RNS Number:7754Y
Skillsgroup PLC
13 February 2001

                        Skillsgroup plc
   Preliminary Results for the year ended 30th November 2000
             "A developing vision for the future"

Skillsgroup  plc,  a  leading information technology  services
specialist  and  the UK's number one IT training  company,  is
pleased to announce the following:

*    Turnover from continuing businesses increased by 2.5%  to
     #56.4m (1999: #55.0m)
*    Adjusted* EPS 3.7p (1999: 8.6p)
*    Continuing  businesses adjusted operating profits  before
     internet  project and central costs up  13.9%  to  #12.3m
     (1999: #10.8m)
*    Continuing  businesses adjusted operating  margin  before
     internet project and central costs of 21.8% (1999: 19.6%)
*    Headline  loss before tax of #17.4m (1999: profit  before
     tax #11.4m)
*    Total dividend of 5.8p per share (1999: 5.7p), up 1.7%
*    Strong balance sheet - year end net cash #1.8m
*    All legacy issues dealt with - the Group enters 2001 on a
     clean and focused basis
*    Name change and reorganisation creates "One Company,  One
     Brand" - QA plc

     *i.e. continuing operations, before all exceptionals  and
     goodwill amortisation

Commenting  on  the results, Keith Burgess, the new  Executive
Chairman said:

"The  start of financial year 2001 has been satisfactory  with
revenue   and   profits  ahead  of  last  year.  The   Group's
reorganisation   and  rebranding  is  progressing   well   and
management is concentrating on driving growth in our business.

While it will take time for the changes we are making to  work
through,  we look forward to a year in which we can  begin  to
demonstrate the advantages of a focussed operation in  driving
value and growth into the Group."

For further information, please contact:

Skillsgroup plc on 13th Feb 2001: 0207 253 2252

Dr Keith Burgess, Executive Chairman
thereafter: 020 7656 8495

Colin Gibson, Finance Director


Golin/Harris Ludgate                           0207 253 2252
Reg Hoare / Edward Macquisten

Chairman's Statement


This  is  my first report as Chairman of Skillsgroup.    I  am
pleased  to outline the progress made by the business  in  the
past  twelve  months  and  to  provide  an  insight  into  our
developing vision for the future.

I  joined the business in November 2000 in time to help ensure
the  disposal  of  Acuma that completed  the  transition  from
products   distributor  to  information  technology   services
specialist.  This change has taken six years and  has  been  a
very  major factor in the volatility of our results and  share
price  over  that period.  The major disposals  of  our  lower
margin  businesses during the past year - QA Myriad for  #31.4
million  and  Acuma for #4.5 million - leave us  more  focused
than at any time in Skillsgroup's recent history.

In the past year, external market conditions were unusual even
for  a  sector  accustomed  to the unusual.   The  Y2K  effect
adversely  affected us, like many others, with many  corporate
spending plans, resources and projects put on hold in case  of
problems  associated  with  date compliance.   Traditional  IT
projects   spending   took  longer  to   recover   than   most
commentators had predicted and in some areas the recovery  has
been  more  limited than was expected.  At the same time,  the
world awoke to the potential of the Internet - and the hype of
a  new-world  economy - giving rise to a short-lived  boom  in
demand for technology stocks.

Internally,  the previous financial year had been  a  year  of
significant  acquisitions.  Going  into  2000,  a  number   of
management  changes  were  made  and  action  was   taken   to
restructure   and  integrate  the  recently  acquired   Pontis
Consulting,  Cap Gemini Training  and GA Information  Services

These  external and internal factors served to produce a  weak
financial  performance in the first half  of  the  year.   The
second  half was stronger and, in training at least,  gives  a
more  encouraging indication of what the Company  can  achieve
with the operations that remain.

Financial Results

Turnover  for continuing operations in the year to 30 November
2000  was #56.4 million, compared with #55.0 million in  1999,
which  included  only  the  post-acquisition  results  of  the
businesses  acquired in that year.  The full year turnover  of
QA  Training  was  marginally down on 1999 on a  like-for-like
basis, but second half like-for-like growth was 7.9%.  Revenue
in the Pontis Consulting business was 31.5% lower than 1999 on
a  like-for-like basis with some of this reduction due  to  an
inability  to preserve the pre-Y2K revenues of the  former  QA
Consulting  operation integrated at the end  of  1999.   While
tight  control  was maintained on operations, additional  work
will  be  needed to re-establish the growth in  this  business
following the retrenchment of the earlier part of the year.

The overall results for Skillsgroup were impacted by costs  of
#6.6  million on initiatives designed to achieve a significant
acceleration in the progress its businesses were making in  e-
commerce  and  web-related areas.  These  we  have  termed  as
internet  projects.    Before the impact of  these  costs,  QA
Training's  operating margin adjusted to exclude  exceptionals
and  goodwill amortisation ("adjusted") was up from  18.2%  to
21.6%.   After  internet project costs the adjusted  operating
margin   was  12.8%.   In  Pontis  Consulting,  the   adjusted
operating  margin was 22.5% before internet project costs  and
15.8%  after  them,  compared with a 1999  adjusted  operating
margin of 24.1%.

Adjusted operating profits for the continuing operations  were
up  13.9%  to #12.3 million before internet project costs  and
central  costs. The overall operating margin for  QA  Training
and  Pontis Consulting together on this basis grew from  19.6%
to  21.8%.   Against  the backdrop of the early  restructuring
described  and a weak market, particularly in the first  half,
this represents a satisfactory if unexciting result.

In  addition to the internet project investment programme, our
total  net trading performance was affected by the significant
loss  in  the  Acuma business - #5.3 million  before  internet
project costs, goodwill and exceptionals compared with a  #3.2
million profit in 1999.

There is also a significant exceptional charge totalling #13.0
million  comprising both operating and non-operating elements.
The  non-operating charges included a loss  of  #18.9  million
(including  #0.7  million  provision  for  expected   December
trading  losses) resulting from the Acuma disposal.  This  was
offset in part by a #10.8 million profit on the disposal of QA
Myriad and by a #0.6 million gain from the disposal of a small
trade investment acquired in 1998 as part of the closure of QA
Training's  US  operation.   Furthermore,  separate  property-
related  charges totalling #3.4 million were required.   These
comprised a #2.9 million non-operating write-down of  carrying
values  and  a  #0.5 million operating provision  for  onerous
lease  commitments  arising from surplus  properties  retained
following current year and prior year business disposals.  The
balance of the operating charges total #2.1 million and relate
to  restructuring actions taken in Acuma, to the Board changes
near  the  year end and to exceptional write-downs of  debtors
and accrued income in Pontis.   As a result, all legacy issues
have  been dealt with and we enter 2001 on a clean and focused

As  a  result  of  these factors, the previous  year's  profit
before  tax  of #11.4 million was turned into a #17.4  million
loss  with basic EPS of 10.8 pence converted into a  loss  per
share  of 18.4 pence.  Adjusted EPS for the operations,  which
are now classified as continuing, were down from 8.6 pence  to
3.7   pence  with  the  internet  project  costs  charged   to
continuing  operations  responsible  for  4.7  pence  of  this
reduction.   A  change  from interest receivable  to  interest
payable accounted for most of the balance.

Over  the  year  the  business  generated  #11.7  million   of
operating  cashflow from the continuing businesses  after  all
central costs and finished the year with a small positive  net
cash position.


The  Board proposes to retain the final dividend at 4.0  pence
(1999:  4.0  pence) making a total of 5.8 pence for  the  year
(1999: 5.7 pence).

Internet Projects

Turning now to the internet projects, the bulk of the spending
was  within  QA  Training  where #2.5  million  was  spent  on
developing  and  implementing eDynamix,  a  market-leading  e-
commerce  booking  system, together with  related  back-office
system  changes.  This system has now been implemented  in  70
corporate customers and includes a dynamic discounting  model,
which  encourages  forward booking and  customer  loyalty.   A
further  #1.4  million was spent within the training  business
mainly  to  progress  the  development  of  certain  web-based
training  (i.e.  e-learning) products and integrated  learning
offerings,  which  blend web-based elements  with  traditional
methods.  Sales of these offerings will commence in the  first
half of this year.

Having identified significant opportunities in the market  for
managing  the skills development processes in major corporates
using  web-based  learning management  technologies,  we  have
invested  #1.3 million under the Avansar initiative developing
business plans and some initial consulting capability in  this

The  balance  of  our internet project costs  relates  to  the
enhancement  and  development  of  our  technical   consulting
capabilities in web-based technologies, and to the development
of  the  IDS  product within the now-sold Acuma business.   In
addition,  the acquisition in June of Direct Media  Technology
for  a capital cost of #5.3 million gave us access to our  own
learning  management  system  and  experience  of  selling  e-
learning products.

Strategy for Growth

As  we  enter the 2001 fiscal year, Skillsgroup comprises  two
businesses, the QA training business and the Pontis technology
consulting  business,  which are operating  soundly  and  have
considerable  untapped  potential.   Additionally,  we  see  a
number   of  opportunities  in  the  areas  of  human  capital
development  and in the implementation of learning  management
systems, but whether these opportunities will materialise  and
can be seized by us is at this point, unproven.


The  first step is to clearly position and focus the business.
Our  aim  is  to  be  recognised as a specialist  IT  services
business   that  improves  the  IT  effectiveness   of   large
organisations.    Our  focus is on  enhancing  the  skills  of
people,  optimising human capital investment and providing  IT
expertise that complements in-house skills.  In doing  so,  we
will  help  clients  to  be  more  efficient,  effective   and
innovative, adding value to their organisation overall.

One Business Organisation

Until  now, we have adopted a fragmented approach by operating
through  separate  relatively autonomous businesses  for  each
area  of  specialisation.    We are changing this approach  to
operate as one integrated business with four divisions:

*    Training
*    Technology Consulting
*    Human Capital Development
*    Learning Products

The  training,  technology consulting  and  learning  products
divisions   are  clearly  formed  from  QA  Training,   Pontis
Consulting,  and the recently acquired DMT business.   In  the
human  capital development division, we are bringing  together
all  relevant consulting skills that were previously dispersed
throughout   the   Group  including  those  previously   being
assembled under the Avansar initiative.

As  one  business we aim to leverage our client  relationships
and  channels to market; achieve operational efficiencies  and
cost  savings;  more effectively share and manage  information
and   knowledge;  and  more  effectively  utilise  staff   and
management skills.

We   have  redefined  our  approach  to  management  with  the
formation  of a single management team.  The objective  is  to
create  an  integrated and cohesive company that  is  able  to
realise  the  potential of its impressive  client  base,  high
quality training portfolio, experienced team of technology and
architecture consultants and emerging market opportunities.

A Single Brand Identity

We  intend  to rename all areas of the business as  QA  during
February  2001  and  in support of this, we  are  establishing
single sales and marketing organisation.  QA is already a well-
recognised  name  in the market and we will invest  to  build,
over time, a significant brand for the business.  This process
will be helped by the realignment of all marketing efforts  in
support  of one identity - leveraging all our resources  in  a
single direction.

In  doing  this,  we  will achieve better visibility  for  our
marketing  efforts.   The  change of company  names  is  being
managed   through  a  well-defined  communications   programme
designed  to  protect the goodwill built-up  in  the  outgoing
company  names  and  to  ensure a smooth  transition  for  all
stakeholders.   In view of this change, we propose  to  rename
the  parent company as QA plc.  Shareholder approval  will  be
sought  for  this change at the Annual General Meeting  on  27
April 2001.

Furthermore,  the reorganised business will  be  supported  by
centralised   finance,  human  resource   and   administration
functions,  which  will help ensure more efficient  and  cost-
effective support for the entire business.

Board changes

In addition to the major changes in the focus of the business,
this  year  has also seen a number of changes in Skillsgroup's
senior  management  and our thanks are  due  to  the  retiring
directors  for  their contribution.  Over the  course  of  the
year,  Philip  Livesey and Mike McGoun stepped  down  as  non-
executive  directors.  Robert Hough and Helen Weir joined  the
Board  in  June  with  Robert  becoming  non-executive  deputy
Chairman  on 14 November 2000.  David Ince left the  Board  in
December  2000 on the completion of the Acuma disposal.  David
Southworth  left the Board at the year-end after 14  years  as
Chief  Executive  and  latterly  as  Executive  Chairman.    I
succeeded David as Executive Chairman on 14 November 2000  and
wish to offer him the thanks of the Board for his considerable
contribution to the business over a long and difficult period.

In Conclusion

The  start  of financial year 2001 has been satisfactory  with
revenue and profits ahead of last year.

We  believe that the human capital and learning products areas
do  have  a genuine opportunity this year and we recognise  we
must  continue investing in these areas during the next fiscal
year  though  we  intend to ensure that  the  extent  of  this
investment remains within our means.   Our reorganisation  and
rebranding is progressing well and management is concentrating
on driving growth in our business.

While it will take time for the changes we are making to  work
through,  we look forward to a year in which we can  begin  to
demonstrate the advantages of a focused operation  in  driving
value and growth into the business.

                        Skillsgroup plc
    Preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2000
             Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                           2000        1999
                                               as restated
                                  Notes      #m        #m


Continuing operations               1      56.4      55.0

Discontinued operations             1      84.3     143.7
                                          140.7     198.7
Operating (loss)/profit

Continuing operations               1       0.7       6.5

Discontinued operations             1      (7.2)      4.5
                                           (6.5)     11.0

Provision for loss on disposal of                     
  fixed asset - continuing          3       (2.9)     -
Profit on sale of fixed asset                         
  investment - continuing           3        0.6      -
Net loss on sale of discontinued                      
  operations                        3       (8.1)     -

                                           (10.4)     -

(Loss)/profit on ordinary
  activities before interest              (16.9)     11.0
Net interest (payable)/receivable          (0.5)      0.4
(Loss)/profit on ordinary
  activities before taxation              (17.4)     11.4

Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary
  activities                                1.2      (2.1)
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
  after taxation                          (16.2)      9.3

Dividends                                  (5.1)     (5.0)
Transfer (from)/to reserves               (21.3)      4.3

Basic (loss)/earnings per share     5     (18.4)p    10.8p

Fully diluted (loss)/ earnings
  per share                         5     (18.4)p    10.7p

Adjusted earnings per share *       5       3.7p      8.6p

Adjusted fully diluted earnings
  per share *                       5       3.7p      8.5p

* adjusted  to exclude discontinued operations, operating  and
non operating exceptional items and goodwill amortisation

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the loss  for
the year.
                        Skillsgroup plc
    Preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2000
                  Consolidated Balance Sheet

                           2000     2000      1999    1999
                             #m       #m        #m      #m

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                   66.0               78.5
Tangible assets                     11.9               17.6
Investments                          2.9                 -
                                  ______              _____
                                    80.8               96.1
                                  ______              _____
Current assets
Stock                         0.5              0.9
Debtors                      24.6             48.3
Cash at bank and in hand     15.3              3.6
                          ______             _____
                                    40.4               52.8

Creditors - amounts due
  within one year
Borrowings                   (8.2)           (17.9)
Other creditors             (37.6)           (47.6)
                          ______             _____
                                   (45.8)             (65.5)
                                  ______              _____
Net current liabilities             (5.4)             (12.7)

Total assets less current
  liabilities                       75.4               83.4

Creditors - amounts due
  after one year
Borrowings                   (5.3)            (6.1)
Other creditors              (0.4)            (1.2)
                           ______             _____
                                    (5.7)              (7.3)

Provisions for liabilities
  and charges                       (3.3)              (1.5)
                                  ______              _____
Net assets                          66.4               74.6
                                  ______              _____
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital              8.8                8.8
Deferred share capital               3.5                4.6
Share premium                       45.4               44.5
Other reserves                       1.5                1.5
Profit and Loss account              7.2               15.2
                                  ______              _____
Equity shareholders' funds          66.4               74.6
                                  ______              _____

                        Skillsgroup plc
    Preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2000
                Consolidated Cashflow Statement

                                            2000      1999
                                              #m        #m

Reconciliation of operating profit
  to net cash flow from operating

Operating (loss)/profit                     (6.5)      11.0
Goodwill amortisation                        4.5        2.4
Depreciation                                 4.2        3.7
Profit on fixed assets disposals             -         (0.2)
Decrease in stock                            0.3        1.0
Decrease/(increase) in debtors              13.9       (1.6)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors            (6.4)       0.4
Increase/(decrease) in provisions            0.3       (0.5)
Net cash inflow from operating activities   10.3       16.2

Consolidated cash flow statement            2000       1999
                                              #m         #m

Net cash inflow from operating activities   10.3       16.2

Returns on investments and servicing of
  Finance Net interest (paid)/received      (0.6)       0.9

Corporation tax paid                        (3.5)      (3.5)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of fixed assets                    (3.5)      (3.4)
Purchase of fixed asset investment          (2.9)       -
Fixed assets disposals                       0.2        0.4
Sale of trade investment                     0.9        -

                                            (5.3)      (3.0)

Acquisition and disposals

Acquisition of businesses
- total impact on net cash/ borrowings      (5.5)     (61.2)
- increase in borrowings(excluding                    
 overdrafts)                                 4.2       22.5
Cash outflow from acquisitions                        
                                            _________ ______

(including net overdraft acquired of                  
  #0.1 million)                             (1.3)     (38.7)
Disposal of businesses                      31.0        0.2

                                            29.7      (38.5)

Equity dividend paid                        (5.0)      (4.4)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing  25.6      (32.3)

                        Skillsgroup plc
    Preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2000

1     Segmental report

     The  analysis of turnover and operating profit by  business
     group is as follows:

# million
              2000   2000    Inte-   Opera- Good    Cent-  Total
              Turn-  Opera-  rnet    ting   will    ral
              over   ting    Proj-   Except Amorti- Costs
                     Profit  ect     ional  sation  alloc
                     Base    Costs   items          -ation
                            (note 2)(note 3)

QA Training   44.4    9.6    (3.9)    -      (1.7)   -     4.0
  Consulting  12.0    2.7    (0.8)   (0.6)   (1.6)   -    (0.3)
Avansar        -      -      (1.3)    -      (0.5)   -    (1.8)
Central Costs  -      -       -       -        -   (1.2)  (1.2)
              56.4   12.3    (6.0)   (0.6)   (3.8)  (1.2)  0.7

QA Myriad     30.7    1.4     -       -       -      -     1.4
  Solutions   53.6   (5.3)   (0.6)   (0.9)   (0.7)   -    (7.5)
Central Costs  -      -       -       -       -     (1.1) (1.1)
              84.3   (3.9)   (0.6)   (0.9)   (0.7)  (1.1) (7.2)

Central Costs  -     (1.2)    -      (1.1)    -      2.3   -
             140.7    7.2    (6.6)   (2.6)   (4.5)   -    (6.5)

# million
              1999   1999    Inte-   Opera- Good    Cent-  Total
              Turn-  Opera-  rnet    ting   will    ral
              over   ting    Proj-   Except Amorti- Costs
                     Profit  ect     ional  sation  alloc
                     Base    Costs   items          -ation


QA Training   41.7    7.6     -     (0.8)    (1.1)   -     5.7
  Consulting  13.3    3.2     -     (0.3)    (1.2)   -     1.7
Central Costs  -      -       -      -        -     (0.9) (0.9)
              55.0   10.8     -     (1.1)    (2.3)  (0.9)  6.5

QA Myriad     63.2    3.3     -       -       -       -    3.3
  Solutions   80.5    3.2     -     (0.2)    (0.1)    -    2.9
Central Costs  -      -       -       -       -      (1.7)(1.7)
             143.7    6.5     -     (0.2)    (0.1)   (1.7) 4.5

Central Costs    -   (1.2)    -     (1.4)     -       2.6  -
             198.7   16.1     -     (2.7)    (2.4)    -   11.0


2    Internet project costs

     # million
     QA Training
     e-commerce systems                                (2.5)
     e-learning products                               (1.4)
     Pontis Consulting                                 (0.8)
     Avansar                                           (1.3)
     Acuma                                             (0.6)
     In QA Training costs of #2.5 million were incurred on
     developing and implementing eDynamix, a market leading e-
     commerce booking system (together with associated back
     office systems).  A further #1.4 million was incurred on
     the development and preliminary marketing of e learning
     products which includes web based and integrated learning
     In Pontis Consulting #0.8 million of costs were incurred on
     the  enhancement  and  development of technical  consulting
     capabilities in web based technologies.
     #1.3  million  of  costs were incurred  under  the  Avansar
     initiative  on the development of business plans  and  some
     initial  consulting capability in the market  for  managing
     the  skills  developments processes  in  major  corporates,
     using web based learning management technologies.
     The  balance of the spending of #0.6 million was  used  for
     the development and marketing of the IDS product within the
     Acuma business prior to its disposal.

3    Exceptional Items

     Operating exceptional items
     # million

     Exceptional bad debt/ accrued revenue provisions  (0.6)
     Restructuring costs                               (0.9)
     Board changes                                     (0.6)
     Provision for onerous property leases             (0.5)

     The  bad  debt  and  accrued revenue provisions  relate  to
     balances  in Pontis Consulting brought forward  from  1999,
     which  are  not  now  expected to be recovered.  These  are
     considered exceptional due to their size.
     The  restructuring costs relate to redundancies  and  other
     charges associated with headcount reductions made in  Acuma
     during the year prior to the disposal of that business.
     The  exceptional  costs  for  the  board  changes  comprise
     severance  costs  for DR Southworth and  MF  McGoun  on  30
     November  2000,  and  recruitment  expenses  for  the   new
     chairman, Dr K Burgess.
     A review of the properties held at the year end resulted in
     an  increase  of #0.5 million to the provision for  onerous
     leases. This represents costs that are expected to arise as
     sub  leases end and include provisions for marketing, legal
     and  dilapidation  costs, and any anticipated  future  rent
     The  operating  exceptional charge in  1999  includes  #1.4
     million  relating to the writedown of the  P&P  UK  desktop
     sales  proceeds  and additional provisions for  leases  and
     other  costs  arising from that disposal and  #1.3  million
     restructuring costs which related principally to  severance
     and    other   integration   costs   following   the   1999
     Non operating exceptional items

     # million

     Provision for loss on disposal of fixed asset     (2.9)
     Profit on sale of fixed asset investment           0.6
     Profit on sale of QA Myriad                       10.8
     Loss on sale of Acuma Solutions                  (18.9)
     Net  loss  on  sale of discontinued operations    (8.1)
     The  former  P&P headquarters building has been sold  since
     the year end for #1.1 million and an exceptional charge has
     been  made  to write it down to that value at  30  November
     QA  Training  disposed of its investment in  Wave  Inc.  in
     March  2000  for  a  consideration of  #0.9  million.  This
     investment  has  not, in prior financial  statements,  been
     included within fixed assets on the grounds of materiality.
     It  was acquired in 1998 in exchange for the assets  of  QA
     Training's small US operation.

     QA  Myriad was sold to a subsidiary of Hays plc on 27  June
     2000  for a cash consideration of #31.4 million, which  has
     been received in full. The total consideration includes  an
     upward  adjustment  of #0.2 million,  which  arose  on  the
     agreement of the net working capital at completion.
     A  contract for the sale of GA Information Services Limited
     and substantially all of the assets of Acuma Solutions to a
     subsidiary  of  JZ  International  plc  was  entered   into
     immediately  prior  to  the  year  end.  The  disposal  was
     approved  by  shareholders  at  an  extraordinary   general
     meeting  held  on  22  December 2000. The  total  effective
     consideration  at  completion was #7.0  million,  and  this
     includes #2.5 million of deferred contingent consideration;
     the  initial  consideration was split equally between  cash
     and  loan notes. The loss on disposal, which does not  take
     account of the deferred consideration, is #18.9 million and
     includes  a  #0.7  million provision for  operating  losses
     incurred in Acuma from 30 November 2000, until the date  of
     completion of the disposal on 22 December 2000.  Under  the
     terms of the sale agreement the consideration is subject to
     adjustment  by  reference to the level of indebtedness  and
     working capital in the business at the date of completion.

4    The  1999  accounts  are  abridged from  the  Group's  full
     accounts  on  which the auditors have given an  unqualified
     opinion. The 2000 statutory accounts will be filed with the
     Registrar  of  Companies in due course. The Group  accounts
     include   the   accounts  of  the  Company  and   all   its
     subsidiaries  made  up to the end of  the  financial  year,
     which  is  within  one  week of the end  30  November.  The
     accounts have therefore been prepared for 53 weeks ended  2
     December 2000 (1999: 52 weeks ended 27 November 1999).

5    The  calculation of basic earnings per share is based  upon
     profits  on  ordinary  activities  after  taxation  and   a
     weighted  average  of 87,909,000 (1999: 86,005,790)  shares
     and  the  fully diluted earnings per share is  based  on  a
     weighted  average of 88,165,000 (1999: 86,571,076)  shares.
     The calculation of adjusted earnings per share is based  on
     continuing operations profits before goodwill amortisation,
     operating and non operating exceptional charges.

6    Copies of the Group's full report and accounts will be sent
     to  all shareholders in due course. Additional copies  will
     be   available   from  the  Company's  registered   office,
     Skillsgroup  plc,  Bridgford House,  Heyes  Lane,  Alderley
     Edge, Cheshire, SK9 7JP.

7    The AGM will be held on 27 April 2001.

8    At  a  meeting  held  on  1 February  2001,  the  Board  of
     Skillsgroup plc recommended payment of a final dividend of 4.0
     pence per share to holders of 10 pence ordinary shares on the
     register at the close of business on 23 March 2001.

9    The  recommended final dividend, together with the  interim
     dividend already paid, make a total dividend for the year of
     5.8 pence, compared with 5.7 pence for 1999.

10   This  statement  constitutes non-statutory accounts  within
     the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and was
     approved  by  the Directors and agreed with  the  Company's
     auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers on 13 February 2001.

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