("The Weather Lottery" or the "Company") 
                         PRELIMINARY RESULTS 
                   FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2009 
5 January 2010 
Operating Review 
This period was a further year of consolidation for the lottery. 
Lottery Lines played stayed level at approximately 26000 playing lines. 
Enquiries are still very healthy but the translation of these to playing lines 
has proved elusive. 
The Company finances showed a loss of GBP48,000 throughout the financial year 
2009. Cost cutting has been implemented to correct this figure. 
Financial review 
The financial statements show a loss of GBP48,000 for the year. 
Proposed Dividend 
The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend (2008: GBPNil). 
Strategy and Outlook 
The Weather Lottery's objective remains to build and expand its paper based and 
online entry for Society Lotteries in the fields of Charity, Education and 
Sport. Whilst considerable progress has been made in establishing these services 
much has still to be done to improve, expand and enhance them. 
A new secondary lottery has been launched which gives the Societies a larger 
return and it is hoped that this will encourage new Societies to join. 
Enquiries are very healthy, and new systems of closing are now in place. 
A complete website update has been completed in the second half of the year 
creating clarity to the navigation and fundraising element. One of the major 
benefits of the new website is a client can now register online. 
County Seminars will be developed and held on a monthly basis. 
It is intended to enhance shareholder value by continued expansion of business 
both organically and by strategic acquisition if available. 
It is our multi-year experience that clients are maintained and we have placed 
systems in order to maintain growth for all clients. 
The Weather Lottery is registered and governed by the Gambling Commission 
without which we could not trade, under the new Gaming Act 2005 and we do not 
anticipate any changes to the law which would affect our business. 
I look forward to 2011/10 being pivotal in the development of your company as it 
is poised and has in place the facilities to allow it to take opportunities to 
grow to a higher level. 
Keith G Milhench 
Chief Executive 
4 January 2010 
The Weather Lottery PLC                01777 818036 
Keith Milhench, Chief Executive 
Website www.theweatherlottery.com 
Blomfield Corporate Finance Ltd       020 7444 0800 
Nick Harriss/Peter Trevelyan-Clark 
SVS Securities                        020 7638 5600 
Alex Brearly 
                                                Year       Year 
                                               ended      ended 
                                             31 July    31 July 
                                                2009       2008 
                                     Note      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                4       1,345      1,448 
Cost of sales                                   (362)      (387) 
Gross profit                                     983      1,061 
Administrative expenses                       (1,032)    (1,087) 
Finance income                                     1          5 
Finance costs                                      -          - 
Profit before taxation                           (48)       (21) 
Income tax expense                                 -          - 
Profit from continuing operations               (48)       (21) 
Other comprehensive loss                          -          - 
Comprehensive loss                              (48)       (21) 
Basic and fully diluted loss per       7      (0.06)p    (0.03)p 
ordinary share                              =================== 
All of the loss for the period is attributable to equity holders of the parent 
                                                     Note      2009              2008 
                                                              GBP'000             GBP'000 
Non current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                                     6                 - 
Goodwill                                                        158               158 
Other intangible assets                                           -                25 
Total non current assets                                        164               183 
Current assets 
Inventories                                                       2                 - 
Trade and other receivables                                      14                34 
Cash and cash equivalents                                        58               105 
Total current assets                                             74               139 
TOTAL ASSETS                                                    238               322 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 
Share capital                                          11        83                83 
Share premium account                                  12       302               302 
Retained earnings                                      12      (380)             (332) 
Total equity                                                      5                53 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                               10       233               269 
Current tax payable                                               -                 - 
Total current liabilities                                       233               269 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred tax provision                                            -                 - 
Total liabilities                                               233               269 
                            Called     Share 
                          up share   premium  Retained   Total 
                           capital   account  Earnings  Equity 
                             GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Balance 31 July 2007            83       302      (311)     74 
(Loss) for the year              -         -       (21)    (21) 
Balance 31 July 2008            83       302      (332)     53 
(Loss) for the year              -         -       (48)    (48) 
Balance 31 July 2009            83       302      (380)      5 
                                               Year     Year 
                                              ended    ended 
                                            31 July  31 July 
                                               2009     2008 
                                       Note   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Net cash from operating activities       13     (40)     (21) 
Cashflow from investing activities 
Purchases of equipment                           (8)       - 
Interest received                                 1        5 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                   (7)       5 
investing activities 
Proceeds from issue of shares                     -        - 
Net cash from financing activities                -        - 
Net (decrease) in cash and cash                 (47)     (16) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 August           105      121 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 July             58      105 
Comprising of: 
Cash and cash equivalents per the                58      105 
balance sheet 
Bank overdraft                                    -        - 
Cash and cash equivalents for cash flow  14      58      105 
statement purposes                           =============== 
As described in the accounting policies, bank overdrafts repayable on demand 
fluctuate from being positive to overdrawn and are considered an integral part 
of the Group's cash management for cash flow statement purposes. 
There is no material difference between the fair value and the book value of 
cash and equivalents. 
1.   Nature of Financial Information; Emphasis of matter - Going concern 
UK Company Law requires Directors to consider whether it is appropriate to 
prepare the financial statements on the basis that the Company and the Group are 
going concerns.  Throughout the financial statements there are various 
disclosures relating to Group funding and operational risks.  The Directors' 
report summarises the key themes. 
The Group does have some exposure to current economic conditions which have the 
potential to impact annual revenues.  To date the economic downturn has reduced 
Group revenues as a whole by less than 10%.  The Directors have prepared 
downside sensitised forecasts to 31 January 2011 and have implemented cost 
reductions by the liquidation of certain subsidiaries in order to improve 
cashflow.  The Group continues to trade without the need for loan funding, 
although cash balances have been reduced in the period. 
The downside sensitised forecasts have been reviewed by the Directors to ensure 
that the profit and cash generation derived from these forecasts are sufficient 
to meet the Group's requirements.  As a result of these reviews, the Directors 
are of the opinion that the Group has adequate resources to continue in 
operation for the foreseeable future.  For this reason, they consider it 
appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial 
2.   Adoption of new and revised International Financial Reporting Standards 
In  the current year, the Group has adopted all of the new and revised Standards 
and  Interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (the 
IASB)  and  the  International  Financial  Reporting  Interpretations  Committee 
(IFRIC)  of  the  IASB  that are relevant to its operations  and  effective  for 
accounting periods beginning on or after 1 August 2008. 
At  the  date  of  authorisation of these financial  statements,  the  following 
Standards  and  Interpretations which have not been applied in  these  financial 
statements were in issue but not yet effective: 
IFRS 3 (Revised 2008) - Business Combinations 
IFRS 8 - Operating Segments 
IAS 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements 
IAS 23 - Borrowing Costs 
IAS 27 - Consolidated and separate financial statements 
IFRIC 11- Group and Treasury Share Transactions 
IFRIC 12 - Service Concession Arrangements 
These  Standards  and Interpretations are not expected to have  any  significant 
impact  on  the  Group's  Financial Statements,  in  their  periods  of  initial 
application,  except for the additional disclosures on operating  segments  when 
the  relevant standard comes into effect for periods commencing on  or  after  1 
January 2009. 
3.   Significant Accounting Policies 
Basis of Accounting 
The  Financial Statements, upon which this financial information is based,  have 
been  prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial 
Reporting  Standards (IFRS). The financial information has been  prepared  on  a 
going  concern  basis,  as  at  31 July 2009, in accordance  with  International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as issued by the International Accounting 
Standards  Board  ("IASB")  as  well  as  all  interpretations  issued  by   the 
International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC"). The Group 
has  not  availed  itself  of  early adoption  options  in  such  standards  and 
The  Financial Statements, upon which this financial information is based,  have 
been  prepared under the historical cost basis except where specifically  noted. 
The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below: 
Basis of consolidation 
The  consolidated Financial Statements incorporate the Financial  Statements  of 
the Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries) made up to 
31  July  each  year.  Control is achieved where the Company has  the  power  to 
govern  the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits  from  its 
The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year are included 
in  the consolidated income statement from the effective date of acquisition  or 
up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. 
Where   necessary,  adjustments  are  made  to  the  Financial   Statements   of 
subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with those used  by 
the Group. 
All  intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are  eliminated  on 
Revenue recognition 
Turnover represents takings received for entry into the lottery prize draws. 
Revenue is recognised upon receipt of money for the period that the draw takes 
4.   Segment Analysis 
The  primary  reporting format is by business segment, based  on  the  different 
services  offered  by the operating companies within the Group.   The  Directors 
consider  that  the  Group  only  has  one business  segment,  that  of  lottery 
administration, and hence a segmental analysis is not required. 
The Group operates solely in one geographical area, the United Kingdom. 
Continuing operations 
During the year the subsidiary company, Lottery Service Providers Limited, which 
undertook  the  administrative side of the operations went into liquidation.   A 
new  subsidiary,  Prize  Logistics Limited, took over the  administrative  work, 
thereby  ensuring  no interruption to trade.  As the actual operations  did  not 
cease,  the  Directors  consider  that none of the  operations  are  classed  as 
Discontinued and hence all operations are considered to be Continuing throughout 
the period. 
5.   Operating Profit 
Operating profit has been stated after 
charging the following: 
                                                 2009     2008 
                                                GBP'000    GBP'000 
Amortisation of intangible fixed assets            25       15 
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets               2        - 
Operating lease charges                            23       37 
Auditors' remuneration - Audit services to          1        1 
the parent company 
Auditors' remuneration - Audit services to          8        7 
the Group 
Auditors' remuneration - Taxation services          1        1 
As  permitted  by  Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the holding  company's 
profit  and  loss  account has not been included in these financial  statements. 
The loss for the period after taxation was GBP46,000 (2008 GBP284,000). 
6.   Personnel costs 
                                                 2009     2008 
The average monthly number of employees           No.      No. 
(including executive and non executive 
Directors) was                                      9        9 
The split of employees by function within 
the Group is as follows: 
                                                  No.      No. 
Administration and Sales                            5        5 
Management                                          4        4 
Total                                               9        9 
                                                 2009     2008 
Their aggregate remuneration comprised          GBP'000    GBP'000 
Wages and salaries                                182      153 
Social security costs                              17       16 
Sums paid to third parties for services            12       45 
                                                  211      214 
Aggregate emoulments of highest paid director     104      105 
Included within the directors' emoluments is GBP11,750 (2008 GBP45,000) paid to directors 
via related companies, as detailed in note 15. All of the directors' emoluments relate 
to short-term employee benefits. 
7.   Earnings per share 
The  calculation is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary  shareholders 
divided  by  the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during  the 
period as follows: 
                                                   2009          2008 
Numerator: earnings attributable to                 (48)          (21) 
equity (GBP'000) 
Denominator: weighted average number of 
equity shares (No.)                          83,304,730    83,304,730 
The basic and diluted calculations are the same as there are no share options in 
place that would have a dilutive effect. 
8.   Dividend 
The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend (2008: GBPnil). 
9.   Borrowings 
The  Group  had  no borrowings in respect of bank overdrafts, loans  or  finance 
lease arrangements at the year end (2008 GBPnil). 
10.  Other financial liabilities 
Trade and other payables 
                                         2009        2008 
                                        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Trade payables                            156         205 
Other payables                             33          18 
Accrued liabilities and                    44          46 
deferred income                         _________________ 
                                          233         269 
Other payables comprise: 
                                        GBP'000       GBP 000 
Social security and                        33          18 
other taxes 
Other                                       -           - 
                                           33          18 
Presented as: 
- Current                                 233         269 
Accrued  liabilities  and  deferred income represents miscellaneous  contractual 
liabilities that relate to expenses that were incurred, but not paid for at  the 
year-end  and  income received during the period, for which the  Group  had  not 
supplied the goods or services at the end of the year. 
The   Directors  consider  that  the  book  value  of  trade  payables,  accrued 
liabilities and deferred income approximates to their fair value at the  balance 
sheet date. 
11.  Equity share capital 
                                               2009       2008 
                                              GBP'000      GBP'000 
100,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 0.1p each        100        100 
Allotted, called up and fully paid 
83,304,730 (2008: 83,304,730) Ordinary           83         83 
Shares of 0.1p each                            =============== 
12.  Other reserves 
                         Share      Profit and 
                       premium            loss 
                       account         account 
                         GBP'000           GBP'000 
At 1 August 2008           302            (332) 
(Loss) for the period        -             (48) 
At 31 July 2009            302            (380) 
13.  Cash used in operations 
                                       2009       2008 
                                      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Results from operating activities       (49)       (26) 
Depreciation of tangible assets           2          - 
Amortisation of intangible assets        25         15 
Increase in stock                        (2)         - 
Decrease/(increase) in receivables       20         12 
(Decrease)/increase in payables         (36)       (22) 
Net cash from operations                (40)       (21) 
14.  Analysis of net debt 
                                             2009      2008 
                                            GBP'000     GBP'000 
Cash and cash equivalent per balance           58       105 
Bank overdraft                                  -         - 
Cash and cash equivalent per cash flow         58       105 
Net debt                                       58       105 
15.  Transactions with related parties 
The  transactions set out below took place between the Group and certain related 
K G Milhench 
K  G  Milhench,  a  director, is also a director of CBI Holdings  Limited.   CBI 
Holdings  Limited is the parent company of Cantbuyit Limited.  During  the  year 
The  Weather  Lottery  plc made payments of GBP3,500 (2008 GBP1,400)  on  behalf  of 
Cantbuyit  Limited and at the year end was owed GBP3,580 (2008 GBP7,275)  from  this 
N G McGowan 
N  G McGowan, a director, is also a director of, and significant shareholder in, 
Rangedetail  Limited.   He  received payments of GBPnil (2008  GBP10,500)  via  this 
company for services as a director. 
A Moore 
A  Moore, a director, was also a Designated Member of Central Corporate  Finance 
LLP  in  the  year.   He  received  payments of GBP11,750  (2008  GBPnil)  via  this 
partnership  for  services  as  a director.  He  was  also  a  director,  and  a 
significant shareholder in, Central Associates Limited in the year and  received 
payments of GBPnil (2008 GBP28,618) via this company for services as a director. 
M Mills 
M Mills, a director, received payments of GBP500 (2008 GBPnil) via Central Corporate 
Finance LLP for services as a director. 
Remuneration of key management personnel 
The  remuneration of the Directors, who are the key management personnel of  the 
Group, is as referred to above and in Note 7. 
16.  Controlling Party 
No single individual has sole control of the company. 
17.  Going Concern 
The Group made a loss for the year of GBP48,000.  As a result of continued losses, 
during the year the subsidiary Lottery Service Providers Limited was placed into 
Creditors'  Voluntary Liquidation and the administration function of  the  Group 
was  taken  up by a new subsidiary, Prize Logistics Limited.  Inter-group  loans 
between  Lottery Service Providers Limited, its parent company  and  its  fellow 
subsidiary  were  waived prior to the Liquidation.  This had no  impact  on  the 
Group  as  a  whole at the year end but has been provided for in each respective 
company's own financial statements.  Whilst this resulted in the parent company, 
The  Weather Lottery plc, having net liabilities at the year end, the  Directors 
consider that the liquidation of Lottery Service Providers Limited will  benefit 
the Group as a whole moving forward as it provides the opportunity for the Group 
to operate from a lower cost base. 
Given  that the level of income is anticipated to be sustained, but with a lower 
cost base, the Directors consider that the Group continues to be a going concern 
and  they forecast that the explained changes to the cost structure of the Group 
which will enable its continuance. 
18.  Publication of Accounts 
Copies of the directors' report and accounts for the year ended 31 July 2009 are 
today  being posted to shareholders and are available from the company's website 
Independent Auditors Report 
We have audited the financial statements of The Weather Lottery plc for the year 
ended 31 July 2009 which comprise the Consolidated Income Statement, the 
Consolidated and Parent Company Balance Sheets, the Consolidated Statement of 
Changes in Equity, the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and the related notes. 
The financial reporting framework that has been applied in the preparation of 
the consolidated financial statements is applicable law and International 
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union.  The 
financial reporting framework that has been applied in the preparation of the 
parent company financial statements is applicable law and United Kingdom 
Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). 
This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance 
with Sections 495 to 497A of the Companies Act 2006.  Our audit work has been 
undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are 
required to state to them in an Auditors' report and for no other purpose.  To 
the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility 
to anyone other than the Group and the Company and the Company's members as a 
body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. 
Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors 
As explained more fully in the Directors' Responsibilities Statement (set out on 
page 9), the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial 
statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view.  Our 
responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with 
applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland).  Those 
standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's (APB's) 
Ethical Standard for Auditors. 
Scope of the audit of the financial statements 
An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the 
financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial 
statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or 
error.  This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are 
appropriate to the group's and the parent company's circumstances and have been 
consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant 
accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the 
financial statements. 
Opinion on financial statements 
In our opinion: 
     the  financial  statements give a true and fair view of the  state  of  the 
     group's  and parent company's affairs as at 31 July 2009 and of the group's 
     loss for the year then ended; 
     the  group  financial statements have been properly prepared in  accordance 
     with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union; 
     the  parent  company  financial statements have been properly  prepared  in 
     accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; 
     the  parent  company financial statements have been prepared in  accordance 
     with  the requirements of the Companies Act 2006; and, as regards the group 
     financial statements, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation. 
Emphasis of matter - Going concern 
In forming our opinion on the financial statements, which is not qualified, we 
have considered the adequacy of the disclosure made in note 30 to the financial 
statements concerning the group's ability to continue as a going concern.  The 
group incurred another loss in the year of GBP48,000 in addition to losses made in 
the previous three years.  The parent company incurred a net loss of GBP46,000 
during the year ended 31 July 2009 and, at that date, had liabilities of 
GBP53,000.  These conditions, along with matters explained in note 30 to the 
financial statements, indicate the existence of a material uncertainty which may 
cast significant doubt about the group and parent company's ability to continue 
as going concerns.  The financial statements do not include the adjustments that 
would result if the group and parent company were unable to continue as going 
Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006 
In our opinion the information given in the Director's Report for the financial 
year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the 
financial statements. 
Matters on which we are required to report by exception 
We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the 
Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion: 
  -  adequate accounting records have not been kept by the parent company, or 
     returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited 
     by us; or 
  -  the  parent company financial statements are not in agreement  with  the 
     accounting records and returns; or 
  -  certain disclosure of directors' remuneration specified by law  are  not 
     made; or 
  -  we have not received all the information and explanations we require for 
     our audit. 
Stephen G Rochester (Senior Statutory Auditor) 
for and on behalf of Rochesters LLP 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors 
No 3 Caroline Court 
13 Caroline Street 
St. Paul's Square 
B3 1TR 
Date: 4 January 2010 

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