Washingtonians remain cautious about their job security, despite steady improvement of statewide hiring trends, according to data released today in the 4th Annual Washington State Workplace Confidence Survey.

The survey, conducted by Harris/Decima on behalf of Everest College, revealed that 33% of Washington workers were concerned about losing their job, similar to 2011 where 30% of respondents said they were concerned about losing their jobs.

Washington State's unemployment rate remained flat at 8.3 percent for the months of February and March 2012. This equates to approximately 289,000 people who were unemployed and looking for work during that period, down from a peak of more than 365,000 in February 2010.

"An improving economic landscape and lower unemployment numbers have not yet eased anxiety in the workplace," said John Swartz, regional director of career services for Everest College. "In spite of the moderate improvements on the hiring front, job security remains top-of-mind for many people. At Everest, we are seeing students of all ages enroll in our schools in order to receive training to enhance their existing skills or begin a career in a field that is in-demand and provides job security."

Pay Leading Source of Stress

The survey found that workplace anxiety levels in Washington are high, with 60% of survey respondents claiming they suffer from some form of work-related stress. The top stress factor cited by respondents was pay (25%), followed by fear of losing their job (19%).

Age and income are determining factors when it comes to whether or not respondents are stressed at work. Younger employees are more likely than their older counterparts to be stressed by something in their job (18-44 69% vs. 45-plus 53%). And, those with annual household incomes of less than $60,000 (70%) were more likely to be stressed than those with incomes greater than $60,000 (50%).

Career Change Continues to Resonate

Rethinking their career path or improving their current one was also on the minds of Washingtonians. About half (54%) of the respondents said they have considered making a change due to the current economy and tougher job market. Two-in-five (42%) have considered returning to school, either to enhance their current career (28%) or to train for a new career (24%).

If no barriers existed for changing careers, 40 percent of Washingtonians said they would do it. Those with a high school education or less compared to respondents with at least some college education were more apt to change careers by a wide margin of 58% to 34%.

"After a rough few years, we've seen a slight improvement in the overall job market," Swartz said. "This survey shows the importance of never taking your career for granted. It is critical to continually evaluate your circumstances; be prepared to adapt your career to a changing economy; and enhance your skill set.

"Competition for good jobs is high right now, so learning new skills can jumpstart career development and give workers an edge. At Everest College, we give students the practical skills to turn their work life around and place them in their chosen career fields."

Top Careers For Stability

Industries and occupations related to health care, personal care and social assistance, and construction are projected to have the fastest job growth between 2010 and 2020, according to a February report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The 20 industries with the largest projected wage and salary employment growth between 2010-20, include:

  • Offices of health practitioners
  • Hospitals
  • Home health-care services
  • Nursing and residential care facilities
  • Computer system design and related services

"Year after year, projections show that healthcare is and will continue to be one of the fastest-growing industries in the U.S.," said Swartz. "A majority of Everest's programs are in this sector and we consider our programs among the best at training students for these rewarding, in-demand healthcare careers."

By the Numbers: 4th Annual Washington State Workplace Confidence Survey Fast Facts

  • If they lost their job, one-third (36%) of respondents said they would consider leaving Washington to search for a new job, with men significantly more likely than women to look for a job outside of the state by a margin of 42% to 30%.  
  • One-in-five (18%) Washingtonians said that someone in their household has lost their job in the past 12 months.  
  • When envisioning their dream jobs, 75% of employed Americans living in Washington State said doing something they love was most important, followed by better pay (61%).

About the Survey

The 4th Annual Washington State Workplace Confidence Survey was conducted by Harris/Decima from March 19 to March 26, 2012. A total of 301 employed residents of Washington State were surveyed by telephone. Results are considered accurate +/- 5.6%, 19 times out of 20.

About Everest College

Everest College is part of Corinthian Colleges, Inc., one of the largest post-secondary education companies in North America. Its mission is to prepare students for careers in demand or for advancement in their chosen field. It offers diploma programs and associate and bachelor's degrees in a variety of occupational areas, including healthcare, criminal justice, business, information technology and construction trades. Programs vary by campus. For more information, please visit www.everest.edu. For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program and other important information, please visit our website at www.everest.edu/disclosures.

The Corinthian Colleges, Inc. logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=8848 

About Harris/Decima

Harris/Decima is one of North America's most established names in public opinion and market research, with a 25-year track record of innovation and client satisfaction. Today, they are among the largest full service marketing research organizations in North America. Harris/Decima offers a full slate of custom and syndicated research services, including telephone and on-site interviewing, self-administered mail-back and on-line surveys, as well as qualitative one-on-one executive interviewing and focus groups. Harris/Decima conducts research on public and social policy, program evaluation, employee satisfaction, issue management, marketing, advertising and communications testing and evaluation for a wide range of clients in the public, private, and third party sectors. For more information, please visit www.harrisdecima.ca

EDITOR'S NOTE: John Swartz, regional director of career services for Everest College, is available for interviews to discuss the survey and provide tips on career enhancement. To schedule an interview with Swartz or for more information on the 4th Annual Washington State Workplace Confidence Survey, please contact Ron Neal or George Medici at PondelWilkinson Inc.: Tel: 310-279-5980; Email: rneal@pondel.com and/or gmedici@pondel.com.

CONTACT: Ron Neal or George Medici at PondelWilkinson Inc.
         Tel: 310-279-5980
         Email: rneal@pondel.com and/or gmedici@pondel.com
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