Mineral Resources Plc / EPIC: ALBA / Market: AIM / Sector:
11 December 2024
Alba Mineral Resources
or the "Company")
Alba Mineral Resources Plc (AIM:
ALBA) is pleased to report on the progress of ongoing works at the
Company's 100% owned Clogau-St David's Gold Mine in north Wales
("Clogau" or the "Mine") and on its completed site visits to its
optioned projects in Sweden and Tanzania.
Key Points
· Continuous drilling and blasting operations are ongoing at
Clogau, with 565 man-days having been completed in total since
pre-blasting operations began in early August.
· Estimated 120 tonnes of ore to date removed to surface for
processing, combination of historic and newly blasted
· Large
amounts of visible sulphide mineralisation encountered in blasted
rocks. The high level of sulphide mineralisation within the
projected payshoot considered good indicator of associated gold
· Visible gold also identified within blasted ore.
· Blasting progress slower than anticipated due to large volume
of historic ore to be removed plus insufficient air pressure to
rock drills (since rectified by order of larger
· Processing of test batches of blasted ore to commence
shortly. Investigations continue relating to appropriate
plant upgrades to enable faster processing of ore than current
pilot plant can achieve.
· Company's underground pump system has coped with huge increase
in rain caused by Storm Darragh. Main access road had been partly
washed away but was repaired over weekend to allow operations to
continue without interruption.
· Site
visits conducted by Alba at Finnsbo and Norrby Projects in
· Sampling of highly interesting Finnsbo outcrop returned
anomalous results for both gold and REE, including grades of >10
grams per tonne (g/t) gold and 2.36% TREO, in line with high-grade
results previously reported by Project owners and corroborating
presence of visible gold identified during site visit.
· Site
visits conducted to optioned gold licences in Tanzania. Full report
of consulting geologist awaited, together with assay results from
samples collected.
George Frangeskides, Executive Chairman,
"Since our last update, our underground operations at Clogau
have continued around the clock. Despite blasting operations
being impeded by the sheer volume of historic ore we encountered on
Level 5, all of which had to be painstakingly cleared out and
removed to surface, we have nonetheless collected some 120 tonnes
of material for processing so far.
"The presence of significant amounts of visible sulphides in
the blasted rock is very encouraging, as is the identification of
visible gold. The processing of test batches of the blasted
ore through the Company's pilot plant will be commencing shortly.
The much larger exercise to process the bulk sample in its entirety
will have to await our determination of the appropriate upgrades to
allow for a much larger daily throughput of ore than our pilot
plant can currently handle. We are in ongoing discussions with our
technical consultants about this aspect.
"Site visits to our optioned projects in Sweden and Tanzania
have been successfully completed. While we await assay
results and a full field report on the Tanzanian licences, the
preliminary assay results for Sweden are certainly highly
encouraging and provide clear support for the high-grade gold and
rare earth results previously reported by the project owners.
Further updates in respect of our ongoing work on these optioned
projects will follow in due course."
Underground operations are ongoing
at the Llechfraith Target, Alba's priority target at Clogau, with
further blasting having taken place at Level 5.
Since the commencement of
pre-blasting operations in early August, following the completion
of the dewatering of Level 5, underground operations have been
continuous at the Company's primary gold target, the Llechfraith
Target, involving a team of up to seven people working a total of
565 man-days to date.
So far, 146 bags of ore (with an
estimated total weight of around 120 tonnes) have been removed to
surface for processing and assaying, comprising a combination of
newly blasted ore and ore from historic mining
The volume of ore found in situ at
Levels 4 and 5 from historic mining operations continues to exceed
what was anticipated, with in total some 65 tonnes having to be
cleared out (a significant increase on the 25 tonnes reported at
the time of the last operational update RNS on 29 October 2024).
Although this has added significantly to the Company's timeline for
the completion of its planned bulk sampling exercise, this
additional ore will be processed for its gold content.
All blasting to date has been
successfully completed, however progress towards the first raise
has not been as rapid as had been hoped for, a combination of the
need to clear out large amounts of historic ore (as above) and
slower than expected drilling rates partly due to unexpectedly
insufficient pressure being delivered to No.5 Level from the air
compressor on surface. A larger compressor has been on-hired and is
expected to make a significant difference to the drilling rate in
the current rotation.
All blasting to date has been within
the targeted structure. Rocks with large amounts of visible
sulphide mineralisation have been encountered (Figures 1 & 2). The high level of
sulphide mineralisation within the projected payshoot is considered
to be a good indication of associated gold mineralisation.
Visible gold has also been identified within the blasted ore
(Figure 5). All blasted ore
needs to be processed to ascertain its gold content. As all mining
personnel have been fully occupied with the drilling, blasting and
mucking out programme, the newly blasted ore has not yet been
processed through the Company's existing on-site pilot plant. The
Company will shortly be commencing the processing of test batches
of blasted ore through the pilot plant. Investigations continue
relating to appropriate plant upgrades to enable faster processing
of ore than the current pilot plant can achieve.
A huge increase in rain caused by
Storm Darragh in the past few days has caused a surge in the Afon
cwm Llechen, the river running next to the Mine. However, the
Company's underground pumps have coped well and kept the water
level down below Level 5. The storm also washed away part of the
main, unsurfaced access road to the Mine, however the Company's
contractors spent the weekend repairing the road to ensure it was
passable in time for the next rotation of drilling and blasting,
which has now commenced.





Figure 1: Exposed rockface on Level 5.
Figure 2: Same rockface taken close-up to show visible
Figure 3: Sample from blasting on Level 5 with significant
visible sulphides.
Figure 4: Small section of the same sample shown in close-up
to show visible sulphides.
Figure 5: Sample with visible gold (within circled
Site visits have been conducted at
the Finnsbo and Norrby projects in Sweden. This included visits to
the outcrop at Finnsbo (Figures
6-9) where previous sampling by the project owners has
returned assay results of up to 3.5% Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO)
(with overall grades ranging from 0.5% to 3.5% TREO), with 37-38%
of the TREO in each case being made up of high-value NdPrDy
(neodymium-praseodymium-dysprosium) oxides, as well as gold and
copper grades of up to 27g/t (with overall grades ranging from 7 to
27g/t) and 2.9% (with overall grades ranging from 0.9% to 2.9%)
respectively. See the Alba RNS of 6 November 2024.
Samples taken by Alba from broken
rock blasted during previous operations at Finnsbo have been found
to contain visible gold (see Figure 8), subject to confirmation by
formal assay. Samples have been sent to a third-party
laboratory for assay. While final assay certificates are awaited
from the independent assay laboratory, provisional gold and rare
earth element (REE) results provided by the laboratory from the two
grab samples taken by Alba from the Pop 2 blast are as
Ticket No.
Sample Name
Lith type
pop 2
pop 2
Both samples returned anomalous
results for both gold and REE, however sample FINN2415 had
stand-out grades of more than 10 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and
2.36% TREO, with 39% of the TREO being made up of high-value NdPrDy
oxides. As the gold result was above the maximum reportable grade
for the assay protocol selected (being 10g/t), the laboratory is
running the assay again using a different protocol to arrive at a
precise gold content for the sample. The high-grade gold assay
would certainly appear to corroborate the field observation (see
Figure 5) of the presence of visible gold. The confirmation of
high-grade rare earth results is also highly promising.
Clockwise from top left: Figure 6: Finnsbo outcrop (approx. 50
m in length extent); Figure 7: Sampling historical blast at Finnsbo
outcrop; Figure 8: Grab sample from Finnsbo outcrop showing visible
gold; Figure 9: Section of Finnsbo outcrop.
Site visits have been conducted in
Tanzania over the gold licences and licence applications currently
under option to Alba. Samples have been collected and are
with a third-party laboratory in Mwanza for assaying.

Forward Looking
This announcement contains
forward-looking statements relating to expected or anticipated
future events and anticipated results that are forward-looking in
nature and, as a result, are subject to certain risks and
uncertainties, such as general economic, market, financial and
business conditions, competition for and availability of qualified
staff and contractors, regulatory processes and actions, technical
issues, new legislation, uncertainties resulting from potential
delays or changes in plans, uncertainties resulting from working in
a new political jurisdiction, uncertainties regarding the results
of exploration, uncertainties regarding the timing and granting of
prospecting rights, uncertainties regarding the timing and granting
of regulatory and other third party consents and approvals,
uncertainties regarding the Company's or any third party's ability
to finance, execute and implement future plans and programmes, and
the occurrence of unexpected events. Actual results achieved may
vary from the information provided herein as a result of numerous
known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other
Competent Person
The information in this release that relates to Exploration
Results has been reviewed by Mr Mark Austin. Mr Austin is a member
of SACNASP (Reg. No. 400235/06), Fellow of The Geological Society
and Fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa. He has a
B.Sc. Honours in Geology with 40 years'
Mark Austin has sufficient experience that is relevant to the
style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and
to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person
as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for
Reporting of Exploration targets, Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves', also known as the JORC Code. The JORC
code is a national reporting organisation that is aligned with
CRIRSCO. Mr Austin consents to the inclusion in the announcement of
the matters based on his information in the form and context in
which they appear.
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Alba Mineral Resources
George Frangeskides, Executive
+44 20
3950 0725
SPARK Advisory Partners Limited
Andrew Emmott
+44 20
3368 3555
CMC Markets plc (Broker)
Thomas Smith / Douglas
+44 20
3003 8632
Projects & Investments
Projects Operated by Alba
Clogau (gold)
Dolgellau Gold Exploration
Gwynfynydd (gold)
Investments Held by Alba
GreenRoc Strategic Materials Plc
(graphite - anode)
Horse Hill (oil)