September

Commenting  on the results, David Southworth, Executive  Chairman,

"The last six months have been an intense period of activity as we
have  developed  our new, web-based, learning solutions  business,
qaglobal, which we expect to launch on 1 September. The market for
web-based  learning solutions is going to be one  of  the  fastest
growing  areas of information technology applications and will  be
fuelled  by the enormous number of web-based initiatives currently
being explored by major corporations.

Against  a  background  of  external market  uncertainty  we  have
achieved significant internal change, a clear repositioning of the
Group and we have cash resources to fund the implementation of our
strategy. I believe that by the end of November, I will be able to
pass  to  my  successors a business that is  clearly  focussed  in
higher margin, growth sectors, with excellent market opportunities
and the resources needed to exploit them."

For further information, please contact:

Skillsgroup plc                              www.skillsgroup.co.uk
David Southworth, Executive Chairman
Colin Gibson, Finance Director
On 13th July: 020 7253 2252
Thereafter: 01625 591200

Ludgate Communications
Reg Hoare/Edward Macquisten
020 7253 2253
                          Skillsgroup plc
       Interim Results for the six months ended 31 May 2000


I  am  pleased to announce that operating profits (before internet
project spending and goodwill amortisation) for Skillsgroup's core
continuing  businesses  rose 26% to  #5.9m  (1999:  #4.7m).   This
reflects  further  strong  progress  in  QA  Training  and  Pontis
Consulting against a background of a difficult trading environment
in  the  first half of the year.  Overall, pre-tax profits  before
goodwill were #1.5 million (1999: #7.0 million) as a result  of  a
#5.3  million  swing  from profit to loss in  the  non-core  Acuma
business  and  the  Group's #1.4 million  investment  to  date  in
internet projects.  The dividend has been raised by 5.9%  to  1.8p
(1999: 1.7p).

Strategic Developments

The  first  six  months of 2000 have seen a series of  significant
strategic  developments for the Group which will have  a  profound
and positive impact on the future prospects for Skillsgroup's core
training and consulting business.

It  has  become clear as the market has changed, that  our  multi-
brand  strategy has lacked sufficient focus.  We believe that  the
opportunities for the Group's training and  consultancy businesses
are  excellent  and  intend to focus the  Group's  full  resources
clearly on achieving their success.

As  a  result,  the  Board  decided to  dispose  of  our  staffing
business, QA Myriad and our enterprise solutions business,  Acuma.
The  disposal  of  QA Myriad was completed on 27  June  for  #31.2
million  in  cash  and  the disposal of  Acuma  is  being  pursued
vigorously with the aim of completing over the coming months.

As  previously announced, the last six months have seen an intense
period  of  activity  as  we have developed  our  new,  web-based,
learning  solutions business, qaglobal, which we expect to  launch
on  1  September.  The #5.3 million acquisition in June of  Direct
Media Technology and its learning management software product  ITM
was  a  critical  step  forward in the development  of  qaglobal's
solutions  offering.  The market for web-based learning  solutions
is  going  to  be one of the fastest growing areas of  information
technology applications and will be fuelled by the enormous number
of   web-based  initiatives  currently  being  explored  by  major

Along  with  the launch of the qaglobal business and  the  further
development  of the ITM system, there are a number of co-ordinated
developments  in QA Training's market offerings. We  believe  that
our  Group  is now in a strong position to exploit the new  market
opportunities and can be a leading catalyst for fundamental change
in  IT learning methodology initially in the UK and later, through
partnerships, overseas. As announced at the Group's Annual General
Meeting,  Pontis is now being developed around three areas  -  its
traditional  strategic integration/migration business,  e-business
capability  and  a skills development consultancy  -  to  link  up
increasingly over time with qaglobal.

Our  executive  team  is making substantial progress  towards  our
strategic  objectives.  As already indicated, I  believe  that  in
order  to signify the end of this major transformation period  for
Skillsgroup, it would be appropriate for a new Chief Executive  to
take the Group forward from this point and we now have a shortlist
of  candidates for this appointment.  We are also progressing  the
appointment of a new Chairman.

Divisional Performance

The  first half of 2000 was a particularly difficult time for  the
industry  and  as recently highlighted by many of our  peers,  the
second  quarter  has  not  provided the pace  of  post  millennium
recovery  in IT project work previously expected.  This  situation
has  clearly  had  an impact on our results, particularly  in  the
Acuma  business.   Our  core businesses, QA  Training  and  Pontis
Consulting  continue to perform well despite challenging  external
conditions.   As previously announced, our half year  results  are
also reduced by #1.4 million of costs related to various web-based
initiatives as part of a series of such projects estimated to cost
#8  to  10  million in total which will impact 2000 and the  early
part of 2001.


Before  web-based  project spending and goodwill amortisation,  QA
Training's  operating profit rose 31% to #4.6 million (1999:  #3.5
million)  on  turnover  of  #19.5 million  (1999:  #17.9  million)
reflecting  its  market-leading  position  and  high   levels   of
operating  efficiency at a time when some of its  competitors  are
finding   life   more  difficult.   Course  fill-rates   and   the
utilisation  of both lecturing staff and training rooms  are  high
with the results of 1999's restructuring and integration processes
showing real benefit.


Pontis  Consulting  recorded an operating profit  before  goodwill
amortisation  up  8%  at   #1.3 million (1999:  #1.2  million)  on
turnover  of  #6.1 million (1999: #5.0 million).  Consistent  with
general market conditions, a number of projects expected to  start
in the second quarter have been deferred into the second half, but
the   level  of  activity  is  on  an  upward  trend.   Consultant
utilisation  is  at  high levels, justifying decisions  made  last
autumn  both  to reduce the number of contract staff and  to  hold
back on permanent recruitment until the upturn was more visible.

Non-core Operations

In  common  with its competitors, Acuma experienced a  very  tough
first  half  with turnover of #26.3 million (1999: #41.7  million)
and  an operating loss of #3.1 million (1999: #2.2 million profit)
before  web-based project spending.  Very slow demand for  project
work  coupled with downward pressure on hardware margins have been
the  principal  factors.  Profitability in run-rate  terms  should
return in the course of the second half.

QA  Myriad,  the  sale  of  which was completed  in  June,  traded
steadily  in  the  half  year  on volumes  reduced  by  millennium
factors,  producing operating profit of #1.3 million  (1999:  #1.6
million) on turnover of #26.1 million (1999: #31.8 million).

Internet Project Expenditure

Total web-based project spending was #1.4 million in the half year
with  the  majority  (#0.9 million) being in QA  Training  on  the
development, marketing and implementation of e-Dynamix, its market-
leading e-commerce system and on early steps in the conversion  of
selected classroom courses for web-delivery.  Our qaglobal project
has  now  completed the stages of identifying and  qualifying  the
market  opportunity  and  of developing a  business  plan.   Three
members  of the new team are already with us, with recruitment  in
hand for a further three posts.

The  second  half of the financial year will see  us  building  on
these  initial investments with the bulk of the spending being  on
further development of QA's web-based courses and capabilities,  a
marketing  drive  on  e-Dynamix, building the  infrastructure  for
qaglobal as it moves to launch and the recruitment, marketing  and
development  work  needed to achieve the  new  path  set  out  for


Goodwill  amortisation of #2.0 million reflects  the  acquisitions
completed  in  1999.   The  interest charge  of  #0.6  million  is
consistent  with  average  borrowings  which  did  not   fluctuate
significantly between November and May.

The  operating cashflow of #9.6 million (1999: #5.1  million)  has
been  very  positive  with both QA Training  and  Acuma  achieving
significant reductions in debtors over the period.

Net  borrowings at 31 May were #19.8 million but since  that  date
the  net  effect  of  the issue of #4 million  of  loan  notes  in
connection with the DMT acquisition and the net receipt  of  #28.5
million in cash (after clearing borrowings) on completion  of  the
QA  Myriad  disposal  have  been to produce  a  current  net  cash
position of just under #5 million.


We  have  elected to increase the interim dividend  to  1.8  pence
(1999:  1.7  pence)  to  reflect  a  balance  between  our  growth
prospects  and this year's revenue investment.  The dividend  will
be payable on 3 October 2000 to shareholders on the register on 25
August 2000.


Against  a  background  of  external market  uncertainty  we  have
achieved significant internal change and a clear repositioning  of
the Group.  Our core businesses continue to perform well.  We have
cash  resources to fund the implementation of our strategy and  we
are finding and recruiting new people excited by the challenge.  I
believe that by the end of November, I will be able to pass to  my
successors  a  business that is clearly focused in higher  margin,
growth  sectors,  with  excellent  market  opportunities  and  the
resources needed to exploit them.

David Southworth

                          SKILLSGROUP plc
                  Unaudited Consolidated Results
                For the half year ended 31 May 2000

                             Turnover                  Profit
                         Half   Half            Half    Half
                         Year   Year   Year     Year    Year  Year
                       Ended   Ended  Ended    Ended   Ended Ended
                       31 May 31 May 30 Nov   31 May  31 May30 Nov
                         2000   1999   1999     2000    1999  1999
                           #m     #m     #m       #m      #m    #m

Turnover/Operating Profit

Continuing Operations

  Core                   25.6   22.9   55.0      3.1     3.6   6.8

  To be discontinued     26.3   41.7   80.5     (4.0)    1.3   1.8
                        _____  _____  _____    _____   _____ _____

                         51.9   64.6  135.5     (0.9)    4.9   8.6

Discontinued Operations  26.1   31.8   63.2      1.0     0.9   2.4
                        _____  _____  _____    _____   _____ _____

 Operating Profit        78.0   96.4  198.7      0.1     5.8  11.0

Net Interest (payable)/
receivable                                      (0.6)    0.6   0.4
                                               _____   _____ _____
(Loss)/profit before
 taxation                                       (0.5)    6.4  11.4

Taxation                                        (0.5)   (1.9) (2.1)
                                               _____   _____ _____

(Loss)/profit after
 taxation                                       (1.0)    4.5   9.3

Dividends                                       (1.6)   (1.4) (5.0)
                                               _____   _____ _____

Retained (Loss)/profit                          (2.6)    3.1   4.3
                                               _____   _____ _____

Dividend per share                               1.8p    1.7p  5.0p

Basic (loss)/earnings
 per share                                      (1.1p)   5.3p 10.8p

Fully diluted (loss)/
 earnings per share                             (1.1p)   5.3p 10.7p

Adjusted earnings per
 share*                                          0.1p    6.5p 11.5p

Adjusted fully diluted
 earnings per share*                             0.1p    6.5p 11.4p

* Adjusted to exclude discontinued operations, exceptional items
and goodwill amortisation.
                          SKILLSGROUP plc
               Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
                          at 31 May 2000
                                At 31 May    At 31 May   At 30 Nov
                                     2000         1999        1999
                                # million    # million   # million

Fixed Assets
  Intangible assets                  76.5         67.6        78.5
  Tangible assets                    16.7         18.0        17.6
                                    _____        _____       _____

                                     93.2         85.6        96.1

Current assets
  Stock                               0.9          2.1         0.9
  Debtors                            42.2         49.0        48.3
  Cash at bank and in hand            1.0          6.8         3.6
                                    _____        _____       _____

                                     44.1         57.9        52.8

Creditors - amounts falling due
 within one year
  Borrowings                        (14.8)       (11.0)      (17.9)
  Other creditors                   (42.9)       (43.7)      (47.6)
                                    _____        _____       _____

                                    (57.7)       (54.7)      (65.5)

Net Current (liabilities)/assets    (13.6)         3.2       (12.7)
                                    _____        _____       _____

Total assets less current
 liabilities                         79.6         88.8        83.4

Creditors - amounts falling due
 after more than one year

  Borrowings                         (6.0)       (12.3)       (6.1)
  Other creditors                    (1.2)        (1.2)       (1.2)

Provisions for liabilities and
 charges                             (1.5)        (3.3)       (1.5)
                                    _____        _____       _____

Net assets                           70.9         72.0        74.6
                                    _____        _____       _____

Capital and reserves
  Called up share capital             8.8          8.7         8.8
  Deferred share capital              3.5          3.6         4.6
  Share premium                      44.5         44.4        44.5
  Other reserves                      1.5          1.3         1.5
  Profit and loss account            12.6         14.0        15.2
                                    _____        _____       _____

                                     70.9         72.0        74.6
                                    _____        _____       _____
                          SKILLSGROUP plc
            Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                for the half year ended 31 May 2000

                                Half Year     Half Year       Year
                                    Ended        Ended       Ended
                                   31 May       31 May      30 Nov
                                     2000         1999        1999
                                # million    # million   # million

Reconciliation of operating
 profit to net
  cash flow from operating

Operating profit                      0.1          5.8        11.0

Goodwill amortisation                 2.0          0.6         2.4

Depreciation                          2.4          1.8         3.7

(Loss)/profit on fixed asset
 disposals                            0.1            -        (0.2)

(Increase)/decrease in stock            -         (0.3)        1.0

Decrease/(increase) in debtors        6.1         (3.4)       (1.6)

(Decrease)/increase in creditors     (1.0)         1.1         0.4

Decrease in provisions               (0.1)        (0.5)       (0.5)
                                    _____        _____       _____

Net cash inflow from operating
 activities                           9.6          5.1        16.2

Returns on investment and servicing
 of finance
  Interest, net                      (0.6)         0.6         0.9

Taxation                             (2.2)        (0.8)       (3.5)

Capital expenditure and financial
  Purchase of fixed assets           (1.6)        (1.7)       (3.4)
  Disposal of fixed assets              -            -         0.4

Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of businesses
  Total impact on net cash/
   (borrowings)                      (1.1)       (51.6)      (61.2)
  Increase in borrowings
   (excluding overdrafts)               -         19.0        22.5
                                    _____        _____       _____

Cashflow from acquisitions
 (including net cash acquired)       (1.1)       (32.6)      (38.7)
Disposal of businesses                  -            -         0.2

                                     (1.1)       (32.6)      (38.5)

Equity dividends paid                (3.5)        (2.9)       (4.4)
                                    _____        _____       _____

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before
 financing                            0.6        (32.3)      (32.3)

  Issue of ordinary share capital       -          0.5         0.6
  Repayment of borrowings           (11.5)           -           -
  Capital element of finance
    lease payments                   (0.3)           -        (0.3)
                                    _____        _____       _____

Decrease in cash in the period      (11.2)       (31.8)      (32.0)
                                    _____        _____       _____


1 The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis
  of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 1999 statutory
  accounts.   The  interim financial statements  which  have  been
  approved  by  the directors are unaudited and do not  constitute
  full  financial statements within the meaning of Section 240  of
  the Companies Act 1985.

2 The  comparative figures for the year ended 30 November 1999  do
  not  constitute full financial statements and have been abridged
  from the full Group accounts for the year ended on that date, on
  which  the  auditors  gave  an  unqualified  report.   The  1999
  accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

3 Segmental Analysis


                                   2000            1999       1999
                              Half Year       Half Year       Year
                                  Ended           Ended      Ended
# million                        31 May          31 May     30 Nov

Continuing Operations

QA Training                        19.5            17.9       41.7
Pontis Consulting                   6.1             5.0       13.3

                                   25.6            22.9       55.0

To be discontinued
Acuma Solutions                    26.3            41.7       80.5

                                   51.9            64.6      135.5

Discontinued operations
QA Myriad                          26.1            31.8       63.2

Before central costs               78.0            96.4      198.7

Central costs                         -               -          -

After central costs                78.0            96.4      198.7

2000 Half Year Ended 31  May
Operating Profit

                        Before                               After
                      Internet                            internet 
                       project                             project
                      spending                            spending
                           and  Internet                       and
                      goodwill   project     Goodwill     goodwill
# million         amortisation  spending amortisation amortisation

Continuing Operations

QA Training                4.6      (0.9)        (0.9)         2.8
Pontis Consulting          1.3         -         (0.8)         0.5

                           5.9      (0.9)        (1.7)         3.3

To be discontinued
Acuma Solutions           (3.1)     (0.3)        (0.3)       (3.7)

                           2.8      (1.2)        (2.0)       (0.4)

Discontinued operations
QA Myriad                  1.3         -            -         1.3

Before central costs       4.1      (1.2)        (2.0)        0.9

Central costs             (0.6)     (0.2)           -        (0.8)

After central costs        3.5      (1.4)        (2.0)        0.1

Operating Profit 1999

                                       Half year ended  Year Ended
# million                                       31 May    November

Continuing Operations

QA Training                                        3.2         5.7
Pontis Consulting                                  0.9         1.7

                                                   4.1         7.4
To be discontinued
Acuma Solutions                                    2.2         2.9

                                                   6.3        10.3

Discontinued operations
QA Myriad                                          1.6         3.3

Before central costs                               7.9        13.6

Central costs                                     (2.1)       (2.6)

After central costs                                5.8        11.0

  The  operating profits by business for the comparative half year
  ended  31  May 1999 and for the year ended 30 November 1999  are
  stated  after goodwill amortisation respectively of #0.6 million
  (analysed #0.3 million to QA Training and #0.3 million to Pontis
  Consulting)  and  #2.4  million (analysed  #1.1  million  to  QA
  Training , #1.2 million to Pontis Consulting and #0.1 million to
  Acuma   Solutions).   In  addition,  the  same  figures  include
  exceptional costs respectively of #1.5 million (part of  central
  costs)  and #2.7 million (analysed #0.8 million to QA  Training,
  #0.3  million  to  Pontis  Consulting,  #0.2  million  to  Acuma
  Solutions and #1.4 million to central costs).

4 At  an  extraordinary general meeting held on 27 June 2000,  the
  shareholders  of  the Company approved, by ordinary  resolution,
  the disposal of QA Myriad Limited and its subsidiary undertaking
  to  Hays Personnel Services (Holdings) Limited, a subsidiary  of
  Hays  plc,  for  a  cash consideration of #31.2  million.   This
  consideration  was paid in full on completion.  The  exceptional
  profit on disposal is estimated at #11.0 million.

5 The  calculation of basic earnings per share is based on a  loss
  after tax of #1.0 million (May 1999: profit of #4.5 million) and
  87,614,188  shares (1999: 84,434,631 shares) being the  weighted
  average  number  of shares in issue during the  current  period.
  Adjusted  earnings per share is given for continuing  operations
  and  is  based  on  profit after tax adjusted  for  discontinued
  operations,  exceptional items and goodwill  amortisation.   The
  effect  of  excluding the after tax result of operations  to  be
  discontinued  and  the  after  tax effect  of  internet  project
  spending would be to increase adjusted earnings per share by 3.6

6 A  copy of this statement has been sent to all shareholders  and
  is available from the Company's registered office.

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