Afrox posts bottom line profit increase of 42 percent
30 Octobre 2003 - 2:46PM
PR Newswire (US)
Afrox posts bottom line profit increase of 42 percent Johannesburg,
South Africa, October 30 /PRNewswire/ -- - Profit boost led by
industrial African Oxygen Limited (Afrox) once again produced
excellent results for the year ended September 2003, recording a
net profit increase of 42 percent and increasing net cash inflows
from operating activities by 34 percent. This was led by the
industrial business, which grew its share of net profits by 61
percent. Afrox's chief executive, Rick Hogben, says, "The results
demonstrate our ability to manage our assets and improve
competencies within the business. Our marketing and efficiency
enhancing initiatives over the past two years have been successful,
particularly in our industrial business, which contributed 62
percent of the net profit for the year. This excellent growth
occurred in spite of the stronger rand, which had the effect of
reducing foreign currency receipts from our global export sales and
earnings in Africa. The negative impact on earnings amounted to R40
million. Hogben says the economy and the manufacturing sector were
stronger in the first six months of the financial year and sales
reflected this with a 17 percent increase. In the second six
months, however, the manufacturing sector declined, and Afrox
posted a full year 13 percent increase in revenue to reach R7,3
billion (2002: R6,5 billion). For the first time, Afrox's operating
profit exceeded R1 billion to reach R1,1 billion (2002: R896
million), an increase of 22 percent. As a result of sound asset
management and, partly due to interest rate reductions in the
second half of the financial year, net interest paid was down 22
percent to R122 million (2002: R157 million). Earnings per share
were up 38 percent at 165 cents (2002: 120 cents). These sound
results enabled the board of directors to declare an increased
dividend of 83 cents per share (2002: 62,5 cents per share). This
dividend is covered two times by earnings. A regular feature of
Afrox's results is its strong balance sheet. This year is no
exception reflecting the company's ability to focus on quality
working capital management. Cash generated from operations
increased 24 percent to R1,4 billion assisted by stringent
management of debtors days, which were reduced from 53 to 44 days
in the industrial business. In spite of a robust capital
expenditure and acquisitions programme of R552 million (2002: R497
million), borrowings reduced by R248 million and gearing was down
to a record low of 13 percent (2002: 21 percent). Hogben says, "In
the past two years we have developed new markets, extended our
global customer base, and added to our product and service
offerings to existing and new customers. We have optimised our
human capital, technology, and production facilities to increase
our productivity and global competitiveness. This has helped
further to improve Afrox's resilience in most economic cycles." All
businesses, Industrial and Special Products (ISP), Process Gas
Solutions (PGS), and Healthcare performed well. The drive to
improve brand awareness, marketing focus, and to become more
customer and service centred, has been rewarded. ISP and PGS posted
strong results in spite of a downturn in the manufacturing sector
over the past six months. ISP successfully retained its margins and
increased market penetration. Handigas recorded another excellent
performance reflecting skillful management of fluctuations in the
oil price and the rand/dollar exchange rate during the year. In its
first full year of trading, the Afrox manufactured AfroxPac 35
self-contained self-rescuers for underground miners obtained
substantial local and export orders, making a strong contribution
to profits. A vigorous campaign to market Afrox-designed and
manufactured gas and welding equipment continues to be successful.
Afrox's parent company, The BOC Group, provides access to global
markets through its worldwide infrastructure. Although the rand's
strength has affected this export drive, growth has been stimulated
by forays into new markets in tandem with BOC. "We are excited by
new applications and growth opportunities in special gases and
packaged chemicals," says Hogben. "In addition, by creating a
separate division for medical gases we have broadened our product
offering and concentrated on the clinical management of medical
products." Hogben stresses that Afrox is constantly developing
commercial offers that are tailor- made for different customer
segments. He cited retail sales as one example. "We reassessed the
location, image and product range of our retail outlets focusing on
our calling customers' needs. Since refurbishing our sales centres,
enhancing our retail competency, and adding our safety products and
personal protective clothing range, sales in this sector have
improved significantly." PGS's performance was enhanced by its
application of sophisticated technology to produce and improve new
and existing processes. Firm pricing trends and initiatives to
increase operating efficiencies added to earnings, and ensured that
PGS exceeded its targets for the year with increases in revenue of
10 percent and operating profit of 14 percent. Referring to
shortages in the supply of carbon dioxide as a result of the Petro
SA shutdown, Hogben said that forward planning and product
forecasting had ensured that Afrox customers received an
uninterrupted supply. It was the only gas company to achieve this.
Afrox Healthcare's contribution to revenues and profits were
derived from strong organic growth, increased activity, and
benefits accruing from the full integration of last year's
acquisitions. Michael Flemming, Afrox Healthcare's managing
director says he is pleased with the results. "We continue to grow
revenues and operating profits and the segmental results show
Healthcare to be 28 percent up in operating profit of R550,5
million and 15 percent up in revenue at R4,5 billion." "Growth of
Healthcare has been recognised by the Financial Mail, where Afrox
Healthcare Limited, as a stand-alone company, was nominated as the
13th best performing company on the JSE Securities Exchange, based
on a compound annual growth rate over five years." In July, a joint
cautionary announcement was made by Afrox and Afrox Healthcare,
which stated that, 'Afrox is in the process of considering its
strategic options with regard to its shareholding in Afrox
Healthcare Limited. These discussions may or may not lead to a
change in Afrox's shareholding.' Hogben said, "As this process has
not been finalised, we are unable to make further statements but we
expect some conclusion in the near future. When this occurs, a full
communications exercise will inform stakeholders." Issued by
African Oxygen Limited, For further information contact: Chris
Fieldgate +27 011 490 0554 or +27 082 495 1481 or Ros Beart +27 011
490 0712 or +27 082 891 5149. DATASOURCE: Afrox Oxygen Limited
Chris Fieldgate +27 011 490 0554 or +27 082 495 1481 or Ros Beart
+27 011 490 0712 or +27 082 891 5149.