Note 10. Credit quality (Continued)
Program-managed portfolio
The program-managed portfolio generally includes retail products such as mortgages, personal lending (including credit
cards) as well as certain small to medium sized enterprise lending. These credit exposures are grouped into pools of
similar risk based on the analysis of characteristics that have historically predicted the likelihood of default, and a PD
is assigned relative to the credit exposure's pool. The exposure is then assigned to strong, satisfactory or weak by
benchmarking that PD against transaction-managed exposures, which are in turn mapped to external ratings per the
above table. In addition, any program-managed exposures that are one or more days past due are classified as weak.
The following table shows the credit quality of loans and undrawn credit commitments1
As at 31 March 2024 As at 30 September 2023 As at 31 March 2023
$m Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Loans - housing
Strong 299,274 26,816 - 326,090 291,914 27,447 - 319,361 284,578 30,261 - 314,839
Good/satisfactory 160,286 47,093 - 207,379 156,836 48,929 - 205,765 155,228 44,137 - 199,365
Weak 2,168 15,203 6,423 23,794 2,533 14,178 5,237 21,948 2,375 13,021 4,421 19,817
Total loans - housing 461,728 89,112 6,423 557,263 451,283 90,554 5,237 547,074 442,181 87,419 4,421 534,021
Loans - personal
Strong 4,216 100 - 4,316 4,318 95 - 4,413 4,347 117 - 4,464
Good/satisfactory 5,642 882 - 6,524 6,097 802 - 6,899 6,552 911 - 7,463
Weak 253 661 197 1,111 252 623 192 1,067 273 711 240 1,224
Total loans - personal 10,111 1,643 197 11,951 10,667 1,520 192 12,379 11,172 1,739 240 13,151
Loans - business
Strong 72,541 21,771 - 94,312 80,177 13,564 - 93,741 74,626 10,691 - 85,317
Good/satisfactory 66,215 50,872 - 117,087 63,434 52,477 - 115,911 83,629 30,206 - 113,835
Weak 187 5,454 3,167 8,808 200 5,468 2,914 8,582 196 4,709 3,172 8,077
Total loans - business 138,943 78,097 3,167 220,207 143,811 71,509 2,914 218,234 158,451 45,606 3,172 207,229
Undrawn credit commitments
Strong 135,663 16,733 - 152,396 137,275 11,169 - 148,444 140,574 9,038 - 149,612
Good/satisfactory 40,622 14,848 - 55,470 40,482 15,142 - 55,624 47,842 9,191 - 57,033
Weak 221 1,767 430 2,418 214 1,503 366 2,083 251 1,110 397 1,758
Total undrawn
credit commitments 176,506 33,348 430 210,284 177,971 27,814 366 206,151 188,667 19,339 397 208,403
Total strong 511,694 65,420 - 577,114 513,684 52,275 - 565,959 504,125 50,107 - 554,232
Total good/satisfactory 272,765 113,695 - 386,460 266,849 117,350 - 384,199 293,251 84,445 - 377,696
Total weak 2,829 23,085 10,217 36,131 3,199 21,772 8,709 33,680 3,095 19,551 8,230 30,876
Total loans and undrawn
credit commitments 787,288 202,200 10,217 999,705 783,732 191,397 8,709 983,838 800,471 154,103 8,230 962,804
1. In 2024, the Group revised the methodology that it uses to classify program-managed exposures as strong, satisfactory, or weak in order to
better align the mapping of program-managed exposures to transaction-managed exposures. This is a change in disclosure methodology only
and does not represent a change in underlying credit quality of the Group’s credit exposures, or a change in ECL. Comparatives have been
revised accordingly. |