RNS Number:6628R
Provalis PLC
28 September 2000

Part 1

                         PROVALIS PLC
    Preliminary Results For the Year Ended 30th June 2000

Provalis   plc,   the  integrated   healthcare company,   
has   pleasure  in  reporting its preliminary  results 
for the year  ended  30th June 2000.


.    Group restructured, Provalis launched and Group
     beginning to perform strongly
.    Net loss for the Group reduced by #14.6m (66%) to
     #7.5m (1999, #22.1m)
.    Loss per ordinary share decreased by 70% to 4.2p
     (1999, 13.9p)
.    Loss in second half of #2.7m; (first half, #4.8m)
.    Turnover of #6.8m including #0.2m revenue from
     disposed businesses (1999: #9.2m including #1.6m
     revenue from disposed  non-core businesses and #1.6m
     R&D lump sum receipt)
.    Healthcare division achieves record sales of
     #5.1m (1999, #4.7m) and first ever operating profit of
     #0.5m (1999 loss #0.1m)
.    Medical Diagnostics division now approaching break-
     even on a monthly basis excluding R&D expenditure
.    #3.3m investment in R&D for diagnostics and
     therapeutic products to drive new product programmes
.    Successful placing and open offer completed in
     November 1999 raising #5.0m net after expenses
.    Cash of #4.6m at 30th June 2000
.    New capital raising of approximately #10.8m net
     announced to fund corporate expansion programme.

.    Launch of Glycosal(TM)achieved in world markets with
     Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc and Drew Scientific Group plc
     as main distributors
.    Glycosal (TM)registration application made in USA and
.    Osteosal (TM)launched in European and Far-East
.    Licence secured with SmithKline Beecham for otitis
     media vaccine
.    Dr Les Davies appointed R&D director
.    Dr David Bloxham and Christine Soden appointed as
     new non-executive directors
.    Scientific Advisory Board formed to support
     Therapeutics R&D
.    Drug delivery technologies undergoing disposal.

.    Regulatory approval (510(k)) of Glycosal(TM) in USA
     and product launch in September 2000
.    Marketing approval of Glycosal(TM) in Japan and
     launch scheduled for October 2000
.    Approximately 800 Glycosal(TM) instruments and 50,000
     tests shipped in the six months following product
     launch in March 2000
.    Sales and forward orders in the Medical
     Diagnostics division approaching the turnover figure
     for the whole of the last year
.    Healthcare division sales growth maintained at
     above industry average
.    Neil Kirkby appointed Group Finance Director.


Commenting  on the results, Frank Harding, Chairman  of
Provalis plc said

'During   the  year  Provalis  has  met  a  number   of
significant commercial and technical milestones and has
substantially   strengthened  its  financial   position
providing  a  strong  platform from  which  to  achieve
future growth.

With the two operating businesses growing strongly,  we
are  now ready to accelerate the growth of the Company.
We  today announce a capital raising, through a placing
and  open offer, to raise additional funds in order  to
support  the growth of the Company through an expansion
of our supply capability, to pursue further new product
development, in particular to follow on from Glycosal(TM),
and to acquire new products for the Healthcare division'.

Phil Gould, Chief Executive Officer, added

'Provalis'   strategy   is  to   fund   its   long-term
therapeutic  and diagnostic product R&D  out  of  funds
generated  from  the operating businesses  of  Provalis
Healthcare   and  Provalis  Diagnostics.  The   Company
intends   to   drive  its  growth  by  the   sale   and
distribution    of    prescription    medicines,    the
introduction of innovative new diagnostic  products  in
point  of  care  or  consumer markets  and  the  global
introduction of vaccines against infectious disease.

The implementation of our business model of driving our
new  product  development spend from cash  flow  rather
than  capital has enabled Provalis to make  significant
progress   in   its  first  year  of  operation   since
restructuring.  Key  diagnostics  products  have   been
introduced,  sales and margin management  targets  have
been  achieved  and  an  integrated  global  healthcare
business is being built.  The Company is now ready  for
substantial  growth as Glycosal(TM) is launched  on  world
markets and further products are developed or acquired.
The  directors plan now to accelerate the growth of the
business  by  developing  further  diagnostic  products
using  both  existing  and  new  technology  platforms,
acquiring  further  products and brands  and  expanding
distribution   for   the   Healthcare   division    and
maintaining  a commitment to develop new  vaccines  for
infectious diseases. '

For further information:-

Dr Phil Gould, Provalis plc,  Tel:  01244 833463
Mr Neil Kirkby, Provalis plc,  Tel:  01244 833552
Lisa Baderoon, Buchanan Communications,  
Tel:  020 7466 5000

                 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

The  financial year just ended saw major changes in the
strategy  and  operations  of  the  Group.   With   the
'launch'  of  Provalis,  the  development  of   a   new
strategic    direction,   the   completion    of    the
restructuring necessary to contain cash  burn  and  the
raising   of  new  capital  to  ensure  the  continuing
development of the Group, a line was drawn in the  sand
to  put the Company's past behind it.   Provalis is now
a  smaller, tighter and more focused operation which is
developing  its  products,  processes  and   sales   in
healthcare and medical diagnostics whilst carrying  out
research  which  could lead to novel  vaccines  in  key
areas of medical need.
During  the  year the Company raised approximately  #5m
net  of expenses from existing and new shareholders and
cut  its  cash outflow from operating activities   from
#19.5m  in  1999  to  #7.7m.  The  operating  loss  was
reduced  from #21.9m in 1999 to #7.7m after exceptional
items of #1.0m (1999 - #5.0m).

The  two  operating businesses had a  successful  year.
The  Healthcare  division increased sales  by  8.5%  to
#5.1m  and recorded its first year of profit  at  #0.5m
(1999 - loss  of  #0.1m).   The  Medical  Diagnostics
division launched two exciting new products towards the
end  of  the  year, which should generate  considerable
sales  and  contribution  in the  current  year.   That
division  incurred  a loss of #2.1m  (1999 - loss  of
#1.5m).    The  Therapeutics R&D division  successfully
secured  a  significant corporate licensing  deal  with
SmithKline Beecham during the year.  With the growth of
the  two  operating  businesses, the directors  believe
that  funds  will be generated in the  medium  term  to
finance  the  activities of Therapeutics R&D.   Further
funds  will  be needed in order to expand more  rapidly
the  Healthcare  division, to expand the  manufacturing
and  supply capability of, and to continue the research
and   development  of  new  products  by,  the  Medical
Diagnostics  division and to accelerate the development
into  the clinic of at least one of the Group's vaccine

I  am pleased to welcome three new directors on to  the
Board; they bring a variety of experience and expertise
and  have already made significant contributions to our
development.   Christine Soden and David  Bloxham,  the
two  new  non-executive directors, both  have  business
development  and pharmaceutical backgrounds,  and  Neil
Kirkby,  the  recently appointed Finance Director,  has
held  similar financial roles, most recently in another
UK listed company.

As  you  know,  Lord  Patten, who chaired  the  Company
through some major changes including the 1999 strategic
review  and  fund raising, decided to retire  from  the
Board  at the end of November 1999.  On behalf  of  the
shareholders  and  other directors, I  should  like  to
thank  him  for  his  substantial contribution  to  the
Company's affairs.

James  Long,  the previous Finance Director,  left  the
Company  in  December  1999 and  Erik  Penser,  a  non-
executive  director  and long-term  major  shareholder,
left the Board in May 2000.  I should like to reiterate
my  thanks to them and, in particular, to Erik for  his
support  for  the  Company over  many  years  which,  I
believe, he will continue to provide.

The Board is fully aware of the need for good corporate
governance.  From the launch of Provalis, the directors
took  steps  to adopt and comply with the BioIndustries
Association  Code of Conduct for its member  companies.
In  addition, the Board will ensure compliance with the
recent  guidance  notes  on  internal  controls ('The
Turnbull Report').  It has this year taken advantage of
the  transitional arrangements provided by  the  London
Stock Exchange.

Finally, the progress of Provalis is only possible with
the  leadership of the Chief Executive Officer and  his
management  team, and the support of  all  the  Group's
employees. To all of them I offer my thanks  for  their
unwavering efforts and hard work.  I should  also  like
to  thank  our  shareholders, old  and  new,  who  have
supported  the launch of Provalis.  I look  forward  to
further  exciting  developments in  2001  which  should
begin to unlock the value created within the business.

Frank Harding, Chairman

The  progress in the first year since the  relaunch  of
the  Company as Provalis has been encouraging, with the
development and performance of both the Healthcare  and
Medical  Diagnostics divisions meeting expectations  in
the   reshaped  business.   The  performance  of  these
divisions  is  allowing the Group as a  whole  to  move
towards  a  break-even position and  to  enable  it  to
largely  fund  its  R&D  efforts  from  earnings   once
stronger profitability from the operating divisions has
been established.

There is no doubt that the launch of Provalis has  been
challenging, but the Company's executive team  believes
that the Group's promise has started to become reality.
This is exemplified by the significant progress made in
increasing the revenues of, and generating an operating
profit  in,  our  Healthcare  division,  which  is  now
focused on promoting prescription pharmaceuticals.  The
Medical  Diagnostics division launched  Glycosal(TM)with
two  global  distribution alliances giving  a  stronger
sales  platform for the years ahead.  Since the end  of
the  financial  year key regulatory approvals  for  the
product  in  the  USA  and Japan  have  been  achieved,
substantially  earlier than expected.  In  Therapeutics
R&D, efforts were focused on vaccine development, and a
significant  corporate licensing deal  with  SmithKline
Beecham  - a major player in the vaccine pharmaceutical
industry   -   achieved.   These  are  all  significant
technical and commercial achievements for Provalis.

The executive management team has been strengthened  in
the last year with the appointment of Dr Les Davies  to
lead  the Therapeutics R&D division and the more recent
appointment  of  a new Finance Director,  Neil  Kirkby.
Both  Les  and Neil have extensive experience and  will
contribute  to the executive management  of  the  Group
assisted  by a dedicated team of people, many  of  whom
are shareholders.

I am also pleased that we have established a Scientific
Advisory  Board  for  the Company  to  help  guide  the
Therapeutics R&D activities. This division  will  focus
largely  on  vaccine programmes and use the  Scientific
Advisory Board's collective experience in microbiology,
vaccine  clinical development, product development  and
commercial strategy to help guide these projects.

The business model adopted has proved valid for growing
small  companies and will be driven forward vigorously.
Opportunities for organic growth are apparent  in  each
of  the businesses, as is the need to acquire products,
brands,  distribution and technologies to  help  unlock
the full value of Provalis.

Operating Review

The   Group's  change  in  strategy  with  a   stronger
operational focus has provided a clear path  to  future
Group  profitability and the ability to  fund  directly
more  of  the  R&D  efforts. The Group comprises  three
clearly  focused businesses, providing a full  spectrum
of  earnings and income potential to the Group over the
short-term (Healthcare), medium-term (Diagnostics)  and
long-term  (Therapeutics). The Group has an experienced
executive  team with considerable business  development
knowledge,  specialist and general healthcare  industry
experience  and general commercial skills. The  Group's
emphasis  is  now  on exploiting this broad  healthcare
approach which has been successfully implemented with a
rapid and effective Group restructuring, followed by  a
strong commercial performance, and by the completion of
global  distribution and technology  deals  with  major
players in the healthcare industry.

The speed of the corporate restructuring, the close and
purposeful  cost control and the improving  performance
of  the Group's operational businesses, have led  to  a
significant reduction (66%) in the loss for the  Group.
Most importantly the Group loss continued to decline in
the  second half of the financial year (#2.7m) compared
with  the first half (#4.8m) as a result of the success
of  the  restructuring effort.  The cash burn has  also
been substantially reduced.

Business Disposals

To  continue the programme of streamlining the business
and gaining commercial focus, the Group disposed of its
'Over  the  Counter' pharmaceutical sales business  and
its  nutritional supplements and tonics business,  both
of  which were non-core and had been incurring  losses.
Operating  performance  is now predominantly  based  on
product   sales   from  the  Healthcare   and   Medical
Diagnostics   divisions  rather  than  infrequent   R&D

Operating Effectiveness

During  the  year,  to  support  tightly  managed  cost
control,  the Group invested further in its information
technology infrastructure to improve communication, the
immediacy of management accounting information and real
time  product  sales information.   Given  the  growing
importance of diagnostics manufacturing, the  need  for
improved  inventory  control with the  growing  mix  of
products,  and the extension of the supply chain  to  a
growing range of distributors,  the installation of  an
updated  material  and  manufacture  resource  planning
system, MRPII, is being progressed.

Operating Businesses

The  operating  businesses of  Healthcare  and  Medical
Diagnostics  have  performed well.   In  the  refocused
Healthcare  division,  with  40%  more  trained   sales
representatives in the field than 12 months ago,  sales
in the past financial year grew by 8.5% overall, and by
16%  on  promoted products, leading to a net profit  of
#0.5m   for  that  period  .   This  encouraging  start
reverses  a  #0.1m  loss over the same  period  in  the
previous year.

Although Medical Diagnostics sales in the year to  June
2000  were similar to the previous year, there  was  an
important   change  in  the  product  mix    with   the
introduction  of  the  newer  products  Glycosal(TM)and
Osteosal(TM). This  resulted in a good  finish  to  the
financial year.

First sales  of Glycosal(TM) took place on world markets.
In  the  six months since launch on 15 March, over  800
instruments  and nearly 50,000 tests have been  shipped
to  our distributors.  The product is now on the market
in  over  15  countries.  In recent weeks, and  earlier
than  expected,  the Group has received key  regulatory
approvals  for  the product in the USA  and  Japan  and
launch in those countries is anticipated shortly.

The Group is now selling Osteosal(TM), its product to 
monitor osteoporosis, in a number of European countries 
as well as the Far East. Early sales suggest a growing 
demand for the test from consumers, with the product 
now being sold in certain parts of Europe through 
pharmacies, via franchising arrangements, supported 
by a  website www.managingosteoporosis.com.

Therapeutics R&D

Therapeutics R&D effort is focused on vaccines to treat
or   prevent   infection  by  a  number  of  pathogenic
bacteria.   The  division has now been reconfigured  to
use  a virtual' R&D model, under which most activities
are outsourced, and has progressed the building of pre-
clinical  packages and  the filing of  patents  on  its
vaccine portfolio.

The   research  portfolio  now  numbers   six   vaccine
programmes, with several antigen development candidates
identified  in  each. These are being  progressed  into
development   as   quickly   as   possible   using    a
collaborative/licensing   approach   similar   to   the
agreement   entered  into  this  year  with  SmithKline
Beecham, which is based on a reimbursement of R&D costs
and upfront, milestone and royalty payments.

The  division,  following its licensing agreement  with
SmithKline Beecham, and option fee arrangements on  its
legacy  drug delivery portfolio, contributed  #0.6m  to
Group revenues this year.

Drug Delivery Technology Legacy

Provalis   is  no  longer  focusing  on  drug  delivery
technologies,  and  the Board is seeking to  sell  most
of  the  intellectual property held in the area. Option
and other agreements have now been signed with a number
of  biotechnology  and  pharmaceutical  companies  that
could   lead   to   those   companies   acquiring   the
intellectual property in due course.

However,  Provalis intends to retain  its  intellectual
property   on   the  dispersion-based   drug   delivery
technology  associated  with  the  development  of  the
product  Macrulin(TM) - its oral  anti-diabetic  therapy
using insulin.  Discussions are being conducted with  a
number of companies to determine if there is a way  for
them  to  fund the formal Phase II clinical trials  for
this product.


The Directors' intention for the current year is to use
the   increasing  operational  cash   flow   from   the
Healthcare   division   and  the  Medical   Diagnostics
division to help progress the Group's R&D programmes in
both diagnostics and therapeutics.

Glycosal(TM)  is  expected to be an important  driver for
growth  for the Group with product launches in  Europe,
South  America  and the Far East to be supplemented  by
introduction  in the USA and Japan.  Another  focus  in
the  Medical Diagnostics business will be to expand the
diabetes  test  franchise by developing a  product  for
home  use.  With this in mind, consideration  is  being
given to e-commerce opportunities for the product and a
website www.livingwithdiabetes.com, has been secured to
allow  direct  to  consumer marketing  of  a  home  use
version of the test.

The  Healthcare  business is actively  seeking  to  in-
license  or  acquire  new products; aggressive  targets
have  been set for both increasing the UK sales  return
and  to begin to extend sales and distribution coverage
to other countries in Europe starting with the Republic
of Ireland.

The  next  year  should also see the  Therapeutics  R&D
division  completing pre-clinical work on a  number  of
vaccine  candidates  and preparing  for  the  start  of
volunteer and clinical studies.

Philip Gould,
Chief Executive Officer

Placing and Open Offer

Provalis has today announced that it proposes to  raise
approximately #10.8m after expenses through  a  Placing
and  Open Offer, which is fully underwritten.  The  net
proceeds of the Placing and Open Offer will be used  to
support  the  development of the business.   The  funds
will  largely be used to allow a more rapid  growth  of
the  Healthcare  business  through  product  and  brand
acquisition,  to  secure  the  worldwide  roll  out  of
Glycosal(TM) and  the  development  of  further   medical
diagnostic  products, including a version of  Glycosal(TM)
for home use, and for accelerating vaccine development.

The  Placing  and Open Offer is subject to  shareholder
approval,  which  will be sought at  an   extraordinary
general meeting to be held on 23 October 2000.

This release is not an offer of securities for sale  in
the United States. The new Ordinary Shares to be issued
in  the  Placing and Open Offer have not been and  will
not  be registered under the US Securities Act of  1933
and may not be sold in the United States in the absence
of  registration  or an applicable exemption  from  the
registration   requirements  of  the  Securities   Act.
Consequently,  neither the Placing nor the  Open  Offer
will be made in the United States or to US persons.  In
addition, the Placing and Open Offer are not being made
to  shareholders  in Canada, Australia,  Japan  or  the
Republic of Ireland.

'Safe Harbor' Statement under the US Private Securities
Litigation  Reform Act of 1995:  Some  or  all  of  the
statements  in  this  document that  relate  to  future
plans, expectations, events, performances and the  like
are  forward looking statements as defined  in  the  US
Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995.
Actual  results of events could differ materially  from
those  described in the forward looking statements  due
to  a variety of factors, including those set forth  in
Provalis  plc's  filings with  the  US  Securities  and
Exchange Commission.

Notes to Editors

Provalis PLC (LSE.PRO and NASDAQ.PVLS) is an integrated
healthcare   company  with  three  separate   divisions
focused   on   the  supply  and  sale  of  prescription
medicines,  the development and global sale of  medical
diagnostics,  and  the development of  new  therapeutic
products,   such  as  vaccines  to  combat   infectious

The three divisions are:-

Healthcare - This division supplies, sells and  markets
branded, third party, prescription medicines in the  UK
to  GP's  and  hospitals  through  its  own  regionally
managed   sales  force.   Its  current  product   range
includes  products  for use in  the  medical  areas  of
gastroenterology,    osteoporosis,     migraine     and

Medical Diagnostics - This division develops and  sells
innovative medical diagnostic products to world markets
through   distributors.   The  division  has   recently
launched  the innovative diagnostic products  Glycosal(TM)
and   Osteosal(TM), in  the  areas   of   diabetes  and
osteoporosis  respectively, and also has  a  world-wide
franchise in medical diagnostic products for infectious

Therapeutics  Research & Development - This  division
develops    new    therapeutic    products,    focusing
particularly  on  vaccine  candidates  for   infectious
diseases.   A number of vaccine candidates are  at  the
pre-clinical stage.

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