/C O R R E C T I O N -- Vistula Communications Services, Inc./
06 Septembre 2005 - 4:50PM
PR Newswire (US)
In the news release, Telstra Completes Implementation of Vistula's
V-Cube Platform, issued earlier today by Vistula Communications
Services, Inc. over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that
the headline should read "Vistula Announces that Telstra Europe
Limited Completes Implementation of Vistula's V-Cube Platform,"
rather than "Telstra Completes Implementation of Vistula's V-Cube
Platform." We are also advised by the compnay that the subhead
should read "Vistula announces that Telstra Europe Limited is to
launch a diverse range of hosted VoIP PBX Services in Q4," rather
than "Telstra to Launch Diverse Range of Hosted VoIP PBX Services
in Q4," as originally issued inadvertently. PRNewswire -- Sept. 6
DATASOURCE: Vistula Communications Services, Inc. Web site: