Cyprus's central bank, known as CBC, said Monday that it has appointed a special administrator to implement the restructuring of Laiki Bank, the country's second-largest lender, which is also known as Cyprus Popular Bank PCL (CPB.CP).

"The CBC announces that in its capacity as the Resolution Authority, it has, as of today, appointed Ms. Andri Antoniades as the Special Administrator to implement the restructuring of Laiki Bank," it said in a statement.

It was announced last week that Laiki Bank will be split into a "good" and "bad" bank, with the bad bank to be run down over time. The good bank will be folded into Bank of Cyprus, the country's largest bank, and all guaranteed deposits of up to 100,000 euros ($129,855) will be moved to Bank of Cyprus. Deposits at Laiki of more than EUR100,000, which amounts to EUR4.2 billion, would be put in the bad bank.

The Cyprus Central Bank said the agreement at a Eurogroup meeting earlier Monday "ensures that Cyprus has avoided default and the associated consequences this would have had for the country," adding that the agreement has also avoided the disorderly default of Laiki Bank.

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