RNS No 2628p
1st September 1998

                          Hartford Group PLC
               Proposed acquisition of Bluelodge Limited
          Proposed disposal of existing leisurewear business
     Proposed reclassification of shares and reduction of capital

. Proposed  acquisition of Bluelodge, which trades as the Pharmacy
  Bar  and  Restaurant,  for  an  initial  consideration  of  #3.6
  million  via  an issue of 644,625,000 new ordinary  shares  with
  additional  consideration being payable  based  on  the  pre-tax
  profit of Bluelodge for the accounting year ending 13 June  1999
  of  up to a further #3.6 million to be satisfied by the issue of
  up to a maximum of 644,625,000 new Ordinary Shares.
. Enlarged Group to focus on leisure and food related activities
  with Matthew Freud as Chief Executive.
. Proposed disposal of the Group's existing business DCI, for a
  payment totalling #750,000.
 Commenting on the announcement, Matthew Freud, Chairman of Bluelodge
     "We  have  ambitious expansion plans for the company  through
     the  organic  development of the Pharmacy concept  and  other
     created   restaurant  business.   Our  aim  is  to  establish
     Hartford as a leading branded restaurant group".

Commenting on the acquisition, Michael Edelson, Chairman of Hartford
Group PLC said:

     "I  am delighted to have concluded this deal with the Pharmacy
     which  enables  us to take advantage of the many opportunities
     available in the restaurant sector.  It also brings  on  board
     the  unique  talent  of Matthew Freud, whose  creative  vision
     will greatly benefit Hartford".

     Matthew Freud                         0171 291 6400
     Bluelodge Limited
     Michael Edelson                       0161 273 1088
     Hartford Group PLC                    
     Richard Hughes                        0161 831 9133
     Apax Partners & Co. Capital Limited
                          Hartford Group PLC
                            ("The Company")

               Proposed acquisition of Bluelodge Limited
                       Proposed disposal of DCI
     Proposed reclassification of shares and reduction of capital

It  was  announced today that the Company has conditionally agreed  to
acquire  the entire issued share capital of Bluelodge for  an  initial
consideration  of  #3.6  million to  be  satisfied  by  the  issue  of
644,625,000 new Ordinary Shares at approximately 0.56p per share  with
additional consideration being payable based on the pre-tax profit  of
Bluelodge  for  the accounting year ending 13 June 1999  of  up  to  a
further  #3.6  million  to be satisfied by  the  issue  of  a  further
644,625,000 new Ordinary Shares. The Company also announced today  the
proposed  disposal  of  DCI  to a company established  for  this  sole
purpose and controlled by Mr J H Lyons and Mr J M Edelson for a  total
cash  payment of #750,000 and a proposed reclassification of  Ordinary
Shares   and  a  reduction  of  capital.  Subject  to  and   following
confirmation  of the Reduction by the High Court and conditional  upon
the  Acquisition,  a  holder of Ordinary Shares at  the  date  of  the
Extraordinary  General  Meeting  will  receive  a  cash   payment   of
approximately 0.33p by way of cancellation and repayment of the  three
Deferred  Shares  to  be  held by each Shareholder  arising  from  the
reclassification of an Ordinary Share into one new Ordinary Share  and
three Deferred Shares.

The  Acquisition is classified as a reverse takeover for the  purposes
of  the  AIM  Rules,  and  for that reason dealings  in  the  existing
Ordinary  Shares were suspended, at your Board's request, on  17  July
1998 at a mid-market price of 2.75p.

An  Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company is being convened  at
which  Shareholders will be asked to consider and pass the resolutions
necessary  to approve the Acquisition, the Disposal and the  Reduction
and to implement them.

In  view of the size of Bluelodge in relation to the existing business
of  the  Group,  the Acquisition is conditional upon the  approval  of
shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting. The Disposal is  to
a newly incorporated company which is owned by Mr J H Lyons and Mr J M
Edelson.  The Disposal is a related party transaction for the purposes
of  the  AIM Rules, and is therefore conditional upon the approval  of
shareholders at the EGM. Application has been made to the London Stock
Exchange for the admission of the new Ordinary Shares to trading on to
the  Alternative  Investment  Market of  the  London  Stock  Exchange.
Dealings  are  expected to commence in the new Ordinary Shares  on  28
September 1998.

The Acquisition and the Disposal are conditional, inter alia, on

The Proposed Directors consider that, following the implementation  of
the  Acquisition and the Disposal and having regard to the  respective
values  placed  on DCI and Bluelodge, approximately #473,000  will  be
surplus  to the immediate capital needs of the Enlarged Group.  It  is
proposed  to  return  this surplus capital by way  of  the  Reduction.
Subject  to  and following confirmation of the Reduction by  the  High
Court  and  conditional upon the Acquisition,  a  holder  of  Ordinary
Shares  at  the  date  of  the  EGM will receive  a  cash  payment  of
approximately 0.33p by way of cancellation and repayment of the  three
Deferred  Shares  to  be  held by each Shareholder  arising  from  the
reclassification of an Ordinary Share into one new Ordinary  Share  of
0.25 pence and three Deferred Shares of 0.25 pence each.

Shareholders are invited to approve the Acquisition, the Disposal  and
the  Reduction  and  the resolutions necessary to implement  them.  If
either  the Acquisition or the Disposal does not gain the approval  of
Shareholders at the EGM, neither the Acquisition nor the Disposal will
be  implemented. In these circumstances none of the other  resolutions
proposed at the EGM, including the authority for the Reduction,  would
take effect as they are all inter-conditional.


Since  the admission to trading of the Ordinary Shares on AIM  earlier
this  year,  your  Board  has evaluated a  number  of  proposals  from
companies   wanting  to  make  use  of  Hartford's  AIM  listing   and
shareholder   base.   After   due  and   careful   investigation   and
consideration,  your  Board  believes that  the  Acquisition  and  the
Disposal represent the best opportunity for Shareholders. Pharmacy Bar
and Restaurant is a restaurant business which has traded since January
1998.  Your  Board believes the executive management team  of  Matthew
Freud  and Jonathan Kennedy has a track record which should facilitate
the expansion of the Company. They have advised on over 100 restaurant
launches worldwide.

As  it  is  the  intention of the Proposed Directors to focus  on  the
restaurant  sector,  a  key  element in  reaching  agreement  for  the
acquisition  of  Bluelodge was the disposal of the existing  business,
namely  DCI, at the same time as the new board appointments. In  order
to keep within the tight timeframe and to maintain confidentiality, Mr
Michael  Connolly invited management to prepare a cash offer for  DCI.
Following   negotiations,  an  agreement  was  reached,   subject   to
shareholder  approval, for the disposal of DCI to Highset  Limited,  a
company  established for this sole purpose and owned by Mr J  H  Lyons
and Mr J M Edelson.

The  business of David Conrad (International) Limited has gone through
some  change  this year following the termination of the Gola  licence
agreement on 31 December 1997 which has had an adverse impact on  both
turnover  and  profitability. This has been taken into account  during
the negotiations for the disposal of DCI.


Bluelodge trades as the Pharmacy Bar and Restaurant from 146/150 and
154/154a Notting Hill Gate, London.

Bluelodge  was  incorporated on 24 June  1998  by  Matthew  Freud  and
Jonathan Kennedy. Bluelodge's corporate strategy is to develop  highly
profitable  restaurant formats using the extensive  knowledge  of  its
current owners and resources from various levels of food retailing.

The  Pharmacy  Bar  and  Restaurant opened  in  January  1998  and  is
Bluelodge's first operation. Sites are under consideration for further
landmark restaurants.

Bluelodge's  executive management team includes Matthew  Freud  (Chief
Executive  Officer),  Jonathan Kennedy (Chief Operating  Officer)  and
Simon Scott (Finance Director).

Bluelodge has created a team of experienced senior managers to play  a
key  role in the development of the parent company's operations. Brief
biographies of the key personnel are set out below:

Liam  Carson  (Age 42), Group Operations Manager, who  previously  ran
Momo  and  the  Groucho  Club and has had  many  years  experience  in
launching and running successful restaurants.

Ruth Mayer (Age 31), General Manager, was previously manager of
London's Nobu restaurant.

Charles Pullan (Age 30), Assistant Manager and was previously manager
of the River Cafe.

The  ability  of the proposed Board to establish new restaurant  brand
names  provides  the Company with many opportunities  to  expand  into
merchandising and associated derivative products. A range of goods  is
currently in development for future retail expansion.

The  board of Bluelodge is satisfied with the first twenty-four  weeks
of trading. The period-to date loss before tax of #76,000 represents a
solid start to the business, which is now trading profitably.

The  board's  policy  was  to  launch the restaurant  with  no  direct
marketing   expenditure.   The  restaurant  was   initially   operated
significantly  below its capacity in order to provide premium  service
levels and to establish efficient operating systems. The board is  now
pleased   to  report  that  the  restaurant  capacity  has  materially
increased whilst payroll costs have been reduced without a detrimental
effect on service levels.


Hartford will acquire Bluelodge for an initial consideration  of  #3.6
million  to  be  satisfied  by the issue of 644,625,000  new  Ordinary
Shares  credited  as  fully  paid. Additional  consideration  will  be
payable  based  on the pre-tax profit of Bluelodge for the  accounting
year ending 13 June 1999 exceeding #200,000. For each #1 by which  the
pre-tax profit of Bluelodge exceeds #200,000, additional consideration
of  #12  will  become  payable. The additional consideration  will  be
satisfied by the issue of up to a maximum of 644,625,000 new  Ordinary
Shares credited as fully paid.


David  Conrad  (International) Limited designs, sources, promotes  and
distributes a large range of leather garments to mail order  companies
in  the  United Kingdom and leading high street multiple retailers  in
the United Kingdom and Europe.

Hartford Leisure operates a small scale corporate hospitality

In  the  year  ended  31  December 1997, David Conrad  (International)
Limited  achieved a profit after tax of #214,677 (1996:  #216,916)  on
turnover of #8,474,734 (1996: #6,238,267) and had a net asset value of
#360,843 (1996: #246,166).

It  is  the  Proposed Directors' strategy to focus on  the  restaurant
market  and as a result your Directors have entered into an  agreement
for  the sale of DCI, conditional on Shareholders approval, to Highset
Limited. When the Acquisition Agreement becomes unconditional  Highset
Limited will acquire DCI for a total payment of #750,000.


Each existing Ordinary Share will be converted into one new Ordinary
Share and three Deferred Shares.

As  at  30 June 1998, and based on unaudited management accounts,  the
Group  had  net  assets of #1,543,000. Having regard to the  immediate
working  capital needs of the Enlarged Group and in order for the  net
assets  of  the  Group to reflect the valuation of Bluelodge  and  the
number of new Ordinary Shares proposed to be issued, it is proposed to
reduce  the  issued  share capital of the Company  to  the  extent  of
#1,074,375 by cancelling all of the new Deferred Shares created by the
reclassification of shares.

Subject   to  the  Acquisition  being  approved  and  completed   and,
conditional  upon  the passing of the resolution to reduce  the  share
capital of the Company, application will be made to the High Court  to
confirm  the  Reduction.  Your  Board  has  taken  advice  of  counsel
regarding  the proposed reduction and whilst, as in any  reduction  of
capital, it is subject to the overriding discretion of the court, your
Board has reasonable grounds to believe that the Reduction will become

It  is  not  proposed that the Deferred Shares should be  admitted  to
trading  on AIM. Accordingly, you are advised to retain your  Deferred
Shares  in  order to receive the relevant cash payment  of  0.11p  per
Deferred  Share from the proposed reduction of capital,  should  Court
approval be obtained.

Your  Board  has taken advice as to the best method of reflecting  the
respective values of Bluelodge and the net asset value of the Company.
After  discussions  with the Vendors and bearing  in  mind  the  legal
restraints placed upon any realistic alternative proposals, your Board
considers the Reduction to be the most practicable course of action to


The  Board  of  the  Enlarged Group will consist  of  three  executive
directors and three non-executive directors. Brief biographies of  the
Proposed Directors are set out below:

Michael Edelson (Non-Executive Chairman), aged 54, is currently a non-
executive  director of Prestbury Group PLC, North West FM Limited  and
London & City Credit Corporation Ltd. He has been on the Board of  The
Manchester  United  Football  Club plc since  1982  and  is  Executive
Chairman  of Hartford Group PLC. Prior to its acquisition of  Edenhawk
Limited  in  December  1997,  Michael was the  founder  and  executive
chairman  of Prestbury Group PLC. He was also a non-executive director
of  Soccer Investments plc prior to its acquisition of Leicester  City
Football  Club  plc  and Managing Director of  Conrad  plc  until  its
reverse takeover of Sheffield United Football Club Limited in 1996. He
is also Executive Chairman of Wilmslow Group PLC, a company floated on
AIM in July 1998.

Matthew  Freud (Chief Executive) aged 34, began his career  in  public
relations  at  RCA  Records  at the age of eighteen.  He  subsequently
started his own consultancy in 1985, Matthew Freud Associates, and  in
1990  founded  Freud Communications to specialise in the entertainment
industry/consumer brands and restaurant marketing.  This  is  now  the
third  largest  consumer  agency in the UK and  previous  and  current
clients  include  the  Hard  Rock  Cafe,  The  Big  Breakfast,  Planet
Hollywood,  Pepsi Cola, Volkswagen, BT, Mars, BSkyB, Pizza Hut,  Chris
Evans, Geri Halliwell, Brooke Shields, Sylvester Stallone, Hugh Grant,
Arnold   Schwarzenegger,  Special  Olympics,  Department  of   Health,
Department  of Trade and Industry, Comic Relief, Channel  4,  PolyGram
Filmed Entertainment, Warner Bros, ICM and The William Morris Agency.

Freud  Communications'  Events Division have  created  Premieres  for,
amongst others, the following films: Armageddon, Batman & Robin, Bean,
Scream  1  &  2, 101 Dalmatians, Interview with a Vampire,  Conspiracy
Theory, Fairytale, Titanic, Star Wars, Romeo & Juliet, Four Weddings &
A  Funeral  and  Pulp Fiction. Freud Communications  was  acquired  by
Abbott Mead Vickers plc in 1995 for a consideration of #10 million.

In  1997 Matthew was invited by Peter Mandelson to serve alongside Sam
Chisholm  and  Michael  Grade on the Executive Committee  of  the  New
Milennium  Experience Company. He is also co-owner  of  Quo  Vadis  in

Jonathan   Kennedy  (Executive  Director),  aged  31,   joined   Freud
Communications  in 1990 as a board director to head up  the  company's
restaurant  and  events division. He has represented  acclaimed  chefs
such  as  Marco  Pierre White and Gualtiero Marchesi  in  addition  to
restaurant groups such as Cafe Rouge and Chez Gerard and is a co-owner
of Quo Vadis.

Simon Scott (Finance Director), aged 32, became a Chartered Accountant
in  1991  in  London with Coopers & Lybrand and has worked as  finance
director  of several food companies within the Hillsdown Holdings  PLC

Nicholas  Leslau,  (Non-Executive Director), aged 38.  He  joined  the
Burford  Group in 1983 and became Joint Managing Director in 1985  and
Chief  Executive in 1988. He has sat on several public company boards,
and  is  a non-executive director of Chorion plc and Nottingham Forest
plc. He is also Chairman and Chief Executive of Prestbury Group PLC.

Nigel Wray (Non-Executive Director), aged 50, is executive Chairman of
Burford  Holdings  plc and Carlisle Group plc. He is  a  non-executive
director  of  Singer & Friedlander Group plc, Nottingham  Forest  plc,
Chorion plc, Skyepharma PLC, Grantchester Holdings plc, Columbus Group
plc and of several other listed and private companies.


The remaining Directors of Hartford, Mr J Lyons and Mr M Connolly,
will resign on completion.


The  Directors and the Proposed Directors do not expect to  declare  a
dividend on the new Ordinary Shares in respect of the period ending 31
December  1998. No dividend will be payable to holders of the Deferred
Shares in any event.

The  Proposed Directors propose to pay a dividend on the new  Ordinary
Shares as soon as it is prudent to do so.


The  relevant  holdings of the members of the  Concert  Party,  as  at
today's  date and following the implementation of the Acquisition  and
based  upon  the assumption that the maximum additional  consideration
for Bluelodge is paid, are as follows:

                                       of the Acquisition
                    Existing    % of    Number of    %  of            
                   number of  issued          new   issued   Number of
                    Ordinary   share     Ordinary    share    Deferred
                      Shares capita1       Shares  capital      Shares
Matthew Freud              -       -  373,882,500    26.10           -
Jonathan Kennedy           -       -  257,850,000    18.00           -
Damien Hirst               -       -  257,850,000    18.00           -
Mike Rundell               -       -   12,892,500     0.90           -
Nigel Wray         5,000,000(1)  3.5  198,387,500    13.85  15,000,000(2)
Nicholas Leslau    5,000,000(1)  3.5  198,387,500    13.85  15,000,000(2)

(1) These holdings were acquired via a subscription prior to the
flotation of Hartford in March 1998.
(2) Deferred Shares confer no voting rights on the holders.

Damien Hirst, aged 34, was educated at Goldsmiths College, and first
achieved success as the curator of "Frieze", an exhibition of his own
and fellow contemporary British artists' work.  He is a director of
Science Limited, which manages his art and exhibitions.  Damien was
brought in as the creative consultant to Bluelodge Limited and
conceived the "Pharmacy" concept.

This  announcement  which  is being made by Apax  Partners,  which  is
regulated  by the Securities and Futures Authority Limited,  does  not
constitute an offer or an invitation to purchase any securities.

Apax  Partners  is acting for Hartford and no one else  in  connection
with  the  Proposals and will not be responsible to anyone other  than
Hartford for providing the protections afforded to customers  of  Apax
Partners  nor  for  providing advice in relation  to  the  Acquisition
Disposal and the Reduction.

This  announcement has been approved by Apax Partners  &  Co.  Capital
Limited  which  is  regulated by the Securities and Futures  Authority
Limited  solely  for  the  purposes of Section  57  of  the  Financial
Services Act 1986.



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