NORTH BERWICK, Scotland, Dec. 2,
LTD. (TSXV: WGLD) (the "Company") is pleased to
provide an exploration update for drill targeting at its
Stronchullin and Gossan Burn prospects, which are sub-properties
located within the 3,253 hectare Knapdale Property, located in the
Knapdale District of Argyll, Scotland (Figure 1), which the Company holds
mineral mining rights and surface access rights in.
- Deep overburden geochemical sampling has delineated four new
anomalous zones of potential orogenic style quartz-gold-silver vein
mineralization at the Stronchullin and Gossan Burn prospects, which
will be drill targets in Q2 2021.
- Work at the Gossan Burn prospect has delineated cohesive base
of till copper-lead-zinc-(gold) anomaly related to a Pyritic Schist
unit coincident with a well-defined NNE-trending magnetic low, and
strong IP chargeability anomalies possibly indicative of
potentially better developed, base metal sulphide mineralisation at
a depth of 100-300m below surface. It
is planned to drill the priority anomalies in 2021.
Exploration at the Knapdale Property to date has been focused on
a 15km2 zone of anomalous
gold-silver-copper-lead-zinc-arsenic-antimony-bismuth in drainage
and rock chip geochemical samples extending south-southwest from
the historic Stronchullin gold mine to the abandoned Abhainn
Strathainn copper mine.
The mineralized trend is considered prospective for the
discovery of high grade, orogenic style quartz-gold-silver veins
and Besshi-style polymetallic VMS (Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide)
deposits. See the Company's "NI 43-101 Technical Report, Geological
Introduction to Knapdale Gold-Silver Project, Scotland" with an effective date of
June 12, 2020 (the "43-101
Report"), which can be found on the Company's website or under
the Company's SEDAR profile, for further information.
Harry Dobson, Chairman of the
Board, commented:
"The Company is encouraged by results from the recently
completed deep overburden geochemical sampling and Induced
Polarisation survey and excited about the potential of the
continual mineralisation between our two prospects from
Stronchullin to Gossan Burn. The Company plans to
aggressively drill test the recently defined targets during
All Figures referenced in this news release can be accessed
on the Company's website at the following:
Following recommendations set out in NI 43-101 Report, the
Company commissioned a deep overburden, base of till sampling
campaign over the mapped strike length of the Stronchullin vein
system which was recently completed by BRG Geotechnical Services
(Figure 2). Survey lines were orientated E-W at 100m separation and 20m sample intervals closing down to 10m in the vicinity of known veins. The survey
covered the structurally favourable, sheared stratigraphic boundary
between the Upper Erins Quartzite and the Stronchullin Phyllite. A
total of 332 deep overburden samples were collected and assayed by
ALS Geochemistry in Loughrea for gold, base metals and a
comprehensive trace element suite.
The main Stronchullin vein structure is defined by a cohesive
arsenic anomaly with strongly mineralized segments of the veins
delineated by 90-1680 ppm arsenic (Figure 3). A coincident,
coherent 24-229 ppb gold anomaly outlines the mineralized portions
of the Stronchullin lode structure. Several strong, coincident
gold-arsenic-antimony anomalies were defined by the survey:
- A strong, extensive gold-arsenic-antimony anomaly extends
southwest from Stronchullin Burn for approximately 500m and a cross strike width of 80m to a north trending fault zone intruded by a
Tertiary dolerite dyke. Geochemical evidence from deep overburden
sampling, outcropping veins and the distribution of high-grade
quartz vein float indicate the presence of additional, sub-parallel
auriferous vein structures 10-60m to
the east of the main Stronchullin lode. The northern extension of
the gold-arsenic-antimony anomaly terminates against Pleistocene
marine and glacial deposits which overly the Dalradian lithological
units and mineralized veins.
- A pronounced gold-arsenic-antimony anomaly is developed on line
L07 and extends southwest to Line L08. The anomaly area is
underlain by thin alluvial cover and is 150m west of the Stronchullin Phyllite boundary
with the Upper Erins Quartzite. The anomaly may delineate the
strike extension of auriferous shear zone hosted quartz-gold veins
developed in the footwall of the main Stronchullin lode
- The southern section of the Stronchullin lode on lines L10 and
L11 is defined by a coherent gold-arsenic-antimony anomaly. Hole
SD17-6 intersected the Stronchullin Phyllite – Upper Erins
Quartzite boundary at 105m depth and
terminated prematurely at 110m in a
strong quartz-arsenopyrite-galena-stibnite stringer zone with
anomalous gold-silver values indicative of proximity to a
mineralized quartz vein.
- A strong cohesive arsenic-antimony-lead anomaly at the southern
end of the Stronchullin grid on Lines L16 to L18. The anomaly is
open to the south and approximately 600m NNE along strike from a strong deep
overburden gold anomaly at Gossan Burn. It is planned to extend the
deep overburden sampling grid in order to confirm continuity
between the Stronchullin and Gossan Burn mineralised quartz vein
Following this the Company is planning eight diamond drill holes
of 150-200m depth for an aggregate
1,355m to further evaluate the
economic potential of the Stronchullin quartz-gold-base metal veins
(Figure 2). This drilling should provide greater confidence in the
continuity of the veins and structural controls on lode
development. Sub-parallel auriferous quartz veins and shear zones
developed in the structural footwall east of the main Stronchullin
vein represent priority targets.
Gossan Burn Prospect
Copper mineralization occurs within a stratiform pyrite horizon
developed over a strike length of 10km within the Upper Erins
Quartzite of the Dalraian Argyll Group, and historically has
supported small scale mining operations at Abhainn Strathainn
(Figure 1). Exploration at the Gossan Burn prospect has identified
a pyritic sericite schist and intercalated amphibolite unit
100-200m west of, and
stratigraphically underlying the pyrite horizon.
Copper-lead-zinc-cobalt-silver-gold bearing Besshi type VMS
mineralization at Gossan Burn is amenable to delineation by deep
overburden base of till sampling beneath the extensive peat bogs
and glacial drift as it exhibits distinctive indicator and
pathfinder element geochemical associations. See the 43-101
BRG Geotechnical Services recently undertook deep overburden
geochemical sampling at Gossan Burn, extending the 2016 grid
coverage (Figure 4). Survey lines were orientated NW-SE at
100m separation and 25m sample interval. A total of 88 deep
overburden samples were assayed by ALS Geochemistry in Loughrea for
gold, base metals and a comprehensive trace element suite. Two
distinct geochemical targets have emerged at Gossan Burn, a
potentially large, polymetallic Besshi type VMS mineralization and
a younger phase of orogenic style quartz-gold-base metal veins
comparable to the Stronchullin veins.
- A number of strong, sub-parallel, cohesive, NNE trending
copper-zinc-lead-arsenic anomalies have been defined over a
1200m strike length (Figures 4
through 6). The anomalies are sourced by quartz-sericite-pyrite
schists and intercalated amphibolite units which are truncated by
the Baranlongart Fault to the south and remain open to the north of
Line 14. The copper-lead-zinc-arsenic anomalies appear to delineate
at least two discrete mineralised horizons within the pyritic
schists. Discrete gold (5-150ppb Au) and silver (0.30-2.20ppm Ag)
anomalies are coincident with the main base metal anomalies and
indicate potential precious metal enriched zones (Figure 7).
- An erratic, strong deep overburden gold anomaly is related to
orogenic style quartz-gold-base metal veins exposed in new road
sections at Gossan Burn (Figure 7). The 15-584ppb gold anomaly
outlines auriferous portions of the Gossan Burn vein structure and
remains open to the north. It is interpreted to extend
north-northeast towards the strong, cohesive arsenic-lead-antimony
anomaly at the extreme southern end of the Stronchullin grid.
BRG Geotechnical Services also recently completed a 14km ground
magnetic survey at the Gossan Burn prospect. The lines were
oriented NW-SE orthogonal to the regional structural trend (Figure
8). The raw data is being quality checked, processed and imaged by
Southern Geoscience Consultants in Australia. Initial review of the data suggests
a subtle magnetic low coincident with the base metal anomalous
pyritic sericite schists and intercalated amphibolite units at
Gossan Burn probably reflecting the sericite and chlorite
alteration accompanying the sulphide mineralization. The main
faults zones are also recognizable in the imaged TMI data (Figure
BRG Geotechnical Services also undertook a 9km time domain
Induced Polarisation and Resistivity survey at the Gossan Burn
prospect. A pole-dipole array was utilized with a 50m dipole reading from n=1 to n=6 on lines L1,
L3, L5, L7, L9, L11 and L14 (Figure 8). A 100m dipole separation was adopted on lines L4
and L10 reading from n=1 to n=6. Induced Polarisation survey data
has been quality checked by Southern Geoscience Consultants and is
considered to be of good quality. Final interpretation will
comprise identifying anomalies from 2D and 3D inversion models and
pseudo-section plots in conjunction with magnetics, geology and
deep overburden geochemical data and provide a sound technical
basis for prioritisation of drill targets.
A review of the data has defined highly anomalous chargeability
anomalies and coincident resistivity lows within a general subdued
anomalous magnetic low. The coincident anomalies are generally
spatially related with the base metal enriched pyritic schists.
Chargeability anomalies are generally strengthening from n=4 to n=6
on the 50m dipole separation
indicative of a depth to source of 100-150m depth. On the 100m dipole separation strong chargeability
anomalies with coincident resistivity lows indicate the source is
increasingly polarizable from n=2 to n=6 interpreted as being
100-300m depth. The main anomalous
demonstrate reasonable line to line continuity defining a
1200m strike length of the
chargeability anomalies which remain open at depth and along
strike. Two interpreted pseudo-sections are shown in Figures 9 and
Combined 2D IP-resistivity inversions of the pole-dipole data
using the RES2DINV + Loke software package was undertaken by
Southern Geoscience Consultants to develop pseudo-section plots of
the measured and modelled (2D inversion) chargeability and
resistivity. The models could not be geologically constrained and
the modelling generally generated a chargeability source anomaly
that coalesced rather than differentiate two potential sources in
the graphitic Stronchullin Phyllite and the Pyritic Schist and in
one instance transgressed a significant post mineralisation fault
zone which is considered geologically unreasonable.
Drill targeting criteria will prioritise cohesive base of till
copper-lead-zinc-arsenic-(gold) anomalies related to the Pyritic
Schist coincident with the well-defined NNE-trending magnetic low,
and strong IP anomalies at n=4 to n=6 possibly indicative of
potentially better developed, base metal sulphide mineralisation
occurring at a of depth 100-300m
below surface. In this regard the Pyritic Schist unit between lines
02 to 07 and lines 09 to 11 are considered to represent the most
prospective zones (Figure 11).
Review by Qualified Person, Quality Assurance and Quality
Mr. Patrick Waters, Consultant
Professional Geologist is the Qualified Person as defined by
National Instruction 43-101, responsible for the accuracy of
scientific and technical information in this news release.
All analytical work has been completed at the ALS Geochemistry
laboratory facility in Loughrea, Ireland. ALS Geochemistry is an
internationally accredited lab and are ISO compliant (ISO
9001:2008, ISO/IEC 17025:2005). All drill core, rock chip and
channel samples are prepared using the PREP 31B method and analysed for gold using the
Au-AA23 procedure (20gm fire assay with AAS finish: Lower Detection
Limit - 0.005ppm gold; Upper Detection Limit – 10ppm gold). Any
samples that returned over-limit values (>10ppm gold) were
analysed by the Au-AA25 Fire Assay procedure (0.01-100ppm gold).
All drill core, rock chip and channel samples are analysed for
silver, base metals and a comprehensive trace element suite using
the ME-MS61L™ method following a four-acid digest.
All deep overburden, base of till samples, stream sediments and
panned concentrate samples are analysed for low level gold
(0.001-1ppm gold) using the AuME-TL43™ method utilising an aqua
regia digest of a 25gm sample and ICP-MS finish for gold and a
46-element package including base metals and a comprehensive
indicator element suite.
Commercially available OREAS Certified Reference Materials and
Blanks are routinely inserted into sample dispatches every 25
samples. ALS Geochemistry also has its own QA/QC protocol using
standards, blanks and duplicates.
About Western Gold Exploration
The Company is an exploration company that is listed on the TSX
Venture Exchange under the symbol "WGLD". The Company is focused on
the exploration of mineral properties in Western Scotland and discovering new
opportunities in the Dalradian Belt, targeting historic mines with
gold and copper occurrences in the area to develop an initial
resource estimate. Preliminary prospects include the
Stronchullin mine, Gossan Burn and Allt Dearg which are all located
in the Knapdale District.
Additional information about the Company is available on SEDAR
at under the Company's profile.
STATEMENTS: This news release includes certain
"forward-looking statements" under applicable Canadian securities
legislation. Forward-looking statements include, but are not
limited to, statements with respect to those that address potential
quantity and/or grade of minerals, potential for minerals and/or
mineral resources, timing and plans for any exploratory drilling
and statements regarding the plans, intentions, beliefs and current
expectations of the Company with respect to the future business
activities and operating performance of the Company that may be
described herein. Forward-looking statements consist of statements
that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding
beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future.
Such information can generally be identified by the use of
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By their nature, forward-looking statements involve numerous
assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties, both
general and specific, that contribute to the possibility that the
predictions, estimates, forecasts, projections and other
forward-looking statements will not occur. These assumptions, risks
and uncertainties include, among other things, the state of the
economy in general and capital markets in particular, as well as
those risk factors discussed or referred to in the Company's
Management's Discussion and Analysis for the period ended
September 30, 2020 available at, many of which are beyond the control of the Company.
Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are
expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.
The forward-looking statements contained in this press
release are made as of the date of this press release. Except as
required by law, the Company disclaims any intention and assumes no
obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements,
whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Additionally, the Company undertakes no obligation to comment on
the expectations of, or statements made by, third parties in
respect of the matters discussed above.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation
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TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or
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SOURCE Western Gold Exploration Ltd