RNS No 9829e
2nd February 1999

                        Skillsgroup plc
  Preliminary Results for the twelve months ended 30 November 1998

Skillsgroup,  a  leading  provider of  information  technology
services, is pleased to announce the following:
* Operating  profits for the continuing businesses  before
   central costs increased by 38% to #13.1 million (1997:  #9.5
* Operating  margin (continuing businesses)  increased  to
   8.1% (1997: 6.8%)
* Turnover  for the continuing businesses  rose  16.1%  to
   #162.3m (1997: #139.7m)
* Profit before tax #14.4m (1997: #16.3m loss)
* Earnings per share 12.5p (1997: 23.3p loss)
* Total Dividend increased by 19% to 5.0p (1997: 4.2p)
* Net cash balances as at 30 November 1998 of #34.1 million
Commenting   on  the  results,  David  Southworth,   Executive
Chairman said:
"Growth  prospects for Skillsgroup in 1999 and beyond continue
to  look  bright  despite the warnings  of  economic  slowdown
coming from many areas of industry.
The  next stage of our development will depend on our  ability
to  grow  our businesses consistently and to acquire companies
that  would  assist Skillsgroup achieve market  leadership  in
skills-led  IT services, primarily in the areas of  enterprise
solutions, consultancy, and technical training.
The future holds exciting growth opportunities for Skillsgroup
and  I  believe  that we shall be successful in achieving  our
stated  aims relating to the improvement of operating  margins
and the achievement of consistent earnings growth."
For further information, please contact:
Skillsgroup plc               On 2 February 1999: 0171 253 2252
David Southworth, Executive Chairman  Thereafter: 01625 591 200
Ludgate Communications Ltd
Reg Hoare/Chris Lynch                             0171 253 2252
The  Board  of  Skillsgroup is pleased to  report  a  year  of
significant  progress  in  its  determination  to   become   a
consistently  successful  provider of  information  technology
skills  and  solutions.  Our businesses in resource management
(QA  Group)  and  enterprise solutions (Acuma) have  performed
extremely  well  and  have  benefited  from  buoyant   trading
conditions throughout the year.
Highlights of the year ended 30 November 1998 include:
* Turnover  for  the continuing businesses #162.3  million
   (1997: #139.7 million)
* Operating  profits for the continuing businesses  before
   central  costs increased by 38% to #13.1million (1997:  #9.5
* Operating  margin  for the continuing businesses  before
   central costs increased to 8.1% (1997: 6.8%)
* Central  costs  reduced  to  #1.2  million  (1997:  #2.0
* Profit before tax of #14.4 million (1997: #16.3  million
* Basic earnings per share 12.5 pence (1997: 23.3p loss)
* Final  Dividend increase to 3.5p per share giving a total
   dividend for the year of 5.0p (1997: 4.2p)
* Net cash balances as at 30 November 1998 of #34.1 million
Reorganisation and Disposals
In  line with our strategy of focusing on higher value skills-
based activities, we have completed since our last year end, a
major  restructuring programme including the disposals of  the
product businesses of P&P UK Desktop, P&P Sweden, P&P Rentals,
P&P  Belgium and Acuma PSL for a total consideration estimated
at #41.3  million  and  transfer of net  borrowing commitments
of  #14.8 million.    These  disposals  have  transformed  our
financial  position  and  have  taken  us firmly  out  of  the
commodity  products  marketplace.   The  processes  of   major
strategic  change  arising  from  our  focus  on  skills-based
activities and the sale of non-core businesses are now complete.
Skillsgroup  is  focused on those segments of the  information
technology  marketplace which offer higher margin  and  growth
potential  as a result of the need for skills-based  services.
The  Group  comprises  two operations,  QA  and  Acuma,  which
provide information technology expertise to meet the needs  of
large commercial and public sector organisations.  QA operates
within  the  resource management sector, providing information
technology,  training, consultancy and contracting/recruitment
services, which is estimated to be growing by 15-20% per annum
and  is  driven  by factors such as skills shortages  and  the
increasing  reliance  on  computer technology  by  businesses.
0Acuma operates within the enterprise solutions sector which is
estimated to be growing by 15-25% per annum and is driven by a
number of factors including electronic commerce and the  large
scale   computerisation  of  business  processes.   Acuma   is
principally concerned with the provision of systems for  large
groups  of  users,  typically based on  UNIX  and  Windows  NT
platforms along with Internet/Intranet technologies.
Business Performance
In the year ended 30 November 1998, QA increased its operating
profits  by 41% from #6.4million to #9.0 million on  increased
revenues of #99.7 million (up 25%).  Acuma increased operating
profits by 32% from #3.1 million to #4.1 million (based  on  a
5%  revenue increase to #62.6 million) mainly as a  result  of
the  higher proportion of services content in Acuma's turnover
contributing  to  a  stronger  gross  margin  performance  and
increased  profitability.  QA's  operating  margins  increased
from  8.0%  to  9.0%  and Acuma's from  5.2%  to  6.5%.   This
performance was very encouraging and takes us further  towards
our medium term targeted operating margin of 10%.
Financial Position
The   Group's   financial  position  has   been   considerably
strengthened to net cash of #34.1 million at 30 November  1998
(net  borrowings #7.9 million in 1997) principally as a result
of   the disposals noted above.  This strengthening allows  us
to    take    advantage   of   acquisition   and   development
opportunities.   In  addition, the  current  mix  of  business
ensures  that the Group will be more cash generative  than  in
the  past.  Our net asset position has also improved to  #52.6
million at the year end from #40.6 million in 1997.
The Board is recommending that the final dividend for the year
ended 30 November 1998 should be increased by 21% to 3.5p  per
share  (1997  - 2.9p per share) making an overall increase  in
the  dividend  payable for the year of 19% to 5.0p  per  share
(1997  -  4.2p per share).  The final dividend will be payable
to  shareholders on the register at 16 April  1999  on  8  May
Acquisition of ISL
As we announced in November 1998, Skillsgroup acquired ISL for
a   maximum   net  consideration  of  #2.9million.    Of   the
consideration, #1.9 million was settled at completion with the
remainder  being  deferred.  ISL  is  a  leading  provider  of
business  intelligence solutions to corporate customers.   The
company  helps  clients  gain  greater  efficiency  in   their
businesses by providing technology and expertise which  allows
ease  of  access  and analysis of data for  improved  decision
Skillsgroup Board
One  of  the most important features of the transformation  of
Skillsgroup  over  the  last two years  has  been  the  smooth
succession of our senior management.  Continuing this process,
Colin  Gibson,  who joined Skillsgroup in June 1998  as  Group
Financial  Controller having previously been  Group  Financial
Controller  with  Dawson  International  PLC,  becomes   Group
Finance Director with effect from today.  John Atkin, who  has
been  Group Finance Director since October 1986, has  resigned
his  position  in  order to pursue other  business  interests.
John's  contribution  to the success of the  Group  cannot  be
understated  and  he takes with him all our  thanks  and  best
wishes for the future.
The  changes  to  our Head Office structure during  1998  have
enabled us to reduce costs significantly with the result  that
we  expect non-allocated recurring costs will be approximately
#1.2 million per annum for the foreseeable future.
Growth  prospects for Skillsgroup in 1999 and beyond  continue
to  look  bright  despite the warnings  of  economic  slowdown
coming  from  many areas of industry.  The Board is  satisfied
that,  whilst not immune to the impact of a slowdown in  areas
of  the  Group's  business,   the demand  for  IT  skills  and
solutions from the majority of its customers will continue  to
The  Board recognises that our next stage of development  will
depend on our ability to grow our businesses consistently  and
to  acquire  companies that would assist  Skillsgroup  achieve
market   leadership   in  skills-led  information   technology
services.  We have identified a number of suitable acquisition
targets   primarily  in  the  areas  of  enterprise  solutions
consultancy  and technical training which would  if  acquired,
improve the quality of our earnings, be earnings enhancing and
would improve the profile of the profitability of the group.
The future holds exciting growth opportunities for Skillsgroup
and  I  believe  that we shall be successful in achieving  our
stated  aims relating to the improvement of operating  margins
and the achievement of consistent earnings growth.
David R Southworth
                        Skillsgroup plc
    Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 30 November 1998
       Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Unaudited)
                              Notes       1998      1998     1997
                                            #m        #m       #m
- Continuing operations                            162.3    139.7
- Discontinued operations                           46.1    237.3
                                                ________ ________
                                1                  208.4    377.0
Operating profit
- Continuing operations                             12.2      9.0
- Discontinued operations                            0.2      4.5
                                                ________ ________
                                1                   12.4     13.5
Exceptional profit/(loss)
  on disposal of businesses                0.3              (27.9)
Provision made in prior period             0.7
                                                ________ ________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
  activities before interest                        13.4    (14.4)
Net interest receivable/(payable)                    1.0     (1.9)
                                                ________ ________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
  activities before taxation                        14.4    (16.3)
Tax on profit/(loss)
  on ordinary activities                            (4.2)    (2.6)
                                                ________ ________
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
  activities after taxation                         10.2    (18.9)
Dividends                                           (4.1)    (3.4)
                                                ________ ________
Transfer to/(from) reserves                          6.1    (22.3)
                                                ________ ________
Basic earnings per share                            12.5p   (23.3)p
                                                ________ ________
Fully diluted earnings per share                    12.3p   (22.9)p
                                                ________ ________
            Consolidated Cashflow Statement (Unaudited)
Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating
                                 1998          1998    1998    1997
                           Continuing  Discontinued   Total   Total
                                   #m            #m      #m      #m
Operating profit
- before exceptional charges     12.2           0.7    12.9    13.5
- exceptional operating charges     -          (0.5)   (0.5)      -
                                _____         _____   _____   _____
                                 12.2           0.2    12.4    13.5
Depreciation                      2.5             -     2.5     5.0
Decrease in stock                 1.6           0.8     2.4     1.9
(Increase)/decrease in debtors   (5.0)          0.4    (4.6)  (14.1)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (1.7)         (8.0)   (9.7)    8.6
Decrease in provisions              -          (6.6)   (6.6)      -
                                _____         _____   _____   _____
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
  operating activities            9.6         (13.2)   (3.6)   14.9
                                _____         _____   _____   _____
Consolidated cash flow statement
                                                        1998    1997
                                                         #m      #m
Cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities        (3.6)   14.9
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Net interest received/(paid)                            1.0    (1.9)
Corporation tax paid                                   (1.6)   (2.7)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of fixed assets                               (3.5)   (7.0)
Fixed assets disposals                                  0.4     0.3
Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of businesses                              (1.4)   (1.6)
Disposal of businesses                                 53.7       -
Equity dividends paid                                  (3.6)   (3.0)
                                                      _____   _____
Net cash inflow /(outflow) before financing            41.4    (1.0)
                                                      _____   _____
              Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
                               1998       1998      1997     1997
                                 #m         #m        #m       #m
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                           17.3               24.4
Current assets
Stock                                      1.9               22.1
Debtors                                   39.0               72.0
Cash at bank and in hand                  35.4               10.1
                                         _____              _____
                                          76.3              104.2
Creditors - amounts due
  within one year
Borrowings                     (0.7)               (17.2)
Other creditors               (34.7)               (67.3)
                              _____                _____
                                         (35.4)             (84.5)
                                         _____              _____
Net current assets                        40.9               19.7
                                         _____              _____
Total assets less current
  liabilities                             58.2               44.1
Creditors - amounts due
  after more than one year
Borrowings                     (0.6)                (0.8)
Other creditors                (0.5)                   -
                              _____                _____
                                          (1.1)              (0.8)
Provisions for liabilities
  and charges                             (4.5)              (2.7)
                                         _____              _____
Net assets                                52.6               40.6
                                         _____              _____
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                    8.2                8.1
Share premium                             32.2               31.1
Other reserves                             1.3               (3.4)
Profit and loss reserve                   10.9                4.8
                                         _____              _____
Equity shareholders' funds                52.6               40.6
                                         _____              _____
1. Segmental report
The analysis of turnover and operating profit by business group is
as follows:
                                           1998              1997 
                                       Turnover          Turnover
Continuing operations
- Resource management                      99.7              80.0   
- Enterprise solutions                     62.6              59.7
                                          _____             _____     
                                          162.3             139.7    
Discontinued operations
- Before exceptional items                 46.1             237.3   
- Exceptional items                           -                 -
                                          _____             _____
                                          208.4             377.0    
                      1998 Operating Profit     1997 Operating Profit
                     Before           After    Before           After
                    central Central central   central Central central
                      costs   costs   costs     costs   costs   costs
Continuing operations
- Resource management   9.0    (0.6)    8.4       6.4    (0.3)    6.1
- Enterprise solutions  4.1    (0.3)    3.8       3.1    (0.2)    2.9
                       ____    ____    ____      ____    ____    ____
                       13.1    (0.9)   12.2       9.5    (0.5)    9.0
Discontinued operations
- Before exceptional
  items                 1.0    (0.3)    0.7       6.0    (1.5)    4.5
- Exceptional items       -    (0.5)   (0.5)        -       -       -
                       ____    ____    ____      ____    ____    ____
                        1.0    (0.8)    0.2       6.0    (1.5)    4.5
                       ____    ____    ____      ____    ____    ____ 
                       14.1    (1.7)   12.4      15.5    (2.0)   13.5
                               ____    ____              ____    ____
Central costs before
  exceptional items    (1.2)                     (2.0)
                       ____                      ____
Operating profit before
  exceptional items    12.9                      13.5
Operating exceptional
  items                (0.5)                      0.0
                       ____                      ____
                       12.4                      13.5
2. The  1997  accounts are abridged from the Group's full accounts
   on  which the auditors have given an unqualified  opinion which
   did not include  a  statement  under Sections 237 or 237 (3) of
   the Companies Act 1985. The  1998 statutory  accounts  will  be
   filed  with  the  Registrar of Companies in due course.
3. The calculation of earnings per share is based upon profits  on
   ordinary  activities after taxation and a weighted  average  of
   81,708,644 shares and the fully diluted earnings per  share  is
   based on a weighted average of 83,933,807 shares.
4. Copies of the Group's full Report and Accounts will be sent  to
   all  shareholders  in due course.  Additional  copies  will  be
   available  from  the  Company's registered office:  Skillsgroup
   plc, Bridgford House, Heyes Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire,  SK9
5. The AGM will be held on 7 May 1999.
6. At  a meeting held on 2 February 1999, the Board of Skillsgroup
   plc  recommended payment of a final dividend of 3.5  pence  per
   share  to  holders of 10 pence ordinary shares on the  register
   at the close of business on 16 April 1999.
7. The  recommended  final  dividend, together  with  the  interim
   dividend already paid, makes a total dividend for the  year  of
   5.0 pence, compared with 4.2 pence for 1997.
8. This  statement was approved by the directors and  agreed  with
   the  Company's  auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers, on 2 February


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