6 November 2013: Smurfit Kappa Group plc ('SKG' or the 'Group') today announced results for the 3 months and 9 months ending 30 September 2013.


2013 Third Quarter & First Nine Months | Key Financial Performance Measures

EURm                  YTD2013    YTD(1)2012    change    Q3 2013    Q3(1)2012    change    Q22013    change 
Revenue             EUR5,924     EUR5,510        8%        EUR2,016     EUR1,830       10%       EUR2,019    - 
EBITDA              EUR815       EUR777          5%        EUR303       EUR279         9%        EUR271      12% 
EBITDA              13.8%      14.1%         -         15.0%      15.2%        -         13.4%     - 
Operating           EUR504       EUR483          4%        EUR196       EUR180         9%        EUR167      17% 
Profit              EUR231       EUR286          (19%)     EUR104       EUR102         2%        EUR70       49% 
Income Tax 
Basic EPS           56.1       81.8          (31%)     24.0       32.3         (26%)     17.7      36% 
Pre-exceptional     74.5       70.0          6%        30.6       32.3         (5%)      24.1      27% 
EPS (cent) 
Return on                                              12.6%      12.6%        -         12.0%     - 
Free Cash           EUR262       EUR164          60%       EUR190       EUR118         61%       EUR95       99% 
Net Debt                                               EUR2,630     EUR2,640       -         EUR2,817    (7%) 
Net Debt                                               2.5x       2.6x         -         2.7x      - 
(1)    Comparative figures reflect the restatement to employee benefits 
       under the revision of IAS 19, as set out in Note 7. 
(2)    EBITDA before exceptional items and share-based 
       payment expense is  denoted 
       by EBITDA throughout the remainder of 
       the management  commentary for ease 
       of reference. A reconciliation of profit 
       for the  period to EBITDA before 
       exceptional items and share-based payment 
       expense is set out on page 31. 
(3)    LTM pre-exceptional operating profit plus share of 
       associates'  profit/average capital employed. 
(4)    Free cash flow is set out on page 8. The 
       IFRS cash flow is set out  on page 18. 


    -- Revenue growth of 10% year-on-year in the third quarter 
    -- EBITDA of EUR303 million up 9% year-on-year 
    -- Year to date free cash flow of EUR262 million and net debt to EBITDA of 

2.5x at 30 September 2013

    -- Acquisition of UK speciality business 'CRP' in October 2013 highlights 

increased commitment to innovation and excellence in high end packaging

    -- Redemption of EUR500 million 7.25% Senior Notes effective 4 November 

will further reduce cash interest cost by EUR30 million per annum

improving earnings by 11 cent per share

    -- Reflecting good European market conditions, EUR30 per tonne price 

increase announced for recycled grades from 1 November


Performance Review and Outlook


Gary McGann, Smurfit Kappa Group CEO, commented: "The Group is pleased to report EBITDA of EUR303 million in the quarter. The Americas has been a strong contributor to the EBITDA performance in the third quarter. While Europe's performance has been somewhat weaker, it is showing sequential improvement with initial indications of pricing recovery. The Americas provides us with important geographic diversity of earnings and exposure to higher growth markets in the region.


Packaging volume growth has remained solid throughout the year, and European box volumes continue to grow ahead of the general market. Our volume performance reflects continuing gains in business areas where we work as a partner to our customers across their markets: rationalising their supply chains, removing costs and consistently developing innovative packaging that is both efficient for transport and an effective retail medium at the point of sale.


The Group's European containerboard operations are experiencing solid demand for both recycled and kraftliner grades which is underpinning recent price increases. Reflecting good market conditions, the Group announced a recycled containerboard price increase of EUR30 per tonne for implementation from 1 November. The benefit from recent paper increases is only achieved in SKG's integrated system when the price increases are pushed through to the box prices with the usual time lag.


In addition to the successful acquisition of the UK business CRP in October, the Group has delivered material progress on a number of financial initiatives in the quarter. Following the refinancing of our EUR1.375 billion Senior Credit Facility in July, we recently completed the redemption of our EUR500 million 7.25% Senior Notes due 2017. This redemption was funded from a combination of cash and existing credit facilities. These two transactions have significantly enhanced the Group's credit profile and reduce cash interest costs by over EUR43 million per annum.


The Group's objective is to sustain top line growth through economic pricing, accretive acquisitions and effective capital investment. SKG will also maintain its focus on delivering cost efficiencies through the system. Operating performance and on-going capital management have driven a net debt reduction of EUR187 million for the third quarter with a net debt to EBITDA ratio of 2.50x. SKG is on track to deliver the expected level of EBITDA growth in 2013. The strength of our capital structure today together with our expectation of materially improved free cash flow continues to expand the available range of options to deliver and to drive value from 2014."


About Smurfit Kappa Group


Smurfit Kappa is one of the leading producers of paper-based packaging in the world, with around 41,000 employees in approximately 350 production sites across 32 countries and with sales revenue of EUR7.3 billion in 2012.


Innovation, service and pro-activity towards customers, using sustainable resources, is our primary focus. This focus is enhanced through us being an integrated producer, with our packaging plants sourcing the major part of their raw materials from our own paper mills. We are the European leader in paper-based packaging, operating in 21 countries selling products including corrugated, containerboard, bag-in-box, solidboard and solidboard packaging. We have a growing base in Eastern Europe in many of these product areas. We also have a key position in other product/market segments including graphicboard, MG paper and sack paper.


We are the only large scale pan regional player in the Americas, operating in 11 countries in total in North, Central and South America.


Forward Looking Statements


Some statements in this announcement are forward-looking. They represent expectations for the Group's business, and involve risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and projections about future events. The Group believes that current expectations and assumptions with respect to these forward-looking statements are reasonable. However, because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which are in some cases beyond the Group's control, actual results or performance may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Seamus Murphy                  FTI Consulting 
Smurfit Kappa Group 
Tel: +353 1 202 71 80          Tel: +353 1 663 36 80 
E-mail: ir@smurfitkappa.com    E-mail: smurfitkappa@fticonsulting.com 

2013 Third Quarter & First Nine Months | Performance Overview


In the nine months to September the Group reported revenue of EUR5,924 million, up almost 8% year-on-year. EBITDA of EUR815 million is EUR38 million or 5% ahead of the same period last year. EBITDA margins at the end of the first nine months have recovered to 13.8% partially reflecting the benefit of improved containerboard pricing in Europe but particularly due to a strong performance in the Americas.


European corrugated pricing remained broadly unchanged in the third quarter. Given the rise in input costs, corrugated price increases will be implemented with the customary lag in order to recover paper price increases. Our overall European packaging volumes continue to perform well, with box volumes up 2% in the year to September on a same day basis. This growth has been sustained throughout the year despite the continuing macroeconomic uncertainty.


Box volume growth also reflects the value added element of packaging and the extensive service support that SKG offers to our customers which is being increasingly recognised and valued in the marketplace. Creative, innovative, 'smart' packaging delivers tangible benefits to our customers in the form of prominence on the shelf, cost reduction through their supply chain and the provision of increasingly recognised sustainability credentials.


The successful implementation of a EUR40 per tonne price increase in August has gone some way to addressing the unsustainable spreads in recycled containerboard. However, further price increases are necessary to return earnings from this grade to a long-term sustainable economic level. Reflecting good market conditions, the Group has announced a price increase of EUR30 per tonne effective from 1 November. Recovered fibre prices have stabilised at a relatively high level in the quarter, with October flat month-on-month.


The Group continues to benefit from its net long 500,000 tonne position in kraftliner, following strong pricing in the grade over the last 18 months. Recent strength in recycled containerboard pricing is actively bolstering kraftliner pricing and substitution pressure has substantially lessened as the spread between the two grades has reverted to historically normal levels. As a result demand remains good, whilst supply continues to be moderate.


The Americas performed well in the third quarter with a strong EBITDA of EUR98 million and an EBITDA margin of 19.7%. The region performed better year-on-year in EBITDA terms driven by a good performance in Venezuela, underlying corrugated growth of 3% in the region and the inclusion of SK Orange County ('SKOC') during the period. SKOC continues to perform well with the successful implementation of the April containerboard price increase into box prices.


In Venezuela, there is increased risk that a devaluation may occur in early 2014 and, consequently, the Group has updated its Principal Risks and Uncertainties which are set out on page 11, detailing the potential impact of a devaluation on the Group's net assets and cash balance.


As a result of a consistent programme of debt paydown over the past number of years, and the more recent refinancing of the Group's Senior Credit Facility ('SCF') on an unsecured basis, SKG has fundamentally re-positioned its capital structure to that of a corporate credit. On 4 November the Group redeemed its 7.25% Senior Notes due 2017, using cash and existing credit facilities. This transaction, combined with the SCF refinancing, substantially reduces cash interest costs by EUR43 million per annum and further improves SKG's credit profile.


Following a period of debt paydown, the re-positioning of the Group's credit profile and the cash generation in the business, SKG has now got a wider range of capital allocation options. In October 2013, the Group acquired CRP, a speciality business located in the UK. CRP is a retail ready packaging, litho-laminated, display and pre-print business that serves the high end value and quality market and its acquisition will increase the Group's packaging footprint and capability in the UK. Where value accretive acquisitions are available, the primary focus of the acquisition strategy remains on higher growth regions such as Latin America and Eastern Europe.


2013 Third Quarter | Financial Performance


At EUR2,016 million, revenue in the third quarter of 2013 was 10% higher year-on-year whilst broadly in line with the second quarter. Underlying revenue increased by EUR143 million compared to the same period of the prior year, with 2013 revenue boosted by EUR112 million from acquisitions whilst negatively affected by a net EUR69 million in relation to currency movements and hyperinflationary adjustments, reflecting the relative strengthening of the euro.


The Group's EBITDA for the quarter was EUR303 million, 9% higher than the third quarter of 2012, reflecting higher underlying earnings in the Americas year-on-year partially offset by lower earnings in Europe. EBITDA increased by EUR32 million when compared to the second quarter of 2013.


Basic earnings per share was 24.0 cent for the quarter to September 2013 (2012: 32.3 cent). Adjusting for exceptional items relating mainly to debt cost amortisation, pre-exceptional basic EPS in the third quarter was 30.6 cent per share. Pre-exceptional basic EPS in the third quarter 2012 was 32.3 cent with no exceptional items in the quarter.


2013 First Nine Months | Financial Performance


Revenue for the nine months rose by almost 8% from EUR5,510 million in 2012 to EUR5,924 million in 2013. The underlying move was an increase of EUR221 million with a revenue boost of EUR332 million in the year to date, negatively affected by currency and hyperinflationary movements of EUR139 million.


At EUR815 million, the Group's EBITDA for the nine months to September 2013 was 5%, or EUR38 million, higher than the same period in 2012. Allowing for the contribution from the newly acquired SKOC and for currency and hyperinflationary movements, the underlying increase was EUR4 million with higher EBITDA in the Americas offset by lower EBITDA in Europe and higher Group centre costs.


Exceptional charges within operating profit in the year to date totalled EUR34 million, EUR15 million of which related to the earlier than scheduled closure of Townsend Hook to facilitate the re-build of the planned lightweight machine, and a further EUR16 million related to a currency trading loss as a result of the devaluation of the Venezuelan Bolivar in February 2013. In the same period in 2012, an exceptional gain of EUR28 million was included within operating profit made up of EUR10 million from the sale of land at SKG's former Valladolid mill in Spain and EUR18 million relating to the disposal of a company in Slovakia.


Basic earnings per share was 56.1 cent for the first nine months of 2013 (2012: 81.8 cent). Adjusting for exceptional items in 2013 pre-exceptional basic EPS was 74.5 cent (2012: 70.0 cent).


2013 Third Quarter & First Nine Months | Free Cash Flow


Free cash flow amounted to EUR190 million in the third quarter of 2013 compared to EUR118 million in 2012. The increase of EUR72 million was driven mainly by a combination of higher EBITDA and a larger working capital inflow, partly offset by higher capital outflows (capital expenditure together with the move in capital creditors). At EUR262 million, our free cash flow for the nine months to September was EUR98 million higher than in 2012 with the increase reflecting higher EBITDA, a lower working capital outflow and lower cash interest, partly offset by lower proceeds from fixed asset sales.


Overall working capital has increased by EUR46 million in the first nine months, with a strong inflow of EUR70 million in the third quarter offsetting the outflow of EUR116 million to the half year. The outflow was primarily due to an increase in debtors and, to a lesser extent, stocks partly offset by an increase in creditors. The increase in 2013 arose primarily in Europe and reflected corrugated volume growth and the impact of the recycled containerboard price increases. At 30 September, working capital amounted to EUR634 million and represented 7.9% of annualised revenue compared to 9.0% at the same point in 2012.


Capital expenditure amounted to EUR218 million in the first nine months to September equalling 79% of depreciation, compared to EUR180 million and 69% in the first nine months of 2012. The Group expects to increase capital expenditure to approximately 100% of depreciation for the full year 2013.


Cash interest at EUR158 million for the nine months to September 2013 was EUR22 million lower than in 2012, reflecting the benefit of the Group's refinancing activities throughout 2012 and 2013.


At EUR71 million in the first nine months of 2013 tax payments were EUR11 million lower than in 2012. The reduction in tax payments were spread relatively evenly between European and Americas operations. In Europe the absence of asset sales in 2013 contributed to lower cash taxes, whilst in the Americas an increase in tax payments due to the presence of SKOC for the first time in 2013 was largely offset by lower taxes elsewhere in the region primarily due to timing.


2013 Third Quarter & First Nine Months | Capital Structure


As a result of strong free cash flow in the quarter the Group has reduced net debt by EUR187 million to EUR2,630 million at September 2013, with a net debt to EBITDA ratio of 2.50 times. Consistently strong earnings from operations and proactive cash flow management have enabled the Group to reduce net debt by almost EUR500 million over the last three years, and fundamentally re-position its capital structure to that of an unsecured corporate profile.


Over the course of 2013 SKG has actively addressed aspects of its capital structure. In January 2013, the Group issued a EUR400 million seven-year bond at 4.125% which was used to re-pay existing term loans and facilitated the successful EUR1.375 billion SCF refinancing in July. The new five-year facility comprised a EUR750 million amortising term loan with a margin of 2.25% and a EUR625 million revolving credit facility with a margin of 2.00%, reduced from 3.75% and 3.25% respectively. Additionally, the Group put in place a five-year trade receivables securitisation programme of up to EUR175 million carrying a margin of 1.70%. Finally, on 4 November the Group completed the redemption of its EUR500 million 7.25% Senior Notes due 2017 utilising cash and existing credit facilities arranged as part of the SCF and trade receivables securitisation transactions.


As a result of the significant steps taken throughout 2013 the Group has substantially lowered its cost of capital and reduced its average interest rate from 6.2% at December 2012 to 5.0% at 30 September (pro forma for the November bond redemption), resulting in a reduction in cash interest costs of over EUR43 million per annum. At the same time, SKG's average maturity profile has been maintained at a satisfactorily high level of 5.4 years at September 2013 on the same adjusted basis, and the Group's improved credit profile will provide satisfactory access to capital markets throughout the cycle.


At the end of the third quarter, SKG had EUR694 million of cash on its balance sheet, available lines of EUR605 million under its revolving credit facility and EUR150 million under its new EUR175 million securitisation facility. On 4 November 2013, the Group utilised EUR220 million of its cash resources, EUR125 million of its revolver and EUR175 million of its securitisation facility (EUR25 million of which was drawn at the end of September) to fund the redemption of its 7.25% Senior Notes due 2017. Following the application of these funds the Group continues to maintain a very strong liquidity position.


SKG continues to view debt paydown as a value creating use of cash in the absence of more accretive investment opportunities. The Group has benefited significantly from capital structure refinancing since September 2012 and will continue to actively manage its debt portfolio. Supported by its strong capital structure and the continuing robust performance of its operations in driving strong free cash flows, the Group continues to target an upgrade to BB+ / Ba1 credit ratings.


2013 Third Quarter & First Nine Months | Operating efficiency


Commercial offering, innovation and sustainability


As the European market leader and the largest pan regional supplier in the Americas, SKG is uniquely placed to provide our customers with first class packaging solutions tailored to their increasingly demanding needs. Reflective of this, the Group's pan European packaging business continues to experience significant progress with 4% volume growth in the first nine months of the year. The Group's service culture supports consistent product innovation and the provision of tangible added value for our 64,000 customers worldwide, and SKG's ability to drive cost reduction and retailing impact are increasingly regarded as defining key differentiators in the marketplace.


In October the Group was recognised as Sweden's best packaging supplier at the Packaging Industry Awards, winning the top prize in the Packaging Converter category, and took first prize at the Scanstar awards. Scanstar is arranged by the Scandinavian Packaging Association, a coordinating body for the five Nordic countries' national packaging organisations. The Group has also been nominated for nine awards at the 2013 PPI Awards, many of which have an environmental and sustainability dimension, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility to each of our stakeholders.


In 2013, the Group increased the proportion of capital expenditure attributed to growth targeted customer facing investments, in the expectation of improving prospects across our markets. Positioning itself ahead of the market, the Group is investing throughout its packaging system with a focus on increasing colour and executing complex designs, whilst reducing costs. SKG's EUR28 million greenfield bag-in-box plant in Ibi, Spain, is currently on schedule for completion in the third quarter of 2014 and will significantly enhance the Group's delivery capabilities in this high growth, profitable market.


The Group is progressing well with its mill renovations in Townsend Hook (UK) and Roermond (the Netherlands) having completed the re-build of its Hoya recycled containerboard mill (Germany) in June. These two remaining projects with costs of EUR114 million and EUR39 million respectively and completion dates of fourth quarter of 2014 and first quarter of 2016, will greatly enhance the Group's lightweight capabilities whilst materially reducing on-going operating costs.


Innovation Day 2013 and launch of the 3D Store Visualiser


On 26 September the Group hosted 175 customers at its fourth European Innovations Day in the Netherlands. The event is an important opportunity for SKG to showcase its premier designs and innovative packaging solutions from around the Group with Innovation and Sustainability awards adjudicated by our customers and sustainability experts. A similar event was held in Mexico City on 3 October which was attended by 60 customers from throughout the Americas region.


The European event was also used to formally launch SKG's new 3D Store Visualiser which allows access to thousands of interchangeable optimisation scenarios, pictures, movies and live demos of customer specific packaging challenges on the shelf. The ability to study consumer behaviour in this controlled environment is a step further in Smurfit Kappa´s leadership in researching the optimisation of packaging design for our customers.


Cost Take-out Programme


The Group is progressing well against its 2013 cost take-out targets and confirms its expectations to deliver EUR100 million of cost take-out for the full year. Incremental cost take-out of EUR27 million was reported in the third quarter, bringing the year to date balance to EUR73 million.


Widely recognised as the only solution in combating inflation in input costs, the cost reduction programme has been a constant feature of SKG's operational strategy since 2005. In the area of raw materials specifically, the Group has launched a series of projects targeting waste reduction throughout the corrugated plant network, whilst progressing with a flour based starch substitution project in its Roermond recycled containerboard mill in the Netherlands, which will substantially reduce Group starch costs.


2013 Third Quarter & First Nine Months | Regional Performance Review




European revenue in the third quarter rose by EUR45 million year-on-year as a result of higher containerboard pricing and in spite of negative currency movements and somewhat weaker corrugated pricing year-on-year. Containerboard price increases, against the backdrop of stable OCC prices, provided a basis for some EBITDA margin improvement in Europe with margins increasing quarter on quarter to 13.8%, but still lower than the prior year. Compression in corrugated margins in the quarter was due to the usual time lag in passing through price increases.


Shipments for Europe benefited from an additional working day in the third quarter. On a same day basis total corrugated volumes still increased by almost 2% in the quarter. Within this, the Group's Polish, UK and Benelux corrugated operations performed strongly with adjusted volume growth of 10%, 7% and 4% respectively. In the year to September like-for-like box volumes have increased by 2% as a result of a mix of market share gains across the region and continued pan European business growth of 4% year-on-year. Sheet volumes, which account for less than 13% of total corrugated volumes, decreased by approximately 2% compared to the same period last year.


The industry successfully implemented a EUR40 per tonne recycled containerboard price increase in August following a sustained period of low margins and unacceptable returns. However, the market remained tight with European testliner inventories at the start of October at 473,000 tonnes, operating rates persisting at a high level and improved demand and a second round of price increases currently underway. SKG has announced a EUR30 per tonne increase effective from 1 November and is confident of a successful result given the supportive fundamentals in the grade.


Recovered fibre prices remained stable in the quarter and at a consistently high level throughout 2013. Industry commentators continue to believe that prices will trend upwards in coming years as global demand exceeds collection. This has been supported by events in 2013 to date, with a one million short ton addition to US recycled containerboard capacity, steady demand in Europe and a net increase in recycled containerboard capacity of approximately 600,000 tonnes in China outpacing growth in collection rates.


In kraftliner, the market has been performing well since the start of 2012 as a result of the closure of 7% of European production capacity and a decline in US imports year-on-year. Following price increases of EUR90 per tonne over the period, the grade came under some substitution pressure as a result of the increased spread to recycled containerboard. However, rising prices for testliner have reduced this spread to a more typical historical level of approximately EUR150 per tonne, at which level demand for the grade is robust. SKG is the European market leading producer of kraftliner with a net long 500,000 tonne position.


The Americas


In the Americas, revenue increased by EUR141 million and EBITDA by EUR35 million as a result of strong underlying volume and revenue growth throughout the region, in particular Venezuela, and the inclusion of the additional contribution from SKOC. An EBITDA margin of 19.7% is reported in the third quarter and 17.9% reported in the first nine months, within the historic range of margins for the region.


Colombian demand continues to show signs of recovery and corrugated volumes have grown by 2% within the market year to date, with strong growth in the country's flower market. Pricing was slightly lower year-on-year due to short term competitive pressures. However, the successful resolution of the farmers strike in August and second quarter GDP figures which were 4% higher on the prior year indicate an improving business environment for the remainder of the year.


Mexico's operations have performed well in the first nine months with 2% higher corrugated volumes in the year to date, improved pricing on 2012 levels and the delivery of synergy benefits between SK Mexico and SKOC operations. Within the country's containerboard operations specifically, performance is ahead of the prior year as a result of improved volumes and the benefit of improving Mexican containerboard pricing.


In spite of Venezuela continuing to experience significant inflationary pressures, and shortages of basic goods, the business is performing well in the year to date, due to its strong position in this market, and a lack of one off issues which affected the corrugated operations in 2012.


In Argentina the domestic market continues to experience low growth levels and challenging economic conditions. However, SKG's operations are performing satisfactorily, with year-on-year corrugated volume growth of 10% in the first nine months and progress in corrugated pricing despite relatively static containerboard pricing over the same period.


SKOC has performed very well over the course of the year and synergies are progressing in line with the Group's increased expectations. In packaging the business is focused on gaining share in the higher value added box market at the expense of sheet volumes in order to add more value and enhance margins. Further initiatives underway include labour cost reduction, process automation, distribution optimisation and constant fibre usage reduction. The Forney recycled mill continues to run well and containerboard volumes year to date have increased by 4% on 2012 levels. Containerboard pricing has benefited from the improved conditions in the US containerboard market.


The region continues to provide access to higher growth markets in spite of some economic headwinds in recent months, and the Group has stated its intention to seek to grow its operations in the region to at least 30% of revenue by 2015. This fundamental re-alignment of the Group will be carried out through measured acquisitions in targeted geographies, and consistent organic growth. This is made possible by SKG's unique position as the only large scale pan regional supplier in the region and its ability to leverage its global resources to drive future growth in the region.


Summary Cash Flow


Summary cash flows(1) for the third quarter and nine months are set out in the following table.

                                3 months to30-Sep-13EURm    Restated3 months to30-Sep-12EURm    9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
Pre-exceptional EBITDA          303                       279                               815                       777 
Exceptional items               (7)                       -                                 (24)                      - 
Cash interest expense           (50)                      (60)                              (158)                     (180) 
Working capital change          70                        6                                 (46)                      (91) 
Current provisions              (1)                       (2)                               (6)                       (8) 
Capital expenditure             (81)                      (54)                              (218)                     (180) 
Change in capital creditors     3                         (8)                               6                         (37) 
Tax paid                        (34)                      (35)                              (71)                      (82) 
Sale of fixed assets            1                         2                                 2                         13 
Other                           (14)                      (10)                              (38)                      (48) 
Free cash flow                  190                       118                               262                       164 
Share issues                    1                         8                                 5                         13 
Purchase of own shares          -                         -                                 (15)                      (13) 
Sale of businesses              -                         -                                 -                         1 
and investments 
Purchase of investments         -                         -                                 (5)                       (7) 
Dividends                       (1)                       (1)                               (51)                      (38) 
Derivative termination          -                         -                                 -                         (1) 
Net cash inflow                 190                       125                               196                       119 
Net                             -                         1                                 (1)                       1 
debt/cash acquired/disposed 
Deferred debt issue             (19)                      (4)                               (31)                      (14) 
costs amortised 
Currency translation            16                        23                                (2)                       6 
Decrease in net debt            187                       145                               162                       112 
(1)  The summary cash flow is prepared on a different basis to the 
     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows under IFRS. The principal 
     difference is that the summary cash flow details movements in 
     net  debt while the IFRS cash flow details movements in 
     cash and cash  equivalents. In addition, the IFRS cash flow has 
     different  sub-headings to those used in the summary cash 
     flow. A  reconciliation of the free cash flow to cash generated 
     from  operations in the IFRS cash low is set out below. 
                                                                           9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
Free cash flow                                                             262                       164 
Add back:     Cash interest                                                158                       180 
              Capital expenditure (net of change in capital creditors)     212                       217 
              Tax payments                                                 71                        82 
              Financing activities                                         2                         - 
Less:         Sale of fixed assets                                         (2)                       (13) 
              Profit on sale of assets and businesses - non exceptional    (4)                       (4) 
              Dividends received from associates                           (1)                       (1) 
              Receipt of capital grants                                    (1)                       - 
              Non-cash financing activities                                (4)                       (12) 
Cash generated from operations                                             693                       613 

Capital Resources


The Group's primary sources of liquidity are cash flow from operations and borrowings under the revolving credit facility. The Group's primary uses of cash are for debt service and capital expenditure.


At 30 September 2013, Smurfit Kappa Treasury Funding Limited had outstanding US$292.3 million 7.50% senior debentures due 2025. The Group had outstanding EUR200 million variable funding notes issued under the EUR250 million accounts receivable securitisation programme maturing in November 2015, together with EUR25 million variable funding notes issued under the EUR175 million accounts receivable securitisation programme maturing in April 2018.


Smurfit Kappa Acquisitions had outstanding EUR200 million 5.125% senior notes due 2018, US$300 million 4.875% senior notes due 2018, EUR400 million 4.125% senior notes due 2020 and EUR250 million senior floating rate notes due 2020. In addition, Smurfit Kappa Acquisitions had outstanding EUR500 million 7.25% senior notes due 2017 and EUR500 million 7.75% senior notes due 2019. Smurfit Kappa Acquisitions and certain subsidiaries are also party to a senior credit facility. At 30 September 2013, the Group's senior credit facility comprised a EUR741 million amortising Term A facility maturing in 2018. In addition, as at 30 September 2013, the facility included a EUR625 million revolving credit facility which was substantially undrawn apart from EUR19.9 million under various ancillary facilities and letters of credit.


The following table provides the range of interest rates as of 30 September 2013 for each of the drawings under the various senior credit facility term loans.

Term A Facility           EUR         2.378% - 2.475% 
                          USD         2.496% 

Borrowings under the revolving credit facility are available to fund the Group's working capital requirements, capital expenditures and other general corporate purposes.


On 24 July 2013, the Group successfully completed a new five-year unsecured EUR1,375 million refinancing of its senior credit facility comprising a EUR750 million term loan with a margin of 2.25% and a EUR625 million revolving credit facility with a margin of 2.00%. The term loan is repayable EUR125 million on 24 July 2016, EUR125 million 24 July 2017 with the balance of EUR500 million repayable on the maturity date. In connection with the refinancing, the collateral securing the obligations under the Group's various outstanding senior notes and debentures was also released and the senior notes and debentures are therefore now unsecured. The new unsecured senior credit facility is supported by substantially the same guarantee arrangements as the old senior credit facility. The existing senior notes and debentures likewise continue to have substantially similar guarantee arrangements as supported those instruments prior to the refinancing.


In addition, on 3 July 2013, the Group put in place a new five-year trade receivables securitisation programme of up to EUR175 million utilising the Group's receivables in Austria, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. The programme, which has been arranged by Rabobank and carries a margin of 1.70%, complements the Group's existing EUR250 million securitisation programme.


On 4 November 2013, the Group completed the redemption of its EUR500 million 7.25% senior notes due 2017, utilising cash and existing credit facilities arranged as part of the senior credit facility and trade receivables securitisation transactions.


Market Risk and Risk Management Policies


The Group is exposed to the impact of interest rate changes and foreign currency fluctuations due to its investing and funding activities and its operations in different foreign currencies. Interest rate risk exposure is managed by achieving an appropriate balance of fixed and variable rate funding. As at 30 September 2013, the Group had fixed an average of 76% of its interest cost on borrowings over the following twelve months. This reduces to 64% pro forma for the redemption of the EUR500 million 7.25% senior notes due 2017.


The Group's fixed rate debt comprised mainly EUR500 million 7.25% senior notes due 2017, EUR500 million 7.75% senior notes due 2019, EUR200 million 5.125% senior notes due 2018, US$300 million 4.875% senior notes due 2018 (US$50 million swapped to floating), EUR400 million 4.125% senior notes due 2020 and US$292.3 million 7.50% senior debentures due 2025. In addition the Group also has EUR610 million in interest rate swaps with maturity dates ranging from January 2014 to July 2014.


Market Risk and Risk Management Policies (continued)


The Group's earnings are affected by changes in short-term interest rates as a result of its floating rate borrowings. If LIBOR interest rates for these borrowings increase by one percent, the Group's interest expense would increase, and income before taxes would decrease, by approximately EUR10 million over the following twelve months. Interest income on the Group's cash balances would increase by approximately EUR7 million assuming a one percent increase in interest rates earned on such balances over the following twelve months.


The Group uses foreign currency borrowings, currency swaps, options and forward contracts in the management of its foreign currency exposures.


Principal Risks and Uncertainties


Risk assessment and evaluation is an integral part of the management process throughout the Group. Risks are identified, evaluated and appropriate risk management strategies are implemented at each level.


The key business risks are identified by the senior management team. The Board in conjunction with senior management identifies major business risks faced by the Group and determines the appropriate course of action to manage these risks.


The principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Group were outlined in our 2013 interim report on page 17. The interim report is available on our website www.smurfitkappa.com.


The principal risks and uncertainties remain substantially the same for the near term except for the following:

    -- The Group is exposed to currency exchange rate fluctuations and in 

addition, to currency exchange controls in Venezuela and Argentina. In

February 2013, the Venezuelan government announced the devaluation of

its currency, the Bolivar Fuerte, from VEF 4.3 per US dollar to VEF

6.3 per US dollar. As a result of the continuing political and

economic environment in Venezuela, most economic commentators believe

that there is a risk that a further devaluation to approximately VEF

10.0 per US dollar may occur in the early months of 2014. If the

Venezuelan Bolivar were to be devalued to an exchange rate of VEF 10.0

per US dollar, the estimated effect on the Group's balance sheet as at

30 September 2013 would be to record a reduction in its net assets of

approximately EUR133 million in relation to these operations and to

record a reduction in its cash balances of EUR55 million.


Consolidated Income Statement - Nine Months

                       9 months to 30-Sep-13                                        9 months to 30-Sep-12 
                       Unaudited                                                    Unaudited 
                       Pre-exceptional2013EURm    Exceptional2013EURm    Total2013EURm    Pre-exceptional2012EURm    Exceptional2012EURm    Total2012EURm 
Revenue                5,924                    -                    5,924          5,510                    -                    5,510 
Cost of sales          (4,196)                  (9)                  (4,205)        (3,919)                  -                    (3,919) 
Gross profit           1,728                    (9)                  1,719          1,591                    -                    1,591 
Distribution costs     (468)                    -                    (468)          (434)                    -                    (434) 
Administrative         (758)                    -                    (758)          (699)                    -                    (699) 
Other operating        2                        -                    2              25                       28                   53 
Other operating        -                        (25)                 (25)           -                        -                    - 
Operating profit       504                      (34)                 470            483                      28                   511 
Finance costs          (241)                    (22)                 (263)          (238)                    -                    (238) 
Finance income         15                       7                    22             11                       -                    11 
Share                  2                        -                    2              2                        -                    2 
of associates' 
profit (after tax) 
Profit before          280                      (49)                 231            258                      28                   286 
income tax 
Income tax expense                                                   (95)                                                         (96) 
Profit for the                                                       136                                                          190 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the                                                        128                                                          182 
Non-controlling                                                      8                                                            8 
Profit for the                                                       136                                                          190 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per                                                   56.1                                                         81.8 
share - cent 
Diluted earnings                                                     55.6                                                         80.0 
per share - cent 

Consolidated Income Statement - Third Quarter

                       3 months to 30-Sep-13                                         3 months to 30-Sep-12 
                       Unaudited                                                     Unaudited 
                       Pre-exceptional 2013EURm    Exceptional2013EURm    Total2013EURm    Pre-exceptional 2012EURm    Exceptional2012EURm    Total2012EURm 
Revenue                2,016                     -                    2,016          1,830                     -                    1,830 
Cost of sales          (1,411)                   -                    (1,411)        (1,295)                   -                    (1,295) 
Gross profit           605                       -                    605            535                       -                    535 
Distribution costs     (157)                     -                    (157)          (144)                     -                    (144) 
Administrative         (252)                     -                    (252)          (235)                     -                    (235) 
Other operating        -                         -                    -              24                        -                    24 
Other operating        -                         (1)                  (1)            -                         -                    - 
Operating profit       196                       (1)                  195            180                       -                    180 
Finance costs          (83)                      (16)                 (99)           (80)                      -                    (80) 
Finance income         7                         -                    7              2                         -                    2 
Share                  1                         -                    1              -                         -                    - 
of associates' 
profit (after tax) 
Profit before          121                       (17)                 104            102                       -                    102 
income tax 
Income tax expense                                                    (45)                                                          (24) 
Profit for the                                                        59                                                            78 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the                                                         55                                                            73 
Non-controlling                                                       4                                                             5 
Profit for the                                                        59                                                            78 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per                                                    24.0                                                          32.3 
share - cent 
Diluted earnings                                                      23.8                                                          31.6 
per share - cent 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income - Nine Months

                           9                         9 
                           months                    months 
                           to30-Sep-13UnauditedEURm    to30-Sep-12UnauditedEURm 
Profit for the             136                       190 
Other comprehensive 
Items that may 
reclassified to 
profit or loss 
Foreign currency 
- Arising in               (243)                     91 
the period 
- Recycled to              -                         (17) 
Income Statement 
on disposal of 
Effective portion of 
changes in fair 
value of cash 
flow hedges: 
- Movement out             13                        17 
of reserve 
- New fair value           (2)                       (6) 
into reserve 
- Movement in              (2)                       (1) 
deferred tax 
                           (234)                     84 
Items which will not 
be subsequently 
reclassified to profit 
or  loss 
Defined benefit 
pension plans: 
- Actuarial loss           (22)                      (136) 
- Movement in              2                         22 
deferred tax 
                           (20)                      (114) 
Total                      (254)                     (30) 
other comprehensive 
Total comprehensive        (118)                     160 
for the financial 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent       (94)                      142 
Non-controlling            (24)                      18 
Total comprehensive        (118)                     160 
for the financial 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income - Third Quarter

                                         3 months to30-Sep-13UnauditedEURm    Restated3 months to30-Sep-12UnauditedEURm 
Profit for the financial period          59                                 78 
Other comprehensive income: 
Items that may subsequently be 
reclassified to profit or loss 
Foreign currency translation 
- Arising in the period                  (31)                               4 
Effective portion of changes in fair 
value of cash flow hedges: 
- Movement out of reserve                (1)                                6 
- New fair value adjustments             2                                  (1) 
into reserve 
- Movement in deferred tax               (1)                                - 
                                         (31)                               9 
Items which will not be subsequently 
reclassified to profit or  loss 
Defined benefit pension plans: 
- Actuarial loss                         (14)                               (68) 
- Movement in deferred tax               -                                  13 
                                         (14)                               (55) 
Total other comprehensive expense        (45)                               (46) 
Total comprehensive income               14                                 32 
for the financial period 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                     15                                 33 
Non-controlling interests                (1)                                (1) 
Total comprehensive income               14                                 32 
for the financial period 

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                              30-Sep-13UnauditedEURm    Restated30-Sep-12UnauditedEURm    Restated31-Dec-12UnauditedEURm 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant               2,937                   2,958                           3,076 
and equipment 
Goodwill and intangible       2,300                   2,253                           2,336 
Available-for-sale            33                      32                              33 
financial assets 
Investment in                 16                      16                              16 
Biological assets             109                     123                             127 
Trade and other               5                       4                               4 
Derivative financial          -                       7                               1 
Deferred income               177                     162                             191 
tax assets 
                              5,577                   5,555                           5,784 
Current assets 
Inventories                   728                     698                             745 
Biological assets             10                      11                              6 
Trade and other               1,497                   1,472                           1,422 
Derivative financial          7                       9                               10 
Restricted cash               10                      11                              15 
Cash and cash                 684                     1,219                           447 
                              2,936                   3,420                           2,645 
Total assets                  8,513                   8,975                           8,429 
Capital and reserves 
to the owners of 
the parent 
Equity share capital          -                       -                               - 
Share premium                 1,977                   1,958                           1,972 
Other reserves                246                     472                             444 
Retained earnings             15                      (263)                           (159) 
Total equity attributable     2,238                   2,167                           2,257 
the owners of 
the parent 
Non-controlling               197                     209                             212 
Total equity                  2,435                   2,376                           2,469 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                    3,235                   3,193                           3,188 
Employee benefits             736                     776                             738 
Derivative financial          68                      70                              65 
Deferred income tax           201                     208                             211 
Non-current income            15                      12                              15 
tax liabilities 
Provisions for                49                      57                              57 
and charges 
Capital grants                11                      12                              12 
Other payables                9                       8                               9 
                              4,324                   4,336                           4,295 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                    89                      677                             66 
Trade and other               1,596                   1,518                           1,534 
Current income tax            19                      21                              4 
Derivative financial          37                      35                              43 
Provisions for                13                      12                              18 
and charges 
                              1,754                   2,263                           1,665 
Total liabilities             6,078                   6,599                           5,960 
Total equity and              8,513                   8,975                           8,429 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                        Attributable to the owners of the parent                                                      Non-controllinginterests    TotalequityEURm 
                        EquitysharecapitalEURm    SharepremiumEURm    OtherreservesEURm    RetainedearningsEURm    TotalEURm 
At 1 January 2013       -                       1,972             444                (159)                 2,257      212                         2,469 
Profit for the          -                       -                 -                  128                   128        8                           136 
Other comprehensive 
Foreign currency        -                       -                 (211)              -                     (211)      (32)                        (243) 
Defined benefit         -                       -                 -                  (20)                  (20)       -                           (20) 
pension plans 
Effective portion       -                       -                 9                  -                     9          -                           9 
of changes in 
fair value of cash 
flow hedges 
Total comprehensive     -                       -                 (202)              108                   (94)       (24)                        (118) 
for the financial 
Shares issued           -                       5                 -                  -                     5          -                           5 
Hyperinflation          -                       -                 -                  113                   113        13                          126 
Dividends paid          -                       -                 -                  (47)                  (47)       (4)                         (51) 
Share-based payment     -                       -                 19                 -                     19         -                           19 
Shares acquired by      -                       -                 (15)               -                     (15)       -                           (15) 
SKG Employee Trust 
At 30 September         -                       1,977             246                15                    2,238      197                         2,435 
At 1 January 2012       -                       1,945             391                (340)                 1,996      191                         2,187 
Profit for the          -                       -                 -                  182                   182        8                           190 
Other comprehensive 
Foreign currency        -                       -                 64                 -                     64         10                          74 
Defined benefit         -                       -                 -                  (114)                 (114)      -                           (114) 
pension plans 
Effective portion       -                       -                 10                 -                     10         -                           10 
of changes in 
fair value of cash 
flow hedges 
Total comprehensive     -                       -                 74                 68                    142        18                          160 
for the financial 
Shares issued           -                       13                -                  -                     13         -                           13 
Hyperinflation          -                       -                 -                  42                    42         5                           47 
Dividends paid          -                       -                 -                  (33)                  (33)       (5)                         (38) 
Share-based payment     -                       -                 20                 -                     20         -                           20 
Shares acquired by      -                       -                 (13)               -                     (13)       -                           (13) 
SKG Employee Trust 
At 30 September         -                       1,958             472                (263)                 2,167      209                         2,376 
An analysis of the 
movements in Other 
Reserves is 
in Note  13. 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

                                 9 months to30-Sep-13UnauditedEURm    Restated9 months to 
Cash flows from operating 
Profit before income tax         231                                286 
Net finance costs                241                                227 
Depreciation charge              256                                243 
Impairment of assets             9                                  - 
Amortisation of intangible       17                                 15 
Amortisation of                  (2)                                (1) 
capital grants 
Share-based payment expense      19                                 20 
Profit on purchase/sale of       (5)                                (29) 
assets and businesses 
Share of associates'             (2)                                (2) 
profit (after tax) 
Net movement in working          (47)                               (105) 
Change in biological assets      19                                 16 
Change in employee benefits      (39)                               (61) 
and other provisions 
Other                            (4)                                4 
Cash generated from              693                                613 
Interest paid                    (143)                              (169) 
Income taxes paid: 
Irish corporation tax paid       (2)                                - 
Overseas corporation             (69)                               (82) 
tax (net 
of tax refunds) paid 
Net cash inflow from             479                                362 
operating activities 
Cash flows from investing 
Interest received                4                                  5 
Additions to property,           (207)                              (211) 
plant and 
equipment and biological 
Additions to intangible          (5)                                (5) 
Receipt of capital grants        1                                  - 
Decrease in restricted cash      5                                  1 
Disposal of property,            6                                  17 
plant and equipment 
Dividends received               1                                  1 
from associates 
Purchase of subsidiaries and     (3)                                (5) 
non-controlling interests 
Deferred consideration paid      (3)                                (1) 
Net cash outflow from            (201)                              (198) 
investing activities 
Cash flows from financing 
Proceeds from issue of           5                                  13 
new ordinary shares 
Proceeds from bond issuance      400                                688 
Purchase of own shares           (15)                               (13) 
Increase in interest-bearing     67                                 - 
Payment of finance leases        (4)                                (6) 
Repayment of borrowings          (391)                              (416) 
Derivative termination           -                                  (1) 
Deferred debt issue costs        (24)                               (23) 
Dividends paid to                (47)                               (33) 
Dividends paid to                (4)                                (5) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow        (13)                               204 
financing activities 
Increase in cash and             265                                368 
cash equivalents 
Reconciliation of opening 
to closing 
cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents        423                                825 
at 1 January 
Currency translation             (26)                               9 
Increase in cash and             265                                368 
cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents        662                                1,202 
at 30 September 

An analysis of the Net Movement in Working Capital is provided in Note 11.


1.General Information


Smurfit Kappa Group plc ('SKG plc' or 'the Company') and its subsidiaries (together 'SKG' or 'the Group') manufacture, distribute and sell containerboard, corrugated containers and other paper-based packaging products such as solidboard and graphicboard. The Company is a public limited company whose shares are publicly traded. It is incorporated and tax resident in Ireland. The address of its registered office is Beech Hill, Clonskeagh, Dublin 4, Ireland.


2.Basis of Preparation


The annual consolidated financial statements of SKG plc are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') and adopted by the European Union ('EU'); and, in accordance with Irish law.


The financial information presented in this report has been prepared in accordance with the Transparency Regulations requirement to publish an interim management statement during the second six months of the financial year. The Transparency Regulations do not require interim management statements to be prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Information, ('IAS 34'). Accordingly the Group has not prepared this financial information in accordance with IAS 34.


The financial information has been prepared in accordance with the Group's accounting policies. Full details of the accounting policies adopted by the Group are contained in the financial statements included in the Group's Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2012 which is available on the Group's website www.smurfitkappa.com. The accounting policies and methods of computation and presentation adopted in the preparation of the Group financial information are consistent with those described and applied in the Annual Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2012 with the exception of the standards described below.


IAS 19 Revised


The IASB has issued a number of amendments to IAS 19, Employee Benefits, which became effective for the Group from 1 January 2013. The main effect on the Group financial statements stems from the removal of the concept of expected return on plan assets. As a result the expected return on plan assets is now calculated using the same discount rate as that used to determine the present value of plan liabilities. The difference between the implied return and the actual return on assets is recognised in other comprehensive income. As required, the amendments have been applied retrospectively in accordance with IAS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. The effects of the restatement of prior period financial information are detailed in Note 7.


Amendments to IAS 1


The amended IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements, requires the grouping of items of other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss at a future point in time separately from those items which will never be reclassified. The revised standard, which has been adopted by the Group with effect from 1 January 2013, affects presentation only and does not impact the Group's financial position or performance.


There are a number of other changes to IFRS issued and effective from 1 January 2013 which include IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 11, Joint Arrangements, IFRS 12, Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities, IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement, IAS 27, Separate Financial Statements, and IAS 28, Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures. They either do not have an effect on the consolidated financial statements or they are not currently relevant for the Group.


The condensed interim Group financial information includes all adjustments that management considers necessary for a fair presentation of such financial information. All such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature. Some tables in this report may not add precisely due to rounding.


2.Basis of Preparation (continued)


The condensed interim Group financial information presented does not constitute full group accounts within the meaning of Regulation 40(1) of the European Communities (Companies: Group Accounts) Regulations, 1992 of Ireland insofar as such group accounts would have to comply with all of the disclosure and other requirements of those Regulations. Full Group accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012 have been filed with the Irish Registrar of Companies. The audit report on those Group accounts was unqualified.


3.Segmental Analyses


The Group has determined reportable operating segments based on the manner in which reports are reviewed by the chief operating decision maker ('CODM'). The CODM is determined to be the executive management team in assessing performance, allocating resources and making strategic decisions. Prior to the acquisition of Orange County Container Group ('OCCG'), the two business segments identified were Europe and Latin America. Because of the high level of integration between OCCG and our existing operations in Mexico, OCCG was included with our existing Latin American operations which were renamed as the Americas. OCCG has been renamed as Smurfit Kappa Orange County ('SKOC').


The Europe segment is highly integrated. It includes a system of mills and plants that primarily produces a full line of containerboard that is converted into corrugated containers. The Americas segment comprises all forestry, paper, corrugated and folding carton activities in a number of Latin American countries and the operations of SKOC. Inter-segment revenue is not material. No operating segments have been aggregated for disclosure purposes.


Segment disclosures are based on operating segments identified under IFRS 8. Segment profit is measured based on earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, exceptional items and share-based payment expense ('EBITDA before exceptional items'). Segment assets consist primarily of property, plant and equipment, biological assets, goodwill and intangible assets, inventories, trade and other receivables, deferred income tax assets and cash and cash equivalents. Group centre assets are comprised primarily of available-for-sale financial assets, derivative financial assets, deferred income tax assets, cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash.

                 9 months to 30-Sep-13                   Restated9 months to 30-Sep-12 
                 EuropeEURm    TheAmericasEURm    TotalEURm    EuropeEURm    TheAmericasEURm    TotalEURm 
Revenue          4,475       1,449            5,924      4,478       1,032            5,510 
EBITDA           580         259              839        641         160              801 
Segment          (6)         (19)             (25)       28          -                28 
EBITDA           574         240              814        669         160              829 
Unallocated                                   (24)                                    (24) 
Share-based                                   (19)                                    (20) 
Depreciation                                  (275)                                   (259) 
Amortisation                                  (17)                                    (15) 
Impairment                                    (9)                                     - 
of assets 
Finance                                       (263)                                   (238) 
Finance                                       22                                      11 
Share                                         2                                       2 
Profit                                        231                                     286 
income tax 
Income tax                                    (95)                                    (96) 
Profit for                                    136                                     190 
Segment          6,091       1,845            7,936      6,199       1,626            7,825 
Investments      2           14               16         2           14               16 
Group                                         561                                     1,134 
Total                                         8,513                                   8,975 

3.Segmental Analyses (continued)

                 3 months to 30-Sep-13                   Restated3 months to 30-Sep-12 
                 EuropeEURm    TheAmericasEURm    TotalEURm    EuropeEURm    TheAmericasEURm    TotalEURm 
Revenue          1,519       497              2,016      1,474       356              1,830 
EBITDA           209         98               307        225         63               288 
Segment          -           (1)              (1)        -           -                - 
EBITDA           209         97               306        225         63               288 
Unallocated                                   (4)                                     (9) 
Share-based                                   (7)                                     (6) 
Depreciation                                  (94)                                    (88) 
Amortisation                                  (6)                                     (5) 
Finance                                       (99)                                    (80) 
Finance                                       7                                       2 
Share                                         1                                       - 
Profit                                        104                                     102 
income tax 
Income tax                                    (45)                                    (24) 
Profit for                                    59                                      78 

4.Exceptional Items

The following items       9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
are regarded 
as exceptional 
in nature: 
Gain on disposal          -                         28 
of assets 
and operations 
Currency trading loss     (16)                      - 
on Venezuelan 
Bolivar devaluation 
Impairment loss           (9)                       - 
on property, 
plant and equipment 
Reorganisation and        (7)                       - 
Business acquisition      (2)                       - 
Exceptional items         (34)                      28 
in operating profit 
Exceptional finance       (22)                      - 
Exceptional finance       7                         - 
Exceptional items         (15)                      - 
in net finance costs 

Exceptional items charged within operating profit in the nine months to 30 September 2013 amounted to EUR34 million, EUR15 million of which related to the temporary closure of the Townsend Hook mill in the UK (comprising an impairment charge of EUR9 million and reorganisation and restructuring costs of EUR6 million). A further EUR1 million of reorganisation costs related to the consolidation of the Group's two plants in Juarez, Mexico, into one plant. A currency trading loss of EUR16 million was recorded as a result of the devaluation of the Venezuelan Bolivar in February 2013, comprising EUR12 million booked in the first quarter and an adjustment of EUR4 million for hyperinflation and re-translation at the 30 September exchange rate. The original loss reflected the higher cost to the Venezuelan operations of discharging its non-Bolivar denominated net payables following the devaluation. Business acquisition costs of EUR2 million related to the acquisition of SKOC.


4.Exceptional Items (continued)


Exceptional finance costs in the nine months to 30September 2013 comprised a charge of EUR22 million in respect of the accelerated amortisation of debt issue costs relating to the senior credit facility, following its early repayment. In the first quarter, a charge of EUR6 million was booked following the repayment of part of the facility from the proceeds of January's EUR400 million bond issue. A further charge of EUR16 million was booked in the third quarter as a result of the repayment of the remainder of the facility, following its refinancing.


Exceptional finance income in the nine months to 30 September 2013 amounted to EUR7 million and comprised a gain of EUR6 million in Venezuela on the value of US dollar denominated intra-group loans following the devaluation of the Bolivar and an additional EUR1 million due to its subsequent adjustment for hyperinflation and re-translation.


In 2012, the Group reported an exceptional gain of EUR28 million in relation to the disposal of assets and operations. This comprised EUR10 million in respect of the sale of land at SKG's former Valladolid mill in Spain (operation closed in 2008), together with EUR18 million relating to the disposal of a company in Slovakia. This gain primarily related to the reclassification (under IFRS) of the cumulative translation differences from the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income to the Consolidated Income Statement.


5.Finance Cost and Income

                                 9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
Finance cost: 
Interest payable on bank         56                        97 
loans and overdrafts 
Interest payable on              -                         1 
finance leases 
and hire purchase contracts 
Interest payable on              114                       102 
other borrowings 
Exceptional finance              22                        - 
costs associated 
with debt restructuring 
Unwinding discount element       1                         1 
of provision 
Foreign currency translation     4                         5 
loss on debt 
Fair value loss                  5                         1 
on derivatives 
not designated as hedges 
Net interest cost on net         20                        22 
pension liability 
Net monetary loss                41                        9 
- hyperinflation 
Total finance cost               263                       238 
Finance income: 
Other interest receivable        (4)                       (5) 
Foreign currency translation     (8)                       (4) 
gain on debt 
Exceptional foreign currency     (7)                       - 
translation gain 
Fair value gain                  (3)                       (2) 
on derivatives 
not designated as hedges 
Total finance income             (22)                      (11) 
Net finance cost                 241                       227 

6.Income Tax Expense


Income tax expense recognised in the Consolidated Income Statement

                            9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
Current tax: 
Europe                      36                        40 
The Americas                49                        28 
                            85                        68 
Deferred tax                10                        28 
Income tax expense          95                        96 
Current tax is analysed 
as follows: 
Ireland                     4                         3 
Foreign                     81                        65 
                            85                        68 

Income tax recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                              9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
Arising on actuarial loss     (2)                       (22) 
on defined benefit plans 
Arising on qualifying         2                         1 
cash flow hedges 
                              -                         (21) 

While the income tax expense is broadly unchanged in total year-on-year, there are a number of underlying offsetting items including a change in the geographical mix of earnings and the presence of SKOC in 2013 only. In 2013 there have been lower asset sales and increased exceptional expense which have contributed to lower taxable profits compared to 2012. The deferred tax expense also includes a net credit from the additional recognition of accumulated tax losses.


There is a tax credit associated with exceptional items in 2013 of EUR7 million compared to a EUR2 million tax expense in 2012.


7.Employee Benefits - Defined Benefit Plans


The table below sets out the components of the defined benefit cost for the period:

                             9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
Current service cost         39                        25 
Past service cost            1                         - 
Gain on curtailment          -                         (12) 
Net interest cost on net     20                        22 
pension liability 
Defined benefit cost         60                        35 

Included in cost of sales, distribution costs and administrative expenses is a defined benefit cost of EUR40 million (2012: EUR13 million). Net interest cost on net pension liability of EUR20 million (2012: EUR22 million) is included in finance costs in the Consolidated Income Statement.


The amounts recognised in the Consolidated Balance Sheet were as follows:

                                         30-Sep-13EURm    Restated31-Dec-12EURm 
Present value of funded or partially     (1,835)        (1,832) 
funded obligations 
Fair value of plan assets                1,597          1,598 
Deficit in funded or partially           (238)          (234) 
funded plans 
Present value of wholly                  (498)          (504) 
unfunded obligations 
Net pension liability                    (736)          (738) 

The employee benefits provision has decreased from EUR738 million at 31 December 2012 to EUR736 million at 30 September 2013.


Restatement of prior periods in accordance with IAS 19


The Group adopted IAS 19 (as revised) from 1 January 2013. In accordance with the previous version of IAS 19, the Consolidated Income Statement included an interest cost based on present value calculations of projected pension payments and finance income based on the expected rates of income generated by plan assets. Generally the rate of expected income on plan assets exceeded the discount rate used in calculating the interest cost. Under the revised standard the interest cost and expected return on plan assets have been replaced with a net interest amount and the rate of return on plan assets is calculated using the same discount rate as that used to determine the present value of plan liabilities. The difference between the lower rate of return on plan assets and the actual return on assets is recognised in other comprehensive income, largely offsetting the higher net interest cost in the income statement. There are other minor changes which the Group have allowed for but they do not have a material effect on the financial statements.


The revised standard has been applied retrospectively in accordance with the transitional provisions of the standard, resulting in the adjustment of prior year financial information. The effects of adoption on previously reported financial information are shown in the following table.


7.Employee Benefits - Defined Benefit Plans (continued)

                    PreviouslyreportedEURm    AdjustmentsEURm    RestatedEURm 
As at 1 January 
Employee            655                     1                656 
- non-current 
Provisions for 
and charges - 
liabilities         55                      (2)              53 
Deferred income     177                     -                177 
tax assets 
Retained            (341)                   1                (340) 
As at and for 
the year 
ended 31 
Employee            737                     1                738 
- non-current 
Provisions for      59                      (2)              57 
and charges 
- non-current 
Deferred income     191                     -                191 
tax assets 
Retained            (160)                   1                (159) 
Cost of sales       (5,238)                 (2)              (5,240) 
Administrative      (938)                   (2)              (940) 
Finance costs       (399)                   71               (328) 
Finance income      93                      (79)             14 
Profit before       331                     (12)             319 
income tax 
Income tax          (71)                    3                (68) 
Profit for the      260                     (9)              251 
financial year 
Attributable        249                     (9)              240 
to owners 
of the parent 
Basic earnings      111.2                   (4.3)            106.9 
share - cent 
Diluted             108.3                   (4.1)            104.2 
per share 
- cent 
Defined benefit 
pension plans: 
- Actuarial         (108)                   12               (96) 
- Movement in       19                      (3)              16 
deferred tax 
As at and 
for the 
nine months 
30 September 
Employee            775                     1                776 
- non-current 
Provisions for      59                      (2)              57 
and charges 
- non-current 
Deferred income     162                     -                162 
tax assets 
Retained            (264)                   1                (263) 
Cost of sales       (3,917)                 (2)              (3,919) 
Administrative      (698)                   (1)              (699) 
Finance costs       (292)                   54               (238) 
Finance income      71                      (60)             11 
Profit before       295                     (9)              286 
income tax 
Income tax          (98)                    2                (96) 
Profit for the      197                     (7)              190 
Attributable        189                     (7)              182 
to owners 
of the parent 
Basic earnings      84.9                    (3.1)            81.8 
share - cent 
Diluted             83.1                    (3.1)            80.0 
per share 
- cent 
Defined benefit 
pension plans: 
- Actuarial         (145)                   9                (136) 
- Movement in       24                      (2)              22 
deferred tax 

8.Earnings Per Share




Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to the owners of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

                              9 months to30-Sep-13    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12 
Profit attributable           128                     182 
to the owners 
of the parent (EUR million) 
Weighted average number       229                     223 
of ordinary 
shares in issue (million) 
Basic earnings per            56.1                    81.8 
share (cent) 



Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares which comprise convertible shares issued under the management equity plans.

                                9 months to30-Sep-13    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12 
Profit attributable             128                     182 
to the owners 
of the parent (EUR million) 
Weighted average number         229                     223 
of ordinary 
shares in issue (million) 
Potential dilutive ordinary     2                       5 
shares assumed (million) 
Diluted weighted                231                     228 
average ordinary 
shares (million) 
Diluted earnings                55.6                    80.0 
per share (cent) 


                               9 months to30-Sep-13    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12 
Profit attributable            128                     182 
to the owners 
of the parent (EUR million) 
Exceptional items included     49                      (28) 
in profit before 
income tax (Note 
4) (EUR  million) 
Income tax on exceptional      (7)                     2 
items (EUR million) 
Pre-exceptional profit         170                     156 
attributable to 
the owners of the parent 
(EUR  million) 
Weighted average number        229                     223 
of ordinary 
shares in issue (million) 
Pre-exceptional                74.5                    70.0 
basic earnings 
per share (cent) 
Diluted weighted               231                     228 
average ordinary 
shares (million) 
Pre-exceptional diluted        73.8                    68.5 
per share (cent) 



In May, the final dividend for 2012 of 20.5 cent per share was paid to the holders of ordinary shares. In October, an interim dividend for 2013 of 10.25 cent per share was paid to the holders of ordinary shares.


10.Property, Plant and Equipment

                      Land andbuildingsEURm    Plant             TotalEURm 
Nine months 
ended 30 
September 2013 
Opening net book      1,119                  1,957             3,076 
Reclassifications     29                     (37)              (8) 
Additions             5                      193               198 
Acquisitions          -                      1                 1 
Depreciation          (37)                   (219)             (256) 
for the period 
Impairments           (2)                    (7)               (9) 
Retirements and       (1)                    (1)               (2) 
Hyperinflation        28                     28                56 
Foreign currency      (52)                   (67)              (119) 
At 30 September       1,089                  1,848             2,937 
Year ended 31 
Opening net book      1,115                  1,858             2,973 
Reclassifications     10                     (15)              (5) 
Additions             13                     247               260 
Acquisitions          1                      118               119 
Depreciation          (44)                   (288)             (332) 
for the year 
Retirements and       (5)                    (2)               (7) 
Hyperinflation        17                     19                36 
Foreign currency      12                     20                32 
At 31 December        1,119                  1,957             3,076 

11.Net Movement in Working Capital

                      9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
Change                (19)                      5 
in inventories 
Change in trade       (130)                     (123) 
other receivables 
Change in trade       102                       13 
other payables 
Net movement          (47)                      (105) 
in working 

12.Analysis of Net Debt

                                                30-Sep-13EURm    31-Dec-12EURm 
Senior credit facility: 
Revolving credit facility(1)- interest          -              (7) 
at relevant  interbank rate + 3.25% 
Tranche B term loan(2a)- interest at            -              550 
relevant interbank  rate + 3.625% 
Tranche C term loan(2b)- interest at            -              556 
relevant interbank  rate + 3.875% 
Unsecured senior credit facility: 
Revolving credit facility B(3)- interest        (7)            - 
at relevant  interbank rate + 2%(7) 
Term facility A(4)- interest at relevant        741            - 
interbank rate  + 2.25%(7) 
US$292.3 million 7.50% senior debentures        221            222 
due 2025 (including accrued  interest) 
Bank loans and overdrafts                       74             65 
Cash                                            (694)          (462) 
2015 receivables securitisation                 198            197 
variable funding notes 
2018 receivables securitisation                 23             - 
variable funding notes 
EUR500 million 7.25% senior notes due             503            492 
2017 (including accrued interest) 
2018 senior notes (including                    413            423 
accrued interest)(5) 
EUR500 million 7.75% senior notes due             504            494 
2019 (including accrued interest) 
EUR400 million 4.125% senior notes due            396            - 
2020 (including accrued  interest) 
EUR250 million senior floating rate notes due     247            247 
2020 (including accrued  interest)(6) 
Net debt before finance leases                  2,619          2,777 
Finance leases                                  4              8 
Net debt including leases                       2,623          2,785 
Balance of revolving credit facility            7              7 
reclassified to debtors 
Net debt after reclassification                 2,630          2,792 
(1)     Revolving credit facility ('RCF') of EUR525 million (available 
        under  the senior credit facility) to be repaid in 2016. 
        This was repaid on 24 July 2013. 
(2a)    Tranche B term loan due to be repaid in 2016. 
        EUR193.9 million prepaid January - April 2013. 
        The remaining loans  were fully repaid 
        on 24 July 2013 from the proceeds of the 
        unsecured  senior credit facility. 
(2b)    Tranche C term loan due to be repaid in full in 2017. 
        EUR197.1 million prepaid January - April 2013. 
        The remaining loans  were fully repaid 
        on 24 July 2013 from the proceeds of the 
        unsecured  senior credit facility. 
(3)     Revolving credit facility B ('RCF 
        B') of EUR625 million (available 
        under the unsecured senior credit 
        facility) to be repaid in 2018. 
(a)     Revolver loans - nil, (b) drawn under ancillary facilities 
        and  facilities supported by letters of 
        credit - nil and (c) other  operational facilities 
        including letters of credit EUR19.9 million. 
(4)     Facility A term loan ('Facility A') due to be repaid 
        in certain  instalments from 2016 to 2018. 
(5)     EUR200 million 5.125% senior notes due 2018 and US$300 
        million 4.875%  senior notes due 2018. 
(6)     Interest at EURIBOR + 3.5%. 
(7)     The margins applicable to the unsecured senior 
        credit facility are  determined as follows: 
      Net debt/EBITDA ratio                        RCF B    Facility A 
      Greater than 3.0 : 1                         2.50%    2.75% 
      3.0 : 1 or less but more than 2.5 : 1        2.00%    2.25% 
      2.5 : 1 or less but more than 2.0 : 1        1.75%    2.00% 
      2.0 : 1 or less                              1.50%    1.75% 

13.Other Reserves


Other reserves included in the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity are comprised of the following:

                                     ReverseacquisitionreserveEURm    CashflowhedgingreserveEURm    ForeigncurrencytranslationreserveEURm    Share-basedpaymentreserveEURm    OwnsharesEURm    Available-for-salereserveEURm    TotalEURm 
At 1 January 2013                    575                            (26)                        (198)                                  105                            (13)           1                              444 
Other comprehensive income 
Foreign currency translation         -                              -                           (211)                                  -                              -              -                              (211) 
Effective portion of changes in      -                              9                           -                                      -                              -              -                              9 
fair value of cash flow hedges 
Total other comprehensive            -                              9                           (211)                                  -                              -              -                              (202) 
Share-based payment                  -                              -                           -                                      19                             -              -                              19 
Shares acquired by                   -                              -                           -                                      -                              (15)           -                              (15) 
SKG Employee Trust 
At 30 September 2013                 575                            (17)                        (409)                                  124                            (28)           1                              246 
At 1 January 2012                    575                            (35)                        (228)                                  79                             -              -                              391 
Other comprehensive income 
Foreign currency translation         -                              -                           64                                     -                              -              -                              64 
Effective portion of changes in      -                              10                          -                                      -                              -              -                              10 
fair value of cash flow hedges 
Total other comprehensive income     -                              10                          64                                     -                              -              -                              74 
Share-based payment                  -                              -                           -                                      20                             -              -                              20 
Shares acquired by                   -                              -                           -                                      -                              (13)           -                              (13) 
SKG Employee Trust 
At 30 September 2012                 575                            (25)                        (164)                                  99                             (13)           -                              472 





As discussed more fully in the Group's 2012 annual report, Venezuela became hyperinflationary during 2009 when its cumulative inflation rate for the past three years exceeded 100%. As a result, the Group applied the hyperinflationary accounting requirements of IAS 29 - Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies to its Venezuelan operations at 31 December 2009 and for all subsequent accounting periods.


The index used to reflect current values is derived from a combination of Banco Central de Venezuela's National Consumer Price Index from its initial publication in December 2007 and the Consumer Price Index for the metropolitan area of Caracas for earlier periods. The level of and movement in the price index at September 2013 and 2012 are as follows:

                        30-Sep-13    30-Sep-12 
Index at period end     442.3        296.1 
Movement in period      38.7%        11.5% 

14.Venezuela (continued)


As a result of the entries recorded in respect of hyperinflationary accounting under IFRS, the Consolidated Income Statement is impacted as follows: Revenue EUR28 million increase (2012: EUR10 million increase), pre-exceptional EBITDA EUR5 million increase (2012: EUR4 million decrease) and profit after taxation EUR62 million decrease (2012: EUR31 million decrease). In 2013, a net monetary loss of EUR41 million (2012: EUR9 million loss) was recorded in the Consolidated Income Statement. The impact on our net assets and our total equity is an increase of EUR70 million (2012: EUR17 million increase).




On 8 February 2013, the Venezuelan government announced the devaluation of its currency, the Bolivar Fuerte and the termination of the SITME transaction system. The official exchange rate was changed from VEF 4.3 per US dollar to VEF 6.3 per US dollar. As a result of the devaluation the Group recorded a reduction in net assets of approximately EUR142 million in relation to these operations and a reduction in the euro value of the Group's cash balances of EUR28 million.


As a result of the continuing political and economic environment in Venezuela, most economic commentators believe that there is a risk that a further devaluation to approximately VEF 10.0 per US dollar may occur in the early months of 2014. If the Venezuelan Bolivar were to be devalued to an exchange rate of VEF 10.0 per US dollar, the estimated effect on the Group's balance sheet as at 30 September 2013 would be to record a reduction in its net assets of approximately EUR133 million in relation to these operations and to record a reduction in its cash balances of EUR55 million.


15.Post Balance Sheet Events


On 4 November 2013, the Group completed the redemption of its EUR500 million 7.25% senior notes due 2017, utilising cash and existing credit facilities arranged as part of the senior credit facility and trade receivables securitisation transactions.


Supplementary Financial Information


EBITDA before exceptional items and share-based payment expense is denoted by EBITDA in the following schedules for ease of reference.


Reconciliation of Profit to EBITDA

                                 3 months to30-Sep-13EURm    Restated3 months to30-Sep-12EURm    9 months to30-Sep-13EURm    Restated9 months to30-Sep-12EURm 
Profit for the financial         59                        78                                136                       190 
Income tax expense               45                        24                                95                        96 
Gain on disposal of assets       -                         -                                 -                         (28) 
and operations 
Currency trading loss            1                         -                                 16                        - 
on Venezuelan 
Bolivar devaluation 
Impairment loss on property,     -                         -                                 9                         - 
plant and equipment 
Reorganisation and               -                         -                                 7                         - 
Business acquisition costs       -                         -                                 2                         - 
Share of associates'             (1)                       -                                 (2)                       (2) 
profit (after tax) 
Net finance costs                92                        78                                241                       227 
Share-based payment expense      7                         6                                 19                        20 
Depreciation, depletion          100                       93                                292                       274 
(net) and amortisation 
EBITDA                           303                       279                               815                       777 

Supplementary Historical Financial Information

EURm              Q3, 2012    Q4, 2012    FY, 2012    Q1, 2013    Q2, 2013    Q3, 2013 
Group           2,944       2,951       11,896      3,080       3,285       3,319 
Third           1,830       1,824       7,335       1,889       2,019       2,016 
EBITDA          279         239         1,016       241         271         303 
EBITDA          15.2%       13.1%       13.8%       12.7%       13.4%       15.0% 
Operating       180         119         630         126         148         195 
Profit          102         33          319         57          70          104 
Free            118         118         282         (23)        95          190 
Basic           32.3        25.2        106.9       14.4        17.7        24.0 
Weighted        223         226         224         228         229         229 
Net             2,640       2,792       2,792       2,871       2,817       2,630 
Net             2.59        2.75        2.75        2.84        2.74        2.50 
This information is provided by Business Wire 
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