RNS Number : 5295A

Smurfit Kappa Group PLC

30 March 2012

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     Gary McGann 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      McGann 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr McGann. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 82,468 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr McGann, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 82,468 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 247,404 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr McGann until 
                                            the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.14% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
      Percentage of issued class            Mr McGann currently holds 325,792 
       disposed (treasury shares            shares in SKG (representing 0.14% 
       of that class should not             of the issued share capital) and 
       be taken into account when           in addition he now has a conditional 
       calculating percentage)              interest in up to 329,872 shares 
                                            in SKG which are the subject of 
 17    N/A                            18    this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     Tony Smurfit 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      Smurfit 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr Smurfit. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 57,068 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr Smurfit, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 57,068 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 171,204 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr Smurfit until 
                                            the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.10% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
      Percentage of issued class            Mr Smurfit currently holds 894,179 
       disposed (treasury shares            shares in SKG (representing 0.38% 
       of that class should not             of the issued share capital) and 
       be taken into account when           in addition he now has a conditional 
       calculating percentage)              interest in up to 228,272 shares 
                                            in SKG which are the subject of 
 17    N/A                            18    this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     Ian Curley 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      Curley 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr Curley. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 48,764 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr Curley, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 48,764 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 146,292 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr Curley until 
                                            the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.08% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
      Percentage of issued class            Mr Curley currently holds 193,767 
       disposed (treasury shares            shares in SKG (representing 0.08% 
       of that class should not             of the issued share capital) and 
       be taken into account when           in addition he now has a conditional 
       calculating percentage)              interest in up to 195,056 shares 
                                            in SKG which are the subject of 
 17    N/A                            18    this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     German Esguerra 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      Esguerra 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr Esguerra. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 19,362 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr Esguerra, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 19,362 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 58,086 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr Esguerra until 
                                            the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.03% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
      Percentage of issued class            Mr Esguerra currently holds 27,061 
       disposed (treasury shares            shares in SKG (representing 0.01% 
       of that class should not             of the issued share capital) and 
       be taken into account when           in addition he now has a conditional 
       calculating percentage)              interest in up to 77,448 shares 
                                            in SKG which are the subject of 
 17    N/A                            18    this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     Michael O'Riordan 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      O'Riordan 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr O'Riordan. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 18,944 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr O'Riordan, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 18,944 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 56,832 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr O'Riordan until 
                                            the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.03% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
      Percentage of issued class            Mr O'Riordan currently holds 47,152 
       disposed (treasury shares            shares in SKG (representing 0.02% 
       of that class should not             of the issued share capital) and 
       be taken into account when           in addition he now has a conditional 
       calculating percentage)              interest in up to 75,776 shares 
                                            in SKG which are the subject of 
 17    N/A                            18    this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     Paul Regan 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      Regan 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr Regan. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 17,211 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr Regan, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 17,211 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 51,633 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr Regan until 
                                            the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.03% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
      Percentage of issued class            when calculating percentage) 
       disposed (treasury shares 
       of that class should not             Mr Regan currently holds no shares 
       be taken into account when           in SKG and he now has a conditional 
       calculating percentage)              interest in up to 68,844 shares 
                                            in SKG which are the subject of 
 17    N/A                            18    this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     Roberto Villaquiran 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      Villaquiran 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr Villaquiran. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 30,417 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr Villaquiran, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 30,417 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 91,251 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr Villaquiran 
                                            until the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.05% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
      Percentage of issued class            when calculating percentage) 
       disposed (treasury shares 
       of that class should not             Mr Villaquiran currently holds 
       be taken into account when           no shares in SKG and he now has 
       calculating percentage)              a conditional interest in up to 
                                            121,668 shares in SKG which are 
 17    N/A                            18    the subject of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     Alain Baudant 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      Baudant 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr Baudant. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 23,210 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr Baudant, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 23,210 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 69,630 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr Baudant until 
                                            the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.04% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
      Percentage of issued class            Mr Baudant currently holds 37,121 
       disposed (treasury shares            shares in SKG (representing 0.02% 
       of that class should not             of the issued share capital) and 
       be taken into account when           in addition he now has a conditional 
       calculating percentage)              interest in up to 92,840 shares 
                                            in SKG which are the subject of 
 17    N/A                            18    this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

Notification of Transactions of (1) Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility and (2) Persons closely associated with Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility

This form is intended for use by an issuer making a notification required by Rules 7.2 and 7.3 of the Central Bank of Ireland's Market Abuse Rules in relation to a person falling within either of the above categories of individual. These categories are defined in Regulation 12 (8) of the Market Abuse (Directive 2003/6/EC) Regulations 2005 and are detailed as part of this form.

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

                                                      Name of person discharging managerial 
      Name of the Issuer                               responsibilities 
 1     Smurfit Kappa Group plc                   2     Edgar Londono 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 3    State whether notification                 4    Indicate whether the notification 
       relates to a person closely                     is in respect of a holding of 
       associated with a person                        the person referred to in 2 or 
       discharging managerial responsibilities         3 above or in respect of a non-beneficial 
       named in 2 and identify the                     interest 
       connected person 
                                                       Notification in respect of Mr 
       Relates to person named in                      Londono 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of registered shareholder(s) 
                                                       and, if more than one, number 
      Description of shares or                         of shares or derivatives or other 
       derivatives or other financial                  financial instruments linked to 
       instruments linked to them                      them, held by each shareholder 
 5     Ordinary shares                           6     N/A 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Number of shares, derivatives 
                                                       or other financial instruments 
                                                       linked to them acquired 
                                                       No shares have been acquired by 
                                                       Mr Londono. 
                                                       The conditional deferred share 
      State the nature of the transaction              award is in respect of 19,077 
                                                       shares in SKG. Ownership of these 
       Grants of conditional deferred                  shares will pass to Mr Londono, 
       share award and conditional                     subject to the rules of the DABP, 
       matching share award under                      at the vesting date (February 
       the Smurfit Kappa Group plc                     2015). 
       2011 Deferred Annual Bonus                      The conditional matching share 
       Plan (DABP) in respect of                       award is in respect of 19,077 
       the three-year performance                      shares in SKG. Subject to the 
       period ending 31 December                       level of attainment of specified 
       2014*.                                          performance conditions, shares 
                                                       comprising a multiple from 0 up 
       * The vesting of these awards                   to 3 times thereof (a maximum 
       is subject to the rules of                      of 57,231 shares) may vest in 
 7     the DABP.                                 8     accordance with the terms of DABP. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
 9    Number of shares, derivatives              10   Price per share or derivative 
       or other financial instruments                  or other financial instrument 
       linked to them disposed of                      linked to them or value of transaction 
       N/A                                             The shares comprised in the conditional 
                                                       deferred have an average market 
                                                       price of EUR7.48572. 
                                                       If issued, the shares comprised 
                                                       in the conditional matching award 
                                                       will be issued for nil consideration. 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
      Date and place of transaction                   Date issuer informed of transaction 
 11    30 March 2012; Dublin                     12    30 March 2012 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
                                                      Name of contact and telephone 
                                                       number for queries 
      Any additional information 
                                                       Michael O'Riordan 
 13    N/A                                       14    +353 (0)1 202 7000 
---  -----------------------------------------  ---  ------------------------------------------- 
       Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible 
       for making notification 
       Jim Fitzharris___________________________________________ 
       Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________ 
---  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

IMPORTANT NOTICE- The following information is required under the Irish Stock Exchange's (ISE) Listing Rule 6.10. An issuer is not required to submit the following information to the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank).

                                           Percentage of issued class acquired 
                                            (treasury shares of that class 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
                                            As no beneficial interest can 
                                            be acquired by Mr Londono until 
                                            the awards vest, his percentage 
                                            holding in SKG has not changed. 
                                            The maximum number of shares which 
      Description of class of share         are the subject of the awards 
                                            is equivalent to 0.03% of the 
                                            issued share capital of SKG as 
 15    Ordinary shares                16    at the date of this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 
                                           Total holding following notification 
                                            and total percentage holding following 
                                            notification (any treasury shares 
                                            should not be taken into account 
                                            when calculating percentage) 
      Percentage of issued class            Mr Londono currently holds 8,296 
       disposed (treasury shares            shares in SKG (representing 0.004% 
       of that class should not             of the issued share capital) and 
       be taken into account when           in addition he now has a conditional 
       calculating percentage)              interest in up to 76,308 shares 
                                            in SKG which are the subject of 
 17    N/A                            18    this notification. 
---  ------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------- 

In the case of a grant of options by the issuer, please complete the following boxes:

                                              Period during which or date on 
      Date of grant                            which it can be exercised 
 19    N/A                               20    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
      Total amount paid (if any)              Description of shares involved 
       for grant of the option                 (class and number) 
 21    N/A                               22    N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 
 23   Exercise price (if fixed           24   Total number of shares over which 
       at time of grant) or indication         options are held following notification 
       that the price is to be fixed 
       at the time of exercise                 N/A 
---  ---------------------------------  ---  ----------------------------------------- 

Name and signature of duly designated officer of issuer responsible for making notification

Jim Fitzharris______________________________________________

Date of notification 30 March 2012_____________________________

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am aware that the information as has been provided by me in response to the questions at 15-24 above is not information which has been required by or which I have been requested to provide to the Central Bank and is information which is relevant to the ISE's Listing Rule 6.10 only.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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Smurfit Kappa (LSE:SKG)
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