Table of Contents








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   Preliminary Proxy Statement
   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
   Definitive Proxy Statement
   Definitive Additional Materials
   Soliciting Material under Rule 14a-12
   Fidelity Advisor Series I, Fidelity Advisor VII, Fidelity Advisor VIII, Fidelity Capital Trust, Fidelity Commonwealth Trust, Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II, Fidelity Concord Street Trust, Fidelity Contrafund, Fidelity Covington Trust, Fidelity Destiny Portfolios, Fidelity Devonshire Trust, Fidelity Financial Trust, Fidelity Hastings Street Trust, Fidelity Investment Trust, Fidelity Magellan Fund, Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust, Fidelity Puritan Trust, Fidelity Securities Trust, Fidelity Select Portfolios, Fidelity Summer Street Trust, and Fidelity Trend Fund



(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

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Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:




Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:




Total Fee Paid:



  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

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Table of Contents

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the

Shareholder Meeting to be held on June 9, 2020

The Letter to Shareholders, Notice of Meeting, and Proxy Statement are available at






















245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210

1-800-544-8544 (Retail funds and/or classes)

1-800-FIDELITY (Fidelity ETFs)

1-800-596-3222 (Advisor classes)


To the Shareholders of the above trusts:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of Shareholders (the Meeting) of the above-named trusts (the trusts) will be held at an office of the trusts, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210 (at the corner of Summer Street and Dorchester Avenue, next to Boston’s South Station) on June 9, 2020, at 8 a.m. Eastern Time (ET). Appendix A contains a list of the funds in the trusts (the funds).

The purpose of the Meeting is to consider and act upon the following proposals and to transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournments thereof.



To elect a Board of Trustees.



For certain funds, to convert a fundamental investment policy to a non-fundamental investment policy.



For Fidelity® Advisor Semiconductors Fund, to modify a fundamental investment policy.



For Fidelity® Advisor Semiconductors Fund, to modify the fund’s fundamental concentration policy.



For certain funds, a shareholder proposal requesting that the Board of Trustees institute procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity.



For each of Fidelity® Overseas Fund and Fidelity® Telecom and Utilities Fund, a shareholder proposal requesting that the Board of Trustees institute procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity.

The Board of Trustees has fixed the close of business on April 13, 2020, as the record date for the determination of the shareholders of each of the funds entitled to notice of, and to vote at, such Meeting and any adjournments thereof.


By order of the Board of Trustees,

April 13, 2020

Table of Contents

Your vote is important – please vote your shares promptly.

Shareholders are invited to attend the Meeting in person. Admission to the Meeting will be on a first-come, first-served basis and will require picture identification. Shareholders arriving after the start of the Meeting may be denied entry. Cameras, cell phones, recording equipment and other electronic devices will not be permitted. Fidelity reserves the right to inspect any persons or items prior to admission to the Meeting.

Any shareholder who does not expect to attend the Meeting is urged to vote using the touch-tone telephone or internet voting instructions that follow or by indicating voting instructions on the enclosed proxy card, dating and signing it, and returning it in the envelope provided, which needs no postage if mailed in the United States. In order to avoid unnecessary expense, we ask your cooperation in responding promptly, no matter how large or small your holdings may be. If you wish to wait until the Meeting to vote your shares, you will need to request a paper ballot at the Meeting in order to do so.


The following general rules for executing proxy cards may be of assistance to you and help avoid the time and expense involved in validating your vote if you fail to execute your proxy card properly.



Individual Accounts: Your name should be signed exactly as it appears in the registration on the proxy card.



Joint Accounts: Either party may sign, but the name of the party signing should conform exactly to a name shown in the registration.



All other accounts should show the capacity of the individual signing. This can be shown either in the form of the account registration itself or by the individual executing the proxy card. For example:






A.    1)    ABC Corp.    John Smith, Treasurer
   2)    ABC Corp.    John Smith, Treasurer
      c/o John Smith, Treasurer   
B.    1)    ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan    Ann B. Collins, Trustee
   2)    ABC Trust    Ann B. Collins, Trustee
   3)    Ann B. Collins, Trustee    Ann B. Collins, Trustee
      u/t/d 12/28/78   
C.    1)    Anthony B. Craft, Cust.    Anthony B. Craft
      f/b/o Anthony B. Craft, Jr.   




Read the proxy statement, and have your proxy card or notice handy.



Call the toll-free number or visit the web site indicated on your proxy card or notice.



Enter the number found in either the box on the front of your proxy card or on the proposal page(s) of your notice.



Follow the recorded or on-line instructions to cast your vote.


Table of Contents

























This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with a solicitation of proxies made by, and on behalf of, the Board of Trustees of the above-named trusts (the trusts) to be used at the Special Meeting of Shareholders and at any adjournments thereof (the Meeting), to be held on June 9, 2020 at 8 a.m. ET at 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, an office of the trusts. Appendix  A contains a list of the funds in each trust (the funds).

The following table summarizes the proposals applicable to each fund:


Proposal#   Proposal Description   Applicable Fund   Page
1.   To elect a Board of Trustees.   All funds. See Appendix A for a list of funds in each trust.     3
2.   To convert a fundamental investment policy to a non-fundamental investment policy.   Funds listed in Appendix B.     6
3.   To modify a fundamental investment policy.   Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund.     7
4.   To modify the fund’s fundamental concentration policy.   Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund.     8
5.   A shareholder proposal requesting that the Board of Trustees institute procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity.   Fidelity 500 Index Fund, Fidelity Balanced Fund, Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund, Fidelity Capital & Income Fund, Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity Contrafund, Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund, Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund, Fidelity Equity-Income Fund, Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund, Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio, Fidelity Growth Company Fund, Fidelity Independence Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Index Fund, Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund and Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund     8
6.   A shareholder proposal requesting that the Board of Trustees institute procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity.   Fidelity® Overseas Fund and Fidelity® Telecom and Utilities Fund   10

The purpose of the Meeting is set forth in the accompanying Notice. The solicitation is being made primarily by the mailing of this Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy card on or about April 13, 2020. Supplementary solicitations may be made by mail, telephone, facsimile, electronic means or by personal interview by representatives of the trusts. In addition, Computershare Limited (Computershare) may be paid on a per-call basis to solicit shareholders by telephone on behalf of the funds in the trusts. The funds may also arrange to have votes recorded by telephone. Computershare may be paid on a per-call basis for vote-by-phone solicitations on behalf of the funds. The approximate anticipated total cost of these services is detailed in Appendix C.



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If the funds record votes by telephone or through the internet, they will use procedures designed to authenticate shareholders’ identities, to allow shareholders to authorize the voting of their shares in accordance with their instructions, and to confirm that their instructions have been properly recorded. Proxies voted by telephone or through the internet may be revoked at any time before they are voted at the Meeting.

Unless otherwise indicated in Appendix A, (i) the expenses in connection with preparing this Proxy Statement, its enclosures, and all solicitations and (ii) the expenses associated with reimbursing brokerage firms and others for their reasonable expenses in forwarding solicitation material to the beneficial owners of shares, will be borne by each fund.

For a fund whose management contract with Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) obligates FMR to pay certain fund level expenses, the expenses in connection with preparing this Proxy Statement and its enclosures and all solicitations will be borne by FMR. FMR will reimburse brokerage firms and others for their reasonable expenses in forwarding solicitation material to the beneficial owners of shares.

Appendix A lists each fund’s auditor and fiscal year end. The principal business address of FMR, each fund’s investment adviser, is 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210. Each fund’s sub-adviser(s) and each sub-adviser’s principal business address are included in Appendix D. The principal business address of Fidelity Distributors Company LLC, each fund’s principal underwriter and distribution agent, is 100 Salem Street, Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917.

If the enclosed proxy is executed and returned, or an internet or telephonic vote is delivered, that vote may nevertheless be revoked at any time prior to its use by written notification received by a trust, by the execution of a later-dated proxy, by a trust’s receipt of a subsequent valid internet or telephonic vote, or by attending the Meeting and voting in person.

All proxies solicited by the Board of Trustees that are properly executed and received by the Secretary prior to the Meeting, and are not revoked, will be voted at the Meeting. Shares represented by such proxies will be voted in accordance with the instructions thereon. If no specification is made on a properly executed proxy, it will be voted FOR Proposals 1, 2, 3, and 4 and AGAINST Proposals 5 and 6. All shares that are voted and votes to ABSTAIN will be counted towards establishing a quorum, as will broker non-votes. (Broker non-votes are shares for which (i) the beneficial owner has not voted and (ii) the broker holding the shares does not have discretionary authority to vote on the particular matter.)

With respect to fund shares held in Fidelity individual retirement accounts (including Traditional, Rollover, SEP, SARSEP, Roth and SIMPLE IRAs), the IRA Custodian will vote those shares for which it has received instructions from shareholders only in accordance with such instructions. If Fidelity IRA shareholders do not vote their shares, the IRA Custodian will vote their shares for them, in the same proportion as other Fidelity IRA shareholders have voted.

With respect to Proposal 1, one-third of each trust’s outstanding voting securities entitled to vote constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at the Meeting. With respect to Proposals 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, one-third of the impacted fund’s outstanding voting securities entitled to vote constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at the Meeting. If a quorum is not present at a Meeting, or if a quorum is present at a Meeting but sufficient votes to approve one or more of the proposed items are not received, or if other matters arise requiring shareholder attention, the persons named as proxy agents may propose one or more adjournments of the Meeting to permit further solicitation of proxies. Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of a majority of those shares present at the Meeting or represented by proxy. When voting on a proposed adjournment, the persons named as proxy agents will vote FOR the proposed adjournment all shares that they are entitled to vote with respect to each item, unless directed to vote AGAINST an item, in which case such shares will be voted AGAINST the proposed adjournment with respect to that item. However, if sufficient votes to achieve quorum on Proposals 5 and 6 have not been received, the persons named as proxy agents may vote in favor of a proposed adjournment with respect to those items. A shareholder vote may be taken on one or more of the items in this Proxy Statement prior to such adjournment if sufficient votes have been received and it is otherwise appropriate.

Shares of each fund and class, if applicable, issued and outstanding as of April 13, 2020 are indicated in Appendix E.

Information regarding record and/or beneficial ownership of each fund and class, as applicable, is included in Appendix F.

Certain shares are registered to FMR or an FMR affiliate. To the extent that FMR and/or another entity or entities of which FMR LLC is the ultimate parent has discretion to vote, these shares will be voted at the Meeting FOR Proposals 1, 2, 3, and 4 and AGAINST Proposals 5 and 6. Otherwise, these shares will be voted in accordance with the plan or agreement governing the shares. Although the terms of the plans and agreements vary, generally the shares must be voted either (i) in accordance with instructions received from shareholders or (ii) in accordance with instructions received from shareholders and, for shareholders who do not vote, in the same proportion as certain other shareholders have voted. Certain funds and accounts that are managed by FMR or its affiliates (including funds of funds) invest in other funds and may at times have substantial investments in one or more funds. Although these funds generally intend to vote their shares of underlying funds using echo voting procedures (that is, in the same proportion as the holders of all other shares of the particular underlying fund), they reserve the right, on a case-by-case basis, to vote in another manner, which may include voting all shares as recommended by the Board.

Shareholders of record at the close of business on April 13, 2020 will be entitled to vote at the Meeting. Each such shareholder will be entitled to one vote for each dollar of net asset value held on that date, with fractional dollar amounts entitled to a proportional fractional vote.

We intend to hold the Meeting in person. However, we are actively monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19); we are sensitive to the public health and travel concerns our shareholders may have and the protocols that federal, state, and local governments may impose. In the event it is not possible or advisable for shareholders to attend the Meeting in person, we will announce alternative arrangements for the Meeting as promptly as practicable, which may include holding the Meeting by means of remote communication. Please monitor the website at for updated information. If you are planning to attend the Meeting, please check the website one week prior to the Meeting date. As always, we encourage you to vote your shares prior to the Meeting.

For a free copy of each fund’s annual and/or semiannual reports, call Fidelity at 1-800-544-8544 (other than for Advisor classes), 1-800-FIDELITY (Fidelity ETFs), or 1-800-596-3222 (Advisor classes only), visit Fidelity’s web sites at or, or write to Fidelity Distributors Company LLC at 100 Salem Street, Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917.



Table of Contents

VOTE REQUIRED: Approval of Proposal 1 requires the affirmative vote of a plurality of the shares of the applicable trust voted in person or by proxy at the Meeting. Approval of Proposals 2, 3, and 4 requires the affirmative vote of a “majority of the outstanding voting securities” of the appropriate fund. Under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (1940 Act), the vote of a “majority of the outstanding voting securities” means the affirmative vote of the lesser of (a) 67% or more of the voting securities present at the Meeting or represented by proxy if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities are present or represented by proxy or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities. Approval of Proposals 5 and 6 requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of the appropriate fund voted in person or by proxy at the Meeting. With respect to Proposals 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 votes to ABSTAIN and broker non-votes will have the same effect as votes cast AGAINST the Proposals. With respect to Proposal 1, votes to ABSTAIN and broker non-votes will have no effect.



The purpose of this proposal is to elect a Board of Trustees of each trust. Pursuant to the provisions of the Trust Instrument of each trust, the Trustees have determined that the number of Trustees shall be fixed at 14. It is intended that the enclosed proxy will be voted for the nominees listed below unless such authority has been withheld in the proxy.

Appendix G shows the composition of the Board of Trustees of each trust and the length of service of each Trustee and member of the Advisory Board. Except for Bettina Doulton and Robert A. Lawrence, all nominees named below are currently Trustees or Advisory Board Members of the trusts and have served in that capacity continuously since originally elected or appointed. Certain nominees were previously elected by shareholders to serve as Trustees of certain trusts, while other nominees were initially appointed by the Trustees and have not yet been elected by shareholders of all trusts. With respect to the nominees not previously elected by shareholders of one or more trusts, the trusts’ Governance and Nominating Committee identified Messrs. Donahue, Smith, and Wiley as candidates; a third-party search firm retained by the Independent Trustees identified Vicki L. Fuller, Patricia L. Kampling, and Susan Tomasky as candidates; and an executive officer of FMR identified Ms. Doulton and Mr. Lawrence as candidates. The Governance and Nominating Committee has recommended all Independent Trustee candidates.

In the election of Trustees, those nominees receiving the highest number of votes cast at the Meeting, provided a quorum is present, shall be elected. A nominee shall be elected immediately upon shareholder approval, except that for Fidelity Advisor Series VIII, Fidelity Concord Street Trust, Fidelity Investment Trust, Fidelity Puritan Trust and Fidelity Securities Fund, the election of Ms. Doulton will be effective on or before January 1, 2021. For each such trust, the election of the nominees (excluding Ms. Doulton) will result in a board comprised of 14 Trustees, the maximum number permitted under the trust’s organizational documents. Accordingly, Ms. Doulton’s election will be effective once there is a vacancy on the board, which is currently expected to be January 1, 2021.

Except for Messrs. Lawrence and Wiley and Mses. Doulton, Fuller, Kampling, and Tomasky, each of the nominees currently oversees 302 Fidelity funds. Mr. Wiley currently oversees 199 Fidelity funds. If elected, each nominee will oversee 302 Fidelity funds upon effectiveness of their election with respect to all trusts.

James C. Curvey also currently serves as Trustee of each trust and Jonathan Chiel currently serves as trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series VIII, Fidelity Concord Street Trust, Fidelity Investment Trust, Fidelity Puritan Trust, and Fidelity Securities Fund. Mr. Chiel is not nominated for election by shareholders but will continue to serve as a Trustee of such trusts following the election. Mr. Chiel currently oversees 173 Fidelity funds. Mr. Curvey recently announced his retirement from the Board and, as a result, is not standing for reelection.

The nominees you are being asked to elect as Trustees of the funds are as follows:

Interested Nominees*:

Correspondence intended for each Interested Nominee (that is, the nominees that are interested persons (as defined in the 1940 Act)) may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

Name, Year of Birth; Principal Occupations and Other Relevant Experience+

Bettina Doulton (1964)

Prior to her retirement, Ms. Doulton served in a variety of positions at Fidelity Investments, including as a managing director of research (2006-2007), portfolio manager to certain Fidelity funds (1993-2005), equity analyst and portfolio assistant (1990-1993), and research assistant (1987-1990). Ms. Doulton currently owns and operates Phi Builders + Architects and Cellardoor Winery. Previously, Ms. Doulton served as a member of the Board of Brown Capital Management, LLC (2013-2018).

Robert A. Lawrence (1952)

Mr. Lawrence currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Strategic Advisers Funds. Prior to his retirement in 2008, Mr. Lawrence served as Vice President of certain Fidelity funds (2006-2008), Senior Vice President, Head of High Income Division of Fidelity Management & Research Company (investment adviser firm, 2006-2008), and President of Fidelity Strategic Investments (investment adviser firm, 2002-2005).



Determined to be an “Interested Nominee” by virtue of, among other things, his or her affiliation with the trusts or various entities under common control with FMR.


The information includes each nominee’s principal occupation during the last five years and other information relating to the experience, attributes, and skills relevant to the nominee’s qualifications to serve as a Trustee, which led to the conclusion that the nominee should serve as a Trustee for each fund.



Table of Contents

Independent Nominees:

Correspondence intended for each Independent Nominee (that is, the nominees that are not interested persons (as defined in the 1940 Act)) may be sent to Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235.

Name, Year of Birth; Principal Occupations and Other Relevant Experience+

Dennis J. Dirks (1948)

Mr. Dirks also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to his retirement in May 2003, Mr. Dirks served as Chief Operating Officer and as a member of the Board of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (financial markets infrastructure), President, Chief Operating Officer and a member of the Board of The Depository Trust Company (DTC), President and a member of the Board of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC), Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of the Government Securities Clearing Corporation and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of the Mortgage-Backed Securities Clearing Corporation. Mr. Dirks currently serves as a member of the Finance Committee (2016-present) and Board (2017-present) and is Treasurer (2018-present) of the Asolo Repertory Theatre.

Donald F. Donahue (1950)

Mr. Donahue also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Mr. Donahue serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Miranda Partners, LLC (risk consulting for the financial services industry, 2012-present). Previously, Mr. Donahue served as Chief Executive Officer (2006-2012), Chief Operating Officer (2003-2006) and Managing Director, Customer Marketing and Development (1999-2003) of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (financial markets infrastructure). Mr. Donahue currently serves as a member (2007-present) and Co-Chairman (2016-present) of the Board of United Way of New York, a member of the Board of NYC Leadership Academy (2012-present) and a member of the Board of Advisors of Ripple Labs, Inc. (financial services, 2015-present). Mr. Donahue previously served as a member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2015-2018).

Vicki L. Fuller (1957)

Ms. Fuller also serves as Member of the Advisory Board of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Ms. Fuller served as Chief Investment Officer of the New York State Common Retirement Fund (2012-2018) and held a variety of positions at AllianceBernstein L.P. (global asset management, 1985-2012), including Managing Director (2006-2012) and Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager (2001-2006). Ms. Fuller currently serves as a member of the Board, Audit Committee and Nominating and Governance Committee of The Williams Companies, Inc. (natural gas infrastructure, 2018-present) and as a member of the Board of Treliant, LLC (consulting, 2019-present).

Patricia L. Kampling (1959)

Ms. Kampling also serves as Member of the Advisory Board of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to her retirement, Ms. Kampling served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (2012-2019), President and Chief Operating Officer (2011-2012) and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (2010-2011) of Alliant Energy Corporation. Ms. Kampling currently serves as a member of the Board, Compensation Committee and Executive Committee and as Chair of the Audit Committee of Briggs & Stratton Corporation (manufacturing, 2011-present) and as a member of the Board, Audit, Finance and Risk Committee and Safety, Environmental, Technology and Operations Committee of American Water Works Company, Inc. (utilities company, 2019-present). In addition, Ms. Kampling currently serves as a member of the Board of the Nature Conservancy, Wisconsin Chapter (2019-present). Previously, Ms. Kampling served as a member of the Board of Interstate Power and Light Company (2012-2019) and Wisconsin Power and Light Company (2012-2019) (each a subsidiary of Alliant Energy Corporation) and as a member of the Board and Workforce Development Committee of the Business Roundtable (2018-2019).

Alan J. Lacy (1953)

Mr. Lacy also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Mr. Lacy served as Senior Adviser (2007-2014) of Oak Hill Capital Partners, L.P. (private equity), Chief Executive Officer (2005) and Vice Chairman (2005-2006) of Sears Holdings Corporation (retail), Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Sears, Roebuck and Co. (retail, 2000-2005) and Chairman (2014-2017) and a member of the Board (2010-2017) of Dave & Buster’s Entertainment, Inc. (restaurant and entertainment complexes). Mr. Lacy currently serves as a member of the Board of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (global pharmaceuticals, 2008-present), Trustee of the California Chapter of The Nature Conservancy (2015-present) and a member of the Board of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University (2015-present).



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Ned C. Lautenbach (1944)

Chairman of the Independent Trustees

Mr. Lautenbach also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Mr. Lautenbach currently serves as Chair of the Board of Governors, State University System of Florida (2013-present) and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (1994-present). He is also a member and has in the past served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Artis-Naples (2012-Present). Previously, Mr. Lautenbach served as a member and then Lead Director of the Board of Directors of Eaton Corporation (diversified industrial, 1997-2016). He was also a Partner at Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC (private equity investment, 1998-2010); as well as Director of Sony Corporation (2006-2007). In addition, Mr. Lautenbach had a 30-year career with IBM (technology company), during which time he served as Senior Vice President and as a member of the Corporate Executive Committee (1968-1998).

Joseph Mauriello (1944)

Mr. Mauriello also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to his retirement in January 2006, Mr. Mauriello served in numerous senior management positions including Deputy Chairman and Chief Operating Officer (2004-2005) and Vice Chairman of Financial Services (2002-2004) of KPMG LLP US (professional services, 1965-2005). Mr. Mauriello currently serves as a member of the Independent Directors Council Governing Council (2015-present). Previously, Mr. Mauriello served as a member of the Board of XL Group plc. (global insurance and re-insurance, 2006-2018).

Cornelia M. Small (1944)

Ms. Small also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Ms. Small served as Chief Investment Officer, Director of Global Equity Investments and a member of the Board of Scudder, Stevens & Clark and Scudder Kemper Investments. Ms. Small previously served as a member of the Board (2009-2019) and Chair of the Investment Committee (2010-2019) of the Teagle Foundation and a member of the Investment Committee of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation (2008-2019).

Garnett A. Smith (1947)

Mr. Smith also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Smith served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (1990-1997) and President (1986-1990) of Inbrand Corp. (manufacturer of personal absorbent products). Prior to his employment with Inbrand Corp., he was employed by a retail fabric chain and North Carolina National Bank (now Bank of America). Mr. Smith previously served as a member of the Advisory Board of certain Fidelity® funds (2012-2013).

David M. Thomas (1949)

Mr. Thomas also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Mr. Thomas served as Executive Chairman (2005-2006) and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (2000-2005) of IMS Health, Inc. (pharmaceutical and healthcare information solutions). Mr. Thomas currently serves as Non-Executive Chairman of the Board of Fortune Brands Home and Security (home and security products, 2011-present) and a member of the Board (2004-present) and Presiding Director (2013-present) of Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. (marketing communication).

Susan Tomasky (1953)

Ms. Tomasky also serves as Member of the Advisory Board of other Fidelity® funds. Prior to her retirement, Ms. Tomasky served in various executive officer positions at American Electric Power Company, Inc. (1998-2011), including most recently as President of AEP Transmission (2007-2011). Ms. Tomasky currently serves as a member of the Board and Sustainability Committee and as Chair of the Audit Committee of Marathon Petroleum Corporation (2018-present) and as a member of the Board, Corporate Governance Committee and Organization and Compensation Committee and as Chair of the Audit Committee of Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. (utilities company, 2012-present). In addition, Ms. Tomasky currently serves as a member of the Board of the Columbus Regional Airport Authority (2007-present), as a member of the Board of the Royal Shakespeare Company – America (2009-present), as a member of the Board of the Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (2011-present) and as a member of the Board of Kenyon College (2016-present). Previously, Ms. Tomasky served as a member of the Board (2011-2019) and as Lead Independent Director (2015-2018) of Andeavor Corporation (previously Tesoro Corporation) (independent oil refiner and marketer) and as a member of the Board of Summit Midstream Partners LP (energy, 2012-2018).

Michael E. Wiley (1950)

Mr. Wiley also serves as Trustee or Member of the Advisory Board of other Fidelity® funds. Previously, Mr. Wiley served as Chairman, President and CEO of Baker Hughes, Inc. (oilfield services, 2000-2004). Mr. Wiley currently serves as a member of the Board of High Point Resources (exploration and production, 2005-present). Previously, Mr. Wiley served as a member of the Board of Andeavor Corporation (independent oil refiner and marketer, 2005-2018) and a member of the Board of Andeavor Logistics LP (natural resources logistics, 2015-2018).



The information includes the nominee’s principal occupation during the last five years and other information relating to the experience, attributes, and skills relevant to the nominee’s qualifications to serve as a Trustee, which led to the conclusion that the nominee should serve as a Trustee for each fund.



Table of Contents

[As of [    ], the Trustees and nominees for election as Trustee and the officers of the trusts and each fund owned, in the aggregate, less than 1% of each fund’s outstanding shares.]

[During the period May 1, 2018 through February 29, 2020, no transactions were entered into by Trustees and nominees as Trustee of the trust involving more than 1% of the voting common, non-voting common and equivalent stock, or preferred stock of FMR LLC.]

The Trustees hold office without limit in time except that (a) any Trustee may resign; (b) any Trustee may be removed by written instrument, signed by at least two-thirds of the number of Trustees prior to such removal; (c) any Trustee who requests to be retired or who has become incapacitated by illness or injury may be retired by written instrument signed by a majority of the other Trustees; and (d) a Trustee may be removed at any special meeting of shareholders by a two-thirds vote of the outstanding voting securities of the trust. Each Independent Trustee shall retire not later than the last day of the calendar year in which his or her 75th birthday occurs. The Independent Trustees may waive this mandatory retirement age policy with respect to individual Trustees. In case a vacancy shall for any reason exist, the remaining Trustees will fill such vacancy by appointing another Trustee, so long as, immediately after such appointment, at least two-thirds of the Trustees have been elected by shareholders. If, at any time, less than a majority of the Trustees holding office has been elected by the shareholders, the Trustees then in office will promptly call a shareholders’ meeting for the purpose of electing a Board of Trustees. Otherwise, there will normally be no meeting of shareholders for the purpose of electing Trustees.

Appendix H sets forth the number of Board meetings held during each fund’s last fiscal year.

For more information about the current Trustees who are not nominees in this Proxy Statement, refer to the section entitled “Trustees, Advisory Board Members, and Officers of the Funds.” For information about the funds’ Board structure and risk oversight function, and current standing committees of the funds’ Trustees, refer to the section entitled “Board Structure and Oversight Function and Standing Committees of the Funds’ Trustees.”

The dollar range of equity securities beneficially owned as of [    ] by each nominee and Trustee in each fund and in all funds in the aggregate within the same fund family overseen or to be overseen by the nominee or Trustees is included in Appendix I.

Trustee compensation information for each fund covered by this Proxy Statement is included in Appendix J.

The Board of Trustees recommends that shareholders vote FOR Proposal 1.



Each fund listed in Appendix B

The investment policy for each fund set forth in Appendix K (Policy) is “fundamental,” meaning that it may only be changed by a vote of shareholders of the fund. Each such Policy sets forth the fund’s investment objective and, in certain cases, related policy language. The Board of Trustees recommends that shareholders approve the proposal to make each Policy non-fundamental.

Because each fund’s Policy can only be changed with shareholder approval, it can be difficult, expensive and time consuming for a fund to revise its Policy in response to changes in the market. If approved, this change will allow the Board of Trustees to change each fund’s Policy without the delay and expense of a shareholder vote. If in the future, if the Board of Trustees approves a change to a fund’s Policy, shareholders would receive notice of such change and the fund’s prospectus would be updated accordingly. If this proposal is approved, shareholders will not have the right to vote on any future change to a fund’s Policy. Converting each Policy to non-fundamental would bring the funds in line with industry practice as well as with the practices of certain other Fidelity funds and could potentially avoid entirely, or reduce, future proxy costs and provide greater flexibility for evolution over time. There is no present intention to change the way in which any fund is currently managed if the proposal is approved.

In connection with this proposal, the Board of Trustees also recommends that shareholders approve changes to the Policy for each of Fidelity 500 Index Fund, Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund, and Fidelity Magellan Fund in order to remove non-standard and unnecessary language, as set forth in the chart below (strikethrough language is to be deleted). These proposed changes are a streamlining measure and are not presently intended to affect how each fund is managed. For all other funds, the existing Policy as it appears in Appendix K would become a non-fundamental policy for the fund without the need for further revision.



Table of Contents
Fidelity 500 Index Fund   

Fidelity 500 Index Fund seeks to provide investment results that correspond to the total return (i.e., the combination of capital changes and income) performance of common stocks publicly traded in the United States.


The S&P 500 Index broadly represents the performance of common stocks publicly traded in the United States. In the future, the Adviser may, subject to shareholders’ approval and 30 days’ notice, select another index if that index is deemed more representative of the performance of U.S. common stocks.


Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund   

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund seeks to provide investment results that correspond to the total return (i.e., the combination of capital changes and income) performance of common stocks publicly traded in the United States.


The S&P 500 Index broadly represents the performance of common stocks publicly traded in the United States. In the future, the Adviser may, subject to shareholders’ approval and 30 days’ notice, select another index if that index is deemed more representative of the performance of U.S. common stocks.


Fidelity Magellan Fund    Fidelity Magellan Fund seeks capital appreciation through investments in securities of domestic, foreign, and multinational issuers. The fund normally invests primarily in common stock and securities convertible into common stock, but may also invest in other types of securities in seeking its objective. No more than 40% of the fund’s assets may be invested in companies operating exclusively in any one foreign country. No emphasis is placed on dividend income except when the Adviser believes this income will have a favorable influence on the market value of the security.

Conclusion. The Board of Trustees has concluded that the proposal will benefit each fund and its shareholders. The Trustees recommend voting FOR the proposal. If the conversion of the Policy from fundamental to non-fundamental is approved by a fund’s shareholders, the change (including the additional changes described above for Fidelity 500 Index Fund, Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund, and Fidelity Magellan Fund) will take effect in conjunction with the fund’s next annual prospectus revision. If Proposal 2 is not approved by a fund’s shareholders, the Policy will remain a fundamental policy for that fund.



Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

The purpose of this proposal is to modify Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund’s fundamental investment policy to reflect that it invests primarily in securities of companies engaged in the semiconductors industries, rather than companies engaged in the electronics industries more broadly. The changes to the fundamental investment policy will not affect how the fund is managed.

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund has a fundamental policy of investing primarily in companies engaged in the design, manufacture, or sale of electronic components (semiconductors, connectors, printed circuit boards and other components); equipment vendors to electronic component manufacturers; electronic component distributors; and electronic instruments and electronic systems vendors. Because this “invest primarily” policy is fundamental, it can only be changed by a vote of the fund’s shareholders.

The fund also has a narrower policy of investing primarily in companies engaged in the design, manufacture, or sale of semiconductors and semiconductor equipment. The policy is a non-fundamental policy that can be changed without a vote of the fund’s shareholders. The fund has a policy to invest at least 80% of its assets in securities of companies principally engaged in these activities. The fund’s 80% policy can be changed without a vote only upon 60 days’ prior notice to shareholders of the fund.

The narrower policy is consistent with the fund’s name, which was changed from Fidelity Advisor Electronics Fund to Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund in October 2016 to better communicate the fund’s long-term investment focus and positioning in the marketplace. The electronics industry has evolved dramatically over the past few decades and the term “electronics” is a broad term that could apply to many companies in many different industries. In contrast, the term “semiconductors” more fully describes the fund’s investment focus on companies engaged in the design, manufacture or sale of semiconductors and related products and of semiconductor equipment.

The Board of Trustees recommends that shareholders approve a modification to the fund’s fundamental “invest primarily” policy to reflect the more narrow investment focus of the fund, as set forth in the chart below (bold language is to be added and strikethrough language is to be deleted). If the modification is approved, the fund’s fundamental “invest primarily” policy will match its current non-fundamental investment policy. As a result, the non-fundamental investment policy would no longer be necessary and would be removed.



Table of Contents
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund    The fund has a policy of investing primarily in companies engaged in the design, manufacture, or sale of semiconductors and semiconductor equipment electronic components (semiconductors, connectors, printed circuit boards and other components); equipment vendors to electronic component manufacturers; electronic component distributors; and electronic instruments and electronic systems vendors.

Conclusion. The Board of Trustees has concluded that the proposal will benefit Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund and its shareholders. The Trustees recommend voting FOR the proposal. If the modification of the fundamental “invest primarily” policy is approved by shareholders, the change (including the removal of the non-fundamental policy described above) will take effect in conjunction with the fund’s next annual prospectus revision. If Proposal 3 is not approved by the fund’s shareholders, the fundamental “invest primarily” policy will remain unchanged, and the fund will continue to have a separate, narrower non-fundamental “invest primarily” policy. For Proposals 3 and 4, neither proposal is contingent on one another, meaning that a proposal will be implemented if approved by the fund’s shareholders, even if its shareholders have not also approved the other proposal.



Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

The purpose of this proposal is to modify the industry concentration policy for Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund to better reflect its investment focus. The 1940 Act requires funds to state a policy regarding concentration of investments in a particular industry, and to make the policy fundamental (changeable only by shareholder vote). The SEC has taken the position that a fund that invests more than 25% of its total assets in a particular industry is concentrating its investments.

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund has a fundamental concentration policy that refers generically to its investment strategy, while the concentration policies for other Fidelity sector funds cite specific industries. The Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees, has approved, and recommends that shareholders approve, proposed changes to the fund’s concentration policy to standardize the approach with that used by the other Fidelity sector funds.

As described above in Proposal 3, the fund is designed to offer targeted exposure to the securities of companies principally engaged in the design, manufacture, or sale of semiconductors and semiconductor equipment. By modifying the concentration policy as proposed, the fund’s concentration policy will specifically cite the fund’s name while providing flexibility in determining whether an issuer is principally engaged in activities related to the semiconductors industries. The proposed concentration policy would simply describe more explicitly how the fund already invests. There is no present intention to change the way in which the fund is currently managed or otherwise change its investment policies if the proposal is approved by the fund’s shareholders.

The proposed changes to the fund’s concentration policy are set forth in the chart below (bold language is to be added and strikethrough language is to be deleted). The fund’s concentration policy would continue to be subject to the “look through” and other interpretive disclosure included in the fund’s current statement of additional information.


Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund    The fund may not purchase the securities of any issuer if, as a result, less than 25% of the fund’s total assets would be invested in the securities of issuers principally engaged in the business activities having the specific characteristics denoted by the fund semiconductors industries.

Conclusion. The Board of Trustees has concluded that the proposal will benefit Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund and its shareholders. The Trustees recommend voting FOR the proposal. If the modification to the fundamental concentration policy is approved by shareholders, the change will take effect in conjunction with the fund’s next annual prospectus revision. If the modification to the fundamental concentration policy is not approved by the fund’s shareholders, the existing concentration policy will remain in effect for the fund. For Proposals 3 and 4, neither proposal is contingent on one another, meaning that a proposal will be implemented if approved by the fund’s shareholders, even if its shareholders have not also approved the other proposal.



Fidelity 500 Index Fund, Fidelity Balanced Fund, Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund, Fidelity Capital & Income Fund, Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity Contrafund, Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund, Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund, Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund, Fidelity Equity-Income Fund, Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund, Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio, Fidelity Growth Company Fund, Fidelity Independence Fund, Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Index Fund, Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund and Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund



Table of Contents

Certain shareholders of above listed funds (for purposes of Proposal 5 only, each a “Fund”) have advised the Funds that they intend to present the following shareholder proposal at the Meeting. For the reasons set forth after the proposal, the Board of Trustees recommends a vote “AGAINST” the proposal. No Fund is responsible for the contents of the proposal or the supporting statements. A Fund will provide the names, addresses, and shareholdings (to the Fund’s knowledge) of the proponents of a shareholder proposal upon written request sent to the Secretary of the Fund, attention “Fund Shareholder Meetings,” 245 Summer Street, Mailzone V10A, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, or by calling 1-617-563-9021.


WHEREAS, we believe that:



Investors do not want their investments to help fund genocide.



While reasonable people may disagree about socially responsible investing, few want their investments to help fund genocide.



KRC Research’s 2010 study showed that 88% of respondents want their mutual funds to be genocide-free.



Millions of Fidelity investors have voted for genocide-free investing proposals, submitted by supporters of Investors Against Genocide, despite active management opposition. As many as 29% of Fidelity shareholders voted in favor in 2013 and 31% in 2008.



In 2012, a genocide-free investing proposal at an ING mutual fund passed decisively, 59.8% to 10.7% with 29.5% abstaining.



The example of PetroChina shows that current policies do not adequately support genocide-free investing because Fidelity and the funds it manages:



Are large and long-term investors in PetroChina. PetroChina, through its controlling shareholder, China National Petroleum Company, is Sudan’s largest business partner, thereby helping fund ongoing government-sponsored genocide and crimes against humanity.



Unnecessarily expose shareholders to the significant financial, operational and reputational risks of the China National Petroleum group’s operations in areas affected by genocide and mass atrocities.



Actively opposed earlier shareholder requests for genocide-free investing.



Continued to buy shares of problem companies even after becoming aware of the investments’ connection to genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan.



Claimed to have a policy addressing extreme human rights issues, but has taken no action to avoid problem investments.



Made investments in PetroChina that, while legal, are inconsistent with U.S. sanctions explicitly prohibiting transactions relating to Sudan’s petroleum industry.



Individuals, through ownership of shares of Fidelity funds, may inadvertently invest in companies that help support genocide. With no policy to prevent these investments, Fidelity may at any time add or increase holdings in problem companies.



No sound reasons prevent having a genocide-free investing policy because:



Ample alternative investments exist.



Avoiding problem companies need not have a significant effect on investment performance, as shown in Gary Brinson’s classic asset allocation study.



Only a handful of Fidelity’s U.S. funds would be affected, because most of Fidelity’s holdings of problem companies such as PetroChina are by Fidelity funds sold outside the U.S.



Appropriate disclosure can address any legal concerns regarding the exclusion of problem companies.



Management can easily obtain independent assessments to identify companies connected to genocide.



Other large financial firms such as T. Rowe Price and TIAA-CREF have avoided investments connected to genocide by divesting problem companies such as PetroChina.



Investor action can influence foreign governments, as in South Africa. Similar action on Talisman Energy helped end the conflict in South Sudan.


Shareholders request that the Board institute transparent procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity, the most egregious violations of human rights. Such procedures may include time-limited engagement with problem companies if management believes that their behavior can be changed.

* * *

Statement of Opposition

The Fidelity Equity and High Income Board of Trustees recommends that you vote AGAINST this proposal.



Table of Contents

Fidelity, as investment adviser to the Funds, seeks to achieve the best investment results for each Fund consistent with the stated investment policies of the relevant Fund. In doing so, Fidelity is obligated to limit such Fund’s investments to holdings that are lawful under the laws of the United States. The Fidelity Equity and High Income Board of Trustees has procedures in place to review fund performance as investment adviser to the Funds, including each Fund’s compliance with all applicable laws.

Fidelity is committed to complying fully with applicable law, including any investment sanctions that the United States government might enact.

The Fidelity Equity and High Income Board of Trustees recognizes and respects that investors, including those investing in the Funds, have other investment opportunities open to them should they wish to avoid investments in certain companies or countries. Shareholders of the Funds, however, choose to invest based on the specific stated investment policies of the relevant fund. If adopted, this proposal would limit investments by the Funds that would be lawful under the laws of the United States. For this reason, the Board of Trustees recommends that you vote AGAINST this proposal.



Fidelity Overseas Fund and Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

Certain shareholders of the Fidelity Overseas Fund and Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund (for purposes of Proposal 6 only, each a “Fund”) have advised the Funds that they intend to present the following shareholder proposal at the Meeting. For the reasons set forth after the proposal, the Board of Trustees recommends a vote “AGAINST” the proposal. No Fund is responsible for the contents of the proposal or the supporting statements. A Fund will provide the names, addresses, and shareholdings (to the Fund’s knowledge) of the proponents of a shareholder proposal upon written request sent to the Secretary of the Fund, attention “Fund Shareholder Meetings,” 245 Summer Street, Mailzone V10A, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, or by calling 1-617-563-9021.



We believe that:



While reasonable people may disagree about socially responsible investing, few want their investments to help fund genocide. KRC Research’s 2010 study showed 88% of respondents want their mutual funds to be genocide-free.



Millions of Fidelity investors voted for genocide-free investing proposals, submitted by supporters of Investors Against Genocide. Details on genocide-free investing are available at



Fidelity has opposed genocide-free investing since the issue was raised in 2006.



Genocide-free investing is consistent with the company’s values. Notably, Fidelity:



Signed the UN Principles for Responsible Investment in 2017, agreeing to incorporate social issues into investment decision-making processes and “better align investors with broader objectives of society.”



Published its “Commitment to responsible investing.”



States that “by investing in companies which operate with high standards of corporate responsibility we can protect and enhance investment returns for our clients.”



Claims a “rigorous bottom-up research process” that provides an “in-depth understanding of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues at a company.”



Boasts it is “continually striving for enhanced ESG policies and integration into our investment process.”



Examples demonstrate that Fidelity’s policies inadequately support genocide-free investing because Fidelity and funds it manages:



Have for many years been large holders of both PetroChina and Sinopec. PetroChina’s controlling parent, CNPC, is Sudan’s largest oil partner, thereby helping fund genocide there. CNPC/PetroChina also partners with Syria. Sinopec, another oil company, also operates in both countries.



Claim to have a policy addressing extreme human rights issues, but have taken no action to avoid problem investments.



Individuals, by owning Fidelity funds, may inadvertently invest in companies that help support genocide. With no policy to prevent these investments, Fidelity may at any time increase holdings in problem companies.



Fidelity can implement a genocide-free investing policy because:



Ample alternative investments exist.



Table of Contents

Avoiding problem companies need not significantly affect investment performance, as shown in Gary Brinson’s classic asset allocation study.



Appropriate disclosure can address any legal concerns regarding exclusion of problem companies, even in index funds that sample rather than replicate their index.



Management can easily obtain independent assessments to identify companies connected to genocide.



Other large financial firms (including T. Rowe Price and TIAA) have policies to avoid such investments.



Procedures may include time-limited engagement with problem companies if management believes that their behavior can be changed.



In the rare case that the company believes it cannot avoid an investment tied to genocide, it can prominently disclose the issue to shareholders.



Only a handful of Fidelity’s U.S. funds would be affected, because most of Fidelity’s holdings of problem companies such as PetroChina are by Fidelity funds sold outside the U.S.


Shareholders request that the Board institute transparent procedures to avoid holding or recommending investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity, the most egregious violations of human rights.

* * *

Statement of Opposition

The Fidelity Equity and High Income Board of Trustees recommends that you vote AGAINST this proposal.

Fidelity, as investment adviser to the Funds, seeks to achieve the best investment results for each Fund consistent with the stated investment policies of the relevant Fund. In doing so, Fidelity is obligated to limit such Fund’s investments to holdings that are lawful under the laws of the United States. The Fidelity Equity and High Income Board of Trustees has procedures in place to review fund performance as investment adviser to the Funds, including each Fund’s compliance with all applicable laws.

Fidelity is committed to complying fully with applicable law, including any investment sanctions that the United States government might enact.

The Fidelity Equity and High Income Board of Trustees recognizes and respects that investors, including those investing in the Funds, have other investment opportunities open to them should they wish to avoid investments in certain companies or countries. Shareholders of the Funds, however, choose to invest based on the specific stated investment policies of the relevant fund. If adopted, this proposal would limit investments by the Funds that would be lawful under the laws of the United States. For this reason, the Board of Trustees recommends that you vote AGAINST this proposal.


The Board knows of no other business to be brought before the Meeting. However, if any other matters properly come before the Meeting, it is the intention that proxies that do not contain specific instructions to the contrary will be voted on such matters in accordance with the judgment of the persons therein designated.



Appendix G shows the composition of the Board of Trustees of each trust and the Advisory Board Members, if any, of each trust. The officers of the funds include: Elizabeth Paige Baumann, Craig S. Brown, John J. Burke III, William C. Coffey, Timothy M. Cohen, Jonathan Davis, Laura M. Del Prato, Colm A. Hogan, Pamela R. Holding, Cynthia Lo Bessette, Chris Maher, Kenneth B. Robins, Stacie M. Smith, Marc L. Spector, and Jim Wegmann. Additional information about Messrs. Dirks, Donahue, Lacy, Lautenbach, Mauriello, Smith, Thomas, and Wiley and Mses. Fuller, Kampling, Small, and Tomasky can be found in Proposal 1. Additional information about Messrs. Chiel and Curvey, Peter S. Lynch, and the officers of the funds can be found in the following table.

Interested Trustees*:

Correspondence intended for a Trustee who is an interested person may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

Name, Year of Birth; Principal Occupations and Other Relevant Experience+

Jonathan Chiel (1957)

Mr. Chiel also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Mr. Chiel is Executive Vice President and General Counsel for FMR LLC (diversified financial services company, 2012-present). Previously, Mr. Chiel served as general counsel (2004-2012) and senior vice president and deputy general counsel (2000-2004) for John Hancock Financial Services; a partner with Choate, Hall & Stewart (1996-2000) (law firm); and an Assistant United States Attorney for the United States Attorney’s Office of the District of Massachusetts (1986-95), including Chief of the Criminal Division (1993-1995). Mr. Chiel is a director on the boards of the Boston Bar Foundation and the Maimonides School.



Table of Contents

James C. Curvey (1935)

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Mr. Curvey also serves as Trustee of other Fidelity® funds. Mr. Curvey is Vice Chairman (2007-present) and Director of FMR LLC (diversified financial services company). In addition, Mr. Curvey is an Overseer Emeritus for the Boston Symphony Orchestra, a Director of Artis-Naples, and a Trustee of Brewster Academy in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. Previously, Mr. Curvey served as a Director of Fidelity Research & Analysis Co. (investment adviser firm, 2009-2018), Director of Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (investment adviser firm, 2009-2014) and a Director of FMR and FMR Co., Inc. (investment adviser firms, 2007-2014).



Determined to be an “Interested Trustee” by virtue of, among other things, his affiliation with the trusts or various entities under common control with FMR.


The information includes the Trustee’s principal occupation during the last five years and other information relating to the experience, attributes, and skills relevant to the Trustee’s qualifications to serve as a Trustee, which led to the conclusion that the Trustee should serve as a Trustee for each fund.

Advisory Board Members and Officers:

The officers and Advisory Board Members hold office without limit in time, except that any officer or Advisory Board Member may resign or may be removed by a vote of a majority of the Trustees at any regular meeting or any special meeting of the Trustees. Correspondence intended for each officer and Mr. Lynch may be sent to Fidelity Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.

Name, Year of Birth; Principal Occupation

Peter S. Lynch (1944)

Mr. Lynch also serves as Member of the Advisory Board of other Fidelity® funds. Mr. Lynch is Vice Chairman and a Director of Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (investment adviser firm). In addition, Mr. Lynch serves as a Trustee of Boston College and as the Chairman of the Inner-City Scholarship Fund. Previously, Mr. Lynch served as Vice Chairman and a Director of FMR Co., Inc. (investment adviser firm) and on the Special Olympics International Board of Directors (1997-2006).

Elizabeth Paige Baumann (1968)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2017

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Officer

Ms. Baumann also serves as AML Officer of other funds. She is Chief AML Officer (2012-present) and Senior Vice President (2014-present) of FMR LLC (diversified financial services company) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Previously, Ms. Baumann served as AML Officer of the funds (2012-2016), and Vice President (2007-2014) and Deputy Anti-Money Laundering Officer (2007-2012) of FMR LLC.

Craig S. Brown (1977)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2019

Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Brown also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other funds. Mr. Brown is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2013-present).

John J. Burke III (1964)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2018

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Burke also serves as Chief Financial Officer of other funds. Mr. Burke serves as Head of Investment Operations for Fidelity Fund and Investment Operations (2018-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments (1998-present). Previously Mr. Burke served as head of Asset Management Investment Operations (2012-2018).

William C. Coffey (1969)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2019

Assistant Secretary

Mr. Coffey also serves as Assistant Secretary of other funds. He is Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of FMR LLC (diversified financial services company, 2010-present), and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Previously, Mr. Coffey served as Secretary and CLO of certain funds (2018-2019); CLO, Secretary, and Senior Vice President of Fidelity Management & Research Company and FMR Co., Inc. (investment adviser firms, 2018-2019); Secretary of Fidelity SelectCo, LLC and Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (investment adviser firms, 2018-2019); CLO of Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, and Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (investment adviser firms, 2018-2019); and Assistant Secretary of certain funds (2009-2018).



Table of Contents

Timothy M. Cohen (1969)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2018

Vice President

Mr. Cohen also serves as Vice President of other funds. Mr. Cohen serves as Co-Head of Equity (2018-present), a Director of Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (investment adviser firm, 2016-present), and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Previously, Mr. Cohen served as Executive Vice President of Fidelity SelectCo, LLC (2019), Head of Global Equity Research (2016-2018), Chief Investment Officer—Equity and a Director of Fidelity Management & Research (U.K.) Inc. (investment adviser firm, 2013-2015) and as a Director of Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited (investment adviser firm, 2017).

Jonathan Davis (1968)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2010

Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Davis also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other funds. Mr. Davis serves as Assistant Treasurer of FMR Capital, Inc. (2017-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Previously, Mr. Davis served as Vice President and Associate General Counsel of FMR LLC (diversified financial services company, 2003-2010).

Laura M. Del Prato (1964)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2018

Assistant Treasurer

Ms. Del Prato also serves as an officer of other funds. Ms. Del Prato is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2017-present). Prior to joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Del Prato served as a Managing Director and Treasurer of the JPMorgan Mutual Funds (2014-2017). Prior to JPMorgan, Ms. Del Prato served as a partner at Cohen Fund Audit Services (accounting firm, 2012-2013) and KPMG LLP (accounting firm, 2004-2012).

Colm A. Hogan (1973)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2016

Deputy Treasurer

Mr. Hogan also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Hogan serves as Assistant Treasurer of FMR Capital, Inc. (2017-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2005-present). Previously, Mr. Hogan served as Deputy Treasurer of certain Fidelity® funds (2016-2020) and Assistant Treasurer of certain Fidelity® funds (2016-2018).

Pamela R. Holding (1964)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2018

Vice President

Ms. Holding also serves as Vice President of other funds. Ms. Holding serves as Co-Head of Equity (2018-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2013-present). Previously, Ms. Holding served as Executive Vice President of Fidelity SelectCo, LLC (2019) and as Chief Investment Officer of Fidelity Institutional Asset Management (2013-2018).

Cynthia Lo Bessette (1969)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2019

Secretary and Chief Legal Officer (CLO)

Ms. Lo Bessette also serves as an officer of other funds. Ms. Lo Bessette serves as CLO, Secretary, and Senior Vice President of Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (investment adviser firm, 2019-present); and CLO of Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited, FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited, and Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (investment adviser firms, 2019-present). She is a Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of FMR LLC (diversified financial services company, 2019-present), and is an employee of Fidelity Investments. Previously, Ms. Lo Bessette served as CLO, Secretary, and Senior Vice President of FMR Co., Inc. (investment adviser firm, 2019); Secretary of Fidelity SelectCo, LLC and Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (investment adviser firms, 2019). Prior to joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Lo Bessette was Executive Vice President, General Counsel (2016-2019) and Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel (2015-2016) of OppenheimerFunds (investment management company) and Deputy Chief Legal Officer (2013-2015) of Jennison Associates LLC (investment adviser firm).

Chris Maher (1972)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2013

Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Maher also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Maher serves as Assistant Treasurer of FMR Capital, Inc. (2017-present), and is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2008-present). Previously, Mr. Maher served as Assistant Treasurer of certain funds (2013-2020); Vice President of Asset Management Compliance (2013), Vice President of the Program Management Group of FMR (investment adviser firm, 2010-2013), and Vice President of Valuation Oversight (2008-2010).



Table of Contents

Kenneth B. Robins (1969)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2016

Chief Compliance Officer

Mr. Robins also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Robins serves as Compliance Officer of Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (investment adviser firm, 2016-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2004-present). Previously, Mr. Robins served as Compliance Officer of FMR Co., Inc. (investment adviser firm, 2016-2019), as Executive Vice President of Fidelity Investments Money Management, Inc. (investment adviser firm, 2013-2016) and served in other fund officer roles.

Stacie M. Smith (1974)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2016

President and Treasurer

Ms. Smith also serves as an officer of other funds. Ms. Smith serves as Assistant Treasurer of FMR Capital, Inc. (2017-present), is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2009-present), and has served in other fund officer roles. Prior to joining Fidelity Investments, Ms. Smith served as Senior Audit Manager of Ernst & Young LLP (accounting firm, 1996-2009). Previously, Ms. Smith served as Assistant Treasurer (2013-2019) and Deputy Treasurer (2013-2016) of certain Fidelity® funds.

Marc L. Spector (1972)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2016

Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Spector also serves as an officer of other funds. Mr. Spector serves as Assistant Treasurer of FMR Capital, Inc. (2017-present) and is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2016-present). Prior to joining Fidelity Investments, Mr. Spector served as Director at the Siegfried Group (accounting firm, 2013-2016), and prior to Siegfried Group as audit senior manager at Deloitte & Touche (accounting firm, 2005-2013).

Jim Wegmann (1979)

Year of Election or Appointment: 2019

Assistant Treasurer

Mr. Wegmann also serves as Assistant Treasurer of other funds. Mr. Wegmann is an employee of Fidelity Investments (2011-present).



Correspondence intended for each Independent Trustee may be sent to the attention of the individual Trustee or to the Board of Trustees at Fidelity Investments, P.O. Box 55235, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5235. Correspondence intended for each Interested Trustee may be sent to the attention of the individual Trustee or to the Board of Trustees at Fidelity Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210. The current process for collecting and organizing shareholder communications requires that the Board of Trustees receive copies of all communications addressed to it. All communications addressed to the Board of Trustees or any individual Trustee are logged and sent to the Board or individual Trustee. The funds do not hold annual meetings and therefore do not have a policy with regard to Trustees’ attendance at such meetings. However, as a matter of practice, at least one Trustee attends special meetings.

Mr. Curvey is an interested person and currently serves as Chairman. The Trustees have determined that an interested Chairman is appropriate and benefits shareholders because an interested Chairman has a personal and professional stake in the quality and continuity of services provided to the funds. Independent Trustees exercise their informed business judgment to appoint an individual of their choosing to serve as Chairman, regardless of whether the Trustee happens to be independent or a member of management. The Independent Trustees have determined that they can act independently and effectively without having an Independent Trustee serve as Chairman and that a key structural component for assuring that they are in a position to do so is for the Independent Trustees to constitute a substantial majority for the Board. The Independent Trustees also regularly meet in executive session. Mr. Lautenbach serves as Chairman of the Independent Trustees and as such (i) acts as a liaison between the Independent Trustees and management with respect to matters important to the Independent Trustees and (ii) with management prepares agendas for Board meetings.

Fidelity® funds are overseen by different Boards of Trustees. The funds’ Board oversees Fidelity’s high income and certain equity funds, and other Boards oversee Fidelity’s investment-grade bond, money market, asset allocation, and other equity funds. The asset allocation funds may invest in Fidelity® funds overseen by the funds’ Board. The use of separate Boards, each with its own committee structure, allows the Trustees of each group of Fidelity® funds to focus on the unique issues of the funds they oversee, including common research, investment, and operational issues. On occasion, the separate Boards establish joint committees to address issues of overlapping consequences for the Fidelity® funds overseen by each Board.

The Trustees operate using a system of committees to facilitate the timely and efficient consideration of all matters of importance to the Trustees, the funds, and fund shareholders and to facilitate compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and oversight of the funds’ activities and associated risks. The Board, acting through its committees, has charged FMR and its affiliates with (i) identifying events or circumstances the occurrence of which could have demonstrably adverse effects on the funds’ business and/or reputation; (ii) implementing processes and controls to lessen the possibility that such events or circumstances occur or to mitigate the effects of such events or circumstances if they do occur; and (iii) creating and maintaining a system designed to evaluate continuously business and market conditions in order to facilitate the identification and implementation processes described in (i) and (ii) above. Because the day-to-day operations and activities of the funds are carried out by or through FMR, its affiliates, and other service providers, the funds’ exposure to risks is mitigated but not eliminated by the processes overseen by the Trustees. While each of the Board’s committees has responsibility for overseeing different aspects of the funds’ activities, oversight is exercised primarily through



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the Operations, Audit, and Compliance Committees. Appropriate personnel, including but not limited to the funds’ Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), the adviser’s internal auditor, the independent accountants, the funds’ Treasurer and portfolio management personnel, make periodic reports to the Board’s committees, as appropriate, including an annual review of Fidelity’s risk management program for the Fidelity® funds.

The Board of Trustees has established various committees to support the Independent Trustees in acting independently in pursuing the best interests of the funds and their shareholders. Currently, the Board of Trustees has 11 standing committees. The members of each committee are Independent Trustees. Advisory Board Members may be invited to attend meetings of the committees. See Appendix H for the number of meetings each standing committee held during each fund’s last fiscal year.

The Operations Committee is composed of all of the Independent Trustees, with Mr. Lautenbach currently serving as Chair and Mr. Thomas serving as Vice Chair. Mr. Wiley also serves as Vice Chair (for trusts for which he serves as trustee). The committee serves as a forum for consideration of issues of importance to, or calling for particular determinations by, the Independent Trustees. The committee also considers matters involving potential conflicts of interest between the funds and FMR and its affiliates and reviews proposed contracts and the proposed continuation of contracts between the funds and FMR and its affiliates, and annually reviews and makes recommendations regarding contracts with third parties unaffiliated with FMR, including insurance coverage and custody agreements. The committee also monitors additional issues including the nature, levels and quality of services provided to shareholders and significant litigation. The committee also has oversight of compliance issues not specifically within the scope of any other committee. The committee is also responsible for definitive action on all compliance matters involving the potential for significant reimbursement by FMR.

The Fair Value Oversight Committee is composed of Messrs. Donahue (Chair), Dirks, Mauriello, and Thomas, and Ms. Small. The Fair Value Oversight Committee monitors and establishes policies concerning procedures and controls regarding the valuation of fund investments and monitors matters of disclosure to the extent required to fulfill its statutory responsibilities. The committee also reviews actions taken by FMR’s Fair Value Committee.

The Board of Trustees has established two Fund Oversight Committees: the Equity I Committee (composed of Ms. Small (Chair), and Messrs. Dirks, Donahue, Lacy, and Wiley (for trusts for which he serves as trustee)) and the Equity II Committee (composed of Messrs. Thomas (Chair), Lautenbach, Mauriello, and Smith). Each committee develops an understanding of and reviews the investment objectives, policies, and practices of each fund under its oversight. Each committee also monitors investment performance, compliance by each relevant fund with its investment policies and restrictions and reviews appropriate benchmarks, competitive universes, unusual or exceptional investment matters, the personnel and other resources devoted to the management of each fund and all other matters bearing on each fund’s investment results. Each committee will review and recommend any required action to the Board in respect of specific funds, including new funds, changes in fundamental and non-fundamental investment policies and restrictions, partial or full closing to new investors, fund mergers, fund name changes, and liquidations of funds. The members of each committee may organize working groups to make recommendations concerning issues related to funds that are within the scope of the committee’s review. These working groups report to the committee or to the Independent Trustees, or both, as appropriate. Each working group may request from FMR such information from FMR as may be appropriate to the working group’s deliberations.

The Shareholder, Distribution and Brokerage Committee is composed of Messrs. Dirks (Chair), Thomas, and Wiley (for trusts for which he serves as trustee), and Ms. Small. Regarding shareholder services, the committee considers the structure and amount of the funds’ transfer agency fees and fees, including direct fees to investors (other than sales loads), such as bookkeeping and custodial fees, and the nature and quality of services rendered by FMR and its affiliates or third parties (such as custodians) in consideration of these fees. The committee also considers other non-investment management services rendered to the funds by FMR and its affiliates, including pricing and bookkeeping services. The committee monitors and recommends policies concerning the securities transactions of the funds, including brokerage. The committee periodically reviews the policies and practices with respect to efforts to achieve best execution, commissions paid to firms supplying research and brokerage services or paying fund expenses, and policies and procedures designed to assure that any allocation of portfolio transactions is not influenced by the sale of fund shares. The committee also monitors brokerage and other similar relationships between the funds and firms affiliated with FMR that participate in the execution of securities transactions. Regarding the distribution of fund shares, the committee considers issues bearing on the various distribution channels employed by the funds, including issues regarding Rule 18f-3 plans and related consideration of classes of shares, sales load structures (including breakpoints), load waivers, selling concessions and service charges paid to intermediaries, Rule 12b-1 plans, contingent deferred sales charges, and finder’s fees, and other means by which intermediaries are compensated for selling fund shares or providing shareholder servicing, including revenue sharing. The committee also considers issues bearing on the preparation and use of advertisements and sales literature for the funds, policies and procedures regarding frequent purchase of fund shares, and selective disclosure of portfolio holdings.

The Audit Committee is composed of Messrs. Mauriello (Chair), Donahue, Lacy, and Wiley (for trusts for which he serves as trustee). All committee members must be able to read and understand fundamental financial statements, including a company’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. At least one committee member will be an “audit committee financial expert” as defined by the SEC. The committee will have at least one committee member in common with the Compliance Committee. The committee meets separately at least annually with the funds’ Treasurer, with the funds’ Chief Financial Officer, with personnel responsible for the internal audit function of FMR LLC, and with the funds’ outside auditors. The committee has direct responsibility for the appointment, compensation, and oversight of the work of the outside auditors employed by the funds. The committee assists the Trustees in overseeing and monitoring: (i) the systems of internal accounting and financial controls of the funds and the funds’ service providers, (to the extent such controls impact the funds’ financial statements); (ii) the funds’ auditors and the annual audits of the funds’ financial statements; (iii) the financial reporting processes of the funds; (iv) whistleblower reports; and (v) the accounting policies and disclosures of the funds. The committee considers and acts upon (i) the provision by any outside auditor of any non-audit services for any fund, and (ii) the provision by any outside auditor of certain non-audit services to fund service providers and their affiliates to the extent that such approval (in the case of this clause (ii)) is required under applicable regulations of the SEC. In furtherance of the foregoing, the committee has adopted (and may from time to time amend or



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supplement) and provides oversight of policies and procedures for non-audit engagements by outside auditors of the funds. It is responsible for approving all audit engagement fees and terms for the funds and for resolving disagreements between a fund and any outside auditor regarding any fund’s financial reporting. Auditors of the funds report directly to the committee. The committee will obtain assurance of independence and objectivity from the outside auditors, including a formal written statement delineating all relationships between the auditor and the funds and any service providers consistent with the rules of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. It oversees and receives reports on the funds’ service providers’ internal controls and reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the service providers’ accounting and financial controls, including: (i) any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal controls over financial reporting that are reasonably likely to adversely affect the funds’ ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data; (ii) any change in the fund’s internal control over financial reporting that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the fund’s internal control over financial reporting; and (iii) any fraud, whether material or not, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the funds’ or service providers internal controls over financial reporting. The committee will also review any correspondence with regulators or governmental agencies or published reports that raise material issues regarding the funds’ financial statements or accounting policies. These matters may also be reviewed by the Compliance Committee or the Operations Committee. The Chair of the Audit Committee will coordinate with the Chair of the Compliance Committee, as appropriate. The committee reviews at least annually a report from each outside auditor describing any material issues raised by the most recent internal quality control, peer review, or Public Company Accounting Oversight Board examination of the auditing firm and any material issues raised by any inquiry or investigation by governmental or professional authorities of the auditing firm and in each case any steps taken to deal with such issues. The committee will oversee and receive reports on the funds’ financial reporting process, will discuss with FMR , the funds’ Treasurer, outside auditors and, if appropriate, internal audit personnel of FMR LLC, their qualitative judgments about the appropriateness and acceptability of accounting principles and financial disclosure practices used or proposed for adoption by the funds. The committee will review with FMR, the funds’ Treasurer, outside auditor, and internal audit personnel of FMR LLC and, as appropriate, legal counsel the results of audits of the funds’ financial statements. The committee will review periodically the funds’ major internal controls exposures and the steps that have been taken to monitor and control such exposures.

The Governance and Nominating Committee is composed of Messrs. Lautenbach (Chair), Dirks, Thomas, and Wiley (for trusts for which he serves as trustee). With respect to fund governance and board administration matters, the committee periodically reviews procedures of the Board of Trustees and its committees (including committee charters) and periodically reviews compensation of Independent Trustees. The committee monitors corporate governance matters and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the frequency and structure of the Board of Trustee meetings and on any other aspect of Board procedures. It acts as the administrative committee under the retirement plan for Independent Trustees who retired prior to December 30, 1996 and under the fee deferral plan for Independent Trustees. It reviews the performance of legal counsel employed by the funds and the Independent Trustees. On behalf of the Independent Trustees, the committee will make such findings and determinations as to the independence of counsel for the Independent Trustees as may be necessary or appropriate under applicable regulations or otherwise. The committee is also responsible for Board administrative matters applicable to Independent Trustees, such as expense reimbursement policies and compensation for attendance at meetings, conferences and other events. The committee monitors compliance with, acts as the administrator of, and makes determinations in respect of, the provisions of the code of ethics and any supplemental policies regarding personal securities transactions applicable to the Independent Trustees. The committee monitors the functioning of each Board committee and makes recommendations for any changes, including the creation or elimination of standing or ad hoc Board committees. The committee monitors regulatory and other developments to determine whether to recommend modifications to the committee’s responsibilities or other Trustee policies and procedures in light of rule changes, reports concerning “best practices” in corporate governance and other developments in mutual fund governance. The committee meets with Independent Trustees at least once a year to discuss matters relating to fund governance. The committee recommends that the Board establish such special or ad hoc Board committees as may be desirable or necessary from time to time in order to address ethical, legal, or other matters that may arise. The committee also oversees the annual self-evaluation of the Board of Trustees and of each committee and establishes procedures to allow it to exercise this oversight function. In conducting this oversight, the committee shall address all matters that it considers relevant to the performance of the Board of Trustees and shall report the results of its evaluation to the Board of Trustees, including any recommended amendments to the principles of governance, and any recommended changes to the funds’ or the Board of Trustees’ policies, procedures, and structures. The committee reviews periodically the size and composition of the Board of Trustees as a whole and recommends, if necessary, measures to be taken so that the Board of Trustees reflects the appropriate balance of knowledge, experience, skills, expertise, and diversity required for the Board as a whole and contains at least the minimum number of Independent Trustees required by law. The committee makes nominations for the election or appointment of Independent Trustees and non-management Members of any Advisory Board, and for membership on committees. The committee shall have authority to retain and terminate any third-party advisers, including authority to approve fees and other retention terms. Such advisers may include search firms to identify Independent Trustee candidates and board compensation consultants. The committee may conduct or authorize investigations into or studies of matters within the committee’s scope of responsibilities, and may retain, at the funds’ expense, such independent counsel or other advisers as it deems necessary. The committee will consider nominees to the Board of Trustees recommended by shareholders based upon the criteria applied to candidates presented to the committee by a search firm or other source. Recommendations, along with appropriate background material concerning the candidate that demonstrates his or her ability to serve as an Independent Trustee of the funds, should be submitted to the Chair of the committee at the address maintained for communications with Independent Trustees. If the committee retains a search firm, the Chair will generally forward all such submissions to the search firm for evaluation. With respect to the criteria for selecting Independent Trustees, it is expected that all candidates will possess the following minimum qualifications: (i) unquestioned personal integrity; (ii) not an interested person of the funds within the meaning of the 1940 Act; (iii) does not have a material relationship (e.g., commercial, banking, consulting, legal, or accounting) with FMR, any sub-adviser, or their affiliates that could create an appearance of lack of independence in respect of the funds; (iv) has the disposition to act independently in respect of FMR and its affiliates and others in order to protect the interests of the funds and all shareholders; (v) ability to attend regularly scheduled meetings during the year; (vi) demonstrates sound business judgment gained through broad experience in significant positions where the candidate has dealt with management, technical, financial, or regulatory issues; (vii) sufficient financial or accounting knowledge to add value in the complex financial



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environment of the funds; (viii) experience on corporate or other institutional oversight bodies having similar responsibilities, but which board memberships or other relationships could not result in business or regulatory conflicts with the funds; and (ix) capacity for the hard work and attention to detail that is required to be an effective Independent Trustee in light of the funds’ complex regulatory, operational, and marketing setting. The Governance and Nominating Committee may determine that a candidate who does not have the type of previous experience or knowledge referred to above should nevertheless be considered as a nominee if the Governance and Nominating Committee finds that the candidate has additional qualifications such that his or her qualifications, taken as a whole, demonstrate the same level of fitness to serve as an Independent Trustee. A current copy of the Governance and Nominating Committee Charter is attached as Exhibit 1.

The Compliance Committee is composed of Messrs. Lacy (Chair), Lautenbach, Mauriello, and Smith, and Ms. Small. The committee oversees the administration and operation of the compliance policies and procedures of the funds and their service providers as required by Rule 38a-1 of the 1940 Act. The committee is responsible for the review and approval of policies and procedures relating to (i) provisions of the Code of Ethics, (ii) anti-money laundering requirements, (iii) compliance with investment restrictions and limitations, (iv) privacy, (v) recordkeeping, and (vi) other compliance policies and procedures which are not otherwise delegated to another committee. The committee has responsibility for recommending to the Board the designation of a CCO of the funds. The committee serves as the primary point of contact between the CCO and the Board, it oversees the annual performance review and compensation of the CCO, and if required, makes recommendations to the Board with respect to the removal of the appointed CCO. The committee receives reports of significant correspondence with regulators or governmental agencies, employee complaints or published reports which raise concerns regarding compliance matters, and copies of significant non-routine correspondence with the SEC. The committee receives reports from the CCO including the annual report concerning the funds’ compliance policies as required by Rule 38a-1, quarterly reports in respect of any breaches of fiduciary duty or violations of federal securities laws, and reports on any other compliance or related matters that would otherwise be subject to periodic reporting or that may have a significant impact on the funds. The committee will recommend to the Board, what actions, if any, should be taken with respect to such reports.

The Proxy Voting Committee is composed of Messrs. Smith (Chair), Dirks, and Thomas, and Ms. Small. The committee reviews the fund’s proxy voting policies, considers changes to the policies, and reviews the manner in which the policies have been applied. The committee will receive reports on the manner in which proxy votes have been cast under the proxy voting policies and reports on consultations between FMR and portfolio companies concerning matters presented to shareholders for approval. The committee will address issues relating to the fund’s annual voting report filed with the SEC. The committee will receive reports concerning the implementation of procedures and controls designed to ensure that the proxy voting policies are implemented in accordance with their terms. The committee will consider FMR’s recommendations concerning certain non-routine proposals not covered by the proxy voting policies. The committee will receive reports with respect to steps taken by FMR to assure that proxy voting has been done without regard to any other FMR relationships, business or otherwise, with that portfolio company. The committee will make recommendations to the Board concerning the casting of proxy votes in circumstances where FMR has determined that, because of a conflict of interest, the proposal to be voted on should be reviewed by the Board.

The Research Committee is composed of Messrs. Lacy (Chair), Thomas, and Wiley (for trusts for which he serves as trustee), and Ms. Small. The Committee’s purpose is to assess the quality of the investment research available to FMR’s investment professionals. As such, the Committee reviews information pertaining to the sources of such research, the categories of research, the manner in which the funds bear the cost of research, and FMR’s internal research capabilities, including performance metrics, interactions between FMR portfolio managers and research analysts, and the professional quality of analysts in research careers. Where necessary, the Committee recommends actions with respect to various reports providing information on FMR’s research function.

The Sector and ETF Committee is composed of Messrs. Wiley, Donahue, and Smith, with Mr. Wiley currently serving as the Chair. The committee assists the Board in acting independently of Fidelity by receiving and considering information related to Fidelity’s sector funds (Sector Funds) and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and recommends any appropriate policy changes. The committee also considers the services provided to the Sector Funds and ETFs by third-parties and non-investment management services provided to the Sector Funds and ETFs by Fidelity and its affiliates as well as issues bearing on the various distribution channels employed by the Sector Funds and ETFs. In particular, the committee will: (i) receive information on sales and redemptions of shares of the ETFs via creation units; (ii) receive updates on any sub-advisers engaged to manage assets of the ETFs; (iii) receive information on index providers to the Sector Funds and ETFs; and (iv) consider issues bearing on the business platform of the Sector Funds.


The firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) or Deloitte & Touche LLP (Deloitte), the member firms of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, and their respective affiliates (collectively, Deloitte Entities), has been selected as the independent registered public accounting firm for each fund, as indicated in Appendix A. PwC and Deloitte Entities, in accordance with Public Company Accounting Oversight Board rules, have confirmed to the Audit Committee of each trust, as applicable, that they are the independent registered public accounting firms with respect to the funds.

The independent registered public accounting firms audit annual financial statements for the funds and provide other audit-related, non-audit, and tax-related services to the funds. Representatives of PwC and Deloitte Entities are not expected to be present at the Meeting, but have been given the opportunity to make a statement if they so desire and will be available should any matter arise requiring their presence.

Each trust’s Audit Committee must pre-approve all audit and non-audit services provided by a fund’s independent registered public accounting firm relating to the operations or financial reporting of the funds. Prior to the commencement of any audit or non-audit services to a fund, the Audit Committee reviews the services to determine whether they are appropriate and permissible under applicable law.



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Each trust’s Audit Committee has adopted policies and procedures to, among other purposes, provide a framework for the Committee’s consideration of non-audit services by the audit firms that audit the Fidelity funds. The policies and procedures require that any non-audit service provided by a fund audit firm to a Fidelity fund and any non-audit service provided by a fund auditor to FMR and entities controlling, controlled by, or under common control with FMR (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser) that provide ongoing services to the funds (Fund Service Providers) that relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of a Fidelity fund (Covered Service) are subject to approval by the Audit Committee before such service is provided. All Covered Services must be approved in advance of provision of the service either: (i) by formal resolution of the Audit Committee, or (ii) by oral or written approval of the service by the Chair of the Audit Committee (or if the Chair is unavailable, such other member of the Audit Committee as may be designated by the Chair to act in the Chair’s absence). The approval contemplated by (ii) above is permitted where the Treasurer determines that action on such an engagement is necessary before the next meeting of the Audit Committee.

Non-audit services provided by a fund audit firm to a Fund Service Provider that do not relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of a Fidelity fund (Non-Covered Service) are reported to the Audit Committee on a periodic basis.

Each trust’s Audit Committee has considered non-audit services that were not pre-approved that were provided by PwC and Deloitte Entities to Fund Service Providers to be compatible with maintaining the independence of PwC and Deloitte Entities in their audit of the funds, taking into account representations from PwC and Deloitte Entities, in accordance with Public Company Accounting Oversight Board rules, regarding their independence from the funds and their related entities and FMR’s review of the appropriateness and permissibility under applicable law of such non-audit services prior to their provision to the Fund Service Providers.

Fees and Services

Appendix L presents fees billed by PwC and Deloitte Entities in each of the last two fiscal years for services rendered to the funds.

Appendix M presents fees billed by PwC and Deloitte Entities that were required to be approved by each trust’s Audit Committee for services that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the funds and that are rendered on behalf of Fund Service Providers.

Appendix N presents the aggregate non-audit fees billed by PwC and Deloitte Entities for services rendered to the funds and any Fund Service Provider for each of the last two fiscal years of the funds.

There were no non-audit services approved or required to be approved by the trusts’ Audit Committee pursuant to the de minimis exception during the funds’ last two fiscal years relating to services provided to (i) the funds or (ii) any Fund Service Provider that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the funds.


The trusts do not hold annual shareholder meetings. Shareholders wishing to submit proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement for a subsequent shareholder meeting should send their written proposals to the Secretary of the funds, attention “Fund Shareholder Meetings,” 245 Summer Street, Mailzone V10A, Boston, Massachusetts 02210. Proposals must be received a reasonable time before a fund begins to print and send its proxy materials to be considered for inclusion in the proxy materials for the meeting. Timely submission of a proposal does not, however, necessarily mean the proposal will be included. With respect to proposals submitted on an untimely basis and presented at a shareholder meeting, persons named as proxy agents will vote in their discretion.



Please advise the trusts, in care of Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc., 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, whether other persons are beneficial owners of shares for which proxies are being solicited and, if so, the number of copies of the Proxy Statement and Annual Reports you wish to receive in order to supply copies to the beneficial owners of the respective shares.



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The investment companies managed or administered by Fidelity Management & Research Company or its affiliates (collectively, “Fidelity”) comprising the Equity and High Income Funds of the Fidelity Funds are referred to as the “Funds”; the Boards of Trustees of the Funds are referred to collectively as the “Board of Trustees” and the members are referred to as the “Trustees”; Trustees who are not “interested persons” (as such term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940) of the Funds are referred to as the “Independent Trustees”; and other Trustees are referred to as the “Management Trustees.” The Board of Trustees, including at least a majority of the Independent Trustees, has adopted this Charter, which may from time to time be amended or supplemented by vote of the Board of Trustees, including at least a majority of the Independent Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Governance and Nominating Committee. The Governance and Nominating Committee is referred to herein as the “Committee.”



Purposes of the Committee

The purposes of the Committee are as follows:



To identify individuals qualified to serve as Independent Trustees.



To advise the Board of Trustees with respect to Board composition, procedures and committees.



To oversee periodic self-assessments of the Board of Trustees and committees of the Board of Directors.



To monitor corporate governance matters and make recommendations in respect thereof to the Board of Trustees.



To act as the administrative committee with respect to Board of Trustees policies and procedures, committee policies and procedures and codes of ethics as they relate to Independent Directors.



To review and make recommendations to the Board of Directors in respect of Independent Director compensation.



Composition of the Committee

All members of the Committee will be Independent Trustees. The members and the Chair of the Committee will be determined annually by vote of the Independent Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Committee. If a Vice Chair of the Independent Trustees has been designated, such Vice Chair will normally serve on the Committee. Advisory Board members, if any, may be invited to attend meetings of the Committee.



Chair; Functions of the Chair

An Independent Trustee will act as Chair of the Committee (the “Chair”). The Chair will have the following responsibilities:



The Chair will preside at all meetings of the Committee. The Vice Chair, if any, or in such Vice Chair’s absence, any designated acting or other lead Independent Trustee alternate will preside in the Committee Chair’s absence.



The Chair will be responsible for reviewing and providing direction on meeting agendas.



The Chair will coordinate with the chairs of other committees as appropriate.



At meetings of the Operations Committee or the Board of Trustees the Chair will report on the Committee’s recommendations on applicable resolutions and on any important actions by or discussions at the Committee.



The Chair will coordinate with counsel for the Funds and/or counsel to the Independent Trustees on matters requiring legal advice.



The Chair may make temporary assignments of members and chairs of other Board Committees to fill vacancies or to provide for absences.



Meetings and Procedures of the Committee



The Committee will normally meet each time the full Board meets, or more frequently as called by the Chair. The Chair or a majority of the members of the Committee may call a special meeting of the Committee.



The Committee may determine its own rules of procedure, which shall be consistent with the Declaration of Trust or other charter document of the applicable Fund, the Bylaws of such Fund and this Charter.



A majority of the members of the Committee, present in person or by means of a conference telephone or other communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can communicate with each other, shall constitute a quorum. The Committee may take action by written consent if at least the number of members required for approval at a meeting consent to the action in writing and the written consents are filed with the records of meetings of the Committee, unless otherwise required by applicable law.



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The Committee may request that any trustees, officers or employees of a Fund, or other persons whose advice and counsel are sought by the Committee, attend any meeting of the Committee to provide such information as the Committee requests.



The Committee shall keep written minutes of its meetings, which minutes shall be maintained with the books and records of the applicable Fund.



Particular Actions of the Committee



Governance Functions



Periodically review Board and Committee procedures and Committee Charters.



Periodically review Independent Trustee compensation and recommend any changes deemed by the Committee to be appropriate.



Make recommendations on the frequency and structure of Board of Trustees meetings.



Make recommendations concerning any other aspect of the procedures of the Board that the Committee considers warranted.



Make recommendations as to the size and members, the chair, vice chair if any, alternate presiding members and alternate members of each standing or ad hoc Board Committee. The members and the chair of each Board Committee will be as determined by majority vote of the Independent Trustees upon the recommendation of the Committee. It is anticipated that members and chairs of any Committee will be designated annually (other than the Chairs of the Operations Committee and the Governance and Nominating Committee), with membership periodically rotated to give Independent Trustees the opportunity to broaden their experience. Rotation will be accomplished in a manner that provides reasonable continuity of membership.



Review the annual calendar of Board Committee meetings and the schedule for consideration of routine or recurring matters.



Make recommendations on the requirements for, and means of, Board of Trustees orientation and training.



Act as administrative committee under the Funds’ fee deferral plan for Independent Trustees.



Monitor the performance of legal counsel employed by the Funds and the Independent Trustees and be responsible for the supervision of counsel for the Independent Trustees. The selection and oversight of fund counsel shall be the joint responsibility of the Committee and Fidelity. On behalf of the Independent Trustees, the Committee will make such findings and determinations as to the independence of counsel for the Independent Trustees as may be necessary or appropriate under applicable regulations or otherwise.



Be responsible for oversight of Independent Trustees administrative matters, such as expense reimbursement policies and compensation for attendance at meetings, conferences and other events.



Monitor compliance with, act as the administrator of, and make determinations in respect of (a) the provisions of the Code of Ethics applicable to the Independent Trustees, and (b) supplemental policies adopted by the Independent Trustees in respect of personal securities transactions of Independent Trustees.



Monitor the functioning of the Board Committees and make recommendations for any changes, including the creation or elimination of standing or ad hoc Board Committees.



Monitor regulatory and other developments to determine whether to recommend modifications to the Committee’s responsibilities or other Trustee policies and procedures in light of rule changes, reports concerning “best practices” in corporate governance and other developments in mutual fund governance. The Committee will report regularly to the Independent Trustees with respect to these activities.



Recommend that the Board establish such special or ad hoc Board Committees as may be desirable or necessary from time to time in order to address ethical, legal or other matters that may arise. The Committee’s power to make such a recommendation under this Charter shall be without prejudice to the right of any other committee of the Board, or any individual trustee/director, to make such a recommendation at any time.



Oversee the annual self-evaluation of the Board of Trustees. The Committee shall establish procedures to allow it to exercise this oversight function. In conducting this oversight, the Committee shall address all matters that the Committee considers relevant to the Board of Trustees’ performance. The Committee shall report to the Board of Trustees on the results of its evaluation, including any recommended amendments to the principles of governance, and any recommended changes to the Funds’ or the Board of Trustees’ policies, procedures and structures. This report may be written or oral.



Nominating Functions



Identification of Candidates



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Review periodically the size and composition of the Board of Trustees as a whole and recommend, if necessary, measures to be taken so that the Board of Trustees reflects the appropriate balance of knowledge, experience, skills, expertise and diversity required for the Board as a whole and contains at least the minimum number of Independent Trustees required by law.



Periodically review the Independent Trustees’ Statement of Policy on Criteria for Selecting Independent Trustees (“Statement of Policy”), which may from time to time be revised by vote of a majority of Independent Trustees upon the recommendation of the Committee.



Make nominations for the appointment or election of Independent Trustees in accordance with the Statement of Policy. The selection of Independent Trustees will be committed solely to the discretion of the Independent Trustees; persons so selected will be “disinterested” in terms of both the letter and spirit of the Investment Company Act.



Make nominations for the appointment of any non-management member of any Advisory Board which the Board of Trustees shall have from time to time established. Each member of any Advisory Board shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. In accordance with the definition of “advisory board” in Section 2(a)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, any Advisory Board shall be distinct from the Board of Trustees and shall serve such advisory functions as to investments and such other roles as may be designated by the Board of Trustees, but shall have no power to determine that any security or other investment shall be purchased or sold by any fund. In the discretion of the Board of Trustees, each Advisory Board member may be indemnified in respect of claims arising in connection with his or her services as such. Any member of an Advisory Board shall be compensated in accordance with policies in respect thereof adopted by the Board of Trustees. Service by a person on an Advisory Board shall not preclude such person’s subsequent service as a Trustee.



Consider Independent Trustee candidates recommended by Fund shareholders. Any such candidates will be considered based upon the criteria applied to candidates presented to the Committee by a search firm or other sources, as set forth in the Statement of Policy. The names of such candidates should be submitted to the Chair in writing at the address maintained for communications with Independent Trustees. The submission should be accompanied by appropriate background material concerning the candidate that demonstrates his or her ability to serve as an Independent Trustee of the Funds. If the Committee retains a search firm, the Chair will generally forward such submissions to the search firm for evaluation unless the Committee concludes that the credentials of such candidate are not consistent with the criteria that are to be applied by the Committee in such search.



Consultants; Investigations and Studies; Outside Advisers

The Committee shall have the authority to carry out its duties and responsibilities as set forth in this Charter. The Committee shall have authority to retain and terminate any third-party advisers, including authority to approve fees and other retention terms. The Committee may conduct or authorize investigations into or studies of matters within the Committee’s scope of responsibilities, and may retain, at the Funds’ expense, such independent counsel or other advisers as it deems necessary. The Committee may call upon the Funds’ independent accountants (with the concurrence of the Audit Committee) or other third parties for such fact-finding and analysis as may be appropriate in light of the objectives of this Charter.



Self-Assessment; Amendment of Charter

The Committee shall, on an annual basis, assess its performance. The Committee shall address such matters as the Committee considers relevant to its performance. The Committee shall report to the Board on an annual basis the results of its evaluation, including any recommended amendments to this Charter and any recommended changes to a Fund’s or the Board’s policies or procedures. This report may be oral or written. The Committee may from time to time recommend to the Board such amendments to this Charter as the Committee determines to be necessary or appropriate.



Table of Contents


List of trusts and funds, most recent fiscal year ends, and fund auditors.





Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund    Deloitte    8/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund    Deloitte    12/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Value Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund    PwC    10/31/19



Table of Contents
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund    Deloitte    9/30/19
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Value Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund    PwC    2/29/20
Fidelity 500 Index Fund2    PwC    2/29/20
Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund2    PwC    2/29/20
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund    Deloitte    2/29/20
Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity Founders Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity International Index Fund2    PwC    2/29/20
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Series International Index Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund    PwC    2/29/20
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund2    PwC    2/29/20
Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund2    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund2    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund2    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund2    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund    PwC    12/31/19
Fidelity Contrafund    PwC    12/31/19
Fidelity Contrafund K6    PwC    12/31/19
Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund    PwC    12/31/19
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund    PwC    12/31/19
Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity High Dividend ETF    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity International High Dividend ETF    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity International Value Factor ETF    Deloitte    10/31/19



Table of Contents
Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF2    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Quality Factor ETF    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Value Factor ETF    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund    Deloitte    9/30/19
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund    Deloitte    9/30/19
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund    PwC    1/31/20
Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund    Deloitte    1/31/20
Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund    Deloitte    1/31/20
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund    PwC    1/31/20
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund    Deloitte    1/31/20
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund    Deloitte    1/31/20
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    PwC    1/31/20
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund    Deloitte    1/31/20
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    PwC    1/31/20
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Independence Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Fund    PwC    6/30/19
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund    PwC    6/30/19
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund    PwC    6/30/19
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund    PwC    12/31/19
Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund    PwC    6/30/19
Fidelity Canada Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity China Region Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Diversified International Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund    PwC    10/31/19



Table of Contents
Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Europe Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Flex International Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Infrastructure Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity International Discovery Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity International Growth Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity International Value Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Japan Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Latin America Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Nordic Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Overseas Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Series Canada Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Series International Value Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Series Overseas Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund    PwC    10/31/19
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Worldwide Fund    Deloitte    10/31/19
Fidelity Magellan Fund    PwC    3/31/19
Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund    PwC    3/31/19
Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Growth Company Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity New Millennium Fund    PwC    11/30/19
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund    Deloitte    11/30/19
Fidelity Balanced Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Puritan Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19



Table of Contents
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity OTC Portfolio    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund    PwC    7/31/19
Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity International Real Estate Fund    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio    Deloitte    7/31/19
Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund    PwC    1/31/20
Select Air Transportation Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Automotive Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Banking Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Biotechnology Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Chemicals Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Communication Services Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Communications Equipment Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Computers Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Construction and Housing Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Consumer Finance Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Consumer Staples Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Energy Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Energy Service Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Financial Services Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Gold Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Health Care Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Health Care Services Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Industrials Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Insurance Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select IT Services Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Leisure Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Materials Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Natural Gas Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Natural Resources Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Retailing Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Semiconductors Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20



Table of Contents
Select Software and IT Services Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Technology Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Telecommunications Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Transportation Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Utilities Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Select Wireless Portfolio    PwC    2/29/20
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund    PwC    8/31/19
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity Global High Income Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity High Income Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity New Markets Income Fund    PwC    12/31/19
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund    Deloitte    9/30/19
Fidelity Series High Income Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund    PwC    4/30/19
Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund    Deloitte    4/30/19
Fidelity Trend Fund    PwC    12/31/19



“PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and “Deloitte” refers to Deloitte & Touche LLP.


Expenses in connection with preparing this proxy statement and all solicitations will be borne by FMR.



Table of Contents


Shareholders of each of the following funds will be voting on Proposal 2:


Fidelity 500 Index Fund

Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

Fidelity Advisor Capital Development

Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

Fidelity Balanced Fund

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

Fidelity Canada Fund

Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

Fidelity China Region Fund

Fidelity Contrafund

Fidelity Contrafund K6

Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa Fund

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

Fidelity Europe Fund

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund



Table of Contents


Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

Fidelity Flex International Fund

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

Fidelity Fund

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

Fidelity High Income Fund

Fidelity Independence Fund

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

Fidelity International Growth Fund

Fidelity International Index Fund

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

Fidelity International Value Fund

Fidelity Japan Fund

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

Fidelity Latin America Fund

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

Fidelity Magellan Fund

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

Fidelity Nordic Fund

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

Fidelity Overseas Fund

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

Fidelity Puritan Fund

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

Fidelity Series High Income Fund



Table of Contents


Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

Fidelity Trend Fund

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

Fidelity Value Fund

Fidelity Worldwide Fund



Table of Contents


Estimated aggregate costs for services to be provided by Computershare to receive votes over the phone and to call and solicit votes are stated below.



aggregate cost for
to call and solicit
aggregate cost for
Computershare to
receive votes
over the phone



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

   $ 7,766      $ 1,296  

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

   $ 3,000      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

   $ 3,000      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $ 3,000      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

   $ 3,250      $ 1,750  

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

   $ 3,000      $ 1,500  



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

   $ 3,250      $ 1,750  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 3,250      $ 1,750  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 3,250      $ 1,750  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



Table of Contents


aggregate cost for
to call and solicit
aggregate cost for
Computershare to
receive votes
over the phone



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

   $ 2,417      $ 512  

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

   $ 3,000      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

   $ 3,250      $ 1,750  

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Founders Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity International Index Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 1,767      $ 76  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

   $ 3,500      $ 2,500  

Fidelity Contrafund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Contrafund K6

   $ 3,250      $ 1,750  

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 2,211      $ 252  

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



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Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF

   $ [   ]      $ [   ]  

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ 1,584      $ 296  

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Independence Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



Fidelity Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity Canada Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity China Region Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

   $ 68,328      $ 15,568  

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



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Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

   $ [   ]      $ [   ]  

Fidelity Europe Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Flex International Fund

   $ 2,479      $ 760  

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

   $ [   ]      $ [   ]  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity International Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity International Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Japan Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Latin America Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Nordic Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Overseas Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 3,000      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



Fidelity Magellan Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



Fidelity Balanced Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $ 627      $ 44  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

   $ 11,805      $ 2,744  

Fidelity Puritan Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  



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Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

   $ 27,802      $ 5,444  

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

   $ 621      $ 48  

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

   $ 3,000      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

   $ 30,089      $ 6,008  

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

   $ 16,150      $ 3,380  



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Automotive Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Banking Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Chemicals Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Communication Services Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Computers Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Energy Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Energy Service Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Financial Services Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Gold Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Health Care Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Industrials Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Insurance Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select IT Services Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Leisure Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Materials Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  



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Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Retailing Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Technology Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Transportation Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Utilities Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  

Select Wireless Portfolio

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity High Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

   $ 1,500      $ 750  

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

   $ [   ]      $ [   ]  

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

   $ 350      $ 150  



Fidelity Trend Fund

   $ 14,901      $ 1,128  



Table of Contents


Each fund’s sub-adviser(s) and each sub-adviser’s principal business address are listed below.



     FIA4      FIJ5      FIA



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

     —          X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

     —          X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Table of Contents



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  



Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

     —          X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Founders Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity International Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

     —          X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  



Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Contrafund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Contrafund K6

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    



Table of Contents

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          X        —    

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          X  



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Independence Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Canada Fund

     X        X        X        X        —          X        —          —    

Fidelity China Region Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Europe Fund

     X        X        X        X        —          X        —          —    

Fidelity Flex International Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity International Growth Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity International Value Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Japan Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    



Table of Contents

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Latin America Fund

     X        X        X        X        —          X        —          —    

Fidelity Nordic Fund

     X        X        X        X        —          X        —          —    

Fidelity Overseas Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    



Fidelity Magellan Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

     —          X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Balanced Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Puritan Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

     —          X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Table of Contents



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Automotive Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Banking Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Chemicals Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Communication Services Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Computers Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Energy Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Energy Service Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Financial Services Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Gold Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Health Care Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Industrials Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Insurance Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select IT Services Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Leisure Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Materials Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Retailing Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Technology Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Transportation Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Utilities Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Select Wireless Portfolio

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity High Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

     X        X        X        X        X        X        —          —    

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

     —          X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Fidelity Trend Fund

     X        X        X        —          —          —          —          —    



Table of Contents

The principal business address of FMR Investment Management (UK) Limited (FMR UK) is 1 St. Martin’s Le Grand, London, EC1A 4AS, United Kingdom.


The principal business address of Fidelity Management & Research (Hong Kong) Limited (FMR H.K.) is Floor 19, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.


The principal business address of Fidelity Management & Research (Japan) Limited (FMR Japan) is Kamiyacho Prime Place, 1-17, Toranomon-4-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.


The principal business address of FIL Investment Advisors (FIA) is Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM19, Bermuda.


The principal business address of FIL Investments (Japan) Limited (FIJ) is Tri-Seven Roppongi, 7-7-7 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 106-0032.


The principal business address of FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Limited (FIA (UK)) is Oakhill House, 130 Tonbridge Road, Hildenborough, TN11 9DZ, United Kingdom.


The principal business address of BlackRock Fund Advisors (BlackRock) is 400 Howard Street, San Francisco, California 94105.


The principal business address of Geode Capital Management, LLC (Geode) is 100 Summer Street, 12th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02110.



Table of Contents


Information regarding the number of shares of each fund and class, as applicable, of each trust issued and outstanding is provided below.


TRUST/Fund    Number of
Shares Outstanding
as of [    ]



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Floating Rate High Income Fund


Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund : Class I




Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Value Strategies Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Value Strategies Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

     [    ]  



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund : Class C

     [    ]  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund : Class C

     [    ]  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund : Class I

     [    ]  



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector All Cap Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Small Cap Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Value Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Value Fund: Class K

     [    ]  



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

     [    ]  


     [    ]  

Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

     [    ]  



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

     [    ]  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund


Fidelity Founders Fund


Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Founders Fund : Class Z


Fidelity International Index Fund


Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund


Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund


Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund


Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund : Class K


Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund


Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund


Fidelity Series International Index Fund


Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund


Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund


Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund


Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund


Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund


Fidelity Total Market Index Fund


Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund


Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund


Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund


Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund




Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Contrafund


Fidelity Contrafund : Class K


Fidelity Contrafund K6


Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund


Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund




Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates


Fidelity High Dividend ETF


Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF


Fidelity International High Dividend ETF


Fidelity International Value Factor ETF


Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF


Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF


Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF


Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF


Fidelity Quality Factor ETF


Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF


Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF


Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF


Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF


Fidelity Value Factor ETF




Table of Contents



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund : Class O


Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund : Class O




Fidelity Equity-Income Fund


Fidelity Equity-Income Fund : Class K


Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund


Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund


Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund


Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap Value Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund


Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund


Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund


Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund


Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund


Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund : Class Z




Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund


Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Convertible Securities Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund


Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund : Class K


Fidelity Independence Fund


Fidelity Independence Fund : Class K




Fidelity Fund


Fidelity Fund : Class K


Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund


Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund : Class K


Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund


Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund : Class A


Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund : Class M


Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund : Class C


Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund : Class I


Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock Fund : Class Z


Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund


Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund




Table of Contents



Fidelity Canada Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Canada Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity China Region Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor China Region Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Diversified International Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Discovery Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Europe Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Europe Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Flex International Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global Commodity Stock Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Discovery Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Discovery Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund : Class A

     [    ]  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Growth Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Small Cap Opportunities Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Value Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Value Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Japan Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Japan Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Latin America Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Latin America Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Nordic Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Overseas Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Overseas Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total Emerging Markets Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Total International Equity Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund : Class A

     [    ]  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Worldwide Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  



Fidelity Magellan Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Magellan Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

     [    ]  



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Growth Company Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

     [    ]  



Fidelity Balanced Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Balanced Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Puritan Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Puritan Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

     [    ]  



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity OTC Portfolio : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Income Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

     [    ]  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor International Real Estate Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

     [    ]  

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Automotive Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Banking Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Chemicals Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Communication Services Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Communication Services Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Computers Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Staples Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Energy Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Energy Service Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Financial Services Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Gold Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Gold Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Select Health Care Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Industrials Portfolio

     [    ]  



Table of Contents

Select Insurance Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select IT Services Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Leisure Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Materials Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Materials Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Retailing Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Technology Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Telecommunications Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Select Transportation Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Utilities Portfolio

     [    ]  

Select Wireless Portfolio

     [    ]  



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund : Class K

     [    ]  

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Global High Income Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity High Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor New Markets Income Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Short Duration High Income Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund : Class A

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund : Class M

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund : Class C

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund : Class I

     [    ]  

Fidelity Advisor Women’s Leadership Fund : Class Z

     [    ]  



Fidelity Trend Fund

     [    ]  




Table of Contents


To the knowledge of the trusts, substantial (5% or more) record and/or beneficial ownership of each fund or class on [    ] was as follows:




Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Table of Contents



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Table of Contents



Fund or Class Name

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%



Fund Name

Fidelity Trend Fund

   Owner Name      City      State      Ownership%

[To the knowledge of the trusts, no other shareholder owned of record or beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding shares of each class of the funds on that date.

A shareholder owning of record or beneficially more than 25% of a fund’s outstanding shares may be considered a controlling person. That shareholder’s vote could have a more significant effect on matters presented at a shareholders’ meeting than votes of other shareholders.]



Table of Contents


The following chart lists the lengths of service of each current Trustee or Advisory Board Member of each trust.



Interested Trustees*


Advisory Board Members



Jonathan Chiel


James C. Curvey


Vicki L. Fuller


Peter S. Lynch


Patricia L.


Susan Tomasky

Fidelity Advisor Series I

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Advisor Series VII

   n/a    Trustee 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Advisor Series VIII

   Trustee 2016    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Capital Trust

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Commonwealth Trust

   n/a    Trustee 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II

   n/a    Trustee 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Concord Street Trust

   Trustee 2016    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Contrafund

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Covington Trust

   n/a    Trustee 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Destiny Portfolios

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Devonshire Trust

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Financial Trust

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Hastings Street Trust

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Investment Trust

   Trustee 2016    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Magellan Fund

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020



Table of Contents

Fidelity Puritan Trust

   Trustee 2016    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Securities Fund

   Trustee 2016    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Select Portfolios

   n/a    Trustee 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Summer Street Trust

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020

Fidelity Trend Fund

   n/a    Trustee 2007    Advisory Board Member 2018    Advisory Board Member 2003    Advisory Board Member 2020    Advisory Board Member 2020



Trustee has been determined to be “interested” by virtue of, among other things, his affiliation with a trust or various entities under common control with FMR.



Independent Trustees



Dennis J.


Donald F.


Alan J. Lacy


Ned C.




Cornelia M.


Garnett A.


David M.


Michael E.

Fidelity Advisor Series I

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Advisor Series VII

   Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2013    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008

Fidelity Advisor Series VIII

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Advisory Board Member 2018

Fidelity Capital Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Commonwealth Trust

   Trustee 2018    Trustee 2017    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2017    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2017

Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II

   Trustee 2018    Trustee 2017    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2017    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2017

Fidelity Concord Street Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Advisory Board Member 2018

Fidelity Contrafund

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Covington Trust

   Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2013    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2013

Fidelity Destiny Portfolios

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018



Table of Contents

Fidelity Devonshire Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Financial Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Hastings Street Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Investment Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Advisory Board Member 2018

Fidelity Magellan Fund

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Puritan Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Advisory Board Member 2018

Fidelity Securities Fund

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Advisory Board Member 2018

Fidelity Select Portfolios

   Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2013    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008

Fidelity Summer Street Trust

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018

Fidelity Trend Fund

   Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2000    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2005    Trustee 2018    Trustee 2008    Trustee 2018



Table of Contents


The following table provides the number of meetings the Board of Trustees and each standing committee held during each of the fiscal year ends listed in the table. See Appendix A for each fund’s fiscal year end.


Number of Meetings


Year End

   Board of
    Fair Value
Committee I
Committee II
    Sector and


     8       12       6       7       7       6       4       7       4       4       7       3  


     8       12       6       7       7       6       4       7       4       4       7       3  


     8       12       6       7       7       6       4       7       4       3       7       3  


     8       12       6       7       7       6       4       7       4       3       7       3  


     8       12       6       7       7       6       4       7       4       3       7       3  


     8       12       5       7       7       5       4       7       4       3       7       3  


     8       12       5       7       7       6       4       7       5       3       7       3  


     8       12       5       7       7       6       4       7       5       3       7       2  


     [         12       5       7       7       6       4       7       5       3       7       2  


     [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [    


     [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [         [    



Table of Contents


Information regarding nominee and Trustee ownership of fund shares as of [  ] is provided below.

Interested Nominees


Dollar range of fund shares

as of [    ]


Bettina Doulton


Robert A. Lawrence



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Founders Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Contrafund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Contrafund K6

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Independence Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Canada Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity China Region Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Europe Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex International Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Japan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents

Fidelity Latin America Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Nordic Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Overseas Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Magellan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Balanced Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Puritan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Automotive Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Banking Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Chemicals Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Communication Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Computers Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Energy Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Energy Service Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Financial Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Gold Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Health Care Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Industrials Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Insurance Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select IT Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Leisure Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Materials Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Retailing Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Technology Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Transportation Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Utilities Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Wireless Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

   [    ]    [    ]
   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Trend Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents

Independent Nominees


Dollar range of fund shares

as of [    ]


Dennis J.


Donald F.


Vicki L. Fuller


Patricia L.


Alan J. Lacy


Ned C.



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Founders Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Contrafund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Contrafund K6

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Independence Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Canada Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity China Region Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Europe Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex International Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Japan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents

Fidelity Latin America Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Nordic Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Overseas Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Magellan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Balanced Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Puritan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Automotive Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Banking Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Chemicals Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Communication Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Computers Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Energy Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Energy Service Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Financial Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Gold Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Health Care Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Industrials Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Insurance Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select IT Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Leisure Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Materials Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Retailing Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Technology Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Transportation Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Utilities Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Select Wireless Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]
   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Trend Fund

   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]


   [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents

Dollar range of fund shares

as of [    ]

    Cornelia M.
    Garnett A.
    David M.
    Michael E.



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Table of Contents



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Founders Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity International Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Contrafund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Contrafund K6

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Table of Contents



Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Independence Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  



Fidelity Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  



Fidelity Canada Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity China Region Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Europe Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Flex International Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity International Growth Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity International Value Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Japan Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Latin America Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Nordic Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Overseas Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

     [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]       [    ]  



Table of Contents



Fidelity Magellan Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Balanced Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Puritan Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Automotive Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Banking Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Chemicals Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Communication Services Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Computers Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Energy Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Energy Service Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Financial Services Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Gold Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Health Care Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Table of Contents

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Industrials Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Insurance Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select IT Services Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Leisure Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Materials Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Retailing Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Technology Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Transportation Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Utilities Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Select Wireless Portfolio

     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity High Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    
     [         [         [         [         [         [    



Fidelity Trend Fund

     [         [         [         [         [         [    


     [         [         [         [         [         [    

Interested Trustees


Dollar range of fund shares

as of [    ]

   Jonathan Chiel     James C. Curvey  



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

     [         [    



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

     [         [    



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

     [         [    



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

     [         [    



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Value Fund

     [         [    



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

     [         [    



Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

     [         [    



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Founders Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity International Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

     [         [    



Table of Contents

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

     [         [    



Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Contrafund

     [         [    

Fidelity Contrafund K6

     [         [    

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

     [         [    



Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

     [         [    

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

     [         [    

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

     [         [    



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

     [         [    



Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

     [         [    

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

     [         [    



Table of Contents



Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Independence Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Canada Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity China Region Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Europe Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex International Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Japan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Latin America Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Nordic Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Overseas Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Magellan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Balanced Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Puritan Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Automotive Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Banking Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Chemicals Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Communication Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Computers Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Energy Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Energy Service Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Financial Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Gold Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Health Care Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]



Table of Contents

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Industrials Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Insurance Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select IT Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Leisure Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Materials Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Retailing Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Technology Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Transportation Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Utilities Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]

Select Wireless Portfolio

   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

   [    ]    [    ]

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

   [    ]    [    ]
   [    ]    [    ]



Fidelity Trend Fund

   [    ]    [    ]


   [    ]    [    ]




Table of Contents


The following table sets forth information describing the compensation of each Trustee and member of the Advisory Board for his or her services, for each fund’s fiscal year end (refer to Appendix A for fiscal year end information) or the calendar year ended December 31, 2019, as applicable. Jonathan Chiel, James C. Curvey, and Peter S. Lynch are interested persons and are compensated by Fidelity.

Compensation Table


   Dennis J.
     Donald F.
     Vicki L. Fuller3      Patricia L.
     Alan J. Lacy5      Ned C.



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

   $ 1,436      $ 1,371      $ 1,223      $ —        $ 1,331      $ 1,601  

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

   $ 407      $ 387      $ 377      $ —        $ 379      $ 459  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

   $  1,308      $  1,246      $  1,213      $ —        $  1,219      $  1,477  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

   $ 663      $ 632      $ 615      $ —        $ 618      $ 749  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

   $ 93      $ 89      $ 86      $ —        $ 87      $ 105  

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund13

   $ 4,599      $ 4,371      $ 4,255      $ —        $ 4,276      $ 5,182  

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

   $ 219      $ 208      $ 203      $ —        $ 204      $ 247  

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 2,251      $ 2,146      $ 2,086      $ —        $ 2,099      $ 2,542  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

   $ 753      $ 716      $ 697      $ —        $ 701      $ 849  

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

   $ 469      $ 446      $ 434      $ —        $ 437      $ 529  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $ 632      $ 603      $ 470      $ —        $ 586      $ 704  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

   $ 757      $ 721    $ 702      $ —        $ 705      $ 854  

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

   $ 390      $ 371      $ 362      $ —        $ 363      $ 440  

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 266      $ 254      $ 247      $ —        $ 248      $ 301  

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

   $ 181      $ 173      $ 168      $ —        $ 169      $ 205  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

   $ 771      $ 734      $ 715      $ —        $ 718      $ 871  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

   $ 836      $ 796      $ 775      $ —        $ 779      $ 943  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

   $ 37      $ 35      $ 34      $ —        $ 34      $ 41  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

   $ 352      $ 335      $ 326      $ —        $ 328      $ 397  

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

   $ 303      $ 289      $ 281      $ —        $ 283      $ 343  



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

   $ 1,048    $ 998    $ 797      $ —        $ 971      $ 1,167  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

   $ 12    $ 12    $ 10      $ —        $ 11      $ 14  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

   $ 169      $ 161    $ 131      $ —        $ 156      $ 188  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

   $ 314      $ 299      $ 233    $ —        $ 291      $ 349  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

   $ 182      $ 174      $ 137      $ —        $ 169    $ 203  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

   $ 2    $ 2    $ 2    $ —        $ 2    $ 2

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

   $ 1,531      $ 1,458    $ 1,212      $ —        $ 1,419      $ 1,708  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

   $ 299    $ 285      $ 226      $ —        $ 277    $ 332  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

   $ 238      $ 226      $ 182      $ —        $ 220      $ 265  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

   $ 108      $ 102      $ 80    $ —        $ 100    $ 120  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

   $ 849      $ 809    $ 647      $ —        $ 787      $ 945  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

   $ 191      $ 182      $ 157      $ —        $ 177    $ 214  



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

   $ 757      $ 720      $ 700      $ —        $ 704      $ 853  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

   $ 116      $ 110      $ 107      $ —        $ 108      $ 130  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 324      $ 308      $ 300      $ —        $ 301      $ 365  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 46      $ 43      $ 42      $ —        $ 43      $ 52  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 8      $ 7      $ 7      $ —        $ 7      $ 9  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 861      $ 819      $ 797      $ —        $ 802      $ 971  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

   $ 252      $ 240      $ 233      $ —        $ 235      $ 284  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

   $ 12      $ 11      $ 11      $ —        $ 11      $ 13  



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 2,538      $ 2,412      $ 2,348      $ —        $ 2,359      $ 2,859  

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

   $ 522      $ 496      $ 483      $ —        $ 485      $ 588  

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

   $ 4      $ 3      $ 3      $ —        $ 3      $ 4  

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

   $ 1,113      $ 1,059      $ 1,030      $ —        $ 1,036      $ 1,255  

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund14

   $ 3,826      $ 3,626      $ 3,540      $ —        $ 3,559      $ 4,312  

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

   $ 473      $ 450      $ 438      $ —        $ 440      $ 533  

Fidelity Value Fund15

   $ 2,867      $ 2,726      $ 2,653      $ —        $ 2,667      $ 3,231  



Table of Contents



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

   $ 811     $ 772     $ 751     $  —       $ 756     $ 915  



Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 648     $ 620   $ 546     $ —       $ 601     $ 722  

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 325     $ 310     $ 277     $ —       $ 301     $ 362

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 453     $ 433     $ 383   $ —       $ 420   $ 505

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 1,533   $ 1,465     $ 1,296     $ —       $ 1,422     $ 1,709  

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 489   $ 468     $ 412     $ —       $ 453     $ 545  

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

   $ 156     $ 148     $ 69     $ —       $ 144     $ 173  

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund16

   $ 10     $ 10     $ 2     $ —       $ 9     $ 11  

Fidelity Founders Fund16

   $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ —       $ 0     $ 2  

Fidelity International Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

   $ 1,270     $ 1,202     $ 626     $ —       $ 1,172     $ 1,410  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund17

   $ 3,303     $ 3,135     $ 1,761     $ —       $ 3,045     $ 3,674  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund16

   $ 95     $ 88   $ 22     $ —       $ 87     $ 105  

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

   $ 2,624     $ 2,500     $ 2,432     $ —       $ 2,446     $ 2,963  

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

   $ 18     $ 17     $ 16     $ —       $ 17     $ 20  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $ 697     $ 661     $ 368     $ —       $ 643     $ 775  

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 36     $ 34     $ 20     $ —       $ 33     $ 40  

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $ 1,566     $ 1,485     $ 750     $ —       $ 1,442     $ 1,739  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

   $ 645     $ 612     $ 337     $ —       $ 595     $ 717  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 38     $ 36     $ 20     $ —       $ 35     $ 42  

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

   $ 111     $ 106     $ 103     $ —       $ 104     $ 126  

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

   $ 311     $ 296     $ 288     $ —       $ 290     $ 351  

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

   $ 217     $ 207     $ 201     $ —       $ 203     $ 245  

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

   $ 1,004     $ 955     $ 927     $ —       $ 935     $ 1,132  



Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund18

   $  10,688     $  10,181     $ 9,907     $ —       $ 9,959     $  12,067  

Fidelity Contrafund19

   $ 48,229     $ 45,942     $  44,704     $ —       $  44,939     $ 54,450  

Fidelity Contrafund K6

   $ 3,275     $ 3,121     $ 3,037     $ —       $ 3,055     $ 3,701  

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 9     $ 8     $ 8     $ —       $ 8     $ 10  

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 2,877     $ 2,741     $ 2,667     $ —       $ 2,681     $ 3,248  



Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

   $ 155     $ 147     $ 122     $ —       $ 143     $ 173

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

   $ 107     $ 101     $ 88     $ —       $ 99     $ 119  

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

   $ 11     $ 10   $ 10     $ —       $ 10     $ 12  

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

   $ 50   $ 47     $ 42   $ —       $ 46     $ 55  

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

   $ 43   $ 41   $ 34   $ —       $ 40     $ 48  

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

   $ 99     $ 94     $ 84     $ —       $ 92     $ 110  

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

   $ 278     $ 264     $ 218   $ —       $ 257     $ 310  

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

   $ 176     $ 168     $ 145     $ —       $ 163     $ 197

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

   $ 218     $ 208     $ 164     $ —       $ 202     $ 243  

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

   $ 529     $ 505   $ 394   $ —       $ 491     $ 589  

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

   $ 627     $ 597     $ 502   $ —       $ 581     $ 700  

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

   $ 183     $ 174     $ 140   $ —       $ 170     $ 204  

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

   $ 916     $ 872     $ 709     $ —       $ 849   $ 1,020  

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

   $ 85     $ 81     $ 63     $ —       $ 79     $ 95  

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

   $ 276   $ 263     $ 222   $ —       $ 256     $ 308  

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

   $ 212     $ 202     $ 176     $ —       $ 197     $ 237  

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

   $ 50   $ 48     $ 42   $ —       $ 46   $ 56

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF20

   $ 2     $ 2   $ 2     $ —       $ 2     $ 2  

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF16

   $ 14     $ 13     $ 3     $ —       $ 13     $ 15  

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

   $ 46   $ 44     $ 37     $ —       $ 43     $ 51  



Table of Contents



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

   $ 1,284     $ 1,217     $ 1,189     $ —        $ 1,195     $ 1,448  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

   $ 857     $ 813     $ 793     $ —        $ 797     $ 966  



Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —        $ [       $ [    



Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

   $ 601     $ 572     $ 557     $ —        $ 560     $ 678  

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

   $ 2,033     $ 1,936     $ 1,885     $ —        $ 1,894     $ 2,296  

Fidelity Independence Fund

   $  1,497     $  1,426     $  1,387     $ —        $  1,395     $  1,690  



Fidelity Fund

   $ 1,834     $ 1,748   $ 1,252     $ —        $ 1,700   $ 2,043  

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

   $ 799     $ 761   $ 556     $ —        $ 741     $ 891  

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

   $ 821     $ 782   $ 563     $ —        $ 761   $ 915

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $ 545     $ 519     $ 505     $ —        $ 507     $ 615  

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

   $ 5,786     $ 5,511   $ 4,097     $ —        $ 5,365     $ 6,454  



Fidelity Canada Fund

   $ 415     $ 394     $ 384   $ —        $ 386     $ 467  

Fidelity China Region Fund

   $ 483     $ 459     $ 447   $ —        $ 449     $ 544  

Fidelity Diversified International Fund21

   $ 5,626   $ 5,349     $ 5,206   $ —        $ 5,232     $ 6,340

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

   $ 1,068     $ 1,015   $ 988     $ —        $ 993     $ 1,203  

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

   $ 419     $ 398     $ 388     $ —        $ 390     $ 472  

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

   $ 45     $ 43     $ 42     $ —        $ 42     $ 51  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

   $ 127     $ 120     $ 117   $ —        $ 118     $ 143  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 1,830     $ 1,740     $ 1,693     $ —        $ 1,702     $ 2,062  

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund16

   $ 18   $ 17     $ 4     $ —        $ 16     $ 20  

Fidelity Europe Fund

   $ 392   $ 372   $ 362   $ —        $ 364     $ 441  

Fidelity Flex International Fund

   $ 18   $ 17     $ 16     $ —        $ 16     $ 20  

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

   $ 224     $ 213     $ 208     $ —        $ 209     $ 253  

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 28     $ 27     $ 26   $ —        $ 26   $ 32  

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund16

   $ 6     $ 5   $ 1     $ —        $ 5   $ 6  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 1,074   $ 1,022     $ 994     $ —        $ 1,000   $ 1,211

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

   $ 173     $ 165   $ 160   $ —        $ 161   $ 195  

Fidelity International Discovery Fund22

   $ 3,814   $ 3,626     $ 3,529     $ —        $ 3,547   $ 4,298  

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund16

   $ 9     $ 6     $ 6     $ —        $ 6     $ 9  

Fidelity International Growth Fund

   $ 1,098   $ 1,044     $ 1,016     $ —        $ 1,022     $ 1,238  

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

   $ 880     $ 837     $ 814   $ —        $ 819   $ 992  

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $ 518     $ 492     $ 479     $ —        $ 482     $ 584

Fidelity International Value Fund

   $ 190     $ 180     $ 175   $ —        $ 176     $ 214

Fidelity Japan Fund

   $ 268     $ 255     $ 248     $ —        $ 250     $ 303

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

   $ 278   $ 265   $ 258   $ —        $ 259     $ 314  

Fidelity Latin America Fund

   $ 216     $ 206     $ 200     $ —        $ 201     $ 244

Fidelity Nordic Fund

   $ 114     $ 108     $ 105     $ —        $ 106     $ 128  

Fidelity Overseas Fund23

   $ 2,985   $ 2,839   $ 2,762     $ —        $ 2,777     $ 3,364  

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

   $ 349   $ 332     $ 323     $ —        $ 325     $ 394  

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

   $ 4   $ 4   $ 4   $ —        $ 4   $ 4

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

   $ 648     $ 617     $ 600   $ —        $ 603   $ 731  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 670   $ 637     $ 620     $ —        $ 623   $ 755

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

   $ 6,272   $ 5,964     $ 5,803     $ —        $ 5,834     $ 7,069

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

   $ 6,136   $ 5,835     $ 5,677     $ —        $ 5,708     $ 6,916

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

   $ 1,394     $ 1,325     $ 1,290     $ —        $ 1,296     $ 1,571



Table of Contents

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

   $ 5,930   $ 5,638     $ 5,486     $ —       $ 5,516     $ 6,683  

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund16

   $ 804     $ 768     $ 738   $ —       $ 756   $ 915

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 283     $ 269     $ 261     $ —       $ 263     $ 318

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

   $ 41     $ 39     $ 38     $ —       $ 38     $ 46  

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

   $ 1,005   $ 955     $ 930     $ —       $ 935     $ 1,133



Fidelity Magellan Fund24

   $ 7,071     $ 6,709     $ 3,240     $ —       $ 6,498     $ 7,847  

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund16

   $ 68     $ 63     $ 16     $ —       $ 62     $ 75  



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

   $ 5     $ 4     $ 4     $ —       $ 4     $ 5  

Fidelity Growth Company Fund25

   $  17,472     $ 16,642     $  16,196     $ —       $  16,282     $ 19,729  

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund16

   $ 161     $ 156     $ 151     $ —       $ 151     $ 182  

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

   $ 1,113     $ 1,061     $ 1,032     $ —       $ 1,038     $ 1,257  

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

   $ 57     $ 54     $ 52     $ —       $ 53     $ 64  

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

   $ 1,249     $ 1,190     $ 1,158     $ —       $ 1,164     $ 1,411  

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

   $ 4,670     $ 4,449     $ 4,330     $ —       $ 4,352     $ 5,273  



Fidelity Balanced Fund26

   $ 13,527     $ 12,926     $ 11,444   $ —       $ 12,539   $ 15,074

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund16

   $ 1     $ 1     $ 1     $ —       $ 1     $ 1  

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $ 10     $ 10     $ 8     $ —       $ 10     $ 11  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund27

   $ 13,504     $ 12,868   $ 10,266   $ —       $ 12,519   $ 15,043  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

   $ 825     $ 786     $ 635     $ —       $ 765     $ 919  

Fidelity Puritan Fund28

   $ 11,373     $ 10,868     $ 9,601   $ —       $ 10,542   $ 12,670

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund16

   $ 1     $ 1     $ 1     $ —       $ 1     $ 1  

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $ 5,909   $ 5,629     $ 4,568     $ —       $ 5,478   $ 6,587  

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

   $ 963   $ 917     $ 745     $ —       $ 892     $ 1,073

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

   $ 98     $ 93     $ 73     $ —       $ 91     $ 109  



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund29

   $ 10,913     $ 10,397   $ 8,441   $ —       $ 10,117   $ 12,160

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

   $ 762     $ 726     $ 599   $ —       $ 707   $ 850

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

   $ 181     $ 172     $ 144     $ —       $ 168     $ 202  

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund30

   $ 2,841     $ 2,706   $ 2,186     $ —       $ 2,633     $ 3,165  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

   $ 8     $ 7     $ 6     $ —       $ 7     $ 9  

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio31

   $ 2,720     $ 2,097     $ 2,591     $ —       $ 2,521     $ 3,031  

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $ 1,002   $ 955   $ 753     $ —       $ 929     $ 1,115  

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio16

   $ 1     $ 1     $ 1     $ —       $ 1     $ 1  

Fidelity OTC Portfolio32

   $ 8,103     $ 7,720     $ 6,195     $ —       $ 7,511     $ 9,025

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

   $ 2,300     $ 2,190   $ 1,804   $ —       $ 2,132   $ 2,564  

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

   $ 2,483   $ 2,366     $ 1,915   $ —       $ 2,302     $ 2,767

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

   $ 384     $ 365     $ 299   $ —       $ 356   $ 428

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $ 2,375     $ 2,264     $ 1,819     $ —       $ 2,202     $ 2,647

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

   $ 1,729     $ 1,648     $ 1,308   $ —       $ 1,603   $ 1,926

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

   $ 293   $ 279   $ 235   $ —       $ 271   $ 327

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

   $ 955     $ 911     $ 712     $ —       $ 885   $ 1,063  



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

   $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ —       $ 0     $ 0  

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

   $ 234   $ 223     $ 179   $ —       $ 217   $ 261

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

   $ 1,648   $ 1,570     $ 1,283   $ —       $ 1,528   $ 1,837  

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —       $ [       $ [    

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Automotive Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Banking Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Chemicals Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Communication Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Computers Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    



Table of Contents

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Energy Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Energy Service Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Financial Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Gold Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Health Care Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Industrials Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Insurance Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select IT Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Leisure Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Materials Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Retailing Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Technology Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Transportation Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Utilities Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Wireless Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    



Fidelity Capital & Income Fund33

   $ 4,904     $ 4,654     $ 2,615     $ —       $ 4,523     $ 5,455  

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

   $ 711   $ 680     $ 600   $ —       $ 660   $ 793  

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

   $ 135     $ 128     $ 67     $ —       $ 124     $ 150  

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

   $ 55     $ 52     $ 28     $ —       $ 50     $ 61  

Fidelity High Income Fund

   $ 1,863     $ 1,768     $ 1,043     $ —       $ 1,719     $ 2,075  

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

   $ 3,563     $ 3,394     $ 3,303     $ —       $ 3,320     $ 4,022  

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

   $ 126     $ 119     $ 117     $ —       $ 117     $ 142  

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

   $ 1,107     $ 1,050     $ 580     $ —       $ 1,021     $ 1,231  

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

   $ 47     $ 45     $ 26     $ —       $ 44     $ 53  

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

   $ 22   $ 20   $ 5   $ —       $ 20   $ 24

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund18

   $ 23   $ 21   $ 5   $ —       $ 21   $ 25



Fidelity Trend Fund

   $ 764     $ 728     $ 708     $ —       $ 712     $ 863  



   $ 507,000     $ 483,000     $ 470,000     $ —       $ 472,500     $ 572,500  
    Cornelia M.
    Garnett A.
    David M.
    Michael E.



Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

   $ 1,480     $ 1,359     $ 1,357     $ 1,434     $ —       $ 1,402  

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

   $ 428     $ 385     $ 386     $ 407     $ —       $ 399  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

   $ 1,377     $ 1,237     $ 1,243     $ 1,309     $ —       $ 1,284  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

   $ 698     $ 627     $ 630     $ 664     $ —       $ 651  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

   $ 98     $ 88     $ 89     $ 93     $ —       $ 92  

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund13

   $ 4,797     $ 4,356     $ 4,359     $ 4,639     $ —       $ 4,502  

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

   $ 230     $ 207     $ 208     $ 219     $ —       $ 214  

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 2,383     $ 2,127     $ 2,133     $ 2,257     $ —       $ 2,210  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

   $ 785     $ 713     $ 714     $ 760     $ —       $ 738  

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

   $ 492     $ 443     $ 445     $ 469     $ —       $ 460  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $ 654     $ 598     $ 597     $ 630     $ —       $ 615  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

   $ 795     $ 717     $ 721     $ 757     $ —       $ 742  

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

   $ 410     $ 369     $ 371     $ 390     $ —       $ 383  

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 280     $ 252     $ 253     $ 267     $ —       $ 261  

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

   $ 191     $ 172     $ 172     $ 182     $ —       $ 178  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

   $ 810     $ 729     $ 733     $ 771     $ —       $ 757  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

   $ 879     $ 790     $ 794     $ 836     $ —       $ 820  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

   $ 38     $ 35     $ 35     $ 37     $ —       $ 36  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

   $ 370     $ 333     $ 334     $ 352     $ —       $ 345  

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

   $ 320     $ 287     $ 288     $ 304     $ —       $ 298  



Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

   $ 1,084     $ 992     $ 990     $ 1,044     $ —       $ 1,020  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

   $ 13     $ 12     $ 12     $ 12     $ —       $ 12  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

   $ 174     $ 160     $ 159   $ 168     $ —       $ 164

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

   $ 325     $ 297     $ 296     $ 313     $ —       $ 305  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

   $ 188     $ 172     $ 172   $ 181     $ —       $ 177

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

   $ 2   $ 2   $ 2   $ 2   $ —       $ 2

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

   $ 1,582     $ 1,450     $ 1,449     $ 1,525     $ —       $ 1,491  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

   $ 309     $ 283     $ 282     $ 298     $ —       $ 291  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

   $ 246     $ 225     $ 225   $ 237     $ —       $ 231  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

   $ 111     $ 102     $ 101     $ 107     $ —       $ 105

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

   $ 877     $ 804     $ 801     $ 846     $ —       $ 826  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

   $ 197     $ 181     $ 181     $ 190     $ —       $ 186  



Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

   $ 789     $ 717     $ 718     $ 763     $ —       $ 741  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

   $ 121     $ 110     $ 110     $ 117     $ —       $ 113  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 337     $ 307     $ 307     $ 326     $ —       $ 317  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 48     $ 43     $ 43     $ 46     $ —       $ 45  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 8     $ 7     $ 7     $ 8     $ —       $ 7  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 897     $ 815     $ 816     $ 868     $ —       $ 844  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

   $ 263     $ 239     $ 239     $ 254     $ —       $ 247  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

   $ 12     $ 11     $ 11     $ 12     $ —       $ 11  



Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 2,645     $ 2,403     $ 2,405     $ 2,558     $ —       $ 2,484  

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

   $ 544     $ 494     $ 495     $ 526     $ —       $ 511  

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

   $ 4     $ 3     $ 3     $ 4     $ —       $ 3  

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

   $ 1,160     $ 1,054     $ 1,056     $ 1,121     $ —       $ 1,091  

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund14

   $ 3,977     $ 3,623     $ 3,626     $ 3,835     $ —       $ 3,747  

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

   $ 493     $ 448     $ 448     $ 477     $ —       $ 463  

Fidelity Value Fund15

   $ 2,989     $ 2,715     $ 2,719     $ 2,891     $ —       $ 2,808  



Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

   $ 854     $ 767     $ 770     $ 811     $ —       $ 795  



Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 668     $ 614     $ 612     $ 648     $ —       $ 633  

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 335     $ 308     $ 307     $ 324     $ —       $ 317

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 467     $ 429     $ 428     $ 453     $ —       $ 442  

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 1,581     $ 1,452     $ 1,449     $ 1,532     $ —       $ 1,497  

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 504   $ 463     $ 462     $ 489   $ —       $ 478  

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    



Fidelity 500 Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

   $ 162     $ 148     $ 146     $ 156     $ —       $ 151  

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund16

   $ 10   $ 10   $ 9   $ 10   $ —       $ 10

Fidelity Founders Fund16

   $ 2     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ —       $ 0  

Fidelity International Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

   $ 1,321     $ 1,206     $ 1,189     $ 1,268     $ —       $ 1,228  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund17

   $ 3,434     $ 3,135     $ 3,108     $ 3,299     $ —       $ 3,203  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund16

   $ 96   $ 89     $ 85     $ 95     $ —       $ 90  

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

   $ 2,764     $ 2,481     $ 2,491     $ 2,627     $ —       $ 2,575  

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

   $ 18     $ 17     $ 17     $ 18     $ —       $ 17  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $ 724     $ 661     $ 656     $ 696     $ —       $ 676  

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    



Table of Contents

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 37      $ 34      $ 34      $ 36      $  —        $ 35  

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $ 1,626      $ 1,486      $ 1,467      $ 1,562      $ —        $ 1,517  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

   $ 671      $ 612      $ 607      $ 644      $ —        $ 626  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 40      $ 36      $ 36      $ 38      $ —        $ 37  

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]  

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

   $ 116      $ 105      $ 106      $ 112      $ —        $ 109  

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

   $ 323      $ 294      $ 295      $ 311      $ —        $ 305  

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

   $ 226      $ 205      $ 205      $ 218      $ —        $ 213  

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

   $ 1,042      $ 949      $ 952      $ 1,004      $ —        $ 984  



Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund18

   $ 11,250      $ 10,109      $ 10,154      $ 10,697      $ —        $ 10,486  

Fidelity Contrafund19

   $ 50,766      $ 45,620      $ 45,820      $ 48,268      $ —        $ 47,317  

Fidelity Contrafund K6

   $ 3,456      $ 3,096      $ 3,106      $ 3,282      $ —        $ 3,217  

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 9      $ 8      $ 8      $ 9      $ —        $ 8  

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 3,026      $ 2,722      $ 2,735      $ 2,879      $ —        $ 2,823  



Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

   $ 160      $ 147      $ 146      $ 154      $ —        $ 151  

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

   $ 110      $ 101      $ 101    $ 106      $ —        $ 104

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

   $ 11      $ 10      $ 10      $ 11      $ —        $ 11  

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

   $ 51    $ 47      $ 47      $ 49      $ —        $ 48

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

   $ 45      $ 41      $ 41      $ 43      $ —        $ 42  

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

   $ 102      $ 94      $ 94      $ 98      $ —        $ 96  

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

   $ 287    $ 263      $ 262    $ 277      $ —        $ 270  

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

   $ 182    $ 167      $ 167    $ 175      $ —        $ 172  

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

   $ 226    $ 207    $ 206      $ 217      $ —        $ 212  

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

   $ 547      $ 501      $ 499    $ 528      $ —        $ 515  

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

   $ 648    $ 594    $ 593      $ 625      $ —        $ 611  

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

   $ 189    $ 173    $ 173      $ 182      $ —        $ 178  

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

   $ 946      $ 867    $ 864      $ 912      $ —        $ 891  

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

   $ 88      $ 81      $ 80      $ 85      $ —        $ 83  

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

   $ 284      $ 261    $ 261      $ 274      $ —        $ 269

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

   $ 219      $ 201      $ 201    $ 211    $ —        $ 207

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

   $ 52      $ 47      $ 47      $ 50      $ —        $ 49  

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF20

   $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ 2      $ —        $ 2  

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF16

   $ 14      $ 13      $ 12      $ 14      $ —        $ 13  

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

   $ 47    $ 43    $ 43    $ 46      $ —        $ 45



Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

   $ 1,335      $ 1,216      $ 1,217      $ 1,287      $ —        $ 1,258  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

   $ 891      $ 812      $ 812      $ 859      $ —        $ 840  



Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ [    ]      $ —        $ [    ]  



Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

   $ 633      $ 568      $ 570      $ 601      $ —        $ 589  

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

   $ 2,139      $ 1,923      $ 1,931      $ 2,034      $ —        $ 1,995  

Fidelity Independence Fund

   $ 1,576      $ 1,416      $ 1,421      $ 1,498      $ —        $ 1,469  



Fidelity Fund

   $ 1,896    $ 1,736      $ 1,732      $ 1,827    $ —        $ 1,785  

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

   $ 826      $ 757      $ 755      $ 796      $ —        $ 778

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

   $ 849      $ 777      $ 776      $ 818      $ —        $ 799  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $ 574      $ 515      $ 517      $ 545      $ —        $ 534  

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

   $ 5,984    $ 5,479    $ 5,470    $ 5,769    $ —        $ 5,634



Table of Contents



Fidelity Canada Fund

   $ 432      $ 393      $ 393    $ 418      $ —        $ 406

Fidelity China Region Fund

   $ 503      $ 457      $ 458    $ 486    $ —        $ 473  

Fidelity Diversified International Fund21

   $ 5,867      $ 5,327      $ 5,332    $ 5,674    $ —        $ 5,508

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

   $ 1,112      $ 1,011      $ 1,012      $ 1,075      $ —        $ 1,046  

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

   $ 437      $ 397      $ 397      $ 422      $ —        $ 410  

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

   $ 47    $ 43      $ 43    $ 45      $ —        $ 44

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

   $ 132      $ 120      $ 120      $ 127      $ —        $ 124  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 1,907    $ 1,732      $ 1,733      $ 1,844    $ —        $ 1,792  

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund16

   $ 18      $ 17      $ 16      $ 18      $ —        $ 17  

Fidelity Europe Fund

   $ 408    $ 371    $ 371      $ 395      $ —        $ 383

Fidelity Flex International Fund

   $ 18    $ 17      $ 17      $ 18    $ —        $ 17  

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

   $ 234      $ 212      $ 213      $ 226      $ —        $ 220  

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 29      $ 27      $ 27      $ 28      $ —        $ 28  

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund16

   $ 6      $ 5    $ 5    $ 6      $ —        $ 5

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 1,120    $ 1,017      $ 1,018    $ 1,082    $ —        $ 1,053  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

   $ 180    $ 164      $ 164      $ 174      $ —        $ 170

Fidelity International Discovery Fund22

   $ 3,977    $ 3,611    $ 3,616      $ 3,846      $ —        $ 3,734  

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund16

   $ 9      $ 6      $ 6      $ 9      $ —        $ 9  

Fidelity International Growth Fund

   $ 1,145      $ 1,040    $ 1,040      $ 1,106      $ —        $ 1,076

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

   $ 918      $ 834      $ 834      $ 887      $ —        $ 862

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $ 540      $ 490      $ 491    $ 522      $ —        $ 507  

Fidelity International Value Fund

   $ 198      $ 180      $ 180    $ 191      $ —        $ 186  

Fidelity Japan Fund

   $ 279      $ 254    $ 255      $ 270    $ —        $ 263  

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

   $ 290    $ 264      $ 264      $ 281      $ —        $ 272  

Fidelity Latin America Fund

   $ 226      $ 205      $ 206      $ 218      $ —        $ 212  

Fidelity Nordic Fund

   $ 119      $ 108      $ 108    $ 115      $ —        $ 112  

Fidelity Overseas Fund23

   $ 3,111      $ 2,827      $ 2,830      $ 3,008      $ —        $ 2,924  

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

   $ 364      $ 331      $ 331      $ 352      $ —        $ 342  

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

   $ 4    $ 4    $ 4    $ 4    $ —        $ 4

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

   $ 676      $ 614      $ 615      $ 653      $ —        $ 635  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 697    $ 634    $ 635    $ 673      $ —        $ 656  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

   $ 6,535      $ 5,938      $ 5,946      $ 6,317      $ —        $ 6,143  

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

   $ 6,395    $ 5,810      $ 5,816      $ 6,183    $ —        $ 6,010

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

   $ 1,453    $ 1,320      $ 1,322      $ 1,404    $ —        $ 1,365  

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

   $ 6,183      $ 5,615      $ 5,620      $ 5,978    $ —        $ 5,808  

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund16

   $ 849      $ 756    $ 756      $ 822      $ —        $ 795  

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 294    $ 268      $ 268      $ 285      $ —        $ 277  

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

   $ 42      $ 38      $ 39      $ 41      $ —        $ 40  

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

   $ 1,047    $ 951      $ 953      $ 1,012    $ —        $ 984  



Fidelity Magellan Fund24

   $ 7,290      $ 6,689      $ 6,626      $ 7,042      $ —        $ 6,836  

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund16

   $ 69      $ 64    $ 61    $ 68      $ —        $ 65  



Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

   $ 5      $ 4      $ 4      $ 4      $ —        $ 4  

Fidelity Growth Company Fund25

   $ 18,382      $ 16,526      $ 16,596      $ 17,485      $ —        $ 17,144  

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund16

   $ 190      $ 151      $ 151      $ 166      $ —        $ 158  

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

   $ 1,173      $ 1,053      $ 1,057      $ 1,115      $ —        $ 1,093  

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

   $ 60      $ 53      $ 54      $ 57      $ —        $ 55  

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

   $ 1,314      $ 1,182      $ 1,187      $ 1,250      $ —        $ 1,226  

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

   $ 4,912      $ 4,418      $ 4,438      $ 4,672      $ —        $ 4,582  



Fidelity Balanced Fund26

   $ 13,942    $ 12,806    $ 12,778    $ 13,516    $ —        $ 13,207

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund16

   $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ —        $ 1  

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $ 11      $ 10      $ 10      $ 10      $ —        $ 10  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund27

   $ 13,967    $ 12,783      $ 12,753    $ 13,461      $ —        $ 13,142

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

   $ 853      $ 781      $ 779    $ 822      $ —        $ 803  

Fidelity Puritan Fund28

   $ 11,724    $ 10,767      $ 10,743      $ 11,365    $ —        $ 11,102  

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund16

   $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ 1      $ —        $ 1  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $ 6,111     $ 5,595     $ 5,586     $ 5,889     $ —       $ 5,752  

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

   $ 995   $ 911     $ 909     $ 959     $ —       $ 937

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

   $ 101   $ 93   $ 92   $ 98   $ —       $ 95  



Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund29

   $ 11,276     $ 10,332     $ 10,309     $ 10,869     $ —       $ 10,623  

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

   $ 787   $ 722   $ 720   $ 758   $ —       $ 742

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

   $ 187   $ 172     $ 172     $ 180     $ —       $ 176  

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund30

   $ 2,937     $ 2,689     $ 2,682     $ 2,831     $ —       $ 2,765  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

   $ 8     $ 7     $ 7     $ 8     $ —       $ 8  

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio31

   $ 2,812     $ 2,575     $ 2,570     $ 2,711   $ —       $ 2,648  

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $ 1,036     $ 948   $ 946     $ 998     $ —       $ 975  

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio16

   $ 1     $ 1     $ 1     $ 1     $ —       $ 1  

Fidelity OTC Portfolio32

   $ 8,375     $ 7,669     $ 7,647     $ 8,073   $ —       $ 7,886  

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

   $ 2,375   $ 2,177     $ 2,173   $ 2,289     $ —       $ 2,239  

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

   $ 2,567     $ 2,351     $ 2,347     $ 2,473     $ —       $ 2,417

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

   $ 397   $ 363     $ 363     $ 382     $ —       $ 374  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $ 2,455     $ 2,249   $ 2,244   $ 2,366     $ —       $ 2,312  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

   $ 1,787     $ 1,637   $ 1,633     $ 1,723   $ —       $ 1,683  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

   $ 302   $ 277   $ 277   $ 292   $ —       $ 285

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

   $ 988   $ 904     $ 902     $ 952     $ —       $ 929



Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

   $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ 0     $ —       $ 0  

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

   $ 242     $ 222     $ 221     $ 234     $ —       $ 228  

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

   $ 1,703     $ 1,561     $ 1,558     $ 1,641   $ —       $ 1,604  

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ —       $ [    

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Automotive Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Banking Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Chemicals Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Communication Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Computers Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Energy Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Energy Service Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Financial Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Gold Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Health Care Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Industrials Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Insurance Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select IT Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Leisure Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Materials Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Retailing Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Technology Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Transportation Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Utilities Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    

Select Wireless Portfolio

   $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [       $ [    



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Fidelity Capital & Income Fund33

   $ 5,099      $ 4,655      $ 4,612      $ 4,899      $ —        $ 4,757  

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

   $ 733    $ 674    $ 672    $ 711    $ —        $ 695

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

   $ 140      $ 128      $ 127      $ 135      $ —        $ 131  

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

   $ 57      $ 52      $ 51      $ 54      $ —        $ 53  

Fidelity High Income Fund

   $ 1,939      $ 1,769      $ 1,757      $ 1,862      $ —        $ 1,808  

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

   $ 3,752      $ 3,371      $ 3,389      $ 3,565      $ —        $ 3,495  

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

   $ 131      $ 119      $ 119      $ 127      $ —        $ 123  

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

   $ 1,151      $ 1,051      $ 1,041      $ 1,106      $ —        $ 1,073  

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

   $ 49      $ 45      $ 45      $ 47      $ —        $ 46  

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund16

   $ 22    $ 21    $ 20    $ 22    $ —        $ 21

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund16

   $ 23    $ 21    $ 21    $ 23    $ —        $ 22



Fidelity Trend Fund

   $ 805      $ 723      $ 726      $ 765      $ —        $ 750  



   $ 534,000      $ 479,500      $ 481,500      $ 507,500      $ —        $ 497,500  



Effective March 1, 2018, Mr. Dirks serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series VII, Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II, Fidelity Covington Trust, and Fidelity Select Portfolios.


Effective March 1, 2018, Mr. Donahue serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series I, Fidelity Advisor Series VII, Fidelity Advisor Series VIII, Fidelity Capital Trust, Fidelity Concord Street Trust, Fidelity Covington Trust, Fidelity Destiny Portfolios, Fidelity Devonshire Trust, Fidelity Hastings Street Trust, Fidelity Investment Trust, Fidelity Magellan Fund, Fidelity Puritan Trust, Fidelity Summer Street Trust, Fidelity Securities Fund, and Fidelity Select Portfolios. Mr. Donahue served as a Member of the Advisory Board of Fidelity Advisor Series VII, Fidelity Covington Trust, and Fidelity Select Portfolios from October 1, 2015 through February 28, 2018.


Effective October 1, 2018, Ms. Fuller serves as a Member of the Advisory Board of the Equity and High Income Funds.


Effective February 1, 2020, Ms. Kampling serves as a Member of the Advisory Board of the Equity and High Income Funds.


Effective March 1, 2018, Mr. Lacy serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series VII, Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II, Fidelity Covington Trust, and Fidelity Select Portfolios.


Effective March 1, 2018, Mr. Lautenbach serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series VII, Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II, Fidelity Covington Trust, and Fidelity Select Portfolios.


Effective March 1, 2018, Mr. Mauriello serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series VII, Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II, Fidelity Covington Trust, and Fidelity Select Portfolios.


Effective March 1, 2018, Ms. Small serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series VII, Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II, Fidelity Covington Trust, and Fidelity Select Portfolios.


Effective March 1, 2018, Mr. Smith serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series I, Fidelity Advisor Series VIII, Fidelity Capital Trust, Fidelity Con-cord Street Trust, Fidelity Destiny Portfolios, Fidelity Devonshire Trust, Fidelity Hastings Street Trust, Fidelity Investment Trust, Fidelity Magellan Fund, Fidelity Puritan Trust, and Fidelity Summer Street Trust.


Effective March 1, 2018, Mr. Thomas serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series VII, Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II, Fidelity Covington Trust, and Fidelity Select Portfolios.


Effective February 1, 2020, Ms. Tomasky serves as a Member of the Advisory Board of the Equity and High Income Funds.


Effective March 1, 2018, Mr. Wiley serves as a trustee of Fidelity Advisor Series I, Fidelity Capital Trust, Fidelity Destiny Portfolios, Fidelity Devon-shire Trust, and Fidelity Hastings Street Trust, Fidelity Magellan Fund, and Fidelity Summer Street Trust, and as a Member of the Advisory Board of Fidelity Advisor Series VIII, Fidelity Concord Street Trust, Fidelity Investment Trust, Fidelity Puritan Trust, and Fidelity Securities Fund.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $3,896; Alan J. Lacy, $3,896; Ned C. Lautenbach, $929; Joseph Mauriello, $4,168; Cornelia M. Small, $2,581; Garnett A. Smith, $3,896; and Michael E. Wiley, $3,539.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $3,242; Alan J. Lacy, $3,242; Ned C. Lautenbach, $1,069; Joseph Mauriello, $3,468; Cornelia M. Small, $2,143; Garnett A. Smith, $3,242; and Michael E. Wiley, $2,939.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $2,428; Alan J. Lacy, $2,428; Ned C. Lautenbach, $535; Joseph Mauriello, $2,597; Cornelia M. Small, $1,609; Garnett A Smith, $2,428; and Michael E. Wiley, $2,207.


Estimated for the fund’s first full year.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $2,785; Alan J. Lacy, $2,785; Ned C. Lautenbach, $2,296; Joseph Mauriello, $2,983; Cornelia M. Small, $1,863; Garnett A. Smith, $2,785; and Michael E. Wiley, $2,554.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $9,063; Alan J. Lacy, $9,063; Joseph Mauriello, $9,696; Cornelia M. Small, $6,041; Garnett A. Smith, $9,063; and Michael E. Wiley, $8,285.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $40,900; Alan J. Lacy, $40,900; Joseph Mauriello, $43,753; Cornelia M. Small, $27,261; Garnett A. Smith, $40,900; and Michael E. Wiley, $37,387.


Estimated for the fund’s first full year. Fund commenced operations on February 26, 2019.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Alan J. Lacy, $4,765; Cornelia Small, $3,157; Donald F. Donahue, $4,765; Garnett A. Smith, $4,765; Joseph Mauriello, $5,097; Michael E. Wiley, $4,330; and Ned C. Lautenbach, $1,073.



Table of Contents

Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Alan J. Lacy, $3,230; Cornelia Small, $2,140; Donald F. Donahue, $3,230; Garnett A. Smith, $3,230; Joseph Mauriello $3,455; Michael E. Wiley, $2,935; and Ned C. Lautenbach, $714.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Alan J. Lacy, $2,527; Cornelia Small, $1,676; Donald F. Donahue, $2,527; Garnett A. Smith, $2,527; Joseph Mauriello, $2,703; Michael E. Wiley, $2,298; and Ned C. Lautenbach, $511.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $5,938; Alan J. Lacy, $5,938; Ned C. Lautenbach, $5,548; Joseph Mauriello, $6,363; Cornelia M. Small, $4,009; Garnett A. Smith, $5,938; and Michael E. Wiley, $5,497.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $14,821; Alan J. Lacy, $14,821; Ned C. Lautenbach, $1,540; Joseph Mauriello, $15,855; Cornelia M. Small, $9,853; Garnett A. Smith, $14,821; and Michael E. Wiley, $13,512.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $11,474; Alan J. Lacy, $11,474; Ned C. Lautenbach, $4,767; Joseph Mauriello, $12,275; Cornelia Small, $7,572; Garnett A. Smith, $11,474; and Michael E. Wiley, $10,385.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $11,467; Alan J. Lacy, $11,467; Ned C. Lautenbach, $6,269; Joseph Mauriello, $12,267; Cornelia M. Small, $7,555; Garnett A. Smith, $11,467; and Michael E. Wiley, $10,361.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $9,648; Alan J. Lacy, $9,648; Ned C. Lautenbach, $4,093; Joseph Mauriello, $10,321; Cornelia Small, $6,366; Garnett A. Smith, $9,648; and Michael E. Wiley, $8,730.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $9,253; Alan J. Lacy, $9,253; Ned C. Lautenbach, $4,744; Joseph Mauriello, $9,898; Cornelia M. Small, $6,099; Garnett A. Smith, $9,253; and Michael E. Wiley, $8,364.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $2,410; Alan J. Lacy, $2,410; Ned C. Lautenbach, $1,275; Joseph Mauriello, $2,579; Cornelia M. Small, $1,588; Garnett A. Smith, $2,410; and Michael E. Wiley, $2,178.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $2,308; Alan J. Lacy, $2,308; Ned C. Lautenbach, $1,210; Joseph Mauriello, $2,469; Cornelia M. Small, $1,521; Garnett A. Smith, $2,308; and Michael E. Wiley, $2,086.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $6,873; Alan J. Lacy, $6,873; Ned C. Lautenbach, $3,701; Joseph Mauriello, $7,353; Cornelia M. Small, $4,529; Garnett A. Smith, $6,873; and Michael E. Wiley, $6,212.


Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals’ aggregate compensation from the fund includes accrued voluntary deferred compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $4,135; Alan J. Lacy, $4,135; Ned C. Lautenbach, $3,418; Joseph Mauriello, $4,428; Cornelia M. Small, $2,766; Garnett A. Smith, $4,135; and Michael E. Wiley, $3,793.


Reflects compensation received for the calendar year ended December 31, 2019 for 302 funds of 30 trusts (including Fidelity Central Investment Portfolios LLC). Compensation figures include cash and may include amounts elected to be deferred. Certain individuals elected voluntarily to defer a portion of their compensation as follows: Donald F. Donahue, $262,489; Alan J. Lacy, $262,489; Joseph Mauriello, $280,802; Cornelia M. Small, $175,000; Garnett A. Smith, $262,489; and Michael E. Wiley, $240,000.



Table of Contents


The policies to be converted under Proposal 2 are provided below.




Investment Policy

Fidelity 500 Index Fund   

Fidelity 500 Index Fund seeks to provide investment results that correspond to the total return (i.e., the combination of capital changes and income) performance of common stocks publicly traded in the United States.

The S&P 500 Index broadly represents the performance of common stocks publicly traded in the United States. In the future, the Adviser may, subject to shareholders’ approval and 30 days’ notice, select another index if that index is deemed more representative of the performance of U.S. common stocks.

Advisor Balanced Fund    Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund seeks both income and growth of capital.
Advisor Capital Development Fund    Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund seeks capital growth.
Advisor Diversified International Fund    Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund seeks capital growth.
Advisor Diversified Stock Fund    Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund seeks capital growth.
Advisor Dividend Growth Fund    Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Emerging Asia Fund    Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Advisor Emerging Markets Fund    Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Equity Growth Fund    Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Equity Income Fund    Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund seeks a yield from dividend and interest income which exceeds the composite dividend yield on securities comprising the S&P 500 Index. In addition, consistent with the primary objective of obtaining dividend and interest income, the fund will consider the potential for achieving capital appreciation.
Advisor Equity Value Fund    Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund    Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund seeks a high level of current income.
Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund    Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Advisor Global Equity Income Fund    Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund seeks reasonable income. In pursuing this objective, the fund will also consider the potential for capital appreciation.
Advisor Growth & Income Fund    Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund seeks high total return through a combination of current income and capital appreciation.
Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund    Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund seeks to provide capital growth.
Advisor High Income Advantage Fund    Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund seeks a combination of a high level of income and the potential for capital gains.
Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund    Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Large Cap Fund    Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund    Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Mid Cap II Fund    Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Advisor New Insights Fund    Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund seeks capital appreciation by investing in securities of companies whose value the Adviser believes is not fully recognized by the public.
Advisor Overseas Fund    Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Advisor Small Cap Fund    Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund    Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Advisor Value Fund    Fidelity Advisor Value Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Value Leaders Fund    Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Value Strategies Fund    Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Balanced Fund    Fidelity Balanced Fund seeks income and capital growth consistent with reasonable risk.
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund    Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund    Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.



Table of Contents



Investment Policy

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund    Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Canada Fund    Fidelity Canada Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.
Fidelity Capital & Income Fund    Fidelity Capital & Income Fund seeks to provide a combination of income and capital growth by investing primarily in debt instruments and common and preferred stocks.
Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund    Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity China Region Fund    Fidelity China Region Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Contrafund    Fidelity Contrafund seeks capital appreciation by investing in securities of companies whose value the Adviser believes is not fully recognized by the public.
Fidelity Contrafund K6    Fidelity Contrafund K6 seeks capital appreciation by investing in securities of companies whose value the Adviser believes is not fully recognized by the public.
Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund    Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund seeks a high level of total return through a combination of current income and capital appreciation.
Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund    Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund seeks capital growth.
Fidelity Diversified International Fund    Fidelity Diversified International Fund seeks capital growth.
Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund    Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund seeks capital growth.
Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund    Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund    Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa Fund    Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund    Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund    Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund    Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund seeks reasonable income by investing primarily in income-producing equity securities. In choosing these securities, the fund will also consider the potential for capital appreciation. The fund looks for a yield that exceeds the composite yield on the securities comprising the S&P 500 Index.
Fidelity Equity-Income Fund    Fidelity Equity-Income Fund seeks reasonable income by investing primarily in income-producing equity securities. In pursuing this objective, the fund will also consider the potential for capital appreciation. The fund seeks a yield for its shareholders that exceeds the yield on the securities comprising the S&P 500 Index.
Fidelity Europe Fund    Fidelity Europe Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.
Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund    Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund    Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund seeks to provide investment results that correspond to the total return of stocks of mid- to small-capitalization United States companies.
Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund   

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund seeks to provide investment results that correspond to the total return (i.e., the combination of capital changes and income) performance of common stocks publicly traded in the United States.

The S&P 500 Index broadly represents the performance of common stocks publicly traded in the United States. In the future, the Adviser may, subject to shareholders’ approval and 30 days’ notice, select another index if that index is deemed more representative of the performance of U.S. common stocks.

Fidelity Flex International Fund    Fidelity Flex International Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund    Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund    Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund    Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund    Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund    Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Focused High Income Fund    Fidelity Focused High Income Fund seeks a high level of income. The fund may also seek capital appreciation.
Fidelity Focused Stock Fund    Fidelity Focused Stock Fund seeks capital growth.



Table of Contents



Investment Policy

Fidelity Fund    Fidelity Fund seeks long-term capital growth. The fund invests primarily in common stocks or securities convertible into common stocks. The fund may from time to time invest a portion of its assets in various types of debt securities. During temporary periods when, in the Adviser’s judgment, market conditions warrant, adjustments favoring more defensive securities may be made.
Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund    Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund    Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund seeks reasonable income. In pursuing this objective, the fund will also consider the potential for capital appreciation.
Fidelity Global High Income Fund    Fidelity Global High Income Fund seeks a high level of current income. Growth of capital may also be considered.
Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio    Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio seeks high total return through a combination of current income and capital appreciation.
Fidelity Growth Company Fund    Fidelity Growth Company Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund    Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund    Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund    Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity High Income Fund    Fidelity High Income Fund seeks a high level of current income. Growth of capital may also be considered.
Fidelity Independence Fund    Fidelity Independence Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund    Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund    Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity International Discovery Fund    Fidelity International Discovery Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity International Growth Fund    Fidelity International Growth Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity International Index Fund    Fidelity International Index Fund seeks to provide investment results that correspond to the total return of foreign stock markets.
Fidelity International Small Cap Fund    Fidelity International Small Cap Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund    Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity International Value Fund    Fidelity International Value Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Japan Fund    Fidelity Japan Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund    Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund    Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund    Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Latin America Fund    Fidelity Latin America Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund    Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund    Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund    Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Magellan Fund    Fidelity Magellan Fund seeks capital appreciation through investments in securities of domestic, foreign, and multinational issuers. The fund normally invests primarily in common stock and securities convertible into common stock, but may also invest in other types of securities in seeking its objective. No more than 40% of the fund’s assets may be invested in companies operating exclusively in any one foreign country. No emphasis is placed on dividend income except when the Adviser believes this income will have a favorable influence on the market value of the security.
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund    Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund seeks high total return through a combination of current income and capital appreciation.
Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund    Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund    Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund    Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index    Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund seeks to provide investment returns that closely correspond to the price and yield performance of the Nasdaq Composite Index.



Table of Contents



Investment Policy

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund    Fidelity New Markets Income Fund seeks high current income. As a secondary objective, the fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity New Millennium Fund    Fidelity New Millennium Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Nordic Fund    Fidelity Nordic Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity OTC Portfolio    Fidelity OTC Portfolio seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Overseas Fund    Fidelity Overseas Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund    Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.
Fidelity Puritan Fund    Fidelity Puritan Fund seeks income and capital growth consistent with reasonable risk.
Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund    Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund seeks a high level of current income. As a secondary objective, the fund also seeks growth of capital.
Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund    Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund seeks higher than average income. As a secondary objective, the fund also seeks capital growth.
Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund    Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund seeks a high level of current income. The fund may also seek capital appreciation.
Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund    Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund    Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund    Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund    Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund    Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund    Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund    Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund seeks capital growth.
Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund    Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund    Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund seeks income and capital growth.
Fidelity Total International Equity Fund    Fidelity Total International Equity Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Total Market Index Fund    Fidelity Total Market Index Fund seeks to provide investment results that correspond to the total return of a broad range of United States stocks.
Fidelity Trend Fund    Fidelity Trend Fund seeks growth of capital.
Fidelity Value Fund    Fidelity Value Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Value Discovery Fund    Fidelity Value Discovery Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund    Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Worldwide Fund    Fidelity Worldwide Fund seeks growth of capital.
Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund    Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund    Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Advisor Series Small Cap Fund    Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund    Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund    Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.
Fidelity Series Canada Fund    Fidelity Series Canada Fund seeks growth of capital over the long term.
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund    Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund seeks high total return.
Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund    Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund    Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund seeks a high level of current income.
Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund    Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Series High Income Fund    Fidelity Series High Income Fund seeks a high level of current income. Growth of capital may also be considered.
Fidelity Series International Growth Fund    Fidelity Series International Growth Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund    Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund seeks capital appreciation.



Table of Contents



Investment Policy

Fidelity Series International Value Fund    Fidelity Series International Value Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund    Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund    Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund    Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund seeks higher than average income. As a secondary objective, the fund also seeks capital growth.
Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund    Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund    Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund seeks capital appreciation.
Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund    Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund seeks long-term growth of capital.
Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund    Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund seeks capital appreciation.



Table of Contents


Fees billed by PwC or Deloitte Entities in each of the last two fiscal years for services rendered to each fund are shown in the table below. Appendix A identifies the independent registered public accounting firm for each fund.


March 31, 2019A

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Magellan Fund

   $ 101,000     $ 8,300     $ 70,900     $ 4,000  

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

March 31, 2018A

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Magellan Fund

   $ 100,000     $ 13,800     $ 68,400     $ 6,700  

Fidelity Magellan K6 Fund

   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —    

April 30, 2019A,B

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

   $  111,000     $ 9,400     $ 4,300     $ 4,500  

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

   $ 34,000     $ 2,900     $ 2,600     $ 1,400  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund

   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —    

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

   $  71,000     $ 6,100     $  3,300     $ 2,900  

Fidelity Founders Fund

   $ 21,000     $ 400     $ 2,600     $ 200  

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

   $  67,000     $ 5,700     $  3,300     $ 2,700  

Fidelity High Income Fund

   $  105,000     $ 8,400     $  3,300     $ 4,000  

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

   $  60,000     $ 100     $  5,500     $ 1,300  

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 66,000     $ 100     $ 5,600     $ 1,200  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

   $  49,000     $ 100     $ 7,100     $ 1,400  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

   $ 55,000     $ 100     $ 6,300     $ 1,600  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $  42,000     $ 100     $  5,100     $ 1,200  

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

   $ 58,000     $ 100     $ 6,300     $ 1,700  

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $  44,000     $ 100     $  4,800     $ 1,300  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

   $  59,000     $ 100     $  5,000     $ 1,300  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 73,000     $ 100     $ 5,200     $ 1,200  

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —    

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

April 30, 2018A,B,C

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Capital & Income Fund

   $  117,000     $ 15,100     $  3,500     $ 7,300  

Fidelity Event Driven Opportunities Fund

   $ 35,000     $ 3,100     $ 2,600     $ 1,500  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Value II Fund

   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —    

Fidelity Focused High Income Fund

   $  75,000     $ 6,500     $  3,300     $ 3,100  

Fidelity Founders Fund

   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —    

Fidelity Global High Income Fund

   $  70,000     $ 6,100     $  3,500     $ 3,000  

Fidelity High Income Fund

   $  103,000     $ 8,700     $  3,300     $ 4,300  

Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund

   $  44,000     $ 100     $  5,200     $ 1,200  

Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 38,000     $ 100     $ 4,800     $ 1,000  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock Fund

   $  56,000     $ 100     $ 7,100     $ 1,400  

Fidelity Mid-Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —    

Fidelity Series High Income Fund

   $ 57,000     $ 100     $ 6,300     $ 1,600  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $  43,000     $ 100     $ 5,100     $ 1,200  

Fidelity Short Duration High Income Fund

   $ 58,000     $ 100     $ 6,300     $ 1,600  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Small Cap Discovery Fund

   $  45,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock Fund

   $  45,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund

   $ 39,000      $       100      $   4,800      $   1,000  

Fidelity U.S. Low Volatility Equity Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Women’s Leadership Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

June 30, 2019A

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Fund

   $  59,000      $ 5,000      $  4,100      $ 2,300  

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

   $  42,000      $ 3,500      $  3,500      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

   $ 49,000      $ 4,100      $  3,500      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

   $  47,000      $ 2,500      $  8,100      $ 1,100  

June 30, 2018A

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Fund

   $  62,000      $ 5,300      $  5,500      $ 2,600  

Fidelity Growth Discovery Fund

   $ 43,000      $ 3,800      $  3,300      $ 1,800  

Fidelity Mega Cap Stock Fund

   $  49,000      $ 3,900      $  3,600      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Series Large Cap Stock Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 3,700      $  8,300      $ 1,800  

July 31, 2019A,D,E

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

   $  54,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

   $  37,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

   $  37,000      $ 100      $  6,200      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

   $  39,000      $ 100      $  7,100      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

   $  39,000      $ 100      $ 6,700      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

   $ 46,000      $ 100      $ 6,200      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

   $  39,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

   $  37,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $ 51,000      $ 4,400      $ 4,600      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

   $  41,000      $ 100      $  5,700      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

   $  36,000      $ 100      $  5,100      $ 1,000  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

   $  40,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

   $  37,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

   $  93,000      $ 100      $  18,000      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

   $ 76,000      $ 100      $ 4,000      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

   $  49,000      $ 4,100      $  3,500      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

   $ 16,000      $ —        $ 2,000      $ 600  

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

   $  57,000      $ 4,700      $  3,700      $ 2,200  

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $  57,000      $ 100      $ 7,000      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

   $ 48,000      $ 100      $ 4,000      $ 1,400  

Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

   $ 40,000      $ 100      $ 6,000      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

   $  64,000      $ 5,400      $  6,600      $ 2,500  

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

   $ 16,000      $ —        $ 2,000      $ 600  

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

   $ 46,000      $ 100      $ 6,200      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $  50,000      $ 4,200      $  4,600      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

   $ 16,000      $ —        $ 1,800      $ 600  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

   $  128,000      $ 7,600      $  40,700      $ 3,600  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

   $  81,000      $ 5,100      $  4,800      $ 2,400  

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

   $ 16,000      $ —        $ 1,800      $ 600  

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  



Table of Contents

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 200  

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

   $  42,000      $ —        $  6,000      $ 100  

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

   $  69,000      $ 100      $  19,200      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

   $ 16,000      $ —        $ 1,800      $ 600  

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

   $  84,000      $ 100      $  7,400      $ 2,400  

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

   $ 43,000      $ 100      $ 5,700      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

   $ 67,000      $ 100      $ 18,300      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $  64,000      $ 100      $  6,800      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

   $  74,000      $ 100      $  6,200      $ 2,100  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $  41,000      $ 100      $  5,300      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

   $  68,000      $ 4,100      $  3,700      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

   $ 51,000      $ 3,500      $ 4,100      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

   $  52,000      $     4,200      $  3,300      $     1,900  

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF

   $ 11,000      $ —        $ 2,300      $ 200  

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

   $  52,000      $ 100      $  5,500      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

   $ 54,000      $ 100      $ 5,700      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

   $ 16,000      $ —        $ 1,800      $ 600  

July 31, 2018A,D,E

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Biotechnology Fund

   $  52,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Communications Equipment Fund

   $  35,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Consumer Discretionary Fund

   $  34,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,000  

Fidelity Advisor Energy Fund

   $  36,000      $ 100      $  7,100      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Financial Services Fund

   $  36,000      $ 100      $ 6,700      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Global Real Estate Fund

   $ 43,000      $ 100      $ 6,400      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Health Care Fund

   $  36,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Industrials Fund

   $  35,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $ 53,000      $ 4,700      $ 4,400      $ 2,300  

Fidelity Advisor Real Estate Fund

   $  38,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Semiconductors Fund

   $  34,000      $ 100      $  5,100      $ 1,000  

Fidelity Advisor Technology Fund

   $  44,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Utilities Fund

   $  34,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,000  

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund

   $  75,000      $ 200      $  18,300      $ 2,800  

Fidelity Blue Chip Growth K6 Fund

   $ 49,000      $ 100      $ 3,800      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Blue Chip Value Fund

   $  51,000      $ 4,400      $  3,500      $ 2,200  

Fidelity Dividend ETF for Rising Rates

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,000      $ 600  

Fidelity Dividend Growth Fund

   $  60,000      $ 5,100      $  3,500      $ 2,500  

Fidelity Flex Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $  58,000      $ 100      $  6,600      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Flex Large Cap Growth Fund

   $ 50,000      $ 100      $ 3,800      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Flex Real Estate Fund

   $ 39,000      $ 100      $ 6,200      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Growth & Income Portfolio

   $  67,000      $ 5,900      $  7,000      $ 2,900  

Fidelity High Dividend ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,000      $ 600  

Fidelity International Real Estate Fund

   $ 43,000      $ 100      $ 6,200      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Leveraged Company Stock Fund

   $  51,000      $ 4,500      $  4,400      $ 2,200  

Fidelity Low Volatility Factor ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 1,800      $ 600  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock Fund

   $  135,000      $ 10,100      $  6,100      $ 4,900  

Fidelity Low-Priced Stock K6 Fund

   $  58,000      $ 5,100      $  4,600      $ 2,500  

Fidelity Momentum Factor ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 1,800      $ 600  

Fidelity MSCI Communication Services Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Discretionary Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Consumer Staples Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Energy Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Financials Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Health Care Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    



Table of Contents

Fidelity MSCI Industrials Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Materials Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF

   $ 14,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity OTC Portfolio

   $  79,000      $ 100      $  19,100      $ 1,800  

Fidelity Quality Factor ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 1,800      $ 600  

Fidelity Real Estate Income Fund

   $  86,000      $ 200      $  7,700      $ 3,400  

Fidelity Real Estate Investment Portfolio

   $ 39,000      $ 100      $ 6,000      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Series Blue Chip Growth Fund

   $ 70,000      $ 100      $ 18,300      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Series Intrinsic Opportunities Fund

   $  58,000      $ 100      $  6,600      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Series Real Estate Income Fund

   $  77,000      $ 100      $  6,600      $ 2,100  

Fidelity Series Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $  42,000      $ 100      $  5,300      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth Fund

   $  54,000      $ 4,400      $  3,500      $ 2,200  

Fidelity Small Cap Growth K6 Fund

   $ 41,000      $ 3,500      $ 3,900      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Small Cap Value Fund

   $  51,000      $     4,400      $  3,300      $     2,200  

Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Stocks for Inflation ETF

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Value Discovery Fund

   $  38,000      $ 100      $  5,400      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Value Discovery K6 Fund

   $ 37,000      $ 100      $ 5,500      $ 1,000  

Fidelity Value Factor ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 1,800      $ 600  

August 31, 2019A,F,G

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

   $ 88,000      $ 200      $ 7,400      $ 2,300  

Fidelity Balanced Fund

   $  92,000      $ 7,500      $  6,500      $  3,500  

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

   $  45,000      $ 800      $  4,100      $  400  

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

   $ 54,000      $ 4,500      $ 3,500      $ 2,100  

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

   $ 41,000      $ —        $ 3,400      $ 1,500  

Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

   $  45,000      $ 3,600      $  3,700      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

   $  45,000      $ 3,600      $  3,700      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

   $  45,000      $ 3,600      $  3,700      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 3,600      $  5,300      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 3,600      $  3,700      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Puritan Fund

   $  144,000      $ 13,500      $  127,300      $  6,300  

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

   $  49,000      $ 900      $  5,200      $  400  

August 31, 2018A,F,G

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Balanced Fund

   $ 87,000      $ 200      $ 7,400      $ 2,400  

Fidelity Balanced Fund

   $  95,000      $ 10,300      $  8,100      $  5,000  

Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Export and Multinational Fund

   $ 56,000      $ 4,900      $ 3,500      $ 2,400  

Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF

   $ 26,000      $ 300      $ 3,400      $ 300  

Fidelity International Enhanced Index Fund

   $  40,000      $ 3,400      $  6,300      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index Fund

   $  40,000      $ 3,300      $  3,700      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index Fund

   $  40,000      $ 3,300      $  5,300      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Large Cap Value Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 40,000      $ 3,300      $  3,700      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Mid Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 40,000      $ 3,300      $  3,700      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Puritan Fund

   $  234,000      $ 18,900      $  241,000      $  9,300  

Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    



Table of Contents

September 30, 2019A

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

   $  56,000      $ 100      $  7,200      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

   $  65,000      $ 100      $  7,300      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

   $ 69,000      $ 100      $ 6,300      $ 1,800  

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

   $ 41,000      $ 100      $ 4,800      $ 800  

September 30, 2018A

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Capital Development Fund

   $  57,000    $ 100      $  6,600      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock Fund

   $  67,000    $ 100      $  6,900      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Series Floating Rate High Income Fund

   $ 71,000      $ 100      $ 6,300      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap Fund

   $ 31,000      $ 100      $ 4,800      $ 900  

October 31, 2019A,H,I

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

   $  56,000      $ 4,800      $  6,400      $  2,100  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

   $  71,000      $ 5,200      $  5,300      $  2,400  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 46,000      $ 100      $ 7,100      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

   $ 80,000      $ 100      $ 6,300      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

   $  55,000      $ 4,600      $  5,500      $  2,100  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 55,000      $ 4,000      $ 5,300      $ 1,800  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

   $ 68,000      $ 100      $ 6,600      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 54,000      $ 100      $ 7,100      $ 1,400  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

   $  63,000      $ 5,300      $  5,500      $  2,400  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

   $ 46,000      $ 100      $ 6,600      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

   $  43,000      $ 3,600      $  4,600      $  1,600  

Fidelity Canada Fund

   $  63,000      $ 4,600      $  5,300      $  2,100  

Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 51,000      $ 4,100      $ 4,200      $ 1,900  

Fidelity China Region Fund

   $  75,000      $ 5,500      $  5,300      $  2,500  

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

   $ 48,000      $ 4,000      $ 4,200      $ 1,800  

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

   $ 103,000      $ 100      $ 7,400      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

   $  149,000      $ 100      $  7,100      $ 1,400  

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

   $  59,000      $ 4,900      $  5,300      $  2,200  

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

   $  51,000      $ 100      $  6,200      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

   $ 60,000      $ 4,400      $ 5,300      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

   $  68,000      $ 5,700      $  5,500      $  2,600  

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Europe Fund

   $  70,000      $ 5,200      $  5,300      $  2,300  

Fidelity Flex International Fund

   $  54,000      $ 100      $  6,900      $ 1,400  

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

   $ 38,000      $ 100      $ 5,300      $ 1,000  

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

   $ 34,000      $ 2,800      $ 3,300      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

   $ 48,000      $ 3,300      $ 2,900      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 47,000      $ 100      $ 6,000      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 64,000      $ 100      $ 7,100      $ 1,400  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

   $  69,000      $ 100      $  7,300      $ 1,400  

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

   $ 79,000      $ 5,700      $ 5,500      $ 2,600  

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

   $  43,000      $ —        $  6,900      $ 300  

Fidelity International Growth Fund

   $ 55,000      $ 4,600      $ 5,300      $ 2,100  

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

   $ 18,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 300  

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

   $  59,000      $ 100      $  7,100      $ 1,500  

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $  52,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,400  

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

   $ 18,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 300  

Fidelity International Value Fund

   $  51,000      $ 100      $ 6,000      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Japan Fund

   $  69,000      $ 5,000      $  5,300      $  2,300  

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

   $  50,000      $ 4,200      $  5,300      $  1,900  

Fidelity Latin America Fund

   $  68,000      $ 5,000      $  5,300      $  2,300  

Fidelity Nordic Fund

   $  50,000      $ 4,200      $  6,100      $  1,900  

Fidelity Overseas Fund

   $ 63,000      $ 5,200      $  5,500      $ 2,300  

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

   $  61,000      $ 5,000      $  5,500      $  2,300  

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

   $ 43,000      $ —        $  7,100      $ 500  



Table of Contents

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

   $ 50,000      $ 4,100      $ 5,300      $ 1,800  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

   $  68,000      $ 100      $  7,100      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

   $  46,000      $ 100      $  7,400      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 3,800      $ 5,300      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

   $ 60,000      $ 100      $  6,200      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

   $  45,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

   $  44,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

   $  41,000      $ —        $  6,000      $ 300  

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 100      $ 5,000      $   1,200  

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 300  

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ 300  

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 67,000      $     4,900      $ 4,400      $ 2,200  

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

   $  56,000      $ 100      $  6,900      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Value Fund

   $ 59,000      $ 4,900      $ 7,000      $ 2,200  

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

   $ 52,000      $ 100      $ 6,300      $ 1,300  

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

   $  64,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $ 1,600  

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

   $  55,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $  1,400  

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

   $  45,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $ 1,100  

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

   $  41,000      $ 100      $  4,800      $  1,000  

October 31, 2018A,H,I,J,K,L

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Diversified International Fund

   $  58,000      $ 5,200      $  6,300      $  2,600  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Asia Fund

   $  65,000      $ 5,700      $  5,200      $  2,800  

Fidelity Advisor Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 46,000      $ 100      $ 7,100      $ 1,400  

Fidelity Advisor Floating Rate High Income Fund

   $ 82,000      $ 200      $ 6,300      $ 2,700  

Fidelity Advisor Global Capital Appreciation Fund

   $  57,000      $ 5,000      $  5,200      $  2,500  

Fidelity Advisor Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 48,000      $ 4,300      $ 5,200      $ 2,100  

Fidelity Advisor High Income Advantage Fund

   $ 69,000      $ 100      $ 6,400      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 55,000      $ 100      $ 7,100      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund

   $  66,000      $ 5,800      $  5,400      $  2,900  

Fidelity Advisor Value Fund

   $ 47,000      $ 100      $ 6,400      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Value Leaders Fund

   $  43,000      $ 3,900      $  4,400      $  1,900  

Fidelity Canada Fund

   $  58,000      $ 5,200      $  5,200      $  2,600  

Fidelity Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 53,000      $ 4,600      $ 3,300      $ 2,200  

Fidelity China Region Fund

   $  69,000      $ 6,000      $  5,200      $  3,000  

Fidelity Disciplined Equity Fund

   $ 53,000      $ 4,600      $ 3,300      $ 2,300  

Fidelity Diversified International Fund

   $ 81,000      $ 100      $ 7,400      $ 1,900  

Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund

   $  55,000      $ 100      $ 7,100      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund

   $  62,000      $ 5,500      $  5,200      $  2,700  

Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund

   $  52,000      $ 100      $  6,200      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund

   $ 54,000      $ 4,800      $ 5,200      $ 2,400  

Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund

   $  72,000      $ 6,300      $  5,400      $  3,100  

Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Europe Fund

   $  64,000      $ 5,700      $  5,200      $  2,800  

Fidelity Flex International Fund

   $  55,000      $ 100      $  7,100      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Flex Small Cap Fund

   $ 39,000      $ 100      $ 5,200      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Focused Stock Fund

   $ 35,000      $ 3,100      $ 3,300      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

   $ 41,000      $ 3,600      $ 2,600      $ 1,800  

Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund

   $ 48,000      $ 100      $ 6,300      $ 1,400  

Fidelity Infrastructure Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund

   $ 54,000      $ 100      $ 7,100      $ 1,600  

Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund

   $ 54,000      $ 100      $ 7,100      $ 1,500  

Fidelity International Discovery Fund

   $ 73,000      $ 6,300      $ 5,400      $ 3,100  

Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity International Growth Fund

   $ 57,000      $ 5,000      $ 5,200      $ 2,500  

Fidelity International High Dividend ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    

Fidelity International Small Cap Fund

   $  59,000      $ 100      $  7,100      $ 1,700  

Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund

   $  53,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,500  

Fidelity International Value Factor ETF

   $ 15,000      $ —        $ 2,500      $ —    



Table of Contents

Fidelity International Value Fund

   $  51,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Japan Fund

   $  63,000      $ 5,500      $  5,200      $  2,700  

Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund

   $  52,000      $ 4,600      $  5,200      $  2,300  

Fidelity Latin America Fund

   $  62,000      $ 5,500      $  5,200      $  2,700  

Fidelity Nordic Fund

   $  51,000      $ 4,600      $  5,200      $  2,300  

Fidelity Overseas Fund

   $ 65,000      $ 5,700      $ 5,400      $  2,800  

Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund

   $  63,000      $ 5,500      $  5,400      $  2,700  

Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Series Canada Fund

   $ 44,000      $ 4,000      $ 5,200      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund

   $  33,000      $ —        $  7,100      $ 200  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund

   $  47,000      $ 100      $  7,400      $ 1,400  

Fidelity Series International Growth Fund

   $ 46,000      $ 4,200      $ 5,200      $ 2,100  

Fidelity Series International Index Fund

   $ 52,000      $ —        $  6,000      $ 300  

Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund

   $  46,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Series International Value Fund

   $  45,000      $ 100      $  6,000      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Series Overseas Fund

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Stock Selector Small Cap Fund

   $ 47,000      $ 100      $ 5,000      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF

   $ —        $ —        $ —        $ —    

Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund

   $ 61,000      $ 5,300      $ 4,400      $ 2,600  

Fidelity Total International Equity Fund

   $  67,000      $ 100      $ 6,900      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Value Fund

   $ 61,000      $ 5,300      $ 4,400      $ 2,600  

Fidelity Worldwide Fund

   $ 52,000      $ 100      $ 6,400      $ 1,500  

Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund

   $  56,000      $ —        $  4,800      $ 100  

Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund

   $  47,000      $ —        $  6,000      $  200  

Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund

   $  39,000      $ —        $  4,800      $ 100  

Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund

   $  35,000      $ —        $  4,800      $  200  

November 30, 2019A,M

   Audit Fees      Audit-Related
     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

   $ 52,000      $ 4,100      $ 4,400      $ 1,800  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

   $ 49,000      $ 100      $ 6,300      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

   $ 46,000      $ 100      $ 7,200      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

   $ 44,000      $ 100      $ 6,600      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 100      $ 5,500      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 53,000      $ 100      $ 6,200      $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

   $ 46,000      $ 100      $ 5,200      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

   $ 31,000      $ 2,500      $ 2,900      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 50,000      $ 100      $ 6,300      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

   $ 41,000      $ 3,300      $ 3,500      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

   $ 43,000      $ 3,500      $ 3,500      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 100      $ 5,300      $ 1,100  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 100      $ 7,300      $ 1,200  

Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

   $ 65,000      $ 4,700      $ 3,500      $ 2,100  

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

   $ 56,000      $ 4,600      $ 6,200      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

   $ 45,000      $ 3,400      $ 3,200      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

   $ 81,000      $ 100      $ 6,200      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

   $ 61,000      $ —        $ 6,000      $ 500  

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

   $ 56,000      $ 3,800      $ 3,300      $ 1,700  

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

   $ 49,000      $ 3,400      $ 3,200      $ 1,500  

Fidelity Independence Fund

   $ 55,000      $ 4,400      $ 3,500      $ 2,000  

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

   $ 65,000      $ 100      $ 7,000      $ 1,600  

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

   $ 54,000      $ 4,400      $ 5,900      $ 2,000  

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

   $ 61,000      $ 4,900      $ 101,700      $ 2,200  

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

   $ 172,000      $ 13,300      $ 6,700      $ 6,000  

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

   $ 67,000      $ 100      $ 6,200      $ 1,600  



Table of Contents

November 30, 2018A,M

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth Fund

   $ 54,000     $ 4,600     $ 3,300     $ 2,300  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth Fund

   $  50,000     $ 100     $  6,300     $ 1,400  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Income Fund

   $  47,000     $ 100     $  7,500     $ 1,400  

Fidelity Advisor Equity Value Fund

   $  45,000     $ 100     $  6,600     $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income Fund

   $  46,000     $ 100     $  5,300     $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities Fund

   $  54,000     $ 100     $  6,100     $ 1,600  

Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Fund

   $  48,000     $ 100     $  5,000     $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth Fund

   $ 31,000     $ 2,700     $ 2,600     $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Series Growth Opportunities Fund

   $ 51,000     $ 100     $  6,100     $ 1,500  

Fidelity Advisor Series Small Cap Fund

   $ 42,000     $ 3,600     $ 3,300     $ 1,800  

Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Fund

   $ 44,000     $ 3,800     $ 3,300     $ 1,900  

Fidelity Advisor Stock Selector Mid Cap Fund

   $  46,000     $ 100     $  5,100     $ 1,300  

Fidelity Advisor Value Strategies Fund

   $  46,000     $ 100     $  7,100     $ 1,400  

Fidelity Convertible Securities Fund

   $ 61,000     $ 5,400     $ 3,300     $ 2,700  

Fidelity Equity Dividend Income Fund

   $ 58,000     $ 5,000     $ 4,400     $ 2,500  

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Growth Fund

   $ 38,000     $ 3,200     $ 2,600     $ 1,600  

Fidelity Growth Company Fund

   $ 108,000     $ 100     $ 19,000     $ 2,300  

Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund

   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —    

Fidelity Growth Strategies Fund

   $ 49,000     $ 4,200     $ 8,200     $ 2,100  

Fidelity Growth Strategies K6 Fund

   $ 38,000     $ 3,200     $ 4,000     $ 1,600  

Fidelity Independence Fund

   $ 58,000     $ 4,900     $ 3,300     $ 2,500  

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Fund

   $ 67,000     $ 100     $ 6,400     $ 1,900  

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index Tracking Stock

   $ 52,000     $ 4,600     $ 5,400     $ 2,200  

Fidelity New Millennium Fund

   $ 64,000     $ 5,500     $ 3,800     $ 2,700  

Fidelity Real Estate High Income Fund

   $ 295,000     $ 23,000     $ 5,700     $ 11,400  

Fidelity Series Growth Company Fund

   $ 70,000     $ 100     $ 19,000     $ 1,900  

December 31, 2019A

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

   $ 42,000     $ 100     $ 5,400     $ 1,000  

Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

   $ 77,000     $ 6,300     $ 104,100     $ 2,700  

Fidelity Contrafund

   $ 203,000     $ 7,400     $ 15,500     $ 3,200  

Fidelity Contrafund K6

   $ 134,000     $ 5,900     $ 5,200     $ 2,500  

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 58,000     $ 4,800     $ 4,400     $ 2,100  

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

   $ 93,000     $ 6,500     $ 7,900     $ 2,800  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $ 57,000     $ 4,600     $ 3,300     $ 2,000  

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 78,000     $ 5,900     $ 4,400     $ 2,100  

Fidelity Trend Fund

   $ 56,000     $ 4,700     $ 5,200     $ 2,000  

December 31, 2018A

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Advisor Mid Cap II Fund

   $ 43,000     $ 100     $ 4,800     $ 1,200  

Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund

   $  81,000     $ 6,900     $  66,800     $  3,400  

Fidelity Contrafund

   $  179,000     $ 11,900     $  17,700     $  6,000  

Fidelity Contrafund K6

   $ 66,000     $ 5,600     $ 5,700     $ 2,800  

Fidelity Flex Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 52,000     $ 4,500     $ 5,000     $ 2,200  

Fidelity New Markets Income Fund

   $ 81,000     $ 6,800     $ 3,300     $ 3,400  

Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Debt Fund

   $ 59,000     $ 5,000     $ 3,300     $ 2,500  

Fidelity Series Opportunistic Insights Fund

   $ 76,000     $ 4,300     $  4,400     $ 2,200  

Fidelity Trend Fund

   $ 58,000     $ 5,000     $ 4,600     $ 2,500  

January 31, 2020

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        



Table of Contents

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

January 31, 2019A

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity Equity-Income Fund

   $  64,000     $ 5,700     $  4,500     $  2,800  

Fidelity Equity-Income K6 Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Flex Mid Cap Value Fund

   $ 37,000     $ 100     $ 5,200     $ 1,000  

Fidelity Mid Cap Value Fund

   $  49,000     $ 4,300     $  5,700     $  2,100  

Fidelity Mid Cap Value K6 Fund

   $ 50,000     $ 100     $ 5,200     $ 1,000  

Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity Fund

   $ 44,000     $ 100     $ 5,100   $ 1,300  

Fidelity Series Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $ 43,000     $ 2,500     $  2,600     $  1,200  

Fidelity Series Value Discovery Fund

   $ 53,000     $ 100     $ 9,200   $ 1,400  

Fidelity Stock Selector Large Cap Value Fund

   $  49,000     $ 4,300     $  3,300     $  2,100  

Fidelity Telecom and Utilities Fund

   $ 43,000     $ 3,600     $ 3,300     $ 1,800  

February 29, 2020

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity 500 Index Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity International Index Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Automotive Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Banking Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Chemicals Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Communication Services Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Computers Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Energy Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Energy Service Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Financial Services Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Gold Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Health Care Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Industrials Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Insurance Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select IT Services Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Leisure Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Materials Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        



Table of Contents

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Retailing Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Technology Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Transportation Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Utilities Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

Select Wireless Portfolio

   $ [           $ [           $ [           $ [        

February 28, 2019A

   Audit Fees     Audit-Related
    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Fidelity 500 Index Fund

   $  70,000     $ 6,000     $ 5,200     $ 2,900  

Fidelity Extended Market Index Fund

   $ 67,000     $ 6,100     $ 30,500     $ 3,000  

Fidelity Flex 500 Index Fund

   $ 46,000     $ 100     $ 6,200     $ 1,200  

Fidelity International Index Fund

   $  72,000     $ 6,400     $  7,400     $ 3,100  

Fidelity Series Total Market Index Fund

   $ —       $ —       $ —       $ —    

Fidelity Small Cap Enhanced Index Fund

   $ 45,000     $ 3,500     $ 3,500     $ 1,700  

Fidelity Total Market Index Fund

   $  72,000     $ 6,600     $  17,300     $ 3,200  

Select Air Transportation Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $  1,400  

Select Automotive Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Banking Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  3,700     $ 1,400  

Select Biotechnology Portfolio

   $  65,000     $ 5,300     $  32,800     $ 2,600  

Select Brokerage and Investment Management Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  3,400     $ 1,400  

Select Chemicals Portfolio

   $  33,000     $ 2,800     $  2,800     $ 1,400  

Select Communication Services Portfolio

   $  41,000     $ 2,900     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Communications Equipment Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Computers Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,900     $  3,500     $ 1,400  

Select Construction and Housing Portfolio

   $  33,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,300  

Select Consumer Discretionary Portfolio

   $  36,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Consumer Finance Portfolio

   $  35,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Consumer Staples Portfolio

   $  43,000     $ 3,200     $  2,600     $ 1,500  

Select Defense and Aerospace Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Energy Portfolio

   $  37,000     $ 2,900     $  3,000     $ 1,400  

Select Energy Service Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,900     $  3,000     $ 1,400  

Select Environment and Alternative Energy Portfolio

   $  33,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Financial Services Portfolio

   $  37,000     $ 2,900     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Gold Portfolio

   $  59,000     $ 4,900     $  6,900     $ 2,400  

Select Health Care Portfolio

   $  40,000     $ 3,100     $  2,600     $ 1,500  

Select Health Care Services Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Industrials Portfolio

   $  38,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Insurance Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  3,700     $ 1,400  

Select IT Services Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Leisure Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,800     $ 1,400  

Select Materials Portfolio

   $  44,000     $ 3,200     $  2,600     $ 1,500  

Select Medical Technology and Devices Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Natural Gas Portfolio

   $  33,000     $ 2,800     $  2,800     $ 1,400  

Select Natural Resources Portfolio

   $  33,000     $ 2,700     $  2,800     $ 1,300  

Select Pharmaceuticals Portfolio

   $  33,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Retailing Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Semiconductors Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  3,500     $ 1,400  

Select Software and IT Services Portfolio

   $  33,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,300  

Select Technology Portfolio

   $  40,000     $ 3,100     $  2,600     $ 1,500  

Select Telecommunications Portfolio

   $  43,000     $ 3,100     $  2,600     $ 1,500  

Select Transportation Portfolio

   $  34,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Utilities Portfolio

   $  36,000     $ 2,800     $  2,600     $ 1,400  

Select Wireless Portfolio

   $  33,000     $ 2,700     $  2,600     $ 1,300  



Table of Contents

Amounts may reflect rounding.


Fidelity Founders Fund commenced operations on February 14, 2019.


Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund and Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund commenced operations on May 25, 2017.


Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio commenced operations on June 13, 2019.


Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF commenced operations on February 26, 2019.


Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund commenced operations on June 14, 2019 and Fidelity Puritan K6 Fund commenced operations on June 14, 2019.


Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF commenced operations on June 12, 2018.


Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund commenced operations on April 11, 2019, Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund commenced operations on June 13, 2019 and Fidelity Series Overseas Fund commenced operations on June 21, 2019.


Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF and Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETF commenced operations on February 26, 2019.


Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund commenced operations on August 29, 2018.


Fidelity Series International Index Fund commenced operations on August 17, 2018, Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund and Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund commenced operations on August 2, 2018 and Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund and Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Fund commenced operations on September 13, 2018.


Fidelity International High Dividend ETF and Fidelity International Value Factor ETF commenced operations on January 16, 2018.


Fidelity Growth Company K6 Fund commenced operations on June 13, 2019.

“Audit Fees” represent fees billed for services rendered for the audits of the financial statements, or services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

“Audit-Related Fees” represent fees billed for assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of a fund audit or the review of a fund’s financial statements and that are not reported under Audit Fees.

“Tax Fees” represent fees billed for tax compliance, tax advice or tax planning that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of a fund.

“All Other Fees” represent fees billed for services provided to a fund or Fund Service Provider, a significant portion of which are assurance related, that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund, excluding those services that are reported under Audit Fees, Audit-Related Fees or Tax Fees.

Assurance services must be performed by an independent public accountant.



Table of Contents


Fees billed by PwC or Deloitte Entities that were required to be approved by the Audit Committee for services rendered on behalf of the Fund Service Providers that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of each fund are shown in the table below.


March 31, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  


   $ 7,775,000      $ 15,000      $ —    


March 31, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  


   $ 7,745,000      $ 15,000      $ —    


April 30, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 290,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,775,000      $ 15,000      $ —    


April 30, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte EntitiesC

   $ 5,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,745,000      $ 15,000      $ —    


June 30, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  


   $ 7,775,000      $ 10,000      $ —    


June 30, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  


   $ 7,745,000      $ 20,000      $ —    


July 31, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte EntitiesD

   $ 290,000      $ —        $ —    


   $ 7,775,000      $ 10,000      $ —    


July 31, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte EntitiesD

   $ 5,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,745,000      $ 20,000      $ —    



Table of Contents

August 31, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 290,000      $ —        $ —    


   $ 7,775,000      $ 10,000      $ —    


August 31, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 5,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,745,000      $ 20,000      $ —    


September 30, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 290,000      $ —        $ —    


September 30, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 5,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


October 31, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte EntitiesG

   $ 290,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,890,000      $ 10,000      $ —    


October 31, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte EntitiesG,H,I

   $ 5,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,745,000      $ 20,000      $ —    


November 30, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 290,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,890,000      $ 10,000      $ —    


November 30, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 5,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,745,000      $ 20,000      $ —    


December 31, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 290,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,705,000      $ 10,000      $ —    



Table of Contents

December 31, 2018A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 5,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,930,00      $ 20,000      $ —    


January 31, 2020

    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ [       $ [       $ [    


   $ [       $ [       $ [    


January 31, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 290,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,930,000      $ 20,000      $ —    


February 29, 2020

    Tax Fees     All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ [       $ [       $ [    


   $ [       $ [       $ [    


February 28, 2019A

     Tax Fees      All Other Fees  

Deloitte Entities

   $ 290,000      $ 5,000      $ —    


   $ 7,930,000      $ 15,000      $ —    



Amounts may reflect rounding.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund and Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Founders Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund and Fidelity Puritan K6 Funds’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF and Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETFs’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity International High Dividend ETF and Fidelity International Value Factor ETFs’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series International Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund and Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Funds’ commencement of operations.

“Audit Fees” represent fees billed for services rendered for the audits of the financial statements, or services that are normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

“Audit-Related Fees” represent fees billed for assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of a fund audit or the review of a fund’s financial statements and that are not reported under Audit Fees.

“Tax Fees” represent fees billed for tax compliance, tax advice or tax planning that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of a fund.

“All Other Fees” represent fees billed for services provided to a fund or Fund Service Provider, a significant portion of which are assurance related, that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the fund, excluding those services that are reported under Audit Fees, Audit-Related Fees or Tax Fees.

Assurance services must be performed by an independent public accountant.



Table of Contents


Aggregate non-audit fees billed by PwC or Deloitte Entities for services rendered to the funds and any Fund Service Provider for each of the last two fiscal years of the funds are shown below.



   Fiscal Year End   Aggregate Non-Audit FeesA

Fidelity Advisor Series I



   July 31, 2019   $12,265,000


   July 31, 2018   $10,910,000

Deloitte Entities

   August 31, 2019   $710,000

Deloitte Entities

   August 31, 2018   $360,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2019   $600,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2018   $505,000

Deloitte Entities

   November 30, 2019   $640,000

Deloitte Entities

   November 30, 2018   $550,000


   November 30, 2019   $12,575,000


   November 30, 2018   $10,975,000

Deloitte Entities

   December 31, 2019   $580,000

Deloitte Entities

   December 31, 2018   $485,000

Fidelity Advisor Series VII


Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2019   $785,000

Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2018   $435,000

Fidelity Advisor Series VIII


Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2019   $590,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2018   $495,000


   October 31, 2019   $12,615,000


   October 31, 2018   $11,015,000

Fidelity Capital Trust


Deloitte Entities

   September 30, 2019   $575,000

Deloitte Entities

   September 30, 2018   $485,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2019   $590,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2018   $495,000


   October 31, 2019   $12,580,000


   October 31, 2018   $10,980,000

Fidelity Commonwealth Trust



   November 30, 2019   $12,550,000


   November 30, 2018   $10,950,000

Fidelity Commonwealth Trust II



   February 29, 2020   $[    ]


   February 28, 2019   $11,130,000


   August 31, 2019   $12,500,000


   August 31, 2018   $10,950,000

Fidelity Concord Street Trust


Deloitte Entities

   February 29, 2020   $[    ]

Deloitte Entities

   February 28, 2019   $765,000


   February 29, 2020   $[    ]


   February 28, 2019   $11,220,000

Deloitte Entities

   April 30, 2019B   $755,000

Deloitte Entities

   April 30, 2018B,C   $395,000


   April 30, 2019B   $10,175,000


   April 30, 2018B,C   $10,910,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2019   $610,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2018D   $505,000

Deloitte Entities

   November 30, 2019   $585,000

Deloitte Entities

   November 30, 2018   $490,000



Table of Contents

Fidelity Contrafund



   December 31, 2019   $12,535,000


   December 31, 2018   $11,275,000

Fidelity Covington Trust


Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2019E   $730,000

Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2018E   $380,000


   July 31, 2019E   $12,270,000


   July 31, 2018E   $10,915,000


   August 31, 2019F   $12,460,000


   August 31, 2018F   $10,905,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2019G   $585,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2018G,H   $485,000

Fidelity Destiny Portfolios


Deloitte Entities

   September 30, 2019   $590,000

Deloitte Entities

   September 30, 2018   $495,000

Fidelity Devonshire Trust


Deloitte Entities

   January 31, 2020   $[    ]

Deloitte Entities

   January 31, 2019   $785,000


   January 31, 2020   $[    ]


   January 31, 2019   $11,175,000

Fidelity Financial Trust



   November 30, 2019   $12,575,000


   November 30, 2018   $10,975,000

Fidelity Hastings Street Trust



   June 30, 2019   $12,295,000


   June 30, 2018   $10,945,000


   December 31, 2019   $12,365,000


   December 31, 2018   $11,135,000

Fidelity Investment Trust


Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2019   $600,000

Deloitte Entities

   October 31, 2018   $505,000


   October 31, 2019I   $12,665,000


   October 31, 2018I   $11,075,000


   October 31, 2019J   $12,555,000


   October 31, 2018J   $10,955,000


   October 31, 2019K   $12,620,000


   October 31, 2018K,L   $11,025,000

Fidelity Magellan Fund



   March 31, 2019   $10,240,000


   March 31, 2018   $10,985,000

Fidelity Mt. Vernon Street Trust


Deloitte Entities

   November 30, 2019   $595,000

Deloitte Entities

   November 30, 2018   $520,000


   November 30, 2019   $12,675,000


   November 30, 2018   $10,985,000

Fidelity Puritan Trust


Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2019   $730,000

Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2018   $380,000


   July 31, 2019   $12,320,000



Table of Contents


   July 31, 2018   $10,935,000


   August 31, 2019M   $12,630,000


   August 31, 2018M   $11,195,000

Fidelity Securities Fund


Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2019N   $805,000

Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2018N   $450,000


   July 31, 2019N   $12,330,000


   July 31, 2018N   $10,975,000

Fidelity Select Portfolios



   January 31, 2020   $[    ]


   January 31, 2019   $11,135,000


   February 29, 2020   $[    ]


   February 28, 2019   $11,430,000

Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2019   $720,000

Deloitte Entities

   July 31, 2018   $370,000

Fidelity Summer Street Trust


Deloitte Entities

   April 30, 2019   $720,000

Deloitte Entities

   April 30, 2018   $365,000


   April 30, 2019   $10,215,000


   April 30, 2018   $10,965,000


   August 31, 2019   $12,465,000


   August 31, 2018   $10,910,000

Deloitte Entities

   September 30, 2019   $580,000

Deloitte Entities

   September 30, 2018   $490,000


   December 31, 2019   $12,370,000


   December 31, 2018   $11,140,000

Fidelity Trend Fund



   December 31, 2019   $12,365,000


   December 31, 2018   $11,135,000



Amounts may reflect rounding.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Founders Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Large Cap Stock K6 Fund and Fidelity Small Cap Stock K6 Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series International Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index Fund, Fidelity ZERO Extended Market Index Fund and Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index Funds’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Small-Mid Factor ETF’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity High Yield Factor ETF’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Targeted Emerging Markets Factor ETF and Fidelity Targeted International Factor ETFs’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity International High Dividend ETF and Fidelity International Value Factor ETFs’ commencement of operations.


Reflects amounts billed to the Fidelity Canada Fund, Fidelity China Region Fund, Fidelity Emerging Asia Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Europe Fund, Fidelity Japan Fund, Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund, Fidelity Latin America Fund, Fidelity Nordic Fund, and Fidelity Pacific Basin Fund.


Reflects amounts billed to the Fidelity Diversified International Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation Fund, Fidelity Overseas Fund, and Fidelity Worldwide Fund.


Reflects amounts billed to the Fidelity International Discovery Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity International Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Fidelity International Value Fund, Fidelity International Growth Fund, Fidelity Total International Equity Fund, Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund, Fidelity Series International Growth Fund, Fidelity Series International Value Fund, Fidelity Series International Small Cap Fund, Fidelity Emerging Markets Discovery Fund, Fidelity Total Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity Global Equity Income Fund, Fidelity Flex International Fund, Fidelity Diversified International K6 Fund, Fidelity International Capital Appreciation K6 Fund, Fidelity Series Canada Fund, Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund, Fidelity SAI International SMA Fund, Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, and Fidelity Series Overseas Fund. May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity SAI International SMA Completion Fund, Fidelity International Discovery K6 Fund, and Fidelity Series Overseas Funds’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Series Emerging Markets Fund’s commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity Balanced K6 Fund and Fidelity Puritan K6 Funds’ commencement of operations.


May include amounts billed prior to the Fidelity OTC K6 Portfolio’s commencement of operations.



Table of Contents




Fidelity, Fidelity Advisor, Contrafund, Destiny, Magellan, New Millennium Fund, and Puritan are registered service marks of FMR LLC. ©2020 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.

Fidelity Flex is a service mark of FMR LLC.

Nasdaq®, OMX®, NASDAQ OMX®, Nasdaq Composite®, and The Nasdaq Stock Market®, Inc. are registered trademarks of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (which with its Affiliates are the Corporations) and are licensed for use by Fidelity. The products have not been passed on by the Corporations as to their legality or suitability. The products are not issued, endorsed or sold by the Corporations. The Corporations make no warranties and bear no liability with respect to shares of the products.

Any third-party marks that may appear above are the marks of their respective owners.




Table of Contents



                P.O. BOX 673023

        DALLAS, TX 75267-3023



Consolidated SmartCard


This card represents all of your Fidelity accounts registered to the same Social Security or Tax ID number at the address listed on this card. By voting this card, via mail or internet, you are voting all of your accounts across multiple registrations in the same manner. If you choose to vote the Consolidated card, you do not need to return the individual SmartCard ballots enclosed which represent each unique registration.



The undersigned, revoking previous proxies, hereby appoint(s) James C. Curvey, William C. Coffey, and Dennis J. Dirks, or any one or more of them, attorneys, with full power of substitution, to vote all shares of the fund as indicated on this proxy card which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the fund to be held at 245 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210 as proxies to represent the undersigned at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the Fund to be held at 245 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210, on June 9, 2020 at 8:00 a.m., Eastern Time, and at any adjournments thereof. All powers may be exercised by a majority of said proxy holders or substitutes voting or acting or, if only one votes and acts, then by that one. This Proxy shall be voted on the proposal(s) described in the Proxy Statement as specified on this proxy card. Receipt of the Notice of the Meeting and the accompanying Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged.


    Vote, Sign and Mail in the enclosed Business Reply Envelope.
             No postage necessary.

Log on to:

  Scan the QR code to your left
  Follow the on-screen instructions
  Available 24 hours



    Follow the recorded instructions
    Available 24 hours
  LOGO                                  LOGO






To elect a Board of Trustees.












01.  Dennis J. Dirks


02.  Donald F. Donahue


03.  Bettina Doulton


04.  Vicki L. Fuller


05.  Patricia L. Kampling


06.  Alan J. Lacy


07.  Ned C. Lautenbach


08.  Robert A. Lawrence


09.  Joseph Mauriello


10.  Cornelia M. Small


11.  Garnett A. Smith


12.  David M. Thomas


13.  Susan Tomasky


14.  Michael E. Wiley



INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual Trustee nominee(s), mark the “FOR ALL EXCEPT” box and write the name of the nominee(s) for which you would like to withhold authority on the line provided bellow:




To convert a fundamental investment policy to a non-fundamental investment policy.


To Vote All For        To Vote All Against        To Vote All Abstain       



To modify a fundamental investment policy.


To Vote All For        To Vote All Against        To Vote All Abstain       



To modify the fund’s fundamental concentration policy.


To Vote All For        To Vote All Against        To Vote All Abstain       



A shareholder proposal requesting that the Board of Trustees institute procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity. THE BOARD RECOMMENDS A VOTE AGAINST PROPOSAL 5.


To Vote All For        To Vote All Against        To Vote All Abstain       



A shareholder proposal requesting that the Board of Trustees institute procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity. THE BOARD RECOMMENDS A VOTE AGAINST PROPOSAL 6.



To Vote All For        To Vote All Against        To Vote All Abstain       

Table of Contents

Please refer to the Proxy Statement discussion of each of these matters.



As to any other matter, said attorneys shall vote in accordance with their best judgment.





 B      Authorized Signatures — This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.— Sign and Date Below

Note: Please sign exactly as your name appears on this Proxy. When signing in a fiduciary capacity, such as executor, administrator, trustee, attorney, guardian, etc., please so indicate. Corporate or partnership proxies should be signed by an authorized person indicating the person’s title.


Date (mm/dd/yyyy) — Please print date below         Signature 1 — Please keep signature within the box         Signature 2 — Please keep signature within the box
        /        /                          


Scanner bar code



Table of Contents




P.O. BOX 673023

DALLAS, TX 75267-3023



Individual SmartCard



This card represents all of your Fidelity accounts with the same Social Security or Tax ID number and an exact match of registration. By voting this card you are voting all of your accounts under this registration in the same manner. If you choose to vote each Individual SmartCard you do not need to return the Consolidated SmartCard



The undersigned, revoking previous proxies, hereby appoint(s) James C. Curvey, William C. Coffey, and Dennis J. Dirks, or any one or more of them, attorneys, with full power of substitution, to vote all shares of the fund as indicated on this proxy card which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the fund to be held at 245 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210, as proxies to represent the undersigned at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the Fund to be held at 245 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210, on June 9, 2020 at 8:00 a.m., Eastern Time, and at any adjournments thereof. All powers may be exercised by a majority of said proxy holders or substitutes voting or acting or, if only one votes and acts, then by that one. This Proxy shall be voted on the proposal(s) described in the Proxy Statement as specified on this proxy card. Receipt of the Notice of the Meeting and the accompanying Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged.


    Vote, Sign and Mail in the enclosed Business Reply Envelope.
             No postage necessary.




Log on to:

  Scan the QR code to your left
  Follow the on-screen instructions
  Available 24 hours



    Follow the recorded instructions
    Available 24 hours
  LOGO                                  LOGO


Fund Name    Fund Name    Fund Name   
Fund Name    Fund Name    Fund Name   
Fund Name    Fund Name    Fund Name   
Fund Name    Fund Name    Fund Name   
Fund Name    Fund Name    Fund Name   
Fund Name    Fund Name    Fund Name   
Fund Name    Fund Name    Fund Name   
Fund Name    Fund Name    Fund Name   

Please refer to the Proxy Statement discussion of each of these matters.


As to any other matter, said attorneys shall vote in accordance with their best judgment.




 1.   To elect a Board of Trustees.        









  01.   Dennis J. Dirks   02.   Donald F. Donahue   03.   Bettina Doulton   04.   Vicki L. Fuller        
  05.   Patricia L. Kampling   06.   Alan J. Lacy   07.   Ned C. Lautenbach   08.   Robert A. Lawrence      
  09.   Joseph Mauriello   10.   Cornelia M. Small   11.   Garnett A. Smith   12.   David M. Thomas      
  13.   Susan Tomasky   14.   Michael E. Wiley              
  INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual Trustee nominee(s), mark the “FOR ALL EXCEPT” box and write the name of the nominee(s) for which you would like to withhold authority on the line provided bellow:      



Table of Contents
2.   To convert a fundamental investment policy to a non-fundamental investment policy.   LOGO
To Vote All Funds For   To Vote All Funds Against To Abstain Votes For All Funds , or vote separately by Funds below  


    FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN       FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN                   
01     Name of Applicable Fund             02     Name of Applicable Fund            
03     Name of Applicable Fund             04     Name of Applicable Fund        
05     Name of Applicable Fund             06     Name of Applicable Fund        
07     Name of Applicable Fund             08     Name of Applicable Fund        
09     Name of Applicable Fund             10     Name of Applicable Fund        
11     Name of Applicable Fund             12     Name of Applicable Fund        
13     Name of Applicable Fund             14     Name of Applicable Fund        


3.   To modify a fundamental investment policy.      
  To Vote For             To Vote Against                 To Vote Abstain        
4.   To modify the fund’s fundamental concentration policy.      
  To Vote For             To Vote Against                 To Vote Abstain        
5.   A shareholder proposal requesting that the Board of Trustees institute procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity. THE BOARD RECOMMENDS A VOTE AGAINST PROPOSAL 5.
To Vote All Funds For To Vote All Funds Against To Abstain Votes For All Funds , or vote separately by Funds below
01   Name of Applicable Fund         02 Name of Applicable Fund      
03   Name of Applicable Fund         04 Name of Applicable Fund      
6.   A shareholder proposal requesting that the Board of Trustees institute procedures to avoid holding investments in companies that, in management’s judgment, substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity. THE BOARD RECOMMENDS A VOTE AGAINST PROPOSAL 6.
To Vote All Funds For To Vote All Funds Against To Abstain Votes For All Funds , or vote separately by Funds below
01   Name of Applicable Fund         02 Name of Applicable Fund      

Table of Contents





 B        Authorized Signatures — This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.—Sign and Date Below

Note: Please sign exactly as your name appears on this Proxy. When signing in a fiduciary capacity, such as executor, administrator, trustee, attorney, guardian, etc., please so indicate. Corporate or partnership proxies should be signed by an authorized person indicating the person’s title.


Date (mm/dd/yyyy) — Please print date below         Signature 1 — Please keep signature within the box         Signature 2 — Please keep signature within the box
        /        /                           


Scanner bar code


LOGO     xxxxxxxxxxxxxx    FID1 xxxxx    M         xxxxxxxx                        LOGO
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