Nom de la société: | FTSE Mexico Index |
EPIC: | WIMEX | Trading Currency: | MXN |
Market Sector: | | ISIN: | |
Market Segment: | | Share Type: | IX |
WWW Address: | | Description: | |
Secteur Industriel: | |
Prix | Prix chgmt [%] | Achat | Vente | Ouverture | High | + Bas | Volume |
165,498.51 | 0.0 [0.00] | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Market Cap. [m] | Shares In Issue [m] | Beta | EPS | DPS | PE Ratio | Yield | 52-Wks-Range |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | 185,330.40 - 153,646.70 |
CHIFFRES CLES - fermeture de la veilleCHIFFRES CLES - fermeture de la veille | (at previous day's close) |
Market Cap. | - | m |
Shares In Issue | - | m |
Prev. Close | 165,498.51 | |
PE Ratio | - | |
Taux de rendement des actions | - | % |
EPS - basic | - | |
Dividend PS | - | |
Dividend Cover | - | |
Cash Flow PA | - | |
Rentabilité des capitaux propres (ROE) | - | % |
Excedent Brut D'exploitation | - | % |
PEG Factor | - | |
BNA Taux de croissance | - | % |
Dividendes PA Taux de Croissance | - | % |
Endettement Net | - | m |
Gearing Brut | - | % |
Avoirs liquides | - | m |
Fonds de roulement Nets | - | m |
Incorporels / Actifs immobilisés | - | % |
Turnover PS | - | |
Pre-Tax Profit PS | - | |
Retained Profit PS | - | |
Cash pA | - | |
Cash net PA | - | |
Net Tangible Asset Value PS * | - | |
Net Asset Value PS | - | |
Écart de Taux | - (-%) | |
* Calculation based on Ordinary Capital figure as contained in last annual report, and the most recent shares in issue figure. Therefore the ratio might be exposed to inaccuracies. |
Bilan (en résumé)Bilan (en résumé) | Sorry No Data Available |
 Performance de l'actionPerformance de l'action | Sample Period † | High | + Bas | 1 sem. | 167,502.56 | 159,905.51 |
4 Semaines | 171,231.18 | 159,905.51 |
12 Semaines | 171,231.18 | 153,646.70 |
1 an | 185,330.40 | 153,646.70 |
 Performance de l'action - 5 dernieres annéesPerformance de l'action - 5 dernieres années |  |
FTSE Mexico Historic Returns%1$s Historic Returns | Période † | Ouverture | Chg à ce jour | % | Moy. Ouvert. | Vol moyen / jour [m] | Total Vol [m] | VWAP | 1 sem. | 164,876.24 | 622.27 | 0.38 | 159,905.51 | - | | - |
4 Semaines | 164,450.58 | 1,047.93 | 0.64 | 159,905.51 | - | | - |
12 Semaines | 161,672.47 | 3,826.04 | 2.37 | 153,646.70 | - | | - |
26 Semaines | 165,385.05 | 113.46 | 0.07 | 153,646.70 | - | | - |
1 an | 177,310.34 | -11,811.83 | -6.66 | 153,646.70 | - | | - |
3 Années | 169,373.09 | -3,874.58 | -2.29 | 143,386.60 | - | | - |
5 Années | 131,918.99 | 33,579.52 | 25.45 | 103,438.33 | - | | - |
† periods calculated are whole weeks rather than calendar months | |
FTSE Mexico Key Management Ratios
FTSE Mexico Investment Ratios%1$s Investment Ratios | (Market value analysis) at previous day's close |
PQ Ratio | - | |
PE Ratio | - | |
Tobin's Q Ratio | - | |
Tobin's Q Ratio (excl. intangibles) | - | |
Taux de rendement des actions | - | % |
Market-to-Book Ratio | - | |
Price-to-Pre-Tax Profit PS | - | |
Price-to-Retained Profit PS | - | |
Price-to-Cash Flow PS | - | |
Price-to-Sales PS | - | |
Price-to-Net Tangible Asset Value PS | - | |
Price-to-Cash PS | - | |
Net Working Capital PS | - | |
Price Pct to Working Capital PS | - | % |
Earnings Yield | - | % |
Average PE | - | |
Years in average | - | |
PE to PE average | - | % |
Ratios FinanciersRatios Financiers | (Ratios de Levier) |
Ratio d'endettement | - | % |
Ratio Dettes/ Fond Propres | - | |
Ratio Dettes/ Fond Propres (excl Incorp) | - | |
Valeur du Marché - Dettes/ Fond Propres | - | |
Gearing Net | - | % |
Gearing Net (excl. Intangibles) | - | % |
Gearing Brut | - | % |
Gearing Brut (excl. Intangibles) | - | % |
Gearing moins d'un an | - | % |
Gearing moins d'un an (excl Intangibles) | - | % |
Actifs / Capitaux propres | - | |
Cash/Capitaux propres | - | |
(Liquidité ratios) |
Fonds de roulement Nets - Total Actifs | - | % |
Ratio de Liquidité Generale | - | |
Ratio de liquidité immédiate (Acid Test) | - | |
Ratio de Liquidité | - | |
Cash et Equiv/ Actifs circulants | - | % |
Solvabilité ratios |
Enterprise Value | - | m |
CFO/Sales | - | |
CFO/Attributable Profit | - | |
CFO/Actifs | - | |
CFO/Debt | - | |
Total Dettes/ capitaux propres Valeur du marché | - | |
Total Dettes/Ventes | - | |
Total Dettes/ Profit avant imposition | - | |
Total Debt | - | m |
Total Debt/Net Current Assets | - | % |
(Dodds - Graham Ratios) | | |
3 yr Compound Earnings Growth | - | % |
5 yr Compound Earnings Growth | - | % |
10 yr Compound Earnings Growth | - | % |
Earn drops > 5% in 10yrs | - | |
Beta coefficients | Beta (60 mois) | Beta (36mois) | Sorry No Data Available | Sorry No Data Available |
Ratios OperationnelsRatios Operationnels | Ratio de Rentabilité) |
Rentabilité des capitaux investis | - | % |
Rentabilité Des Actifs (ROA) | - | % |
Marge Beneficiaire Nette | - | % |
Assets Turnover | - | |
Rentabilité des capitaux propres (ROE) | - | % |
Retour sur investissement | - | % |
Ratio de distribution des dividendes | - | % |
Plowback Ratio | 100.00 | % |
Growth from Plowback Ratio | - | % |
Net Income Of Revenues | - | % |
(Asset Utilisation Multiples) |
Chiffres d'affaires Fonds Propres | - | |
Fixed Assets Turnover | - | |
Current Assets Turnover | - | |
Chiffre d'affaires Fonds de roulement Nets | | |
Inventory Turnover | - | |
(Autres Ratios Operationnels) |
Total Assets-to-Sales | - | |
Debtors-to-Sales | - | % |
Debt Collection Period | - | Jours |
FTSE Mexico Fondamentaux |
Bilan (en résumé)
FTSE Mexico Cash Flow Statement
| FTSE Mexico BrokersBroker infomation is not available for this class of stock. |
| | | | |