RNS Number : 2617O

Tejoori Limited

05 February 2016

5 February 2016

Tejoori Limited

("Tejoori" or the "Company")

Interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2015

The Board of Tejoori (AIM: TJI), the Dubai-based Shari'a-compliant investment company, is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the six months 31 December 2015.

For further information:

 Tejoori Limited           Tel: +971 4 2839316 
 Abdullah Lootah, CEO      ceo@tejooriltd.ae 
 Allenby Capital Limited   Tel: +44 (0)203 328 5656 
 (Nominated Adviser 
  and Broker) 
 Nick Athanas/James 

Chairman's Statement

Welcome to the results of Tejoori Limited, the Dubai-based Shari'a compliant investment company, for the six month period ending 31 December 2015.

Financial Performance during the Period

As at 31 December 2015, the Company had cash available for investment of USD 3,518,716 (31 December 2014: USD 3,598,746). As at 31 December 2015, USD 2,800,825 of the cash available for investment was placed on short term wakala deposits which carry a profit rate of 5% per annum. During the period under review Tejoori generated income of USD 53,205 from these wakala deposits (six months ended 31 December 2014: USD 77,226) and recorded a net loss of USD 29,296 (six months ended 31 December 2014: net profit of USD 26,481).

Existing Investments

Arjan Plots

The Board has continued to assess its options for the Group's interest in three plots in Arjan. These include the potential of selling the assets or initiating developments on the plots. The Board is seeking to evaluate and select the option which would provide maximum returns for shareholders and hopes to be in a position to update the shareholders in the future.


As at 31 December 2015 Tejoori retained a 10.1% shareholding in BEKON Holding AG ("BEKON"). BEKON specialises in the construction and operation of batch biogas plants for the generation of electricity from waste, as well as the production of compost and organic fertilizer. Despite all the challenges that BEKON has faced, the Board remains confident of the future prospects of this investment.

We will keep our shareholders updated on our developments.


With positive outlook we hope to be able to continue improving the performance of Company. Any future investment by Tejoori will be made with a view to have higher potential returns for the shareholders.

Khalid Al Nasser

Chairman of Board

5 February 2016

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

as at December 31 2015

                                                December       December 
                                   ------  -------------  ------------- 
                                    Notes           2015           2014 
                                   ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Assets                                              USD            USD 
 Cash and bank balances               1          717,890          8,716 
 Wakala deposits                      2        2,800,825      3,590,030 
 Trade and other receivables          3        3,741,500      3,741,500 
 Other assets                         4           19,452         28,225 
 Available-for-Sale Investment        5        3,350,000      4,500,000 
 Investment in properties             6       13,912,681     16,460,040 
 Total assets                                 24,542,348     28,328,511 
                                           =============  ============= 
 Current liabilities 
 Due to a shareholder                 7          877,200        877,200 
 Trade and other payables             8          514,482        532,182 
 Total current liabilities                     1,390,420      1,409,382 
                                           -------------  ------------- 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Share Capital                        9          277,089        277,089 
 Share premium                       9.1      41,286,207     41,286,207 
 Fair value reserve                                    0        460,000 
 Accumulated losses                         (18,412,630)   (15,089,167) 
 Total equity                                 23,150,666     26,919,129 
                                           -------------  ------------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                 24,542,348     28,328,511 
                                           =============  ============= 

These financial statements were approved for issue by the Board of Directors of the company on 5 February 2016 and signed on its behalf by:

________________ ________________

Director Director

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

as at December 31 2015

                                        December   December 
                               ------  ---------  --------- 
                                Notes       2015       2014 
                               ------  ---------  --------- 
                                             USD        USD 
 Return On Wakala deposits       10       53,205     77,226 
 Total Income                             53,205     77,226 
                                       =========  ========= 
 Administrative and other 
  operating expenses             11     (82,500)   (50,745) 
                                        (82,500)   (50,745) 
                                       ---------  --------- 
 (Loss) for the year                    (29,296)     26,481 
 Total comprehensive loss 
  for the year                          (29,296)     26,481 
                                       =========  ========= 
 Earning per share-basic                  0.0015     0.0015 
 Earning per share-diluted                0.0015     0.0015 

Statement of changes in shareholders' equity

                                     Share              Share         Fair value         Accumulated             Total 
                                   capital            premium            reserve              losses            Equity 
                                       USD                USD                USD                 USD               USD 
 Balance at 1 Jul 2014             277,089         41,286,207            460,000         -15,131,648        26,892,648 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year 
 Profit for the year                     -                  -                  -          -3,251,686        -3,251,686 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income for the year                                                   -1150000                              -1150000 
 Change in the fair 
  value of available 
  for sale financial 
  assets                                 -                  -            690,000                   -           690,000 
                                ----------       ------------     --------------      --------------     ------------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income for the year                    -                  -          (460,000)                   -         (460,000) 
                                ----------       ------------     --------------      --------------     ------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year                    -                  -          (460,000)         (3,251,686)       (3,711,686) 
                              ------------   ----------------   ----------------   -----------------   --------------- 
 Balance at 30 Jun 2015            277,089         41,286,207                  0         -18,383,334        23,180,962 
                                  ========           ========           ========            ========          ======== 
 Balance at 1 Jun 2015             277,089         41,286,207                  0         -18,383,334        23,180,962 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year 
 Profit for the year                     -                  -                  -             -29,296           -29,296 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income for the year 
 Change in the fair 
  value of available 
  for sale financial 
  assets                                 -                  -                  0                   -                 0 
 Net amount transferred 
  to profit or loss                                                            0                                     0 
                               -----------       ------------     --------------      --------------     ------------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income for the year                    0                  0                  0                   0                 0 
                               -----------       ------------     --------------      --------------     ------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year                    -                  -                  -            (29,296)          (29,296) 
                               -----------     --------------    ---------------     ---------------     ------------- 
 Balance at 31 Dec 2015            277,089         41,286,207                  0         -18,412,630        23,151,666 
                                  ========           ========          =========           =========          ======== 

February 05, 2016 08:26 ET (13:26 GMT)

Statement of Cash Flows

                                              December      December 
                                            ----------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from operating activities             2015          2014 
 Net profit for the year                      (29,296)        26,481 
 Adjustments for: 
 Cash from operating activities 
  before changes in working capital           (29,296)   (1,346,799) 
 Change in due to related parties             (23,882)        67,143 
 Change in Wakala Deposits                                   457,654 
 Change in prepayments                         (8,773)        77,873 
 Change in other Assets                                        (556) 
 Change in trade and other payables           (16,640)       270,342 
 Net Cash (used in) investing 
  activities                                         0     (489,343) 
                                            ----------  ------------ 
 Net (decrease) in cash and 
  cash equivalents                             -78,590     (489,343) 
 Cash and cash equivalents, 
  beginning of the year                      3,598,746     4,058,089 
                                            ----------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents, 
  end of the year                            3,518,716     3,568,746 
                                            ==========  ============ 

Notes to the interim financial information for the six months ended 31 December 2015

   1        Cash and bank balances 
                  December   December 
                      2015       2014 
                       USD        USD 
 Cash at banks     717,890      8,716 
 Cash in hand                       - 
                   717,890      8,716 
                 =========  ========= 
   2          Wakala Deposits 
                         December    December 
                             2015        2014 
                              USD         USD 
 Corporate deposit      1,431,496   2,013,460 
 Wakala Deposit         1,385,702   1,576,570 
                        2,800,825   3,590,030 

Cash at bank and investment in Wakala deposits are placed with reputable corporates based in the United Arab Emirates. The Wakala deposits carried a profit rate of 5%.

   3          Trade and other receivables 
                       December    December 
                           2015        2014 
                            USD         USD 
 Other receivables    3,741,500   3,741,499 
                     ----------  ---------- 
                      3,741,500   3,741,499 
                     ----------  ---------- 
   4          Other Assets 
                 December   December 
                     2015       2014 
                      USD        USD 
 Prepayments       19,452     28,225 
                ---------  --------- 
                   19,452     28,225 
                =========  ========= 
   5        Available-for-sale investment 
                                         December    December 
                                             2015        2014 
                                              USD         USD 
 Opening Balance                        4,500,000   4,840,000 
 Fair value (loss) / gain during 
 the 6 Month Ended 31-12-15           (1,150,000)   (340,000) 
 Balance at 31 December                 3,350,000   4,500,000 
                                     ============  ========== 

The available-for-sale investment represents the 10.1% (31 December 2014: 10.1%) investment in Bekon Holding AG.

   6          Investment in property 

During the year ended 30 June 2013 an amount of USD 10.5 million was transferred from 'Advances towards acquisition of investment property' to 'Investment property'. The investment property pertains to two plots of land in the Arjan project, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The fair value of the investment property is USD 13.9 million.

                                December        December 
                                    2015            2014 
                                     USD             USD 
 Balance as at 1 Jul 2015     13,913,682   15,071,760.00 
 Fair value loss                            1,388,280.02 
                              13,913,682      16,460,040 
   7          Due to a shareholder 
                                December   December 
                                    2015       2014 
                                     USD        USD 
 Opening balance                 877,200    877,200 
 Repayments during the year 
                                 877,200    877,200 
                               ---------  --------- 

In accordance with the Company's placement document, the shareholding of individual investors cannot exceed eight percent of the issued and fully paid share capital. This balance represents funds received from a shareholder in excess of the eight percent limit and is refundable to the investors unless the Company is able to secure additional capital from the other shareholders.

   8          Trade and other payables 
                       December   December 
                           2015       2014 
                            USD        USD 
 Trade payable              816     17,012 
 Audit fee payable            0     17,850 
 Other payables         465,446    497,320 
                      ---------  --------- 
                        514,482    532,182 
                      =========  ========= 
   9          Share capital 

The authorised share capital of the Company comprises 1 billion shares of USD 0.01 each (31 Dec 2014: 1 billion shares of USD 0.01 each).

The issued and fully paid share capital of the Company comprises 27,708,864 shares of USD 0.01 each (2014: 27,708,864 shares of USD 0.01 each).

                     December   December 
                         2015       2014 
                          USD        USD 
 Opening Balance      277,089    277,089 
                    ---------  --------- 
                      277,089    277,089 
                    =========  ========= 
   9.1       Share premium 

Share premium represents amounts received from shareholders in excess of the nominal value of the shares allotted to them.

   10        Revenue 
                                   December   December 
                                       2015       2014 
                                        USD        USD 
 Return on Islamic investments       53,174     77,226 
                                  ---------  --------- 
                                     53,174     77,226 
                                  =========  ========= 
   11        Administrative and other operating expenses 
                                 December   December 
                                     2015       2014 
                                      USD        USD 
 Legal and professional fees       60,356     28,168 
 Administration fees                  551      1,643 
 Directors' remuneration and 
  fees                              7,500     15,000 
 Salary expense for CEO            13,692 
 Others                               401      5,934 
                                   82,500     50,745 
                                =========  ========= 
   12        (Loss) / Earnings per share 

The basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit/loss attributable to shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

                                         Dec 2015     Dec 2014 
                                      -----------  ----------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the year in 
  USD                                    (29,296)       26,481 
 Weighted average number of shares 
  in issue                             27,708,864   27,708,864 
 Basic earnings/(loss) per share 
  in USD                                (0.00106)       0.0010 
                                      ===========  =========== 
   13        Related party transactions and balances 

Related parties comprise key management, businesses controlled by shareholders and directors as well as businesses over which they exercise significant influence. During the year, the company entered into significant transactions with related parties in the ordinary course of business. In addition to the disclosure in note 1, following are the other transactions and balances arising from these transactions:

                                     Dec 2015   Dec 2014 
                                    ---------  --------- 
 Key management 
  remuneration                                         - 
 Directors' fees and other 
  remuneration                         13,692     15,000 
 Related party transactions 
  and balances (continued) 
 Due to related 
 Due to a 
  shareholder                         877,200    877,200 
 Key management 
  remuneration                        465,446    459,632 
 Due from Injaz Capital 
  Investments LLC                      48,220     48,220 

Related party balances are profit fee and payable/receivable on demand.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 05, 2016 08:26 ET (13:26 GMT)

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