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Statistiques et détails clés

Prix Achat
Prix Vente
Volume échangé
3 824
25,415 Fourchette du Jour 25,815
0,00 Plage de 52 semaines 0,00
Cap du marché
Clôture Veille
Dernière Transaction
Dernière heure de transaction
Volume financier
US$ 97 700
Volume moyen (3 m)
Actions en circulation
1 992 048 000
Rendement du Dividende
Ratio Cours sur Bénéfices
Bénéfice par action (BPA)
Chiffre d'affairess
Bénéfice net

À propos de Xworld Comm Ser

Commercial Banks, Nec
Commercial Banks, Nec
Siège social
Frankfurt Am Main, Deu
Xworld Comm Ser est coté dans le secteur Commercial Banks de la London Stock Exchange avec le ticker XWTS. Le dernier cours de clôture d'Xworld Comm Ser était de US$25,60. Au cours de la dernière année, les actions de Xworld Comm Ser ont été négociées dans une fourchette de prix de US$ 0,00 à US$ 0,00.

Xworld Comm Ser compte actuellement 1 992 048 000 actions en circulation. La capitalisation boursière d'Xworld Comm Ser est de US$50,99 milliard. Xworld Comm Ser a un ratio cours/bénéfice (ratio PE) de 7.96.

XWTS Dernières nouvelles

XTRACKERS (IE) PLC: Important Notice to Shareholders of Xtrackers MSCI World Communication Services UCITS ETF 1C

Registered in Dublin as an open-ended variable capital umbrella investment company with limited liability and as an umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds. Registration Number...

XTRACKERS (IE) PLC: Important Notice (re-structuring re-convened EGM) to shareholder of Xtrackers IE plc

Xtrackers (IE) plc Investment Company with Variable Capital Registered Office: 78 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland Registration number: 393802 Circular to the Shareholders and...

XTRACKERS (IE) PLC: Important Notice (re-structuring EGM) to shareholder of Xtrackers IE plc

S Registered in Dublin as an open-ended variable capital umbrella investment company with limited liability and as an umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds. Registration Number...

db x-trackers Net Asset Value(s)

S FUND ¦ db x-trackers MSCI World Telecom Services Index UCITS ETF Class 1C DEALING DATE ¦ 24-Jan-17 NAV PER SHARE ¦ USD11.9945 NUMBER OF SHARES IN ISSUE ¦ 4249808 CODE...

db x-trackers Net Asset Value(s)

S FUND ¦ db x-trackers MSCI World Telecom Services Index UCITS ETF Class 1C DEALING DATE ¦ 23-Jan-17 NAV PER SHARE ¦ USD12.2364 NUMBER OF SHARES IN ISSUE ¦ 4249808 CODE...

db x-trackers Net Asset Value(s)

S FUND ¦ db x-trackers MSCI World Telecom Services Index UCITS ETF Class 1C DEALING DATE ¦ 20-Jan-17 NAV PER SHARE ¦ USD12.2075 NUMBER OF SHARES IN ISSUE ¦ 4249808 CODE...

db x-trackers Net Asset Value(s)

S FUND ¦ db x-trackers MSCI World Telecom Services Index UCITS ETF Class 1C DEALING DATE ¦ 19-Jan-17 NAV PER SHARE ¦ USD12.0955 NUMBER OF SHARES IN ISSUE ¦ 4249808 CODE...

db x-trackers Net Asset Value(s)

S FUND ¦ db x-trackers MSCI World Telecom Services Index UCITS ETF Class 1C DEALING DATE ¦ 18-Jan-17 NAV PER SHARE ¦ USD12.1334 NUMBER OF SHARES IN ISSUE ¦ 4249808 CODE...

db x-trackers Net Asset Value(s)

S FUND ¦ db x-trackers MSCI World Telecom Services Index UCITS ETF Class 1C DEALING DATE ¦ 17-Jan-17 NAV PER SHARE ¦ USD12.1763 NUMBER OF SHARES IN ISSUE ¦ 3709808 CODE...

db x-trackers Net Asset Value(s)

S FUND ¦ db x-trackers MSCI World Telecom Services Index UCITS ETF Class 1C DEALING DATE ¦ 16-Jan-17 NAV PER SHARE ¦ USD12.1302 NUMBER OF SHARES IN ISSUE ¦ 3709808 CODE...

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