to announce the 2012 drill results for the Sarfartoq light rare earth element
("REE") project in Greenland. A total of 5,555 meters of diamond core drilling
was completed in connection with rare earth exploration and development.
Nineteen holes were drilled in the vicinity of the ST1 Zone resource. The other
four were exploration holes drilled on the south side of the carbonatite at the
ST24 target. Complete drill results are presented in Table 2 below and a map of
the drill locations will be available on the Company's website. 

2012 Drill Program Highlights:

--  Sixteen drill holes surrounding and infilling the ST1 Zone resource area
    contained high-grade intersections including: 
    --  6 meters of 6.05% TREO (SAR12-03) 
    --  6 meters of 4.91% TREO (SAR12-01) 
    --  8 meters of 4.61% TREO (SAR12-15) 
    --  6 meters of 4.34% TREO (SAR12-15) 
--  Wide zones of neodymium mineralization at ST1 continue to demonstrate
    the high proportion of neodymium that has been outlined in the resource.
--  Drill results confirm continuation of high-grade mineralization at

James Tuer, Hudson's President, stated, "We are very pleased with the results
from our 2012 drill program. We have continued to demonstrate that the
mineralization extends to the northeast and have intersected some of our
highest-grade material as we move in that direction. Drilling to the south
confirmed that the mineralization continues at depth with a high ratio of
neodymium to total rare earth oxides at 23%. We expect that these results will
increase the overall grade and tonnage of the resource when they have been
incorporated into the resource model."  

"Going forward, our efforts at the ST1 Zone will focus on defining the
metallurgical flow sheet as we have already outlined a sufficiently large and
potentially economic deposit. We expect to have our flow sheet completed by the
end of the second quarter of this year. This is a relatively low-cost exercise
but it is critical in demonstrating the viability of a REE deposit." 

"The bulk of the Company's capital budget for 2013 will be focused on our White
Mountain anorthosite project, where the Company has made substantial progress in
a relatively short time. We expect to have significant updates on this project
over the next several months." 

The ST1 Zone at Sarfartoq represents one of the industry's highest ratios of
neodymium and praseodymium to TREO, averaging 25%, based on the inferred
resource. Based on the latest resource model, the ST1 Zone contains over 27
million kilograms of neodymium oxide and 8 million kilograms of praseodymium
oxide, which are the key components in permanent magnets and the fastest growing
sector of the rare earths industry. 

Table 1: 2012 High-Grade Intercepts of Neodymium and Praseodymium Oxide.    
                  From          To    Intersection                       2O3
Hole ID            (m)         (m)           1.(m)         TREO       (kg/t)
ST-1 North                                                                  
SAR12-01           141         147               6        4.91%          9.9
SAR12-03           126         132               6        6.05%         11.4
SAR12-04           148         154               6        3.86%          8.2
ST1 South                                                                   
SAR12-05           352         358               6        3.23%          7.1
SAR12-07           386         406              20        2.36%          5.5
ST1 Infill                                                                  
SAR12-06           192         212              20        3.16%          6.7
SAR12-20            92         100               8        3.90%          7.8
SAR12-21            45          55              10        2.39%          5.3
SAR12-22           146         174              28        1.85%          5.2
                   276         296              20        2.35%          5.7
ST1 North Extension                                                         
SAR12-152.         163         169               6        4.34%          7.2
                   275         283               8        4.61%          6.7
SAR12-182.         154         168              14        3.00%          4.8
                   200         208               8        3.48%          4.8
SAR12-192.          46          52               6        3.11%          5.2
Note 1. The 2012 drill holes at ST1 were generally drilled at an azimuth of 
 approximately 310 degrees and a dip of between 45 and 65 degrees. As a     
 result, true widths are estimated to be 80% to 95% of reported             
 intersections. An estimate of the true width for holes SAR12-01, 02, 04,   
 05, and 19 can not be determined until the resource has been updated.      
Note 2. These results were previously published on September 24, 2012.      
Note 3. Neodymium Oxide (Nd2O3) currently trades for $82.50/kg and          
 Praseodymium Oxide (Pr2O3) trades for $90/kg FOB China (ref: Industrial    
 Minerals on line, January 15, 2013).                                       
Table 2: Complete 2012 Sarfartoq Drill Results                              
                                                             (Nd+Pr) (Nd+Pr)
                                From      To  Inter-           Oxide   Oxide
Hole ID  Area                    (m)     (m) section    TREO   /TREO  (kg/t)
SAR12-01 ST-1 N               137.00  151.00   14.00   3.49%   20.1%    7.02
                    incl      141.00  147.00    6.00   4.91%   20.1%    9.87
SAR12-02 ST-1 S               192.00  194.00    2.00   3.03%   25.2%    7.63
                and           302.00  304.00    2.00   2.14%   22.8%    4.87
SAR12-03 ST-1 N               126.00  140.00   14.00   4.26%   18.8%    8.02
                    incl      126.00  132.00    6.00   6.05%   18.9%   11.42
                and           156.00  158.00    2.00   2.36%   18.7%    4.40
SAR12-04 ST-1 N               138.00  158.00   20.00   2.35%   20.4%    4.78
                    incl      148.00  154.00    6.00   3.86%   21.2%    8.17
SAR12-05 ST-1 S                82.00   86.00    4.00   1.53%   27.8%    4.26
                and           270.00  272.00    2.00   2.11%   24.4%    5.15
                and           332.00  372.00   40.00   1.68%   25.6%    4.31
                    incl      352.00  358.00    6.00   3.23%   22.0%    7.10
                and           418.00  448.00   30.00   1.17%   30.0%    3.51
                    incl      420.00  428.00    8.00   1.82%   34.6%    6.31
SAR12-06 ST-1 Infill          172.00  174.00    2.00   2.76%   20.4%    5.63
                and           184.00  220.00   36.00   2.15%   21.6%    4.65
                    incl      192.00  212.00   20.00   3.16%   21.2%    6.70
SAR12-07 ST-1 S               360.00  406.00   46.00   1.73%   26.2%    4.55
                    incl      386.00  406.00   20.00   2.36%   23.5%    5.53
SAR12-08 ST-1N                156.00  160.00    2.00   0.41%   36.9%    1.50
SAR12-09 ST-24  No significant results                                      
SAR12-10 ST-1N                 23.00   25.00    2.00   2.42%   16.6%    4.03
                and            31.70   33.33    1.63   6.22%   16.0%    9.97
                and            94.00   96.00    2.00   3.85%   19.5%    7.52
                and           204.00  206.00    2.00   2.09%   17.6%    3.67
SAR12-11 ST-24  No significant results                                      
SAR12-12 ST-1N                189.00  191.00    2.00   2.21%   19.4%    4.28
                and           233.00  235.00    2.00   4.73%   19.0%    8.98
SAR12-13 ST-24                 22.00   24.00    2.00   2.15%   16.3%    3.52
SAR12-14 ST-24  No significant results                                      
SAR12-15 ST-1 North Extension  90.00  100.00   10.00   3.42%   16.0%    5.47
                and           163.00  177.00   14.00   2.74%   16.9%    4.64
                    incl      163.00  169.00    6.00   4.34%   16.7%    7.24
                and           233.00  287.00   54.00   2.11%   15.7%    3.32
                    incl      243.00  251.00    8.00   2.54%   16.6%    4.22
                    and       257.00  269.00   12.00   2.91%   15.8%    4.60
                    and       275.00  283.00    8.00   4.61%   14.5%    6.66
SAR12-16 ST-1 S Failed to reach target depth                                
SAR12-17 ST-1 S Failed to reach target depth                                
SAR12-18 ST-1 North Extension  38.00   40.00    2.00   2.28%   17.3%    3.93
                and            48.00   56.00    8.00   2.59%   17.2%    4.46
                and            82.00   90.00    8.00   1.65%   17.9%    2.95
                and           116.00  124.00    8.00   2.29%   16.5%    3.77
                and           154.00  168.00   14.00   3.00%   16.1%    4.84
                and           200.00  208.00    8.00   3.48%   13.9%    4.85
SAR12-19 ST-1 North Extension  46.00   52.00    6.00   3.11%   17.6%    5.25
                and           134.00  136.00    2.00   2.57%   17.6%    4.53
                and           148.00  150.00    2.00   2.89%   13.6%    3.93
                and           156.00  158.00    2.00   2.46%   16.4%    4.03
                and           160.00  162.00    2.00   4.62%   13.2%    6.08
                and           172.00  174.00    2.00   2.18%   14.6%    3.19
                and           198.00  200.00    2.00   2.70%   15.7%    4.23
SAR12-20 ST-1 Infill           74.00  104.00   30.00   2.18%   16.1%    4.69
                    incl       78.00   84.00    6.00   2.66%   21.5%    5.72
                    and        92.00  100.00    8.00   3.90%   20.1%    7.85
                and           160.00  172.00   12.00   2.38%   22.3%    5.32
SAR12-21 ST-1 Infill           37.00   59.00   22.00   1.79%   22.2%    3.97
                    incl       45.00   55.00   10.00   2.39%   22.2%    5.30
SAR12-22 ST-1 Infill           42.00  300.00  258.00   1.15%   27.3%    3.15
                    incl       52.00   56.00    4.00   1.41%   30.9%    4.35
                    incl      142.00  296.00  154.00   1.57%   26.4%    4.13
                         incl 146.00  174.00   28.00   1.85%   28.2%    5.21
                    and       224.00  296.00   72.00   1.87%   25.4%    4.74
                         incl 276.00  296.00   20.00   2.35%   24.2%    5.69
SAR12-23 ST-1 Infill: Hole abandoned after 23m due to mechanical failure    
Note: All measurements are in meters. All elements reported by Actlabs are  
 in parts per million (ppm) and have been converted to % oxide. Total Rare  
 Earth Oxides (TREO) refers to the elements lanthanum through lutetium plus 
 yttrium expressed as oxides in the form REE2O3.                            

Drill core was logged and sampled in the field and split core was shipped to
North Vancouver, BC for processing at ALS Canada Ltd. A strict QA/QC program was
followed, which includes the use of elemental standards, duplicates and blanks.
In cases where the entire hole was not sampled, only significant drill
intersections of carbonate mineralization were sampled. Core was split in the
field with half of the core being sent to ALS Chemex and the remaining half
stored on-site for future reference. All samples were analyzed using lithium
borate fusion, acid dissolution and ICP-MS analysis. 

The Sarfartoq REE project is located within 20 km of tidewater and only 60 km
from Greenland's international airport at Kangerlussuaq. The project is owned
100% by Hudson. The Company remains well financed with approximately $7 million
in working capital. 

Dr. Michael Druecker is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument
43-101 and reviewed the preparation of the scientific and technical information
in this press release in respect of the Sarfartoq REE Project. 


James Tuer, President

Forward-Looking Statements 

This news release includes certain forward-looking statements or information.
All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this news
release, including, without limitation, statements regarding plans for the
completion of a financing and the intended terms and use of proceeds thereof,
and other future plans and objectives of the Company are forward-looking
statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no
assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the
Company's plans or expectations include market prices, general economic, market
or business conditions, regulatory changes, timeliness of government or
regulatory approvals and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in
the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. The Company
expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any
forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise except as otherwise required by applicable securities legislation. 

Hudson Resources Inc.
James Tuer
604-628-5002 or 604-688-3415

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