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Ishares (PK) (BCYIF)

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31/03/201013h30Dow Jones NewsBarclays Completes Buy Of Citibank Italian Credit Card OperationsUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
12/03/201023h24Dow Jones NewsAgency Mortgages Market Makes Gains Even As Fed Nears ExitUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
10/03/201016h05Dow Jones NewsCommercial Real Estate Owners Beginning To Walk Away From PropertiesUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
02/03/201023h51Dow Jones NewsUPDATE: Regulator To Sell $4 Billion Worth Of Failed Banks' AssetsUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
02/03/201021h20Dow Jones NewsBanking Regulator Selling $4 Billion Worth Of Failed Banks' AssetsUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
04/02/201023h41Dow Jones NewsBerkshire, Kraft Sell Multibillion-Dollar Bonds Amid StormUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
02/02/201016h11Dow Jones NewsShort Bond Funds Serve As Haven For Yield-Seeking BuyersUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
27/01/201019h36Dow Jones NewsIssuers Of Asset-Backed Deals Look To Corporate Bond BuyersUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
26/01/201019h20Dow Jones NewsBASE METALS: LME Metals Mixed As China, Dollar WeighUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
15/01/201022h53Dow Jones NewsConsumer Loan-Backed Issuance Unlikely To See Much Of ReboundUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
13/01/201023h08Dow Jones News2nd UPDATE: Banks Drive Record Start In Corporate Bond SalesUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
13/01/201022h09Dow Jones NewsUPDATE:Banks Are Driving Record Start In High-Grade Bond SalesUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
13/01/201019h57Dow Jones NewsBanks Are Driving The Record Start In High-Grade Bond SalesUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
07/01/201016h28Dow Jones NewsSix Flags Launches $830 Million Bankruptcy Exit Financing-SourceUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
06/01/201022h57Dow Jones NewsMortgage Traders Play Down Need For Further Fed AidUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
05/01/201021h58Dow Jones News3rd UPDATE: US High-Grade Bond Sales See Strong Start To 2010USOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
05/01/201021h00Dow Jones News2nd UPDATE: US High-Grade Bond Sales See Strong Start To 2010USOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
05/01/201019h52Dow Jones NewsUPDATE: US High-Grade Bond Sales See Strong Start To 2010USOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
04/12/200920h40Dow Jones NewsUPDATE: Barclays Sees US Junk Bonds Returning 7%-8% In 2010USOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
04/12/200918h20Dow Jones NewsFILLFILL Barclays Sees U.S. Junk Bonds Returning 7%-8% In 2010USOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
02/12/200922h52Dow Jones NewsCORRECT: STREET MOVES: Barclays Capital Shuffles Leveraged Syndicate PersonnelUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
02/12/200922h02Dow Jones NewsSTREET MOVES: Barclays Capital Shuffles Leveraged Syndicate PersonnelUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
01/12/200900h38Dow Jones NewsHigh-Yield Underwriting Business Heats Up With New EntrantsUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
24/11/200918h18Dow Jones News2nd UPDATE: FOCUS: Kraft Rounds Up Many Banks In Cadbury BidUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
17/11/200922h42Dow Jones NewsUPDATE: Chrysler, Sallie Latest To Issue Non-TALF DealsUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
17/11/200921h14Dow Jones NewsChrysler, Sallie Latest To Issue Non-TALF DealsUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
09/11/200921h27Dow Jones NewsEXTRA CREDIT: Banks Are Reopening The Tap On Leveraged LoansUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
06/11/200920h57Dow Jones NewsUPDATE:Banks Financing Kraft's Cadbury Bid May Grow To 18-SourceUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
06/11/200919h31Dow Jones NewsBanks Financing Kraft Bid For Cadbury May Grow To 18 - SourceUSOTC:BCYIFIshares PLC (PK)
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