RNS Number:6629R
Provalis PLC
28 September 2000

Part 2

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 30 June 2000

                Before  Excepti         Before  Except    
              Exceptio     onal        Excepti   ional     
                   nal    Items  Total    onal   Items Total
                 Items   Note 3   2000   Items  Note 3  1999
                  2000     2000    #'m    1999    1999   #'m
                   #'m      #'m            #'m     #'m
- Continuing       6.6         -   6.6     7.6       -   7.6
- Discontinued     0.2         -   0.2     1.6       -   1.6
               --------  -------  ------ -------  ------ ------
                   6.8         -   6.8     9.2       -   9.2
Cost of sales     (3.6)        -  (3.6)   (4.7)      -  (4.7)
               --------  -------  ------ -------  ------ ------
Gross profit       3.2         -   3.2     4.5       -   4.5
Selling &         (2.2)        -  (2.2)   (2.3)      -  (2.3)
Administration    (4.4)     (0.4) (4.8)   (6.3)   (1.3) (7.6)
Research &        (3.3)     (0.6) (3.9)  (12.8)   (3.7) (16.5)
development costs
               --------  -------  ------  -------  ------ ------
Operating loss                                                     
- Continuing      (6.5)     (0.9) (7.4)  (15.7)   (5.0) (20.7)
- Discontinued    (0.2)     (0.1) (0.3)   (1.2)      -   (1.2)
               --------  -------   ------  -------  ------ ------
                  (6.7)     (1.0) (7.7)  (16.9)   (5.0) (21.9)

Loss on sale or      -         -     -       -    (1.4)  (1.4)
termination of
                --------  -------  ------  -------  ------ ------
Loss before in
terest            (6.7)     (1.0)  (7.7)  (16.9)  (6.4)  (23.3)
Interest receivable0.3         -    0.3     1.3      -     1.3
and similar income
Interest payable  (0.1)        -   (0.1)   (0.3)     -    (0.3)
and similar
               --------  -------  ------  -------  ------ ------
Loss on ordinary  (6.5)     (1.0)  (7.5)  (15.9)  (6.4)  (22.3)
activities before
Tax on loss on       -         -      -       -      -       -
               --------  -------  ------  -------  ------ ------
Loss after        (6.5)     (1.0)  (7.5)   (15.9)  (6.4) (22.3)
Minority interests   -         -      -      0.2      -     0.2
               --------  -------  ------ -------  ------ ------
Loss for the      (6.5)     (1.0)  (7.5)   (15.7)  (6.4) (22.1)
financial year
               --------  -------  ------  -------  ------ ------
               --------  -------  ------  -------  ------ ------ 
Loss per share-                   (4.2p)                (13.9p)
                                 ------                  ------
                                 ------                  ------

No  dilution  of  loss per share would  arise  from  the
exercise of share options.

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
For the year ended 30 June 2000

                                     2000      1999
                                      #'m       #'m
Loss for the financial year          (7.5)    (22.1)
Exchange  difference on 
retranslation of net  assets            -      (0.2)
of foreign subsidiary undertakings
                                    ------   -------
Total recognised losses 
for the year                         (7.5)    (22.3)
                                    ------   -------
                                    ------   -------

Reconciliation  of Movements in Group  
Shareholders' Funds

For the year ended 30 June 2000
                                     2000      1999
                                      #'m       #'m
Group  shareholders' funds at 
the beginning  of  the   
year                                  6.7      28.9
Share capital issued                  5.5       0.1
Share issue costs                    (0.5)        -
Total recognised losses for the year (7.5)    (22.3)
                                   ------   ------
Group shareholders' funds 
at the end of the year                4.2       6.7
                                   ------   ------
                                   ------   ------
Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 30 June 2000

                               2000            1999
                                #'m             #'m
Fixed assets                                                    
Intangible assets                 -             0.1
Tangible assets                 1.1             2.5
Investments - restricted 
deposits                       10.2             9.7
                              ------           -----
                               11.3            12.3
                              ------           -----
                              ------           -----
Current assets                                                  
Stocks                         0.8              0.8
Debtors                        1.9              3.3
Assets held for resale           -              1.1
Cash and deposits              4.6              5.8
                              ------           -----
                               7.3             11.0
Creditors:  Amounts falling 
due  within  one year         (3.9)            (6.3)

                              ------           -----
Net current assets             3.4              4.7
                              ------           -----
Total assets less current 
liabilities                   14.7             17.0
                              ------           -----
Creditors:  Amounts falling  
due  after  more   
than one year                 (0.3)           (0.6)
Provisions for 
liabilities and charges      (10.2)           (9.7)
                              ------           -----
Net assets                     4.2              6.7
                              ------           -----
Capital and reserves                                            
Called-up share capital        1.9             39.7
Share premium account          4.6              0.1
Merger reserve                96.3             96.3
Profit and loss account      (98.6)           (129.4)
                             ------            -----
Equity shareholders' funds     4.2              6.7
                             ------            -----
The accounts were approved on behalf of the 
Board on 27th September 2000

Neil Kirkby
Finance Director

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 30 June 2000

                              2000             1999
                               #'m              #'m
Net cash outflow from 
operating activities          (7.7)           (19.5)
                             ------           ------
Returns  on  investments  
and  servicing   of                   
Interest received              0.3             1.3
Interest element of finance 
lease rentals                    -            (0.2)
Interest paid on unsecured 
loans                         (0.1)           (0.1)
                             ------           ------
Net  cash  inflow from 
returns on investments    
and servicing of finance       0.2             1.0
                             ------           ------
Capital expenditure and 
financial investment                    
Purchase of tangible 
fixed assets                  (0.2)           (0.7)
Proceeds on sale of 
fixed assets                   0.9               -
Proceeds on sale of 
assets held for resale         1.1             1.0
Net proceeds on sale of 
business                         -             1.0
                             ------           ------
Net  cash inflow 
from capital 
expenditure and              
financial investment           1.8             1.3
                             ------           ------
Net  cash outflow before 
management of liquid   
resources and financing       (5.7)          (17.2)
                             ------           ------
Management of liquid resources                                  
(Increase) decrease in 
short term deposits           (0.6)           17.5
                             ------           ------
Issue of ordinary shares       5.5             0.1
Share issue costs             (0.5)              -
New unsecured loan               -             1.0
Unsecured loan repayments     (0.2)           (0.2)
Capital  element 
payments  of  finance  
lease   rental                (0.3)           (2.1)
                             ------           ------

Net cash inflow (outflow ) 
from financing                 4.5            (1.2)
                             ------           ------
Decrease in cash              (1.8)           (0.9)
                             ------           ------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement - Notes

For the year ended 30 June 2000

  (a) Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash
                              2000      1999
                               #'m       #'m
Operating loss                (7.7)    (21.9)
Depreciation and impairment of 
tangible fixed assets          0.7       4.4
Loss on disposal of tangible 
fixed assets                    -        0.1
Release of obligation under 
loan agreements                 -       (1.1)
Decrease in trade creditors  (0.8)      (1.2)
(Decrease) increase in other 
creditors and accruals       (1.3)       1.5
Decrease (increase) in trade 
debtors                       0.1       (0.1)
Decrease (increase) in other 
debtors and prepayments       1.3       (1.5)
Decrease in inventories         -        0.3
Net cash outflow from 
operating activities         (7.7)    (19.5)

(b)  Reconciliation of net cash flow to 
movements in net funds
                                    2000   1999
                                     #'m    #'m
Decrease in cash in the year 
- unrestricted                      (1.8)  (0.5)
Decrease in cash in the year 
- restricted                           -   (0.4)
Decrease in cash in the year        (1.8)  (0.9)
Lease finance repayments             0.3    2.1
Repayments of unsecured loan         0.2    0.2
Proceeds of new unsecured loan         -   (1.0)
Cash used to increase (decrease) 
liquid resources - not
restricted                           0.6  (17.2)
Short term deposit - restricted        -   (4.2)
Cash used to decrease liquid 
resources - restricted                 -   (0.3)
Release of obligations under 
loan agreements                        -    0.8
Exchange adjustment                    -    0.1
Movement in net funds 
in the year                         (0.7)  (20.4)
Net funds at 1 July 1999             4.7    25.1

Net funds at 30 June 2000            4.0     4.7

(c)  Analysis of changes in net funds

                           As at                  As at
                     1 July 1999   Cash flow    30 June 2000
                             #'m         #'m       #'m
Cash                         2.4        (1.8)      0.6
Short term deposits          3.4         0.6       4.0
                        ---------  --------- ---------
Cash and deposits            5.8        (1.2)      4.6
Finance leases              (0.3)        0.3        -
Unsecured loan due in under 
one year                    (0.2)       (0.1)     (0.3)
Unsecured  loan due in more  than  
one year                    (0.6)        0.3      (0.3)

                        ---------  --------- ---------
Net funds                    4.7        (0.7)      4.0
                        ---------  --------- ---------

Notes to the Preliminary Results
For the year ended  30 June 2000

1.   Basis of accounting and preparation
The  information for the year ended 30 June 2000  is  an
abridged  version of the full accounts  for  that  year,
which  received an unqualified report from the auditors.
The  preliminary financial information has been prepared
using  accounting polices consistent with those  adopted
in the previous statutory accounts (to 30 June 1999).

The  financial information in this announcement does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section  240
of  the  Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for  the
previous  financial year ended 30 June  1999  have  been
delivered  to the Registrar of Companies. The  auditors'
report  on  those accounts was unqualified and  did  not
contain any statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies  Act  1985.  A copy of the  audited  statutory
accounts  for  the  year ended  30  June  2000  will  be
available  from  the  Company's  registered  office   at
Newtech   Square,  Deeside  Industrial  Park,   Deeside,
Flintshire, CH5 2NT from today. Copies of the  statutory
accounts  are being sent to shareholders today and  will
be filed with the Registrar of Companies today.

2.   Segmental analysis by class of business
The analysis by class of business segment of the Group's
turnover,  loss  on ordinary activities before  taxation
and  net  assets is set out below (the analysis  of  the
prior period's results has been restated to reflect  the
Group's  activities  following  restructuring  in   late

                                     2000    1999
Turnover                              #'m     #'m
Continuing business activities:
- Healthcare                          5.1     4.7
- Medical Diagnostics                 0.9     0.9
- Therapeutics R&D                    0.6     2.0
                                   ------  ------
                                      6.6     7.6
Discontinued activities*              0.2     1.6
                                   ------  ------
                                      6.8     9.2
                                   ------- ------
* Discontinued activities relate 
to the Food Diagnostics business  of  Provalis  
Diagnostics  Limited   and   the business  of  
Cortecs (Berger) Limited, disposed  of  in June  
1999  and  the  OTC  Division  of  the  Healthcare
business, disposed of in January 2000.

                                  2000                  1999
             Ordinary   Excepti Total  Ordin  Excepti  Total
           Activities      onal          ary     onal       
                  #'m     Items  #'m   Activ    Items   #'m
                            #'m        ities      #'m
Profit(loss) on 
before taxation

Continuing business                                         
- Healthcare      0.5        -   0.5    (0.1)      -   (0.1)
- Medical 
Diagnostics      (2.1)       -  (2.1)   (1.5)      -   (1.5)
R&D              (1.8)    (0.6) (2.4)   (9.2)   (3.7) (12.9)
- Common costs   (3.1)    (0.3) (3.4)   (4.9)   (1.3)  (6.2)
- Net interest 
receivable        0.2        -   0.2     1.0       -    1.0
                 -----  ------- -----   -----  -------  -----
                 (6.3)    (0.9) (7.2)  (14.7)   (5.0)   (19.7
activities*      (0.2)    (0.1) (0.3)   (1.2)   (1.4)   (2.6)
                 -----   ------- -----   -----  -------  -----
                 (6.5)    (1.0) (7.5)   (15.9)  (6.4)  (22.3)
                 -----   ------- -----   -----  -------  -----

                                2000      1999
Net assets                       #'m       #'m
- Healthcare                     0.4       0.6
- Medical Diagnostics            1.1       0.8
- Therapeutics R&D              (0.3)      1.7
                               --------  --------
                                 1.2       3.1
Discontinued activities*           -       1.5
                               --------- --------
                                 1.2       4.6
Unallocated assets including 
cash and deposits                4.6       5.8
Unallocated common liabilities  (1.6)     (3.7)
                               --------- ---------
Net assets                       4.2       6.7
                               --------- ---------

Analysis of continuing and discontinued business

               Continu  Disconti   Total       
                 ing      nued      #'m           
                 #'m       #'m                   
Turnover         6.6       0.2      6.8          
Cost of sales   (3.5)     (0.1)    (3.6)        
               _______   _______  ______       
Gross profit     3.1       0.1      3.2          
Selling &       (2.1)     (0.1)    (2.2)       
Administration  (4.5)     (0.3)    (4.8)        
Research     &  (3.9)       -      (3.9)        
               _______   _______  ______       
Operating loss  (7.4)     (0.3)    (7.7)        
               _______   _______  ______       

              Continui  Disconti-      Total  
                  nued       ued   
                  #'m        #'m         #'m
Turnover          7.6        1.6         9.2
Cost of sales    (3.9)      (0.8)       (4.7)

Gross profit      3.7        0.8         4.5
Selling &
expenses         (2.0)      (0.3)       (2.3)
costs            (6.9)      (0.7)       (7.6)
Research &
costs           (15.5)      (1.0)      (16.5)

               _______    _______     _______
Operating loss  (20.7)      (1.2)      (21.9)
               _______    _______     _______

3.     Exceptional Items

(a) Exceptional items included 
in operating loss
                          2000       1999
                           #'m        #'m
Redundancies (1)          (1.0)      (0.6)
Costs associated with 
the departure of a former 
Director (2)                 -      (1.8)
Impairment  of  research 
and development tangible fixed
assets (1)                   -      (3.4)
Release of obligations under 
loan agreements              -       0.8
                      _________ ________
                          (1.0)     (5.0)
                      ========= ========

(b) Exceptional items reported after operating loss

(Loss) profit on the sale or 
of operations 
Write down of assets of OraTol 
Limited to net 
realisable value (3)         -      (1.9)
Disposal of businesses (4)
                             -       0.5
                     __________ __________

                             -      (1.4)
                     =========  ==========

(1)The exceptional research and development costs  in
  1999 relate to the impairment of tangible fixed assets
  and #0.3 million of the #0.6 million redundancy costs.
  The  redundancies  in  2000  have  resulted  from  the
(2)The costs associated with the departure of a former
  Director  include the costs of settlement and  related
  expenses  arising  from the legal proceedings  seeking
  compensation  for  loss of office and  an  accrual  in
  respect of tax claims in relation to his contracts  of
(3)This relates to the write down of assets in OraTol
   Limited prior to the disposal of it in October 1999.
(4)The  profit  arising  on  disposal  of  businesses
   relates to the sale of the Food Diagnostics business of
   Provalis Diagnostics Limited and the business of Cortecs
   (Berger) Limited for a total consideration of #1 million
   on 18 June 1999.
(5)There  are no taxation consequences of  the  above
  exceptional items due to the availability of current and
  prior year tax losses.

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