RNS Number:0106I
Provalis PLC
28 March 2000
                             PROVALIS PLC
                            Interim Results
               for the six months ended 31 December 1999
Provalis  PLC  ("PRO.L"),  the  integrated  healthcare  company  
today announces  its  interim results for the six months ended  
31  December 1999.    The results show significant progress 
towards Provalis'  goal of  moving into profit and growing the 
business steadily and  securely over  the  longer term with 
upside from its therapeutic  research  and development.

              The Emergence of a Balanced Growth Business
Operating Performance

-    Group loss reduced by 58% to #4.8M
-    Turnover up #0.2M to #3.4M (+6.3%) incorporating a stronger
     operational performance rather than one-off R&D payments
-    Capital raising completed yielding #5.0M net
-    Group reconstruction now complete and Provalis plc launched
-    Cash at 31st December 1999 #7.4M


-    Healthcare Division:
     *    Record sales #2.45M (+38%)
     *    First net profit of #0.40M following years of losses
-    Medical Diagnostics:
     *    Glycosal(TM):
     *    Now being launched in worldwide markets (outside USA) via
          alliances  with Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. and Drew 
          Scientific Group
     *    USA FDA Registration for  marketing clearance underway 
     *    Osteosal(TM):
     *    Launched on European and Far-Eastern markets
     *    Final stages of negotiation with Japanese distributor 
          underway - they will be submitting product for 
          regulatory approval
-    Therapeutic R&D Division:
     *    Licence secured with SmithKline Beecham for otitis 
          media vaccine
Management : Strengthening of the Board

-    Scientific Advisory Board established chaired by Dr Dudley Earl

-    Christine Soden joins Board as Non-Executive Director

Commenting   on   the   results,  Frank   Harding,   Chairman,   
said: "Collectively, our operating businesses are on track to 
break even and move  into  profitability. Since the launch of 
Provalis  and  its  new business  strategy in October last year, 
the Group  has  been  divided into  two  principal  operating  
divisions, Medical  Diagnostics  and Healthcare  (ethical  
pharmaceutical sales) and  a  Therapeutics  R&D Division.  
It  is the Group's intention that profits  from  these  two 
operating  divisions will generate cash largely for therapeutics  
R&D,which  the Board sees as providing the exciting, long-term 
growth for the Company.  This model of low risk profitable businesses 
funding the higher  risk R&D area is a very different business model 
from many of the biotech companies in the U.K."

For further information:-

Dr Phil Gould
PROVALIS PLC                                       Tel: 01244 833463

Lisa Baderoon
BUCHANAN COMMUNICATIONS                           Tel: 020 7466 5000


The  first half of our financial year has seen many changes within 
the Group but most importantly, the successful launch of Provalis 
together with #5 million of new funding.

We  are pleased to report that the loss of previous years has now 
been substantially  reduced through the restructuring activities  
conducted in  1999.   We have disposed of our interests in OraTol 
Limited for a consideration   of  #1.1M  and  of  the  assets  
in  our   nutritional supplements businesses for #0.76M.  
Our headcount reached  its  target level  and is now increasing 
again with the recruitment of more  sales representatives given 
the performance of the Healthcare Division. We have  also 
completed the consolidation of the business at Deeside and the 
installation of new IT and management accounting  systems,  which
will lead to improved business performance and financial control.

Collectively, our operating businesses are on track to break even  
and move into profitability  thereby helping to fund our therapeutics  
R&D activities.   This  key  goal at the time of the  launch  of  
Provalis should be realised somewhat ahead of schedule. Turnover 
up to the  end of  December 1999 was up by 6% over the same period 
last year but  now reflects  the  growing operational performance 
of the  Company  rather than an increase in one-off' R&D payments.

Healthcare  Division - Move to Greater Revenues and  Significant  Net

The  Healthcare  Division had a strong first half  to  the  year  
with record  sales of #2.45M (up 38%).  This business is now 
profitable at #403K to December 1999, reversing the losses 
of previous years.

Sales  of  the Dr Falk gastroenterological product range exceeded  
#1M with a 16.8% increase on the same period last year.  
This is the first time  we have achieved such growth over a 
half-year period.  Sales  of Calceos(TM),  a  calcium  and  vitamin D3  
supplement  for  osteoporosis,increased  by  134%  and  of  
Clotam(TM), for  migraine,  by  18.9%. A successful launch 
of Budenofalk(TM), for irritable bowel syndrome, led to sales  
of #79K in this period. In the last period we have been awarded 
a  number  of NHS regional health authority hospital contracts  
giving more  secure business to the Division. This more aggressive  
marketing approach  coupled  with  a  margin  management  
programme  is  already beginning  to  accelerate further our 
ability to  drive  revenues  and profit from this business.  
The margin management programme is focused on   the  control  
of  product  cost  with  a  stronger  manufacturing outsourcing emphasis 
now that our expensive Wrexham facility has  been closed.

Our UK sales force has now been expanded to 32 sales personnel and  
it is  our  aim  to increase this number to 42 over the next year.   
This will  then  provide  improved UK coverage which should  ensure  
better market penetration and uptake of new products.

Two   new   gastroenterological  products  have  been  submitted   
for registration and launches are anticipated in the latter part  
of  this year.  Discussions are also underway with a number of 
companies on the acquisition  of  established  prescription  
brands  and  novel   niche products  that  will ensure growth 
and development of  this  business.Opportunities are also being 
reviewed to take our pharmaceutical salesdistribution business 
into mainland Europe.

Medical  Diagnostics Division - The Launch of Glycosal(TM) and  
Osteosal(TM) onto World Markets

Sales  of medical diagnostics were comparable to the same period  
last year.   However, these sales represent the beginning of  an  
important change  in  the  mix  of the product base.  Osteosal(TM)  
-  the  Group's osteoporosis  risk  assessment and monitoring 
diagnostic  -  is  being introduced with its first sales in the 
Far East. Sales of Helisal(TM) - a diagnostic  for  H.  pylori  
infection are moving  predominantly  from Europe  to  the USA.  
Full year sales should also now bring the  first contribution 
from our diagnostic product Glycosal(TM) - our new point  of
care  test  for  glycated haemoglobin for use  in  the  diagnosis  
and monitoring of diabetes - which was launched on 15th March 2000.

Growing  sales  of Helisal(TM) in the USA through Beckton  Dickenson  
and restructuring of the business to focus on medical diagnostics 
have led to  an  improved financial position for this Division 
with a reduction in  the  loss  to  #977K  in the period to  
December  1999.   A  large proportion  of  this loss was due to 
R&D expenses  (#398K).  This  R&D spend   was   necessary   to  
support  late  stage   development and commercialisation  of 
our new products, which have now  been  launched and are beginning 
to generate a revenue stream for the Company.

Glycosal(TM)  provides a significant opportunity to  drive  revenues
and  profits  to  secure the  profitability  of  the  Diagnostics
Division.    We  believe  that  Glycosal(TM)  delivers   a   product
performance, user friendliness and value for money, unmatched  by
any  other  point  of  care' system on the market  available  to
diabetologists,  clinics,  general practitioners  or  pharmacies.
Accordingly,  we  have  now  appointed  distributors  on  a  non-
exclusive basis to ensure full and rapid commercialisation of the
product.   We  have  also  taken the opportunity  to  market  the
product  in  the  UK through a contracted sales force  (Mediserve
Ltd) and our own Healthcare Division sales force.

Glycosal(TM)  Distribution Through Bio-Rad Laboratories  Inc.,  Drew
Scientific  Group plc
In  recent  months  much  of the division's  focus  has  been  on
securing  the  successful launch of Glycosal(TM) with  a  number  
of distributors  tailored to the diversity of the  point  of  care'
marketplace.  The product will be sold throughout the world  non-
exclusively through an alliance with Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.  -
a  major  diagnostics sales company in worldwide markets and  the
leader  in  glycated  haemoglobin testing - and  Drew  Scientific
Group  plc - the UK's largest manufacturer of equipment  used  by
laboratories for glycated haemoglobin testing which has extensive
worldwide  distribution partners such as Fischer  Corporation  in
the  USA.  We intend to appoint further distributors to sell  the
product  in  Japan.  Representative training in  Bio-Rad  is  now
complete  and the product is in the process of being launched  in
Latin  America and the Far East.  First shipments to Bio-Rad  and
Drew were made in March 2000.
USA and Japan Registration
We expect to file for 510K-registration and approval of 
Glycosal(TM) in  the  USA during April 2000.  Collaborative 
studies  are  also underway  with  a potential distributor in 
Japan and  a  specific product  is  being  developed  for this  
market.  A  registration application in Japan should be made 
in the next six months.

The  Division has also started the sale of Osteosal(TM)  in  the  
UK through MediServe Ltd and the product is presently being 
sold  in a  number  of  European and Far Eastern markets.    
Collaborative studies  are now complete with a potential 
distributor  in  Japan and a registration application will 
be made in the next period.

Therapeutics R&D

This  Division  has experienced considerable change and  
restructuring over  the  last  nine  months, which has  
culminated  in  a  focus  on vaccines.  In future R&D will be 
largely outsourced  through a network of  major  third  party 
vaccine companies, academic collaborators  and contract  houses.  
This  approach  for  the  development  of   vaccine candidates  
is  now  well underway and is exemplified  by  our  recent licensing  
agreement with SmithKline Beecham plc for  the  development and  
commercialisation  of  our Haemophilus influenzae  and  Moraxella
cattarhalis  antigens as a paediatric vaccine to be  used  to  
prevent otitis  media.  This agreement, with a world leading 
vaccine  company, supports  our  strategy  of  seeking  to  
partner  our  novel  vaccine development  programmes.  
This is the first of a number of  commercial development 
relationships that we are exploring.

Similar  collaborative deals are being explored for our other  
antigen sets  to  enable  us  to progress a portfolio of  
vaccine  candidates. These can then move forward with a 
series of collaborators allowing us to manage development 
spend and risk.

We  still  await the outcome of our application to the FDA 
for  orphan drug  status  for  Pseudostat(TM), our oral 
vaccine being  developed  for Pseudomonas   aeuriginosa  
infection  in  cystic  fibrosis   patients. During  2000 we 
will seek to identify suitable partners for  Macrulin(TM) based  
on  our  clinical research data.  No further news  is  expected
until late 2000.

Board and Management

Following the departure on 31st December 1999 of James Long  
as  Group Finance Director, our search for a new Group Finance 
Director is at a late stage and we expect to make an announcement 
on this shortly.

Additionally, we are delighted to welcome Christine Soden  as  a  
Non-Executive  Director to the Board.  She brings with  her  a  
wealth  of financial  and  business development experience 
within  the  industry,which will be invaluable to Provalis 
and its future development.

We  have  formed a Scientific Advisory Board for our Therapeutics  
R&D Division.   This  will be chaired by Dr Dudley Earl, our  
senior  Non-Executive  Director.  He  and  the other  members  
together  have  the necessary  scientific, developmental and 
commercial skills in  vaccine and  therapeutic  product 
development to be a major  benefit  for  the Company.

Future Prospects

Following  the  successful  launch of Provalis  we  have  
achieved  an encouraging   operating   performance,  established   
new   commercial relationships   in   our   Medical   Diagnostics   
Division,   rapidly restructured  therapeutic  R&D and secured 
a  collaborative  programme with a major vaccine development 
and marketing company.

The launch of Provalis has been challenging but we are committed 
to an integrated  Healthcare  business where cash flow  from  our  
operating divisions, rather than cash burn, will drive our 
longer-term  vaccines R&D  programmes. We are progressing well with 
this strategy  and  with the very pleasing progress we have made in 
the first half and with the necessary  management changes and drive 
for profit in place,  we  look forward to more significant progress 
in the second half of the year.

We  believe that Glycosal(TM) provides a significant opportunity 
to drive revenues  and  profits to secure the profitability of 
the  Diagnostics Division. We now have an operational break-even' 
position for our two operating  businesses within sight and we 
remain committed to  driving these businesses into secure profit 
to fund our future diagnostics and therapeutic R&D programmes.

PL GOULD                                     F HARDING
Chief Executive Officer                      Chairman
28 March 2000                                28 March 2000


For the six months ended 31st December 1999

                                  Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited
                                 six months six months       year
                                      ended      ended      ended
                                  31-Dec-99  31-Dec-98 30 June-99
                                         #m         #m         #m  
Turnover                                3.4        3.2        9.2
Cost of Sales                          (1.8)      (1.5)      (4.7)
Gross Profit                            1.6        1.7        4.5
Selling, distribution and              (4.5)      (5.8)      (9.9)
administration costs
Research and development costs         (2.0)      (8.1)     (16.5)
Operating Loss                         (4.9)     (12.2)     (21.9)
plc restructure costs                     -          -        0.5
Profit on disposal of part                -          -       (1.9)
interest in subsidiary
Loss before interest                   (4.9)     (12.2)     (23.3)
Interest receivable and similar         0.2        0.8        1.3
Interest payable and similar           (0.1)      (0.1)      (0.3)
Loss on ordinary activities before     (4.8)     (11.5)     (22.3)
Taxation on loss on ordinary              -          -          -
Loss after taxation                    (4.8)     (11.5)     (22.3)
Minority interests                        -        0.1        0.2
Loss for the period attributable       (4.8)     (11.4)     (22.1)
to ordinary shareholders
Loss per ordinary share                (2.9p)     (7.2p)    (13.9p)


As at 31 December 1999

                                Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited
                                    as at      as at      as at
                                31-Dec-99  31-Dec-98  30-Jun-99
                                       #m         #m         #m
Fixed Assets                          
     Intangible assets                0.1        0.1        0.1
     Tangible assets                  1.5        6.2        2.5
     Investments - restricted         9.6        8.2        9.7
                                     11.2       14.5       12.3
Current Assets                                              
     Stocks                           0.6        1.1        0.8
     Debtors                          1.9        1.4        3.3
     Assets held for resale             -          -        1.1
Cash and cash equivalents                                   
     Short term deposits              6.8        18.4       3.4
     Cash at bank and in hand         0.6         1.6       2.4
                                      9.9        22.5      11.0
Creditors: amounts falling due       (4.1)       (8.3)     (6.3)
within one year
Net Current Assets                    5.8        14.2       4.7
Total Assets less Current            17.0        28.7      17.0
Creditors: amounts falling due after                        
more than one year                   (0.5)       (1.9)     (0.6)
Provision for liabilities and                               
     R&D syndications                (9.6)       (8.2)     (9.7)
                                    (10.1)      (10.1)    (10.3)
Net Assets                            6.9        18.6       6.7
Capital and Reserves                                        
Called up share capital              45.2        39.6      39.7
Share premium account                 0.1         0.1       0.1
Merger reserve                       96.3        96.3      96.3
Profit and loss account            (134.7)     (118.5)   (129.4)
Equity Shareholders' Funds            6.9        17.5       6.7
Minority interest - equity              -         1.1         -
Total Capital Employed                6.9        18.6       6.7


For the six months ended 31 December 1999

                                      Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited
                                            six        six       Year
                                         months     months      Ended
                                          ended      ended  30-Jun-99
                                      31-Dec-99  31-Dec-98           
                                             #m         #m         #m
Net cash outflow from operating            (4.7)     (9.8)      (19.5)
Returns on investments and servicing                       
of finance                                                 
     Interest received                      0.2       0.9         1.3
     Interest element of finance              -      (0.1)       (0.2)
lease rentals                              (0.1)        -        (0.1)
     Interest paid on unsecured
Net cash inflow from returns on                            
investments and servicing of finance        0.1       0.8         1.0
Capital expenditure and financial                          
     Purchase of tangible fixed            (0.1)     (0.4)       (0.7)
     Proceeds on sale of fixed                
assets                                      0.4         -           -
     Net proceeds on sale of
business                                      -         -         1.0
     Proceeds of assets held for
resale                                        -       1.0         1.0
     Net proceeds on disposal of
part interest in subsidiary

Net cash inflow from capital                               
expenditure and financial investment        1.4       0.6         1.3
Net cash outflow before management                         
of liquid resources and financing          (3.2)     (8.4)      (17.2)
Management of liquid resources                             
 (Increase) Decrease in short term         (3.4)      6.7        17.5
     Issue of ordinary shares               5.5         -         0.1
     Share issue costs                     (0.5)        -           -
     New unsecured loan                       -       1.0         1.0
     Unsecured loan repayment              (0.1)     (0.1)       (0.2)
     Capital element of finance            (0.1)     (0.8)       (2.1)
     lease rental payments          
Net cash inflow (outflow) from              4.8       0.1        (1.2)
(Decrease) in cash                         (1.8)     (1.6)       (0.9)


For the six months ended 31 December 1999
                                      Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited
                                            six        six       Year
                                         months     months      Ended
                                          ended      ended  30-Jun-99
                                      31-Dec-99  31-Dec-98           
                                             #m         #m         #m
Loss for the period                        (4.8)     (11.4)     (22.1)
Exchange difference on translation                         
of net assets of foreign subsidiary           -          -       (0.2)
Capital raising costs                      (0.5)         -          -
Total recognised loss for the period       (5.3)     (11.4)     (22.3)

Nature of Financial Information

The  interim figures for the six months ended 31 December 1999 and for
the six months ended 31 December 1998 are unaudited.

The  financial  information  set out  above  does  not  comprise  full
accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act  1985.
The  comparative figures for the year ended 30 June 1999 are extracted
from the audited accounts for that year which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies.  The auditors report was unqualified  and  did
not  contain  any statement under s237(2) or (3) of the Companies  Act



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